Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1891, p. 1

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ERTON ADVANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A Ol MEJV." 70L. XI., NO 540. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 1891. W. H. THDRSTOff, Our Special Line ( ) for the next thirty days WILL BK IN Wedding, Jem, Engagement and Diamond Pings. Our Wedding Rin^s are all fine 18 K and 10 K with our own mark bearing guarantee as to fine quality. In Gem and Diamond Kin^s we are showing goods of such a quality and at a price that defies any competition. Our discount prices cannot be touched except by spot cash buying REMEMBER a Written Guarantee goes with every watch and clock repaired by ARMSTRONG BROS. The Flesherton Watchmakers and Jewelers. Home Kixty Year* Simile : "TWltty Fears ..;/".'* I'm t hinkiiii* of our Hchool <!>* "Tom," \\ ln-ii wi) wore vdiniu, you know ; Bonn* th INKS K0O1U Lmt&* ytiBtenlay, Tliu sixty yearn ago. And tnftiiorieB suuie, of that long past, Ki'ttirn but AH a dreuia Part if a IHHK frjttu Adowu time's ruhtlush stream. rho-> lni*.liArd wordH.ttml "tabluH" leajrnd, i Ami wnniiy 'nuru but slow, Ami rniidJti^, too. and iithuiutUl Of Hixty yant atfo. Our KrliotdinattfH Turn, thoiwboyi ami girli \\ I'luvfd with on the i-i n. Orbaodalvlgb ridinu down tho hill Huw uuar to ut Uluy iwoui- Althoitifli HUIUU Hixty ytwra havu rtwl ' -T im-,ii)Mr i Jlrtuht ho|>i's. tnd disM|ii..intiiM "it*, too, Mm - thi'uir-tcitro yuain ttM ( *- Seetluttold man with fullering ^te|i. diiniiii-d tun! h.. ,, -, ijiav ; Can that b"linsh." that Mpriifhtly bv. Jur Hcbooluiatti oncii M> K& v t Ah. von. ami in the gravnyanl <lap 'Nt-Hth many a -I'l-iit i:i<n 1,1 Huniu MHjjiKtfr. oJilui, t*4i lit* r tk-ar. While yet *'fi,, 'honiuwaid b.nniJ." Tliu ol I s<-houl houtwt ha crumbliHl dtiwn ; Wllll \ lllt'fc aild ^THHxt's <l 'W , Fuw scliiNiiiiiutrK now aiu luft, "dear Pn-u. Of nixty )uar a|jo. WJI. VCIIDT. WfuiiiiH-v. Canada. 1H01. Inkiter's letter ia very much out of place, an the sensible letter written by the Rev. Hughes was supposed to bring the matter to a close, Death has again come to our midst, ami has this time claimed for its vic- tim ili^. Jooiali Gamey. For nearly three years she Imd been suffering and kept growing weaker nnd weaker until on last Friday an apparent L-I.MjiL'e for tin' worse could be aeon. This chun^i* kept growing more ap- parent Mnt ill on Siiinrdiiy niglit about 9. SO o'clock (k'tttli did its work. station. m NOVEMBER The month of cold winds and snow, reminding you that now is the time to prepare for winter. The question *ill naturally aiise in your mind, where can I get the best value lor my money ? A VOICE GENTLY " WHISPERS : Why, certainly at the Corner Store, where for the rcxt thirty days you will find bargains in the following seasonable <;oods. MEN'S A BOYS' OVERCOATS. MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS. Ml- N'S & BOYS' CLOTH and FUR CAPS. Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Fur Sets, Fur Cnpcs, Caps, and, as usual, beautiful MILLINERY. Eelt Boof, White and Gray Blankets, Etc. W. W. TRIMBLE. ou'ii ' urrfx)>oiultnt. Rev Mr. McColl, ou account of llio bail ruails, will hold services in tin- future ui 7.HO instead of 8 o'clock. Tliih will give him sufficient time to uii'Ll !iis uppoiutineiu; \Vi uic< K'lud to li:iim that Misn l.i t 10 Campbell, whu IIUH been a snf |. iri of In gnppe, j.s again enjoying g Lualtli. Mr. Kicliard ILir^ravu lias ri:- lini|iii.siii'il the* Canioeliaii farm, and Xir. Hinil. . uf loronto, has taken up his iilimlo tin l eon. Mr. liicliard Campbell Las moved _ Cumtjiundmt . M wo onlv made mn.tioii of the bt ? llili " aw ^^'"'^ 8l 'P- nce,-t iu connectK.n witli t!,,. K.,,. -V couple of unfortunates concert iu connection with the Eng lish church in oar la*t,\vu now purpose Hiving a brief account of it. The evening bt'i:ii; rather diiin^reeable not uotdsmany were [Tcsent sothurwise i would have been ; but when we say that about $V.i was taken in. it will ' be n-adily understood that the turn out wan fair. After tea thc Rev. Jauiee called tho meeting to order aud " j after a son^ by the choir called upon iiev. Bray, of Markilale, who f^avo a short addntjs. Another goug was given and the Uc-v. H. A. Bruwu gave a short adrcss. '1'lien,- adresses were short air.l to tho point as 'the Hev. , l J r uvt ' ulu '- *"* ***** there llurt " Wfi . " l f ?*. . { th f m 1 off f ll<1 left b *'" ml lnm '" 8 brother ly.ngunconsc.ous in con ! L '' ,' wlll) - "l-'H"""J'"g Ulk ' d entered the FOR PI! T,1llORI.\G CALL ON The Merchant Tailor who has but the one line to study your in- terests in. 6. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR. To The Public. Ifvniiwi-i' -w.v,.,, > workman. llk..ii,l aiti-tu- iimiinr:. ;,,.., ,,,,,,,,,, Mr W. HttUiltirMXJ, 'j|i|i-|t" \V llvori lilHMIlii' null. K],.slirluu, USi.vltim Boar for Sale. Tho niiili>r>ii>tiii I im* H w.'lllir.'l Bi-rkliir Uoar.Uvu iiiiiiiihvolu. . ,,.1,1 ;., ,,,, w i llr)l ), '" 'i-l'"-i .<! .t .1 .. , i,, 1,1,. flan". Thin |>i took thri> m pi,.,, , lt rl! IVPVte w. Mi-4i. ..... 20. N. n tt . V knew that the Hcv. Jones wu to follow with his magic lantern show accoiniianicd by a lengthy di c.iptiou of l.ebnd. Thwo scones wu-c interesting to all and es- wciully to those who UOHWW a drop of ,the Iruh blood and have .ecu and proved himself to be of tiix iwo, as he re- Horn state for Sunday 1 school the next day. Miss Maggie Neilson aud Miss tjarah Neilson have gou to Scarboro. where they intend to spend the wi-iter. llumplirey i 1'attoti have sold out then swamp estate, and are investing iu houses and lots. Mr. Meadows, of Coibetton, and Mr. Prior, of Toronto, hare moved in- ! to the village and are iti the employ of Messrs. It. SL \. Neilson. Mr. Johu Bell, who has been labor- ing in the vicinity of l'>ramplon, is Boots and Shoes Thc Reason of year lias come wheu every one, both old and yonnir, m ist have foot gear to kvp tli''ir feet wai iu and dry. Tho mo unpleasant thing one e in im;ii;rii' after leaving a warm lied and the comfort of the house to find as soon as I they step out doorf that their feet are damp and cold. brought to The Remedy Como to the store on the Hill and get Hoots, which are j,'n.ii-A:itiM,d to keep out the wet. In men's youth's and boy's Long Boots ve have the liiixvst variety, llio brst stock and thc lm\vst prices ever shown l>v in. Women's, Misses' nnd Children's Hoots our assortment is larpe, nearly ovorytliin;,' you require, stock guarautccd, aud prices to suit the closest buyer. of that dear old land, course more music was given than has been made muntioii of, but it would not do to close without mcn- tMMiing the Irish songs that were well rendered bj Mr. Htick. A vote of thanks was tendered to Kuv. Joints for IMS excellent description of Ire- land. The National An them was sung and this interesting ooncjrt was a close. have beeu unusually bus/ of machines being iu the neighborhood hi once, but threshing operations arc nearly over for this season. Mr. llavitl Jiiinieson, who did the brick work of L>r. ticolt's house, is we believe oue of the most careful and also one of the neatest workmen in that line of business of the nt day. The work dono by him ou the di dor's house is nothing short of n ,..., again among us. Ins smiling lace, We are glad to see and hope ho may spend many happy days with tho cue whom lie has been so anxiously inak- ip ing inquiries for during his absence. Mr. James Hobiinwu paid Mr. WILL SHOW Fdlt bi'K.i IMS YOUR A IN Beautiful Assortment sou a 'lying visit Mr JoHoph T. 1'arks. band master * and watchmaker, of Slielbunie, visit ed I !- parents In.-'t week. Protou can now boast of an aux- iliary constable, who is always remix his first upcriMoa, Mr. John Turner is building a large dwelling iu town. tYATCIIK. r. rsliitm examine Our. Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt Boots and Socks. Overcoats,0vercoats t Overcoats. A wLolo table full to choose from. Call and gee .them. l>ry (ioofls K.-i-ry line full. Special bargains in Flauiu>U and niidi-iwim-. Oat Moal, Corn Meal aiul Hulled Wheat on hand. McDonald & Evans. Frum Our Own (.'oiTr//<<in/i at. Last week our town WIIH taken by a party of dear hunters who got sonic of our sports to go with them w wviiftuu rtui/i b t'l I ] 1 t I ! c.edit to hiui, and we feel confident ' ' r , a tW d ? y * ol '" 0> ' '"' " ^''''"i' 1 iii <aying, if those who have seen his ? itt at &** ll ! elr 'l',""' 1 ^ ' '; ul - v woik Imve anvthing to be duue in tlio doer could not have )en as ,,;,,, that line, they will call upon Mr ulul " s lll l >a " - vuu '' wllvn Ollc of " r Jamicson. lni "" l "" llt -' 1 ' 8 calll v ''''.v "ear gotting rim over. It happened this : J. A weic on a certain runway, when were heard to vice in their church ou that dav I be >>riu>{iug the game along said rim- The Heron ll,. are building a w "- v ' ln a lnoiui!nt a hll >' '>"* mad kitchen tiT Mr. Little, which adds 1 r\ - SILVKUH 1BK Fis! Cc!d *ls in .-::.-). te: 1 Fiiiei \\i 10 AND UK., ?L'I) TO ::s. \V,\I! ANT CDVF.IJIN'.J l.\( 1DKN- TAL J;I;K.> - TO IN CLOCKS, \V.\f.NUT-, MCKKI, It. 5.1 AM> To *x. % dy was duly ved by our til^em. and especmilv ' ; w " c on ,. a f mill by the 1'resbvteriai.H, who held a sei - ' f 1 ' , ut " co tl ' 1 L> llo "" lls . . i. . . _i -i. . . ii _, bo brniffiuu the irame ; to the many improvements ruaiie in Maxwell this season. Mihs Keniahau, of Parry SouuJ, is visiting friends haio at ptojeut. The Ki-v. 11 A, Brown commenced special cervfces in tho Matho.lMt shurch here on Monday, which liavo been a success thus far. We trust his work here will be as successful all through as that at his other appoint- ments List winter. An extension bus been made to the M'le. walk M that it now reaches Mr. Henry Field's gate. Muna C.amey has been visit- Owen Suuud for some lime. lira. Kiughoru has moved to the bouse on Front street belougmjf to Mr Cruv ,. It is thought by many that Mr. his appearance. B., fearing for J's. Bufcty, called out to know where be was "All right," )eaponded J., "1 in Ilis big tree." nnd I'. I lien a Hying shot from off a loj the deer and also Ins footing, into a biush pile head lirgt, and was OXtni''ted wil.ll Rieril iiltfii'lllty. \\ h:i! might Imve bei n a serious affair proves the old Buying, "All's well that uuda well." A son of (J. \\lnteoak. our genml hiitchor, laid Ins gun away and went to attend a funer- al. \ younger biolher, not quite six years old, wauled to and did try his baud. Kuttiilt no damage, only a hole through the side of the house. ^M+ . The Meaford Muiiitor unyn tiiat al- though theru have l<en apt-oral death* in t.iwn. frum diptlieria, there in nmliint; to nidify the exaggerated reports current aa to its prevalence here. Fine Repairing Personal'- '".isi> in speeii and ru 1. \v W. A. BUOWN, ALE MONEY' I bkoMta , I ....... - . i.i A 11 r n . *r> . II,, i-.i, h inti tlti- rp, . l.mhm. ^uH .1 -M nil ..

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