Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1891, p. 3

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THE IEEE'S NEWS, e her fat' r sc./nled her. Kerr, a young girl hving witli her parents at Iud:..n Head, took strj. hnme and died. The Ottawa fair director* are ?-." ahead on their exhibition, while the Western Fair (hows about .*4.0(Jfou the right aide. An outbreak of smallpox lias occnreiiat I arleton, Itonaventurc coiinly, t^oe. Tlx.-c art- nine casei in all. Tnc patient* have been duly i|Uraul:ne4. During lait week there were 'JO failure* in Canada, as compared with 31 fora cor- responding perio.1 list j er. Hie < 'aiudian I'aciri..' railway's new yard* and engine houae at ().iti> :imrr, IJue , *re progreeain^, anil when completed will give empl iyc.cnt t> Letwi-i.-n.VXj and WHI niu. Ker. Wiiliani <cott, one of the btit known Methodist clergy men of tlir I >oiiiini"i. ilfd at Ottawa last week from th* eOectn of a fall which i:e tustained a couple o! weeks ago. Ar.-hil.ald Cliiaholin, a Winnipeg inaan '. rer, ho been com. nitictl for tnalon two charge of ajxau'ili.i^ tulle giilf. Hail was placed at IT..OUI ln the tint .- 1- and reluseil in the >ecoud. Mr. Doogla* Cameron, of Toronto. Ban of the late Chief Justi.-e -ir Matthew Cam eroii, I ta* been appointed Deputy Sergeant- at- Amu in the I>a:mnion House. R. N. O'Brien was found guilty it MJI.I real lavt week of libelling Prince C.eorgc of Wales. Owing to the teaien--y ot tl. Kcutiju be wa< allowed to go on visp -lidc 1 sentence. It is said that tia'irrmen :r\..,i Black Itoe* come over the Canadian aid-? f the Nia^ira tivrr and use dynamite in llieir operations dealroyiug large quaMitte* of >i-h. V'arniera in the Kay of Qu.nte ili-lT-l are thinping Uieir barley to the Knylisl- market where there is u umple demand at IK-HIT price* than are p*:l in the L'nited ~ n-.arket. The i ity C.>uuci! ot Toronto ha* vnied the sum of $.">,UOU to the S.-ottih rev'inent being formed there, subje.t to special Ir^wl.t^.'ii. A special cable de^patfh *a\i tb.i ' i- Imperial) Jovernrjent in' rid i-fori- 'lie close vf tlie year to teat the val'ie of tin- . 'ano-iu-i I'acitic route for the transport The removal of the d ::y on siitar ha* eaiued a falling offiu revenue. The I'ust-mis receipts during the put month a' ! M it- real Ciutoms houae were K>- S 7.4MI, .>- pared witli*7:i."-- - ptenibcr, IKJNl. The Canadian tug Bcrtlia Kndrcs* ha* fu-.imlcird otf 1'oiut lniuois, 1-ikf Superior, ami all on hoard live person*- a ere drown- ed. Two of the lost wort- cor* of Bell ami IMi.ean, the wealthy Mn-iiipivoteii nun.- owaer* : .tnd all live w ere C'an.iian>. A 1 . Ca*.-e!in.i-i, Ont., on V.'edne-.l.iy liir H year old daughter ot Mr .lolin Nelsou wan.i-.-red onto t ' railway bridge, *od it i* supposexl s paving trim hi'Mon.-.l her so tbatlhe fell off ,u:-i wu kille-1 Her'n-uy was found in the river next day. l'i -\ crs are tr&versing the pai cent to t,' icbfc. t\ , buying up all the oheep t:.r\ .-.;i lay IwimlB O!i f-)r the H-i>' ni ket! Oiie Beau -c tirm h just fnra ih.j'in.nt of 1.7'>-- anii.:aN, :. 1 couira,".. i t- .leluer 6,UX> more Wore the t r. ! scison. It is repoited fro-n K:ng<l":i '. A. Kirk|Hitrirk i* to resign (.1? - a:id be elsK'trd l-y -n for Kin^'i>;ou, bo'.h jj^rt: .> tin*, pro- \i.i ! l he Kin;-', i . n i-rtx-i- M given .t "cat 'n the reconstructed I'aLinet. The extra clerk* in lli>- .-.-. ii Ottawa win were mcmbc-s o' the detach- mcutsiiftheiiovt-n: >r <.>:i' ral Koot I ..i inls and 4'lrJ lUttalion.callr.lou 1 to pro:. property of tin- ' la'iilicrc ITK!; OM . toiti.i^li: ago, were r.irp;: 1 t . lin.l t!iat lluir vilaries were docked foi alwciu work. The Kin. 'ounci! hasinviti ilturjl anil Arts Association au-i Hit* ! .\tion of Onl.-irm to I,,. 1.1 an exhii'itioli in Kin;. !-':! .1. -. . \fjkr. aiul at it to select tceU !<>: the \\ .'i l-l' K.ur a'. < "hie ago. i : -. v. Tlie Karl of IV-nri'iath is .1 -...!. Thrre pjinlcrs u-rre blAwu !>. Forth brui: . i i K '.led. All the Brifisli MHI \.-ss? 1 ,* have !!'l lii'nr- ing *r*, and the I'ni'.ed Slates '.'p- ' leave in a SILT' 1:10. I'he Il'iiun .lc\i!iCo:n!) 1 - ku ma le .111 aup-- kl ti : A n it tii'iil. nnj I- >1 $.".'V"i(i. The National L|tnl !-\-.letat.>in a' in Xow>.'t!. ilaretl for tl.c alio!'- ion of th.* Hoa-. >.' Lord* an ! llic i>.iyi<nt af IW.i.ini ' . 11. Tho re -.-it ropovt puM^hc-J I'la' Mr William Vin.oii Ilari-otirt failiof, oad i>t\t bl.ixim-n w.n frair.!, i- ilenie I. Kv. klf. SpWrsj*MI IIM ;.r-iM-.l V f' ,-' :.-, a w.iUi,ng pU in, i!,i- e.i;it of --c\. He r \prccseil lntiielf as > 'n:idei t of i-omplctf recovery. II? till in eU mil. h v-.ire, how Tin' L -n-lin St,viiil ir,!. i i .!,- ti**ing Sir Charles Tupper Imprr;al I'ed oration .ir, a)i iha! 'in- Knglisli people .ir.'iii.t I : n-e 1 tin;il>n..;. t.> nn ,-krtiii' ui ;.^.l i>> P:I 'tir.ige thr c.>lonit' lanm r. Ailaui'.il IIo:liai:i. in i*i>ii:;:.aiul of '.. llntish North I'.i --i:i -S.,iia.i: on. the la<-ts coniiec'cil with tlie ei ;ir- of tl>r i . -lor t'tt.i iii Bel. run Sex 1 , . l'ni:!-.l - i 1 . -ii " i-i > . in ' -i'. l < "Hi-ri. I v l i , Three f.-ctot suw lias ful.c . ->i \li-.C.rovei-Clcvelaa.! li is ai'.nu-.| thr de-iw..f MA. mud Seh-riiiei-li-.' !. woriii ^A OOll, died at XewjKirt, It. I Tm prisoner*, aur.pof them notorious and desperate criminal*, have swap.-! fiv at St. L/>uii. Si\ miner* are ontoiniv-.l i i i'.<' !'. on eollicry at Pot t<\ ill,-, I'a. , ar.d '.lie v in no hope of rescuing them. I'.itrick Boyle of tlie h s'i . ':m.i-!iv lishi-l in Tnrontd, hasbrn.'lectc<l li - prrsi.lent oi the In-li N.itional Lea> uf Am. ' Kliiom to -writy. t'.il , is belli,; --> forest firev Many farm -in ami ranrhen aci-'iwul of having stclrn 70,00ft ro-jlile* of have been rendered !iomeles. the famine fun i, wilich he was entrusted to At Chicago lot w-ek a lioiler ciploaion e-'pe" 1 '- aboird the steamer C. U. I'.nker killed Toe dtstre** is *o great m Rusaia that .!."> seven persons and ser .nis.y injurrd many . (KX),'JllOperons are nnahle to py their taie- "'hers. .1, ! this w:! 1 cause a bjdg t deticit of I'. \V. Hol'.e!. nirw.-ngei of ih* I'a.-:' "" .p.e,- < . : .iiaiiv .1- vV._.-o, Tex., is aieu ' Cpt. Yuuiigbuaband the British iiKnif and two pa.kage- .-ontaininj; V. n '~ . tihive U.-n killed by K,_sian* in ~ :mg. *, eastern Asia, ha* iwen heard from Four person* were killed by a pawiug ;*"'' ' 1! ri g ; ''- tram on a level crossing at Suten Islan.1 llie ot'i.-ersoftheRjssian Imperial Cuard last Tuesday. i have de| not 10 dnnk champagne at Four prncns were seriously ininr.d in es- "tf"'" "' '' baiLi-ieu, to contribute the ' money which would have been so spent to capin fc - from a burning tenement in Boston have the peasants of the famine-stri -ken dn The I' in rr'-eiv my an asao.-ialion of i 'th'.;!, yi.jti. in Komeoo Thursday, limenl even tne :al.on lie wa* "n Monday night. Heavy rains La-, e . a used flools lomi territory, and many boonwrs iost their horse, waggons au.l . altle. At an early hour last Tundav m..r,,a,^ a ' "* h: ' v "> 1 . ' llberl - v '. "? * fire brok. t i,, a tenement ho.ise in New PyJ''' f re. eiving tnedepu York, an.l f.,,,r pcr^.n, were burn*l to ^"-"'"g dependent upon a ho*t,le death. , . , . Tiie French interims at present in Home lwo.r.. i? htc.r,wrrcrn,,off,he tiansfer ^ h J* (> , J Kmmanuel< harlr. Marian at Memphis, fenn., by ^ - . ^^ k bv h| , on Sunday, and in.,, in them were ,,;.,/., ^ j.^,^., . R lotmg ^.Led.'and in ths street Tope greatly drowmletj - .evrrol pe-*>,,s vrere in .lohn B. \Yootl. wiio shot and killed Alex. . hgnting that took place. Tlie . IWvn iu a <!!-. i..t M iv at Hiwa;*ee, , J,.p| o . ^ .he event. .a., ii.-s been convicted of murder and en- i Co Urn lh"-Vil- fr Monday. Da.. Thcv .ir<- romi:ifc-' They rt> .-oaiingl \v l:o hue been iu darkn. ~- long . Tb.--> . . ~.i- IOT \\ ,.h .-... :r,umpbacl ong. :l.c !an.'. Iw-ond the oiean. ( ro.n It.c i*tn:nlf> of tlie -. a. r'fwjtt tbi < -. ite itiauntaioii. They arc -'mintf. Lord, to Thee tenceii lo life imprisonment. In .Ie8erou jwrk. Thu-ago. last week Mm. .liiha R. Seait-y. i respe. lalile Knglish widow, who owned property worth *_".i.i*i, ; shot henelf dead. She had ii3cred lro.ii ll-hraltli. A general strike of railroad coal miners ,as inangurat.-.i in tiie IV-flv.rg nuitii. t laat week. Tlie m.-n want half a cerr 1:1 crease in turning irly IO.OCO men . A searcher after buffalo bones in Xorl'.i Dakota 'el a mau'.i to the prairie grass be- : it interi-r.j w ah hU work, am! :) mflagration ile-ttroycd pioperty worth half TI dollar*. Andrew <J:iin'.an. age.l T'.l. the oldest rail- road conductor m the Tinted States was killed l>y a tram at .\v>n, Ne* 'cr-^v. the _^ ...^.^ w< _ oiher.iay, while atteirpting to ..-ro.-. lit* I daetriaa oif a tutua! few wliiJh e New York and Long Branch tracks. ., *.; 1; ,, , , . l . w 1Urli Kenjio, cnlo'.irrd, ot the State It i said that a special divine provident- ;m- \ . .-1 ..- H int'v illc, Ala. wa* j plies an interference with the i _ truck on th.' lirad it!i a >-hi*<-! on Thurs- . <>f nat.-.ral !iws- a direct exercise of tin- day while . !is.sti-<i:ig a pupil, and it is pi.. I., .livine vi ill aside fit-m or even opposed to able he will die. their uuifurci :i ; thai u not The lots of toe scliooaer Frank IVrew off: philosophical to suppose that C-od shows \\ hitetish point. lak< Superior, will, _. } K *'" "* fur some Ma of ii'tu on Ixxanl, is now g.-mnilK! ''"' '"" hi--h regulate the conduct of : ago. The IVrrw was commanded by others : IK- fav..-<i pa- l.c-ilar person*. Car.!. .1. .M .r.nierv. o- lUv Cilv.*. and nations. It is laid also that . liod work only through laws and never c.- Uieui asifie. Rut ibis is hcggmi; the .juostion. , inc:il i,f creation they uiav i* doscni-ed a* beneaih tlie -ua<low An.l <'. ,-.Jon_of droarr nigi i. M... liny *ei.iiy ihs; d*wn . Of the promised ueavenlr liur^t. Bu' . -r.t l lie iflor IOU" Of -aiva:ion ful .m.t free : Now :bey r:ail :he - blexetl Hib.< They .re . utirni; Ix.rU. to T:,.c. - Anony. TueiUHV liiir i- : lu-re any rca_on 111 the RIM4S xl l.; I IK PEOPLE. It is reported in Washington that : lect Cimmr.tec of the Sen v.e ippomt^J for the purpose ha* collected a ^reat mans :' evidence to be used in support ug the Amen- ran plan of r<*c.proeity .n tl om:ng confer- ence witii C-ua-da. At i i n vtiur.lav night, Hills?r. and \Yil.iam li'irke. I. : others, in* <i_;!it '-vcra t:.>ncy ma' .m. while lying on hi* back, ki.-kr.l ; 'irjtiici i'i ' -''* aWonien, .a ising his I death. .Taints i ; . Hla'.jr jr., in i- v- .rly j and ojkYfor , -m.-.-dy >.f :' said t f . loo l'n lied I o! S's,'..-. Mrs. . wants a divorce, saitable alimony and UK- the behavior of mailer. I'udcr the aamc condition*, matter. :o far u we knew, be- have* in l': Mf rt ..- !:. rule v' \> nk ike U . UI g'll> :renifrei'. T.n i_ - rtaiurc. . - - . ',.r' r Word ; ' IV l ' >* . : -ud. aic few n:eii who are ,...l ain'iiti ...,.< if d . \|. I. :,-.l. I ..I..:. II. i .' -A- The irropress: un a'.uia[ie i to dfliv.-.-a i 'i.:c -n i - ,.-. N .> 1 I .IS 1 l aud -i . r .. IIV H ".i-i.- -!u V a'i.1 oi growing run*iderabl among those Ii-.. i.- lias been - x. ; i,.-y . .11-. .-. Thr re it kind gian.lcar ro respei which the meanest n'. ."irt of niiukn. 1 :.i the lutle their fon.-s nn.l ac- i !ic ]>-K)rest nie^h.-tiic, nay, tin- : ; him In t of an is> trc r ports date the smal!c*t an of yean, '"ci . in.'ii! oi hii!L..c* wa* I I.-.MV,"' " \ -i. ;>.. \v i i >Irs. TitTany. <-i liia' cit\. < f>rlil- '. y wjiu-li he i th<o v\ ho Mn..'*n\ \V:n.lcr I; i '"ic r. -il to the soul of wi:-. BOX, - 't. niethinks, rueive a very liappy On 1 .., and t..iien np his . , . ; . tW1 . I . -. - .lam tnl. nte nrioh ti a person's advao' $HMi>i i:-..n. ;h. JL'- . and .-.',"< from l!ic ii ^tnerully .! to his ,.nea*:nes .::: ' n ni..-ie v 'v . ( , .... -!.,-.- ..: I i. - \\h.i Hir- . .<- irw ' |11 ""'> \bcautrou-. oinsti.. ... -p-nJoor. p >rt h.v- i > -I r-.:a:xBU'., - -x the I'll; led *'-Vcs lioveitimi!t to talk N ; :e.H.-nt A.^.u:,:iation:ii , .,... , r .. , h . K h. ,. bond '1 ti.*l on.-c has bo: i.- IN i.IN..mi. ''^ ' i < t'>" . omiMTiv i ' .it won t!..u !nn.l. No v ' i f v T-HM- , . 1 1 ,e. An.l --tune liki- h..:i -n bn!-.' n. Arr.iMM to nel.oni. me. I . . ^it-rjay He said to t Hen, when speak- -I tliis future hfe, and the hc-uic iu w Inch i>.-i\ ii is "I" in 1 I! iwa.i-ui MI, ,.n,. t! c .-' I i> n: coaditioo. p.-p .-i> i . . . ' - ;t thousands of p-.rsor.sare .lying of '.arv* ;:tture hie will l>e lived. " If it were TV famine in 1'o'iainl i* grniiii; worse, ': >. I wo.ild lia\i- u.Myo.i iftheiewerc and tin- H\r\ in,: i:.h;i!.r..iins a:i- U-. \tir.e life, no future honn- for you 1 I'esper.itc. H >uld l:av plainly U-M j o:: : 1 v..'.;M n-'', Karl I.. K.HV,.: \\ ..rlcnil.r. nV, iia,l '. h ," v<> . '"'" V. d >'""!'> V > ..leiKc i ,11 for lornr , da, . ' *S*^ * '* ' !* K "',' ' bile., but not only hare Nt-i Mv .iK-m-e, . . . . hut 1 giveyou \Iy authoritative and. '- Nw. has been rceiTd of the death of , A . clll ,. Ilt tha , t |, ere , llch , Iif Belfian explorw, on nM i ..... Ironi the i v: : ~:atc. Tiic rr.-t.,U-n' i&l tlectiom will be held in lhe ,,. glll . h a home.' - / Iife Chili this inon'li. t...l>;\ I..- elected Admiral Ntontt will pro- Balinaoeda'i successor. I h. |..r.l ,,r ||>e II i . . Tin- spirit of the present day ia that ' . >.\.,, f . Wol m tolbo Kii...f >iam. ' Wl>rt fo ' h<"an't.V, and whoever does not , , t|o , v . K.vvi.l. and I" ).:.>bl.|> foci this i* out of t.mch with the forcesof hii ontriistnJ wil'i iuiiKM i lal eoiMWUiioMtNM, """- *"'' , "j" s niwsen all kk*l xst support French encr.chments iu " * }"< '"'. P<^ciit strength lhat :h* Mrke>i> Valley. n " would oMicrwim- :eceive. Seln^huess io- . l.ii. . If an individual sets out proposing to d , l!.y IVspitc tiie jirot<-sl:it:oiis of pence '"">' wor || o-i .ill mdcs. the relations 1,-tweon the liot- I vf t -ei many and Russia icrnuin h IVin -CM Ix-alrice. wif.-of Tiince Henry of trnliiifk'. has IK-.MI dcl.vered of a son. Thin is the fourth child. A re -isit attoiuptwa* m.wle to blow up a ri.lL-e e >: Koaentha!, K >!.< mi ., over whieii the Kmperor of AustrU pa*!H-d. I'.:.- 1 usi> \|.-ii.le/, torinerlv ."onimaiulant of n\i!itia in Havana, has btieii convicted of {, and sentenced tv be shot. (>f Kcaiful rennitnof a cholera rnidrmie have 1 en v.-.l n.. in I iu- .k. bor the past iiii.n:'. n- .Ic.iili i'r in s '>.' Ch->w ha* been ugh. A Mai-sha! of thr Russian nobility w same lhat a man would he who proptwed to manufacture all his own clothing. a:nl taisv or .- ipturv all his own food, and ninld his own house and make all hi* own furniture, rather than to enter into the great scheme of OO-OIH ration \ ilh the worl.I, and do soa-r ono th; ig for all, while each i'i turn, of all humanity, ' d.H-s some one thine for liim. In these clos- years of a oyclo we an; i-nlenng into that the only safely, the only succe*-. is to ,lt.i\v i-onslantly toward the aobler an.l tect onr daily life by th* higher (tan- in ., . H. i-rv ..r I'jr ... The Si. Petersburg correspondent of tha Daily Ttitgmpk send* a long and harrowing sx..-01'nt of me coudition of the people in the famine dutnct* of Kiwsia. Though the dislrew u undoubtedly intense. the picture* given ..y the correspondent are thouvnt to be ovrrdravrn. In letter in-tilled with glaring errors, and his display* of igncrance ire many. He taU-. t.. i- whole towna ontaining *,'JI> lo VJ.lJtM people are petitioning the nment lo allow them lo migrate to China or elaewhere. He al*o aaserts that suicide ha* become enormoiulv rife sin.-e the famine se l m. I'ufortunatrly Riuman paper* are eutirtly devoid of uews about the '^ ue. The intensity of the dutre**,h<. w- ever, may be judged from the fact that in many places the elementary school* have been clixed on account of lack of fund*. A circular ha* been issued by ihe Minister of the Interior, which enumerates thirteen government* in which the people are com- BIKra tl I IMI > B VMTIM* rrllj clr. . I'aaaAaaad i* Betas *'" trier ! KrasarfcaMr m\frrtrmr-f. A few week* ago a tourut amout. mouiitaiu along the Canadian Pacili. road met youag Mr. Petty, who tignred IB ihe ianioiu Buvhull murder caae in Canaoa. It will be recalled ihat Felly went to ( an via with Dirciiall to be his partner ui the imaginary farm which Bin-hall'* dupes up- posrd to be in Canada, near the American line. It wu Pell* whom Birvhall took U ihitfh back overlooking the Niagara Ki LI with the mteir .on. it is believetl, of puaiiiu, him over into the fuamiug river and thin adding another murder to his record. At'tei the litre-hall trial, in which I'elly was oueo. the prim ipal w:tnesee. he went to England, but kuon retoriied and has lieeu euga*: an executive capacity during the building of the railroad between Calgary and K-lmu- toa. \Yhei. the tourist met him in the Selkirk Mountains he was on hi* way to Vani-ouver for a vacation. Felly u an entertaining young fellow who ha* travelled extensively, knows the Alp* T" r ," i well, and ha even been to Central Afiica. pletely fan,,,,, stricken and eight in which ! A few vears ago he had a chance to jn a .. partial fa.ume prevail*. p rty G3fc2 to [.^ e Nyaia. He im- i -I'M. I n.-\ o. TK The correspondent *ay " lHpatcliea from llie interior are ni.! alarniiug. The August froiu destroyed the barley crop, the staple food in Archangel. In the extreme North the crop* have been destroyed l.y rain*. Straw from thatched roof* is utili/^.l for fodder. Cattle are dying by wnoletoie .m .he roa.Ui.ies. Varioai Minister* hav- isaued conflicting order*, resulting m utter 'nics. The grant . of seed com have been :. ppe-! Iminenw tract* of land are !v mj waste. .in_ a scanty of com ts threatnied in IV.'J. fhe ca-.tle plague lias broken out in many places. Peiujarl* in Segnw*ky Slack- ed some veterinary surgeons wh-j had been sent to .leatroy infected cattle, and several were wounded iu the skirmish. Clergymen are Incoming beggar*. Women are selling Vive* to support th-:r children. N work be secured by.U.e.iiarving person*. evil- .in the Yoiga. The new loan wll on!y 1* a drop in the ocean. A Urge - licit i* certain, and to make mat ters worse a million load* of nre promised by l lie i.ov- rrnor ..f a neighboring province, and on which the Ministry had relie.i, do not exiat. proved the opportunity, saw the scenerv : toe lower /.ambesi, hunted hippopotami in the Sciri River, vuited the Due town ot lilautyre 10 too Nyatoa highland*, and law that beanuful lake, Pelly tuinki Birchall wa* the moet plauai- ble man he ever met, and wa* well calculated to decei.'? the (hrewdeet if he let about thr talk. The young nun thinks lit- had a very narrow escape, an.i he will answer no more dvertiwments of Kngtiihmeu who want partner* to joiu them SB the fanning industry in America. A cinc'ilar defence of the expulsion of tb Jews by the Roman ' . .vernmrnt hai been poblwhe-1 in Knglaiid and ia said to lie at- Wk ting mucii attention. " L\(iu_>ioo> it says, "are eiitir '.y d..e r.- .lew -,!-. v \o\*. lions of the law. " Jews entitle.) -.olive m the cilie* hare, by forged gained a settlement in ihe central province* from which they arc excluded. " Number* o! iDecham. . uave forsaken tl.-ir oocnpatiou and have lakei. thus violating the condition* under which ... v .is.-..ery ha caused ..on*ternation. | t i, ev weri . Allowed to settle. ' UViwi lia%r nine is tzpected to reach m acnie . Wt tne ,<, u, w hich they were ,ooned, in November. Th pisaana tlireaun a n d other* ha. e bulk hou, which u for peaaan Czar giv revolution unless the ' Vai givts them relief from private sources. Partial ri*ing* are :l:-> Yrkatrrmoslay, Nijni- Novgorod and Mazin. the ^rva! fair which is annually Nimi Novgorod, and which is at- tended Hy Qierchaut* and dralers from all f lUwia wi* a failure this year. Tbi* was d.-.e to the gre-vt numher of bank- rupt* and their consequent withdrawal from MM* Ml E .COB. " Wn li little foo.1 it i* pouible for the peasant* '.o obtain nof the vilest .inscription, s hai pare the pangs of hinder that liiey . ' > at other tiroes they not touch. In many c**c their only , . . . food l* the sweepings and retuae frvni th'c ' * ''""< against liberty, flour tiulU. In -saratotf the landuwuei* , to honoraHc person and bidden by law. Then when the law ia on forced there is a great outcry. " Jew *v expelled courted hi? own fate." 1 - \-g.incn* is ingenuous if not mgeiiiti*. but w holly to leach much 1 - ' tvikthat have excited thr : n 1 1 ,-n non of ilued world. The pres* uf thia c<i,i '.inrnl or of F. irope has never defended the lufraclioa of law. But it a the harsh wKi.-h Russia baa framed against llie .tens that arc m> barbarous and cruel. To wiihm narruvT bound* a man's home, -imply on account of hi* race a race thai h ...iintry that ia despuli.- anl t-rcel. furbul men fni'n changing tnei: oc- upal:- i. or from adopting any hones, o^cupa Top* eiusen the . found this reiuiw so injurious u> their cattle purchaae of bouw* or other le th it they would not fe^it t.. them. But. j P rt . v . llu l " tyrannical. Al toough it was not ti. (cr cattle to eat. the landowners ma-I; bread of it and sold it to the pcaaanu. Iwnad madeof finely chopped straw ; . mixed with a Try .niaU H uanti.y of : .. . u cousulerwd a godaend. 'P i^-.s the pramint* have nailed up iheir liuiii aud left eointnuiics to . .i.r ill" -..>.. .;rv m siiceii oi work. Huu- ;;. have faile.l .:i . are begjin^a! ag <<\v r.-a.ii-i. --. In numer- ous case* the seed com which M-as furntsbod the peasants by the < overnmri.t has l*cn eatrn i:i<tead ot planted, and liie land u lying . ^ No.: hstaudiuj: : . , from the starving p. taken fton, them to naiisfy the tax ;at \Vheie the peasant* display .my nuwilnug- ne*a to pay the rxt.irt UH money. The knout is e\tm..c- ly i.*e.l l.y '.lie officers ... the Tax Collecting IX-partme'iit of Ru- The peaaan. board* have sent pmtic;i.- , ' wlu i> f ....... . rniore lend to i naie pro- tiic*e laws the very . thej wouM c ire. to pruinoU* vice an f iacite dislcya.ty. 1'. i 01. a-----'int of tit if anti- .lewiah oxic that Ku*<ia is . onUeiunrd, and If a law it cni-.-l and aubvcrsivo ..i liliriij . i: -.-. I;-, excuuc to ll-.e ' .overnnKiil wuicn punisiie- v iclatioti of u-.-h :i law th t ( v what he was 'ioiiig. &U^ pVMUV UV-M1..B IIKIC 9CII. |M.llkl...lB | . . , . to the minutrv P,{ that ihe Uxe. and , jwreyew ol r.c*s have been \*^P^ " s of Uxes ,.;..v lev, ' cp tie frw trivial ircid ,-nt, that a-. - urcUr. 'that the < '"I' 1 ' IUVMI ^ >a '' h will be. hiigedtomair.- . t>e..|i!i MI months. ..;>! thu it wil ly impoisiLlc for ilu-in :< pa\ th . AM. u. <rv:fv;i:Nr. A xl .. Tetersbur* dispat. h - -iuir -: thv :'a:i:.r. . - i I: i**!\ ! iv- U. :i . teiiiA . th.-'iiflTeriii^ i* uiul nl'te.lly np| . ll i i:.t honvver. : ;i.r -.trvmg pea- Hants are aubjccted to i.'i- ku. -.. P.I-. in.-n: of t.ixus, or u .laji- . In d -t, ai ti-- pr. '.her t. | i -. ,1 itrength or tl". w.-.iii:n t pt if..i!ut:ou, even if they ha capable lead.-r*. ll i* tine tint l>aud oi desperali men rove alwut '.he coui T- inifnjo .;cts !: i.rigan.lag.-. i.;i' t: at li o tirt sight ot the troops, the p hc. large iiM.iority of tl.e fauune tru ^ .1 M. ;.i ' .lupair ar-i the anth would not U .i -i <lviw some oi ih- energy that a disposition to re- volt will. I ind'.i.i't-. ll is tin- I VM:'I lo-e, . v ;.;; !o \:, v |., from en millions of in |< v,i \..'j;i p -. n.-e alone. The fanun. - .n oihrr rcgws. i* -. nt.-re.i n. and an estimate o: tin- ...-^ ^ mor. .1 ' It is not likely ili.i- tlu~e *ilt.Hai<- of ten peran.'e vho argue that the use of WIIKX and itialt li'j-iors ten.U to lessi-n ' In iiinpt ..:! of .liiti'.leJ li.luors will cite the e\p< i ,'iui\ i: - ..pi.ort of ihcir contention. KAent stl ilics *hov th.i- while the ' '.minipuoii ot thr lighter liquor* ha* steadily advanced, the use of the in. i- Hery beverage.-, ha* also incrrase<l at an alarm-,!!.;: -'e. Within right \etis the case* of chronic alcoholiam win I drh.-.nin '.reineiia f. i puolio institutions in liennanv in .-.i-ei iron, '.'.'T'J u. IO..WO, the laltci I including 117.'! wojicil. Litttt wOndn tiiit ihe aiixr.-l.ts "I C.eiinan nUitcHineii .1 l-e aroused and that they should Ix conletnplating 111.- impiwitityi ot greater restrictions mpvn the trittli -. ' Y..IT hud better . cpt Mr. Hi|.; (aid Mrs. Kldei to her ilaughter : " it u j our I last i-haii -e. " I'h-n j.-n think ifci* K tin- ' I.-.N. Sfliishnens, self -in tercet are cor r.>Mve i. i their a- tion on the t: e L;old of life. They undermiiH- ill Us foundations. I court oflaM ic.-orl, ilojou, iiiaiiinta * **Ve>l and leave olliiug MI w .IK h to suad. J girl. f War | . war minors that so conspicuous t p..t the Kuropean ptv.<, ui.i wh,.hhave nion- or Us* ala.-ii.-l all cUise.s. even : ill. 1 i-i . u. by the fact t a. ^'-AJ..:I vv.icn the pat liamcnts and legislature* are tali .in. I when ccntf.|U.nuv there i* a of raxes jro lo the qret dearth of fa<'- to H > never ur.eude 1 l>. Thu* <-f the ih:. !: was iuteiprotrd to signify th. -th ;!ic giiuutlet b\ K Hi. iaiilln Uus.s.a. the /-.'. sa>s " Ki-gl >ii sailor* .1 :! . . on the elands cf the T;irk:s!i a--hipt-lago for purpcios of gun di ill or picnic and sn^ ws cv.'r tlnu^ht of it." That- there :s no reason for alarm, ." for eon- cludiiii; that the war so loinj-threate- alsjut t lip-ak '<ut forthwith is rvi the 7' :n tli<- f. : that "the s aiiii-.iuii: himselt at Copenhagen wilho.r. se : '.. M - .- : thai 1 . - 'iir\ ha* uoi deemed u ueeevary to interrupt his lio'.iJjv ot Pieppt - ^n Office in London* . . .- at P. .'mnra'.." > 'iiere i* tie is . . Me policeman sd.y. Fifteen years ago his uuuler,^ night wauli- man. wshot while on d.:ty. IheUoj;. with li:i... ia:i lio-i.e and, l.y li,i -l an.) s. - , Ta L<K! tho ai oi Tie inmati s, 'whom he at. enct gni.K-d to Ins dyiiii; master: For the : i'.<\t' i- '.' i-n _t/o aa.i death i he dog lay ai ihe l'j ! .: h* hi- I unl . iXLoly n ? wheti nx^yj^ HI 'In to the gravi ) Ttir. , ';J r atlciidetl thesutuwh ; irt-<l i ^ m:ir . v - \ .1. in. when th me-i . onin -vil. the ilop ti\k* up h.-. At th< .-<) f the line. On the comntaiui, " m..iniii ' lieiiifi given, he barks ami ..u mediately <i..-a|i|>< .us down tii .- -i-ccd. NO vth- ' i on. All l>u f ! i - In llui m. t'llai'.o'us claas at the H.nn. " :ai.". H.I, i ili. .n l' e K.-i.r .'a.-k, l - lerrin ,oars old. No! for M.<s \\ hitney V.I,-I!.N| him v Ii.- . doubtless A>on in rern.'.iuion of hum i.;m- rt-pir than inythiM^ else. lie (nervoiuly) "1 lw*- ! i\xr. myf. . ' is r..| an cxjirs-s

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