Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1891, p. 7

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.i fi i M - in ' > I ARE WE TV BELIE* I IM TUMI.? r B.IIDME wtHTBt stir iv Idrntmrrr wko Iferrived S*M- > T* t oaaccl the <t*nh *ea with the Balltr- A Crral EaxlarrrlBX real. The cutting of the chip canal through ihe province of Schleawi,' llolsteiu to connect ih.- .Vorth Hea with the Baltic is progressing I on the ti-uth of the exu.-nce or the" fte or i r^dly, and it is believed that it can be , thj nyln ^ O f quite a number of historical i " U " f f b - ril P' en<t ' oon.plet..- 1 by April, IS93, or a little mor ' - Hw * . n v \i r IU lain .ire Ki.ilrly Bl<- prlir* *ewa4aj*. - -j The literary iconoclasts arc so many in doul.t is being throw* ' . than ix yt> ars from the day on which thu first sfadolul of soil was ti- rnd in '.he pre- sence of K:i:p- -ror v\ illiam I. at Holtcnau, They are raisinzat th:i timeu. 'iititnef in France to Joan ni Arc, tSe hroic peasant girl of I >oinremy, wii, after leading the near Kiel. Since the sixteenth century six- troops tu victory against the English, teen plans have been urv'-'-l f jr connecting ' the two seas, and the laat two form the basis of the project now under way. The is about sixty-one miles in length, be- iti.,' at Holtenan, on the rUy of Ki-1, nd terminating near Bruusbuttel, on the hUver Kibe. As the mean water level of the N'o'th Sea KMIas in Ike Brar Ceark. Why do I always ri^e in the last car of a railroad train ? Well. 1 oajn a reasim : - it, which I'll tell you it JOU^S^B t-j listen. 1 was levt-ral yean a^o, before 1 Ku jhuid. I wasearning uiy living *, a "00111- aasumed to be the r.^httul > ','an > T""""!. 1 i *** ^ ^"h 1 *, ^ tr ' P impostor. l,,,wever. act.liw ttouiuh^d m > * lr ," a * h Un'^hire, I ht.1 got as far as !?oro=,:o in 1878-78, and th. antountic, Bolton and almost made op m> King of Medicines l'mo*t ; heart tu.m they did his auumpliou of ' ightsof the Sultan. Italy appealed in T-n_':cr. the I J Xo taken priaouc', tried and 'ondemued as a heretic and sor~*rer, i>nd was burnt at the stak ia the market place at Rouen. We are now told by more than one F. euch writer that she was not buru',l>ul par, i >. i *n<! relee*" I, aud that she married and be- . came tbe mother of a family. 3toI 7 lo te '! o! hu """$* am j ^ u ** Tliey Live jiut been celebrating in Swit^r- , ^I'u^'g" AU^d ^ath'- wu'the'r "nT dependence of tha^Repu'biiot'wd'in the ' ful h ?' r to llie luron of Morocco. He y-o- , posed to arouse public sentiment in his be- ! alf, ,,-onvireed that he coulil establish the justice ot hu ,;!i>'l thai Morocco would omeoayr- u as tlie Sultan. He bad iiuite a iarze eatablishinent. iii*i<les mind to the aight tiiere, wbeu I found that to this d.iy l..,d there ,-V. ',,..-.. p*-e. of his \ * 1 fe! ' ow " kle V?< n . were ; ?S ~ .^ e lily which they took more seriously to | - :a > P '" tr ~ to Halifax, so 1 decided to -hem. te rful Q1 ht - market plite of Altdorf. \V.) are row assured th it the stciy of Tell i, a myth, that there wa. ao Tell, that ySSu^^S^^ *M2?3&?* l Moroccan, and the , aoabyo,derct ( .,s,leMheAusr 1 anba.,: I f, a* a native i . n wukh he ; part of hi. the The slaughter of the IVA. the ' Abdallah. Sultan is considerably higher than that of the Bal- tic, both opeiu..f* are to have hug- locks. Near Rendsburg i to he another lock to ! great ); trade of historical p-r*onage* connect the new crnal with the old Eider William Tel! .ad his son, having thr- myth- C*nal. The medium water level is to be | ical apple t hat Tell is alleged to have ahot about equal to of Ki-.-l harbor, and th* , from tie child's hea I with a eross'jo* in tin iiicic* at the outlet on the Baltic are to be open nearly always, or except during periods of considerable variations in the water levels. At the lowest tide the navigable width is to be about 119 feet, so as to allow the largest B!l.c steamships to pass each other. The .r.ovements of war vessel* and the largect f tacU of the merchant in mne were con- sidered ;n making the, because they canuot pass a curve with a short : i:u. I >fr. Astor Between two counter curves a straight line good and has been drawn for safe A speed : mous Sip^ of 5.3 kuots is axlmijsai.-l-. A : * -,t sixty- teucadiaa C three per cent, of tlie c*' al has straight J the U lines. ! respectably and From Hulten^u to R-.-ndsbcrg the line , Gertn.n writer \\elckcr, who wrote** book rum through a very un<!uUting country, ! to prvo her innocence. Bishop luirlwaU] aud there it has ti.e greitest number of | and Lord Lytlon both Iwlieved in the purity . rnrvm. In front of the outlet into the J nr character. Kivcr E'.l* : to be a roadstead. In culling through about nine nuK- of the watershed of the rivers Elbe aud Eidc:- an excavation of about ninety-eight fet to the bottom ot tbe canal is required. Between Kendaburg declared for centuries iu song and torj and the Ultic a ridge must be cnt through, ' but of the wild C.asc. TJ. who descended and just beyond Rend.sburg the upper Elder from their mountains aud fell upon Roland ' lak'..i iiuist be lowered for tii canal to pans I and his knightly u>il-- m and men at arms I through. The flow of the canal is toward n ,1 marred Uiem lo the Utl.,u^ I >to {7' "" i lh f m0re tha Moroccans *K''5 d th Kibe, tut at hi^h tide in the Elbe it j Whm-t^ .1,.! "' -" , rhT ,- ! . 1 fclm .* " "P*tor. the more sympatny will dischirge into the Baltic Sea. The banks are to nave stone packing to diminish the force of the waves. Abotit 7,000 workmen aie employed in 'did c ,jt sayV 'Waterloo, " The guards :he construction. They are m 38 camps, of they never surrender." nor did the Duke of IliO to 500 men each camp having its own Wellington at -.!. crisii. of that battl* tLrn ;xe.-uiive oHi^e and sleeping barracks. T(K- 4a ,i toyi L'p, common laborers get about seventy cents a | guards, an 1 at 'hen: ' V- ; , . r, day, and the foremen and skilled laborers ; tuese thing. and the Ic^-nds wlil live in Bet from ninety-five oenU to $1. 13 i Jny. jplt , of all the crilicisra. The mechanical appliances are -^7 dry dredg- ers, 'J4 floating dreil;- r. 97 l-KX>m "tivos, abo-it r,-J iiiilei of tra. k, -J.70O dirt ciirfs, 1 tl-v.itors, 15 steamboats, .! recepti dredging implMents, and JT. steam puti-p- ..., , v i.-uanoie immense ooJi ti I Vui , X&SZA taa siis SJSE-ESEHH: - -^ intixo Luis. His real his- to liilr H-. Jiowevrr, w.< a M of his ri^ : ; . \Vhen liii Th<- wind blew a nd the ram came down in sheets, but we fallows did not mind it ! much. We beguiled the time by tellinz ! tones of our business experiences, and h id almoet reached 1'rt.stor. when the talk acci- dentally turned on railroad acc-iti- : " What fooU we are to travel in the last compartment '' a;'l my fnen 1J . ' poe a tram camecrashing intu us, we siiould all be ground to powder. " Sjppese it the other way about, ' I re- 1 ^c '- 3 - *. -tt ii .*.ci* ^ Lr^miuva I . . , * r , , wife, he had a se.-retary and an '. I 01 "' 1 ' "^ that w<? occupied a front car id a large number of servants. ! na e an . ll .. we ? t s P!"f nin * ;D: ' J . of us. \V, jhould be sent to king'lom como just as i|ui ;k!y. But J w< in :-.ive mood, and he showed how, in that case, the engine would be in front of ui and would break the force of the The subject lasted until we r-- Preston, when J , who had long been "or a :: in Algeria, an . : i _ t _ ' glided out of rreston fairly rocked beneath its pr-nre. trila Moroccan Government paid no stteuti. ' *\ e 7' U <*****- " wc cro s u. - sr,.i.._-. . reaiarkedone A Caff " When I w:i^ ] l ye-irs > ; ,-e- uuwlt ol rhearwtisni, j.M alt. r I .-ecovere* uud to BO <m eruu-iics. A yr.nt ui-r. -ri.juu, In the form of white twlltn^, .ipi.-ird on various port* of IK. . r 11 [ was a:i -4 cuufined to my bed < yean. ID Uiul feme ton or eleven sores ap- ..rid broke, 0.1,1.-...,: iu>- -jr-'ti pain and nunVnns;. I feared I in-. Early iu im) I went to % isit a sister, but Wits conaned to my ! < time I was lh--i". in Jul; 1 .-.. . .,,ok. A Day with ;i Qrcu.-.' oreures by Huod'sar:.;-.iri ; '.i. I w.uiais- pressed *ith t!.-.- >m-ees,s ,>f thii I decided to try it. To HIT great ^i .i:ii<-ain s toe sores soon decreased. and I l/i-i..i t., : -I : .: .1 short tim* 1 w:i* up -ind out c.f .I,*ir. I'; mm K-1 to '-lii: Ho-nl > ->ar- *|j.trill:i (or ubuut a yuu, when. uavuif used MX buttle*, 1 had become so : ; - that I wnt Iu woi k lor Uie Fliut i Walling Ml;, l>. mil HAVE -Nf>r . 'I'.LK DAI :ekii'--ss. I 'i?~nvt .nuiy system. Uwaysf..--! wi-ll, am Iu good spirits and nave a sv-d iMpettte. i . walk as well i at :i- limb is a little rhott-r tluu UK otter. wiujj l-j . ut ' bo : ..I- inf fi very rciracnii us, and I . i W .KM A. 3-l^ilTlUe, Uui. ll w ", founj * h t h " " ' t - uro P. a ol '"*. * >mpany. " The wind ep up the river arid will be enough to Ofc.-ry us over." "No fear of thit." said I, " :hat ban stood many worse storms than -M-, aud will stand mauy inore. " i words were scarcely spoktn i:ore there was a heavy gratinp sound, the. car in which we wre seated -earned to be lifted bodily from the rai's i.-.d bock again with abruip, an,l : n- to an abi'M , Ue windows and p-. i u.:'. darkne.3*. The Kii.: glimnicr o: the car windows i.t wed us ::. wc w-jre totteriui(on the .try rcr-^e jf t'::- bank. The brid_ , s" wer Hood's Sarsapariila - . , 00 Doses One Dollar Am . is, in w . Christma*^- were so Hun 'i thills] 1,1 handle inimeuse bodies I of trcopj eiviily in ralviy ti-anspor: . cu*trated in th r-"cent r- /.eriau. In thj-ty-i ; i hjur ti-- leara Franz-Joseph Railway carried 7'VAS.t rr i ... ne cf the sham battle without a sin.-le accident or delay. The Russian manoeuvres near tbe weetern victiDi o; injustice. but, notwith- remirkabie that he so '-om|i', ^ed some of the people h m -. H iv, .-......; -a .n borrowing considerable turn of money from the iniir U :u the city, .ind ut other ways turned Li. previous to produkiU. ucounu ^8""= and tbo , carj uhich had ,.a.!o ,p B ttU girl bo Wai i The cji>.<hcaf of hJi swu:d : ing operations was when he made a contract wit?u Eng- I * r n . ^ m ," nth. name of ti.e Morocco > hrie ? . of Unune.t, to suoplv him w-.ih .>.,UUO stand 1 ' lism l>' ' "* " s. H~ received f -,,. thu firm . . first com ? irtmeuf, sumo o' w- - . capl ! . b.nled alive lilerallv aai k sxi disaster U V I 4 i'.llll over tn burned 1 1!--- air, the little ntr:. boundary were h- --.ilitary di of Waiuw iu >.: I i ut so secre'ly j that the details are still uu', nown to the S37.ltt.000. About one-third of that amount was paid l>v the Russian Covern- nient before the work was begun. The rest U to be paid, as required, by the <irman empire. The construction U under the management of tbe Imperial ' miteion. The regulations for the working of the canal have been adapted to tho tnihc to be anticipated. The traffic between the Bal- tic and the North Sea, including vessel* 'rom a greater distance, embraced, on the average fr in I-7I to KS<>, through the Sound, :i."i. Jltf vessels : through the Belin. i.>W vessel*: through the K.der Cu.l -J.-^S v^essels, or a ^ n the opp .. J1;i){ , ommatidcr*. The -i.^it t l li '^ ""f 11 i '^ l tr *^ C f Uf ' ! '!>"> i-J ngninnhlt sfcan, battle to.* fth. ilw^belitved. inay. becounte.1 on fcr | ph^ , he \- 14tuI ^ ^a iu ob -. M , the CMalm the near futnre. About twenty. .tt.ckingjxuU the crossing of t'ler, . aevTii steam vessels and thirty lows of three for thl . defending tvty wat the fru- to four sailing veasels, movm- m one direc- O f the attempt. All the m,proved accessor tion, can go through in a dav. The time le . o( war> ti \ e the balloon, the saved by s steamship running between Kiel and HamWirg by way of the canal if estima- ted at twd days and a half. The time of through the Canal, including stop- . Jed diy of pi:*perity was ovei , hu i-::<i<lisli fle-l t,' K- ^l.i-id >;-.. ',|, iod a large p.m of his ill gotten ^a.ns. 1'i r to the throne in a l'-w month* ue- ^ .ourko had ombd to thu pestilent*! atmunhert and man- -.ivre.. whi ! >d of hi. p Hu dlpw i, 60s'["Ad.- u :'s, and '.\'4 guns. Ihe total number ->f cpmbiuntsw alu - from & (j , n i.^,.^, ,, (..en Krslmot.loA, o: the rourteen-h Oorps mlsteke M lorfli , Ieft , character . ,v:i.l (. n Mirkovitoh of t 1 :: 1-iitetuth Corps! ., . .. ^^ -^^.^^ ^ ^ The Lcuilom l'ul|.-r Furrr. T !ie Metropolitan 1'olu-..- 'r'or ., with order iu the street*, proaecuti-ms under the In lictable Olfenscs act, llie ptevenMoii ummonses under th Suuirrry .1 ui isili.jtion acts and [ n\ '. supervisiou, the refutation of mon I'.ilgin,; hotuee and public house*, the g "f hackney crr:a^- Irivers. besides robbcri-s, : and ttleph 'lie, were used at the-c nnu- .; vies. Lue in September theCoverument audits o ' > U. ''-llei: 'T'M-|1. I !-^ ,!!... .! _. i exercised by night ou lona forced iu*rch< tionot the oanal. whereas uow a s-niadro is 1 an d by day in target practice. All night three days from port to port. I manu-u>er are conducted with the aid 1 ..ur railroads cross the line of the canal. ] electric light*. Although tioumama'a offi but three of them are to be conducted over jcial press j-.-ldom mentions Russia's acliv it by Mm bridges an 1 one by a suspension brid^o near Uruutbal. For two of the much fre-ostfit'sj country roads turn bridges are to be built, and for the other* sixteen len-c* are to bo provided. team whi'.h can The in tin nick :' time bad saved us a Iding our cries and <"o i > '. n, t- 'gineandt' . carria^j, - '.. as it were, a : of the rucr for tiie otr anaeunion had smasbed them out seniblaii'.T ' - hape, ar lunate occopaiiti w i. tempt to tell : ork of < ' was ve r y patatnc'.y shallow, and :ii" i.-i::---iit, w.^si ,:"Ugli to wash ... of de: '. ;W tho ini ui"J Tli > -.ery hoiii', co;nparitively few of the xc'i])*!:ts of : .' . -\n hem,' UX,.r. -'i Ixhly s recovered. n >t.n of the nxt day. 111. (>een i r the last one life. The n 'v!-.-st I . fter. or bei'oro :i >ur surface, ^o -u u: rt.-lude I cau't - you are. ' : nie's ik .C' c >-es of : - : we c . i .M:eUons whi;-!' we .ai- never recognise : . ,_, nut fo * long "German Syrup" Croup. ,,. it be a subject of wjn-1 r . f , r a ,4 1 * leading so laborious a life can un- .ery one ! e tail* of all this legi'iail.jn in an-;. . . v ?r in :i the ity m Beesatabia the Roumanian Govern- ment has its spies out securing detailed infonnalioti of all that its big neighbor is doing near the border. Reports of its experts on a new repeating rifle and smokelesa pow- der have been hurried ti completion and submitted, and before January the chasseur battalions at least are expected to lay aside I their Martmi-Henry rittes for more deadly bodget for IS9I called for a mili- tury app.-opriition of -.-.U.O.V.Mw roubles agll i n9 t .>.-.',;>4l,iU la^t vear and a marine * a . , v by u-h in i ' Reminiscence* of Boulangr are coming forth every dny. Here is one that relates to the beginning of his fortune. He was ' with Marshal Ra/.Aiue in Mexico when Na- poleon III. was Hoping to establish an em ' piie there. The 1'rincesa Carlotta and her husband *rere holding court there at the same time. The Princess was a daring rider, ami whenever she left the citv foi a! ride she would gallop over the plains in a -.,| (| , s ,,, straight direction for miles, but :i > one of '. . tho cou l imagined that ahe wu in danger ' at any tine. One hot afteiDoon Boulanger, who was then a Captain and had command of the gua:d at the principal gate of the city, had just rolled a fresh cigarette Mid was about .und^ K 7rmv aivbTTi',' to light it when he saw a amall cloud ol dust expenditure - for these p^po^, vu ab out in the distance, and he waited for the rider . ^j^ogo. i; rm . nv -, Z4 for the to approach nearer, supposing him to be a n,,^,,,^ V ear l!.l cIU ,orV_>0.oUl.,000 But a few miautes afterward he , h a , |1($ ^ ^ , ' h aaw th. the galloping rider was the 1'r,,,- j F - he ^ ,. CC3, Carlotta. and that she was being pur- | J ri%tly j were ^.OOO.OUO and #10.- sued by a small body of horsemen. He j^)t),!t) b.heve.1 that the Mexican, were trying to . ^ ^ Augtri , n min(v . uvrw before the capture her as a pria I growing .way his | K , Q , ( - tr , h , ,. eivaU . y teU . ciRarettehe .mnmoned the guard ordered Krap l. the mechanical innovation m the gate throw,, open, and rushed down the *^ ry matters lu Kurope , ltoo< l jts first r J iVI > L T" lg I 1 "'" V rt*f. trul, to the satisfaction o! the general start would be kidnappers advauc^l. The 1'rin- . r|le u ,, ,, WM ju cha ^^J two non cess g-tllope.l furiously onward and reached safety. Boulauger way as to give general satisfaction to the And thatVw'w" 1 eomm inity. Tlu-y waU'li over an area e.t- fn-or o: t^udm^ roiui'.'y to i rad.j* ol about fifteen m:'J ' . as a centre, ex- clusive of "the Oiy of London," which covers a lit'le more laiioa be - ; aic mile. The Metropolitan I'ohcj district embraces j H. I. opriatiou of 4.',759.! '.'4 v."-.'{ Ins; year. La of appropriations for military navy Russia s total expenditures have been Amtri.Vs aimy and navy bud- vas 5o3. 000.000. to which must be added almost *6,000,000 for the militia, and to all this will probably be added for next year alut S3,( 00.000 or $4,OUO,000, which a commission in Vienuaissaid to have ucceswary for reforms iu tlie ne. In 1S80 Austria's the north, to M.igvlore, Todworth u j. , on the south, aud from Laik !l.l,, Kjsex, ' in the east, to SUmes Moor, M..'.ii----.-.\, in the west. The following constitute only a portion <>f the labor* of the Metn">o!itan luring the past year. They anpre- 83,414 persons, leceived 19,421 reports of critiiiual olfeuse*, recovered t'-!,- heats ti.ii ..'ui . l.ven sue- ^ . -onduc- tors. A IMW method haj Ix-tu ;!,(, ;! for -ineut by meuue-: hglMMfiHl nlUd ith nsereiiry. The .vw Mjvim il> < inachine will 1 r ''od by a lighl s row i:i.\k::- - -J..""IJ Its " lines from l-tu-rs Revived from y*- rents who have given G - rup to their cliiUlren L-i U .:cics of Croup You will credit these, because they come from good, sub- stantial p'op'.c, happ ling what so many families lack a med- icine conl.'ining no evil drug, which ..T can administer with con- fidciice to the little ones in their niot critical hours, safe and ure that it will carry them thro ED. L. Wit.- ITS. of Mr*. J v.;.\V K..HC, Alma. Ntb. I give it r-aaght-r.' Colic UarrodiburK. it in atu ..J lin<! it io in- gt our cx>: raers arc mothers who 'jer- mau Syrup among rh^ir cbildren. A iUeJiome to -vith the little K'lks must be a treatmet t for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood; whoop ing cough, crout., diph- theria and the Ja:ii;ero\i-iinflaniiua- tO - Cl '. '" "1 trju^ and n?vc. prepi Uite it It is siaj. ly nsi- '.1S. Ky. I up revolution! per minute. ' . n 1586 worth out of fW.Ml worth of pro^rty PO w,d be a ki> - -:ons ot delicate throats and lungs. st3lu, made ,*4; inquiries forOovornment * llle - The motive ;s.wer will be * ;H.-tro departments and provincial and Continental leura condensing engine. police, found aud restored to their friends' A recent eruption on the sun's f- -e was il ,540 persons out of i,04^ persons report- ' photographed and luted for fully riltcen evl miraing, attended I, .111 tires, summoned m^iutes. Its ngu!*r lici^ht sho\V"d it -o IK- for various offenses '.'-'li refreabment house a ,i;sturhance causing tiie vapors to oicend keepers, '.1,091 drivers of hackney carriages, fully 80,000 miles. time are bleasinirs, and b'.csse.l, though we cannot see iii.maenng liands. One e>eumza grntieinau saw a little girl in front of a fruit stall, and hear.! her skying, " I wisii I had an oiangefor m-i-.lier. She and the children with her were neat and clean, and the genUcinaii ^ave Vuern all carts. Ac.. 14comm>n l.xlgiiig-house keep ' The cimera and an ordinary o.l lamp era, 53 otfendeis under iheSniok* Nuisances the gate in safety. Boulauger and the guard tired at her pursuera, and they, seeing that the Princess had escaped from them, turned and g.tUopt-d away, for that act it is said, lioultnger was ma le a Mexican brigadier by Maximilian. When Boulanger returned to'Hkm NIH>|C,HI greeto t him very cordially and spoke of the incident, t-'roin that day lie was a favorite. We consider it tedious to talk of the weathor, and yet there i nothing nmre im- portant. [Auerbnch. It is a beautiful thought that, however far on.- hor>- nny I* from another, the w iv<- whiek now rirtles over my f"0t will in short time W on the opposite strand. (Wilhelm You HumMdt. omintssioned officer.* in e.kch regiment. Kch of these " telegrapli ;>atrors " carried a box on each Bide of his saddle, one with the bat- tery and the other w n h w^e and other email apparatus. Thirteen >( of wire for te'eohoning or telegraphing can be laid hy two such officer* ut two hours, and the officer in advance ia then expected to communicate iiniiiedialelytohiscoinrtdewith the regiment the result* of his scouting expedition. This rapidity of execution is due to the fact that the wire needs only to be unrolled from great pools of HBO yards each as the rider gallops along, and to be occasionally made fast merely to fence poets oituea, or simply laid in a Butter beside the highway. Kvery cue - of departments, including protection posts at public office" and build- ings, <t'H-lv\ .ir>! and military stations, Ac., leaving l.'l.OOU available for service in the metropolis. The pay of the force during the of giving more than j per cent. year \*^ wiu'e{~M.'xi~ "which "appear* "' economy over steam, very moderate when it is considered that the ratalde value of the area for the year was over *;.1J,OUO,UOO. and the actual value ot the properly under the charge of the police at least forty or fifty times tha' amount. Tn audition to the testimony of the liov- ernor f the State of Maryland. I*. S. A., a ^ueuil-cr of the Maryland Legislature, Hon. Win. I'. Harden, testifies as follows : "Tlti coast e|ual to adistance ofcabouteightfeet. ] you wa l,,,,,t yur -IAI'II Mi-yi-i I Theoretical researches in dynamics do Lot I got a name among men, bu<. " by their indicate that any vapor whatever is capable ' truit shall ye know them." Cod grant that of inc He may so name ! il not only by Dolphin St., Bait-.. Md.. I'. >. A.. Jan. K. '90. iientlemen : 1 met with a severe ao- cidfTi! l>y falling down the back lUur* of my residence, in the darkness, and was bruised hadly in my hip and side, and the forty-one cavalry regiment* in the j tuffered everely. One and a half IH -ttl>-*of \\.9trianannywiUuaveheieafteriUtele-j- -mplrtely enre.l mtv \\ M. graph patrol. C. H.VRDKN." M -mber of State UgMVtfMb EQUAL. CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Swelling*. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot! TORONTO, ONTH

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