THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BJ.VK/.VO OFFICE \CI GEO. MITCHELL, FLBSHBRTON. A general t.&tikniK buainaM traoaacted l>mftH iftmiuil ami cli<|ii6tt rankled at nKual ratal Mnnw *YJwavy*t available for laRitiuiate bu*ine4 two doors north of JticbardHOD A Co'a* Vicinity Chips. Vliarartrrtstic* of tbe Past Week Carefully Culled for the i"uris>tj*. ff.iin'M nofivj among lufol* trill be charged at tl\f rate of lt)e per lint for each insertion. A reduction will be an eimtrnctt fur /'" line* or aver. Visiting cards for title at Ibii office. Lad is* '. -\ nice stock of t-isiling canls now on hand at The Advance office. lleuve Gainey <>i Oiprey, liai long been wlver hatred but lie will never grow old. There m youth and inspiration in the presence of the "Father of the County C iineil.' [<>. S. Advertiser. Get your saws gummed at the Fleslier- t<>n Repair Shop, and you will save con- siderable fiU.'K. There ta no danger of cracking or warping the saw. an j guaran teed not to burn. SAW* tinted up if de- mind. W. H. FLESHER I. B. Lnra*,barrlter, Markdale. baa |10, (XX) private fund* to lend on farm mortal'* within the next fuw months at lowrMl current rates. No commiss- ions, no deUya, expenses low. Apply at i>tfi _ in Markdale during the week or at Duudaik office on Saturdays. Shakespeare will pi jaae excuse us if w* modify him thus : Thrice is he clad who hath his system strengthened with Ayer's Sar*aparilla,and he but naked, though ar- rayed in furs, whocj bltHid is poor or with disease corrupted. An incompar- able medicine ! W would direct the of our readers to Mr. H. Klesher'* aUvertise- ' merit in another column. tye ha* fitted up a complete iron-working shop, ii.clud ing lalhe, and is prepared to do all kinds < it' repair* in iron. lie has a splendid method of gumming saws. We nave jiut had printed mme hand- some subscription receipt forms which we are desiriou*. of selling for one dollar each, including a year's numbers of this paper. Have you purchased on* for 18 r2 t If nut do so, before the price is r.ii ied toll. 50. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has given me great relief in bronchitis. Within a month I have sent some <J thin prepar- ation to a friend suffering from bronchitis and ash ma. It has done liuu so much Rood that he writes for more." Charles K. Dumpterville, Plyniojth, England. There will be four eclipses during the year 18i)2, two of the HUH and two of the moon. On t'le 20th October an almost total eclipse i.f the sun will be visible here, and on May 1 1 the moon will rise eclipsed in the evening. The other two eclipses will be invisible in Ontario. We were priviligcd a peep at the plans ofjlhe new building which Mr. Clayton will erect next summer u the corner which he latuly purchised fn.:r Mr. R. Trimble. Ttic building will be a handsome brick structure, two st >riet high. The plans were dniwn by Mr. Wm. Clark .architect. Rev Mr. Thompson, of the Eugenia mrasMiu, occupied the pulpit of tho Meth- i" il il.ui ii;!>.; and evening of Sunday last, and preached two most iiu- pntive sermons. Mr. Thompson is a }ounx man of whom much may bo ex- pcctei', should he be spared to the church. Chatsworth h.ul a big tire MCI Saturday which destroy od a largo amount of pro- perty, viz.: R. Ureen's hardware store, losa f'.HXM, no in.urance ; J. Dowd's butcher shop and residence, loss 12500, insurance 91000 ; Methodist church, IOSN (fiiOO, injured ; W. Ta^luf'a empty house, l.'U.rO, no insurance. Mr. J. \V. Fnt, barrister, has placed a haiidionia new "shingle" at his office, fc|iiou!tj'a block. He visits flesherton every Thursday. Mr. Frost, who is now mayor of Owen Sound, had a majority of Wmie than 500 ovet Lia opponent at the J. innary election, the largest majority a>iy mayor has ever received in the little "Liyer Pool." All tobacco* except the finest Virginia have a pungent effect upon the tongue and will smart il if the smoking is long continued. Some of them even will blister it, or at least destroy its outer iin nt the point where the smoke im- pinges upon it. The ''Myrtle Nay" is entirely free from this (defect, whioh, to- gether with its tine full flavor makas it a great favorite with smoker*. Mr. Thoa. Dale, of Manitoba, tends along two dollars which pays for his paper until May 1893. Mi. Dal will accept our thanks. We believe he i the only lulMcriber on our list who ha* paid so far in advance, and We appreciate it accordingly. Will nt the few who are in arreara a year or two emulate the above exam pie and discover how pleasant it is to read a paper with a eleir con- science f Auction Sale. A credit auction sale will be held on the farm of Thoi. Orangr, lot 133, con. 3, W.T. t S.R., on Friday, Feb. 12, at 1pm. A large list of farming imple- ments and stock are offered. See lulls R. J. 8proule, auctioneer They are Hopeful- M<!cra. Damude and Stuart returned home hut week from their interview with Minuter Dryden an*nt increased aid to agricultural societies. The deputation was a very large and representative one, and the individual members, while not receiving any direct assurance, feel cer- tain tint something will be done by way of increasing the grant when the Legis- lature meet*. A. Cottlj Konaway. Mr. .)&*. Johnston, East Back Line, met with a costly accident while driving home from the village on Saturday last. While going dowu what is known a* the 'Elbow" hill, just eu*t of the village, his spirited team became unmanageable, and ran into the fence winch line* the mad at the bottom for protection. One of the lionex was terribly cut, and a piece of board pierced it* breast. It wa* brought to town and placed in Munshaw's stable. Dr. Ottawell was summoned, who sewed up the gaping wounds, but the animal died the earn* night. Mr. and Mr*. Johnston were the only inmates of the sleigh, but no injuries were received by cither beyond a serious shaking up. Best of the Season. The Y. M. P. B. A., of Fle*herU>n,are making an effort to provide an eutertaia- nient whi -h will take the pain for solid N>joynu>nt,and to that end have engaged the service* of Mr. J. H. Cameron, the celebeated elocutionist and vocalist of Toronto. Something good i* also being arranged for from local talent. Alto- gether it ia expected that this will be the best concert of the season, and it should demand ail overflowing house. It will be reineinliered that Mr. Cameron wa* al- most tho whole host at the t -achers con- vention held here lat fall, and on that i>ccaii"ii captured th hearts of his hoar- en by his quaint humor and pathos. The datu of this diitcrtainment has been set for Thursday evening, Feb. 11. Admis- sion -.V See bills in four colors, printed at thi office. e> Personals. Mis* Box, of St. Marys, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Evana. Mrs. John Cierow and son, of Broug- ham, are visiting with Mrs. A. Munskaw. Mr*. Southgate, of Tor.mto, is visiting with her brother, Mr. Ueo. Mitchell, banker. Mr. John Akitt, of Michigan, was visit- ing last week ith his brother, Mr. Rbt. Akikt, of Artemesia, returning on MOD day morning last. Mis* Nettie Murrick returned home last week from Toronto, whure aha has bven living with her grand parents for the past two years. Mr. Syd*ny Wells.^G. T. R. ei press inuscenger between Toronto and Hamil- ton, was visiting hi* parent* during the past week, taking an enforced holiday owin>{ to indisposition. Another Farewell. It is with deep sorrow that we chron- icle thia week the death of Mr*. Joseph Smith, who passed awav to her eternal home on Monday morning last, aftur an illness of three weeks' duration, at the age nf 49 year*. The deceased Udy wa* a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Din- wovdio, of this village. She leave* a large family to mourn her departure. Mrs. Smith was one whom to know was to love. She was a faithful and conse- crated member of the Methodist church and a constant worker in the Sabbath school, and it was while working in the uUtor capacity for the late anniversary that the fatal cold wa* contracted. Her kindly face and cheerful assistance will be s.-idly missed in church circle*. She waa also a member of the Royal Templar* fur many year*, and the funeral yrster dny (Wednesday) was attended by that society in a body. The family have much sympathy in their sere bereave- ment Fir* at Dundalk. About twfi o'clock last Thunday morn- ing fire broke out in the frame building situated immediately south of the Connor House. Dundalk, and ovned by Mr. "A. O. Hunter, real estate agent Mr. Hunter tiad.hi* office in thin building, and Mr. S. Rundle conducted a grocery store in the south half, having hi* residence in the rear and connected therewith. Mr. Rundle and his family had barely time to escape from the building, airl saved nothing from the flames. Mr. Hunter wa* more fortunate and succeeded in saving a considerable portion uf the con- tents of his office, a* well a* books of the Mechanics' Institute. Mr. Rundlu had an insurance of 9400 on content*, and Mr. Hunter was insured for ftiOO. The Connor House had a narrow escape, tin* windows in the south side were broken hy the heat, and I he sash and casings destroyed. Our readers will remember it was a bitterly cold and stormy night. TO. S. Advertiser. COIXTY i M IMMTKICT A large portion of the business part of (ton J Head was destroyed Monday moru- ing at 3 u'clock. The fire started in a vacant building formerly used a* an hotel and extended to Fair's general store, Ciardeiier's general sUirn, containing the postolfice, O.N.W. Telegraph Company, telephone office, Q. Robinson's boot and shoe store and other vacant buildings, [t is supposed that the old hotel was set on fire. The estimated loss i* a follows : E. J. Carter 1 Co., tT.OOO t,. fg.OOO, in- sured fur f2.500 ; U. K. Robinson, 12. WHI ; James Ooodfellow, 11.000. Total loss about U7.000. Sir John Thompson and Hnn.Mr.Hag- gart will addres* a meeting in Mr. Car- gill's inUreet at Walkerton on Friday. NASAL BALM Ik i* t otrteln aatl tymAj cur* f >r 0141a It* H*< *nl quirt la atlli* SOOTHIKX CLEANSINO, Intrant *///, Permanent i Curt, Falun , NEVER FAILS ratkU), haiwHii ; t , frn*)fl for nt( Manr n^llwt 4lM*M* *! ti i. npiwni, uf c*ti m. ..]. u mm I *. **m*l **. liat < mn4 .|.. . - .,f J. I * tMSSM "l.h , *; uf UMM vr .in IT.I t,,| "ur !)* t .IAI :h. and tltotiid 1 HnM Ui irunuuul a boat* / ... BALJC. & wnril III uror.. jirtluriol * fc.U Ui b*l rr.tilt. la C***rrn. f I- I kjweU fcr cuiiMLUiilill n UHl .lrl/i. MAKAK. lUut i. M>M hr UI lima 111* , atvUIIXMnl.|>..urU. oarvMHrt- I j FULFORO a CO, Brockvllla, Oirt. Amanda Macs., writes : WHY COUGH, WI I K X a few doseai of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will relieve you? Try it. Keep It ln_the house. Yon are liable to hare a rough at any time, and no other remedy is so effective as tliis vorld- Ireaovned prauara ' tion. No household, with young children, should be without It. Scores of lives ara saved every year by- its timely use. B. Jenner, Northampton. M : " Common gratitruli- im- pels me to acknowledge tlio ereat bene- fits I have derived (or my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. I "had lost two dear cliilJreh from cronp and consnmption, and had the frreateHt Oar of lotting my only re- maining daughter and sun, an they were delicate. Happily, I lind that hy givina them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the flrai symptoms of throat or lung trouble, they are relieved from danger, and are be- coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1880 I took a bad cold which, in spito of every known remedy, grew worm, so that the family phynician considered m incurable, sup. [using me to be In consumption. As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto- ral, and, in a short time, the cure was complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 nounds, and at- tribute my good health to the use of Ayer'sCherry Pectoral." Q.W.Youker, Salem, M. J. "Last winter I contracted a severe cold, which by repeated exposure, bo- came quite obstinate. I was much troubled with hoarseness and bronchial irritation. After trying various medi- cines, without relief, I at lant purchased a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. On taking this iiu-dii-inc, my cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well over sini-i'." K'-v. Tboe. B. Kussell, Secretary Holsron Conference and P. K. of the Greenville District, M. K. C., Joneeboro, Term. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, BOOTS & SHOES N ORDER to reduce our Stock we have been selling for the last three weeks at very greatly reduced prices, and nave had very successful and largely increased saler., and as we want to make room for New Goods, we are offering a few hundred pairs at a Big Discount for Cash at CLAYTOVS For Ovrr Fifty Vr Mn Wiutlow'n t-uutbiiiK Syrup IIM boen usw* by iiiilliuui o iuothni for tlmir aWUzea while u-i-tlnui!. If dUturbixl t niulit and brokun of ymrr rent by a nick child miaerinit and or vino with pniii of aiittinii tnetli B.I at IIUCH an. I gel t (Kittle uf "Urn. Wiiibluw" Sti.itlnni; Svrup f<ir rlnliirvn tci-tliinii. It willruliove the pour littlu un*uriir iuiineilltly. Depend upon hXmotberl there Is no noMclif ahout It. It oure Dtar- rlims. ravulatm Ilia utoinscu and fto.-l. <-ur Wind 'Julie. noIUmiitue (iuiim, ruducuK iiitlain- uiation, ami given tonu mul unui k'v to the wluil vBtom. Mr. Wlniilow'* Hoolhum yru|>" for children tuethiliu ; pluaiwnt tn tliu tutu ami is tha praicriptlim uf ne >{ liiu ultiont and bnt fninalK phvHiciitiis and nursf* ill tliu L'nittxl Stat. Price i'i cent* a bottle. Hold by all .IniKinnU tbrniiirliuui tha world. B nure and auk for Mn. Wiuilew Soothing Syrup." COBSOMPTIOB CO BED >n old phyHician. letirad from practice, bav- ina had placed in hi* hand* iiy an Kant In im Uliaiitouary vllu formula uf a siinplu vegetable rei ... 'vfo' thii|<ilv and pnrmanuiit cure "I I'oiibiiii ion, BronchitiH, Caarrli, AHtlmia and all ihroat and LUDK Affuctioui. al-i a poHitive ami radical cnra for Nurvoui Dability and all Nervous oomplainta, ftr having tented it wnnilerftll ctimttve power* tn tUouHauils of cam-*, ha fait It bis duty to make tl known to hi *uaTartngfall<>T!!. Actuatad bv thin niu'ivti tud a daiire to relieve human >iinring, I will tentt trrti of charRe. to all whodenire it.tlili recip, in liennan, French or Ki> witli full dlractionn for preparhiK and UHIIIK. Hent by mail by addreaainK with tamp, naming tliii paper. W. A. S.JYKB, KM Pawan 1 lilock. Bochea- tar Ts T. lyMariWl MORTGAGE SALE. (J K I arm and Bri<*k Yaril Iu th fcowutbi|>*uf ArttMinmid ami (jloiitiltf ill the county uf Grey. Under and by virtue of the power of nalo con- tain**! in & curtain inort|fae which will bu pro- <ltic*9<t at thvtitneof **!, thr will lie offer*-*, for ft*)*.! by public auction l>v Mr. H. J Sproule, *iictiori*j*r. at th Cutamorciftl hotel in the Till4V{j of PriceviDo. on Tutmday, tiintli Fub., 1HW. at the hour of two o'olfM-k p.m. all and inuulftr thoae nortaiu parcels or tract* of laiiila and |>romiMttt aituate. lyinif. ami btiitiK com- pnrtmi of part* of lot one. two aud three, in the first con. N.D.U., in the townnhip of Aiteuiewia, tn tin* countr of iiruy. and pa it of lot V4 in thu nrat cun. N.D.U . iu the U>wiiMlnp of < .l.:n.'l;;. in the oouiity of Urey, and containing 110 acrtm mor or )* a* <lerribtt<l in aalil wortgaifA. The |if"i'rt\ will be bold nnhject to ft rerve In I TKK.MS Ti-ti pur cunt, at the tiuio of Bale to IM paiil to the vuml-ti T>-IDIH for tliu balance, hhi'ral, and will be inailu known at time of aftle. For further particulan applv to tt. j. SI'KOCLE. Auctioneer, Fluiiherton. C A U T I \. i:\4 H IM U. OF THE ORTLE NAVY IS M \RHKI> T.&B. IN BEUME LETTERS. NONEOTHEK GENUINE Notice. TO WHOM IT MAY CONX'MKN. All parw>ni are strictly forbiildeti IreHpasning nr , i.iiMc. iiiu- tunlior tiff lot* I and -J.i-iin.l.OMpray. a* tn.v poi Mm noiUK *uch wlil In- pi" i<< iitc-1 -*. roi'iiiif, to law.liy orilur of tba ownur. It. .1. 1'UDri.I-,. Agvut (oruwiiar. DRESS MAKING. MI!S. (..ILUnUCM .II-HLI-,-* to nunounco to tin- )!> ')>!. <>f KlfsliBrtoi. anil vicinity that Hhe i< ])U'inr-<l to do <tt tmHiiifthlM^ to the Kill, tioti f thoH<> who IIIAV fiiti list li.'i Hit 1 ) th-'ir oriltTK. ThO IttlUHt fnsliliitl l'l4\U!S) mlWAVH Oil i! 11 M.I. SAtlh'ftrtn n KIIIII iint.'t-<t, Viiry i i-a -tKi fthlf pricuH. Shop and IVHIM<IIJ ovr Mitchell'n Hank. HichAnlttou'r* block, Kleatii>rton. ln<tnic- timiHi^ivuii in tltt-iutc nii.l cutting l>y ScaJv." Lands for Safe Farm propartiim, iinprovud and nnini|>roTad, also village piopurum. Apply to J. W. AJtM8TKi'N(.. Flaahartou 1'. O. a% A **/%% * XA t V J 1 1 1 1 11'~* > ' ""' ""<" la. % I I I II*". ** n4 t I Ji I II ll"~ i,i"i'.-.iii V V W W Vkow u. r- Vt,r < -- writ*, uij <... .rti H.IMUI r lt*..l will tott f Or. J. 0. Ayer A Co.. Lowed, Mats. tM>*UDra*laU. rrla. tl ; u keHiaa,**. * > I ilumu* \>*t *, wrfcw f . . . >/. A.ak. -^ (tards. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLKHRKRTON, Co. GIIKT. DIVISION COURT CLEKK.COMMIKHIOMB "in B. B., Couvey nicer, Ac. A(ji-lit for |.iir.->... ud Mlu ,if Ian, |H. Appraiovr for C L. t. < m. ud K.P.B. ft H. Hoeimy. Moay to L< an LII the MONEY TO LOAN. The nndernigned ha* a large amount of money to loan at fo/e on town or farm property. a. DAAiCUE, Flesherton. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Arti-im-xia. Cnrp< n ne<>v Insurance agect, etc. Dredx. im>rt|;iiRrt.. leases, etc., prepared and propn-ly x"iit~< !m<nrncc uBi-otv.l in Srnt elans enmiianies, Money to Innd at lowest rates. DR. HOTTON M. D. C. M ., M.C. I'. A S. (Vt.. I'hro vile. Residence anil Olliei- nnn ilnnr wost of the MctlioujHt Church, Kinross St. Office days, Tuesdays anil Suturdar*. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. 4 S., Ont. Phr.irinn. surgeon, etc., Fleslierton. Office Strain'.^ block. Iieidenoe Munihaw's botol. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Markdale, Ont. Office Mnrlv's drug store. T. S. Sproule, M. 1\, Etr-. Anyiis Kg<>. M. D.. Etc., luii- of T.iiK-nhnni. (Jut. L>r. Ego will be found at tin Mark.l,.).- House at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Vetermnrv .SnrKot.n (irvlnntc ( T***rianrColleg*. Ile8i,li>no' l-'ir-it south of Lttoli Uulnr sbop. J. P. MARSHALL. L. 0. B., M. D. 8., Dfiitiii. Yhsito Maik- tlule tbe Iht and 3rd Wt-diiemliiy of each mouth. Flefherttm riaoh trip ou Cm day ulluwiny. J. W. FROST, BarriitU'r, Solicitrr, Coi:vi-ym]cT. Tie FleshurUui utHce Next Ik* feel c-fJHc, Spruule's Imilding, on ThnrBdays. Owen S.,uinl office l-'rost's P McCULLODGH, Di>rri(4eT. I'.ii 1 . Oili.-e over Mo- Purland'sitore, Miukdnle. Money to Li-uii. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Ilarristor*. lolii-itors, ptc., Uwcn S...MI.I. Ont Klunhcrton olflro at Mitchell'!) bank. \Vi- i ., ,my of oach wuek M..IIUJ to loan at luwcot latt-it. W. H. WllUIHT, g. K. LlMlFAT. R. J. Sproule, 1308TH ASTER, Fle8hurU.n,C..iuiu:s s i<-i|. *- er in H. R., Licensed Auctioneer. COM veyauccr, Apprniner aud Money Lender. Heal Estate and Insurance AJ;I nt. l'ee<N, Mortnagcs, Lensrs and Will* tlrswn up and ValuatittDS matlo na shortest notice. ABC- tiou Sala atttud*'! to in any pan nf tLe County. Money to IHOB at lowat rates uf interest. Collection* atteud*-d to wi:li promptness nnd despatcii. Chnr^en low. Agentfor tbe Pomiiiinn SteaxsliipCoinpaiiy. Cheap tickdli from Fleshertoo to Livi rpoul, Glasgow, London or anv of l!i Britii-b arts . Parties intending to visit Entjlind, Soolland or IVt-rattd, will pleas* n*k rate* be- lot* patohaMOf, t haMT-Usketn elsewhere. Mf * r n nnMb.*-WM m*A* w*f* f M, by Aai*T ^sw* t Aitattk, ?.. ami Jn* BM., To4* >, <%k. ka* mi. 1 '(Kr,er* *.*,* *4| Wfcj, k*t . ti m .w > . **o. ee elh T*s *> 4* lfc# ..i* **BU Hv* l*n are e.ef1- *euat.i>| froa t(4 I* ot : . I" i