Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1891, p. 4

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the. FLESHERTON .ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. It publUlitxl Every Tliui-wdny, HHOM run OrFicc ;. / ..Aim Sir. ft, . . Fleihtrti'ii, Old. TUlMs Or .-.UHSCUIPTION: 1 par minuia wlion paid striotly iu a'lvau.;n 1.10 i'>r minium win-it nut >' AUVKKTISIMi l:ATi;s. One ooluuiu. 1 i.all col., do , fS! <]-.:i- TraiiAui.t i . hri;i-'l nt tin- rate of del ., iir-t iiiserlic.n au'l 'Jult. 1'UT liuo each ubM.<|.,int <" i it W. II THURSTON. Kditur and Pn>i ietw Tht (ilolc attaches great liuuour to Hon. John UryJc-ii for the .iiwtiui- tiou of Ins truvcliin; dairy, ktd fiays it was only as un i-xi>..-i-imuiit tliat he did so. It iiJiy have been an eyperj- lui'iit HO far as Ontario is concerned, but *tht travelling dairy bfts bCQU in cxi.-p.ti nee noun- years iu J-.njj land. und did not .origin- .11 tlie brain of Mr. A Hint to tli M is., | To Hie Kilit,,, _! 7'/i. Aflame*. I M u. Silt,- I dusire tu draw tliu at- Umiioii of the Methodist church nlticial.-., and particularly die minuter, tu thu fact that for the |>.-i*t threo weeks there has been something trana|iiriii|{ on cuch Tuesday evening, the night un which the I'.nyal Templars meet. Now, as many luombtirs of the Royal Toiii|>Urit aro ail- li.Ti-.iU of the Methodist church, they find it impossible to attumlat Ixitli place-, and thr i'i'iici|Ueiiou >H that btith have to suffer. Former ministers avoide.! conflict- iii" t hi* way, and were themselves idei.- tilieil with thu tuiii]ier:iiice wurk hire. No doubt when tii |.i cuciit minister's at- tention is drawn tu the matter he., tuo, will ee that it id .nut advantageous to throw obatacles in tlic way uf tei|>erunco wurk by creating opiMMtuion meetings is liai liuuii for the past three weeks. ".$ hint to the wise," etc. U. T. 5 o New &'. .Blacksmith Shop. China is liittin- back at the Ameri- can iH.'fi|iU fur their treatment of C'liiin.-.. iinini^rant.s. Tin- mission- 1 aries who go from this country tind it hard to convince the followers of Confucius that tiny i > present o. more culi;jht< nul and (lod- fearing rao .who possess the only true religion. This |H.'i-vt-i!-ity i' iiniti MBBtltaWti whiui one takes into con.HidcrtUiou the l'i^ht< oii. UiLinuci in which our in npli \\tlcotin- the hoatlieni among thviu ! A war scuru is once more on the tapis in Kin-nit 1 , and from old cause. Kussia has so- fiHiJ pus . . i'jn i f tlie Dardajielles hy diplomacy, and thin IH looked upon by the otlii'i powers a* being jn-oof poni- The I'.ciiin News tolls of a ynunirstcr in that t.pwn wh.< auuiileutly swallowed a tin whist It- and K;HC liw .jjarunt* a yreat fright. We should think it would. Tin y say that when this httlt- Gorman boy has wind Hi, bus utuuioob the whistle plays Dutch tunes, and whun he run* real hard you can hear it play Annie Uouliey in (leriuan, -[Dumliin llniinrr. A aisterof John CJcuruf, JVrt Elgin, wli" ha* lived with linn many yuan, went to the hayloft to \.\\\ down hay, when she tumbled and fell an outnidt- dour. which did u.>t Imppun to be faalonud. Of course the unfortunate lady fell to tliu Around, whuru ulie WB found a omaiili-i ablu time itfU-rwmxU with her lack bri.k- en and hurTcruiLp, xeverely. She died in a ihort time. This is rather a delicate ques- tion, but i\ and I'll be silent as an oyster. I only waut to help you make a selection of The uudereigutxt bea lears to acquit th* public with tue fact that they have opeueJ up a new carriage and blagkniii!i ^l.op iu Flenhertuii. wln-rc uvorytliin^ in our line will be altemlcd to in a prompt manlier and tfoud wurkiuauship guarautt-i-il. \Vc make a p-i:tlty of HORSESHOEING. And orofesa to hare a mechanic who j;ives ciitir.' nati<f;icti MI rvery time. 8u*cuJ atten- tlon to teiidur or cuntrai-t.-.l f . :. Interfering posnively p wi n'.i .1. WOODWORKING In all IU brancUes. Waiiook. bnj: ;. -. .1, moi-rats made to ,,nl.T. \V. brlieve we can' work up a good business in Flr-hert.ui by fair nn 1 ttdMnH ..iki:iiii-hip. and stditit the publi.- to t ist our inrrit.-, in our var: snor orrosii'K rni \irri:t: n.tni :/;of./s. y>r/;//.i.w ST. WRITTEN & BLAIE. A Fact worth knowin : tive tha'. tin n . 1 tuns to pOBseas Constantinople were well foimdid. J.i:/land lias til. in in.-sfsai'Mi and fortified an ,i m the AfL'enj, Jailes from (' iii-taiiunopU'. in order to hunt the wli. n l.i b' jins his uosini; around DM city of llit Suhan. Auetria MM that her intn-retiU uro threaVoued by HUM-LI - u. ;ity lu-i :ikiu act, and will ;ly. For some months i: , i i has 1<" i. i.iohili/.iii troops ou tliu (iorman frontier, and is at I . .cJ in shipping arma and munition of war through the Dai dan ii!- into tl.c Hlack Sea provinces. rytliin^' puin'.s towards a hravy ami iiiinn iliate cunt-uiMption of war mutfiial by liussia, and it is not at all improbable that within the next jar or two KMICJI- will be I'onvnlscd by the Unois of a great war. At the last meeting of the Ontario Fnnt Growers' Association a commit- t . \.iisapponitedtodraftareporton \arietiesof apples rnofit s..itable to ilie various districts of On'ario, and tliiicoiiiinittec have reported on th. Inllowiiitf varieties for thecDnntn s it Ilinnii, <in-y and Uruee : Hummer 'i i How Transparent and DuchaBi of Oldi nhiirg. Autumn- Graveustein, \VtHhy and Colvcrt. Winter IV wuuliie, Ontario, Haldwin, llnbbard 8 tin i ' NotHiich and Cranberry Tip I in. While the lepoit doubtless is of vain, us a whole, wo believe tho flliouli' have been again sub- divided and embrace a much smaller cxlfiit of territory, especially in the ll.i i e counties named, owing to vari- ation of temperature and climiti c dif- i, . ncea, For instance, in this town- Bhip it lias been proven that tho HaM win apple is nut a succe: a while in the it .i d.-i m j towmthip of Euphrasia it Biipceed.i spin n hdly. Indeed so close- 4y i* tlna line drawn tliat at one point, within a distance of one mile, both and nan success hav been il, and all owing to pro t . ct i: in of the tros aud difference in ^'litu.L, What ve want to know in this section Is, the varieties suitable to the townships of Artemcsia, Proton, jM(n>-y, and (ilenelg. At all events the HabJ wiu does not appear to b onr Of them, x FARM PROPERTY IX TQS Ti'M-lill'ppr All I I. VI.SU IN I IIK VII I A'.S i i *ir r p. ippiMrY.prouiiY I* ii.lipr HUP! l>v viitu.' pf tin |I"UT pif >!. p >PII tain. ! in < '.PWP ulii.'h will I..' i>i. I at the time "( alu, thi-n- will i n.-i. .1 f^i sale at pablto Motion, bj K..i>it J s|n..nli.. 'U'Wp"i.' r * l Miiii<p|iiiw lip'ti I. in tli.p -<*.! vil 00 -illlll I'lV III* truth .UP. p.f !. i..L.'i A I' i- 'I at the hour of J n'.-luc-k. aftiriipp'.n HIP- f.illi.wnn! vnlimW. li..'U..:.l pi., IP. mi; nil nnpi ilnitalar timt ..IMIM iia:i-.ilnr tm. l ' land .ml I'M li.l.M-1 Mlnate, lylnfaod beloc In tlie-Towniblp .'f Artwneaia, ,.P llUII ll. I ll I till II till- MlKt , . .1 tljp n-t "f t !.' 1 PI P'Ut" Nil I ^ liani rimiliii tin- IPPWII-IHP of \itin.r-m. i-niitallilhi; nfu i, MS >< i-liiin i-iKlil <T. V.. I I tP.fp.l.- K..ld lill'l .'..ll\.\l I IIP I lit- I.H-t ltl,'\ Agricultural b*K'i.'t k ., aii'l ii v hi. ii an- i-ni.1 to >o uructi-.l a In i. V .". mi. I a frame parn Tli: |pi.p|p"i iili.,- <>|p| MI|I;.U.-I to a S4S) thereof made bv tlarn.t ll<.l(p.r.l t.t liin. |p, Aaion Muii-tiav>. ali.l IIPP Ii . x|'lt. l-t A|.nl. lP*r^ Hit U' I ll.rf "f Wllll tl nk'l l.-HKr Will IP.' I I1R.I.' knovn on application to tns Vendor's ... au.l tliu leaee will IPU |iro.luctl at tli" lime of noun i Tun IIIT p'l'iit. .i( tin. |piin'li i IP\ ' |ia|p| ill p HP-II Ht tlip tun.' ppf !.- ip.ii'1 tlir l.uUiH - ul-p. Ill rai-ll Wlll'lli till. ' n P|IIV 111. 'I. nil. 'I .<Altll p.rit iiitp i p -t i ill ' i t. i n *' nii'l p p'ti' will lit* mail. 1 kot.M ii Ht ' I... tliuu .pf aalo. K'PI furtliur |'itl. uli- n|'|'l) t" tin' \ p ll'loi'l sollcit.'r. . N. l.anliM-r. y... I.P.- r.ttiik ( l.anil.ors, Or to I i<" MI.'. ! I .'i.piitip It J Sl'ldii I I-' A. n ti.pii., i. Kl.'~li.'it"ii Date.) at Toronto tbls Mb dstf of Bsptsasksr, an "Like Magic," THE effect produced by Ayer'i Cherry I'eotural. Colds, Cuiighs, Croup, s>Dil Sure Tbruat are, in most cases, im- mediately relieved by the use of tins wonderful remedy. It strengthens tue vocal organs, allaya Irritation, and pro- 1 1 .'iit.i the inroads of Consumption , In every itage of that dread disease, Ayer's Cherry Pec- , toral relieves cough- .Ing and induces I refreshing rest. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In my family for thirty years and have always found It the best MBMtf for croup, to wlilch complaint my children have been subject. "-Capt. U. Carley, Ilrooklyn, V, i "From an experience of over thirty years In the sale of proprietary meill- LARDINE MACHINE OIL IS THE HEST I.UJltlCATIX<; >1L IN CANADA. I have the necessary eiperience, ditto li Furniture. In the first place you'll uei'd u kitcliou table and soine ((iiiiiiniii cliaird. For the dining room \.iii must have a nice sideboard, oak or walnut, with elniirs and table to mulch. An < iUnsjoii table it inn.-t be for your mother-in-law, your cous- in - und aunts will he on hand BOOH aflci the limn yiiiuu'i. Dun t haw hni-e hiur furniture in llie dining room ; it's old fashion, d und .ml of date, (iut a cosy lounge in a handsome brooadc or rep and plush. A high bucked oaken rocker conies next. Then a couple of those exceedingly \nvtty oiik chairs wiih cane, beatx, and a couple in oil liniKlied wiilnul with |ilnh nr i. p i-euts, make :ili :i':rei'uhh- VlllletV. iSollU-t llill" III luiLtn.Kiich as a ladie'a chair, a music- rack or woik habktt looks well, GUAIJANTKKD TO DO I) KIT Kit. AND IS CAK.U'Hk THAN TALLOW. MADE ONLY I'.Y McCOLL BEOS. & CO , Toronto, by all dealers tin ought ut the country. Flesherton e\vrv has a lanry centre or corner table of some kind. The designs in inahoj,"iiiy, anti'itie oak anil walnut are very hand- home. As for licdroom Sets the rangi' in styles is most extensive, and it is really s-nrpising what elegant outfits may be had for very little money. I lilnsh deeply win n 1 speak of Cradles, Higb Chain, and I'crambulatorH, and pel Imps am a huh too previous, but I niioht just as \\ill say tliat Kalian .\;iie is the favorite for all these inUr- esthi!' articles. If I have f ngoltcii anything, pmy du i hesitate to men tion u when \<ui cull on Yours iu strictest confidence, IT.E. McNea, Furniture Warerooms, PLsE-SIIERTOINT, Owrn Mound, Ontario. MONEY cn b . . r. . p .r ..r M n - ' *. rk. ' ih..T . ..:-. p* .' . U .111 l i.) * -p.... Uk.,. t .i., taa. I'KI : .!.. SOCIETIES. Si,\s nr Tl'MlTlcXM-i- Tbli ID Hi iii i-t". - lipul v. i u ' <U> i ii'u'ii^ t > i' ... \ i-itiuu brcthtrii un p'pptin.-ctl.'li R.i\ \\. 1 i VI i M.- or Tt:M"l I,\M I int.- in >|pn>iiU.'|.|.'i-k it p.l .IIP..U MK'litliU. tlie W h IKUIltll. i>KiN(-i: AUTIII K i ." x r. * I \ M . i.i.'.'l in tli.- M'i...iiii- Hall Ktmiu- blot-k. I- it- li'-it-pri p\,-i\ t-r!.*i*\ on or lx'for tbv tllll IU K.L. A - \ ..!! 1..-01I, \V. M., U J sec. Inn-Hi. FI<ll'rlOII. nil its trail' ad glrliiuits attuuduil to |.iiuu|itly ami . rtatl'fn -. i"-l ^'ri' . .. Ii'p'.l C.i't I .; . HUlttl ! saade up in ftood >t) le, lu-u .l-th n, i" ready cut. April -JU1 r*9T u iM'i ')..".. p.. l .'-- '. . pi".. Pl. I .' % tu . .1 j i j t .pi. ud no. you fO I., -n ifl vf , .1 .,.. l.. i... i.r. 1 1> IN an tor t p.Uklnf p i..i....t A<IP. .", a iu., 1-uaTUili. clniis. I fr.'l Justified In recommending Ajiir s Cherry I'ectnral. Una of the Iwst rectiniuirndatlons of the Pectoral is the ondurlng quality uf Its popularity, U being more salable now than It waa twenty-five years ago, when Its great success was considered marvelous." R. 8. Drake, M. i ' liellot, Kans, " My little slater, four years of age. was so III from bronchitis that we had almost given up hope of her recovery. Our family nhyalriau, a skilful man and of large, pronounced It use- leas to give her auv more medicine ; saying that he had done all U was poe- sllile to do, and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort, we determined to try Ayer'ii Cherry Pectoral, and I can truly say, with the most happy results. After taking a few dosee she sermed to breathe easier, and, within a week, WM out of danger. We continued giving the Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely wall. This has given me unbounded faith In the preparation, and I recommend U oonniiently to my customers." C. U. Lepper. Druggist, Port Wayae, lud, For Colds and Coughs, take Ayer's Chen) Pectoral, PLACI: IN CANADA TO (iKT A Thorough Burincit }'t(itc<ttion. Take a Round Trip and all Commnvlal ivi-tutim-utH tu (.'atisvlti, thuu visit tln NortJiciM BntlBMS Col)M . rxttniuu' every- tlnn^ linn. -'ii;tiU If we fitil to pimluco the ninttt t)itnin^li. i omplcUi, |>iH>-tu H> atiil exteii klva ooim*oi siud> , tin- it^t t'oliu;-' I'II-UUM-* anil tin t- -t .in I MH.-.I rnmi'M t,- aii>l n. '-.t Miit Hit) | fl|> n ttil If MM 1 1 Kj'('lliitn . ->, WO will v.\\>- v.'-i H full omiihM nUlI Km Annual Aniiouuce- iut- ut, glvlug full particulars, free, atltlrutui C. A. FLEMING, \ rriiit*i|iul. Dr. J. O. Ays* * Oo* I****, Mas*. P.S Perhaps you do not intend to take su*li an itn|x>rtant step as tLe above just at ^resent, but you may know uf a frit>nd who does. If so, I'.- kind eiiniiL'li to say a good word for mo. You would also do Rome married friend a favor by telling him, or her, about my extensive, stock of Furniture at prices to suit all pookets. Tell them to call and see our cheap bed- room suits, well finished, light ur dark for 110. bO. We have also a fine stock m Mahogany suites, Centre Tables, IMush Rockers, Dads, and Hall Btands. Picture framing done ou short notice. Also a large stock of Funeral Furnishings. Good hearse and prompt attention at tlm Variety Hall Fwruilure \\'art- IOOI118. H.E.M I . .,... We Are Your Meat The uii.l.'i -lin'>l having opvu.-l up a new butcher nlmp In PUihorton would kindly solicit the |iatii.naij al thoae rwjnlrlnK anything Iu tlip .1 linn Shop -i , ,pini dnor at of Clayton'ii boot shoe 8tor. Uootl leudvr ntuak alwa>a IPII hand. '.Thompson firos. Came Astray Never broken ~ Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset are made of it warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be spld so. For Salo by M. Kii-hariUoH &. to Bull for Service. The mi l.'mi;nxl ban Ui luaguiBctu/. thoroughhrwl Uurhrin, v Wl,il St. rk iiiR, (ur iurvice at Ilia |neuiieii, lot 151, 4 UM Turnia *1. Hl>ll J. ADAMS <'in.. to HIP' |premiwn of thu lot III li-j T* H R.. about July 1-1. oue yoar Ii in- haifor The owner In reaaaatcd to |irore p. I'.-i t , . |.a> <H|iuai an.) lake It away. JAOOH A. LtVK.K, snuittlt Fletheru.ii. Au. ii. XI Farm to Rent. The unilenlgned often for rent the followlnu U, MI property, being lota Hand 0, lib eon., N. D. H.. oentalnlug let aeree, 100 acrea cleared. Frain* liouteend outbuildings on the ttru|>erty. !-.. franii.hi.niw u I lotforaaleat WalUtrivillu IrtMttertea MatsMkl Kor term*, etc.. apply to septl4t For t. PI in etc. MAKT M I" leaner ton gtatiou V. O Notice. U hereby givun that ou the 19tb day of (>ct next, at tho village of aiclntyre, tbe Uu ulalpal UouDoil of U>e Township M OP^IVV M tanas |.>\>.Mn>, a ly l.nw. in accnr<lan with tlie Municipal Ait of IMMV.Ijr tho imrpoee of c-loelK^ up ami ill|ioi.iui{ of tlieurluinal road allowaucx, i.iini; pan u' IhB m.-road bvtwoeu lots .10 an I in 14th conoueaion ut the laid Tuwnihip nf uuruy au.l uiieulnnuii a Duriatiuu Huad iu i ;u theruol acrua U>t JO and at iu aaid l-t. i-'piirobHlon to thu Valluy Kuad. ' Plat., etc., of Uevlatiou Koad can b seen at the Clerk a OUcu. THOMAS SCOTT. Aug JTtb, 1W1. autjtrit Cleikof Oaf<;

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