Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1892, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TMMMINO. IsOHSESHOEING, WOOD \VUKK FIRST PRIZE VVtlHRDVER SHOWN, LUMHCB, I .ATI! HIKOLBS' 'I- WOHK, FOR VHSHTOLB9 MANUFACTURED AT Heard 'g Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. PICK'S LAM) OLLOtj MOWKKS. UINDKIIS. i'l i Our Waggon* tin* Our Bngglr* the lt -i Our < minx |||f IleHt- luipreted HnrrowK the Ml RTKAW Ct'TTKKS, 8CUKFLKHS, n KMT DBILLS. GANG PLOWS HEALTH FOR ALL. Hol.ouajTs Pills and Ointment T HE TILLS Turlfrttn Brood, (vrrect all Inaorttors at I .1 \ . i . (Stomach, Iv iin .\ - find JiowelM. ' Ttoy in*tgoratan 1 restore to hotlth Debilitated Cunittitutlonii, and are invalualiU ID com- ylaiutum i l.-iital to Females of all aiien. For Chililren ami the aged (hoy are pricvleu THE 01 NT MEN T aa latalltbUr. m. .iv for Had L(i. Bad Krat>. ill. I Wc-indi. Hores and Ulcers. It It famont for .mi KlifumaUim. For disorder* i>l th t lit It has no oqual FnrSOKK TIIliOAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDb UlandularSwolllUKi.andall Hkln DlMaar* It hat no rival: and fur contracted and itlff Joint* It act! like a charm. M imifacturatl only at Professor lli.i.'iu A t x Ktal>IUhment, TH, o \rorii Street ( l;ii< r,:t:t. Oxford xn . i . London, 4*od art ioM at ;-.. : j-i , >. M., 4*. M.. II*., ate. an.l :ii rach M..x or Pol, and may b had of all lied icin* Velnlor throujihout the Wurlil. ft~ /'nn7i.M.r. fhifidil liHik \i Mir 7/'it>i7 on Mr /W mu/ /.Wr.. /V theaddreti it not .M, Orfvrd Xtrrrt, Ism<i<m. thn/ nr<- AT H AflAIN, N. B. We gtnrantoe satisfaction. CARD OF THANKS. Tlit aii'lcTMi'ii.- 1 <! MIH to thank the p*o|ili- .t l'lMli>iti>iian I 'i i. ..I n> 1 1 ii); country fur lluilr ] i i ., .1. ninfi tlie )fr 1WI, an. 1 oliclts 'ji.iuiii. ti..ii of the same. %Vi*lim iiivpatruus une un<l all a piotp*rou> )imr I .ION. Hniith, 1 1<><> i & Shin maker, Flrfthrrfon. DON'T READ THIS. Till. !> KKMABLE Sydeniuun Mutual I'ire Insurance Co., a v.-., |mo|i|a. U 50 |>r cunt cheap- iv tlmii iln u. ' . '.. .ii'i'nt, and ai af>. a tin. itl,-t Ii. i.l, I'tirely Faruicra' Cum i i,v i.. n ,-. i ..i cY Urn Marat* i.i. n,, .i.. tin- hiitiii-ft lt I'l'ln y l.,,.l,- In, The IMMIIKK Kttw.lloi i M.lii.- n.l in cateol lom I.M ,r. ' tl.e I tk. WH.A DAYMAN '..;..! 1. - Walter'. Falls 2 teal Swear! Drink SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! Tl,.' IMI.I.T-IKIH-I !. utartol a nw carriage iniuufnrtiiry ami o I.^IMMK ln>| in I- |KI)H<I ton. ih. it, \.iii run (ft S"iir n-palrn .Unit- uu short lotico ifcud on r<-n*oiiablt trn*s. t'arriage Triinmliig, Krpalrinic. in I avorythlnff in tlm rumar.v niaklnn Hue JlT* 111* a cull. Salmfai-tiou ||UU-nteU Shop over McTavish** Black- Shop. !;, T. Hamilton. Floiherton. Jan. tl, 1HU1, Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRnt MARK*. iSIION PATINTS COPYBIOMTS, ato. For Information nn.l fn> nsndlvwli wrH to Ml NN * < o. ,31,1 Iln. ,i. WAV. NBW VoKit. Qldmt i,un<au (or sscorlac patsBU in Ansrto*. very imlent tAkn oul by UK In l.ruiiunt u*r>ii tbn public by a notice glvi.n lift! of cbiuKil u Uiu t*V7 Ty yur fl A from - * (;ouu- try nown as 1 A truth What R. A. Hi- .\TT IE, the D. C. 1'ainter s iys about work. 1 1'm*e,Si<jn, Carriage iiiul Oiramental Painter, l-'iisco, Can- vas, and Glays r.iii.tin^. All work GUARANTEED. Next Door to Baptist Church Itarpnit rtr. >ilnt l-.n of anT wlrnl Iflp worl.l r-|.i.'ii.r..iir Illiuiinieil. No li>illlitnt man ahriulil I.,, without It. Weekly, *:|. a >.r. tl ' .It in.. ml. i> MllN.N a 1 1 1.. rOBLISBnw, ei Bruailway. -Nuw Vork. MONEY mi Hi. *M4 hm.tal.lf, k> vlfMa >< tlVrtft, *vNfltr eld, *<i4 ti. rit'ij I .raliiiva.wiivitkcr ih*y lt* An| I. .1.. .h. fM..k *; I- r*. r* 4f Mdiu.y f| ., lla iu ffcO p* ( *<! . ..!! -II " .kliVflMH* W * . ffcmUfc JC- fc* * l H4 MM*i f-M raflL HoMtMctotifUta h.r. rail iy HUJL , Jt I A. A CO.. .iJiWt*. U* S HUGH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This aUFATCiirciHC'IUK.tliis success fill CONSUMPTION COKK, in without i l>.nii!li I in tin) liisti>ry of uicdieine. AI ilrn^'i.'iwln mr sillhori/.tiil to sell it on s. posi 1 1 v t'lnn mite.-, a test that uo <ithor onr* csi hin'cei,',(iilly stsnil. If you hsve a C..ii);l nr llri'iichitiH, HIP it, for it wi curr inn. If T<ir eliilii linn thu Croup, i Whooping <'oii|;li, ns it |.iinn|>tly,iiil rt In is sine. If JN.II itrrnil tlial iiisidiiun discus CONSUMPTION, DON'T rtn. to i cure vmi or enst iiothniK. Auk ynur l>rii| lii.l for HMll.iiHS (I UK. Pricu 10 ets M) ets ninl II. Hi. If your Lungs am More i Hack luuie.usa Snilnh's Purous PUtr 9& Notice. M> ii)' ii'iiiM.1 th* atoain mill, known M HIiKii* null. I atn prepared to do all kin.U o tawlnii. 1'ilcM fiM fur soft wood and 1 1 M f. liar. I >""! H|,t caiih or U.M..I loui Hiwrli Sttnt!nn NlVAIl to rull lux l.i|>|.| nx Iln Ing by fair <laliuK I will rc i piv a fair iiliara . tl.e nniiiiiiiiiiiK natronaVH.I am youri truly, r Vf K rOTTKNIIAM, KiiHuula I' i F H. A ,|iiantitv of dry lumber for kale. K4iunt, Jan. II,I(W. liuo xwcll From tmr own We have been wishing for snow for ome time, now we are wiuLing for a ttle leas in places. Quite a number in and arcfrirJd laxwell are suffering from la grippe t jii i sent Dr. Bcott ii very busy nd we liopc lie will be BiiccesBful in catroying the old fiend (trip, as he was when it visited us before. The concert in over, about $90 was mde and everyone had a good time. 'he minic given by the local talent ras simply grand, and is a credit to liose taking part. Mis Sin ii and family arrived some ime af{0. We hope they will spend nany happy days in Maxwell Work s plentiful for Mr. Shea thus far and will be more plentiful aa he dcei his work in first-class style every time. S. .me of out boys are gone to work n the shanties, where they find a warm place at present. Teacher and scholars have been very busy lately owing to the pro- motion examination. A portion of the the roof of Mr. .morion's house was burned laot week, but the tire was put out before much harm was done. The Presbyterian congregation are xpecting a young man as tueir nun liter for a tiaie. Miss Brownridge, of Thombury.has been visiting fnendg here for some ime. Mr. Andrew Blakely gave aa a plea- uiit call last wek. [The above was storm bound lost wuek ED.] I.ATEH. Mr. Henry Field and Mrs. John Madill are dangerously ill at time of writing. On Wednesday of last werk Mrs iVilliams aud Mr. Wu. Coutts wore iU'il in the bonds of matrimony. We wish them every SIICCMSS. MrlBtyre- From our mtvt Cnnraptiiulntt. As was reported in this paper last week Arcliv Mcl'hail had received Kiich injuries as would cause his death. His injuries were received i . .in the sleigh upsetting and throw- n<; a barrel of Halt on him causing in- iTiial injuries which caused his death in last Thursday morning. He wag ili. nr ,'t'J years of age, and highly re pected. Tin- remains were interred at Mclntyre on Saturday. The ainily have the sympathy of the ou ire community in tiu u sad bsrcavc IH'Ut. Miss Flora Mclntyre returned from Toronto last week to visit her parents. Miss Mary Uobins is visiting at her inclr * in Tl'ornbury at present. Mr. .loh n liason.from visit at his uncle's, Mr. i'otts, at pre- sent. Mr. .In i in-;: Potts has been appoint .1 township auditor. People can rely >n the accounts of Oaprey b*iug sal afactorly audited. I ' I --- luiHtlute. :ii taking hit u-attt Otit on the street, lisreby causing three ladies to look or safety on top of a lumber pil. Mr. Boland, Of MarUale, paid ( rtr )*n it visit lai t week and culled Jo S pile tff lumber, which will enable Joe /.f up liin pile. Mr. Boland cair e ry near having to go home without robe as we understand that two oung men botrowed it from the hotel table, but our genial host went after he culprits and returned iu triumph with the robe. [Too late for last issue ED.] LATER. What a rush we arc having iu our own. , Mr II. Hudson is fast nearing the nd of his contract rml we think lie s making a good job, yet it would lave paid the directors to had a pro- >er waste gate, ad we know fora fact, lad there been quo in the o-ld dam it would li.ive beeu standing; yet, still ive heads ought to be better than one. Joe had a racket with Mr. Grip, a:.d although he got a little the worst of it yet we are glad to se him al work again. Ittv. Mr. Boss is at present filling he vacancy caused by the translation of Rev. Mr. Hughes. i-'iom Oiir Otru Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, and Mi-. I In i;iinl, of StTinlon Park, were the ^ui-stn of Mr. Walter Nicholls I, iv List week. Mis. Tims. Ilutchinson in sick with l!ic gii|i|K*. l>r Imriiiaw, of 1'u.i ii.ilk, is in atteiiilanco. Mrs. H. (iardincr, Salvation Army e.i|iiiini, of Oiillia, u \iniung In r pai i nts hure, Mr. and Mr*. Wultci' Nich- ollu. Mrs. Henry Armstrong, in company wil.h her sister, MUM Boyd, and lift daughter Maud, arrived from Uwei. .Sound on Tliursday last. Mis. Hugh Hiintvi'n li.ihy ilit-il I.i- 1 Wednesday. The fuucral took place on Friday to the Inistio^e cemetury Thn Ii. \ G. Cobbledick was the of t'u'iutiiih' iHtor. \V'e are sorry for and extend our sympathy to the bcr- avtd parents iu this their hour o loss and trouble. The flower that bloomed but for a season, haa onl been taken across the stream of deatl to bloom for ever in eternal day. Mr. Joseph Strum er., is danger ously sick, and ere this reaches th reader be may have passed to thu re ward of the righteous. He is howsve a little better this morning. There will bo an awful clatter o marriage bells in the near future Tim river and Flesherton are con corned. Fevrrshain News. Frum our mru Currapviuimt. In regard to the mill question, worl is progresing very favorably. Mr.W HORH arrived last Monday and U now bnay puohing work, u that very sooi we will haw the mills running again We have so far escaped la grippe and wo are glad to say that Mr. W Mullen is some better. We beg leave to offer objection* The members elected to serve at the council board for 1892 in the wiiship of Osprey met in the Orange Hull. Maxwell, on Monday, Jan. iHth, and severally nude and signed their declaration of office and declaration of qualification, and tiled them with .ho clerk and took their seals at the council table as follows : Thomas Gsmny, reeve ; D. K. Preston, deputy reeve ; Wm. J. Monajjhan, J->soph" Taylor and Juhn Kpeers, councillors. Si unites of last meeting read and signed. Communications were read from Thomas Treasy, re lot O'J, con. 2 N D.B.. which lot Was sold for arrears of taxes in 1&90, and said lot belong ing to the orown and not liable to taxation, Mr. Treasy having produced tax sal* certificate. The amount was refunded him, viz. f'^1.29; from Itobt. Beatty, indigent, re aid not granted , fromTLos. Scott, clerk, bil' 120.15, posting np financial stat tnunts, minim itiou notices, dclivei i ballot boxes and election expuur ordered to be paid ; from Single Tui Asociation, petition, uo action takeu; from W. H. Thnrston, bill $8, print ing statements and minima tiou nutices, and tlO printing ballots and election stationery, ordered to be- ,'.u<l ; from Ucurge Gray, bill $6/25, postage stamps to clerk, ordered to U pail. Mr. Edward Cnrrie appeared befurc the council demanding payment for land ulii-n from him by deviation road on lot 82, con. 14. I1.5J, WOK granted him on condition he give this council a guarantee that he will con- \v\ thu said laud to them wheu called up.ui to do so. Mr. J. Taylor was instructed to make further arrangements for the I.. . l> of Margaret Mclnnes, indigent, uud report at next meeting of council. liylaw No. 291, confirming the ap- pointment. of Siuiiiu'l Taylor, as *s- .1 with n salary of $SO for tin- year ls:-j, received its several read- r.\luw NIL 2115. confirming the ap poiiitincnt of liicli.iril 1 1. -run on lie half of tlio Urivr. mi. I Jainos Potts on Ii. ii ill (if the council an auditors, re - i-i -iveil its several ruuiliugs. The collectors were instrticU'i' to tile taxes of Win. lluchinson on lots .south ['nit -I and 5,con. 3.S.D.H., h . $<), riaid inn. unit ht-iug error in siutne Inlxir, and the 'axes of th. 1 late C. M.-li. Williams estate less $4 05. Ii in.; the amount of taxci on pcrso i- ftl i>roi>erty. Orders were issued on the treasurer to p.iy as follows : John IIannon,$2, work ou south line opposite lot 5'.) ; Uobt. Brownlee, $4, repairing bridge on '20th sideroad, con. 18 ; John Kiilli. if.n.l, fft.UU, municipal station ery ; Henry Fields, $'-', said amount being paid in lieu of statue labor ; Win. S. Inkcter, Josiah Gamey, Ira I'errigu, Itobt. Morrisen and Thox. Scott, f J, deputy returning officers at municipal eluction, and G. Itobiuson, f!t, Dr.'Saott 12, It. Kernaghan, $ Wm. Edward |2, and Kdward PotU, o'-i for halls used as polling booths ; Dr. Scott, for use of hall for holding nomination, 12 ; Tlios. Scott, t!7 cents, express and carriage and tele- gram ; Josiah Gauicy, expenses to Owen bound re cheque of Lund I in provement Fund, depositing same in tin- bank. Council adjourned to tnaet at Fevcr- ou Feh 2Uih next. In Position FOR- -AND- Position is Everything. GJ ALI^KI* V Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. At the miimnijial b/u-eluotioni in Owen s.ninil M..II In , Oliisholui WAS !- e, u-.l ree> u ,m 1 K ilwrt Tuylor Ui a vac- ant Picture Framing clout in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. IV OTIC El To yonng men desiring to learn the art of scient tic cutting I have decided to open a night school for that pur- pose, to commence on the first day of January, lasting through the winter months. I will guarantee to learn any smart yonng man in from one to two months the art of cutting. to that he will he able to command from 30 to 40 dollars a week salary in any city in Canada or United States. Now, fanner's SOILS, everybody, don't mi.-s this splendid ch&nco. Yon will pay in the city |KO and $50 for Ixmid while teaming to cut. I will make the price iu reach of every yum; man. My Byslunt >-i garment cuttint! is the only complete system i>{ actual measurement rn-r produced wliero e\ i-ry measure taken can W apjilinl to tlir <lraft. A I., nit at-ility as an etui- i>. ni -M-nMitilic t-nlttT 1 ran jjive testi- monials from HOIIIX nf tin- leading men in Canada and I'nitrd States, Imvint; served -,i I :,. in m lit tin 1 t.ul. riiiu in England, in all thirti-. n v.-;us, linvini; taken my ili|>lonia aa a culti-r in London, Envftaiul. 7 years aj{>. I will defy any cu'.ltur in t'aiiailit In eoinpi'te. Spinal terms with TailuM that hare systems that don't |.r ne MitTftsfnl. All intending to take .iiUiiiit.i^e >f tins splendid i-lnuiiv would dn well tn come early or corresr.ond by tn.iil,.s I will niily take & Ininieil number ..t i.'i|.iU. Aililross all letters to I/ 1 . A., liaikfi*. Tailor, lloi 212, Klesherton. SAW LOGS W A NTED ! _AT- Flesherton Station Steam Saw &ShiDgle Mills. Ilium; pnrehasoil the above mills from J. K. Mooro, Es<|., I will take uo- session t.f saino on or about tint tirst of January, and will I* AY CA.WII FOK ANY 4jl VNIIH 01 Cool) MAPLE r.lKCII, CUKRRT. SOHT KI.M. TAMARACK, M'lU'CE, BALSAM, HKMLOOK, HA8WOOD, CKltVK, K. II. TlKS. BBIMOLI l-ol.TS, S|Mril atti'iitioii given In custom work. Mill Sintf* mi to i.nler on klntrt n. .n. -,v Ity txir <lfhini ami prompt at- tention to liiHine-, 1 !,..),. to merit a uf the surrouiulm^ |.atroti:ii;e. K. 1*. 1 -L;.I(^

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