Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1891, p. 7

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CAPTIREO iv TIE num. A I u h . I .i,,<- During the Indian troabiea which folio' M I coulil juJce sixty men and boys in each line, and the linen were four feet apart. Had each one lieen armed with a switch to itnkc me it woulj have been punishment enough, but they were allowed to use clubs anil M i n i i .1 . % s i rex i u i i i oppnuuoa. The eveuU which led up to the I appointment of the commisaiou lo ii.vesii- nre Blrh. ue ..w *rrle4 BHrk. That Be |p the lratll , the ^febr.,^ article, lit 10 various Westein fort* and c*nips as scout j ,id despatch rider, anil in that uapaci.y hvl ^ " .ny full share >f adventures. It wa* my for- ' tune or misfortun* almost at the outset of i my career to strike the Sioux a Mow which uiaile them forever after hungry for my life. This was in !***>, while they were lire ending to be at peace, but actually killing every while man who was found outside the there run, and was no ihow for it make did not S* 1 .. Be tblel. 1tslta*er*.ii (,,,,. ( Mudon /., ,, n p 4r , le lluin .ml A unique laiiorer i* helping build ill* new Crime," which resulted in the, apparent viu- railway &tatiuii at Pankow. i.ear Berlin. He is Herr Kehrenn, sometime uiilliouare, now lianship in consequence of liia habits, and able iorea,-h legally oiilv the interest of Uu little capital ot f l.'i, f'rt*. I was then at Fori M t -I 'hcnnu , and ing for them to allow me a little mercy. They would torture me, but not so cruelly a* if I refused to rr.n. I got a* good a ready aa I could and when the signal came I sprang away at tlia top of while carrying a despatch to a small body of i ^JT of Indians. This was about ! o'clock in my speed duation of Mr. I'.trne!;, are Hill fresh iu ihe ni'iuorjr, as are ,l*o the detail* of the tain- .von-esuit which let! totliesplit in the I :-h ranks auil to pructically the political ilestii of the man who is now in realm a cor pee. Herr Behren* has a remai kaUe history. About fifteen years a^o lie received from hi* father'* estate some J.'i'lO.OOO, enough to make him a tlerunu milliouire. He at mice beg.ku to indulige the hobhy of If* lite. He went to the North dpe, Sicily, North and ._.. ."until Knssia, all over r'rauce and Austria ! pitied their tXMIIIH IIKK 1% KIIIKUI> the foreuoon. I saw them emerge from a dry ravine aud head to cut me "if, and at "i.-i 1 lialte.i ami dismonutcd. I WM then >n t lie crest of a ridge, and close to a natural <ink which would make a good riticpit. It was big enough to shelter my hone as well, ind I was all reaily for the redskiiu l>efore they knew I had taken tho alarm. While not in war-psunt they ahowed every ntlior sign of hostility, and I knew thai it I fell into their hands my scalp would change owners within live minutes. There wasn't a Winchester rifle iuiing the Indians at that time ai>l not oo in tea had seen one. I ia.l one, while the nine redskins before me had old-fashioned muxzle-l'Muling rifle*, aud I believed I could surprise them. T h<>y were '..1 by a ub-.. lac! named Little Feather and aoiong the nine were two other* named White Water and Itunniug Hear. Thr>e three sub-chiefs were warriors of renown aud were then on their way U attend a council a war-dance. through (ireeco, Turkey, and tin- I', tl i Then, art -r a tour ot (ireat Britain led for India. He was in Asia five Will IN- J.1,,,4 wlik ikr a " " ^ "" Th I'.riU.'h and th- I'.irtu^uMe liav.:i^ .|narrel in Mashoualsvnti, ai<- worm ; lo < .n.Hf : i; : a oui tiie Ii i , .in to then ad joining |>oss**siona in ti..- interior. Ihe railroad is to extend f- . n. ; .rt uf lleua, on Maian^jani Hay, just north nfthetwen- liell, jiarsllel uf 'latitude, to the British the United Stale*, and lie cut down through 1 i- . Coutral Aaierii-a to the South cod of the line*. There I fell in a heap and they gave me about ten minutes iu which to brace nf for the run back. I made only half yearn, wandering from city to city and from the distance this tune, being struck iin-h a down unconscious. \VheuI hsd recovered I e<l to gratify Herr Bahrein's curios: tv to .south Africa Company'* tront'.er at Mass my senses they returned me la the lodne, ' where I lay fur many hour* expecting to be taken out any moment for torture. They wt.t id have finished me but for the fact that the wife of Little, who was in an- other village fifty mils* away, had not yet arrived. She wanted to be in at the death and so further proceeding* were declared or! for the day. Tlie *quaw arrived soon after midnight. _ Mv ankle* were tightly lashed and I could not sleep. She was for having me out at i on -. and cauie and looked into the Iodise- to , see if I was safe : but slie was tidd that I would lie put to the torture after breakfast ; m tlie niuininic. aud loug slier she bad i. turue-l away I heard mv guard, gloating , -*lf HH!> n *liipbo*rd ..r 1.1 railway over the pnu.pecn. It wa* agreed ai,.oi,( ' "" H " '" ,,. , Kejiae. It will be Kuill alonic the IJasi Hirer Valley, wiiieh i* reganled .u far pre- feraldeto the 1'nngwe Kiv or roii'e that was tir*' suggested. The I'ungvre paue* through :i marshy and low lying country, while the Biui traverse* a wore *alnbriuu aud elevat- ed trgion. Tlie railroad will lie about '-'JO miles loDg. T'n" n-* town of r.>a i Jitc.ate.1 un a niajjnirijenl l..iy aln.iit two imU:s wide aud He returned to Merlin for a tew day*, and six long. It is one of ihe newer discover, e* en ccntiniied hi* travel*, but with MI eve:- in this part of Afii.a. where there are so shorteoing, for hi> fu 1s were run tew good liaruors. Tiie town i* iHinnd I., ur ning low. Kemonat ranees of friend* againii : a place of large impo:tan. > 11 the terminus his cra/y moile of life were useless. He ' ot a raiirovl which will onueet directly Mid houses stilled hini, and befell like hni- wuh sea soing \estels. It is expected llia't car- wiiliiu the next yrai ind . n.vlf Maahona- Hood's Sarsaparilla nrentnted "f ,SaMmpaiill.a. American State*, which In- " did ' thorough ly. with one exception nf t'atigonia. Alto gether he jiasied four year* l*tween I lie Ar^en'-in* IVpulili and Alaska, and then went over the South Sen, with occasional slops at Pacific isluuds : pa&*<*d ilirough the Mcd>teriaiian,au<l brought upin Marseilles wilh only $.">o,iM). It was Little Kea'her who summoned me j them that I WM a game man and wonM lio'd t<> surrender on pain of being burned t the stake, and he wai the one who directed irlaira when I shouted my refusal. The nine .pr.-ad oat, mouuted on their |>onie. until .hey halt encircled my refuge, then, at a <igiial they came charging up the*lope, ca Ii >nc yclhitg enough to split hia throat. Lvinz MI my face, with a dead real for my rifle. I tumbled Little Feather and White Water out of their caddies, aud that stopped tlic charge. As they chsjcke-l up I killed KIID mug Bear, and before they got out of range I Wounded on* of the warrior*. The living Kalioppcd off. and 1 carried tw.< poiiie* and all the accoutrements of th* dead chief* Hfely iuto the fort. In a work entitled " The 1'iooeer* of Xehratka, " pages .'IVi <<, is an a*ount of this right, but not a very accurate one. The uuniber of killed is there put dowu at tive and the name nf Ruumng lU-ar is given a* Yellow Rear. U soon became known iuoii< the ^ .t what liadlisippened.aiid every branch of the iirent tribe swore to nave my life A rcw aril of ten ponies was >rTe: i ed to any one who out for several hours and give them lots of aumvmeiit. Half an hour after daylight the villac-- wa* astir, and at tunriie A *inaw Uough' ine tome breakfast and the lashings around my ankles were east olf. I learned several . or Ku:ope by an M *:es'n roir.e. Ili w Cku^il w Cl V ' *v VII. tv a> UW.B I.I till *IL I year* after that it wa* intended to oblige J " >'* l.*.H*en eued b> an almost . uncor nage. HU gsrmeuts were tlireadl-are, an. I laud, which is iiuw witiun rive hour* of his delu* for bis travelling. parapiivi'Mja I. u.j.u, I v lelei{ra|.h. will lie placed were increasing rapidly. Still he would nut stop. So hi* friend* xt * court dare linn incompetent to inina^-- pmperty, andtoappoint a guardian to him from reducing linnn-lf to a pauper. I- '.rei: ha I to submit, despite the fact Irm me to run the guantlet a^ain. I was eating the meal tho *<|iiaw had; brought when a a sudden excitement arose ouUide. There wa* a great shooting, followed by cheers and the report of tirearin*. aud lite next minute the -JiKl fr.<iiiier*)inen who had been raiM.1 in Kansas aud N'ebraska a* an mde pendent force- charge.! into the village. It J'ey. and he took ,t, U .-,- some dirt was a complete ,urpri~- to the Indian*, but -''> ' "**< "J'tra'to, hat;,,, m that not for EM It watn't five minute* hefore ' he wa* eager f..r work, and got employment the fleem* warrior, rallied for defense, but ' _.'-< N'o a^ -ill < it ma 1.; by the Mini who parts with his gold only when detth re leases hi* rap upon it : no real charity i* Hi.. :crms:i expressed by him when he provides In wli trollable desire to look over ........... ... , -------- OO'.OIIK*!! in Africa. He did a good deal . r that it shall !* employ -! t.) help the mi hard thinking for several month*. About worthy who d aoihnig to help theniel\e*. three week* .?> when wultmi: in the i i I: n :ne comm-m syniij oftlie nntliiiiking btirbs, liecaiiieupon the;ir4 ; ,,-n vhore that ii lhe> ,1 u .. i -,,,'. > puttingupll :v K.vnLow itstn.n. Here wa his great tliiugs HI tlipu.t\ ol hels>in.^ ihe|Hi<ir . ;i get together iinds tor I n Afiican in.l needy, \ct it nm IK- doubled 'i.-llier they would <lo before that time I waa safe. At the tint Kvery pleasut' afteruoou Herr U,-hmis is the cent ie <i attraction of a littl alar,,, 1 leapr.l up sp,ai,g ..-it of the Ule ' '" e * full against one o( the K .urd.. an J as I nan I of fnend. of hu, wh., dnve UJl fmn, there was riredat two or three tunes. 1 was thecits to v* lum . ,,rry plank, andbnck ..f,. ; -he, hould kill me, and twenty if I were takeu alive. I wa* advised by every body i out of that locality, liot I refused to o until tho loun expected war finally broke out and I was attached to * moving column. The threats of the Indians had uot greatly dis- ' in !*d me, as I knew they would always lie -ryi*K their best lo capture .1 scuut, no mat- ter if they had mver heard of Inni. Tli.xc were iky* when every white man on ihe plain* In ed a year in every week and nev.'r forgot for a moment that hi* life w.u in continual icopardy. Set era! plans, a* I afterward* learned, were funned to capture me, but I slipped thiough. 1 WIMI finally made prisoner under singular circiiiiintaii. *". I wa* retiming; from the lly mt{ column at. Fort Wallace with ,lesp*uh,M. I aad set nut soon after di-ak and made s <o >d twenty l ; \c mile* when .A heavy fog settled down on the plains. It wouldn't have bothered su Indian to keep the points of the oompa*, but .ifler I hid luruetl and twiited auong some diy ravines I had to >wn uu that J wa* lot M . l.orse w*. jit*t i badly off. When I av- iii-n his head he am* tv a slop. The onh tiling to do u>- 1" dismount and wait for daylight. 1 was sitting on the KriMinJ, not feeling a bit .leepy, sml my hor** wa* lying down, when k kind ot thirty sven Indians, all mounted, walked light nu to me through the foi;. 1 In-nid the footstep* of their horses, but could i-.ot liK-atv them in the f ij; until too late. When I !i>.tji*l up it wa* wilh the thought that 1 might inak* a Ineak for it on foot, but 1 could tin n thev wre all al-out HIM. Mid 1.1 mother miaiile 1 was made prixmci Tlie Indian* were a much snri>ri.l n I was, and it was broad ilavli^lil before tl'ev ulentnied me. I'p to that time th-y hail treatI me Uuly well. \V!:en i! wa* known | y o|| that I was the scout h,- life they had so ;.>im thirsted altar half do/en bucks tried their best to tomahawk me on tho spot. Wh*n tbeic angry x. ir-Mi'-nl hvl cooled dawn theis wa* as ir.uch rceiicmg i: they had eaptured a 'oil. Six w*iniri were called nut as a cu.n!. ""' H "" ^f'er iun i < I was put in their charge and Mart tl for* In;; ^i.iax village on IV"r Cieek, 'In. eii 1 1" ' i forks of In-- Kepuh- lictn liner. I, of coijrxe, disarmed. Then mv etuows were til loi(etlici . my ly< tied under tl horse, ami for fear the Itori* wouUi rnn off with me he wa* led by a lanat. Al noun ws mad,- a halt of h*lf .ill Imur nd 1 wa* given about half a pouud of jerked liud.ihi meal as my share of th* not-mlar meal. M\ Hinn were 1 m> ;ht at, but the whole iv eoii*lally kept their eye* on me. When we set off ;KIII I was bound n i before, and wero.le all ^lilip until 10 o'clock at night before the village was reached. I undeito.>.l the Sioux lingo viy well, OH>UK)I I did n.'l let on lo. .in. I the talk a* we mde R* anvlliiug but plea-uuit to me. It was a*<reed 1 Wonhl IN- put to the Unl'ire. and thai it would K- made to lt a* lung as possi'.dc. When we ieiu-he.l ihe \ ilU<e I w,* placed ill a tepee and mv aim* unlionn.l. '!'..> ie tn.H-d t'o . k't lliela*l)ingsiillmy leg*, tlioujjli Ihree .,t the l>i.,-ks IIK..| xiiaid outside. I HirTund oro With thende 1 .oiild not h.ur Ukn live ntep* hs,d they Iniued Hi'' |.Hie and told n.e to K"- 1 S not ik wink .'I *le. |i thai night, and u W.IK not until aU. ut S o'chu-k iK-vt niomniK ih.i 1 mv legs w er<- freed. Il wft* A village ol ei ;hiy lodge*, and Ihe one I n upied W.IHH|IIIOI m tiie eenire*<if the ci-lle. lion I coiildn i h\e amonic the ho: semen ia v niiir.ile or two, and after a bit I i(i>t a rifte aad took an active part :u the hot t'i|(hl ji'ing on. We irncn off a coaplr of hour*, but we Uol every ponvm the lirr.l and burned all the lo.l>;o>, aud they had many a dead war- rior lo mourn over. It wn* asiiitf-jiar ilun^ that in after years I should meet the ><|Uaw of Lilt!.- I'eilher on the reservation and have a lone talk witti h*r. So it happened, and she cal-nlv told me tliat he been promised my v-sip as a keepaake and that il would have been bet- band winch would have ended my i; litor I had amused the warn irs to iheir till a* a p risoaer at th* stake. And rat's ..r nft sand. Siuidaysaml holiday* he j-ets it int.; his good clothes, .-.ill* .ui hi* friend*, and tell* them Imw rapidly the fund I'm In. V'n -au tour is In.- -kci. k of hr lair w,r. rarsiell. Cha'les Stewart I'.irnell wa* <K>rn in ancestor* being ar old Knglish f:>mtl y mat had originally settled n Cheshire, but re- moved to Ireland. I'arm-U's great-grand lather. Su John I'ariied, held for insny vea! lit* uth e o| I h.iu -clloi i>f the l.\ chequer in the Iruh ru-liaincnt. II:* prin ciple* were su patriotic that he re- ratlier than vute for the A. -I of I'nioiv \ m of the latter wa afterwards cn-atcd Lord Couglelon a* a tewanl for man) . *er\a e to Ins .-.iiiutrv in the Knglish Hou*C mnioin The deceaaed recenod hi* j pinnarv eiltieation in various pri\ntp ' in Kiigtaud, aud tflerward'* went lo M^ eicaptd had they b-fl the tent ungnnrded, lull thev tx>k no i ik'. There weie ,U\.i\i two and soineimieA foui of the huckn *|ul- ted oiit*ide><if the lod;e. and .nilnde ot Hicv circle of *.|uaw and iliildren. It ws* the third tlay after m\ ciptme be- fore LaasdistnrlKHl. Tlicn nu.i ..( tin- war- nor*Mving irturiKil I" the village on |ir |xe to witiwus m\ deatb, 1 led out at o'i-|i>. k in the nflerniHin to un|."i,o tl.u preliminary to actual toitn-. I . * ii mailing tl.c gauntlet. There weie v AI llll\. t HI 1 l. r* 4 HIM. III. I'.- .-.l.-iil l>r. III. I.. I .:..:.! Will* I'..- It. MU.-.I r Ike rlll>h VI, 1,1. r. The i';ie of Chong S uu, a I 'hi Hainan who , entered the I'mted State, iroin Canada .ind , ti ! "' l "''iC'. 'nibridge. lli*tir*l_ whowa or.lered dcporte.1 tofhins. h..s ''""!'' rarlianmil re.ulf.i in In* .i-' . been finally disposed of. Mr.ln.nn I'auii- I .-. ths Kritish \linite., inteiei>.| hnu- **lf in the ease on the ground ih- nun ho<l .1 domiciliary residence in Canada aud should therefore be allowed to retu it to Canada, and in .:der to a- coni|ili*li that |ni*po*e lie urged thai the I'riMidvnt graur a pardon : i In- Ihinainan. The President wrote to llu- S.ctlai v .: .Slat* under date of Sept. '.".I ax follow* " I have had under . .>n|.iei.iioii the cue of Chou ; ;Sani. aCliiuespsi.hjivl whoeroMml from the |IO:I.LIII,III of ( '.n.a.U lo ihe I'm.^d Siate, and as ,ure'ed at IV. it Union for a v i il.ttii.n "f our K\cl',inm **'t, and in whote Ifi'itll" Su .lull, in 1'auil. elo'.e. 1 er Ma jest v Minister lo tin* .-apttal, has r i If sonic repreneiitation* :uid the -e. (lies' that thi* man I'.nild be lele.nied to C:\ will t>l***e say to Sn- Julian that if this wno a single case it would give this (iovjrniiirni pleasure to -<!iow it* i-onsideration l.y plying with hi* rciiiiost : hut there i* involved in tint cuv. in my t<piiiio|. the whi'l .;I;.M| ion of th* sucoes .ind eulorce- men' .if KUI cxehnion .i--!*. If . IIIIIAIIICII can land in Ca:i^.!.i mil r.irtcr no other petulu t.. . ,.<-itii our line th.i-i tint of Iwiny letiiined lo C.ini.i.i, ! -i , they ma> I;AUI icjiral their atlempt in . iiU"- our t.-ii-ttoi v. our law luxoinc* pr.i ticnlly a .l.'.kd letier. 1 li^ve. therefore . din-clod the >VI" li V "I '. he I'l-e.K.'V I,.-, lid thi* man back to China. It t* probable that the intpslivn il i* I ij{ht uii.ier OKI law .111 U. .lend.-. I l.y %n ,i|ij'!u \' i !. for ,1 writ of habeas co. -pu< .-i lN.-h.ilf of this man. ' luitnulion* IMV lo d.iv 1'cen sent lo the Collector of ('n*t.>n.i i! I'.i 1 H ti:on in .. . ,.i v> ith the tur.-Roniif. .ind the Col If. lor ha* IK-I n .'iii-i-l.-d to re.|iiet th.- Marshal to >lclii"i tlie | .. the- eust<.ly of the- C..I1- -ioi ot I n.>:.>nn .1: Nn Kranci'- 1 '!, if hxl^an corpu* |''<-dii>^i are not pioin:>iiy nis. tinted. A later di"pdMt from I'.ufln'.i wvs that Jinine I'm- .>t Ihe I'mled .State* |ii*ni.-i Court li.ii docided th*t the four Chin mien recently rrt-ted in violation of th" Kxelu- sioii law should IK' sent back to Canada i" the loui'tiy when..- ill. v came, and no' I China. This n-voned the prev ion* do. -i.ion of Ihe I'mli-d >tit.-K Ciiiiimi**ionr> i , who h.l oiil.-r. d them sent bark to Chun. i the kind miles* I hey are airca 1< engaged in some >ii.-|i work, the IIIAII i* poor indeed who can- not iu some w.ty help hi* neighbor, if milv by words of sympathy, and un teas he lias the disposition tod" tins lien he is poor little likelihood lliali'.'e posaesfion ill transform hi* HAIU'T. Some uf the ni'Hit beautiful and touching ex- , ample* .if tru.- Iviir ..lence art- I" >e found amjiig the verv lowly : the poor who dr ide the.r last crust of bread wi'.h thfir neig'.i'i.r, wh i ctr- f u' llieir >:ck Irtcud l.y pcr,mal .. "i > unite lo.lo th- ia*t kindly orlicmtu one whom they have ' ...i i list Ie* Dukens. : wh.-v p-jnein *. to c.i: icatiire or rxaggera- loin mars some of lu U-.t work. In* theleM drawn bean' p, tine* ot this kind ly disposition iriidem in lho*e wtio them- selves re lit *nl-;ei-t f.-r haritalde t-oi'- atton. The thought tiial *l:ould Ixr kept in mind . that large mean* .ir>- n lo the derelopiiieiit and evercise ol ' lent feeling*. andtiiAt money liny l mis tiswl i ' i i unices i: nloyedboth iiiteliueiiriy and - .-ally for ihe rel li.> ate in ue !. In many organized clianM" tii.- eleiiients |.n>pei- develop II' I x ided liy l mean* anil nian.tgei * nf benevolent ' mpusM*, > . . > - 'IS of thi" Illlllley I'he latter are n.vt tn 1- di*creilited < : iiev do not tiiemselies coairthiiie. .n liu-woi. -v don inoie ! i-<|i|i u'ent to ! he luollev i . -.- . *!..: i les* sin! um.'iniLinti (ui'ion p::: HIM 'h. lian.U. I'.le*--.! M ihe !n., wii > ii.u ' h .e i'i ..iioe the "vnipathv -vii.i the monev < wiuc'i he n;iy wielv p>i in. . ie lt-"i> . enterprise* : only leu* the !e*ire ,ind pi. r . '-!| though his means mav I e limited. It i-le, J in Canad.i to advertise the tab ot .in .1, o.nit a^aintl a ilrlin.iinnl debtor no in.itlcr if it i* doiu* lo ininie the and iepi iiM'ii "f the delitoi .Inslin- Itosc at Knij;>t>'ii. (ill., decided th. il .in .ir.i.nnr. agnin-l .i dclitor H the piopeilv ,.t il l( . eroHlilor lo di]H*|. .f * h' pu-Aflcs. If the i-r-ditorihiK>ies t" "11 it iind annoiiiiceit hi* uit.-nl.ou of di'iii)f o in terms that nm.l that the debtor could p\ if lu- chuse, th creUitoi d. IT* not I !.': legal right*, ami lh>* .lelit..,- has no legal rvdresn fiom i \ iiipny si:, h piihllc U'jlic- may have cai:"d htm Col. Tavlur. in theC.iunty of Publm, in 1874, but a ver later he ac!,.eve.l Ui* ub- j'ct in Mraiii. 1'or to year* hi* voi.-evia* rarely heard In II (daVaUa. In MT7 he in- troduciil "The Irish Church Act Ain-nl 1'ient Bill.' the measure evoking one- of tho liveliest Jiscuuion* of the M>*sion, eventually .iK wilh au adver*e vote T'lal role :et Iv 'v;iil!l'e the mil i.ll |.>ll of tlir f.imOSM policy of obstruction hy liie !K- : I [larly. their peculur method* for bariitig '.'. Kres* of prop.isexl acts through the HouM leadn'x l*)MMMroa* seriou* situations. ~i tulii>-M ulv AS the new .cln-m- pi:n>ucd thai MrSilaffoi.t N'orthootp, thelhen letwler of (he HOILV .it ' 'oininnu*. e > M . Parnell's *iispensi.>n. bill wa* obliged to witl.diaw In-. ie*nl it ion in oi.le l*rtnit soni.; uew rulws a^ , ut-i ion " generally inti-odn.-e.l Mr I'antell was iiisirumenlal in ot-^^ the Irish National I.eitgue in I X 7'.>. and lh<* nietiibrro rewarded Ins e>urv by ele.i. >; him lo the |"ii i.'ii of u* lir*t pi .--i.ient. II i.-.l \' in l>eciinlier, l-<7ii. to prm >le t lie intci est sol i'ie tie* ori(aiii/alion hen:.; .v.-or.led the dutm. t mil .it . t h" HL-US? iifRepresentattv i* a' \\ .v*!nn Afier tharhvliou in IxSit. be found biim-.-lf at the head nf the It isii part v , IXMII^; cioci-d M n.-ad ..f Mi Shaw. w!'i> hail itucc<'dcd Mi. Kutt. .1* leader. A: the Hrnt n of liio new parliament he iniiiKiu <-.< tin* Iiih land i(uevtiun. In NovemU-r of that year into" in.itivn* weie laid i.v tl'.c- Iruh Attorney .cneral jK*iii*t Mr. I'.unell ami vienl other mem- U-i,..| I'.e I. l.ei;ue . , ' . The opened in I>nliliii on 1>. . einlwr _*>! ii. laslini; iniieleeii day*. Tlie :ur> disagre-d Next Cession *w tlielondstoiietioveriitneiil tske ,i n.oi e .l.'lei mined stAr I in.) t!:* oi-.t- WAS the paaaage of the Coeicion Hill and the Anniltill. both of wlncii weie un lliii'hiimlv op|iot..-<l bj tin" Iruh parly. I or hi- vilii)"s-r.iti\ ilenuiH'iation nf the I >over:i- mont sUndiwli.-y Mr. I'srnell wa- ,'acl'i he7 'iOMiiNV and 'the .oin.y- ' ed on tl .'Uli of ik-uilwr and ed to Kiliiiainlmm Jail, the li.u.-i iiincir tidluwing up thjfe in.i\e by proncribiiiu the Land l.paxueaaaii ille^.i' asroeiatiou. The famous No Kent 'mam festo was issued as a counter irritant. He reniAinrd in i*il for nearly six n. f. !!. iii^; n|H)ii Iti* release wai th- ci .inn 'lie of the most tiKislic.i that .larken the. pages of lr.<h hUtui v the I'hocmx I'm k inurdei , in which Lord KdwAidCav ciiduh, Chief Secretary for Ireland. and Mr. Hurke. I nder'.i'v for IieUn.l, they having only -n h<, -i 1 1 'id to the oath of oliicetlicdity 1 . Mr. r.iiiiell'v following after the general elwtion of IKKi uumbcrihl SllinrmU'is. their gth to impressing; Mr. (il.MNtone that lie introduced Kulc. win, h drove him M - Brlll*(. \\.li.lurti* in the tVl.jH-i K.-rnn, : !t i-s .iiiili- prvliaMe tiiat there ai.- i;-i ... w n.. men who gamlile .|Uilv so l.oivilv. *\cent IM . i, a did Ih." " [ilii'i ;er." in I h. i part of tin* cent in\ . Thva 1 n -n- in I' land a do/en men v ho n.A.i. $-.''KI.IMI ' li "on ihe IVri.v alone, and a* !:i .- . " bookmaker" l>e: *.'II,IMI>I. to <- " gain<! each of three ! . In si lie owner of the I 1 ; -i. k . ! pill. It. Iv to win ;:.ii.i.m. U^idcs the am uii't ot ins |.M. it. i... . *. II ..I l.o.ik ii, iker*' |uid in OSM licliiii - .1 in ill ,1.11 dol UK wh-ii I e -i nrer w..n theCesartw -itclt. 'I he ..wnei ..f more than one IVi'nv wUuwr collected *VXM).(WI> on tho nevt *i>i;liiig d.iv. and in eveil othet n.n- IMA 1..... .1 ,i mil..... , i i orir coll* hid 1 een lint patt ihe |w*; Most men ' who IIOJT have ihe nioitey .ind tir - i|.'i\c i . Mian - n enoi OIK l^-is h.ivr given up , horse racing in tavorofa-.'amc win -li li.ioull higher poss: bi 1 1 1 ii *, and nitlend of v. ing .Vmu.WX) on a horse ,tnd csllin,} it . ilicy deposit tho same inn .1,1. , - ' margin " in a slock spc. ulalion >n,l! it linsines*. Although indiv nliialu do not Iiv *ncb heavy wagers IM wn-c MHiietunri m.uie bv the "plnn-'-is of old, much ni"ri- money n wanet ed now t liau w.* risked ."KJ veils i<o. The .lide i* tin:, while then one in. in l! slim.ism, now ten men amount e lo-l* ie i Icon w ing instaiicos Haught.'ii U i iinst I. nolle. Yellow Doefc, rii>8i*,srwa. Juniper Berries. Mandrake, luinlelkm. and other valiuMa vegetahle icmrilie*, evrjr niKredient beni( strictly pure, .iml the best ot Its kin*) ft I* It Is prepared bjr thoroughly competent |.lur- micists. In the mo*t e. ireful uunner. Ii* a peculiar, Proportion an4 r>oces, giving to It curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in tlie power, f nii'.l.ciu*, Scrofuu. 8.1. i Hliruiii, BIixHl l'< i^nmo(, mii.x .mil a!l other linn., r-. M .irn. ;-,.<.. IVlioii-ness. Si.-k HeaU.iehe. ili. Klii-iiniatiMn. ami all Uiffli ulties w,i!i tin. I.iver :iuil K.Ju*y. It iivere.inn-s Tlut Tn"l Pce-Uai Creates sa Appt-iite, ami KIV-S tnenut. uertr. '.-*iuj, and dig-Mini- -JrniKih. lie value ot Hood's Sarsaparilla I- ,- ..rti-.l t .I y : li, ni>. mil* of volitntarr wit- in- s-s .ill over l!ii" roiiiitiy wh..i:t It luu eiired ..( ilwe.. v* mure or !.-* severe. II i sold by nil ilr'i'K .1*. Si: MX for |S. rn-l^rej only tijr t. I 1<*>1> CO. A|tnecart*s. Lowell. N K. to lake Ili-nu's Sar*apai rltla do not be Indiiee.! tu buy any otuer. IOO Doses One Dollar " I'on t you like far olf music, Mr. UiuLle"" 'Ye*. Mini Miry, when it is fai ruuiii;:i off. " An old farmer sjatd lo hi* sons : " (toys don't you ever >pokrrUte or wait for som th:n lo tat n up. N ou might just as wellg> ..mi lit down . n .1 -'.un in the r:i.'.dU of I Mn-d.ii'r with a pail twtxt your legs and wsi foracow to h*.-s. I* milked' "August Flower" How does he fe*>l 1 Ho il-eli crunkv .tiul is constantly oxi-i- ri mciitinx;. dieting hi nisei t'. .idninm^ >tr;iitc;c tU'tions, a.ivl olun^iu^ the . n'lituj,'. the diih'.^. the hour--, ,i:ul lUJtincr of hi-. I'.itii; August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel f -He ilx ! - it timi"> .1 nuawinj;. viH.icimt-.. iii^tti- il'lo :tp|H."tite. wholly unacconiit il atUMtvral and unhealthy . August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? -He fee!< no :le>i:e In K" to l l"-' taMe anil A >;niiiil>liiij;. fault-finding, over-niix' t\ .i!x>ttt what i-iset ht-tore hint when ho i-* there August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He fcoU i ^"X'll i>f lhi> .tppo- tite .111 lUter .ibhorreiK'e. and detect. ilii>n nf l<n ! ,K i iii.iiitliful \\oul-l kill him August Flower the Remedy. | How does he feel ? -He has ir- iv Umvls .nul pt' >.!'!.! August Flower the Remedy. $ The |>oli. -snian ha : u g'iv* \*l'i wtiii . -I t,. make a:i air.-.; ; i/-- sent. " 'I In- . !mr. h e-i.i to l.i> pa. *ed. M i ,il nil th" , ..,-... 1,,,,^ Hint Iks) doM " Vie'ley taking a lot ol new e invert* int'i nieii.b*r'lnp ' 'ion vert* until:!! w insndc.l ; i e iev..n \\ dmi'lhive iiiv cousin at Iln* cimrch. u , . . K- he f '-*v i* doubled. I it si n^ American hui se : i - ;he foil. are taken from the- re Walton $14.01X1 t. $IOm> a Uaiighton bet KdlyWO.OOO to $300O Against llenl"|ier. Appli-hv ,>n.l lohiiNon Iwt IV Ix>rillani ^ll.iKln to .Oii.umVv^iiiixt I'l/nrro, asHi tSOiUOU to tiKUPafalsul I ,-,. Bth race. In e.i -!i oi'th-ae .M*C. u M pi-Kil.],. that the ,mni-! n.iked \tit tinici thrat- .0110111111 ..n iMch ol the riiii-i, ** tin- Ix-ts abo\e slated weieonlv niade with one h-ok maker." Many Waj% I.V. AileliiiJo M.. \V. Ton-iit,-, On,. ^ ...u relial.N- |ire|i.n .1: :,.:i. Si. Jacoh (M. proved i\ Ijenerit to me in more out of the ric.i-.inv I'eiichcs, aithotiah lie , Utn oi' . 1 have used u i|llinv (out leceived ihe *olnl U|^M 1 1 .,t Mr. I'^tnel' and tin- entire t length of Ins |rt y. Tl -u follow- . in th* Kns|li>i I'vi- li.iu.i'ui. i"vr\ effort hiiik< (m' '.' -v.iid {n oveii'.mv. th" new In.. > in '!i llir.l M -.uv' ward s].iilich in with \civ ie*nlt*. ami foi aca*.- of i houn.a'. IMM, wl.cie Mi^-'tion ws* ill ami sine, and a peilcct * WM prvfmined I .-.sidrr it \ t l>e pi . . ,i :n e>.iv h- HiM'tiol i -u A l!:.-wn. DIAMOND YERA GURA CURES DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION n >u cannot (?et I>iamoml \>r\ (' r.( i .011 v jur niuftgisl. senJ ijc. :or : aaiule DEPOT 44 and 46 Lombard Sc, TORONTO - - ON*;

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