Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1891, p. 4

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FLESH Ein. run - A ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. It |nilili(,liea livery 'I'hurwtlny, Kit m mi Orrici jy-bAnn Xtrrrt, - - t'ltthtrtvn, Out. TKKMS Or- Hl'IIHCKII'TIOM: 1 per annum wli.-n i'itl'l ti r t)> fu iltmco j jr annum wh>-ti u. '. : o >>d. A11VI.11''-' -'S.J HATK.S. On* eDliiiiin. : . .., f30; hall col., do., 927 Vi*nr i-iil i '; . lii. I'r^inniii'^idvurtiM'iiienU clmiri'.l at t)i rat<> <4 *:!,. |,<-r liu,' fur Brut Insertion uuil Jct>. i.i-r \.\J .CU ub''|Ul'Ut 111*1-1 ll.MI W. II. THUIiSTON, on<i That Door Cloning' $/ </ Ji'(or of 7V .-li/nina. I'KAH Silt. Aii "epistle" appearing i 'In- AtlvRuee a week or 80 ago 1 1 mining a. "(rut account" of tin- 1'erk's ciiso und cl.allenniiig a dini same, I, ajouo of Rev. Hugh's " beg s[ ru--' in your papor lo lender to tin.- public an cxplaTnrTTtni of the disturbance. An "truth li.m bet tii-faci-il" in almost every point I shall as bin i!y as possible correct each suti mi-lit made in that voluminous "t-j'istle." \Vi refrain from speaking ill of the dead, ami 1 nay "let the dead pant bury its dead," but if the writer wiel es the public to know in wlmt lucacure IIIB late father was a supporter and up holder of the Frothy teiian church, \M biiull give it any time lie wiwlies, as it is well known throughout tin- coi^re- gatiou. llev. Mr. Hughes in aci-m, il of having insulted Mr. I'ark.deci-uHi-d, on lath July. Mr. Hughes .suit! :"\V U (the chinch i had our crowd and the hotel had theirs." If 1'uik took that is an insult, ho muHt have hen n Kiiiity of patronising the lint, 1 that day. J'-ut aduiitting tins was lukt'ii UB an insult, 1 ylmll now point gut tlit- fuUificatiou in the rviiiiiinilrr of the "rpistle" and am ready tu IU-OM every Btuti iiu nt I make, either befou- chinch or civil court. The waiter aenusfcH Itev. Mr. Hughes ol sitting two hours in the same seat with the deceased, his falhe: , and not Hpcakmg. During the turn- Mr. liughuj was adilri--<Mn-.; the Orange- men he noticed Mr. I'.uk, diccised, uot fui from him. On liiiislimg he look his seat, and noticing Mr. Park ittanding a short dintance from him, arube, shook huiulu, immired as to his 'ti mporal welfare," and offered him (the deceased) Ins (Mr. lli<^ln>.-i scat. Vet "he never jpoki- to him." His in xt argument is tliut lio hi-ari' his father a few weeks previoiu to bin deatii i \i'ir.ii. the desire that mime one i>Ue tliaii Ituv.Mr. Hiigl-eH sliuiild I'licmle at the fiuu-nil. Kinui^u thiv .iifiiriimtiuii did not come btfuie the public before the funeral, lielore Kith July Mr. 1'ark, deceased, would have IK i ii willing to have ilonu all in hi* 1 1 v. i for Mr. llugliws, and y ( -t his diuth tojk place within two weeks of tli;U time. Again t]io writer of the -. l>; tlo" when a.sLtd by a member of the I'lt'bbytenan church, Sabbath tvt ning, the evening before th funeral, wl y they had takin the slept* tliry had tiken, rephod, "Don't blanio :ji'', blame my brother," i lUt-ntiuniug name). Again another member of tho family, who also was very n.uoli oppui:d to Itov. Mr. Hughes .atiiig, when ahked after the fun- eial, "Do you think if your father I .id In in alive and deatii liad come to any other members of your family, would In- ha\e acted so ?" Tho re- ply was "I do not think he wculd." Mojiover tint writer was told by . mbtrs of his owu family, that if 11 iighca did not officiate, they would not likely have tho nso of the clim.-h. V,-t -noiie of the family an- to blame." His next statement is in regard to thel.galilv of thu lockin R of the dimcli door. Does the writer imagine for ono moment that in this laud of civil ami religioiu liberty, any church any society, would allow it* head to bo niMilled and set aside, and another to occupy Lis position ? If tl, e frieiyU of UN deceased thought Hev Mr HngLt* UQfcw.i-lhv of officiating, why eipect the iibu of his pnlpit ? M ore over, one of the meiuben of our church mk, .1 on of the stewards of tho Maiwell Mqlhodist church the day after the funeral, what would have beeu done under the same ciranra- siarli-t-g in hia church. This is hia answer, -Why. the door would have. been locked," and 1 shall ipst' appeal tony Ep*8copalinn-if"iu<* a ihm K would IM toll rat* 1 at bit dinrch. Bo I am afraid (be writer, If not satisfi* \ the n ei of tLo Presbyterian in. Mi church, will have to organize a sect of s own. Hi- nt itstaU.-i tin 1 key. of the ehuroli was asked. Uy whom aud from whom wu would uk ? Tlie PreHby- y really holds tho key, and Uev. Mr. Hughes could have been censured by Presbytery lor allowing hid con- gregation to be so insulted, insinuat- ing that its minister wat) not capable of pei forming the various duties de- volved upon him as its pastor. His next argument is that tho lock- ing of tho church door was planned the night before the funeral. This is one true statetneut i although the church is always, or almost always locked by the same person) with the following amendment, if Rev. Mr. Ili-jwii did no* ominnnicata with lii-v. Mr. llu;;he.i in Sl:e muttiitime. K -v. Mr. lirowu being so highly respected by the Presbyterians of this vicinity, was acquainted thorough- ly with the whole case the evening before the funeial by a member of the Presbyterian church, we, fully believing that he (Mi. Drown) would uot allow such a slur to be cast on a brother uiiniHter, particularly as Itev. Mr. Hiighriand Itov. Mr. Kiown were on the most fiiendly termi, lti-v. Mr. Hughes having invited Itcv.Mr. lirown with his Sal)l,*lli whool-to- th* union picnic of the Presbyteiian Sabbath schools which took place tho same wrt-k as the funeral of the deceased. When Mr. lli c>\\ n heard of the cause of his being asked to ofHciato ho said, "I think Mr. Hughes has done noth- ing wrong, I really am puzzled to know what to do." If lie bad gone to Mr. Hughes with his puzaliug problem it would have been solvci! much more satisfactory ; but instead. Mr. llrowp, on meeting Mr. liuges at the post office next lunniing, shook hand* and then walked out, and breached minis- terial etiquette so far as uot to mention the matter. The writer m- it states that it wat not the first nor second time Itev. Mr. HIDUII officiated under similar en cum stances in our church, which is an- other falsification. Itev. Mr Drown did officiate a number of times during thu winter and spring months, and was very kind and willing lo help us when- ever called upon, for which we ar,_ very thankful, but 1 must remind the writer it was either when we were vacaiitor when Mr. Hughes was ab- sent. Similar circumstance* m-ver incurred in the township to my know- ledge. Hia last statement is "I think the first funeral nerinon lUv. llu^lie.H preachud in Osprey was m a Mvlhodist church." It would l:ave been well if be had placed the clause "I think" before all his other false btutemcntH. Itev. Mr llnglicR lias iii-vi-r entoreil a church in Osprey since his coming into the livid ; not ^that lie is so prejudiced, butocciMion never pre wen teil itself to him. Imightjuot add was not becaus* Hev. Mi. brown was or is a Methodist that Un- church wits not opened. If another PreHhyleiian minislei had daivil to have acted in the same manner, he would huvu been treated ditl'eieully. IK- would have had to stand his trial befoie the church courts, besides n t being ailinitted into the church. Moreover, the Picshylerian church in Fevershaiu has been occupied by tin- Mclhuilistsniaiiy tinuH iliuing then own funeia^Hervicus, and it i. still i h*i i and open for them any t me it is required, and an freely gKcn as evor. Tlione a.uliot i arallel cases. The wiiti : i-lobL-i in:, "cpidtle" with a Very int'pirirg' verse on "mmvy/'sup- posed to be the reiteration of Itev. Mr. lirown. All 1 have to -'> id that 1 hope when Mr. Drown begins to wnte IMjetry his poems wjl bo marked by t\ greater beauty of expression anti pin ity ofsenliuieut than those of. cur poet, John 1'uik. Thaiikiug you fov the long t<pac.e in your valuable oapor 1 remain, yours truly. *V\M. B. 1NKSJMI, Disciple of Rev. Mr. Hughos ant member of session of Presbyterian church, Osprey. Quarterly MM*UIIK- Tu the Editor of Tht Atlvana. Dn*a SIB : At 1 know that you mo always ready and williiiij tu K'va apace in th% columiu of The Advance to any item uf chiuuK news, vopecuUIr so when imh n*wa is of a cheating- ant) enoouraxini iitture, 1 now aik yuur iudul g*uce ia noting tbe following : Y*tr day tha QuarltV| UWcial Btmrd of the Mettiodbt church, I.eM sMoud regular buslneas mwiio,^, which wai to all Dloit iiarinoDiiiiii and pleasant, each one maqiTesling a drtire ant) readiness' to i'rry "uMll'cri[itural injuiictliiii,"K fur- ward." The financial rectipU of the quarter were in eicce* uf amounts r*4 civd at any similar period in the hi lory uf ou church, aud lae outlo.-k t >ri|(ht and clwfiUiliwilul. Tlia ts |irmi-uj of tli* Rev. J. lyniinjbrrilli,!)* <jldiiid faitli- '(rf nuniiter 'rdiiitlliiiMii-lwt, i >iudi>ul>^ liaJ its influence uiiliiliiii lit IU. . Tho f -.,]],, ruitolution ri|| n \ai ' -v.ili n-i T.-I.IV thereto : Miill^[yi,y J, IVW. AnineLroiig, aoconded by II. U , , Kidiiik>4_jn, that ai a Quarterly OUlilliit! liJ -wt liait with gluat ple<uur llif[i-ii|apritt ofKfv.JBamei Kaakervi!le aini)iiii)[|.ii) i,ii as t rniilei it ou our riii-iii 1 . nniliiillijluJii!}Krij~t3<lilc(l aiatd M pected Suptwililw Hti-J iii:i oiilcr < r nur church. We lufi nnQife nl f I'" 1 )' tl' t I"' presence withau;iii)yiMaa<ln bl<*;Min; to us as a cliuiiluu ti iJllm*M, t mir i^nutual intercourt) i|inliuil>ii Uiujl|ifi)l t=a lm and family. feini"neilii -v iiiinoiiBljr. J( )H N tlA ,M AiSTTTRON'O, R. 8. Flesherton, 1 Fnnn cmnnim uni far-'>fJtfmilrtit . Tho wootlii ii in Ib vicinity- art swarming witliiiin ilinimlsBsi of all des- criptions, raiijij 'f,vf ill IU r is way from the juvenile BilliiiillioilliiiDj I piitol to the kceneyed, nUMJHld I Inintor with his dt-ath-deilii)n;[iiii2 rfiteoor. We have heard of no Ijituiujyaiinii yt, wifch the exception thotW Toniml Joo sli ot it a partrid^u 111 00 tin otln o evening with such precision!! 11 u tubasLTe tho poor bird '.rith burdiiiinlli'i'iMi'lit i t Iffttlic3r8 to keep-it friMirtaisitttziM|iliiB-S inter . Joseph L auiii i iiid *i.oi<-> s. Hat grave who wciT wiilii! jilting iliiniBi uriir Mono Koad all snew rainier, till) i - > c lioin%._ j last woek. The hilohpiiWif-je-lUfter their teaaon's work Mr. N. \V.(inoCiiD|jlllitfciti!pM'tec3' tlie College and tli,yyAdriiijr_my lately- and reported botlil'CilKliooliiia a utisfakctory condition. Miss J. Clluill ffanli,* ' lio has been iipciidinR a i will. Jin iilli iniiin in the Queen City taking Immi HHnni ill I f niiitinus anil inusii-. rfturulUy iveek. Miss M. fciniinJlinrnjIiuMt) has been studying shoilkiiiuililianlirii-i ting in Tor- onto, is visitiij hi j.j frill i in tliiss vie- iiiity. Mr. (ii.-\(ii ran 11 Sin i til in.' with pleurisy at prtiUa-int. frinn uiiniunii The news ninniioiiiil lit km r atlior scarce for Boir,iiii!.;*;imrwt 3 t , tliore Ix-iui; nothing wortljil Imjuf i*fc=o. Mr. IhonmSiJ in Sifft itpiiitmn^i new roof on liiskiiiilttliijiwujacjtiiine other improvemi-ntiiitVnn bingti cuilc. Vhcro is some tula tlitTl'lHtTiiiiii cuiitfii iplst- m 1 .; some KrctlMMttveiiUi lio ea^i lie rt-ullj fnnnut[liiiitUtliinliili(-x.'-<iiiiig haclic lor's hall. Mr. John Liirfiiiiik>n,Irt -!!) o f Mu v;rnia, hut in i mil niiJiisttift at 1'any Si)iind, h:is luir'iiiiHviiiliiii; x '"* pssarentii in this nt'ixhlnliiooiliuiliooil, ID I avin^ recent- ly gal iuunitilliiuiiLiii-i lift mv. iiuj MM..! him. His inn; (u! iii iijfrtnlii - aratiuilL Ku- I;I-IIMI KUVU luiiiiiiiiiiaiiidliibcf t>iiile a 1 leuiU Wlllfollir. Mr. SaiiiiiillWl MWti I 1m n-tmuiml firon liia visiniiliilitiiitliSiiUJ~tii. II- - w >li lighted witliilmill llie dituxa-j, ami hn|v< to revisitjit sit iiiii! In iu tho uenr future. Mrs. Holliifl tijupr in iftnniied to Toronto, aftdm nil lur nil U Lo fun; ds tt Nlr. T, Fi'iiiii imwlt luraa etunieJ Lome after Hp.'inlii.: 'Hi A tli n;j tamiuur ni'ir lti-aniptoii. IlirBiifltrc ii JoacDDii wlsa i.^n- iiiK amoii({ tlii'sii hijujrlsiw - lie ia Hioniu hut I won't H;iil'(IIU'li Mr. .laiiii'sl'iiiiil'IfWiiii!, r -wk ha^ brn v. i\ sick for m one IIK.I i idinwia. little better. Mrs. Hatl!t[ i \it] itveri i-j |H>or 1y it present. BhwHIiM |M i .m vi sit tu bur fi.-iter, Miilinul'lmiliin-r 1,0!' Iu lul.n ley. Tin- weatkii niitin !liiip*arlof tl -ac Do- minion is hpl, .lilil.llilil ['.; llilll! UCftjBOll Of the year. - Mr. Jamt-jU UIIUI wr : y \vn ivt, prn- rut. Consuii|iiiiiHi|iiii)iiii t. M. lie coiu plaint he is alTt;cit'iliiili.Jiuili. While Mr B I Will l)itbtn.tvao.ikBoiiKli- in", in his I'uUi |IU 1) !)' 'u ;>>, li raised sonit- liiiniiiAiiitii i etnvinit us nf mineral. Tin i Kit it ire oc ry indi -cation of a valuabli'iiiiK 9iiNiiniHMi[[J|i iwaiul silver also to be I'.iniiiiiitnl'iJ miiiHii (i ljiv, m iu the well which wiiiiKQuuiililiuu t_ina lV\v~ yean ago there waitun nutwkaeV (try ri \;li in copper brouifliiff liliipfan d.j- tii of twenty-seven hUttl bt. Sunn m >-[ i t wts takm by a liljiooi^Qitok York a_itv to Ler brother, lull lie tout A loan cxpe.t wlio 'pronouuil i l/rd il l I 1 uable ore. New Carriage &_ in old iiby *iiilii.<ai,iolliil|pi)tt> nipr,u-iii^, bii log h~. |>Iaocd iiln thiil Im IH.II li * v in l,- t lu.lli avnli jlilli in >ml iroat at. (I mll|i ii|Afl.j, ilio t a,>i'Mti>i aunraaioal ounliiMHiDllii NIMI IWnlily nd ill Ncrrevt complita, i ,1111111, illy bi e ilnj IB~- tl In <*iiiiler(ul curil|i|i<|iMli l'n It t n thuuii^iidi ol eaMU, ha* (llikmdltw ibbn auiilull koownlo bli tuttrlnn (ellin f .. * im.l >-<; i hi. moMn kii.t a ,ln* tn.,n, in iiiitkiiii . lirlu(_ 1*111 Mod fr nl elm '"l'. lull w/ ^lioi1tlra> ll.tbli rcoif*. In Orinnh.i'liil'rBii,llaI aBH|llih,w itb lull ,dlrotloua for iniitrllivi^trlniiDil a uilng. ^wnt bj bail bf aJilriii,'iii|iiiii! miWi-tiip, naml of ibli lpwr. W. A. Xmtdiinii.Nil'iiiatfFVi'bliMk, toobtt- lilacksniith Shop. Tljo niiilr-riivnii-l beg leam to acqnitiiit tb public with the [act that thoy bare opcwl U|iu new m.vy mil blaukaiiutU shop iu FleitLortou, wln-ri^ HVi-rylliin^' iu our lint- w.ll be uuni,l,.l to in a pruiupt maniur nml i<mt wrkmanhip guaritutreJ. \Vc make F]H-cialty of UOR8E8HOEI N G. And crfe toliave nii-cbaiiin wlm j-ives entire natinfucti. m < vi<ty time. Special atten- tli n to tfii,li-r in eonlructeJ {t-tk, ftjttrferinji positivuly p.-ereuti- I. DWORKING- Ii nil lt L>rnncliR. Wni-oiib. l>n,'i;ii--<, lii-mocr.its made to order. We l>< I VH wa can wmk ii]> agufxl buiiii>sa in l-'n-ln-rton ! fair an. I M<]uar auJ can-fill < ,i ki.ituhi(>, and Kuliiit (In- public to tt i ir iui i.u in i>ur vuri<nin linex. t* HOI' tH'l'OfilTK f'f lt\I IT/IK H'.tHKHOOMS. IH'lltUM ST. WRITTEN & BLAIR. SUBSCRIBE FOR- tt's !;/. THE HAMILTON VEEKLT SPECTATOR nnd Improved. CouUinn All tin NUV.B. fi i]i tn. I Pointed Couiuicutu, Kntrt.\nii u^ st iiu.K. '1'ho I'liuii-o.-it Litnrary Matter, KMTything for Kvryboil) TO 1ST JANUARY 1$ Tlill i;rt pft|r f roin now fill tit January |tl^ rvA'Iln^.- in itt-r woklvail>l IMI nrt |'i.-i,iiiuii piutur*. "SUXUrt Ot' l.uVk:, for only fl.09, orclublxit witli Thu Ailvaiic* foi l.W. Wanted l.itwnl cmiinin.u-ti t>uuut. A good agent foi tluri iliatrict U Wttnitfl ftt once -ono who will tiki- a ii iuuraat in ;-islimu th li|x>r and willmtku m thurii'iKh ruiiTtMuf hiidUirict l-'ur Urt^M atnl |iftrticuUri I'riiitiiiK < -> HAMILTON, CAH1D1 SOCIETIES. Flesherton Station Steam Saw and Planing Mills. Cut torn every day. LuniU-c of all kinds for J. E. MOOR i: I'ropiii'tnr. ii^lcs nnd Lath Timber We llAVO t<ro new Thomas Orpins for Sale. Cbeap for Cash or SHWL Loys. SONS OF Ti:Mri:HAXCK.-Thli ^Mty aweU in l>r riu i*tm<'> Hall .-v.-iv U, ilyi-|iuill|I t|' in \i-i';ii(; bl-uttlt-iu iti\iU-il lii>iirauvu in inutile- 1 ii'i; HOVM, TKMfl.AliS 01 Tr.MI'KltANri ll-nlt*r i'lMilirll IIIK t<r\i-i y TlU'Ktltiy evvu- in ^ in >|M iilu hblui-k at ^|MII. Srti < t >l.o- inMiii,i<f i i. lots iii.niiiiiv. the \\i-iluuk.iky I i -.M',!!;- 1 1 1 1- 'J-.Tl'l < > f l-i II Imflla. 1>ltisci; AUTlll'li I.OIHII: NO :M. A. K. * \ M. tniH'tiii th M.t,>uic Hull. f>ttiui til >ck, MfHlii-itoii. t-v^-> l'ljl&> OAOtHfctVIM (ulluiuuL,. A.3. Vaii:iii>i-n,W. M.; U J. Hpruul* BC o-. ;-,i Sound. Ontario, f^ IMic Very 3 PLAt.'l: IN CANADA TO liKT A Tliaroittjfi liutiiifu, Take a Rouud'Frip ;:^,^,,^i ^^^-^^^-^i*^" n ! <'..lii-^iV* Hfl-l ( 'iUtinu'H tal 1 'purliiifMt in t ;tn i.l.L.tln'ii visit , fXAinine evvr> - tiling th<ir<u^hly. If w* fuil t |HM|UC thu uioHt t tDplotfl, practical uu>l vxten- rni-f>( Mi'i til" I " t H MI I HH" ' ititj'li'f ni I- 1 initst MJlt- ubli> i in in MI rv .ni ! .% v* ill uie yuti R full ci'tnsu hK; t For Annua 1 \nnuuurc ujuui, tfiviiit; full iati. a! us, di-e. aldrw C. A. KI.KMING. >li>. llii!lp|s- Opposite Metho- dist I liur.-li. I'lrsherlon. Pn'-ian-l intiitlH Kinking m all its branclii-^ lt..\>'ii Kirl-mit utti-n.lwl t ><riiui|itly anil MfctUl.U IK Ml UIIII*Mt>-ll (i.-IltUlllllll HIIII-. iiiKluii|. in Kuvil it >!<.. when cloth U brounhi ruail) cut. API il J '.il DRESS MAKING. Wits (i.lKKIinl'M .Itmirw to anuonn* . t i I i. |ony.-f ol Kknho. t<Mi nl,,l vtciDltV tliat H)IV t |niro-l f ili lr.*-.t.i.mki^ to tne HatliifbO I 1 ODOI t)it> )in in a v fiitiUMt hvr with tilt ,- n I ain UtvHt fa^hicu i>latv* alwayv t<n II Mll'l Se\tiB f aclli>il K'"*IMtWf tl. Vl'i V rvannti nlU|niii-- S!n*p M.iit.1 ruKiduQce over Slitcli* 1 !! n liniik.Hic.iavcUnii'K block, Klt*h**rtou. ln-*tr:i lionialT*tm-ia ItUag u.l cutting by " ' We Are Your Meat. lii\niK njM ii.-.t UT> a new ' -li..|. in II. I, .-M, ,n wiiM kjinlly BOllcit i.-iiiiiim; anyiDlDi in tlu-ir Inn-. Mi. i, ^t-i-tiii'l iliuir uai-l i-f f'lavtou'a limit >n.l lun, stum, tlwd tuuilur ntcak alwav mi hand. 'I h >m I >-.,,M D. 1Srla\ ish, HORSESHOER AN1< QENBEAL BLACKSMITH, Collin^wood Street, FLESHERTON. - ONT. Miniifaotiulii(af Waggoni. SUInhi, Ilniigloi. i>wiiiurrkta, Eto. HOTM ihuainn |)roni|-tly -. MMMto. Spfclal *tiilion given to cuiitrart- fM . or UnJr f and Plw Chains Untly oaaaael. ron- . Farm for Sale or Rent. Thean<lr>i|ui<l lm ilniiou of Mllinc hii f riu Int VN. Sri con . Art..iu,|. and will illi p>"nl it | low pr !< a food piirol.awr. Ttill:in oouuini fft icrmi. ST olar>l th rt(oud hardiiood and o*Jr. Oooil I niui h unwind lar|< frarn* barn. Two good we] It on >r.-mlio*. A birialn (or K.mebiKly If not would r*ut toiinit*bl (raant. WM H 1I1U1V N P.O. It covers the ground the 13. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, ia boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it and get your money. For v, ,- by M. i: . ...i &. . Boar for Service. Tim mi.ltti xiKii-Ml liat a *i '**-.. lid |ic*'i r e<1 llrkliire B.-ni, iiniHi: lo i i-k.fnr m-i > oo lot 3D. con. 1:1. Aftuiua*i Thmla one ! I an l>ft MI|III: iu tho 11, unit). Tniua (1 or IV par ri-iii off for cMh. UNovlmo L.J WIUMAMHOif Lands for Sale Farm propertlM, improved anil uulmprorod, A|.niy to ). V. AUUSTRONU. r. a. .

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