TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MSN." VOL. XL, NO 551. FLE3HERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1892. W. H. THUR8TON, Armstrong Bros, One of the above firm will be at Priceville every Thursday to attend to trade business. All repair work left with, J. D. Brown will receive our very prompt attention. ARMSTRONG BROS. Flesherton Jewelers. A COLD SNAP THIS MONTH. As an assistance to reducing our stock, we will, during this month of December, offer the whole of our large as- sortment of Winter Goods in Fur Capes Storm Collars Long Boas Muffs Misses Furs Gents' Fur Coats Rob*s Gloves Persian Lamb Caps Rugs Also some beautiful goods in Tea Setts Lamps Glass Setts Naples, Etc. AT A LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Stock nicely assorted and new. With this ns'luctiou off our already low figures there can be no question as to their being lower than ever before offered in the village. THE COBNER is already so well known that it is only necessary to make this iutimation to ensure a call from every intending purchaser. VViahing one aud all a merry Christmas and a hapoy New Year, I am yours, etc., W. \V . T*tlAtl)L.l. P. 8. The highest prices paid for Mink and Fox skiur. klmberler. From our ui Correspondent. The revival meetings which Rev. Mr. Thompson has been conducting here for the past few weeks will be brought to * close this week . We tiust none who have gone to the meetings will have to say when the summons conies, "The harvest is past, the summer is elided, and I am not saved." La grippe is raging in aud around Kiniberley. The following are suffering from the malady Mrs. Wickens, Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. Magee, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Wallace. The Orange soiree which wan held on Friday of last WeeV was a success finan- cially ami otherwise, 944.56 beiiig thu j receipts) of the evening ; truly a good purse to be taken in at a country enter- tainment, and when the number of per- sons sick, and with the bad sta+e nf the j road* aloti;; with the short notice (four ; days) be taken into consideration, we j have great reasons to bo elated. The ; speakers of lac evening were Rev. Mr. Wells, of Flesherton, Neil McCelmaii, ex M. P., and Mr. Hammond. RJV. Mr. Thompson, of Kugenia, acted as chairman, which position he filled with credit to himself and satisfaction to the audience. W. A. Stewart, B. J. Carruthers and 0. McConnell have returned from Mus- koka. They report a great amount uf sickness up there. Mr. J. M. Th union had a wood bee last week, and so malty teams turned (Hit that they did not all have w.rk enough to keep them all day. Mrs. T!I. s. Wicken* and H Lewi* are both suffering from tin. i: MM, which followed a severe attack of ^n,.. Rev. Mr. Tonge, of Pleshurion. preached morning and evening to a large congregation in the Methodist church on Sabbath last. Wa are sorry to say that two of Kimberley'ft small boy* kpt up such a running tire of talk that Mr. | Tonge had to speak to them. This did I not have the effect of stopping them and he had to speak to the steward*) of thu church to keep them <pjiet, when they succeeded. A couple of imps who cmnu from about three miles north of Kiiiilu-r- ley went out and raltlwd oil the window, to the annoyance of the peule. They are not*d for rowdyism, and if they come , buck axaiu and try any of their manoeuvres they will be prosecuted. girls will all In picked up aud theru will be none left. Serves them right for waiting so long. The hotel ,n this place has changed hands. Mr. Braihff has gone back to his farm. The new comer is Mr. SherhoUx. All are sorry at the departure of Mr. and Mi. -i. Uranitf, as the house was both r derly and raspectrble during thu tune they kept it However, we ln>pe the new c-miers will follow in their footsteps in keeping a good table and a house that will be a credit to thu place. Mr. and Mrs. Moat h, of St. Vincent, paid their friends in this neighborhood a visit, Mrs. Wellington, of St. Vincent, U visiting friends here. Mr. Potch, school teacher here, is sick with the grip. Mr. Thomas Genoe's family have all been sick with the influenza, also Mr. John Jamison's family and all Mr. Duckett I family. We hope it will take its departure frtmi amongst us, as it is a disease to be dreaded, as such a compli- cation of diseases follow it. I \ILORI\G CALL ON- The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. & 3. fceitch, MERCHANT TAILOR Good News TO MANY HARSH CONDITIONS Were no more severe than many of those imposed by the pernicious and harmful CREDIT SYSTEM. You arc bound to pay double price, be pestered by collect- ors, dunned by mail and on the streets, and wherever you go these words will greet you "Pay y:>ur bill and save costs." AVOID IT By paying Cash to us and save 25 per cent, on your purch- ases. Own your own goods, and be able to look every man straight m the face and say I owe you nothing. THIS MONTH Special Bargains in Over Coats, Boots and Shoes, Tweeds Flannels, in fact everything away down. MCDONALD & EVANS. From a Special ( 'nrrnpuinL ,,t.. Thu Orange Soirt-o heKl in tliF Public H ill here on the 2!Hh uit., was a _;r;iu.l success ; in fact it fur exceeded the ex- pectation of the most sanguine. The addresses delivered by the spunkem were of a vry interesting character, purlic- ularly those of Ruv. Mr. We'ls and Mr N. McCiilniaii. Tin) music and sin^in^ wero certainly very attractive in the en- tertainment. Some of the sick in this vicinity am improving nicely, such :u Mr. Thurstou aud Mr. E. Smith, but there are some new <-A^ uf la grippe Mins A. A M.- Council, Urn. W. Fawcett, W. H. istuart and a son of Mr. Simpson. The special services in connection with the Methodist church still continue with apparently increasing interest. The minister of the Episcopal church held service in the Public Hall last Sun- day morning, and will continue regular service every two weeks. aru KII-. in.. from our own Curretpondent. There is a great deal of sickness around, but no serious cases that I hear of, except Mr. Heslop. Hu is vary low. There has been one wedding, Miss Turner, daughter of Mr. George Turner. The Rev. Mr. Wells united her in marriage with Mr. Wilkinson, of Kim berley, on Wednesday of laat week. Marriage seems epidemic in tin* part of the Dominion. It seems to bo ontching. as there are almost as many oaaM a* of la grippe, and rumor* of a good many more to come. There i* <|'iile a stir among the bachelors around, for fear the Our Pricrvllle Budget. From nut own Corrr$pondtnt. DIED. Anna Beaton, wife of the Uto Archi- bald McDonald, township of (ilonelg.dted at the residence of her son, Duu|{ald Mc- Corniack, E<|., auctioneer, on Thursday, JHth ult.., after a short illln*8. The de- ceased immigrated to this country with liur fsxitily in the year 1H4.'( from tlw isle of Mull, Arfylesbire, Scotland. She was of a kind disposition, a motherly woman of more that) ordinary intelligence aud a kind nurse in sickness, always will- nig to assist the needy and distressed, and held in thu highest esteem among her many friends. The funeral servicu was conducted by thu Rev. D. McLeod, B. A., "i Priceville, on Saturday last, when her remains were conveyed to the Priceville cemetery for interment, ("Mow- ed by the largest concourse, of friends and acquaintances that ha* been known in this neighborhood, for years. HYMENEAL. A large aiul happy company of invited guests assembled at the residence of Alexander McLean, south of Pricevillo, in the township uf Artcmesm, on Thurs- day 24th ult., to witness the marriage of his second daughter to Mr. Hector Me- Dougald, south line Artumesia. A (5 p. in. the Rev. D. McLeod, B. A., touk hia iHisitiuii mi thu side of the loom, while llie contracting parties presented them- aulvus before thu Thu dunning in, .le, was assisted by Miss M.-iuum Mc- Donald, while the gro >m's courage was kept up by Mr. Colin Mi Lean. Tiio n-v. gentleman proceeded with ilio ceremony and thu two wuro made one. Without tho leust hint to th uroom, Mr. D. McLean, of thu Highland Hill, made a bold attempt to kiss the bride, but was uiiHinTi-ssful. t'oiii-ratiiliiUons wero offered ly the guests and accepted by the Contracting parties. After all had partaken of thu excellent repast provided for the occasion thu program of the evening wo* entered into, and without going into thu matter m detail I may state that songs, dances, choruses and instrumental muaic was entered into. A dance by Messrs. N McDonald and Jolm McMillan, of the South Line, waa worthy of note, and showed that dancing has not degenerated | by its passage across thu Atlantic. The ' presents were nuiiier >us and valuable. A I our 12 o'clock at night four gentlemen ' adjourned to Mr. Alex. McMullun's for one hour, where they indulged in Gaelic ami ;s and dancing. When they returned they were satisfied. It wo* thu most humorous hour ever spent during their ' existence. Mr. arid Mrs. McJIillon would niiike Mm most Male soul liappy with their humorous treatment. Among the guests I noticed Mr. R. L. Mufti- iner, proprietor of the Sheiburuu Froe \ Press. You can havu The Advance for balance of 18'J2 for only 85c. Think about it. I desire to call the attention of tlte public to thu fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop In connection with thu Flesherlou Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do til kinds of Iron & Wood Turning. L'&tterus made, aud castings got on short notice . I have not si'-ice fi mention in dntail the variety of work I can do, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to thu Flesherton lepairslmp. whore you may depend on getting your work doiio neatly and 8iihNt*n- tially. Having emery wheels suitable fur I will niiilii! that a specialty for n f'w weeks. Charges low, i>ut terras strictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHER A Fact WORTH knowing is that iil> cases which all other r.n.,-.i :-. <.. I to cure, yield to Ayrr' , Surviip.irKliu Fresh con.h.iia- tion of tliia ... .if uicut comes to hand daily. Even such deep-seated and stillborn com- pi.lilllS as UllUU- iii.iUMii, UIi< II.N..- tic limit, aiul U.i like, art' [lioi.>u n - ly eradicated b/ the uscol tills wo..- d<;r(ul altuiativ. Mrs. R. Irving Hodge, 110 W- k I'JTtth street. >/ York, cerlillea . " About two years Ago, alter suiT.-rin ; for nearly two years from rli.-uiimi. gout, being ablo to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried varioui remedies, including mineral waters without relief, I saw by an adveriiiM.- rni'iit. in a t'hicaao paper thai a man liixl been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer'B Sarsaparilla. I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight mouths. I am pleased to say that it effected * coin* plete cure, and that I have since bad no return of the disease." Mm. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. U., writes: "One year ago I was taken III with rheumatism, being conflnod to mv bouse six months. 1 came out of ih<> sickness very much debilitated, with n appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced to UR Ayor's Barsuparilln and began to improve si. once, gaining in strength and soon re- covering my unual health. I cannot say too nun h in praise of this well-kuowu medicine." "I have taken a great deal of medi- cine, but nothing lias done mo *> much e."">t aa Ayer's Barsai>arilla> 1 felt ita lieneiltlal elTects before 1 hail quite tlnislied one buttle, aud I can freely testify that it is the best blooU- mcdlcino I knowof." L. W. Ward, Sr , Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer Jt Co., Lowell, MM*. J>rl ft ; rti bottlM, fs. a boMta. J