ME WEEK'S JEWS. I IMDIA1. U is officially slaUx! that the Canadian I -ir- railway is alxiut to build a new hotel II. ".Illl'l*.-. Mr. Mackenzie Bowell ha* returned to Ottawa after his tripthrough British Colum- bia. ): iv in New Itruniwirk isbringingan hi^-h a price u it ever did licfon* the McKiuli-v tariff. It ix estimated that grain ii being shipped out of Manitoba and the North went, per C. P. U. at Ihe rate of lOO.OOO bushels a day. The I'.incr't Iy>uise has consented to be- .1 ;iitr.>nrs of the :i*oci.ttiou for erectii-j u m.-nuineui to the memory ol Sir .l.l.n M.i .lunald. l:> the nrw Itominion cattle regulation a tax ol seven cents a head in imposed to out the law on a'l animals exported Caiikda. An effort i< bring tnad to establish imelt- ii. ;; c'rk* :it Ca!i;arv. The iliscovery there in of oral gas, il is believed, will result Calgary becoming a smelting contr. . lion. J. A. I 'hapleau is of exactly the some a<;ets the Prince of Wales. It M eni mated I hat there are 2,400,000 Frem-'-i in America, of whom there are l,200.OMI>sis* I'rovini-o of Quebec. The deth of Mrs. Holton, widow of Hon. I.. H. Holton, the former Liberal levler, is rrpoi led. She was 75 years of age. Nearly half a million dollars have Iwen expen.led in new buildings in Brandon, Man., thii year. The Karl of Alwrdeen intends to establish a jam factory ou his recently-purchased farm in Bnti-h Columbis. A special calile from I . on. Inn says efforts are being rmv'e to eiiilvrras tbu Canadian <iovi riiiiient in its efforts to induce capita- lists to undertake a fast Atlantic- mail ser- vice. The liody of CeniUble Harris, of the Noith- \Ve>-t Moiinti.i I 'i dice, has been found on the I Mik of the river near Calgary with a bullet wound iu the head. Foul play is suspected. Two Chinese leper* who arrived in Van- couver, It. C., from New York, Iwo month* ago, were turned loose on Tuesday, as the Council refuses to bear theexpeuseaof their ciintenance. The dial of Talbot, I Mom... id Laro*e, charged with conspiring to defraaa 'he De- partment of Public Work*, was opened the other tiny More the Ottawa Policu Magi- strate, and adjourned at the request of counsel to Wednesday. Mr. B. U. (>ler appeared to prosecute. he I. ran. I . rhile m state of somnambulism, walked oft the plat- form of one of ihe cars when the Irain was near Brockville, and miming al the rate of Sunday morninc a passenger ou the Trunk railway No. I express, whil 30 ni-les an hour. Strangu to say the man escaped teriousinjury. The Canada North W'esl Land Company report aalci i.f .T_',!i7.1 acrci for Jlti4,74J for the nine mouths ended Scptrmlu r, i-.impsred with 14,i>4iiai.r<s and ?7'~i for the same period of lut year. An important society event in Ottawa last week was the marriage of Mn i .. -nude I >. Mai -k'-ritosh, d;uii;liti-r of Mr. (i. II. Ma lt-n- tosh, M.P. for Ottawa, and Mr. Firming, son of Mr. Sinfonl Fleming, C. M.I i. tana, last week, tbrxugh Ibe <aS rope breaking. The Kdftmoor lr!ey syndi-ate of Chicago has securen '.''lO.iNNl acres bf land in North Dakota, on which it is proposed lo place Herman formers lo raise barley for malting pur[H>ss. An otliciil report of the earthquake in Japan to th* Japanese minister at Washing- ton tjive* the number of killed as 0,500; in. juretl, !I,IM ; houies totally destroyed, 7,500, and badly damaged, PJ.OOO. Cnl. .lohn F. Mine*, in ihe Octolier num- ber of Ihe North American lleview, announc- ed that he had been cured of the malady of driin tennis. Ten day* ago he went on a prolonged spree v. Inch left him in theguttci . He was sent lo Black well's island and iiie.1 there yestciday Ir. 4rn.U In <rw lerh. At the reception given him by the Lotus Club in Nw York lost week, Sir Kdwin Arnold said some nest things in reply to the address of welcome. He told hii audience that he had not the conceit to believe that thesplendiil welcome of the evening was int. -n. if, I solely for him, or for his writings. " In truth, "said he, "although I say this in a certain confidence, and do i.ot wish the observation to go far beyond this banquet chamber, I have no high opinion of myself. The true artist can never lose sight of the abyss which separates his ideal from that which he hoi reali/ed. 1 am confidently and joyously aware that in my comparatively unimportant persou, gentlemen, you salute m. - _ f. . . K* * - "Ml , VII V IICUI t, VI VI 1*1 1 Ut I1C The first case of a Canadian woman Iwing older Kngland which also loves you deportod under the Alien Contract Labor | n j through me to-night warmly Law.of the United States was that of Mrs. , ,in,erelv ,,. Mr, charac- teristic of your land and of the Lotus Cub in parti jular, the heart of that olher and well. Mary M. Julmson of Welland, Out, Mrs. lohnson went to Buffalo under contract in September lo work as a milliner. At soon as Inspe. lor De ISarry discovered her h . sincerely greets you. Moreover, the lowliest amboasador derives a measure of dignity from the commission of a mighty sovereign, and the conviction thai support* me this evening is Ihat in bat he suspects Paris green. IX i The winter has commenced with unusual severity in Kastcrn K'trope. The British convict steamer Enterprise foundered in a cycone in the bav of Bc:iga! ou Monday last and 77 of her crew of s;i were lost. Brigandage is increasing in stricken districts of Knssia, where desperate mm are plundering freight trains and sack- ing farms and mansions. Russia is greatly annoyed because the Porte has refuied permission to disinter the KUISIUII soldirrs who were killed durn. Kusso-Turknh war ou Turkish soil and have them buried with honors near Constanti- nople. The pope is said to be suffering from rw~ I. ml an..-nna, and his condition is cauking ap- prehension. '- supports me thin evening is that in my un- ure.1 her discharge and sent her back to worthy self the men of letters of the cisat lantic lauds arc here join ing hands, and that Mrs. Marie Halloran, of Wohurn.Mas*., a ' if 1 may in humility speak for my literary young woman who has been only live weeks countrymen they also here and now warmly a wife, was arrested on Monday charged with salute tiiose of your race, not the tests warm- attempting to kill her hushard by mixing ly because America has wholly decreed a poison with his food. She claiuu it was love : signal deed of justice toward Knglish authors powder t'i increase ber husband's affection, in her copyright act. I am not what Can- ning described as the friend of every country but his own. Rather in Ihe best and worse sense of the word, I am a darn Britisher, who rejoices lo ihink lhal her Majesty, the sovereign, is the l*st sod noblest of all noble ladies, and that Ihe 'Queen's morning drum beats around the world.' Hut it was an American who first uttered thst fine phrase, and your greatness ihe famine- | 'o ""arches to the glorious reveille. You, too, besides your own ample glories, have a large part by kinship and common speech in the work which Kngland has done and is doing in Asia by giving peace and develop- ment to India, in Africa by fostering com- merce ami preserving order, in Kjjypt by opening Ihe dark Continent, as well as peopling Australia snd many a distant colony with her industrious children. Half of all this I consider is America's, as I also claim a large and substantial part in the spread of the Anglo-Saxon race through this vast New World under thai lovely and The Ni/m of Hyderabad spends 910,000,- CCO a year. The fact that he has 5UO wives counts for his extravagance. Cold weather prcvailslhroughouH iermany and the ground is covered with snow. A postman has been found fro/en to death. The recent elections in Chili reunite.) in a lovely honored Iwnnrr, about which I must ihink our old poet was dreaming when he sang llrrlu'htnemand l>rifhlnc- do thine in such pJstsdsf That none hut the Ulan arc Ihought tit lost tend her." lleynml all I saw wo share together that HIM I II IMOI M. Experiments made on the Experimental Farm at Indian Head with a view to deter- mining the utility of smudges as a protect- ion against iiimmtr frosts in the North- West having proved a failure, the superintendent of the farm says in a letter lo Ihe press i " While I would be very sorry lo ask, or Ihink of asking, any farmer not to try smud- ge?, I claim the privilege of advising them to plsce less dependence on smoke and more ou early grain, early pul in." A cablegram from London says : The chambers of agriculture of the United Kingdom are taking up the subject of fair trade, or modified protection. On Tuesday next Die Central Association Chambers will discuss a motion for a fiscal imperial federation with tho nearett approach to free, trade obtainable within the empire. The motion proposes a moderate tariff, mlHcient to place competing foreigners at some die- advantage, snd tending to remedy the evils of injustice to home industries, due t > unfettered composition with free imports and hostile lands. " No settlement has yet been reached of the trouble between Chili and the United States. In spite of the fact that they have fi'-'.OWI.OOO people againat 3.000,000, the L'nited Stales have been trying lo bluster and bully the Chilian junta into making immediate reparation. Chili has shown its good sense, and given '.he Washington Gov- ernment a lessen in patience, by bidding Mr. Blame to await the result of an investiga- t ion now in progress under the lawsof Chili. Mr. Blame, President Harrison and Ihe Republican parly press are spitting fire, but Chili n still calm, and in Ibe face of Ihe fac lhal that fugitive from Knglish justice, the I States Minister to Valparaiso, Mr. Patrick Kgan, is doing his level best to bring about a conflict. The London "Times" says thai ihe figures given by the French < Jovernment u an esti- mate of the harvest show an immense defi- ciency in wheat, both in area and yield. There were under wheat crops 5.8HI.507 hectares, or about 14,.V8,767 acres, which is 3,105,580 acres less than laat year. This falling off was due to the great destruction ot the wheat plant by frost and rains during the winter. The estimated yield of wheat is 81,889,070 hectolitres, equal U> about ', k JJ,l4,!M2 bush- els, and, when this is compared with Ihe 3-21.S18.670 bushel crop of H'JO, it will be seen that there is the great deficiency of money 4.19TBKB I In- liirmlr<l tslallr < holrra Ha HI In III" I .iniliir VIM. Urn IH-Irl, 1,. An cpitieniic, which ii tlescn**d in lou e of the recant dispatches aa tho Siberian plague and in otlieri a* typhus, is officially reported to have made Hi appearance in the famine-stricken districts of Russia. The (Government reporU iutied at St. Petersburg admit that the peasants urn dying of it by thousand*, and so fat that it is impossible to l.ury them with religious rites. It is probable, however, that the epidemic in question is neither the Siberian pUgue nor yet the typhus, but the Asiatic cholera, a pestilence which past experience li.ia shown to have iu variably followed in the wnkc of every groat famine. And, in- a* much as the ravages of the disease are always many hundre.i and even thousand fold more extensive than those of the famine and yet proportionate thereto, the official announcement of the Muscovite Senator BaranorTto the effect that over 30,000,000 peasants are face to face with starvation and perishing for lack of food, may convey some Motory for the Lil*ral party. | wi ||| )e our common . w)e our common duty, and I Ihiuk our Admiral .lorg Monti was elected Presulent. . II1Mi , It ,,, to e , ut /,', h the ^, !>__.-.. A L.. _!.> n* L _..!.: I .1 _ __ I _____ i . \ _*i r .". !Mi,o23,728 bushels, approaching a t the preceding y icM. This means a loss to the French agriculturists of probably over fJO.000,000. The meteil crop (mixed wheat and rye) covered a larger area thin glorious language of Shakespeare which il year than last, but the yield was only 10,001- luty, and I think our "'-"* bushels as against 13,106,630 bushels in Arthur RethaaUld, a nephew of the head uf the great rinaucial house is serving hit PJ r 11 nit hi in the French army as a private suldier. If a settlement is not arrived at by the (in Sni.ilny ,-\ ruing nn leaving a Salvation . y ,', rmy iii.-e'.ii.g .it i:;.,..inti. 1.1. Out., a man , init-.i Kmiiry Ferguson was attacked by a , Army nani party of roughs, lie drew liii revolvrr'lo defend himself, l.ut in tin- struggle llmt en sued the revolver was dim-haivi-d. null im a wound on Ferguson lhal it is fean-d mU prore fatal. ulltAT IIKITAIS. A severe epidemic of inlluen/.a prevails in Dumfriesshire, Scotland. Sir .John (iorst hai beon appointed -. >. Ury of the Treasury. Mr. liwrgti lUwkeiworth Bond, M. I', fur Kast Dorsetshire, Kn k - ., .1,. I U s t H, (K , II was a Conscrvaln. lames Fergussmi, British Poatmaster- Central, announces that in future r soUhcra will have preference for employment as post n i. n Munduy. tin- fiftieth anniversary of the birtli of the IVince of \Valex, his Royal Hii;liin-fi u presented with a mn^inlicent gold cigar bo* weighing our him. lied oun -ei, 1 1. 1 gift of the theatric*! profeason of I. m d'.ll On \Vf.ln*day morning Hv. Frederick Ilaifonl, minor canon of West minster, wan fined $N for tieiiig drunk and disor, Icily III. j.icvioiu infill. I; in Mtatcd tlmt dip Knglmli>erali are greatly exenuMil ever the .|u> .linn of Ml. GlsdatosWs loscsssHr, is Sir. William Ver- iion II., i. unit's mi|>aiii.l In. , 111, lulesliiin out of the running. 'I iif retuinsof the British Hoard of Trade for Octolici ihow that the imports decreas ed fsTn.iiiKi.,!,,! the etporls decreased F.J, nlo.liOO as i-niii|.Hrrd with (hose for the coiicnpondinK month last year. Mi. .1'ilin K IU-.linon.l, the defeated can- dnUte for tin late Mr. ParneU'a seat, .il'i i tlie result of the poll hail I.n-n mumum -c.l, declared hn intention ..f ( .mtmuing the struggle to ilitain recognition l>y I| H people of Ireland of the I'arnethte priuci pics. A number of ladiei til Longford have de ci.lnl to |iir-ul a silver niiiunted whip to Ml. MuDsTlBOU, Uhoon Tl.e.-.h.y _.., \ll '1'iin Mealy K horsewhipping in I) ,i,|;i, [, speak iii^ in a derogatory nianniT ot the widow .,( the Insli leader. There will he a htg convention of women's labour aocittifmii l..,h,i. n, ,.). m l>c.-eiul,cr, and it is hoped by the n,.n\.^. T \'i. (.Udstune will fie pi.-. 1.1 ,u.| ^ivp the women the benefit ofhii views ..n the labour (jnsstioii, and especially 111 Us it lo Women. I'NITFbiiTlTBB. It IK I'Mllliale.! Hod III. If Ml> lU.iUHI an- i uiiil no.'i.ili i- in ( lurago. The New York SUM num.' the l!c|nii.lican ti. kct in UK: \- . I i, .-.idcniial tight as Hlaiuc and MoKioley. At Shelbyville, 1 ml., a voting lady is liv- ing .'ii the flesh uf .1 Lit Newfoundland pup iii ,. ii endeavor to i me hemt-lf of u- imi, n i i-in nn tiers w. re killsil and two fa- ' ii' Aii..touii.i lulu. , MI-II- end of thiii month the combined fleets of the power* will seixe Shanghai and other Chin- ese ports and take control o! tl.e custom* until ("In mi has niven aatiafaction for thr recert outrages. A dea|Mtch to the London Times says that it is probable an attempt will lie made in lli.u-il to overthrow the K.-|iublic an<l restore the Kmpire, and that Duui 1'edni'n grandson may become chief of the Stair under a regency of three pri>minent citi/i-ns. Sev-re snowstorms continue in Bulgaria. At some points the snow U ti<n feet deep. | Many jMjrsoni have died from the effects uf and IhouaaniU of cuttle n<l sheep lost. Niimerous wrecks aie re ptirted in the lilac k Sea. The Utnaril Orcnn falilr. Tho longrit (x-ran niblr is that l>etwi-en Usbon and llra/il, wln.-h wan laid ilnnn in HTt It. Inigin i< i;,s|(i mil,.,. That U- twiTii ^in^iuur, ("iina, and Auitralia in 4. (i-ii null-* linij;. and iH-tween I'rancenncl the 'A'f-t lihlirn 'J./.M nnlen. Th,- I, Vis miles of IK! WITH Iicl.ui.l an.l Xi w toiiiii!!.iii,l i- i \. ,'d l.y that lirtwi'eii Ire- l.ind an. I Ni'tt S I'lL, whi.'li i 'J.KKI mil, -MIII '.ii^'.h. 'I l.v d.-li-rn Tel.-nr|)h Coinpuiy h:.\. I7,(HKI iniltj. nf IK vane-able, niaUlnglh, complete cii.:uil of Africa, and touching at iirulv all thr important placet ruund it* coaits. A curious thing ahcut tclci-riims fruiii the FJut ovf r ^leal lengths of ruble 01 wins is that they arrive in this c.iiintiy nn K ' Uilime) before I hey are despatch- <d. l..r imUn.f a depat<-li hnndcil in t >iii r ',|...if t I! minutes post armed at tl.e ( vneral 1'imt Ollice, l.ninl. n, lit . r ia.m.; oi.efrom Suakim, which ilartc.l at 7. -"a.m., anne.l at .V 1 .".! u. in ; hilc another, M'uih leave, in India, until II i.. m., inaimueil l<> uruve in L/miion at li.l^, ..i ne.irly tin- h.,.iih earlier than, ii..'. r. iiny to Iiulian inn. , it win ilenjiat, I,, ,1 -dilfei fin < i.f Inii^itiiilv ,i inting for these apparently ilaitling contradictions. tongue of the globe. '1 sin seems to be ins It ii stated that the council of the British table, not without a certain philological Conservative National Union have in pro regret, since.if I weretochooaeanoldlongue, j ceat of incubation an electorml programme I think I would prefer, for its music and its which promises to outbid that adopted at majetty, th? hfautifulOastilian. Neverthe- i *'" Newcastle Liberal congress. Semi-orti- lea>, the whole world must eventually talk our speech, which is already so prevalent nally, the platform can be stated as follows : Cessation, with the adoption of the local that to circuinuavi|;ate the globe none otKer government bill, of special Irish legislation 'and the concentration of the attention magnitude of the peatiience to have made its appearance itnr.Tssary.andcvrntliehy streets of Japan, the liazaars of Indit anil China, and the villages uf Malaya ou half their write up the na IK. and goods in Engl not this alone well nigh enough to link us in pride and pence ?" liup " mh. 1 ' " I .1 ... u .- Ibr M ,,i III.,.- rr.n I. ii. .. Like the leosoim, and almost with their regularity, the ne wnpsners of the maritime . I..MII.IH retuintotlieili..-us3ionofthe<|ues. | of their licenses, and tho lion of the union uf three provinces. The ] of a bill providing for insurance against of Parliament on British affairs ; extension "' popular local government by the creation "' district councils ; allotment of small holdings for laborers, administered by dis- trict councils ; legislation for the arbitration of strikers ; a frte breakfast table, meaning the lowest possible taxation on tea, coffee and cocoa ; a reduction of the duty on tobac- co ; thr vesting of the power of licenMii^ in the county councils, with a proviso for the compensation of publicans deprived introduction idea of the which teems iu Russia. The Imperial authorities, we are told, are adopting the most stringent measures to cope with the disease. But, unfortunately, it is beyond their power to provide the only real and efficacious remedy for the malady an adequate qntntity of good and healthy food. So long as they are unable to do this, all the striugenl measures which they may devise to arrest the progress of the epidemic are likely to prove unavailing. Both public and private charity stand paralyzed in the presence of a demand for food frcm 30,000- 000 starving wretches and not even the whole of ihe great sum of money which Ihe Czar has just succeeded in borrowing a' Paris would sutiice to keep hunger from their door during the terrible Russian winter that is now at hand. Should present fears be realized and Russia become Ihe starting-point of another invasion of Western Europe by cholera, the civilized world will have a terrible account to settle with the Crar. For it is at his door that the responsibility for the present famine lies, and it is he, therefore, who must be held answerable for the pestilence which is resulting therefrom. Unlike other greal famines known to history, the present one in Russia is due, not to natural causes beyond the reach of human control, but to a purely administrative origin. If there has been an entire failure of the crops, not in one, bul in twenty Provinces of the Km pire, il is attributable entirely to the fact that little seed was sown, and that few neldswtre tilled. The target part of the vast agricultural area of European Russia Was left uncultivated. The reason for tins was that the peasantry had had their im- plements and cattle seized by the Govern- ment for nonpayment of taxes, while the Imperial policy cf persecution and expulsion ot ihe Jews hcd deprived Ihe mojik* of their customary means of borrowing the money lecded for Ike purchase of seed ou ihe j security of ihe crops .o be grown therefrom. I And, inasmuch as the scarcity of gram as well as of money will have the effect of still further restricting the area now under cultivation, it is probable that the famine and the consequent pestilence will lie more appalling in Russia next year than they now Montreal Star, ays that the scheme is a sort : old age. "To these positive proposals of rrpealingdrcnnal in the political oalcu- 1 must be added negative principles na Utioui down l.y theses. For half a century turally b -longing to conservatism, mclud- &I.A..I .. I. .- I.- I. . ^_ I . I 1 . J Mint it h.ii I*, a discumed ut intervals anil always relegated b.i k to the shelf. On each occasion the ilithculty hoi l.--n m getting any of the government-, to take steps to In mt ../...ut a compromise, and thus since in. I'. il\ H-i mill III. ikr upMi'tl.-al IIIOM-, (111- riiKsiiin .li.-dout. < >nce in h a com promise did take plan, and re.-.ulted in bringing .il ou! the confederation ot the Dominion. The in iginal scheme was swallowed up by the greater proposal. Hut now, when tl.e necessity forrefoim and ictrciichim nt in all .lepai tin. -ills of both Pro\ Fcdcia! < ..ncrnimnts in fast becoi I.... "i, us! and mosl pressing que prenervation of peers' privilege 'ioction of local option. In th c. .'ium K - stion of IN. I ISM thr day, the proposition for maritime union ought to fairly lake shape on its merits. in the Hi out, has only Tie wan n law in his II. -. Ml. .1 ||. He had studied V'.unj! in :,.!(,. I n . IMI. othec Ontario, as a writer i I i i.i recently pointed o-ie Himple legislative assembly of iimcu OIK- meinbi-iH for a population of J, I I'.'.li-'.i. On the older hand, a population in the maritime provinces of only NS ,!K(."i lias three governors, three governments, tin. -i- IcgiHUtuc . oiiucilx, three assemblies and OIIH fin ml red and fi'ur legislators. Those provinces are ijiiite compact and are now 1 1 i\e:c,d in every due. 'turn by railways. 1'nioii should, therefore, lie a possibility, il personal claims aud ambitions could be sat' mlied or si t mde. l!ut the number of per- HOIIS who would be displaced and the finally re'treiland g.ivo the business to him. On* day. lens than a week after the old gentleman hu.l retired, the young man . .inn mi. I proudly itai.l : " Father, you know that old (iilpin estate case that you have lieen trying for years and I his father , necessity which would uise for pro\ idmg ytm to settle. " Vc." answered the father with a '. i\ of a iiiiile. "Well, it didn't take me two i setlloit after I gut at it." " What !" shout rd the ..1,1 lawyer. have settled the liilpin estate V " Yes ; and it was juat as easy ax oil a loj{." " Well, you infernal idiot, ymi ! Bug- lays to " You rolling Why, that estate ha* |Mucl the living expenses of ilv foi four generation*, and might HI them for four more, if I hadn't [Lu wiiton our famil have pai I 'i the luiiiness to a ninny. Journal. The s. imtili. v. ni Id of h'rance is still nrg- for ini*t of them, at least temporarily, would he a serious Imr to retrenchment for a long time. None of the province* like to surrender tlieir autonomy. They feel that they gave away too much at the time oj to church disestabliihmeut and the niaiuteiuuce of denominational schools i and the rej matter of an eight-hour work day, in refus iii^' to dully with which the party trailers will In- linn, the platform does not give the electors a .'..inpti lienive proepsct of re- fin in e.|iiul to that ilforded uy the t.ibe i.i I'l-ograinmc, l.ut it is freer from fads and more immciliately practical. The Liberal orgam/ers arc convinced that the result of the election will )>e largely dependent upoi; the rural vote, and will arrange a series of l.ilxircru meetings, culminating in a confer- ence in December of agricultural delegates, at which Mr. (iladttone will deliver a final a-ldress before starting for Italy. It is ex- pected that the total number of delegates will be KOO. lr>rle The remarkable performance of Wmdle when he rode one mile ou a safety in 'J. l.'i, an. I tlie long distance exploits of AsMnger, Martin, and o'her bieyelitts tiding at Madi- son S.|iurri;ar. leu, Now York, make iiitcreiit- ing comparison between the bicycle and tho sulky as claimants for the honour of being the fastesl of two wheeled vehicle*. Sur- prising as it may seem, the bicycle is faster than the sulky for all distances except one mile, two miles, and the half mile ; for this the two vehicles are must be remembered lAiufeiTeration, and Inat further surrender I " Urt ; W completely of the last ' last named distance practically tied. It th it the bicycle race begini from a "itand ing " start, while the sulky has a " flying " The ilitlei cnce between the two Harts would Btup f t from three and one-half to i-lii. i ll indc|ieiidcRcc. I h.-\ admit that union would simplify and vastly i-hciipcii the system of government, but those other considi-i litmus are held by many as of inoir inipoitaii. c. U heat cr..pi of the past season, according to i he estimate of Mi. .1. H. I.awcs, an eminent authority, will f.ill ii|i|ircialdy be- L.'.v that of the preceding year, and neoessi- late urgei |iui\!iiiacs abroad to supply the home rniuiremenU. Tho total consumption is placed at '-N, .'-.', !Nil M uaruia of eight husheli, of which I ho I'.iitish crop will sup. ply about eight and it third million ,|imi I . ingthe (ioveinini nl to make haste with the' leavmir, the rci|iiin nients f imported wheat railroad which IK i.i :.|.au tho Sahara, and at 'J<l,liUO,U4Mli|uaileiHiir liM),INN),(MlliunheU. bring the -a I Slates of the Son Ian, whither tin \ ii n, i< ..i nut, into touch with the world. It i.-rcihun thai this road will some day lie built, and it is equally certain that if the Mohammed nn Suites ol Tins enormous (|uantity the I'nited States mid < '.Hindu will lie able to supply without iini.'li.liili.-ulij out of tlicirabundttiitsurphis, tor, ni'uording to the estimate of Henry CIsweiAt'o., the crop in the lulled Stats's th. -,.u. I .n ,11. . M r t.icomu into I ne n. IK i. ' has yielded MOUl 800,000,000, or onu-thild lations with Western nations, Ihe proponed more than last ) ear, of which at U-t I. .11, IMNMM n InisheU will be available for export. It is very iloubtful, in view of those figures, wlicilici thr puco of Hill riileau high daring ths, nct few muitlix as was at one time expected, more especially at tho cereal fi. m Russia bos not bvu prohibited. railrua.l i -. n.. .l.'<l to hrmg it l.o,ii Ii,. i i-\ |.e.lin HI to Lake /Tchad last u inter h arntd t noiigii to i. .in luce everyltody that the iiiHuunce of the white race cannot he- I 'v - ful in that country until there u ii UlUi- futilities for reaching it. ti < o HCCOII.IH in the mil. 1 . Hence to compare t In- two about fotirneoc ndsmust he subtract- ed from the time of the bicycle. Thus, if a hu ycle innkea i I A lor the mile, its lime is virtually to '2. 1 1 when compared with thesulky's time. The following comparison of records is interesting : Ml- I X .'I. IN Timo 0.10 15 Zimmerman I. oil Tjlur - I . \\ '.mile iii I ,i|,,r 7.17 2 j i i,iu,.ii,l Hi; I ' ' laMa 2-A Onmond '.'in I S Osmoad TKIITTINll, Time M iiudS etunol Sunol i n 7.11) 10.1 Jj UtU M.26 F.yWIiher'n Huntress Rntelllte Ladv Ma. k ( 'oiitroller CaptalcOo'n A little Irish girl, in her Catechism class, . unfounded tlie aniwer alx)iit 1'urgatory with tlio i|uestion about marriage, and to \Vh.u is matrimony ?" ' A place where souls tho interrogatory, Iv rsipottdsa, sutler for a t hue on account of their sins. ".lames, how much is (our, pins eight, plus oue'r" askd the ttwu-hor. "Uou't know, "said .J.iiu.s. " \\CII, K.ippo<. I fe .\e fourapplesto Harry, eight apples to Charlie, and one to you. What would it be t" " A cold day fur me,'' whunpeied James, The M...I K Wvrlts of II a ma Ubesir. The following are some of the most re- markable works of human labour among the ancients The pyramids in Kgypt, the highest of which in 4*1 feet and 'J.>.'t tect on the sides, the base covering 11 acres ; tha great Temple at Baalhec, some of the stones of which were o'J feet long, 'JO feet broad, and l.'i feet thick : the ruined city of Ti.i- hiimaco, in Bolivia, celebrated for the mas- sive nature of the stones employed in its temples and fortresses, there being in one Kg I K-k of the walls a gigantic mass of rock which weighed '',">(>, <HN) Hu. ; tho aqueducts for upplying ancient Rome with water ; tho aqueducl at Nimes ISO f-et high -. and the Palace Temple of Karuack at Thebes' Amongst the most remarkable work* of human labour of modern days are th. Canal ; the tunnelling of the St. I Jot hard : the bridge across the Forth -.and Ihe removal of the stone-built I'elham Hotel, Bunion, W feet iu height and weighing 10,000 tons, for a distance of 14 feet in seventy hours, the work being required for the widening of a street. Undoubtedly one of the most mar- \e I .us works of modern cnlerprise H ihe Va i hctci Canal, now in course of con- struct mn . the object is lo convert the city of Manchester from an inland town into a port by connecting it with tho Mersey. Tlse Html rerrerl l>cie. u..- t..r. . IB Ihe World.) The Parisian detective system is probably the best organised of any. It is divided into two classes ; the " Agents de la Surete:'' and the " Agents de la Police Secrete." The former have duties very similar to those ot our detectives ; they wear plain clothes, and ar> a hardworking and respectable body of men. The latter are virtually spies ' ' M uuciiards" as they are nicknamed -and are drawn from "all sorts aud conditions of men, ' and women too. They are to be found amongst the best society, and the lowest, from the dandy of the Boulevards to the fennle beggar in rags. Their duty is to report ixniversationa, especially political, they overhear lo Ihe Prefect ot Police, who in linn reports to Iho Minister of the Interior. Iu each /-n.< m>nt there are four police eommis.iry olliccrs, or eighty iu all, where anyone can lodge information or complaint* These are distinguishable by Ibe red laiupaliove the office door. The total strength of ihe police establishment in Paris is about vt'i.tHK) -almost double the London torce, and for a city half the size. The secret agents are all furnished with cards, bj nifiinaof which in an emergency, they can claim protection from the police. By this me. in-, everything is known ami recorded about dwellers iu PaiU, and the ys,. espionage is iu nearly perfectly as it can be. The man who attacked the Cy.arewitc.hat Otsu, .lap.m, and who was sentenced to life imprisonment, died last week uf pne. Mouia. "These liah, my dear Mrs Hi-nricks," re- marked the minister, who was discussing a Sunday dinner with Ihe family, 'are .'i lo loiisly fresh, I am enjoying th-fcn u-ry iiuuh. Fhey oughl to be fresh," wlun- I', l.l.y, also enjoying them t "pa caught them this morning."