FLESHERTON ADVANCE, "TRUTH BEFORE F.i }'OR."-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 ME.Y." 70L. XL, NO 533. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5 1891- W.H.THrRSTO!f,- :: 4 . ETCH VTrittnfvr Ttu Armstrong Bros. Jewelers) own this space and will fill it with a good attractive Ad- vertisement next week. Keep a Watchful Eys for it ! t v.ih ta Lord '" ..>* <<*tn<l c her . sri I T~ *" *ft -Forvvcr :Vu A* Loid ' t'fcu I tha* pr*n . * ci* Will H.vto u M b*.n I tn habl "KorTr w.th rbfo joyful hue* Kacuuii^wi b ni. r .-. ..; j: I kaow imkr MIIM. 0*> l *)M* Will IwtMe. >X ri'j. nc fensi3 *r Ml*i I I ini Mjr >l| UtJ*. T"ivT r with Ik* Lori ' *i%ll MCb hoprm ! Tlw .!, dark rt*r u 1 for* AnJ <uil hi* p;a> |>ur*u. F -rrr wiUi tb Lord " Through ifcts ia>pirii> thought Btf vvr> un bf m* tbbomU. Aui full obeowao wu(bt. "Forever with b Laid :" Tb*l vuajrwi* )o kuow Drawn nr by U> uj * i<>a crJ W- heart ft MCI tv (o ~For***r wife Ux Lore; ' O (horoloi. rrvUl * V k tr raataoMa soul* with oe, Still b*th hswnl< IB The*. Tenner wtU lh LonJ ' ' Lord *- BM BatUMI Ml!!. aa<i hlj> in* to !>> f . wjrd, As J Jo Thy (rmcK>a will. Fa4lU.*p Cnl MM. T WVTKM. FAINTING, TKlMMISi". 11, ;.M ^HOEING. WOOD FIRST PRIZE \V H E R K V K R S H O W N Ll'MHKR. IwML 01 M \ JOB \VDBK. wd papers are the Empire fur th* small amouut of in t<re*t it takw* in tbwtr : w FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hearers Carriage Works, FLKSilERTOX ONT. Alx bushel* Palmer, o* of *4>r4*s frx-ui lhi* trvc*. 100 Ml'K-S LAND KOLi.Klt- MOWr US. MW*MM, I- LOW -i Our Oar Vtir Our ihr Br-.|. ihr K-i < ;i!i. i ^ ihr l.-i lni|>r\ftl Harrow* th- Th Chalawonh N*ws say* a '*rrd ' sia^ ha MMII (>Iac*d oo the r\>utw b*twr>a that twu aoJ l>ur!.u>. Tuis is a new kind of o>*- eni.j. l>ut uo iluubt l>randr sUjf will b* Terr i-'pu'ar with a crtaiu ola*. Best. STRAW CTTTEKS, fL'KSlP DRILLS. UASO PLOWS On Sa;jrvrajr last, as >m bya wfw raiitiiu^ aiv>n( the nvka to the st'uth-eaat of the town. thTditcx-**r*d the remain* f * man 1> ux m a or*ic prv'.'ably 'V> f*t blw the surfac. The rvmains weir devoid of clthit>K or any trace of it, and iviLSisted of skull, teclli. inns and chest b><ne. They hid erideutly there f.-r a great number of rear*. \Vlire the. Uinesof the k>wer (>*rl of the __ ^ --. _ ' ^ >> '^- v ''** tone to. can ouly be surmised. _ . but it is su;'t*'seU they kave ba cnie\l Merc i< |00d r.cws :.>t all you people who know the value off by d^. The b\r. d..turbed th, of a dollar. St.xiul up a IK! tell us it you can, where lives the t^ne* but did not bnu,s any i*n o( th* man or woman who is not .*. i:\ioas to get the most in quantity k.'iet'.i home and i* still remains wber* Tlu * '* "' " u *' ll " tr ** ! * vl7 of 1< "" : * 4:o> bi:t '' whmt " tu " ' Th * 1 u *' tl0 " '* *" m " r NEWS. aiul value torovcty dollar thev spend. Such people Jo not tll<>r ( '' uud '" exist in tins community, the'ivbre we have something to'" 1 ' "' * mt tr commuiiu-ato th.it i< ut" -rcat interest to all. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO A FULL LINE Ot new niul seasonable o>\!s which possess those desirable leatures in quality anvl price that stamp them as bargains. The firm who i^ fortunate enough to have a stock like ours cciUiinly has the li^ht to TOO'l' TIIK IIOKIV A little in their OWB bolialf, but we shall make no more noise about our stock than is absolutely necessary to induce our friend and nc-iijibois to come in and LOOK OVER 1 wstiuf .*. W as it an aocideut .-r r^V" 1 -*: 1 ^ ,.... he icliui f It would not requir* a tery md iiuagination l.> * an mterwsun* ">* f^" * qationa. - [o. s Tliu **- and by Wedneeday all wa* [Meafo'rd Monitor A branch of a rmcptxrrr bush with ripe. bemea ou it wa* n -t.jed by Mr. W 3 Wright th* otrHrr day when walking alone ih- lake shore, Tue branch wa brought to town a* a ouroeitj and the Monitnr had the p:%sur f beholding it. aad now announces the fact that raspberries s><iae- times riiwn in Oct"r*r in the Geonpan Bar district. This will Se a better ad. Tertueaent in Great Bntain than a bear story, or winter scvne in whirh snow and icv predominate. W : vr scene* with their Icelandic coetu.ne* haTe given many old country people the idwa that t> is the frigid lone. George, thrll year '.d son of J V. Cornish, nf Xomanby.naar Orcharu on Monday week. was helping his brother I'eter drawing ouie hay when be fell off the l.ied jo the tine* of a fork, which penetrated his side and pierced his heart Peter, on miasin< his brother olf '.he Ivsd I.-wkeJ back, and seem.: hint standing Ow) the ifu-id went t him. when the boy said. "I an hurt her*. ' plactiif, hut hand over his heart. The '.Jir brother c->ni- menced to remove tie clothing t < see the, extent of th* injury, and noticing th* mark of th* two tines m thw flesh re- marked that h* guessed it wa* only a scratch, when a tramor p*a*ed through the injured lad and he dropped over dead Five snail boys, f not avor* than tea yearn -i agv. purchased several yard* of factory cotton last Saturday, and 1. 1 i on* ' th* tailors mike a balloon for thews. They repaired to the back yard of the Jnhtini* Johnston property and 1 dug a trench, started a fire in it and placed the cotton in pcaiti.wv Preity ><n it bnran tn evaiid. and a cKuhes I basket was then -.:eu to th* bottom ' Heruiau Wendorf, a son ,f Charlie, climbed into the bask eland called t > the boys to let her 150 t'p ah* went with a nuL over the barn and tree* with tli* young aeronaut oluuuig to the basket for dear life. H* was aVut ty jump wh*n i he fortunately retneuiS-red his jack knife. A long gash :n th* cotton WAS the work of an instant, the gas commenced to escpe and the ball -on ivj-vi to des- .end. when about ave feet froia th* ground the badly fn Aliened by jumped oat. The b!l"0n, rv.ievrd fr< its bur- ilen. a^ain sli t up i- 1 doatec} n Tth . and 6nally came down aud was caught in a tree m Maycock bush We under siat'd a second ascenvon is talked of uevt Saturvlay ^Hanover t\t nine Tiewa are in pho4ntfra<ur.\r<:u:ed in a wkanner that is a credi: : C*- . ait. and coui"nso an exc*>llejit photn- of the o!i Chieftvn. taken a short previous to his death : a handsome portrait ot hw) dv<He4 w.J * . :h< Bar- pws Maoiucaid : and ma: - -ter e*tin| wranee. The cover : lectkxi of photottraTurc \* a beautiful Work of art. the title bein^ ricaly tot- Uawd in :! r. with (a mcdall'' the Chieltain in relief. sttrr>u:>dd by In* now senvrablw words. "A Hrtt;ah subject I was bom, a British su'vie-.-t 1 will die. wM'e the rK-k<tv>und - * a shield with the British arms, and the whole m surmounted with Jrap*nr in r"_val purple, fnn^ed wit u . i.'.it- \ prrfosium like this has neTr before been dered by a newspaper in Canada, and will no doubt be eagerly sou^h: after, a* it will bw aii oruamvnt to a ^arlr lab.'e aa well as a raloable av<uv*iiir ot' thj old Chieftain. Fall, 1891. And the first year of Merchant Tailoring ha? beeii a success. By your pa:rcn- age an! our endeavor to please, we hope lo make the second still more prosperous. C. /. ZFITCff. MERCHANT TAJL.OR. WILL SHOW FOR YOltt A 1S- ni.u I'o \oui:-. at UnNcst livnij; prices WE CAN GO NO FURTHER. The Rtlaklava and Vail. | oinl 111*11 are having a splendid run - far this season, and the trd era front town who go out to share the sport have not don* *o well for years. One Owen Sounder ir'l led forty fine salmon tr\>ut in two days last wet-k.- [O. 8. Advertiser. John V'uraiiuncs, a fann.'ron the lotli Cvncvasieu of Tiny, wa* burned out and lu> three youngest children wer* burned to death and his wife waa so badly bum ed tli.tt it is Tery doubtful if sh* can live. Th* tint wa* started by th* children li^lit ine papers at the stove and throwing th*in into the WVS.H! lv\ Beautiful Assortment Mb)*! Uimsrlf r4. Our immense line ot seasonable attractions. A qteat out- lay of haul wo-.'k, lu rl sense and haril cash lias been ex pc-ruled to ni ike i -ar stock all that critical buvcrs could pos- siblv lU-mand m vanety, quality and price. We have sue- rxl in gathering together a live of goods that is Above criticism or reproach, am) when we inform you that they lowest livinj: prices Mr. Andrew Hepburn, of Albemarle. while out shooting deer in that township, was sitting down for a whil* eating , SlllC-Iv Von A ill Ste that It \^ll be tO your advantage tO Call lunch, whvn a bullet rir*a by sonie uu- nnd iiuoii^atc our claims Tor your patronage. \Vhen it known p*ron struck him sid*ways on costs \oii nothing to look, and you are not expected to pur- th* rtght br*at. cuitm* through all hi*| i-ha>t- unless out tine i;oods and low prices prove iresistible cloth< * *" a "' k '"" : v ' ut u>utth * d *i lln i !othr i* pntratnl wuhgrief appeals to your JU DOEMEIM T . CV*nTt>s. (\t. ol -A very sad c cident <xvurrrd last evening about thtve wile* from here near th* ullair* of K \ erview. bT which a yoang man named James Markle lost his hf* thr\'U;h the accivU'Bial diavlijirv* of h gun. As near as can be ascertained three y-un< m*>i, on* of wh TI was young Marki*. got on th* track of a deer, ard vWrtevl to s*par- ate, each going in a dinVrent duvet;, n N t motw than au hour had *Up*evl when th* .-tiier y*ui<i; men heard tht> report of a i;un It bein* latr they de.-:de\l ta re- turn li'n>. Not Wniit able to c<Mne ac- or>' their companion, they c^'inirenced ahoutiiig and discharging their guns to attract las attention, but recvived no Shortly afterward ihy came the young man and were honvr- strtckeu lo find his lifeless Ksly lying bxside a log with thnmt larg^ buckshot wounds in his arm and two in his head. It is surmised that he was attempting to .. ; whon the <un bevame ac- ..,'.1: tally ilischarxvd IVath la sup- to have iven iustantan*>>ua. The WAT4HS siittu'. . %r K II J V I I -, i\i> i J 1 f r I::,:: I:: I.*". 1 [I ! Ill C:!: 11: II ro i ,'. 10 ANP UK .f.' 1 - - W\l AN L - COVK.UlNvJ [N N TAL 1'KFAKW. S * TAJ 4 ^ - CI-OCKS, IN $1.:- AN;- \\ .. If doubt ex. sis in your minds about our pood intentions do not condemn u- before making a fair comparison between our stock nrd that of our competitors. Call and sec for yjurselves aiul !-c v .vivmced. Luck ily u kept au outward cvur>\aiid cauavvi uo serious injury. CHi* vt th* severest storms that ev*r risiled th* Ueort;i*n lUr raxd here on Tuesday The sea was one seething mas of foam, not a vessel was to b* ae*n and th* wT*a br\>k* over the dock and hi^h mar i~v /*^WT A T T~\ 0_ TTI TT" A T^Tfl up on the lighthous* all dav. T^>war\li MCDONALD & iBvANB. f ;, n m K ts..iud.entdo.;..wh.t Fine Repair Peraonall* aiU'iul^l i ction i't ( l?usui**s x :.nr 1:1 The Enipirv u senin out a 1'iviniiiiii with its Weekly this fall which witl r* \Vi>: tt i An i highly pnted by tht frieuda and follow- er* of tK late IVemier of th* LX>iuiii. t -n Tt U in the hap<> of a Menion il Album, illuttratuij; tke vtreer "f Sir John MavdonaKi. frvin his I'irthplace in tJla<^>w to h-s last ratting place in Cat- ar.;ui Cemetery Th* aeries of hand- AV. A. liUOWX, MAKKDALK