Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE of lnt< i -.1. for Infants and Children. wrll adapted to chOdm that 1 rtovuuuciul it Msupt-nortoau/ pmcnpuun fl. A. Aacn. U l.. Ill Bo. Oxford at, UruokJ/a, N. T. Iraitoria etiirg follc. OooiMpotln*. Hour StomACU. I'larrhrca, Kructauon,^ KJla W.irua, give* alup, ami pruuo4o* dl- crftioo. Wtttout injariouj madloaBnn. Tu fnrrirm C..KPAHT. T7 Murray Street, K. Y. HEALTH FOR ALL. MIDWAY'S PILLS-&QINTMEHT T HE TILLS Purity the blood, correct ill liiiturdunof 1 .1 % .-I-. Htomucli, anl Jiw'l*. - . >i.-iiltli !> '..ilitnt.-.l < in.titutionr ainl arc lnvnlu.1,1. ii. uUl i i Kennies of all .i^i- Kui <':n.'iici. ulni tl.c a^n! tin-) ui. irlcclii. THE 01 MM EN T fcuiuf4llib:o remiKiy I'n.l !.,.,;, lia,l linn .. ()|,| \\oui. - 1 I'lcer*. Ulnfauion fur t ri'i III uMlluit 1*111. Kur .Il-4.|.|i.| ..' tl.r 111 t it bmtMaQMl FnrSOKK TiUWA'i, i;i;i>.\ c/itris. run; us. ctn.i* OlaivliilarSwelliiign, and all Kkin It lia no rival; md fur coutracttd and Hill J'.llltt it . -t llki! clu-l in. Uauutuctunjiluiily nt I'nifi-- "i II >i.i -.WAT Kitalilishrm i4t . TH. Xrn Oxford !SlrM-l < lair .VW. Oxford Strerl ). London. fci>JruuKll U IM , .is. ml , . 6J . Hi.. W>., ami :iu > I' . I' - and may bu bad of all Mr<i ifuu- Vodorf throughout tlm \\'.il4l. '. t- it t>,, . -. . !!: ,/ .ii. .aturtviu. SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! Thiin.l. i~ui..-.lli. .nit,. I a i. uauutautury and re|>i i' in Klewwrti t) 4.u IDOI I t'nrri.tiir Trimming. I'altilinc. It r pair-in;;. mi. I nvr\<hiii I* the rarrlim* nmkini; lino 'iu j uiiacall hti.U4.:. . ,*m Shop over McTtivisli'i iilack- sniuli Shop. I-;. T. llamihon. KlMbwton. Jn...t, 1891. NOTICE! To The Public : It I' uiidn* to inf. mi the | ..... pie of II >.liiili4ii uiiil the HiiiM'iiinliiil! i-i.iinliy .. .a l.i- 1. 11.1 iiu '"I 4in,l *tll In ii"W fnund ill BL.OCK:, 11,4 ',4-4 ll.l .1 ...,| It 111 ill!' |M^l nlli,'.'. Wllt-ri I.e will I.e j;lii,l In * nil IM old ru -'..iin in, I M- in in\ 1111,11- 4in like to i < uir. I li.ivt 1IUW 41 Illl.V -tnrk of KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, FlHshortoii, and secure a pair of shoes from him. Lighter kinds with the tast of workmanship for those who are not K I C K E B S. Flour, Shorts, Bran. Etc. ANIi A i.Odl' I. INI-'. OK Groc'Mles, Lemous & Granges . -uii-t.iiitlv i n ImM. All kind- uf l'iiin-il ....... Is. (nlnii-l. C.iriitnm'l, (iiiiliini l'lour. K Ili-l \Vhe.t, Ktc K(!F" 1"^' n ii^ i- M|I, It i . h . i i.l 1 ' I '. i IV 0. llciiivish, H<>|ISK*I<KI! AM* /QEN2RAL BLACKSMITH, Stlti t, . - ONT. . Urmnrrau. f Hor- li4in pri>ni|-t)f r*nila.l IO HI* 4. 4l *U4 .11*444 *\ 01 lOII.II'l II ' I ili "'"' ''"" "Like Magic," Till; , 11, t produced by Ayr*a Cherry rer.tural. C'uldn, i'uugtu, i'roup, tjuru Throat are, iu mimt caaiw, im> iu iliiilvly nli'-. i.l by the uae of tliii womlerful remedy. It itrengtheui the vocal urgana, aJlavi irritation, and pn - \.-nis i I.K iui .i'la of Coniumptlon; In every stage of that dread dlieaie, Ay <T' Clierry Pco- t' ^ -^ y>, toral rcliovei cough- J i i^g_-Lfc Inif and Induces M ' V*- W": ,, ,, uing roit. "I have uainl Aver'* Cliorry 1'c. toral In my family fur thirty ytiara and have olwajs found it tlin Nut n-nvily for eroup, to wlilrh complaint inv children nv l. n ulijct." Cpt. U. Curley, lyn. -N.Y. "From an exncrlcnra of over thirty years In tli nl of iirn|irli!tary inpill- . 111. i I f.-rl jnsiitli-il In roi'-iiiiniendlna Ayer's Cliwrry IVctoral. On (if tlie ii.-.ii neomnwnilMloM of thn Pcetand U t ho eniluriiiK quality of its popularity, it boiug inoro Kululilu now lliun It wait twonty-flvo ycara ORO, when its great Miioceaii wn* roiislilerwd umrveluua." H. 8. Drake, M. !., Ilellot, Kiun. "My Hit IB ltcr, four years of age. wa-i so III. from broaohlUl tlrit w DM alnimt ^'ivi-ii up ho|>u o( hor riMi.vrrv. Our family (iliyHlrlan, a nkilfnl man and of large e'xpefionce, proiinuncd It use- Inn* t4i Rive her any inoro nieilii-im- ; Having that lie had uon all It wat p<- i- 1 1. 1 to do, and wo must prepare for th wont. An a last re.aort, \ve detarmlDM t, y Ayer's Cherry IVIorul, nml I ran truly say, with tho most happy ruaulta. After taMiia a fw <lsr she aticinud to Tireattin eoaler, innl, wiiliin a wi-ek, waa out of danger. Wo ronHuued K'vmtf ill" JVitural until satintled nhe, wasmitlrely w i-n TUia liiutdiM'ii in'iiiil.ouii,liMl(alth in tlm preparation, ami I rucommMd it rtuiilileiitty tu my tuHioiut-n." -C. O. I..-|.|I.T. I>niK(iist, Forl Way uu, lud. For Colde ami Conglii, talui Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, I Kir A KEll bT Dr. J. C. Aytr * Co., Lowell. Man Wonh$aU)lU* KNK,Uut.,.Spt. 5. Mias Mary Sti'wart.who has foraoine time pait been ki-.'|iiHK house for her father, Thomas Stewart. i>f Maple Valley ,a few miles from lit re, was found drowneu in the mill pond yesterday. When the men c-ame hom lor dinner they found that dinner h d lieen prepared and Mary was mitii' g. A search was institute I with the the TO- ult that her hody W4is found l'.".itnr/ in tin- mill pond near tho li,,iise ll it eup- lo have ln-eii an accident, but iio particulars are known n^ yet. , lint. ..Sept. 0. - A very Bad aceident occurred yi-vtetday aftonr'.jii at in (ileneli{ tow n.iliip, )>y 1. i-h la s Vniiii'^ hist his life. Mr.; had driv.-n to a lu-ixhbor's. a ilmum- if a nn!u and a half, on a road cart and hen ready to return drove over a 1 tile knoll with one wheel of the cart. U| aet- 1,114 I,: in otfand landing him in his \iw\. 'I In- shock produced concttsaioii of tlie VIMI-, which caused his death in two iniiiutes. The dcea*cd was about <T7 \ cars of a^e and leaves a \>'ife and I rce family, all of whom areK r ' jn ' u i' l " ' ' fair ciicimiDtancci. Thov have the n)- |..i!hy "I tlio whole community in ll.eir H<II|C|I..|I bereavement. It li ft emulii ftnil ipMdy cnn t it m Utt uj uagaunh in *a i u SOOTHINQ. CLEANSING, HEALINO. Instant Rtitf, Permanent Curt, Failure Impossible. W.n. ln>| I r, . Kl.c. ,-.,. ., , MU.IMI Li. tlnfi. i,.. M*. I;, tie. 11 j.i 'ir l.j iiu i U U.4.H. e.,14 U lo4 b. c. ...un.ftl n l>4 I 11. LM M k d uf wllllMMl.1, | -I , . t*M< UP **"H ui Ultu^y i^-tn FULFORO * CO. Brock. ille, Ont. * ll M I.' t* . . I .l'i uf d t <utt f . 1 . i | .r' .. I .I.OU..I I 1.41 $3000" ' * II I I r..l.Vfcrf-f -llt.t.l|-l4.ll. I I. I 4l 44.1 ..r ......I >. I. , .WI1I ..Vlk 41MIUlllk*.lt, Ui. telMi*B a* v|it^WMi I * l... I. > >4i , *n .i ll*.< .Mi. .m.l. S.. i, f i , k.ii^l I 41^.1 I..,:. ... . . r I' li. l.. b >.*'' l*tr .,! B.lj I".; .V III rll, | I >!..., , ...i NOI.III. >-u i- I......T. cut: >:. *.i..4.M.i .. r , I < . \ I.I I N. ll.. 1 -> \ ........... II ....... 044.4* lllll ' > <OI4.Ur *" M 1* ) *'' * . .1. Tu h W rt .41 4 kn wwrh i **r il k* 4UB Illf H4. 41- 4 1444 W0ft- PENIN Case after Case, and Bale after Bale of, fresh sprightly and durable Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. OUIl CLOTHING, Especially Boys' and Youths', is simply grand. Every mother that has a boy that must have a suit can be suited here at suitable prices. 2O Days In a Hollow Log. Instances are iimiicroiii of tliu tenacity ritfc winch nmm.kJa retain lid under ad , MI- eirruiiistfiiicH.lml few r? of as much oivil inti'iciit as an oi-currenrt' in this irinily <'f f'w d*y aijo, on the fmi .f .Mr.' W. .1. (iould, iii'.ir t!u soiitli -oast- in liuiit.s of tlm t..wu Mr. Uuuld IMS liur Hock of shue|> aud liku most <itlicr IUT|I r.ii*' i H i.rniHsioii.illy iiilfiTS from i;iuni{ Inn lli>cL civmed liy the' do){ uf hf iiui^liUnliood. Early in tlio month if Au^nit lu stock was uliji-otud In tlii .nnoyaiice, but with no suriou* result IIII.T than tho diaa|>|>earanco of n tine <uiitlidoHn .>we. After dili_'iHit MNQ t was concludfd th.-it in tho iiininil en- li-avor to mi.-;i|H- from hor |nniiuer lie ,i.l drii|i|n-d nit, i n cn-vioi' r fHllun over i!ill'. i.nd tin- M arch was uliftiidniifd u Friday lout wlnlo Mr. tioiild's son was out in thr Imah lnokiii;,' for tlio c-iwt ii- "u*. hUitii-d liy tint a|i] o of a .1. .i,l of 4in of R I'.ui. kind (tiokinx ut through tin; Hide of a 1 r ;> (dm !"_; UK ran Imniu and inforuu-d a brother, and the two went .nit to m-ptii;te the iitiL'i' niylit. Ininuine tlh'i 1 ' Mir|irtM' wlirll It w.l follll 1 tllilt tllH }lP*4 tiekllli' nit of tlio Kinall n|>ttrtuiv w:m that of the Sdingowi' \\'itli the asiinta'h-o of nil '(.o iiii|iri.Ho|it).l aiiiniitl n.n tn-ni nfti-r :i 1 1 ii, d of 'J(l dayn. It wua found tliiit tlm lo.j was liolluw at olio end itiul i,iiii ilr, .iSL-d, and I'liiin^ t!iu in ii i-i. ill ui tin- niiiinal hid e.i.en thr in^li aliout MX iiu-hi-s of tlie i, tlm wood, nikinj the hole through nliich In l he,i>l irotrudod. It is ii|i|io8ud in the iittrni|>t to enr;i|>v, ill" re koirjit Iter in tho In^ and hid imt .snll'n lent inti-lli'.'.-ni-e to li.ii-k out. Slio waa one f the fattest of tho ll.iek ln-toio lier iiu- |niH4,iiineiit. and thmiijh vei y weak and iti-il, i.< now aMii to walk Mound uiul |>aitnkr of fodder and is mute a run unity in tho nnyhliorlim nt. [ " S. Timed. iriii-n Pabj wai ulA, wa ga- tier CaMorlft. Wht.n h KM lliiM. li crlej for CMiorla. \S h, 14 stu- l.r, atn,- Mm>. site cl)Mit< U> Cufttoria. Whi'D the bJ CUJUreu, |M (uve lUeui Cadorla This is the store where old friends meet. Not an hour of the day but you'll hear greetings and see a warm shake of the hau'J. "Hello I You here too ?'' "Yes, we come here all the time now." "So do we. Hard to beat Trimble's prices." ^cc Our ^4.^0 Jii^d 5? ">- oo Sproule's Corner. Ove^oJit^. l\e h\ Towi^i Terms, Cash. Yr KNDW THAT MKANS ClIKAP GOODS. W. W. T It I M B L II 1'. S. I'lcase ask for quotations on Sugars. Can Suit You ? General News. William C. M. I'-naM, a Canadian, h.iilinj from in ar Hr.,i kville, hat heon niuidered in Ai LUIHIIB. Mi Paind Day, of NHpanee.haa |iaekud for the English inaikut 600 dozen |.. r day tlurintj the month of August. Two uu ii hake I i-i-n arrested in(2uul)ih uhnrvod with murdering an Arabian girl iu Nuw Yurk Stato. Many have tried me and answer in the affirmative. others aic well suited why not comn to me and ^ct Your Pants your coats and vests made in the lust ol style, the quickest time and lor the least money. I will never wear cut the patience of my customers by lulse promise?. Bring on tlit: cloth fcr Your ('oats and have it cut while }0u wait. Suits which 1 makeup and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dcts'gned and test those statements. F. A. BAKER, TEO.Na'S l;LOCK, I ii Position FOK- rilililH.IHI'IIIMi - AND - Position is Everything. Is fully ecjuipped with re- quisites lor turning out ? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices a;c lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to dt and pictures to get taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. BulmQr,

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