, - large number of prominent prueent, including Hon. THE WEEK'S NEWS, OalaMA*. Mr. ballon Moflarthy hso rosnmed to Ottawa from his ratjasjllmtli wip. Th* monastery atfit. Joseph, Man., has been horned. Tbe loos is plaued at $2,000. It is understood that Senator Lacosts ha* recerved the appointment of Chief Justice of Qwsbee. Report* from the tuning italions of Lake Winnipeg itate that the catch this season i* greatly in excess of previous years. TheC. 1' K. steamship, Empress of -Japan, has cat the record from Yokohama to Vic- toria to 9 days, 19 hoar* and .'19 minute*. John Callahan, who BSD** over |12,0(IO fresn the Hamilton Street Railway Company, has been sentenced to two yean in peuiten tury. ! * wrencc (toehm, president of the tier- mania Club m Hamiltou, ha* skipped. The Seugerfet OosnmUtse expected 9500 from him for the salo of Imssjn, of which h* had control. The Agrieoitoral Department r* investi gating charge* of improper eare of cattle on the steamer Loch Lomoad, which arivsd at Dundee last week from Montreal, having had many cattle die on board. John T. McCowall, the inventor of nteehanieal wonder on the plan of the " Little World," shot himself fatally on Monday at Hamilton, whether by accident or design is not yet hnown. A yoebec despatch lay* the wife of the Hon. Kdward Blike met with a *enoua ax-ident at Point au Pic lately. While driving up a steep hill the trace* broke, and the carriage ilashed down the ascent at groat speed , throwing Uo lady to the ground with great violence. Concussion of the brain is feared. Mr. A. H. Wbitaey, of Toronto, died in Detroit the other day of consumption. He was on his way to lac south, accompanied by hi* wife. By a remarkable coincidence another A H. Whitney, from Qomcy, III, died at almost the sams time m the *ame hotel from beart disease, both having reach- ed Detroit the same day. Tbe corner stone of a nw Methoduu church was laid at 'I weed. Out., ou Mon- day by Mr. William Johnson, of Ballykil beg, Ireland. A t Orangemen were M. Bowell. Mr. Mackenzie Bowell, Minister of Cus- toms, was ssxtcd with a faulting fit th* other anas; while) at breakfast He remained uaronsaoa* for half an hour. The doctoi who aUtodetlrhun say* the atUck is the re- salt of indigestion and overwork. Mrs. Oi*fs*rshen, who is accused of the murder of her husband at Rainy River, has been committed for trial by Magistrate Lyons, Rat Portage. Her case will come up at the neat (seine), which will take place at Port Arthur in July next. It u said that effort* are being made to have a special 4*suc htld at Rat Pcrta^c ... NV.euiUr ui order to expedite the trial. S. J. Goldstein, a Montreal commeruiar traveller, fell fifteen feet down an elrvatol (haft the other day and died in a few hour* from the injuries which he received. The Department of Marine and Fisherie* at Ottawa has awarded to the 1 'olson Co. , of Owen Sound, the contract for a steel cruiser, of a speed of fifteen knot* an hour, to be employed on general < Sovernmen t work m 'K Gnlf of St. Lawrence. The contract price is $37, 800. 'ikrT BRITAIN. Itis (aid that Secretary Balfour will marry Lady Dudley, receive an earldom and be made Viceroy of luuta. The crops in England and Ireland are all under water and wi!' be entirely spoiled if not soon saved by sunshine. The Mar>|un of Lorae says the German colonie* comprise the hottest and most worthies* territories in the world. Mr. Gladstone ha* written a letter de- nouncing gambling a* a formidable an-l growing national evil A statement is made that the Bank of Kngland has been robbed of over a mi I Ion dollar*, but the cashier denies that there is any truth in it. Tlie freedom of Ni wcastle will be con ferred on Mr. Gladstone next October, when the Grand Old Man delivers an ad drew at that place. Iti* feared the palato crop in County Cork, Ireland, will prove a failure. The rV<mM Journal, of Dublin, will hereafter oppose I'arnell. Smuggling i* on the increase in Ireland. It i* said for yeara the fishing population on the west coast have smoked nothing but smuggled tobacco and drank nothing but the real Schiedam. A teriou* riot occurred ou Sunday in I-.. is t bourne, Kng.. when a mob attacked the local Salvation Army, broke their in- struments and wrecked their barracks. A number of persons were seriously injured. An immense amnesty meeting was held in I'h i ui\ |>ark, Dublin, ou Sunday, when resolutions were passed calling upon the Government to pardon the Irish prisoner* under sentence for alleged dynamiting and other crime* of a partly political character. It i* said tbe Liberal Executive in Britain haveHUch a crop of labor candidates on their hand* that they hardly know how to dispose of them. Mr. W. H. Smith* health continue* to improve, bat it is not likely he will ever appeivr in th* House of ( 'ommons agaiu, and the <|uc*tion of hi* successor to the leader- ship is a difficult one. Mr. llalfour appears beet Hi for the post, wjre he not indispen able in the Irish Office. It i* poeiible he may combine the two positions. Violent gale* and rainstorms continue to sweep ->v*r (ireU Britain aud Ireland. The cropx in many place* are submerged. Mrs. Alice Shaw, the famous whistler, ha* demonstrated the fact that whistling cv -n is hereditary. "*he iia* four daughter*, each "lie ' whom inherits lier peculiar taleni. I'MTKD XMTSS. A Stnomehaona, rV. i*sna*^h / (Wat- ers n Jackson aaJ^esfeer sojatsjcu ofrthe cuuasT report the preojssoe of Q* hslfelo. fly, wiurh annoy* cows mad horses fcy borisg into their haads through the ear*, making ulcerous sores, Oowi are becoming dry in 'muequenoe. The whole eastern portion of Remwleacr County, K. Y. , wa* deluged by a cloud burst ou Thuisday evening, which carried away mills and bridges, interrupted railway com- munication, and drowned throe person*. Gen. Dyregorth is highly pleased with the means of his experiments and ha* per feet faith that th* power of makin* rain has been secured. Fire burned over a stretch of country 90 miles long and 'M wide in Faalk County, S. D. , Saturday night. The farmer* are ruined. L*r*e quantum of dynamite were ex uloded on a high mountain peak at Socorro N. M. . and tbe heaviest rain of the year fell, breaking the drought Charles Ross, a New York butcher, was on a ladder th* other day trying to hang up a side of baef on hook when he slipped and wa* impaled on a lower hook. Me Died to doath. The Interior Department at Washington ha* ordered a permanent government post to be Bstiblsshe.l on the Rainy river, near Fort Francs*. ISO miles north-west of Duluth for the purpose of watching timber dealer* from Canada, Major W. T. Tillman. cashier of the City Kails City Bank, Looieville, Ky , who is a defaulter to the extent of 137,000, ha* fled and i* (opposed to h* on hi* way to Canada, Thel'nited Stated census showsa decrease of '2,000 in the population ef Alaska, whi- h. taking the increase through unmnjration into accoan', means a decrease of folly 8,000 of the native population. Hogan, the Ann, Arbor, Mich. , aeronaut, made an ascension at Detroit on Saturday, and was giving a trapeze exhibition at an altitude of 1.000 feet when be lost his hold and fell to tbe ground. He wa* mashed to a pulp in sight of 30,000 spectators. At the Catholic Conference held at Dant- (ic the other day it wa* resolved to promote an International Catholic Congress to dis- cus* the restoration of the Pope'* temporal power. The King of A*hanMe i* allowed 3,333 wive*. Many of them are the daughter* of the chief* of tributary tribes over which the king has jurisdiction, and are wnt to him as hostage*. The little Kiug of Spain dues not know hi* letter* yet, and all mental education ha* been forbidden him. He u 10 frail and so puny physically that the slightest exertion of the mind fatigues him It is said the Kmpreo* ol Austria (how* symptom* of insanity The SalUtn of Turkey ha* abjectly apolo- gised for the recent detention of a Rouian Tease I at the Dardanelles. Two hundred live* were lost in a typhoon lu ,/apan on Augast Hi. The storm wa* the wont known in yean and great damage wa* done. The Sultan has yielded to Rnesia't de- mands respecting the I > irdanello*, which he nc 'forth will be open to Russian vewels when closed to others. The Italian Government will shortly issue a decree of amnesty to all who escaped the levie* from 1851 to 1871 by emigrating. Thousand* of the person* concerned live in rut. STKAJVCB WwMAM. A CenaaB to a mi WfcO Ws* Vlrtll rertalsi *!*. HAJJPAX, Sept. 10. -Mr*. fohnS. McLean and her daughter*, of this city, now on visit to Gurmaay, recently wiote to friend* saying that Count Howitz, of Puckao, would soon visit Halifax. He cause a few day* ago, accompanied by a lady, and registered at a semi-private hotel under a tktiflnn.i name. Yesterday ha told the following story to the chief of police : He says he i* Count Howitz, of Pnekan, Germany, on a pleasun tour around the world. At Phila- delphia he became acqoaintoil with a woman who agreed to accompany him ou his trip for time. They came this way, their *tay before coming to Halifax beinx at Charlotte- town, P. B. I. A few days ago the woman made a demand on him for a large sum of mosey. She 'Tightened him by alleging she wosld have him arrested on f he charge of abducting her, which was punishable byim- prisoniiKMit for a long term in the peniten- tiary The count evidently believed the. woman, for he gave berl&OOand was to have paid her $1,000 to-day To a gentleman with whom he became acquainted m Halifax he told hia (tory of woe. Che Halifax man informed him that the woman was playing a game of blackmail, aad the iioast became convinced that the case was about a* stated by the Halifax gentleman. To a detective the woman adtmttod that she wa* a " sport- ing " girl, and was " playing " the count for 11 (he wa* worth. She in turn became frightened and handed back the money (he had received from the count, and promised to get oat of town at once. The young German i* no bogus count. H* has Utter* of introduction^ leading soossty people in Halifax. trrleoi Beswru rresjs India. Reports from British India give a gloomy picture of affair* there. Disaffection is gentral and the respect for lirituh authority, which has since the great mutiny been ram ciem to preserve p^ace, i* said to bav* di appeared. A iligh t caus* might precipitate a general revolt, the consequence* ot which the official* do not lih* to contemplate. It i* significant that the government of In.n i hai been seriously considering the adviaabtl- ity of prosecuting for (edition a number of native paper* and has abandoned the pur- pose solely through fear of inability to secure conviction and dread of the diststroo* re- sult* of such a failure. The unfriendly attitude of the native press ha* long been i>i> Wltk Mis Wire. Hare's a very qorsor (tory (lajrs a cor respondent) about a nan who undertook to. carry off hi* wife altar sho had married another. The body of James Lennon, ac- cording to the belief of Bis friend*, was pick- ed out of a boy-ditch in Ii eland netr his home some weak* ago. He wai .decently waked ami buried, as they aay, and a tomb- stone in the village churchyard speaks of hi* virtues, which were extolled at length by the parmh priest in hi* panegyric, whil< the church records show that his wife, through * ITBAINiC FHBAK of circumitance*, was forced to change the name he gave her for that of another. The man who was found dead was one John Leonard, whose absence, as it was thought, had been ixtensively advertised, forhisbody 'ore the clothing of Lennon, and partly deoomooied ai it was, wa* accepted as Len- non 's. It wa* identified a* such by William Rodger*, a foreman in Lennon's employ, it man who think* that be is the husband of Lennon's wife and the master of Lennon s miO. Andall this ooniosion, this mixture of romance and tragedy and myiUry, was brought about through the operation of the Coercion Act in Ireland. But now for the ncident* of what may be termed the plot el the (tory. Unite Lennon had suffered im- prisonment under the Coercion Act. His release was celebrated in a public demon- stration. Fired anew with she spirit ol patriotism, he uied sedition* langsage. At ABB i . . o - ,^ A ! Berter Tell* an Tnmlli* >*> fff lew t* BaJse an- Henry Williams, M. U.. ef Boston, Kn*>, write* to the London Tdegropk A far more common cause ef the " plnoV ful lack ' of hair now *o prevalent tvwisj and nervou. .unorders. Dyp*paia and was* and falling hair go hand in hand* and wU* will say that we are not i dyspeptic oatfosp Now, dyipepeia in due to our modern inusV of living; ergo, one of the great *>ru4 causes A premature baldness u -ITIB^ Ind*vd, we can have no doubt on AM when we remember that civduaUo introduced the "chimney-not," probably to aid and abeu Very in my of the " bleak and uarre^n brow*" we see aiound as are also due ay dvspepiia. The moral, Uicrwfor*, is. loo|| after your geimral health. At the *]> time, loss of hair u not always caused iy lass of healtii. It froqswntry prnnsjeeVi irosa purely local cause*, and,' a* the** casjseejJB be guarded agaiust, perhaps you will alUkv me to toll what to do aad what not to so i order, under ordinary circismstaaeo*, ft keep their hair n*. " 1. Avon! tight-tittingbat*aadoolUr*a*u close-fitting cap* unless these be of MSB* porous material. The two former wweoato iue supply of blood to the parts, beoce d*c hair paprll..' are pat, as it were, oo short oomnvjns .11 the time the hats aad oiiact are worn. Thecsps engender rdetio. wUoh sets up irritation and ultimately tarn: stubborn form of daadrnff namely ; pu the fair of Ivuhpreland, *, place two milee(tiaais (i. e., braony powder Note , I > t j t, (,.,.... U ._ 1, . ^ W_ ^_. _ .. .] . L . ^l a . l_- l_I_ . . -- 1 di*tant from his home, be beamed that warrant bad beea inued for hi* arrest, and that the police awaited his return borne. His health made him H:\HrTL OP THE KMSl I,T of a Mooud luipmonment. Hu friend and neighbor, John Leonard, offered to exchange clothe* and throw the police off the track until Lennon had limo to seek a hiding- place tome miles away. " Tell my wife," aid Lennon to Leonard, " that I will take a month* rest or so to recover, and that I will not write to br meanwhile, because the poc mark would betray me. Tell her not to worry, and if the police arrest you I will have a good march ou them before they find all headgear which is not porov* shonM be ventilated at top and side* to alkrw a free current of air. -. Vevenit or stand with th* top of bead near the gaslight or lamplight. heat thrown oat is apt to^asalyse the scalp tissues and dries up- the hair itseU. 3. Don't wash the head oftener than once a fortnight, when 6rst rub in the yotk f an egg, and thoroughly nose oat with warm water, into which has been thrown a pinch of borax. Dry carefully and apply a little pure olive oil 4. Beware of that common practice dipping fourdays later by V\ Uliam Rodger*, Lennon's foreman. It was buried, and Leonard wa* clawed among tbe miwing, and considered recognized by thoee familiar with it a* a to know something of Lennon ( supposed . _* j L n .!_!. _ j t . - *t. w . > the comb in water wbeb arranging the hair It promote* decomposition aaoT ranui<liiy : it out. The meMage wa. never delivered. * l tf\ rml l . ail ' ' ' Uon^ fell UtoTvm Uioved uito. the | * H , the h ? ir d.tch an his way home, and th. body, part ' ''ttle olive oil occs-sionally^ Iy decomposed, 'a. alrnly .t**d, WM found < *>" ol * 1| y -b away the ex f death. But lii-re Lennon turn* up a'l right, and this new fualur* also binges on the Coercion Act, tor Lennon would not have source of danger to British ascendancy, but until lately theBritub authon ties appear to have ignored the danger, pxmibly because unacquainted with the extent of the sedi- tious (pint The paper* printed m Kngluli. or in the language best known to the Kn ghsh officials, are careful to keep within the line of discretion, but the *oall native papen, printed in unknown dialect* and whose existence is hardly reixignued by the Kuulish authorities, have been outspoken in their hatred of the foreign master* of India. ' ' ln w 7 of *"? changes that were to greet him J " m ' i I ' enuon r""<i home early on ceons secretion by means of a of laaoer ^ of VTTESIITfD TO ItrTBK.N from Cumberland, where he had been so- journing, bad sot the proclamation gone tepid water and soap bark iQnitlaya ;apon arm). o. Salt water is most injurious to tbe hair, for which reason when sea bathing wear an oil cap. 7. Always treat th* scalp as if you loved it. Take to heart Dr. Godfrey'* dictum that " Kvery touch affecting so deftcut a texture a* the acalp should be soft aad soothing : every application bl%nd and mild. Several year* ago aselectionof the utterance* of theseipers,pnblisbedin different i-art* of ' Sun<Ia y Tvi"""i Roger, the empire, wai translated bv a. uJent of "reman and Mr*. Unnon were going do _ _ furth some day( ago from Dublin Castle that Hon t use stifTbriitled or wire brevhe*. and all prosecution* under the Crimes Act would , '" a " case* brush gently. Also always brash be dropped by the authorities Then did i out the hair before attempting to comb it, James Lennon decide to return home, still and use the comb a* little a* possible. M, Have the ends of the hair clipped onos y on a month, if only to prevent them from A plau i* on foot by which it i l<> lirinij HlU.UOU militiamen to Chicngo dar ing the World's Kmr One thousand cabinet-makers wont on strike in Chicago the other day for eight hours a* a day's work. Rev. Dr. John Wesley Olnulead, for 40 yean editor of the PTa/rAman, the Kautut deiuUBJuational paper, died at Manchester tr%oe-%*. Mas*., on Monday. A lurk tab commander in Arabia subdued an insurrection in Yemen and then had a triumphant procession, in which were four- teen camels laden with hands cut from thu chieftain* of the conquered district. A truce has been made between the advo- cates of the rival Holy Coats at Arg--utei.il and Treves by conceding the former to be the coat wora by Chrut asachild, whileth*- latter was the coat worn at the time of the crucifixion. The Pop* is preparing au encyclical ou the different form* of government, hi* object being to show how much the nation* are in debtrrl to the Church for the conciliatory settlement of difference*. Four women have been arrested at Saent- tama*. Hungary, ou charge of poisoning their husband* and selling poison to other women for a similar purpose. Order* have been issued to exhume the bodies of many supposed victims. A despatch trom Tangier* says the SulUii of Morocco i* utih/ii'g the elephant present- ed to him by (joeea victoria for tramping the life out of unfortunate* taken captive in the late rebellion. The captive* are laid in a row and the elephant i* made to step ou them. A woman named Lombard ha* been arreeted ID Paris for attempting to murder her husband by pouring molten lead into hi* ears while he wu aueep. The new* of the capture of Valparaiso by the C-ougresaional party i* fully contirmed. President Baltnaceda has fled, and not only the rity, but a very Urge portion of the country i* in the hand* of the victor*. Kxported grain* from Russia, other than wheat, are not allowed to contain more than 3 per cent, of rye or 1 per cent, of bran. Reports from Odessa say there is talk there of a prohibition of the exportation of maize. The Ministry of Saxony, at the instance of leading member* of the medical fraternity, ha* decided that drunkenness shall be con- sii'errd a criminal offence pending the nieet- ng of the Diet, which i* expected to pas* a aw confirming the decree. the Indian dialects and the attention of the home government called to it* alarming nature. The tone of them all was that of bitter hatred to the British rulera and the object in constant view wa* an uprising against foruign domination. It was pointed out by the native editors that these " Inso- lent dorge' of Kaghshmen were but a hand- j ful against th* millions of natives kept in subjection by them, and that by i concerted ; effort they could be exterminated and the freedom of India achieved. No attention wai paid to the warning of this " alarmist ' I and matters were allowed to run on as before. Kmboldenud by this indifference the native press o*vs become more truculent and detiaut until the government tinda itself compelled to face the question of crushing out (edition or allowing it unchecked progress because unable to effectively interfere. The latter course seems to have been adopted of ne- cessity. splitting. But don't close crop. I am lure, sir, that tboosaads of yoiir readen would be lieneritt**! by following toe above instructions : and, in conclusion, illow me to correct a Might error in your very excellent leader. You say that " in aU countries and in all age* the IMS of hair has exposed the loser to public derision. ' This i* not ignite correct. Lucian, for example, tell* us that among the SvUnite* a bald pate It (tor WHk his ,.,! r. i. The lunatic* with wooden legs are not always so Harmless as thev appear, a* a lady residing in the Impasse Delaunay, 1's.n.s, France, lias learned to her cost. Her son-in- law, who rejoice* in the inappropriate name of Beauiuale and is the uuuewo' of a wood- en leg, returned recently to the domestic' hearth on bin release from a private asylum at Ville Kviard, to all appearance in a coin plttely satisfactory mental (tale. Hia run' her in -law got up a violent quarrel with the cripple, ana thinking that she could give him safely a piece of her mind, on account of his partial disablement pro :eeued to heap insult* on his head. The excitement seems to have unstrung Beotimale once more, and luddeniy wrenching off his wooden leg he dealt hi* otolher-in-law a blow on the besui which nearly killed her The process of " nagging " had, indeed, driven the poor fellow completely mail agaiu, and it took six men to conduct him to the police station whence he ha* been sent once more to the syhiBi. 4 Preael *> for auada. September 1st wo* a proud day for Can ada and our great transcontinental railway Some mouths ago, when the mulls and pa*- (eager* ot the Empress of India were run acroe* th* continent from Vancouver to Montreal in about *N hours, the whole world wondered at this great feat of railroading, and almost everyone thought President Van Horne a little too enthuiiantn when he laid that even this magnificent record would be broken intbe near future. Mr. Van Home's word* were prophetical, and a brand new feithcr is (ticking out prominently from the new Dominion cap. The Canadian Pacific's fait ma. I train, which left Van- j couver at I p.m. last -Saturday, on the ar- n\*l of the company s steamship Kmpres* of Japan with the China mails, reached Brockville, O Tuesday evening, having made the run in 7(i hour*, allowing for three hour* lost by change* in time. T'nu run from Port Arthur to Brockville, a distance of 900 mile*, was made in -'-' hours anr a quarter, being by all odds the finest run ever made by a Cana- dian railway tniin The maili were sent across from Bn* kulle to .VIorristown by steamer, and at !!.+.'>, a special wa* Hying along the New York Central, and if all went well thi* train wax expected to reach New York at 4.30 ou Wednesday morning. If the mails caught the Inman SS. City of New York, which sailed atoa.m., they should be landed in London on Wednesday, Sep- tember 9, making the time from Yokohama to the heart of the empire by way of the Canadian Pacific- railway and New York Central m '.'I days, or four days less than the best lime ever made. The Canadian Pacific's special wa* delayed about three hour* by Sot boxes, otherwise connection with the (Ity of New York would have been made and time to spare. hi* >wn the road to church. He followed' them leu- urely. The priest'* residence i* between the , little church and Lennon's home, and a* Jsme( arrived opposite the priest's house Father Doherty came out on hi* way to cele- brate man*. He saw Lennou, whose funeral ceremony he ha) conducted and whose pane gynr he had preached. Naturally he was tartled, and exclaimed, " My God ' James wa* considered a mark of beauty. Lennon are you dead or alivu '" " Alive and well, Father Uoherly," was the answer. I *< Trlesmtok limes ! ineWerid. Th,n- lames, something more terrible than I The lo t t.i.gr^gh Une , tb e world death has happened " \\ by what, tbe I Mt< , ndi ,, , ^ ^^ <tre , t London. >^ k * 1 l . her? ' "'"' IDllde ' J me - to 29 Cable-street. Calcutta, a di*tance of and 1 11 tell you. The two entered the priest's house. Lennon related the circum ' lance* of hi* departure, and the priest rea- lised bow the blunder* arose. Then he startled Leniion by relating that William Rodger*, the foreman, bad determined to j resign unless a share in the mill aud the hand, if not the heart, of Mrs. Lennon be bmtowed upon him. Hi* resignation under 1'IIK I K.I I I I\K l:l -ist.sv circumstances then exurting meant ruin for Mr*, Lennon. beggary for herself and cbild- , reu ; but a* even tbe priest could not , change KodgtiVs mind, she reluctantly con- sented, and Kodgers took Lennon's place in , over 7.UOO miles. A genlleinan went into t he London Office a short Ume ago, ul wa* , shown the Morse printer in connection with the mam line from London to Teheran. Whilst he wa* there the instrument was < switched on to Calcutta without a break. The signals were excellent, aud the speed ' not less than fourteen word* per minute. The wire runs through Kmden, Warsaw, Odc*sa, Kertuh, Tims, Teheran, Ifushire, Jack, and Knrrachee. to Calcutta. Another long line of telegraph is that over which i cablegram can be sent between British Columbia and New Xealaiid. The wire > r ass- es North America. Newfoundland, ths tbe inanagemeut'of the mill and home, aud Atlantic.JCiiglsnd, liirmaiiy. both the Has- became the head of the family. James ,"* "' Kurop* and Asia, China, .lapaa, Lennon sat daied. Begging the priest not -lava ami Australia, mak.ng nearly a ircst to mention hi* existence, lie started for the " f th gl>>e- The overland telegraph which New World, where he thought he could for- H * completed in HT'A di-etches frenn Port get hi* sorrow, and if his wife and children Darwin to the south of the Australian con- were happy all would be well. On leaung tinent, a distance of .'.UN) miles. Almost Castle Garden he proceeded up Broadway tbe whole of this distance was through* with no definite purpose. When opp-mite denolatecountry. The wooden poles wees the Astor House he was accidentally met by i prepare'' ' l h uean-st available places, John Hughe*, a New York box rrianufact- '"" hiivmg to In- conveyed a distance of urer, who visit* Ireland every olher -V>0 miles, whiletbeironpolcswere takeiiead of 400 milea bv land Over i summer, and who has spent many plea.iam rfvornge di*tanc' e dayswitli Mr and Mrs. Lennon. in the ' '-.OUtl ton* of material (being aboat oi.e ton j- Ik. " County Down. To Mr. Hughe* Unnoii to the mile) had to be conveyed into the told hi* pitiful story. Mr. Hughes brought interior, and the total cost was t.TO.OOO. him to hi* home and coaxed him to return to Ireland, tell his property, and take hi* family to America aud start anew. Lennon took hi* advice. Tnrnic* the Tablet on tbe Oh arch. . i . L i. . n wver larilB < ure,. ., mill Braver 1.1 1 I1..I. .1 Kr >.,.,.! -...all A A**|>atc)i from Toronto wys Maiiut 1 Carey, a cat tie drover, living with his lather at ri Wellington uuie, was run over aud kill- When we Plant the Tree. What do we plant when we plant tbe treel We plan!, the -hi;- which win c'POSi the sea ; We plajit ' he mi,-. '->cHrr> the saUn ; We blunt the plunks to vithitand the galon The Keel, the ke -l'ii in<l boam and knee; Wu plant Micohip win n - I.JIDI the tree. \Vbat do we plant wr en we plant the treof We plant the hou*f fur v-m and me ; \Vcpiiuil the ntftur-, (he ^hinifU-H, the tloon We i.Uni thestuddtng. the lath, the doom, The muni!", the iidiuK >d) parts that be; We pUuit the hoii-w when we Dbutthe wee. What do we plant when w e plant the tree I \ thounand thlnifN that we doily see . We plant the spiro that out towers tb cn*j : We plant the alan* for our country'* Sag ; W plant the nhmio (rom the hot ran nee : Ws plane t imew wh(!wen*wit thstro*. MBNHY One of the earlier yeomen of Brulglon wa* a pump maker, a good citizen, but with " no religiou* preferences, " One day he wa* '>y *r'n one night. The bo.lv wu found waited upon bv one uf the church astesson, "" Ulc ll " " at 9 - 10 P '" *9 '' olln Morris, whohandetl him a bill for the support of *J ' '^'O* feet. and Joseph Spe ntX| ,,(| preaching. ^ dlingtou avenue. So horribly w M it m.mg 11 1 hain't heard no preaching,' said the le<1 that the finders were at tirst inicerlain old man, somewhat surprised. whether the remains were ihose of a man or "Well, brolhr, it'* your own fault, H "*p. Both legs were turn off, the entrail* then," replied ihe churchman. It* been wtre ha "K>''K ot "'> the head was twisted accessible to all, every Sabbath for a year." ! round Iwhind the left shoulder. How the The old gentleman acknowledged the accident occurred is not very certain, corn and paid. Not long after this the I Deceased ws een walking on the track parish received from him a bill for a pump. <"" e lltl ' e tln "' bafcw his body wsa found. " We have bought no pump of you," was vTWt train killed him is unkowu, but the the answer. i ' ' P- R- paneuger train was the last to pass " Well, then," replied the old gentleman, ! before he was picked up. The affair took with a twinkle in hi* eye, "its your own ,'< """'V "PP"*il <' ' Smiths yard. fault, for I have been making" them lor The dl '* a " ian *" '-' y**" of '*'* e ttrj He ha* only been home frnin the years. Ha Sympathued With Adam If misery loves company it may becomfort- ing to know that tbe average "heated term '' at Aden, on the Red Sea, w I.W de- gree*. This recalls th* remark of the lush soldier, who wa* on* of a newly arrived British garrison there. " Well, Pat," said hi* Captain, how do you lik* the climate of Aden V "Mure, *or," *aid Pat, mopping hi* brow, I should think Adam wa* glad tobedhrivwi ovtav it." married. old country a few day*, and intenditl leav- ing for Kngland again but night. Coionei -Icihnitoii wad noUned, bur could not find anything U> justify him in holding in m quo*t. A collision i* reported between two ers in Australia waters which resu)r<l in twenlyux person* being drowned. 1'he ofbrial estimate of damagi- b. the cyclone which *weptvvvr Martiniifue p .ices the amount at $10, UUU.U U. while .TTs pvnulo lost their livw.