Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1891, p. 4

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FLESMEftfOfi A D V A M- C E. 'CUE ADVANCE. Kaon THB Orrita <ri, - - sVrA9fi, Oftt. TERMS Oh srHMCUPTIOil: il pr aunum \>'Xi | !*! nfrfplly fa adrauc* ^J "r EMI. Mil. :.. -. not >0 |'H 1. AUVKli'MSlNU UATKrl. JIM column, 1 max, 9M, half col., do, 937 ^utercul do, Tt tii'.luMt kdvurtiMinenti charged at tb rate /( tcin per lino for ftrt iuiwrtiun aud 3cU. per '%< u*cU lubawi unit lurtion. W. H, T.HURSTOH , aiti Proprietor 'II IF. ANSWKU COMING. 'Hie LiCclioiM of last Mareli wore blj fought tipon the tines of free trade aii'l protection, nltliutiLjli the former was given the higher sounding title of Unrestricted tleci- l-ocity. In 1878 a similar battle was fuiight.and in both instances pro- tection carried the day. It was con- ctdi-d that tin- last tlcctiou demon- strated a change in public sentiment with regard to free trade, and the ^ovcuiiin-iit was returned witli a largely reduced majority, mainly brought about by Ontario and the maritime provinces returning a uia- jqrity of free tiade representatives. The Conservative party, who still fell Certain that llit-y had the country wjtli tli'jin, were surprised and clia- iili.iiJ at Hie upparfiit snm-sti which Lad attended the free trade parly .and could in)', explain tlio why and where fqre. Nature, howerer, works out her own problems, and in this in titaneo is making the answer plain will* a little asgjstauee from man. It is coming out through the cloction coutU. Already have bis Refjrmors 1 V n unseated for bribery. Here arc their names : Trow, Gibson, Bordon, b|Mj|iii, Forbes, Tjrta. As an oftset tu tin M only onu Connorvativc Hen (!>i.-<. n has IXTII ili entntati'd. These t.\f(< sliow a <ii -plumbic state of aliaiis onu\vlm'C. Six constituencies ah i ady shown tu have burn won by Kufiuin ti'b by bribery and corruption ! The cry of free trade appears to havn tak in \v< II in tlii st; places when accom pnniid by a li-ili- swjetvning. IJut t'i ll.iuk tbul I'M- Krforin party Hhould I ^mltv of HiicU ru'U I It will come IB (\ mil-prise to many of their own f"ll(iwi'i-s, and cause them to think stioi-gly. The livforin party has cluiiiml the title- (if "1'arty uf I'lirily," n.ti'1 ..,,nii- of those who have fallen the loudest shonters for purity in pohtks. J. Israel Turte, who has Lein posing as a sort of an apostle of Vihiti ni-ss, threw up the while flag 1' lure a gun wus fired, and resigned i '.it. J>i . Spohn, of KahtSiinroe, 'In i of the sanu stamp un i is in.w mil in the cold. And the end IK ii -' \it nli, no ! At homo we aru I i' i- nily waiting what thu Oth (if !. e, M.:. i iniiy bring forth. Will the i dncUir r< -pii^eiiling South (ney n era of bluster aud bravado is just now prevailing. Mercier has served papers upon the Kmpiie de- rounding $60,000 aS Ittlm for his Worimlod JeeliutfS. He will also pro- secute Quebec papers for the hand they have taken in it. lie will also have arrested tto editors of Le bnile, I/Etendard, Lo Courrier La 1'resso and The NVitness. All of these papers ridicule his ho'.-headtd fury. Whom the go-Is wish to dc- stroy they first make uiad.and the mad- dening process is proceeding quite briskly with the Honorabl* Count of Tourouvro. There is still an amus- ing feature about it in thu prcai '.Him. m ;. They are puking any amount of fun at the angry count. Witness the fol- lowing from La Presse : "Cpunt Met- tier id scared. Tile luau - witli the while breeches has resolved to eiter- minato the press of this country. The newspaper men are so indis- creet, they talk aud wr : 4-j too much for the tranquility jf the girat men who in!'' the province. The truth is so unpleasant, and this is why Mr- Mercier, the demagogue of other da), now wishes to play a little Napoleon and strangle the voice of public opiu- lou. He, it appears, has decided to imprison every journalist in the coun- try who wiH not m ; his praises and who will not throw in the wasto basket the infamous revelations which stain 'hose noble hands. 4JO thu rust '? Time alone t I'. WAUM \VOUK IN QUEBEC. A political sensation of gigantic l.|..|.ui m iii prdgiess in Quebec i.l tin- jin - ut moment. Threats of i:: i. ft, libel suits and c muter libel suits are tljinu- around as thick as .MI, i...-.i in a III, ill, HI liehl. The I'.iupiie published last week a stalo- luc ni,.- by Mr. J. 1'. Whelan. iMiitni'tiir for the court houso at gin l o, whereby it appears that gen- llinm-i paid out for political pur- ] LI. s tu i.n mbt'i's ol lint tjin.-luv gm i run. i ut. inehnling Mr. Mercier him- self. Mr. I'acaud and Mayor MQ ^>S!i.inu of Montreal, the enormous sum (if one hundred and twenty thousand dollars I Tliat court house cost th piovinco, near!/ |0^0,OOO, whereas it^aotnal valoA WM not more than ^),ouu. This lUtemtnt. by U.p ^uan wbo paid out the mom y, i* mach tkt accused deaperato, and ll .t i Two new weekly paper*, both pub- lished in Toronto, have put in an ap- pearance, at onr sanctum, "The 1'rotestant," as its name implies, will binusli llonmniiiin into siuitherecnr or learn the reason why. Il will probably learn the reason why. Then there it* "Tho Factor," edited by Krncst Al- bert Maodonald, thfl disap(K)inted municipul reforuier u:..l land boomcf. who will get a hearing for hiiuseH i HII the taxpayers of Toronto, and eform many abuses, or die in the at- tempt. We will inform our readers when the funerul takes place. I lunr 4'IOHln|i ICeph It' i ittrn fur ''V Adeunet. 1 wis!i to reply to tome statenumts in Mr. W. S. Inkttter's letter. The tirst it respecting " ne of the stew- ;HI|H." 1 will lei the purttcs con- e. mid answer. Hem is the slale- mtiit : "One of the liu-mheis of our church askud one of the stewards of tlie M.i\w.-li Mi thodi -t oil n roll the day alter the funeral what would h i\ .- been done under the samo circum- stance m his church. This is his inswer : 'Why the door would lm\e been locked.' " \Ve, the under- t-iu-iH '1 (ith'cials of Maxwell Methodist cliineli, di ny ll.i alioNf h! il. Hunt 1 1. K. riestoii.Uoherl Feiiwiclt.Jobiali (i.kiney, K. h; Foster llrr, n. Jnints lluekniL;liain, William Ucutt. Those are nil the officials of said church. I.IM- iniiiiu of Hloward ? Tho next is : It is suid I "was ac- (iiuiliteil thoroughly with the whole ease tin 1 evuiiin\' before llie funcinl by a in. ml', i of the IVeshyleiian church." Wlio w:ia tlio messenger 'uc.|imintetl with tbe whole c.isr'M nt li.iin I'Liiinbi i- to tell of the dosed door t Nnme your man. lie ban nut iirrivcd yet. Mr. John Ink- generally instruct him ? Wl-or he' found me and uuder what circum- stances ? Aftw sei vise, said night, a ckoititnie befwfe Speaking to me, said Jfth]'.-.!/il;3ter asked Mr. Cyrus Field, who was with mo, to "tell Mr. lirown lo be sure and attend the fuiu-rul " Cyrus declined. Mr. Field permits bis name used as above. Wby make such a request if hu knew of closed doer and trouble. Is it likely, if I knew of such an outrage, I \yuu'id drive that night five miles with Mr. Cyrus Field, 01 next day drive from Maxwell to 1 oine of deceased with Mi. T 1 10111:1* (iamey and not say one word about il ? Doth there men may bo consulted. Mr. linjwn.Mrs.l'iirk's bi other, was the first man who men- tioned the locking of the door or any trouble lo me. and that after I reached the home of tho late Mr. Park the day of the funeral. This I cau take oath upon. It has been stated that I had some- thing to do with publishing Mr. John Tark s letter. Thli I emphatically deny. The tirst I knew of it was through The Advance kindly sent by the editor. Tlianks fur space. Yours tiuly H. A. BKOWN. is the only l'rchli\ ten.iu who spoke to me of llie h.n.l Inneiul. He has stuti d he "acipiaiiiteil'' in,- lie told me why I was asked to oDiciute, but tbul he told me the door would be closed, or that Ihere would be any trouble, 1 posilivuly deny. How could he nc'|imml me "Ihoioughly ?" His brother William states "tbe lock- ing of il. n cbincli ilo.n was planned the mghl before llie funeral. This is a true statement." The "locking" was "planned" in Fevcrsham al "nighl." Mr. John InksUrji., spent his evening in the Mutbodisl church, Providence, in service. He was there when 1 reached said churoh at 6 p.m Thu last place 1 saw him was there after 7. p in., and yet be is able to acquaint me "thoroughly with tl.e whole case" that hu been, planned n FeVershani while he is about five miles from the l>la,oe of planning, aud most likely not "pii'iinod" when we parted. Will W. 8. Inkster tell the ptfblie how thdy stint him "th whole caae ?" ' Naroo thti iuan that was sent when tbe plan" ' wai complete to ac- quaiilk m "thoroughly" so that the public can gf> to'hlru and ask him if he were at the niucting 7 < Who in- him ? Or did tb> session From our orrn BAHN Id K.NKI> A frame burn be- longing to Mr. Win. Hiit-liiimon, situ- ated on lot No. 6,con. 2 south, Osprey, was consumed by lire in tbe middle of the day on Thursday. I'J'.li inst. The buildinu contained twenty Ions of hay. The loss altogether will be in the neighborhood of f 5UO. It is not known how the tiro originated. A hard circumstance in couuectiou with this affair is that only a few days K f n. the tire Mr. llru-hmtion had sent i i an application for insurance on the bi n and contents, but a the applica- tion had not then been accepted by the board the barn may be said lo have not been insured, and the loss will be a total one to Mr. HutchiiiS'in. Typhoid fever is somewhat preva- lent in tl is vicinity. There are two victims in one family. We trust they will speedily recover. Mies Derby, from Durham, has been em-n^cd to look after the edu- cational interests ul No. 4, and Miss \cbebon has heoii ro engaged to leach in No. 2, 1'ioton. i;. v. Mr. MuTavUh. of Slulburn,-, preached here on Sabbatli week, and gave a most excellent discourse, his ub|ef t hi-iny "Lovo." The teacher ol No. 2, Proton, is Ul and school is closed for the piesent. There were two or three pranks played hvre on ballowe'en. The fun- .'.'t was where the two young gents can itd ulT a gain and tbe owner be mi,' g'ind at guessing simply told thfin it would be to tin ir interests to re- turn it. They did so ijiiito meekly, and now have tu undergo a running Ine of qui//:ng. The Safest AND moat pnvrnrful alterative la Ayor's Surkixpivrllla. Young and nl. I aro uliUe bviictitol t v Ita uae. For l].o eruptive dii.- pmmltar to cliilJreu n<'tlilii k ' elm In Borfttirtivo 03 tuu meiliilne, v. lulu it.i agreea- 1 ,. llavor luakna U easy to aduiiu- tiler. "My llttlo boy liai! IHTL;.! h.n-'-i- It.ul uloiTi un Ilia i. . 1. 1.. I throat iroiu which lia l.iLlfrlt il trml'lv. Two p!... > . :i. 1..1.--.1 him, Vut l:o |;row coiilinnnliy v-i. i iiii.l.-r 11. "ir <-:ui, ami >u. rj'lu.ily \l'i-. ii I I..- v.."il.l ui. . 1 liail heutil ..f u-.i' n in .1 ;..ti.:.< ... .' : ...| .1.1 ill :l, ami lilT: U'.l tu lil'.VO Uiy I -v li> il. SI. .illy ult.r 111) bl-^ull to i lUo tliU i..i .'.ii im>, tlio iiU'cr.i ci m- i. i in . I In .um -, uii.l, afu-r using teverui 1 . iil.s, lui wns rnlinly CUKU. 11. ia lu w a., liraliliv Hnil ilfotig nn any hoy i.f hl.t a^o." Willlwu F. Itougliorty. 1 l<iin;i|i>n, Yt\. ''11 M.iy Ihst, my j-onnfteat cMM. f. -iiitci'ii iiioniliH old, Ntean to have awros .i'li' r on Ita l.i-n.1 uml ln-ily. AVn'ap- |ilu-il \aiiunn cii:ii.le rrnifiliei v. . n.ill. Tin- vri'* incrfUHeil In inn. .iii.l (llH.-l.iit, r.l i-oi.i.iuily. A |i) \> a8 r. ill.. I, liut III* totcr* colitniir'd to iniilii|.l> until In A ffw iiiiuiilm 'lu-y r.ra: Iv .-i'< mil tli . liil Vt ln-'ii! .UK) l.i dy. At laxl i- I r^an t)i ui . I A)t'a 8a"r- -:i|i .nll.t. Iii a fen (1..J3 a niarl;u<) . I. mini- for llie l>rlti r wan inanKeat. The n..i-i's asKuuif.l A mi>ro healthy condition, tlio iln>.-!iar^'.-a were iiradually ilmi.u- itlu-.l, and llnally n-asi-il ulli-, -tin i. Tlu- .hill IB llvcllor, Iw akin ii In h,-r, and lu appotile Iwttcr than we have i>'->- m-i-vi-d /or ni.'iiilil." Krauk M. (iilftln, Ixing I'oiut, Taxai. "The formula of A yet'* BftrftaparllU |III-.-I.'N. fur * motile (liiiA*i't ft alint>at very kin. I, the ln*. reinodr known to the world." 1>. M. \ViUuo, M. 1)., >Vlcgi, Arkauui. r's rilla, Dr. J. C. Ayr ft Co., Low!l, M New Carriage &'. iBlncksiuith Shop, The nu.lcrfligDH bca leT to aeqnaint th public with the fct tlfst they have op?nej up a new cirrl;(e ami blurkmnitb iliop in Klfslicrloii. \\ln-ru evr> limit; lu our liiii- Will lif utteiulnl tu hi a prompt minn.-r itu'l (.-..' I workiuuuabip guaranteed. \V maku a upeuiitli; uf II O R SE S H O E I N G. Ami orofciia tu hare a mechanic who glre* i-utire Mtisfaotion . ,-i>rT tin 1 *. Sprrhf!' Mtfo- tion tu IfM.lvr or conlract'-.l f -.-t. lutcrfcrin^ p.witir WOODWORKING IW all H> '.ir inch.- .*. TV'uslni. Uiij^-ir^, tlimncratx Wi'rk ii)i ii li.'o.) biiKinma in rT'-:.. n-m by (air maJc to or.l.-r. Wn beliere we can (air an I -.[inf. rimling ami ereful wnrkinjii.-iit|i, MU-I milkit t]i.. |n;l.|ic |,i tot mir ni"tils in .'iir various line*. o/'/'o.s// 1 /-: n i;\n IHK H.ii;r:i;<n>Ms, in n HAM ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR. SUBSCRIBE FOll - "::-, To Builders lN- AND ALL PKKSOXS TKKESTKD IN U AND FfUSlSHlXlJ HOI SES We Have T1IK HAMILTON WEEKLY SPECTATOR ! n';..-_ril autl Improved. Coutaiun All Ilia Neva. Many S|wil Kvafirea. Cuap an I PulatadC'omuint, Tb inoat RnUrtalnlnx Slnrltn, 'I'lio (.'hoirmt Lilvrary Matter. Kvurything for K*rtlx>.lr. <|1 TO 1ST J A N U A K Y 9l 1*40M I Tin* i;ri *t paitor from mw tiM Nt Jmitiirv Ifj;* IL t' ft k* '" ti-a-hnu umtter wkl\ ntnl out Rr:it pivrtiiiiii i > iVtiH UK I.t>\>;," fu< nU !). ur cluliboU with The Aav*ui-u (ur t ! " '. i>i i: XKW SVUMFLL. SASH l>'io|:, ANlt KfKNITI'HB K\<TO|{Y IX KIM. Kl'X- NiM! UMiH.H. \XDAKE I'RE- l'\Ki:tTi 1> > ALL WOUK ixrursiED TO us \\n\i DISPATCH. All Kinds (>K I.l'MI'.KR FOR SALK. IX i-H'inxc MATCHED HARD AND SDR 1 Win i[) KLOOR- IXi i, \V \IXSi -i > TIXC. MOfLD- INU8.8ASH,1HX)R8, SCROLL WORK, AC. Factory Office Mi .Is Show Rooms ALL AT- Wanted Llbval commUalon to AMaiil AI;->.>| a^fnt > liKtu.-t i< wantiv) at unco <"i*t whu will taknau iril<.rrtt in |iin.bliu lliu |'|KT uii will mako a tli.frouu!i caiira^auf lu> Jim id. }'' ti*ruii auil (utrtluulaia atl.lrw> Spectator Frlntiug Co., UAUU.TUN. CANADA. Fiesherton Station. J. E. MOORE, l'r<vprit*toi* SOCIETIES. S.<s (IV TRMPKRANCI TMi o.-|ty ni.ft in 1'r . Clu-irloi- - Halli-M-n W,.|ne. . . iniiii t H ]. in Vi.tini; l-rvtbvin unite. I. lilbliraiu-tf in cuntiH:tiou. |i'\ VI. Ti Ml LAM UK TKJjrru V\^ I 1 1 U.'i{>ilar ( .'iiiK-il im-.-is . . -|'...uli".l'liM;k >t i | . H^-.IMI..-. int'.-t-. M. the \\ iHliivv.lBy ^ O-tv.Mu.1 uf UM.-U month. Suuiul. Onttirio, ty '11(0 Ver I-I..U-K IN r\svi>v rur.i T A Thorviigh liiniiiiit Educutiun. Take a |(oimd Trip r,, 1 ..,. i,'; ' nuiNCK AIITIII u ijiixii: \ii xn. .%. v. it I \ M in.-..! in >.- M.. M hull. Strain t 1. 1. u k. I U.-ii.-i i ..\ . . v Kri.Ut i' ol Ix-l.iri' tl.f liillniix.i,. A. 8. \ mi. I, i- -. \\ M K J S|.roulo l m mu EM. Mi-. IMlllip|s UppUHttO Mrlli:- I: -I in.r. Ii. lUvslirrtuil. < aii'l um. .11.- in .km.; in all iu brancli<ii>. lt(iyun.l glrU Bultn lU'inle.l to i'iui.i|itly iin.l K.i.*:ilr,'.l (l,'lltl..|nir mlt- in.l. ii|'lii KIKH! kt>lv. wlim i-ltitb 111 In-i'iiLlit U. Ai'iil.'.'l i *~" " ' ' ' r.-inl I '. I'.utui.'ttt* in v*nnil. Mieu vuit tin 1 V'iUii-1 i niiiK Tcrf tt'iiiL- r t<> I'MHliu'u the i. -..-( nr*i and extn- i 1 t)>t Hfi.t )tl(Ht Ci>lM|>t -t H.ltV ill- fur ii. tu w. M It tt\\o you ft full rtinrMt MiF.K. Kor \iuiunl Annouuce luut, giving full IMH tii-ii'ju*. fr**j. sviUlru I'. A. Fl.KMINC, DRESS MAKING. MKK (iJKKhKl M ilfMK's to mmohi ' Ktc!ttil li>H Mtl-t Uf.tlllV ttlHt Ulltf i ?.>.(. ih ti in.: to the UM .f,T i t'ni-f who uin\ i-nti ,st ln-i wiih their I hi- lixii-^t (AM)IU>II I'luttM alwtUH i*it l> i i I S.LLl.'K.ti'M ^'i.*i H nli , 1 \ itl-tii pit. r, hln>(> .iii.i ir i.l. ii> -c .*\< i Mitrhvlt'M 1. 1. h.n .( ,. ni -i i.l." k K .-,'!, t t.'ii I u it ni ..vouiu iitiin.' itiitl cuttiug by "Manic -" We Your Are Meat. i.i.!crs![;ii...l imviiiK i.|.cni..l up a new lnit.'liiir li. i|i in I l.-i-|.,.iti'ii W....I I kin.llv solicit tin- cut i .mil -i- 1 -i 1 1 . . it n . i l.iuff In 9i ('(avion i I. '. lur iituak alway* I'll l.UII.I. I). MoTavish, MoltsKSIloKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESH ERTON, . ONT. Maoufaoturiniiof Wagons. Hloi)i*. Hi, PuinmraU. Htc. llorw h..oin' (|-tlv lit tou.lud to Rpci-Ul attention givon to coutiact- H or i. ii.i... rent. Lugging and Plow Chnins cn- stantly o B hand. Lands (J for Sale Farm propertUi. Improred and nnluiproTcd, ( proprtia. A|.i>ly to J. W AUMMTHiiNl). rUabwtoa P. O. t(J i Pk^TT * isn't needed with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. Try it, and you'll like it. If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. Fur Male by M. itx-taurdsoii A I , Boar for Service. The mi l--ii,n.-il >.> a i|ilendid p0<l|frrl rkuhii'ii Hoai . Importa) toafc,for affvioa' lot :i. 0011 l.i, \rtiiii.ia. TUU it on* ul tint st auiuiaU iu thr oonntr. bat auluialH iu thr oouutrjr 1'or ciiiil off fo UNuvlUlO Tvriua I J W1L1.IVV1UOX

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