f'H fe FLESHERTO'ft Ad VANCE OFIU'ti 01 GEO. MITCHELL, FLESIIBRTON. \ general l.inliiii uniaa(8 Drift* iiun.l ml i-hnqiiMi cashed s't uviial ri Mono alwnyii viUl IIP (or logitmotu buniue&a enterprise. " Tii u tw.i I'jurs north o< HiofcRvil. DM A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Past Wrrk Carefully 4 ullrtl for the furious. niitirf* amimii toriil* teiM Itt A-ryf'< 'it Ulf ri'tr nf I IV ff imr *' nt.-'li rK.trrtinti. A r*1*rti-''M far ?"/i Hound lost see advt. elsewhere. Boys' lubbers ami oYershot-s. Now i* the time to m't them. An iiiiiuvnse took at .M. Richardson A Go's. Parties *-aii:iiit( Irvuini's or driving init, rithur in leather ur dogskin, would do well tn full at W. U.irnlioiMu 3 boot & ihoo sli>>[>. Mr. Barclay'*. advertisement wanting carpuU woven should HI *r work Mil tnn*. U still without a telephone. We belicre Mr. Stephens, druggist, will Live charge of tho line them. Mr. Ttt. 1'mrks, of Tyrone, asserts (positively that lie rai0<J thin year 118 bilahttls of wheat off two ard a half acrua. It it Ml i<nersJly knowi Ui-it the post pffie authorities prohibit p.st masters from (jiviiijj letters or papers out of their o lioM tu oluhlrrn under ID yvars of age. A bi,' itorui held possession of tliis se.- tion uf criintry from Sunday ni^li. until Tuesday night, starting with rain anil udiiij{ with suov, supplying us with the first sleixViiift of the winter. WA.NTIII A rotpinsthle practical saw ye to take half interest in w . ahingle and lath mills. Apply at Furniture fac- tory, tleshiffcui Station. J. K. Moure, . 4 Every lf s-ripttu of boot, long or short, Rubber, Kelt or Leather, suitable fur Uk> seaaou and at prices which speak fur thetnsvlvus.at M. Kioliardson A CV. Ex-Aid Moses, of Toronto, and K-v. W. A. Kodwi-ll, uf Allies street churrh, Toronto, are IH.WIII^ special revival -. i TIC** iu the Methodiit church at Maxwell for a few days this work. The iii(.-i-"n_:* ln'^sti on M inilaf nt:^rt and the gentle- nu-n will return home r'ml.iy morning. Keep the Bw>* Harm, nd /<-t one of those nice Military Overcoats at .M i A Co v We indurstaud that liro. Lang ha* do- cidd '.u sever bin conduction with the Owu N. mml Sun and will shako the dust of that town fr.-m i-ll' li.s No. 10 Ixpi'U. We bvliuvu he h.n not an yet de- cided where lie will looalo, but Impo he will liml a suitnlilo borth. Messrs. Pratt & diwholin will manage the Sun hereafter. There was a tntal euliine of tl.a moon >n Sunday bight in two souses f the word. It wax ecliip.^ed by the earth and by clomU. In onlur to observe the offects <>l the former it would hare been necessary to climb above the clouds. W attended church insU'.-id and therefore e MP!'.>t furnish :t r.-j...!! l>n the [phcnun - eir. Slacks of full cloths, grcjr nnd white Itlnnkcts. I'innneU, etc., etc., at M. A Co's. Sj far .is we hare heard only six leer have been captured this fall in the <<pWNshi(< of C'ulliiixwood, Oapiey or I'rpp- fppii, although many huiitCM have been nftor tlu-iii, v,lii.-!i t>ppc IIP show that tlio fleet (<Hitfd deer aro either Dotting scarce r tli.\t they have loarnod how tu "fleet ' awny from the huntsmen. The Aitvanco tenders its sympathy to Mr. Jtaiah (iiiiiiKy, treasurer of the town- hip of Osprey, in llw sore bereavement cuUaiiK'd by the death of his wife on Still lOi.y liitt. Mr. ('amey lias been an invalid for some tii-io liut the end was tot thought to be near. {Hooding at the lungs was the immediate cause of her death. The Lady (i<pdiva must have had ex- ceptionally luiiq hair since it completely coN.v.iirt 1 II.T luvely person. Sintxi Ayer's Hair Vigor came into use such samples are iv>t so r.ire as foruierly. It not only promotes the growth of the bair, but K>ves it a lioh, silken texture. told Out- Tbo soiira stock of ladies' fvp U>i gh! fi thin .irasoii by M. Rich- aniaon A. Co. is sold. They expect a first consignment of new (tomb) this week and more to follow weekly, as they are niaimfuctur"d expressly to their Older. Nice xoods t close prices. Collars, tapes, mttffpj, mantles, cajw, etc. Joe l*ark hu bn re-onj-SKod as band- master of Sliciliarim citweii's band fr IH'.rj, and he will do it still greater ser- vice. Joe is a bru musician. How to save money is a problem that iuUirunts everybody. One way to do it is to iuriu"i:\le tJe ytv with Ayer'a S-irfuiparilla. tteiiid a bi^My uoncentrat- ed M<XHl me<UciH*t i*. is rtc m<Wt power- ful and o^pinoirtrCaK It is wild for a dol- lar a bottle, but wor!!i live. Mr. John BrwMi offers elsewlwre a farm for sale or to rent, titirited li miles from Owcu S..iiud. It in orT,Tod at a price which wakes it a genuiiiu tui\p for sum oire. Ailiuittfd by Ail-Our all uol fancy :lres ijonds, ill dr^ns lentlis, are very much admired, and are selling fast. Ladies, if )" want an ulexant dress now is your time to gat it from M. llichiird- soii * On, The truo uowspap:r is supixised to chronicle all the news as it happuiis, in ^o,,d n-atiable form, anl t> cater no more to one f*p><>tt than ( annthct'. How- ever, tltu iiews ( iaper fre<iuently tinds it- self in trouble for simply performing the duty which custom asid the demands of the raadirn; f*bl have laid down for it. It is simoly impodaiUe to please etery- oiie, and as a result every newspaper has ,ts ciieiuies. The paper that does not have them is reardetl as a poor, brm- IDSM, insipid affa;r. Auction Sale*. An Auction sale of farm Stock and Implements, the properly of the late Wil- liun Uavi<isii, will Itu held on lot. 13, con. 12, Ospey, on Weduusday 2 mat., coinmeuciug at 1 p.m. sharp. J Speers, auctioneer. Church NewB. Itev. Mr. Tongo will preach at the station at 10. M clock a. in., ou Sabbath next. The children of the various churches in t'.vk n aro busily preparing programmes f..r '.he Christmas aid New Year's n- nivcnanea. Hew (fR. .M.-srs. Bellamy & Henderson have liltvd a luuidsuuie ii.-w olhce in liichiird- son's block next door tu Mitchell's bank, and are now as cosy a* dormice. The piMu-u is neut and much inolu uoiiviuiunt i"r business purposes than the uld one. Call in and see them. A Dicker. Mr. John Itrown, of lot 107, :t, X. E., has axchanged his oU acre farm *uh Mr. .1. -i.il I i.illp-l. of Suilllldulo, alippiil four uiiles from Stayner, for another farm of 100 acres, and will remove IIIH f.unily to their new home net spring. Mr brown is a 'jood citi/.un and ihu tonnahip will suffer a loss. Thanksgiving Dy. Service* wore held in all the churchus IPII Thanksi<ivinx Day Mrth-itliitt in the I-I.-II.L.II, Presbyterian in the afternoon and Kaptist in the evening. At tlio lat- ter church there wi-ru thi-i-o bpti*m. ll.ni it not been for the Division eomt strAiiger* might hae thuut(ht Flesherlon a town without inhubitaiits, things weru so very iniiet. One of The Conspicuous Wonders. The Family Hentld aiipl Weekly Star, Montreal, has benn enlarged and vastly >mprov*d. It is really a wondoiful paper. Its SUCCOM is plieiionii'iial. ll's not strautte people are womliTini' IIPPW such a magnificent paper can b supplied for 10 small a subscript inn. PaopU who are interested in the wondu-i ppf the a^e slippu.d see th Kannly Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. Corbetton. The foUowiug item from an cor. at Curbettoti, was handed (> ug on the street and ovoi lipoked in getting up matter for last week's | > r- However, bolter late than never. To the KJitor of The In,.,. I IK.VK SIR : 'I'ho ever memorable .">th of November was calebrated here to dny. Dundalk lod^o of youni{ llrittoiis, who turned out n inasHo, headed by their leader, Mr. J. W. Morrow, marched into the village on horse back recall ad in full uniform, making a nne procession and rulieving the dull monotony of this, at lhr times, quivt haiidxi. After pararf- injj tlircpi;li the main streets they funned theimielve* into one graud reKimont and brtsiei-r't the hall in <nnrctiin with the Presbyterian ci.urch where a bountiful repast WHS aproad for them by tint wife of our worthy friend and loyal Oranuo- man, Mr. .Ian. Corbett. We must not forget to mention having seen Mr. Win. CroHshfiy and Mi\ ArmstriiK, re|irosenl- ativc^ from Klesherton lodjje, in the pro- cession. Mr. Croesley w!:en relnrninij, it was plainly evident, was crownml with Rloiy. having achieved great conquest iu the capture, ( the hull. \Voiider why the rest of Khnhvrrort lidge did not put i an appoarance * A Nice Present. tilrf. \V. Wiuikt received a hsmisotne present one day last wi-ek, when the ex- presA agent delivured at lier door a hand- some deer with a tine pair of antlers. The animal was shut up in NipissiiiK by Mr. Alfred Wri K litv'f New Voik.and ex- presmxi to his sister here. Mrs. Wright naturally feels proud of hur present and will get the head and nnllera mounted. Mary's L,Ji,iil>. Nearly every exchaui^ which vro pick up contains a new version of "Mary's Litfre Lamb. ' The old ditty is always being improved upon, and The Advance, not to be behind tlio times, offers the fol- lowing as the truth about this important matter . Mary had a little ram, both duiif aYt'd '1'ihnli and blind. anil every where that Mary wunt it trotted juxt behind. It followed her to church one day, which wasn't just the thing, and when thu people saw the brute it choked otf all theirsiii|(. The sextppn bawled"<;-t out, get out,'' and shoved it from buhind,but that lamb it just faced about and took the sextun'a wind. Although twan blind and could not grnt a particle of grunt, its maker had donated it a 11101 - strous lot of "bunt." That sexton died, which causes us to smile without surprise for now the membeia shortly will wnke up and advtrtieu. Aiml her sexton they must have ; joat put your ad. in here. The printer bleeaes Mary s ram, and deathly bunting gear. Division Court. Judge Creasor presuKd .it thu division oiHirt held in Flesh. !,, n on Thursday of last w^pult and disposed of ( |iiite a large docket, including about a dozen judge- ment summonses, ''lie two must taut castn were tlne <H" Kirpst i vs. TrimWw, and MvC<dlou K li vs. Uec4< Mfg. Co. The former case has occasioned considerable talk and some surprise at th judgiiiiient rendered. <>no Selh E. Cooper, at olio time a resident uf Fleli- urton, left here indobtod to Mr. R. Trimble, fur which mdoliiudiiuss CP.,.|P. r gave a note. Cooper afterwards, while in ing at Oullingwood ur in that vicinity, became an agent for Frost A Wood, of Smith's hills, agricultural implement manufacturers. Mr. Trimlilu visited Cmiper with tho objec' ppf "gutting a set- tlement of his claim, and took therefor three plows, paying Coopur three dollars in cash, giving up at tlu sanu time the note which Cooper had made IP covnr ac- cttunt. Subseijuently the plaint iff, (hid- ing the ag.int in default, ilrmaudud the plows from Mr. TriuiUlo which wer re- fused. Tho |plaintiffs then sued. Judge- ment was {i-vt-n against defuiiilant to the vxteiit of the wholesale price P| the plows, vix., 8JW), together with costs. Tho judge held that a.s dvfcndalit had t.t paid agent the whurewil'i to settle with his romp. my, tho company coul<l recipver price of the plows. This was a nice rul- ing, which, aa w> hato said, many are surpritiud at. Mr. TrimlM; will, w un- durstand, auk fr a new ttial. Tho out- come will ho interest in;;. We Iprii .. that in tiiu aL'n-oiiient of coni|panies wi'li tl.eir agunti tho latter are fi UuUlen to take aiiythiii'g for ilwr war<>* othvr than cash or notoj. This is being transgressed neatly every day, but piirclia.tern are run- niii'.' uip.'.it n.-.ki in m.ikiii; |>aymn!.s in iiiiylliing outside of notes or ll:o spot cush. MuCullough v. Beck Mf. Co. was a case in whifli Mr. S. M. I'ullouiih, of Dandalk.sued tlio Keck t'o. '< i balance due him on three car loads of onts furn- ihd. Mr. Bock claiined that tlio nats were not up to standard in ijinvlity aid were short in mraiiiio, for wbich he p-n- tored a counter claim. Judgement for plaintiff for y.V'.l 32 anil costs, nnd for de- fendant on counter claim tor $1)0.03 and usta. I.B. Ln- us. barrister, Markdalc. haa $10,OM) private funds (41 loud oil farm mortgages within the next few months at lowest current rate*. Nu comniMpB- lons, no delays, expenses low. Apply at uflicu in Mnrkdalo during the week or at Dyndalk Get The Best For your Money ! WE HAVK NOW A WELL-KELECTED AS SORTMKSr OK Boots || Slippers Shoes El Eubbers For Ladie9,Genls and Children. New Goods, Cheap and Good. inspect the (J.ioiU, cMiupirn tho Piicss, and us n ulmnct) to nuko yuirf'-t't cunt! irtahle fur t!io fall nnd winter. Also it lot of Mini's lioiiiumadu loiijj boots un h ind .ir-it quality. i'UNtom Work air* IU-- liairinu to order at S, Fi,i:sii!-:itTOM General News. Toronto ha* V214 empty house* by ac- tual COUIlt. Hundreds nf persons re ilyii'i; daily from inHurim in tin- lainine-strickun dis- tricts <if Southern Kuiicii. THE MARKETS FLESHERTON. Carrratfd Kuch Pork 11 now beginning to c-pine in, the first load having arrived yestorday murn- iii ;, the price jiaid lu-ini; >j. The mar- ket for most jiiodtire is alightly lower than lant week Kl.inr .. , ... , . ...... MiSlo SSS Kkll Wheat .................. 8T to ;i S|irln Wlmai ................. M u m Uoow Wh-s .................... T.1 073 HarlajT ........................ S Oats ........................ 'i 31 I'I-M ........................ 188 U 01 Mutter ........................ U ID KK". frwui ................. . ... IB ifl I'utaUn b .................. 50 o 1'ork ....................... 5 UU S (M Hay iwr tua .................. MOO 1000 Hides ..................... :< 00 300 -.'i. |,- knis .................. W 1 00 (im>M ........................ oat ooo Ti,ik<-ys ..................... a CbickniK |r iwir .............. M u Uucki iwr Hi. ............. 06 00 Wool ...................... 1H IS Fur Over Fifl> Yours Mr* \Vii.pJoMP P> SmtliiiiK simp Into l)oli UMK 1 by inillliiUH pf iiiotli,-i H tor rlip'it 'Julli'ip whplip tuolhini! U dtSHllMpAjMi' aiRbt aiipl IprokiMi ,1 \PPIII ixst \t\ A pick -h.1<l - M!-I 1:11; iiiul , i suit. witli IPAIII ppf i til'.: i I i PII ,m. nupl ii-t a inpitii- <pf --Mr*. WiiiKii.w's soothing Syrup' IPPI clnl-llnu tuothiiit.' ItH.llrMlp, i llttlu -pplfp i ..... iii.M'plipil. l\ HP | ..... I wpi,ii it.iiipiliip rp. thniti in IIP* iniMtPiki) tilpppiil it. it LUIP*> Him I'llPi-M. ri^iplpii, thl I "ipppii n itn,| I, ,-<! riiren Wind CrMie, softens ibe UVOM, t'-,inip^ inilMn nation, SJM ^vss %SMse and saefplri op-ii *iu>i -.\^l ...... Mi-. \\iip-Upvv ^ s^.plliui-, Svpipp fpir < liil'liru tipt^thiiiK in pliMi>tnt u> tlup tu, u> ami i tli |ircri|>t|ppu PPI rtno o( tho oMi^t uinl IPP i fpunals pbTsiolsni And unrHvp* in tlu> i ipitp,i Mini,'!.. l'i leu t'p ,-fiitp PI Ip.pttlr s,u,l in ,,|| plriUpjifttH throii|<hout ill - world. Ho mire suil ask rer Mn. Wlaslc w's ...uiinmj Farm for Sale or Rent. I'lio iiii-li r .|!;M. i tin-. ,<>>! tarni which lie in in-ii ..11 -, .>(-.- Jim;, mill in tun MX nut i |f (u* ?-lo wouM i MII; in t k, ">1 ti-iuut. 'I'hti hit JK HituaU'it iMIO ftlhl it lialf iinlr- fi - u I, i.- ,n i; lot J. Ni con., MAmwitk . OHI I friiiiiH lirn, fr*nu) Irtln,' >iiii{ <it. MM! nut,-* i^.>i> I M hur't.li.i; lio!i-t I'llf fftt II) 14 ttt |trM*JUl All trr*tt*l IdWII.ftUil Will be a bpmiuAin for suiuu oiiu. Ai>. iitv to .; u. 19jctl.il PJuftherton I' O. Hound Lost. On oriibuut thu I'.Hii ( October. I*UI, in the TOWIIR|II|I of l'n>tu <>r Ai loiin*i*,I l'-t n I'liaik Illlil tall fl..ltli I .I(i; Mr w i I'Ll. k . Ilil. k Hlth Inn !io.lii'H--l *'"' fnt'o.itinl tnn . p'l'" o.-r UJTUB. KIHJT Hiotiittl nioiitli \\itlia 'm* whito In, Ah Ut li \ i-ai -. 1*1-1. *.'!<! n t:iii< I MUJ.H \iivttn. i;i\ ini; nit<>i Mi.itiii i lint ml) luuil (o Inn u i' ,) | 1'lcMtU niif-.fi 'wii.i tliu *.>vuur. ' AI.KV J CONUON, Kaverahaiu Out, Weaving. Weaviug. The u:i.li<ip-.t!mp I Kin. Ill -,>,!< Pis thu ].iitr.iiia(p' .,p|,,; ^.aMt.i.' IP Ihu Illppp of tHi|-pt,tN. fu.l , liplh. liniiniilh, biaukuts and m \> .IOHN H.MII i \v, l'i KP lioa: Wi i av*r Np \l holltvUpll. I'p'.litu I l.'-r.-i Lin 'ovUlli.p Uunur ICull lor October. I.SIA. N ]n,.>.. H ii.!in-.,.:i.>. \ i.illilnnpl : IV. e'aM. M.Cni, I Iu N M. l.i . Ml . mp... I i in 11, i.i- l-< in i. i. M.lill, \\ . l.atiiiii!i-.H. Tiir- ,., I , . Ill-l M II. |-,PSH. \\ M.I.I, II. , I .,11. .. p, riHiitt. li I iv. .in. K ;i, li. It I ! ne i.il. s. I \\iiimipi". H. Wnlker. \ M, \l:i. ,,ii IP WI.IIIIPII,. V K i. il< . I! -.u. . i l(. J. Mini. t. K J,ii.:is4.- li,, .liill.V li ' "i I'l II. \ Mrl.,iKP|.M. li \ I ,,|ii. I., !-. i -fii|i ii''l. I. iti.i-i.-l. li. An triiiiK. -I. Inni-Kii : Jr. l'i. II . II- S)I.,M.. kl rossroag, J, K,pmvi<-k, '*. Snut'i. I. H,,wi,ripiAii. K. \\,, , U Mn. hll. I' I'l '.i.-i I l'i-,||i.r,li. S'iMti I rlpl-.. lll\ I I- Mi.it'l. I .PI. I- .Inln.xoM.W lii.r.lou. S Mn.lill. A II. li.n.K!. \)iv. II , M. (ifimo.M AIUI-II.MIKC. H.n \ Mi MiilliMi. P, .IIUMI.PPII, A. K.'iiwick ; Div. III.. ( i PP. P. ! I'.'li i. \\ HPIII. ,. .. NV ' <-lil|p|>ull, I) I K' r. COM8UMPT10H CORED. > n o!l pliypiclaii, tp'tii.-.l i I.IIPI t>i ii-t ii'n, liii\ hit; liii.l IP :.<:.', I in IIIH Imn.Is by mi Kant tu.lia iiisi.piiiii > Hi. formula .)( H Ample >n..ini,', Pill. li lh '., :.,! p.-l Illi II lit , II) , '. Contiimptlon, Hrovooltls, Ca'arrb, \Hiluna nnA all throat aii.l l.uiift Ailfpi-t i.'i.n, i.i-,. a i'.,-ii,\y an, I ra.lical ,:iir IIP. NUIVOUH Dubility and all NIIMIPU- , ,,;n|,|:i nitn. ftftt-r ItPlMNf; tipp.li',1 1th. w,>ti,li'i I nl rnrat.i v |p,,w,-i N in tlioiipiaiipln of alum. IIM full it hii.luty tomako it known to bis suffering Jellows, AftuateU by thin uio'jvn anil u 'Itpxiirt I.P vnlievtt tiuuinii nattering. I will si-u I fri'., i.f ,'hi\r^'r. to all who p|sir it. thin ir. !(..'. in lit 1 . 111*11. Krniu-li ir r.nKlihh. with full i I") )>rparliif( an.) lining. sui by mail !>> ad!runainti with itaiup. naming this l>a)>nr. W A. Nos,NO I'owei- llkxk, Kcli, n- *, N.T. l 7 Marn*l JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. N, Co. UllKY. rviviHiox foi-r.T ci I:HK C<I;.'MIFMOKJ R L>\\: B. S.. OeBvejraaear, .M- \n< ' foi I-IIH-I.SMI ami iu i lH!i,if ,\ | .| IMIP-. i :.,, < 1 i i iiu. o.'l K I' B. 4 [i ai i.u the "'t i. . p.is hsi tn i- M.l.Kl..liB LlCKN;,l:s Nl.TAliV IMltl.H.- MONEY TO LOAN. Tho iiinlrrMKiii .I 1. u a largo amncnt of niniiry tu loxn HI i IP un inwii .,r farm property. S. DAAiL'DK. W. J. BELLAMY. Coin-e\unoer Insiiinui-t' aii:l. eto. Urtils. niiirlKUKen, )ee*, rli-., |pi.|i,ii,.i .mil ]irip(pi-ii\ ixtcuttnl. DsMnnos aBsotad in first rlust Money to lud at lownit rntcs. DR. HOTTON M. P. C'. M.. .1. 1' v s. Out., I'rice. v I'l'. Hi -nil IK , UN 1 ' i.i ,, r wost p>( tin- M. :li, ><i, M ch.ui-h. Kuiiose St. Ullico dyi>, ?1l-.rs<57Ti and Sutur.l DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. A ., Onl I'll'- etc., l-'i. Mi.rii.ii. <<i!i.. - suaiu'< Hock. S*irideu-<> Mr.n.sliuw s In 1. 1. DRS. 8PROULE & EGO, Mttrkduli, Out mil p- Miinh ^ di-; .In.-. I' S. fyionli', M. I'.. Kte. Ani;n a KK<', V '- I'-. I'-tV., nklu .,1 l'.,tl.nli,..il. Out. ,p Mil In- (mm.! .a tin Murkdale lionse at J. P. OTTEWELL, \ i'ii i inai \MIIJ;, , i,. p.. ,.n... ,,( ; ):ii;irio V.'ii liiiHiyCullcire. K.--I 1 -IP.- l-'ut djut M.uili i.f beteb'l tailur liup. gcntwtrg. J. P. MARSHALL, I.. I'. S.. M II. S . |) niin'. Vi.itH MaiK ,Uli> Ihu 1>I mill :inl \\ . In, ,S,|M\ ,,( i in- u in,, nili. Klei-Iieru.ir Kach trip uu tliu day oUuwtakf. J. W. FROSr, Itnirisli r. Sip|ii-i:,,r, Coiiviiyaucrr, Ktr KliisbiMt.pn 'Mil-.- - ^ii office, , i l-piil.liii)'. ,n TlnirKda;. . Owen Suiiu I iiilii't - !>.,., I s ipiuldini{. P McCULLOUGH, BarrlsUr, Solicitor, r. a, oilic.> ov-r M.-- 'H store, Miuk,|u:. \I ,i.iy to Li/an. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, .n.l. Out uauk, Wednesday w:ek W. II. \Mlll.HT, .. IT. R. J. v& 1>08T\IAS'I'KH. l''!. rl III i>. 1!.. I u- n. i.i \-irlioliC!vr,Coil i ':';' "nil M"iir I.i nili r. ltf.il Kslitlii nii.i II.^IPI .,. Utd)i, Horton(*a, LSSMS and Wills ilmwn up and Valimtinns in.i'l<- "ii .hi.iVKl notice. Anc- l,:mi Siili t. :il!p:i.l..| t,p in liny juiry of tbT i mini v. M.'ii.'V lo I..MII nt lowest rates ol ini.-ipsl. Cullrciioiis -I.,!.;..! to with |'i.,iii|,tni-M> iii.l .li'sal< ii. Chnr^is low. .-l:t for l l.r 1 P,-IIHIIIP,I, .'.,iii|isiiy. Cheap lick' l> (nun l-'li-hln i hi. ii, I i\< rpot/l, Gkis^ow, 1 "ii.li'ii or nnv ,>f Hi" British >rls . I'nrlim iiiti-iid'H!! to ^i^it Kniilliid, Sci.tiaiul or I !.-ui,l. w i! ,.'., M- ii-k rntrs be- fore prrckasiutt tin n tuk. i- p-i'lirr. A ti.iy named I'rati li< I <<rn found guilty of 9toalii, k ' f'.'iKI from OKI Domin - IIP- xpr-ss oiTu-ti at I'orir.w.'