Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1891, p. 5

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THB FLESHERTON ADVANCE BAXKIXO OFfICK Of GEO. MITCHELL, J-LESHBRTON. A (anaral banking buioB transacted Oraftii iuwl uJ ^laiiuen caah."l at uul rales Uonoy always available (or legitimate rnterpria*. Urrica two doors north of Richardson 4 Co s. Vicinity Chips. * bariirtrristlrs of th* Pst Week Carefully Colled for the Curious. Btutxtu noticn among Itieali will '* cJuiri.W ut Oie rate of iO<- far Hi:" f">- tiack naertion. A rMeBa& in." I" ait eoHtract* fur ViO linet ur over. Apprentice wanted to learn tinsmith- ing. Apply to F. G. Karstedc The heat of the past week has been in- wtnse, and harvesting operations bare been finishing up with a rush. Come and ser for yeurself, and be con- vinted of the great bargains in boots and ahoe* at W. H. Carruthers' New Store, Vfodehouse. There was a terrible racket around Richardfton's corner on Saturday last a regular old-fashioned raising and now the frame of a fine Urge uuw shed is in position. A good three year old colt was sold at Munsliaw's hotel yesterday morning by Bailiff Vandusen for forty dollars. Two other older auimals went at the same tiino under twenty dollars. M. Richardson & Co. have just re- nve.l a <<tr 1.J<1 of (.ml oil, KoyaJ Safety Brand. After you get angry and stop your paper, just poke your Stinur in watr,pull it cR and look bow badly you are missed. A man who thinks a paper cannot live without his support ouglit to go off aud stay a while. Lieut Chisholui, of Meaford, has been uiveu temporary charge of No. 6 Com pony, until the company attend camp. The question as to the permanent lieu- tenancy of this company will be decided by vote while the boys are at camp. l.B. Lnca.s.harristcr. Jlarkdale. ija ^.O.OCO private fiuids to lend on farm .ii'irtgaucs within tlio u.xt fow months ,-t lowest current rates. No ivuimiiw- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply t office in Markdale during the week or at Dundalk office on Saturdays. The Grey lUiview says : "Mr. Slatcher took f. ur plums off one of his trees in is orchard, wl.ich meaiured on an aver- age seven inches in iliamtter. " The is evidently nt an agriculturist and has been imposed upon- Just A.-I" an alterative medicine cleanses the system is an open question ; but that jtycr's Sarsaparilla tluta produce a radical change in the blood is well attested <>n a" idi;. It u rverywhero considered thu best remedy for blood disorders. Rheumatism is caused by a poisonous acid in the bluotl and yields to Ayer's ''n'V Many cases which seem chronic and hopeless, hava bum completely cured by this medicine. It will cost but little to try what effect the IMls may have in .ur case. W predict success. A gentleman left at The Advance office last week three apples of last yean growth, all perfectly S"u:id. He*did not ..tV'wn the nanu! of the apple or whether it wis a seriHim*. It is a loedium sized, nicely colored sweet apple, and its keep- :ng quality is something romaikable. South Grey Teachers' Institute will meet in Flosherton on Thursday an-1 Fri- day, Oct. 8th and '.Hh. rrogrammos will oe < distributed this wck. Negotiations ar in progress towards the securing of Mr. J. H Tamoi-on, vocal humorist and ?l<icMtioniat, of Toronto, for the evening entertainment. Markdale consider* that its cheese factory madu a pretty good sale of Au gust cheese to Messrs. Jficksi n & H.illet at y\ cunU, but Kleshurton can go it one better, as its sain ..- the same gentlemen at Hie same tf:n 1>ro"(;lit '.-jj ^conts. This peaks v.nuiii' s />.r our 'oheessniaicvr, Mr Charley Stuart. Miss Mauil Riohardnon has re tttii^xJ after a si.i*on's city experience, and lit will be pl'-a^'l to so bur old fricmls anJ putroiif , and supply their wants iu fall uulliiiery. Who does your dr*.umiakin;{ ' Mrs. Ojrdrum is|irepre<l to do all work in that line. Dressmaking, Mantlemakiu j, oiittiug and fitting, . lid cn guarauie*- satisfivcticn to her Udy patrons, in style, workmanship and fit. Rooms oe Mitchell's Dank. Mrs. Buhner showed in her exhibit of photographs at &ut Grey fair several landscape views of merit. Among thesw is one which particularly struck our fancy. It is that of the 'Innocents at Rest," or Flenherton boys at cmp in the vicinity of Kunberley. One of the young men had liis feet in undress attire, and even the graceful curve on his groat toe nail is shown with conspicuous fidelity. The I'ilfS ( F', .MI , Twjedi, Mant- ling lie., just opeueu l Uuliardson's it Co., indicate preparations for a heavy (all trade. Heru is something for the ladies. W* will give tu every person who desires it a beautiful 10-page monthly dorai magaeiue. for one year, each number containing a magnificent colored plate, together with seven flower bulbs for winter blooming in the house, a!l for only :(5 cants. The bulbs are : 1 Bermuda Kastur Lily, 3 Persian Ranunculus, 1 Kreesia, 1 Hya- cinth Botroide,a, and 1 Spanish Iris. All irders must be h&mled in before Oct. 1 The Georgetown Herald pays. . "Some of the people who aro so sjixious about whether we shall 'know each other there'' pass their next door neighbor on the street without speaking.' " It is hol- low cauit and hypocrisy of that sort which brings the blush of hame to the cheeks of honest Christains, and proves an ess/ stepping stone to the final abode of people, who, in this life buy religion by the acre as hy would a farm or a tqw lot ! [Stroit.ville Reriew. We congratulate Bro. Jamea Clark, of the Pickering Nw, upon hi* conversion. A year ago he was endeavoring to knock out all kinds of lotteries, and the Louisana in particular, by popping at them through his editorial columns. Not long since, however, he won a road cart at an K. C. picoio rajdr, and now lie ha* become so far'convertcd that he does not draw back in horror when a lottery ad. is presonted fur inser- tion ; yea he even gives the. 'jj. Leger iweepstakes advertisement a place in his columns. And all owing to the road cart ! j be. " lower than evr tliey were known Uet M.llicharJson (Vs. quotation. The Beetu W,,rld c*lls tho r.reat In- dustrial Fair the Great Industrial Farce, and goes on to remark : Year aftur year the grat Industrial bloomt out with a dreadful sameness to the eye of the M*i- tor.and yet people rush after it andsp.-n.l their dollars for uiu^ht. The side show feature of the institution, however, is the nno thing which exhibits a progressive movement iho grounds fairly swarm with little round tents and big-mouthed ticket sellers. The 25 cents which you pay at the turnstile does not entitle you to Me anything worth mentioning, but is extracted from you as a sort of starter, or in consideration of the directors' efforts at grouping together so many inonny malting fakes. No matter which di- rection you go a demand fur dime* will confront you, and by the time you have gone the round*, and ^urcliasud refresh- ments, necessary tu keep up physical strength during the unlcal, there is a very larga hole indeed made in a irico new five d illar bill, and you return home weary and foot sore with nothing to show fr your money or your toil. The fair, how- ever, is a great snap ' <r Tunmto, railway ratei are lowered on tltat occasion, and thousands avail themselves of the oppor- tunity of visiting the city merchant, who trumpets Ills astounding bargains, and pockets tho dollars which should have, gone into the exch<xpj&f J/ his country competitor. However, it hath betn so for many moons, and will continue to b,- so we doubt not. Don't buy vuur winter overcoat until you have satii M. RiulurJsnu iS Cu'i. new stock. Piiocs are iutareatiug. Appreciative. 1 wonder how many of your juvenile readers observed that the verses under the above heading form au acrostic. Also how many of them observed that without thu words formed by the acros- tic, the sense of the versos is in no way complete. As ever Yours, AN OLD FRIEND. Committed. An unfortunate jruunq woman named Caroline Flyno was committed to Owen* Sound jail on Saturday last with her child for three months at her own request by Magistrate Armstrong. Tin* is a sad case. The jail is not a proper place for <uch unfortunates, but until our county lathcii have sufficient humanity instilled into them to see the necessity of grant- ing a poor house to receive such, the jail will etill hae in hold them. A Clever Young Man. At Osguode Hall, last wek, Mr. Wm. Wriglit,su of Tax Collector John Wright, succeeded in passing his final examination in law and is now a full-fledged barrister. Not only did Mr. Wright pass with hon- ors, but he also received the gold medal. Tho successful candidate is '26 yean of sge. He possessed a tint class certificate before reaching the age of 17, and una ben a student in the office of Messrs. Luiar * Monk, of Hamilton, for some time. During his legal course he has taken a tint aud secud scholar- ship, anil now the gold medal adds a crowning honrr. The Advance adds, with 01 uch pleasure, Mr. Wright's name to the roll of those w^iu have gone out into the world from this town and town- ship and done honor to the home of their nativity and parental tuition. We are informed that Mr. Wright and his part- ner, Mr. S. E. Linsay, are about to start an office in Owen Sound and that they purpose opening a branch office in Flesh- rton. It is our wish that they may meet with success. Apple Thieves. On Saturday morning uf last week, while Mr. Osborne.of Coilingwood town- ship, in company with several other gentlemen, were going into a orchard, which he owns now, Mr. Leganl's, they were surprised to tind that a nuantity of ftuit had disappeared frum off a number of his trees, the evening; previou,aud on a close examination found where a one horse waggon had been driven into the orchard by w.iy of a trap in the fence. Wherever a tree had been tampered with, tracks could b seen wheie the wai{i;on luul been driven under the tree, and num- erous foot prints in the soil, which show- ed that tha theives hnd been very busy ill scouring the coveted supply of fruit. After taking about half the production of the orchard, the perpetrators hied them- selves away out forgot to obliterate then tracks in going unto the road. Thev were '.raced f,>r a considerable distance whou the tracks wnre lost in a medley of other*. The thieves nrH not yet ideuti- tictl, but suspicion rests strongly on cer- tain parties living in the directio.i in which the waggon wan driven. A Funny Programme. Thu Advance has been shown a pro uriunuie uf a concert which was recently given by the colored pcupluof Fort Erie. It would bring tours to the eyes of any lirmter and the punctu.-ition would make eve:> a school toucher stare There were 'Jli numbers, and a tew uf them were as follows : I 1 .nok away in t)i hoavmm by the Company J Uoultaliou by alias. Wilson uuiulou I-'.a.,i lyn .1 To walk iu Jeruselum juat llko John by th .1 uy. 5 Di.lBiit my lord deliver danial by tbo coin (1 Duott by Mias. FloM * othars entitled poor .il.l tiiLinp. H noo<l news .La Chariots couiiug by tbecom- pauy Ldlalongvbj Hlsa. Fields & others 10 .Solo liy Mis. M:I.:KIU liunll, uulltlml tbo linnli. wurkom man II Slwp ,iu Uialito uluap on by tlio company. 11> ha,i a liioaui liv tin- company M tbo winter will noun bo uvur by tbo com- pany M stjrkl* wont 700 band down that robo by .1 uipanv, Dui'll by M ISM. Mnn: in HUH!), A oilier* miir tti<* lAinl> by tbo U*l (be buotilii . Oh Mar* honour to* lamb by the company iiol (or me iioloby MrC kubiriiun mb by , until! ii Mbout togatli*rCkiMrcudoutyoU|;utwoarT by thu company "Mary a drcniu by the company" is particularly K""d, but no doubt it also gav* John :ind every one else w'r.o listen- ed to it, dreams uf the moat horrible kind. Personal. Mine White, of Henthcot*, paid Tha Advance a <hort visit on Friday last. Mr. Kelly, manager of tha Durham Staii diird bank, wan iu town on Mnuuay. Mr. Will Bellamy left for MusUU th s wi-k. Mr. Charley Leitch is iu Owen Sound this week on the grand jury. Miss Clemia Armstrong has j^'nunl homo f:i>m Tormiti-, where she has been visiting for a couple of months, Osprey s popotar Dr. Scott.of Maxwell, was a welcome visitor at The Ad ranee sanctum r>n Tuesday. Kev. IL.W. McTavish, of Shelburne, was in town on Thursday last and gave The Advowee a call. Sorry we were out. J. W. Armstrong, Es^. , left yesterday for London to take in the shew, in . pro ; greas thoro. Mr. U jgh Reid, secretary -x thu Syd eiiham M'liual Insurance ('.>.. visrtetl ui fall fair anil gave The Advance a cal 1 . Mr. K J. Kivhardson returned home on Friday fr-in a tvn week's trip to Eng- land, Sc<-daiid,aud Frano*. Ho enjoyed Gat Tha Bast -ae -*- For your Money ! . . WK HAVE NOW A WELL-SELECTED AS SORTMENT OK Boots || Slippers Shoes II Rubber For Ladies,Gent8 and Children New Goods, Cheap and Good. Impect the Good*, compare tlia Prices, and givo u* a uhanco to in ike your fant comfortable for tli fall and winter. Also lot of Men's homemade long boots on hand first quality. Htom Work an. I Re- pairing t*, order - at FLESHERTOM the trip very much, but says he saw no city that suited him s well a* Toronto, and he was glad to once more arrive at home. Capt. Ja. Hannah, of Dundalk, and Col. Brodie, of Owen Sound, were in Flesherton on Saturday, on business in connection with No. 6 company ,3lt bat- talion. The Col. returned homo Satur- day evening and Capt Hannah on Monday. The FaU Fair . , Owing to the fact that .TJw Advance goes to press on Wednesday at noon we are unablw to give a complete report of East Gray fall fair this week. Tht en- tries are scarcely up to those of last year, but '.he deficiency is mostly in fruit and dairy produce. Other classes ato ./etter nlltfti-tUau las* year, mid, among these the ladies exhibit inside surpasses any- thing ever shown hero before. Some of the articles manufactured by deft Sneers are paragons of bauty. In the art class Miss Daniude shows a painting -.'. u. very high i/rder of merit. Wax tlowurs, feather wreaths, embroidery, ueedle- work, knitting, etc., up an exhibit that attracted lady sight-seers ill l;iru crowd*. Gri fall* short in the uuiiiiwr (,f ci. tries, owing to !ate harvest,. but t'o* quality is above par. There are some inugiiiiicent collections of flowers. Mr. Gilliland, of Euxenin has a splendid dis- play of houuy. ltt)ots are fully up to laal year, and in some kinds they are more numerous and quality jjnod. Mr. Ed. MoNea, shows a very handsome parlor suite. Altogether the in.sulo show is considerably superior to that of last yenr The oiitaide exhibit of aiocli,. is awny ahead of any t'.iiug seen for y.iars, <>f winch wo will have more to say ncx' week. The judge* in the hall wore : Fruit and Dairy- Messrs. W. J McF.irland, V Hislop and J. McDonald. Oruiii and Vegetable* S. McCulluugh, t'. Louc-ks an.i John Cameron. Ladiei W.'i-k Miss Rorko, Miss Bouk and Miss Me- JDHH W". AftMSTRONO,. . QUIT. . Co. DIVISION COUBT CLEBK. COMMISSION HI In H. H.. ConTnyaucor. *o. Agent for purchara ami ml" of laii<l Apprikiiwr tor C. L. C. Com. itml r.I' it. A S. Stinvty. Money to Loan on Cbn niom rca>iiiiial>lii ti-riun. lHai-RH or LICENSES. NOTABT PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The iimlersigued has a largo amount of money to loan at f.o/e on town or (arm property. S. DAMCDE, Flrshertou. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Ork. Artrraesia. Convcvancer, Insurance agent, Pto. IVcJs, mortgages, leases, etc., prepared nnd properly executed. Insnnini'c sifi cti il in Hrxt claim oomoauies, * l.nif v to lend at lowent rates. DR. BUTTON M. P. C. M., M.f. P. 4 S, Ont.. I'ricc- v IV. Residence ami Offlon one cinor wost of th" Mctliiuliht ('Inn ;li. Kinross St. Offlcu . rhursUuvs and Saturdays. DR. CARTER. ^f. f . I*. &. 8., Ont. 1'hysioian, surgeon, Kl.-sli.-rfmi. Office Straiu'i block, jo Mun&haw's hotel. DR3. SPROULE & EGO, '.Markla!.-. (int. OiMirc .M ; ,nlv's drng T S Sfiroiili'. M. !>., Ktc. Antcus K^'o. M. IV. Kir., lam ! lolii>iiiiuin, Ont. L'r. KKO will b found ut tilt Murkdalc llonso Ht J. P. OTTEWELL, Vrtwrmarv Sunteou. ' ; - i.hiuti- ..f ():itari.> rvC i||. !>,.. II .-^t .n T south of Lulu*i luilur simp. Klssliorton. J. P. MARSHALL, Strayed. Ki-oin lot 1(12. T AS K., about tin- iilli < V.r;.ii-i iui yuni-linu ntur cpottu.1 white aim u I '<iinl oiif vm lint ln-itur nrnrly (ill rwl. \nv .1 wivinii i-iirh riifoi-iiiatiou aa will Itiatl tu Thuii rocovery will bo ttuituliiv n-'vardnd. JOHN 'iJtKillT Hupt IT:lt Kl.^ln-'tiin WANTED : 8ale*inan to liau.lloour hanly liiu' r>f nry-atock. Hnilomo outfit free, salai \ or ,-. linini -.1.1011 from .tart. Ha<* don* bualn, l'nnala ovur thirty yean*. Succiiart utiarn to im.-lum: men if tfioy follow our Inntructlouii. \\'l ilti I- -I t*-i His At .iliri'. 4'liuso Brothers t'ompany. NIUB.TMIIUU Colborlif, Out. DON'T READ THIS. TUB OLD RELIABLE Sydtnham Mutual Fire Insurance Co., 2J yoars before the poople. In XI pnr con* i>linap- er sbaa tbens)ebea|Mst, and aa aafe n tin. Mifrst The. ouly purely Kaitnen. ('om- IUHIV In this pan of rev T^.ITI-- on the 10D tor a yean Is the bliib,eat i>- I'olicj Itoliliirn baa ever paitl. The SvJftnhaiu 11 ii>> at two- tbir<l the actual valui'.xud iui:in-uuf IUH dale the I t .in. I 1:1 NV' - i;.y month. I |i>h. rti - Kuch '.rip on ollowing. uf each the day J W FROST, :cer, Kto. Kii^lii-rton ,.;t1i-.. \, i Sproiile's Imii lint,' i I' ' > '. Owen .SullU't oilier I P MeCULLODOH, <>li< o. \l .1 over Me y to L. mi - HIM full amount of the r M. A. DAYMAN, AflMS, Fall KastOroy f >li..|ii;lf| Artuiiibia Vrolon Colltnvwoo KlMliarUui , Markdala FriesvUls Cmrkabus , Walter's Falls. s,.,.t Ja:i,l ii ...|.| I .1^.1 -!S ... Oct. l.liui.lll Hi i s nml 3 . Oct. n it ml 7 lU'if Illl)' frr1nnallk*rt-'nn.<i<1rft W.-fh fftf n, b *.IMJ IVc-, A'l-ilii, !"*, '! .Inn, lli.nn. T . 1". "*".. - .U; All W ' t, - " '. H' " >T Mfi r.iN I nrl> In .i..i iltna C !* Ik* llfMr. Rig mi.n . / ..!- MBBBSHBB^S^eSSS IKW .] w..i.1fHl r*in ^ .i. ir. . a iii.-i .* -., B.. ee> r.r,i.j. M.I., 1>08TM.-\Si'l li cr in U. H... . 'ii< > r.Cou veyanci-r, \pi i Lender. I'.cal it. I'i-e,ip. :. awn upaaJ > Vulu.-itioiiH iuiii- 'tine. Anc ti.'ii 3alng f pary of tbo Cionty. '.! " st rates I illtlT':t. ' ' il11 liromptti.-'s and rnrgos lw. A^unt f.>i 'li. . | Company. Clll-:l|. i'l li, ' LiV.'IpOul, Ciisi>w, Loii.l. li" 1'ritii-h 'orts . ftrt:' I -it Knglaini. Sootlan 1 iskraUs be- fore pi tc.h.isinii . LlVr ." ibles. . l Klrdt ola> > for hir* at rnaootiabic rin ite MnKbaw'a lxiU>l '').ii - oonsserai*^

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