Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1892, p. 3

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AGRICULTURAL. lrhrlo- <r.ltlr. We are sonv to lie compelled to infer frori lli" tcnr of discMssions going on in the newspapers that the practice of dehorn- ing cattle is spreading in Canada. It is aid l>y nine that dohoriiing IB novr so "<.m mon in the Western Staff that it is the exception to see cattle with horni, \\ > sincerely hope I hut this taken, as it 18 evid- ently meant, to imply that the hm-nle-s tit- jo universally seen were not polled or hornless liy n it lire, but havu lieeii made -.-, by the saw or other implement in human hands, it in exaggeration. But, iiotlu -rtvise it ii still obvious 'hat this faut ia by no means decisive of the question of humanity or morality, since it will hardly he claimed that the average cowboy or cattle raiser of the Western plains IK exactly the kiml .if man to whose judgment or humane instincts it would be safe to refer a question of this kind. To us it always seems that in all questions of cruelty to animals two distinct considerations should he taken into au- count, though as a matter of fact stress is usually 'aid mainly or wholly upon tic.- one, vi/. , the amount of pain inflicted upon i In- animal*. This is, of corrae, a vitally im- portant question in the present case, un.i. unfortunately for the cu*y decision of the matter, it is one in regard to which there it a very wide dill'.-ien,,- of opinion. \V have, for in.-tance, In-foro us at this moment two letters winch appeal- ed in the (ilohe of Saturday last, both written by men claiin'ng to know whereof they atlinn. Speaking of the ,-ouseonoi:ces of 'Iclioniiinj the one writer uys : " These consequence* to the unfoi tunatennimala are intense agony (lining the operation, and great subsequent sullorinc;. continuing ni..r- or less severely for considerable periods. fre-|ii.-nilv causing permanent injury, .in. I il'ing in .le.i: Ii.' 1 The other writer, a practical farmer, asserts, on the contiary. tint the - liarge "i .-ruelty in found- ing and spreading more rupidly than in tht creamery. It is this fact that won ion the creamery organs. " Tim is iiliout the way that any disinterested party, whu is fami- liar with all the factH, view the caee. Ami couU anything be more iiidftlnitc ami unsatisfactory than the manlier in which A FEW HOURS IN A BUZZARD, i 'liiloid and her daughter. Dove, liv- ed in a ilal in a comfortable, old-fashioned cried Madame as Dove passed her door. house in iho West Knd of Montreal. The butter is quolodf ,- v " ., " p,,. , fact ,, ul j( w(l . u|i fl< , , iollic ,,,( ,, le<| Dl , v vate dairy give no sort of imlication .he did not k row why Madame who liv luality. while much of U , bel ,, w WM re ady to e xpat.ate on inoni.ter in the nick room wis, not withstand- Rut peychology apart, uow Bee th chwr ing all Dove's pains, still in the titties, and tins rosy- cheeked, healthy Herculea has ! > pei mil the Are to go down would mean brought to the Hal. \Vhal a rattling aud certain drath to the invalid. , ballsing of itovei : Uow he sends the aatiei " Mudomoiselle, where are yon going '" Hying all over the dainty room* in his/eal I Uow he carries coal, too, until he's black s as to ve, ed the regular customers at extra prices Mo not an _ II _.! .- .m " Madame, there i* no coal upstairs. Iain going out to the abud." " But Mademniselie shall not go, ' cried ihe kind little woman. " Only wait a little moment and I shall go. A little patience, Matlenioiselle !" You go out with bronchitis, and .'tU dc the general malket, w hlle lie best that lines' appear tin-re is i|iioie.l under the Ina.l of " creamery :'' Tlio present fraudulent claaai- rii-ition Ii gan when KBteni.ii-;ilcmnveitcd in Western creameries and turned their in- fluence in f Mir of sour cream liutter. IB ii not about time that I he classitic.itiiinw.-re revised according to ipiali'y. and justice were done to the private dairy ? \VUo cares whether butter is mudo in ,i creamery 01 in a private dairy r The place or iiio.le of maiiuf icturo has nothing to do with its quality, so far as the consumer is .-on.-enied. All In- wanU to know is that the butter in all right. Making in .1 cream- eiydoes not guarantee quality any more than making in a private dairy doss. Let us have honest work and lair piny. ..1.0 - ..I I I..M I - A writer for tiardrn and l-'oiest reaches he conclusion that the. pi unary color .,t (lowers, next to green, is *lnli-, whn-h "i> Uiuis and is Ihe basis of all ot! .r , >!...>. lie across says: There is n.i regular order or pm- heavy ureasion in colors, as for IM>I u.. c. >.i. for her " localaires," also Martha, Mudame's to No- ahly at fashioii- VVhen the water froze downstairs, po<ir grees below uero," cnel Dove : " how dare yesterday. ' a coalheaver, and ha* to perform an elabor- ate toilet before he is presumable again ' " I say, Dive, that box is loo heavy to carry up" three flight* when it is full," he remarked, as he lifted it iuto place by the stove. " I know," said Dove meekly. " I did it you think of such a mad proceeding?" So Dove, with the largest coal uox she shed in the blizzard could tin. I on her arm, went sturdily down ' You did ' How ever did you get to the I don't know. It was horrid, and I Madame had to thaw the pipes, Heud for a "P her courage, for the roar of the wind and plumber; no, indeed. Madame despised j -he swirl of the blinding snow would have men ; they were dull, (low creatures, these ! daunted a stronger heart than hers, even if stairs to the kitchen legions. A huge iron i fro/e my toes again.'' shovel lay close to the outer kicthen door ; I " Horrid ! I wonder yon are alive to tell Dove set the bucket down for a moment , the story. That comes of living in on old - beside it. This meant a little pause to get [fashioned house, with no mau to look after men, mid charged exorbitantly. There wits nothing Madame .-mild UOI do far better than a man. M.ulainu rose every morning at an early hour ami noiselessly arranged the house below, thus holding lieiself ready at any moment to. it lend to the affairs of her "loca- laires. ' The oarly winter oi I.SSW was ummially mild. Christmas Day was positively too braced up by a vigorous physique. l)ove knew from %d experience that she must inevitably freeze at so low a record as 'M degnes below .ero ; and then how was hhe to stand up in a storm such us this? " It's got to be done," said Dove, grim- ly. I dare say it is not half so had us it " looks. pulled the fur cap close over her tars. warm to lie agreeable in houses heated by j tied a woolen cloud ox-er her face to protect stoves and furnaces. Out of doom, the e >' e ' *<1 nose, am! pulled the heavy articles snow wiis melting m the brilliant sunshine : I over her Iwots. There was no further ex- ' cuse for a moment's piume she grasped the . . . . . *. . ." * bolt of the door and slid it back. things. I told lint he never finished his sentence, for Dove made * sudden friendly aasault upon him, under which, man like, h* went down. A ii.iirn. > I* .h. far >..nli. Mi. William Ogilvie, our Caiiadiau sur- veyor, haijust completed another notable journey in on almost unknown part of our domains. It waa he who ditcovervd in 1SS7 that the gold diggings along the Upper Yukon were in Canadian territory ; and the Postmaster there, who had been appoint- ed from Washington, found himself nut of otiice after the results of Ogilvie's survey tiie mountain lost 1:3 daz/ling whiteness, and masses of snow and ice floated about the liver. As yet there was no sign ot a mad a. -MISS the St. Lawrence. The papers were full of records of the balance found herself, bucket, spade and ktnii* lltver basins, tra\elhng for 1,90s) ly tirippe, which \vas making its way Jl. m <lnft beside the threslK.ld. Now it lnll trough unexplored tt-rriuiry. Tho had been continued by United States ex- >gilvie inju uid M.. The wind tore the dopr so furiously from plorer*. At that lime Ogilvie nuule a Kmr her hand that poor Dove, after an etfort at V t- >' "' -.""*> miles in the Yukon deadly iluppe. the .nnlinenl. Isolated cases of influenza had occurred ii is a very easy matter to fall into a drift, K rc *t v 'ue of Ogilvie's service is in the fact but it requires judgment to auist one to , that he is a trained explorer, ;uul has . ol- toll. .WH yellow, or that blue follows red nr calling these The tirippe ." was at i iiin.'li hi'.-r date, as It' Tlien sinlili nly tlie city was stricken l>y ban been demonstrated tint: tin- ;>: in. i|i il ''"' enemy. Doctors, clergynun. old .tnil ationless. He says : "As to the operation colois. yellow, red, and bine nn* .Icpr ved y u ""K people- were .iniong the victims, and, itself, every precaution ia taken in prevent | directly from white, .in. I 'li, T . : ..... .1 . nial '" niU-n.ily the miM-rn-s and dangers of tin- injury, and only in rare instances does it rank, although s-nnc .in- inn.- nn-\ ...cut "our, the mild weather gave place to intense i'nl\ lirnv. --I, and a travelling bli/zard cap|M-.l sends one deeper iuto the MIOW bank. But here the bucket stood a friend in need l> rose on its firm basis, and took a st onwards. Fortunately the snow was I -ii!i...l, but the do.-torx held out aeaincl K l 't ""t ot it. an struggling to rise merely lectcd much mateiial which may l>e inserted " in the maps with confidence m us accuracy. The results of mucli rude cxploratt ry labor a atop "' 'he noil IK i n pan of tins .ontinuiit have s wind- I '**" wiped out by the later iimstigations of Iriven towards the fence, and therefore not more <-..m|-;ent tta\.IU-r. II. tine tixc.l i !< in .|MI. u -.0.1 '> e i. h mil than others. s-nn Insect. |n n ,i'nl\ more than two ft- t deep on the path be . _ t ween the kitchen and the shed. mat, ami within fifteen minutes afterward in " lixing ' and .b teniiiiiing -..!. i to ' n- i n-'i unties by a wholesale onslaught " -lusl my luck," said Dove, apt to con the province of i,> >i.lei herself fortunate in small things ; so they will be feeding without any appearance extent in . -ei lain lamilies, but !!. ot suifering." Kvnlciillv :h--tirsl thing to could be established they iimsi ba\eai Do\ .- rose that morning with limbs weight lie decided, so fur a." decision in Mitch mutter ed ; ami if the iiunlitv of siinliiflit and tlie "' with lead, bead aching in i ie for a staff and the bucket lor balance. she struggled v.tll:>ntly along \viih iron the month of the Coppermine Kiver two hundred miles too far north, and bis blunder for years defaced the maps. It ws not known until last year that the coast line from 1'oint liairovv i.. the Ma.';.n/ie Kiver was for tho most part down too far < tin* .pi--sii. m ol fa.-t. Asa texture of the tissue i jf petals vt us tin- sam, "< -i tact, of a bad attack I'he situation to any but the robust wan one north. 1)1.1 inapt show a range oj inoun _... i ... .. i. ..... i.. . .. i . .. i. . i . .. f i _.. . .. L. : .1. . ... ...... ...,i . i ... . .. i..._ ..i., , ,f . I., ,,...,, t t*r 1 1,. i I .In LF i.f . l.u 1 .1 i / .. ,. .-. 1 in T inns .[it_ r '.vcsl t roiii 1. tiki* A t habasca trml is shortly to be had in I.on.lon 111 which in primative times as <iov , tutl I here is no '' '-rippa or mllum/a : but sheer liigbt his n:i doubt will lie the chief issue, those reason to dou'il U, then, :n ill p ,i' linlity. us i l 'ri vo all remembrance 'nai such was the utercsted will do well to pay n>e.*al alien- noon on petals were formed, how.-v.-i n-mo'c -' :u >" away, and she really .Iocs nut know if tionto the evidence. Meanwhile it cannot that time may have, been, all coloi.*, n.clml- j tl'o disease ran its courseor not. She found be unfair, we think, to observe thai pretty ing blue or purple, l>egun lo iiipeai . Indeutl, | her m ulu-r in agonies of pain, for "the lining evidence will need to lie brought fi.r in tile simplest .md, presumably, l:, .nppv "showe-l itself in ,u intinili- variety ward to convince the .h.iintt rested listener types of llowei - giv. n in l ii -ay "s Manual of ol forms, and llna ol heait faiiiiro (if the opposite of what appears to be the liotany, as clematis and anemone, the pre- MMsVony of experience and common sense, vailinu colors are while ami purple. The To conceiv" of the ipeiaii.ii is em. ugh to lamiiow and the prism re\ -al the many ol t In- most p tinliil. " Mitdame," she calb-d, "\\:ll you run lunger -for the bliut of ihe hli/sard is turn* extending -.vest troin Lake Athabasca. Iritilv in icy peiietrati'in : the snow, swept Suc'i mountain* uo not exist and were long by its wide-spreading wings, ago expuugc.l from the maps, where they had gained admittance through tho mis- taken effoits of lludtvn ISa\ Company :.genu. who, paddling up anil down the KIM i. til lo dui.ily Uu- Ingh blutTs on cither tide as mountain range*. onwards by its wide spreading wings, "ills like a knife ; and in turning her back on it in onler lo take breath. Dove found hei gaitnenls ex- , vi. mpoi i, c.l inlo sails, wln.-h drove her tow ai U 1 he snow-hank by the- fi-nce. \\hert- sh ?ail*e mo*' si nsit ive pernons lo shudder : '. . !iirwl rays of a IH-BIII of whi'<- light: the i ..n. eive of it au almost painless is well nigh colorlen* tissue of the petal ;it ii.-is up ih. -.-.,- impossible- [7V,. W,.k. Him*. It anything can be more tilthy -iian the nn!!. away wilhout straining .t in to use a wire simmer or a dirty rag hat 1.4J not t.udic.i -nne il.e last time of milking, blaming ami :.t iiniii;; cus- tomers for butt, lar market .{notations, in to -r.akc good but- ter, and make it every lime. \\in-n tin- buyer tells Ins friend wheie he L 'el t butter how long l-jitilainl is lik ly l" n-iiiuin in til thatis"alavsjiilso,' and llu iri.-ndlih.-s h.ini , i t ;. I'haiaohs. i-'rance U on the must have perished, "\\ell.itishardly Mr- - la* 'wen . ngvc.l in !l lown lo the grocers ind tnlephono" for the romantic lo owe one's life to a bucket and I con''""***"*-''' of these little known i.. I... At once, pit-am-, dear Madame." a heavy iron spide, but Dove knows well K'uns aud in taking oi- __ . was noanswer ; only a harsh, metal- huw much wa* due to these humble fricndi h,i\e n.tbled b:m to !.-, -. n -he pv- s. -me, ..I , ,\ ,,t the sun and to...,,' ihf'iii 11" cough Mom Madame s roum, and Dovd Jitnn thai struggle for existence between Hior. of mountains atltl river*. Of the again, not into an intangible bill ran down to tind this rod. ol s: ,,|e Hie kitchen and the nhed-door. unirg with tho 'a 'in infant, unable to lift her head from I This door, somewhat sunken, was dioki-d ' uiiginal white Irom which thn sun calls iln- pillow. And where was Mai ilia?' them forth, rehabilitated in all llit-ir prta pit mi'ir. ' : Hrllalu aiitl i'*-.t|il. The -ti.iilen ami susp:i i. us death uf Tow- Bk, Khedive of K.-ypi, lm r.-miwedtiie .iis- I HI I ,:l-p, in I' Cll.les lt to llml " '- l r that with line .-now . and f:,./en so that it w.ui.ii '.' l)>ve crowed ti wholly unknown ie -it- N'eU.ii ami i' of thae ale. I, .tod n ul endeavor by intrigue and MI oihi-i ways to seem e the la 1 ., ml A',, has, ibe oiilhlnl prim e who bus net am i t be . "tw, it, he will soon desire to l>e a regular ens- If the caws are not all of one breed Rome of the cream may re<|. 'ire longer churning than the oth.r, and not getting it will g> oil' someday regain t !-e fool hold in -b 111 ''"' biil'.eima!.. giving nolit. Il is a oiicelntd. The d!, t* of \Vol**lv's UUWUr go, d idea l.-te-l tn.-cieaiiiof each cow by U |\ .Mmpiugii end.m. in l In- ,.h...liii. over Arab,.. : I' , entlv In 1 , oil,.- [llllv not give spice to ,; n-.tdgc to enter. ' \!.is ! Mail, -lie, poor Martha ooiibl I. ,. -at bless but valiant, set the bu- I.. 1 .i.-w n. rot h.,1,1 uplift head lust night. Ib. , takngtl..- spade a* a b.utoi ing-ram, -'" "tm'ie.i jourm y .lowii t plunged against the rickety door. It gave '' '" "" l ?"" "'* l . tf w ' "'ak._iinpor- " I lere's a situation, " groaned Dove a* way at tiie hinges and , ame down with .1 she pin on her film all. I went out lo tele- l-.itii. Mi-untune the bin ket had settled into the snow ami was n.. .n tin-re : wn- n u was .a length dug on', the ItoKoni was so humpy with lumps "I :. t ' at it could not be induct-. 1 to stand, and tin- llial l prim e It is phone Ii- the dociur. I've liceli lip ill li'ght, ' telephoned the ... 'nmr.-i-ly ; " and ' have t he liiipp-- myself, and ought to be in bed. Hut I'll ti v imi . oine i o-ind in the course of the inoi n. I). .vr found the wm.l so high ''" roclilications in the ife""!^ ar * '" >l , ll " W " "" ." His overland joiiinty betWMQ Ibe Ntlsora .ui-ltf - l'< . M MS led him through one of the larger unexplored i-xptnses of Camu'a. II. ie, lie >a\s, be |.a--i-i lor 'wenly-tivo mile* through a thick growth of mn&li tim- Hy t:ii limt- Biio'.hcr calamity i threatened her feet anil hands were numb- sell at >ai inns see w hetin i tli liny am. .1:^ t in in ho.-e i -i-.i'n .|.H> not come i.i bnit, r when ihe rest does, ami if thens are weed them out. The tinnier cannot ,ii I. ..I to -.-. .1 . i, 11:11 to the hogs. P.. vi- loiiini the win. I so aj she re- now her ehenahed hope ^o iui,,.-d Unit .she h. u .ll\ m .K.I ,\ t u. The cohi. loo. was of the IP. .-I ,- I, an l unless i-he could spii'dily gel up the . i::g ipialtly : xhamting lo i-n- ciiciilati-.'n. w .mid <.n di..ilu- \\ I.nt happened in the ne\i few nnuut*--' IVv. l.iUuit.usly -hovelled intnmlMcd o,,t '' in .t man,,,-: .but - r l '"" '"'; A '"'-'" [' """ ^'eludes. -itmt. Hy tins lime anoth. -r .-.iiamit v I-"'","'"'- lUiB, W l-lxebu ii.tM only If mai'ifi "t .is t he gla.liml ..I overshadowing Mig'tih in- tlmnceii has gone .m. l'-ii.h i. leas, do mi- n. tin -inc.- \..i, ,.,.ii vitality. " 1 kno'v it s down lo x.eio," Ruid II..M- "(Hi how 1 mil.- -ITO : 1'i-iliaps, lion . 'em mi" ,-\ei .1 kind of inghlinai' K .-n these nvera almost as far east as the M.i.t.-i tin! covers au area of over MI, (Km -,|uai>- miles, or twi'-u 'he .11. -a oi N'ewfouudland. The -> >-i.-nn!\ ..i -i. i- onnlry waa .till* VI. :l .t IWI...I 01 II. 1^.1 1 ....,., o. Itollfc- I . , 7 - t i i aga.usl .,,,..-, i.ihties; but the next "'-l in ^.i, aii.l Is,, l, v - he . x p Ceorge ll.mrdof \Viwoiikin. who i* a g.,oil dynasty with 'I,, lowlMirn Mehem.i All. in .lairy mattei-H. places the value |,.ve duriiig fifteen Neais b, i I lie I for milch, ows as follow :.. whottt bran wane, until latterly Kgypt. l.i, pea im al .--'. IiiMcc.lmcRl-.'), -ottu-,. seed | y , Tnikisn prov'in. has btOMM a ""''"- ' ol Ion see.l meal Uritish potweKsion in all but thii .\<t is mi; . Inn it is no highly con- ceil 1 1, i led . hat it must lit ft-d w.:!i gieat ,-ain. 1 ' -. -ui . nil ;o qn..i , i 'iian or one iniddliii;?s is Iwtter for milk or [ power t butter than four quarts of bran. In veiy colt) weather it often takes a long " tochmn tho cream. To rt:.iedy ' his, 1 ,,rkey\ .-,,,!, but >el deeply int put in hot water t.-,, tba proaraUon of French pr*tMM attd in lira U> or M. It ' driM* the MI ,t,,, V ng Kren, I, ,;,,,- Mnly r witohe* away jnita* quickly in ever did iHisM.-xsit | ng ;u, I'cwiik IW-.a In .-.1 Kni i.-!i lomina- t,.,nv.a- ..le :,, , i,,, it. 1 . \\iMitMmd lilt- ., . ilo ,.,!,., . t a minor , power lo il.e haii. l ol .t p. with Tmk- v k. | 1 out bv III l.-k a. nl -loll ere.tleu MI . , _ . '.i.... . .1 .1. .1... the red I-.. t liMisushoc that was tried i wo centuries I l-'rcii. h W! M. -is ii,t\ -ieplore.l tbc pnslnngo: .1 then UngM , . i'l- p -,a.i.i.i o,|- . u 111.-, i-. ..till uiniy ii:.. . of I albo feel mil lung o' it in our ruey !l it. " tmng she distinctly remt-mlier was the emoninged, she si i uc'J. .1 along, weight ol 'the bin ket, winch she had : Stranded with Imth hands and eel down al ..-t- step. The minutes s, em. -d ii-.nn-., H.-MIH-II thootllei nn wait iea. lie. I .it Iml. llovn was gnsping;or breath, asone .1. Her hair was iilown down .vn.i into the cloud, as though a nu had tied it (inversely Her. vc were '... .!, -.o -mil .be ;ut,i to wail un- til iln< water tii.twid and loiic.i i.iy like .k teal ln-io.e -he c--.ild iK'lt the tliKir ..^ n. and i in h. is.-'l oi :he .c .- After t us came another sea'or. of Mrug- ;l. , b, : w-i e.i ihtec ilignls of sta'rs an,. weici,' ol ;hc l.n. k' ' m -in I i ms. ' " I vc'ioneli, at iant said 1 )...- to her self, as li sat on the lop si iir, Inofcliwrl l:n. .ii . p in th. snow, and was by tiie wind in a drift al the foot ol the step*; but Dove was iiotbing if not a-ln . nli. n-.l ii|. the galtenno inaiHt, a ami slul down to the porch dour. I' utly ibe do, i or arrive. I. He was OTJ io-..\eiv -i. ' and his opinion was not nc, iimof either invalid. He 'Aid he hail about '.'INI pat n irs WAitmg In. him : ami now lu-i' 1 WIK the lili/vanl to make tlinign in -i iln.-i'gli the -.valln, ami ;r- n l .lid round the I. Kilns until It lino. H The .is as though one alo'.ul on: ... and* an-i Hume-' > ga\e no n, i wm.l w c. pel'iii- > i!.-- hard s. Mid lovingly al the, well tilled box ln-s. Then sue went luck t-ibu ii..alid. survey o: the i 'oi'-.i~ I'd.- -r aph t'ompany, but the .Ida. Is of the exploration liave never -ublished. The '.and Survey Depart- ment b i> alhrnif'I it- .; a lri;e tract ot this /jreat interiur platc-au region ..f ^oo.l agri "iltmitl land. It will be .nlciesting :o h.-i O^ilvio'* report upon tins OIMMIOII, ami aUo II|K>II tho ex- loic'im lifl.U in the I'eace liiver .i.-'iuv, which he was expected to Thr litri.-.l lilp -"h live nuutei II ihe -l sadmg niiip allonl. She was launch- ,, , ,, | ,..,, lil( ,. |.- ; ,,.. a |. Arlll . kt R11 ,t her ,|ni,enM .,.s .,, l.cnglU .'Wl feet, brciiillb -lillitl. dt-pih -Jli '-. l. Her uet re^i^ter tonnage .( .'t.o'.M, illi n pail u: against the windows, Ihrough which it HI e. I, '.h.>llgli the outer .Nines w.i.- MUM lo It was an awful night; '.he bUtxara in to wanitnt this, il is ti>o liuge for . W i.llollt some lec.-pt.icl, to |. t.iin II, n.osi I ex.-H-iii.-ni ot .Ion --I in). mils IK w iM.-ii. I IIM ni.-an.s lit.- l.-s. ..[tin: pm- M o! .- , r . n cut that is riches; in an'in.ui- i. and, ihci.-toi... most siimnlaling U> plant ;o"wih. Kresli urine is often so caimtic tl'.it it Iniins veij.-iiition lo u hi. h it i- i]i plied, but it loses this iiijnrioii.-. e'l, , t \t nen I. nn. nlc.l. 11 the hum;, aid IK MM.iil, ON it nilgllt ;.> b", t:ieli sue. essn .- I. .\-isol bed- iling may I"- throw n down, I in- M,I, k ,ug ' n. i 1 1 < to " rule tho wu\es. i ItCClOr llll'ieil ll:l,'. A Ir.igic nn i.ifiit ia i--|Hiiie.i lioml'io. . ha> it -akl i, iii the pi-ovin. .- ..| Ix:. '. >-. I' .land. In the C'linolery ol \iliag., .t lew day* i ago, a local ilocloi was inlei r. .1. 1'ic- tun- rial look pin, e m lift forenoon, M the window* with Uanbote to keep out the homri *te fMred that *lw MmU H.-M-I- get krtpmwagi .i.i.ior.l. She is -quan- tigged nr. Ix cp up Mo temp nun.- to IHI ; through the twelve hours' accnninl ition ..l on :'our ma-:', Inn diiy and night." | snow. What we.? lo bo done? Again she oanTM ..n thl ilth im-t. Hi 'I In: -i. ..;..; i., -i .i, mil stairs, darted into his sleigh and drove up to some other on. of his two hundred cases of Cripjip, hardly ablu hold up his bead lor (lain Dove went to w m k with blankets, tep n Hi.shc.'. if giani IH other coa;L' 'ceil wil .,:. ill in more be . atcn, , thus Inking the place ot good l-.iv and mak- ing lichc-i III.OHIIC. Ce.'oiu H|iiing ilus ac- cumulation ot lidding \ti-.b ln|u..l m.l -,.li,l >n. nt n,. >.-.! should lie plldl in in-ai.s to firmeni. ll is a good plan lo a, 1. 1 a small quantity of pli...-|.h.ii.. well .Iisti ibiitc.l throuflh t'nc heap. Stable iininuie n i; ..... -i ally -lelicienl 1:1 phosphate, es|iuciatly if !aigel\ will, straw. If applied, neither does the good it should, though afior tho stable manure is distributed tht; giani crops should havo an thu ci icinonj was turned to I in n horc -. the sttllli- ill'V a M lon.l mleilnen: I.M-K place, .. - .- , the nea irav,. b. in, ,.. lot, v,,-.n *****' poherdisW I, use she found the Pl ,ai. M I.' In the>nn of In ioei , hammer and naiN, kei-pmg anxious ..' II ov. i ti pen --I..M- w hen- a Iln , -lily, burning in clear red glow . liwius .Iocs ilnimg a pill "< are Itus, she lookn tnan is lined house MKV door. Cod It was a regular block.. 1 .. give me strength, ' pmycii ..,e u..a, v,,-.,, , bad been partially filled "'''.""">"' ;'y <***** in clin B .. lg to Dove fervently, as she Ux-k ih. i bucket m b-- in a few honn pi . I.M,.,.\ . \\hib- the fan oral |, , . . iin-; i in- m. i, mi- : - were hoi i , lie. 1 fco hear a *uco*s*ion ol s s'lbtet tan. .<n noir < . I , ov , i l. om ' hen- .i.-toinithincnl llit-^u soumln w. IL- loiiowed by a .series of ball .-tilled -bucks, which plainly em.tii.iled -:o:uth.: adjacent i;uivc. The ohi.iatmg pi i opjic'i ihe : .-. . i, . , .m. I thu grtucdig- gers, assihteil an far aj posudili by the l.\ si.tu.ieiH, -el to work lo reopen the gi IM-. U hen the ..ilm wm leached il was hiokon "" lir '>" '"^ ' 1 '"--- ""' *** '"' * "| "'"'," '""'' ,'""! "' ^n 1 , very s,nous ,K,.s,t,on additional dose of phosphate, as with tho drill open. U was seen in a moment that the it . ,n; l.cthsli ibiite.l in . out.... t w ilh ill. so aa to ilolhe most good when Iho plant I c gins lostart. Kill the phosphate mixed with manure is llic most certain to do good later in the so .son, ami does not revel l or I.. insoluble. |>.| l l Kiill. r. Tho AiHfii'dn /'n/i/i/nc ..... ntly said, in reference to dairy and creamery butter, that "it is very true that all the private dairies are not equipped us they should I* with labor-saving utensils, nor arc thoy all managed with perfect regard to economy oi -'car. bucks ; but the smile thing is true of reamcii. ..-. The need for impnm-im nt is \s grea' : 'i the one asin the other, lint, the 11144 wviiiuQJit in vrivate da, tying is iniloitunate doctor had been huried alive ; succor had, however, come 'on Into, ami ho had perished Inim ml.,, ai ...n while the work of resouo waa actually in progress. The deceased was found to have linni-.l iipnn IIIH l.-.t In thu agony of suffocation he had bitten Ilia fingers to the bouc, and hud knock- ed his head against the sides of hia humble prison until hie temples wcie covered with binii.e.i. Tho famine fever is increasing at a torri bio rule in Kutsia, After thn ollicial notice of tho accession of Al-kt-s I'atdia has l>cn gi on to tho pjwers, tin- Ixln .live will make a tour abroad, visit- ing (.'onstanlinoplu, Udea*a, St. I'etrnbtirg, VlCUUd, and 1'klll. Ilia lilties, and siiei.m down stairs to tin n on tho ball sieve "full drive." Then she i losed all the. doors except those beloi, eal'ter- heieal Not had -onif lo the hou-u since the doctor left in the morning. >ht! went into her room, o|H-ned the ven pane, and fora second looked into th. ,trcet. There were no sleighs, no cars; in fact not a human l>eing was to lie seen. I in- I ted was simply a sn.iw drift, and it would be an utter impossibility for Dove to get as far as the end of tho block lo lelc- phnne, for help. The last of the coal was now needed for the tile, and there watt no one to gt any more. Dove un.leistiM.d now why Madame abused an old-lanhioned house; Iho coal had to bo kept in a shed Home twenty feet from the kitchen door. She ran downstsurs to look al the sell- feeding stove: that at any rate, waa good for another twelve houis; bin tho supply upslt.irs was utterly ex- hausted. Tho i cgisiering thermometer by this time indicated thirty below /oro, Fahr. l. e., !>8 degree* below free, mg point a degree of cold which only the robust dare go out into opined 'be pane ami looked into 'ho street, only HRI feet In^li ; . If only tho milkman would appear! he w.n heavily ..pan. -I. I one of the kindest men in the world, ami with a oollular double b '.turn, , k ud run carry would do anything to servo I-., r. liul it -.',11(1(1 tons ofw.tcr i'.t.l-st, linn reducing would IMS houis bcl.iie the milkman could tb* expn*e of liallaitinfl ti . mi. , mum. In. il; tin- track and conn in on i t!;,,.,.,, Ih* HsrgMt Britiah ship U UN I.iver|l, tr\ roads. Nor could Dove mi into the ,m, built of iron on tin. Clyde. trccl; the snow It-vl Iriftcd half-way up the ^lu- is ;{.'i.'i tei t long, is tect brm.i, mi -J-- ,. cp. Her fo\ir ru:ait are eat b M ( i.a,f rignd, tratsteii far fron :t. is .-.i.-iiv h.nnlle. I, ami !...-. i nn fnurlccn knots an hour fora whole day. \Vo were mii.-l. impierseil by iitr exceptional si/e. b: beauty she compares unfavorably ivithsucb bhi|i .K t he Tin rmupyln-, or a large wooden - built ship of Ameiica, having bright, U.;ty .spars anil decks as white as a hound's UM.,|-,. IH. n decks do not Irud th.-inselie* readily to ailornmm t. Next in si/e is the I'.vlgrava of 3,07S Ions. The I'tiited States ship Shenandoali of arms of the rosy, fur-clothed monster who Bath, Mn., built by Messrs. Scwal A Co. of i and began to roll herself up in fur* and w raps. Al that very moment came a sound of tamping ontatda. Then a kiml of earth- ..u.tke shook the house; this ,.s --vir.cil by the w i cndiing op -n of the .mlmde door, fnveii in the intense cold. Then the door )HI|I rang. Dove Tind flown downstairs at tho first sound, and now precipititti d hers, il into the stood shaking the dry snow pullets from his nh, .Tack ! whatever made you .lollies. Muck come so early ?" " Oh, I've IMBOII all night in the Irani ; it's stuck fast a mile or two away. \Vo were all so hungry that we ate up every thing." " But how did you get hero?" " I charterm! an old inhabitant lo bring me. I haven t lieen homo yet. I've been bothered all night thinking perhaps Ma dame ami Martha would get the grippe, and you might be left without coal in this bli/- Mid," This was Iho -second lime that Dove had unconsciously brought this brother to her .id at a crisis. The litst tune ho broke hi* thai [Mirt, in the laigest WOIK'S. u .She is .'l.-'.SM tons ret'isUT, and vull car.y about ,'I.IHKI tons ot heavy c.trgu. She has just It-It Sn Kr.iin.sco, ('il., with 11-.',. tHX) centals ot world SI7;.,iK)U. Tin* is the largest grain cai go on record. Another wootlen V!SM-1, Hie Kappahannock, also bin. I at Hath, .Mi-., is :i,0."i:i ton- 00 1 and Till tons of Virginia oak, togethel viilh l.' eilwi, MCI. ii.-etl in hi r . onstiuclion. I'lie largest Kiitish wiKideu slup is the Tliren Hrotlu-rs, ..f -.',iKi:t ton* register, built at lloston, I'mt fd -st.ttf-i, m Is..,'.. She iv .!-';{ feet long. '^ feet broail, and .'SI feet deep. A fuiihei conception ma^ lie formed of the i-ariynn, apauty nf such ships wlii-n we intnlii.i journey and travelled a hundred miles bo- j that the Uiver)KK>l brought "II.IHKI bales o cause be was awakened during the night by i jute from Calcutta to Duu*V-e. ami the Kan j her voice calling him, hi* arrival home lie- ' nahaniim-k took I- >.iKHI cases ol |.-' rol i o t; , rva ome ie- naaniim- too - >.iK aud ouuibat without exhaustion. Tho ther- I ing as oppurluiiu U t-n lln-' second o. c.t:on. from Philadelphia ;.. . ll -in.

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