lESIIERTON ADVANCE 44 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JV 01 MEN." VOL. XL, NO 535. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 1801. W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR* PROPKiETOM Kimberley. From our OICTI Correipondent. Squire Stewart left on Tueaday.the *' WE HAVE JUST FINISHED putting in an immense Fall Stock, and have added to our already large and well assorted stock a \ery fine line ^^ Qf ^^ ^ of Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons of the bes O. J tends to spend at least one month. A I quality. Our ever increasing ti ade has necessitated our , He says he will get five deer before he .^ __. T-V-T retnrrn. if possible. We wonder if P U TTIiN Cj 1-N one of them will be the "corn* to my -.. . . , arms dear," or will they be all TCCI- another very fine 5 ft. Show Case, which we have tilled wit i| gon ,j eer Messrs. Chas. Howe, R. r-i-i -i~r -ri -- -ii r> m I Jeuoe, Arthur Ellis, THE BEST quality Jewelry of the latest patterns and finest designs We have now the most com) lete STOCK IN THE COUNTRY, and by our spot cash buying are able to offer our customers ' would buy a bicycle, aud we think it some wondertul Bargains. Our watch and clock repair .will bejf""" amusement for the trade is ever on the increase. A GUARANTEE with every Watch and Clock repaired by pro- Jas. and Thos. Fawcett, left on Monday of this week for the f&me place. We hope the, boys will Lave a good time. Mr. Hammond, our genial merch- ant, has purchased a very nice bicycle. He had a trycick>, which amused the children so much that he thought he ' the 8th and 9th. They report a Stable and pleasant time. Miss Gertie Nelson is visiting friends in the vicinity of Markdale. The entertainment to be given at ' the formal opening of the new college on Monday evening 19th, promises to! be a rare treat. Mrs. Murray of Markdale paid a brief vi.-tit to Mr. Hugh Wilson's latelf. Mrs. Brown of Berlin is visiting at her parental home, Mr. H.;Hanriaui s. "Opposition is the life of trade, ' but it may be the death of it in S. P. and vicinity as far as threshing is con- :erued, as tivo different machines thus!} the grain ou five adjoining farms. Go h while you're young bo vs. goes to'alrhmakcrs and Jewelers Tor I* Flesherton and Uundalk The I'AISTING, TRIMM1NC.. 1! >!.Si:sHOEINO. WOOU \\ OKK FIRST PRIZE WHKRKVER SHOWN, LUM11KH. LATH. SHINOLESI JOB WOHK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTOX, ONT. m^amm^^mmm rm: Our Wnggons (he Best. PICK'S LAND BOLLKKS Oar Buggies the Best. STRAW CI'TTKHS, UOWEHS Our fuller* the Best MOfVUBML BINDKRS. Our Improved Harrow- i!i- TCKX1H DKI1 PLOWS OAST, n.:'\VS Brst. NEWS. wee nns. Mr. Fiaaer, of O^.n Sound, initiat- ed two candidates into the Baptist church on Monday of last week by i inmi'Hsioii in "r river, where the boys stood the ordeal well, con- si Uriu'' tho coldness of the water. After tlie ceremony was over the a repaired to th-> village hall where they listened to a very nice, and, we trust, very impressive dis- eouise. \V ii.. .-. h..i-f say, if tho lH?ople of Kimbeiley and vicinity are not prepared to mn-t tho Great at the last and great assizes' r. will uot be for waut cf advice, as we have three zeal MIS chrisiiaus iin our opinion t wiM-kiii^ amougst us, viz., Mr. Thump.- -i. Methodist; Mr. Mo'iiv. Q.iaker ur t'rieud, and Mr. i;.H.ti-- Mr. Johnson comes every Tu.s.iay. Mr. Thomp- in the lu'itur.-; ; u:io Sabbath and the evening t" .t ; while Mr. Moore comes ali'.n&ic Sabbath* in , the evening. Mr. Jan. Fawcett shot a red fox on Saturday, and tired at, or pulled the trigger nt. another, but his gun did not go off. Say ! If Jiui did not feel like saying something that ! would not look well m pnut ! \\ e will say no more. Mr. FiTsju-'on i::id a valuable sheep kilh-d by do';-. i:i Saturday ni^ht. I'u'l'le owuin : i;"<iJ dogs should tie them un. ami *mt Btryci. and go in for IIUKIIIL,' dog skin mils. Som* i-le* of what th illuntratioD of ft ru4(ft- nue meant, may be obtained from tb u uuuuctiuitfut that tlit? publiabra of the Coanio- IN'lmau iift.il UftUulaiuo Luiuaire for the il. .- trtti n of 'Three Womao of the Cotulie Kran- CUM* ' tea timoa'hc auiouot pud fur thu article. . ;;ie I .fin -tiro m -Jim of the wort tan Frriicii i' i'lftt urs n<l tier work in thv < i n this uiunth IB aocompauled by that of Kat* H (irx-atorvx. A K J*ca*\ K. O. Attvoo.t. Dan. I' tU-arl. W H. l.oitter.K U. 8. Hrvcr. f K Grant (fcUiiutburw. The illuittration of the Cow- tujp< litnm ha* nlwarn IHHMI 'me of iu -i a. feature)*, but tin* muuth it ttxceeda in tin* r.- pact* all previous uuuiber*. Aum.i KiTt*HHtrik lug -MI . AccviUnj ; > St. Julm ' i brought to as <lr'jatic clou* ::i this number No other pic of current rlction by an Amencau author DM *tttftct*d *o wide atUfotiou a* this tale of 1'ariK lifu.nn 1 the cuocludinu i>ft*(* (ui)v ut*i:i UM iDtertMt awtkoDwfcl by the *rlir chautvrv A IK'W ,i . . ' the I'omuopolitftO, n whi.-ii H TL : :i!,.4i with that luAKazin*-, i the publication i. m the f<>r:n-i >f fix't f * QiuiibiT of attle portrajU with brief i - <f t:.i writer* of the van-* However u . ;.-. v rvftJ oue ina . r>. in apt to i 'o itoojetrmiK of information lack ng i < t;ar i . T i-i uuiiibiT of writer-* who a|> j-.-ar . i t!"- r-'it'ntH-ftN >' ti** prgauut ilay. IK> that tht*a*f urif bii^i aphien awl n*lt |H>rtrit ' are pruviua vvrs -aiixlactory to the average \-i uuuHuai mattaJiuu faatur*. and oue a will bo run*. with avtdUy by wo ; u wbo MIUIB r^ar<linir Turhioh life, in *u Article on M< ; .-ni ^ ooiuii i f Turkey, ' a beautiful .!-- ci ii'ti'-n f Orioutal li(t* by < >*nuu> H> a tiatni- t-.llul I 'irklnh m-titleiiltill DOW Vlbltlliu til* si*ttt* Tin- moat ' iii*l v art ii iu of the Fall, 1891. And the first year of Merchant Tailoring has been a success. By your patron- age and our endeavor to please, we hope to make the second still more prosperous. G. /. MERCHANT TAILOB. ke l v art i u u.*r a <levriptiua of tu !* De a I the I'lifiionieuou of the barren retpou of tb< 1 of tile iiMith-wett. ^HHI.U-- ihu tor\ !.. Ann-lit -. H. Omar Mj.-uii Hoxenea coutrilMitv ~i .it -t < v of N'-TH.-iriaii hff . m which a b .*!.- rtK"'*"*i- *;:t c 1 *(.'haractr a'ha iiiif vtury for all l<ivrtt<if t!it* hor*v The o i f feature <>f the number, bowever. U an articl mi CliKinnati by the wan wbo m in<-t -'itpul i of preprti i UK AOiiiethinK iutrttattO|{ u that eit) -'Mni.1- H i.-u**-l lilUKtratwd bv aketcbva bj ti foi ti>u: Properties for Safe IX 1RTEMESIA. Lot! 105 kn.i 16C .tr<l run;.. N. E.. T A 8. R. Artna. luOacn*,frambani aud .i. .MI tbii preiiiiiM; well Ivncixl u.l watered. Will Iw nold cheau. Lot 170. lat 8. W.. T. * S. R.. SO acTM. New frame dwelling thoruun. and outLnili1iu(>. Will be olJ cheap and ou tim.- I ..n in. tod N.B.. T. A 8. K.. about 90 acrM. 00 cleared, balautfu good bajrdwood biuh. T<-i ui >D., 100 aoraa. Alrotnnillbrr t^ luti witbbouMM tlior<-..n in \ . l^. Village Pro|HTfi- r>: .1 :. .... . . . w 11 . ilnrly Talua>>.f .j!. i t'ifatonce U featod tii.-n-< >n i farm or pi "1 '.': T ' . r,i [ ,..,u , ,. , . JUrrN \\ \ ^r Kit- iorton. Came Astray. Here is good news for all you people who know the value of a dollar. Stand up and tell us if you can, where lives the man or woman who is not anxions to i;et the most in quantity and value for every dollar they spend. Such people do not exist in this community, therefore we have something to communicate that is ol great interest to all. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO A FULL LINE Of new and seasonable goods which possess those desirable features in quality and price that stamp them as bargains. The firm who is fortunate enough to have a stock like ours certainly has the right to TOOT THIS IIOKTV A little in their own behalf, but we shall make no more noise about our stock than is absolutely necessary to induce our friends and neighbots to come in and LOOK OVER Our immense line of seasonable attractions. A great out lay of hard work, h?rd sense and hard cash has been ex- pended to make our stock all that critical buyers could pos- sibly demand in variety, quality and price. We have suc- ceeded in gathering together a line of goods that is above criticism or reproach, and when we inform you that they mav be yours at lowest living prices WE CAN GO NO FURTHER. Surely you .vill see that it will be to your advantage to call and investigate our claims for your patrona ; ;c. When it costs you nothing to look, and you are not expected to pur- chase unless our fine goods and low prices prove iresistible appeals to your JD DGEMENTT. If doubt exists in your minds about our good intentions do not condemn us before makiug a fair comparison between our stock and that of our competitors. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced. McDONAJjD & EYANS. i'niii.. iii tho |>ruiiii4t tf tb uujc. i nl, lot i ' '^rr.', . .MI i. ,l.. i J nK-il . r ' T * ' i- , u i ' "'! ty, y ]>"> *nJ t i ,Mjr !-A..H"KL l'\ ;K. cell Fcvenbaai P. O. h'i-"t* 'Kir ''H (.'nrrttpondtnt. Following nio tl:>.' names of the ffi.-v :< -\ '. '. ::-- ;o division > of Teinivi-.u .-.- f- tlie fall ter::i : :. \V. P. ; Edith Ann- j, 'A' A. . CbriSi AoLesou. K.S.; Howaii! \ A. S. ; Eli S. lliu.u'a, r. S. ; Tbos. Met,- j-iMV ; W,:i. H uiies, Chaplain : Mvnl Niol.i ' s. Conductor ; Kate ROO, A.C. ; Porcy Nicholes, I.S.; Jos. Me(j'\:iy, O. S. ; Auuie lUunou, F. W. Mrs. Lonsway is yet oil the si -I; l.st and lior ni<'ihcal attendant cou 3;;!i-rs lir caso a most serious one. Mr. Si::-,,l II, luU'rsou, of L'rice- villo. hi'.-; I'liri'lii^i'il Mr. John L. M i's p:-')i'.-i-ty here. Mr. Moor* intends run tvinj to Owen Souud to liv.'. 170 boxes of i-liocec wtro reccutly shipped fiviu tin- Victoria cheese factory hero. 9J cts. was the price cd. Miss Osb.ii-ii, teacher of our school, was .in Tbursd.ty and Friday last to Fltsiierton atteudiug tbe teachers' Mr. (.iior^-e Lut'low's dwellinj,' , house is noiuing completion, it is i nutt and c.minuxliims biuKln<. and we ti-u>t that Mr. Ludlow and family will live loi'g to enjoy it. sin((.n Park. Frvtn nr <>i News is a scarce commodity with us this week. Our xeuial merchant Las invested iu a brau new blue pump. This l encouraging. A fence will be next addendum. Miss M Smith, of the College, aud \Y. J Blakestnn of the academy at- tented the teachers' convention ( f South Grey held iu Flenbertoo ou tho , the People Wonder WHEN they flnd how rpnl!y health ia rvsture<l by Ukiog Aj i?r' Sar- oparllla. Tba retuoa is that this preparation contains only the purtu>t and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands jaarlj it pror** a rentable elixir of lile. Mr->. JOB. Lake, Brockwar Centre, Mii-h., write*: "Liver complaint ami Indirection iwhle my life a bunlm and came near ending my i-xmii'Ui'o. For more than four years 1 fluttered uu- told a^ony. I was noticed alnioet. to a (kelutuu. and hardly htl stringui to drm{ uiyseif about. All kiiuit of food disi r.-ssH.! me, and only the uiot dell- cato could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several pbjaioiaM trwnted me without giviug relief. Nolb- Intc that I took seemed to do any per- manent ijinxl until 1 began the uae of Ajer's Sarsiiparilla, which lias pro- du.-v'l wouderful reculu. Sot>n after couimunciut; to take the Sanwpttnlla I could see an Improvement in my condition, my appetite honn to return and with it came tho ability to digest all the food taken, my strength improved each day, anil after a fuw months of faithful attention to your direct iona, I found myself a well woman, able to attend to nil household duties. The medicine haa given me a new lease of life, and I cannot thank you too much." "Wo, Hie undenifaed, citizens of ppH'kw ;iy Cenrre, Mich., hereby certify that the' abore Rtatement, made by Mrs.. Lake, in true in every particular and entitled to full ewtleuco." O. If. Chamberlain, O. W. Waring, C. A. Well*, Druggist. " My brother. In Kngland. WM, for a long tnim. unable to attend to hit occu- pation, by rron of eore* on hia foot. I sent him Ayer's Almanac and the tes- timonials it contained Induced him to try Aver's Sanaparllla. After using it a linie while, be waa cured, and is now a well man, working in a sugar mill at Brisbane, tiuensland, Australia." A. Attewell, Bbarbot Lake, Outarlo. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, WILL SHOW F(>H YOUR IX. Sl'ECTlUN A Beautiful Assortment i :%- i in us MH i:i; it:j KINERAL JEWBLKI i FA \\<"" .... Ui'3 II .iH..ti $18 TO ^ ::>. 1 FM Ii : i 10 AM> ltK...> TI) ? .'-. WAli HANTS COVK1MNU i.\i IDEX- TA1. lUiKAKA IS i TO 4 Ml i CLOCKS, Or. J. C. Ayer 4 Co.. Lowell, Maaa IX NICKEL AND $1.50 TO 8.50. Fine * E,epairing uially atU'iuli-il s . Cl M in CtilMl Of liodils, Tliv-i S Ulld Business M(.alu><i-i i.!\i el. Seat Wishes to Sn r . AJVKOWN, Jeweller MAKKUALt:.,