FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FArOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A OI MEN." VOL. XL, NO 534. FLESHERTON, OUT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 1891. W.H.THURSTON, e Mc R P*H t T CR h I'ruten Station. WE HAVE JUST FINISHED ,, , nutting in an immerse I'all Stock, and have added H-ii-vstm.,' is n,, w all c -impl.-i,-.! in " , , , i ii i -i^r-i- -, , ori- fin* linp tins locality and thrething is am ed- to our r, Irtacly large and v ell ass cited stock a A erv nne U . ^ . ( in ^ ^ ^ ^^ of Silver Knives, r oiks and bpocns of I*. 1 s Sanders Ims tl A I quality. Our ever increasing tiade has necessitated our t lmt can doit. T-k-i--rmm-r-KT/-<l TTVT Ml '- ltoljt! ' 1 N<-i'-"n. of Maniiouliu PUTTI.NCj UN i >-.'. M'.-iit a few days lately with .... . . , friends in thr villatf.i. another very fine 5 ft. Show Case, winch we have filled with THE BEST quality Jewelry of the latest patterns and We have now the most comj'leie sit in: DII Park. The liuiH* are lit \unniiii lilu V.TVWIl.-n. Ill'' pUI'l'lc <l->t,IN -II). I. Ami Ij.-u.l .tn.l iv .mi AIL I Hit. ' Mr. Jus. McLean wad taken and- A II. I , Fail, 1891. Aud the first year of Lockliartand Kherson have another larj,'C hrick kiln ready tor the lire. PtOMHOt Cois delivered a lecture IpsioTlS OU PhjiiologJ all( l physiognomy in the 5 ' hall Tuesday and Wednesday evening 1 of la.sf, wok, in which a fair crowd i -.ible.il and every. mo set nu'd to be anxious to get their h. n.i implored last Friday with cholera niorbus, j tlii- result of drinking cold water win n over-heated. We are glad tostai.. Mercliailt Tailoring has beeil however, that Jaa. is iiow out of u -iro also pleased to hear that Mr. Joseph Richardson is now eonva lt.sivnt. Mr. R. had lock jaw for a time. ui result some a success. By your patron- age ani our endeavor to please, we hope to make the STOCK IN THE COUNTRY, that they njit?bt asst rtuiii the circuin- and by our spot cash buying arc able to offer our customers stain-. it ieal being whether some wonderful bargUM. Our watch and clock repair [UMTM food ml. The transaction trade U ever on the increase. A GUARANTEE with every Watch and Clock repaired by A. lOlrSTI* <>:*<* 111*0*4., and JrwHT<i lor lleslu-rtoa ami Umnl.ilk goes I'AIXI TKiMMINO, >D WOBK FIRST PRIZE \VHKR EVER :?Ho\VN, LUMBBB, LATH, a\: JOU \VOltK FQR VEHICLES MA.NUFACTUR.ED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. >U'K'SLAND J1OWKUS. 1IISDK1WJ. PLOWS. Our Waicxons the R**t. Our BuxKirs I ho Bf>i Our dittrr* the Best Our Improved Harrows thr B*t. CUTTEKS, 8CLFKi,i:i;s, VU'HSir DRILLS, OAXli 1'LOWS NEWS. Here is good news for all you people who know the value \\i- ^iiiie entertaining and good order 1 s j m . prevailed throughout the audience, with the exception of a few who took it in hand to amuse themselves but did not really thii,k by tLeir pr. tennis clamor thai tliey would have ;u!i>;. .1 tl.>> horrible name of the Ran;; a-tay Hob-tailg. A \ve:uy liau Her came to the ieti- dcuce of Mr.A. Neilson recently. !! :.ik..| and tbey clothed him. thirsty and they ^ave liim drink and uiado him comfortable iu every re- ilr Philip Klooraaii, of Str> ville, paid our town a brief visit last WCtk. yuite a uumbi-r attended a Iwe at Mr. Samuel Waiichob's on t'h lay lust, aud of coarse they had to shake the Just off tht-ir fiet iu the e\i Mi.ss Sarah Neilsou. who has bi n - M'.'b jro, is now visiting .I home. Lockhart an I Shcrson captured a lar^c bear, but its long standing i l found reiuleral it valueless. Mr. A. Neilson has painted his store bouse and residence which ald> greatly to their appi aiance. Mr. John Hay has resigned village life and has taken up ins abide ou 1 the farm. The painting and plastering of Mr. 'Jolm Lyons' house is almost ecu) pitted, ttoon be time for warming, J. WHAT IS WIIISI'UU I' \linl M-. That, Gaby has roturued to re- his )ioi-ket. Tli.-it K.iat got his bread burnt. on the roadside caused W I lilak.'suui's l'"ny to run awa\ while driving to ochi'ol one uiuniing lately. Fortunately little dai was done beyond the breaking of the mashing "tfthe dashbourd. Miaai'-i. Ii. K.I;:.' 11, ' i.-O. 1 1 A . ; James Wilson, Jaim-s :unl S, : I'-.irsio.v. attended the < 1 N. exhibition at Collingwood last week. Miss M. A. Kichardaon ii home from the (jiiitu City ou a visi-, to her its. Mr. Jaiuts Wil^ar, of Toronto, was ,'iiest of Mr*, llaidy lu-t \\, . Ii. As I>an.l-ei^ii9on wig driving the rood last week, the wagou .Mine out of the neck-yoke aud the wagon struck against the horses wlncli ran away. The tongue stuck into a SeCOD(i 8ti11 C. /. Pn>SperOU. MERCHANT TAILOR. Tin thu bank and acting as a lever hoisted tlm >. into the air, throwing Dn.out. >. L'arslow was also in tlio wagon but ::ijt pitchrd out althougb \vln.n the forb wheels struck, the ground after their elevation, Sam. bounced inlc ; space like an India rubber ball. Inn". < bc.'unie d'-t;icbcd frota .'.I- , thus prcvcuiii:;; serious i age. Dun. was so;'c for a f-.-w us the \v.gon ran over hi n. Mib3 Hui ford and Mis. Wiliiuii. Hardy, nf 1'ig 1'ay, aie MVII:- fi leiulb in tins vicinity. Miis Sojiiiiii Frooka and Mr Froclic aic visiting friciid.s at \Valkei- , ton, Mr and Mis. Jas. A!d<''irnaro visit- tVii'iids :n Harristoii and vicinity. Properties for Sale IS A R T E H E S I \ I "it Ift'i n. I 1'>1 :r 1 mni!.. V K T \ . "'i lli' well lulicoU ami : Will l>r Lot 11 i . s u i frame .Iw.'P >u, mi. I .-utlm,, Will tw , 1 Illliv .i!..,llt (fl .' cleared, balance tfood hardwood l>uh ii.. 101 rro. A loo tn l.lt H 1* II "II !ll I- |.-h, \ ill;ii:' l*r|MTtli>< table i ' in nnllK'Nt.. w II Ii H \ U:M^ i ! d;iy- 1!)J Do you see 1 hat a few dry knocks were com thresh- IiOOK OVER. Our immense line ol seasonable attractions. A great out' lay of hard \voik, h?rd si-use and hard cash has been ex- pended to make our stock all that critical buyers could pos- sibly demand in variety, quality and price. We have suc- ceeded in gathering togi-tUT a line of Roods that is above criticism or reproach, and when we inform you that they may' be yours at lowest living prices WE CAN" 00 NO FURTHER Surely you *ill sec that it will be to your advantage to call and investigate our claims for your patronage. When it costs you nothing to look, and you are not expected to pur- chase unless our tine goods and low prices prove iresistible appeals to your J U D 3 E 1YI E N T . If doubt exists in your minds about our good intentions do not condemn us before making a fair comparison between our stock and that of our competitors. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced. MCDONALD & EVANS. ing. That a new pump is at No. 4 school. of a dollar. Stand up and tell us if you can, where lives the man or woman who is not anxioas to get the most in quantity j municated at I'ucle Hubert's and value lor every dollar they spend. Such people do not exist in this community, therefore we have something to communicate that is oi great interest to all. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO A FULL LINE Of new and seasonable goods which possess those desirable features in quality and price that stamp them as bargains. The firm who is fortunate enough to have a stock like ours certainly has the right to TOOT TIII HORX A little in their own behalf, but we shall make no more noise about our stock than is absolutely necessary to induce our friends and ncihbots to come in and It is with rv^ret that wo again n port tbe d.'ith of one of our yonnt; friends. This timv the cold baud wag laid ou Mr. Douald McPhail's family and claimed a its viciiui his (laugh UM badly needed n ..l.-inuiM- IteuiH. Fnim vur oion Curre*punJ< lit. In thu midst nf life we are in death. How often of late we have jrmpathi/.J with those who hare been bereft of their lrii< nn-. On Saturday last Mr Hea- thers f'jjeive'l a Jexpateh stating that his daughter Elua Jane, who bad MM hv- in.' in Toruntu, wa that mnruuig found MI Vied. Nn particular* an tn tl.* canst) "f death has been received. U ia iii|.|'..m.-.l heart tliseasa was the cause. Much .:y!ii|>athy is extended to tho be I family. Sarah, a^ed 19 years. Tho had beeu suffering for over a yeai \\ .ill consumption and quietly passed away to the rest sba so much longed for.ou Wednesday evening last. The de- ed. wan highly i-fSpeeU'.l and i!i..i with th assurance of a hopeful eiern ity. The remains were interred in the Md'ityre burial ground on Fii'ay afternoon. A good many of our citizens took in tho G. N. Exhibition at C'olliugwood on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Hugh Roberts will soon have hi.i new hoiiso completed, which will matsrnlly add to tbe appearance of our village. Mr. and Mrs. Scott, aud grand \VILL SHOW FOR .SI'ECTION YOU IN' other Miss Joe. Kllis has returned from an j daughter Minnie, left on Satunlav for a trip oi a couple of weeks in the county of Ontario. Threshing is the order of the day. Mr. Stinson's machine has moved in to tho 4th lino. extended visit to Lindsay and towns in Victoria cuuaty. Her cousin Mis. Ventress, with her husband, accom- panieil her h. .me. Mis* Klla Wilcox contracted a severe cold while at thu Toronto exhibition and is mialile to return hiune. A white frost on Tuesday morning of thii week, Wo hope that Squire Stuart while killing hi.H h if live deer, may at least bring one h. HIM- alive. It would corae useful soine- whuru if he didn't want It. Honor Koll for Hfptfiiibcr. UQBN14. Standing of poplin In Eugeuia school for th month of 8ei>teinbr. V. M V Oillilan.l, II .lolmson. IV. A. Lti- uier. A . M (iirr.X. S. MiOilruin. M. Hull. III. W. J. l.t.ilnur. . . Mwlill, A H Crr K. Tnrimr. C. T.P*dlr, F.Pedler. Hr II F I'. .II.T V U Mn.lill. K. Turner, O. A I'lnntt. K. O. 'I'urucr, H. .1 l',..ll..|, H. Hell. ,(r II A Konoudy.A. M.-iml- li-n. J. \Vi1lmins. M Kov. H. Walker, A. (i,M .K i, J. .iHminnn. 1). Wlllianm, K Smith. K. .1 Hr. i.iiit II. A. M.-l, .-an. M. Uoy. NASAL BALM Ir. A. Fanwlck, |,1. Krauiff. U. Sli.,r rtitl. . . D. CauipliulLM lionlon.J Armitrong,!. HuwiiriuMl. J. Funwlck, K. Walkxr. (I Sinitli. C'laI iBtDlv. K . Pwllitr. K rVllei \S .... ...... i. E. Johnon, F. McLt-aii. 3. Madill. K. Smith. ClMsI. 211.1 l)iv. I. Tlinifi.M liu i.wn.A Fonwick ClMi I.8ra DlT, M .ArnmtroitK. K 1'wllcr. A. Willianm. N. McMnllioi. C. Koy. (.'IMS I. 4th Dlv F. c*rr. W. Kuuwick.U. J. Jaua- Uon, W. Uuacftu, D. (.an It it ottftln L r rf OoldlnUM UMl Mul Cftl*rrh in ilu MMM. SOOTHIN.O. CLEANSINQ, HEALING. Instant Hlmf, Permanent Cure, Fail-jrt Impossible. Many no oallcil JIMMM Arc alm|.U i ymptont* u( Cktwrb, lucli M hnj. HMU, foul biMth. hwkJi>il u Uiu, lift IMA. |i,rl fUn* bllltv, tU . it J..U H tlutlljll Umlu.i. ii . 4' iK.ttle .( Hi. i. B ini.l iu In..' 1 , ... colll (D h,,l FMBlU In OftlAl by ' i.tnni tt -n , UALM ,* ki.lil by I IDI. ,^,.t >-l I, NEVLR .. FAIL S . Beautiful Assortment sn.vtitn (.I.M.KU. II Wl lit* l;ii;i' Fia: (i:li H :::::; TO $3 Kiij " .1 AND 1 IK., ?-_M To |88, \V \ T : UAMM'iA i:iMNO INC1DI \ TAL L'-liKAKA KS -j. '1 1 4 CLOCKS, NICKKL AND W $1.50 TO SS..V. Fine * Repairing Personally attended to. Clime m (:;>,! oi Goods, Triers and business Methods in\i i_ to .NiuL UA GIVUlb.1 1 Ii *. H, nr. ..,,, I rULFORO * CO., Bruckilli, Ont. CAT Lai AY. A, BM\\ N. MAKKDAL^.