Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1891, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, ,\6>J ME*\." VOL. XL, NO 530. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, mi. W.H. TEURSTOK," 1 TCK* t", 1 Sw in 1 11 n Park. Front or | ' ' / R -, Everybody is neck and harvesting. all tl.L- grain of thrs district into old stead, where they purpose follow-! , ing the mercantil business. The Maxwell coiTespoudvtit is al- ways willing to be taught, and try if! 1 possible to learn something, bnt fears ' nuder the tnitiom of cue \vho ; WE HAVE JUST FINISHED putting in an immense Fall Stock, and have added to cur already large and well averted stock a %eiy fine line of Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons of the best G. Rodgers , ms ript . ued smiu iuneously, thus cans- makes as many mistakes a"l>b9fcr.-er A I quality. Our ever increasing tiade has "necessitated our ing a hvavy pressure of work pro em. No. 2" coald not karn mftch. 1 _ >TTrnrpT XT <~ f^~ llowev.-r the tremendous impiove Churches being closed before for the J^ U J- J- J-JN vj iJN nituts in the focih'ues of farming of en j -ii. recent years have reduced labor 111 another very fine 5 ft. Show Case, which we have hlled wit Fail, 1891. J_ Jrilll JD-tLl O J- this particular vocation to a minimum 1 and i'roton has uot been behind in ic i . ,'ii.itly to make agriculture a deligh- the information quality Jewelry of the latest patterns and finest designs L and not -repulsive pursuit. "\Vc have now the most coin) leie STOCK IN THE COUNTRY, and by our spot cash baying are able to offer our customers foxes last Wednesday. They succee some' wonderful bargains. Our watch and clock repair eUd in tagpag four of the sly cim is ever on the increase. A GUARANTEE with every Watch and Clock repaired by goes Wat<-'aiiiakt'r and JrweU-rs for ll"*liertoii and Uundalk purpose mentioned by oar and also the principle referred to in discipline of the churches, are facts unknown to a great many. If tin v milisiug those means which tend be true we must thank observer for we were, in ! dark on that matter before. No. vJ, A bunting party.composed of Messrs, in, *, v,-r. made a u'ood point near the- , Ball, McArthW, A-Uan, MrArdte f ' end of his rcwark for which v llop,.ville and Oitio of Ml. J?oro*t, cmlit, and although all thronau we j scoured the woods around S. P, for oaim.n >ay stumble till the lwc,"vvt we can say "sensible at the last." The ttev. Scobie occupiol the pnl- pit of the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, owing to the absence of the Ui'v. liiix'hi's. Mi. Scobie s reni.iks 1 are pointed, and we believi- there is a i bright fntnre for kirn m the work of And the first year of Merchant Tailoring has beeii a success. By your patrcn- age an-i our endeavor to please, we hope to make ths second still mere prospeious. C. J. ZElTCtt, MERCHANT TAILOR. uiies of ijf.-esc, hens etc. Tin 1 I'atrous of Boothville ci fee ton' shipped their July cljeese.oou- sistinu' of U.S8 boxes on Sept. 1st ; Mr. L>. Fergitson. jr., has appeal' il ,^ r y. - agaiust the departmental marking ol , -.aiiiinatioii paptrs. We hope be ui.iy b< iiiei.-i iisiiil. MiU-r<>.i<l- I'AISTtNii. TKIMMINO. HOW U V. i JD WORK FIRST PR W M E K E V E K S U i ) W N, Ll'MHKB. LATH. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT I [card's Carriage Works, FLESHEHTON, ONT. Mr. Ed. and Miss Lizzie Cummiugs. Tu "" E ' l>t "' "< rh -' of Duudas, are visiting friends in this PE.UI SIR. Sidelines 30,35 and 4<\ vicinity. Ed. is a compositor on the of Arti-uiesia township, were originally l>utid;T Star. surveyed for the purpose ,'f making I '.. .-v-' it, of Maxwell, paid a brief connection between concessions l:i 14, but we tnu>t say those good intentions "have not bortre fruit in but Jtave perish< d iu tin i. " Ai.d yi't, utter so many years, tl*e people m order to t. from one concession to the next are obliged to go around nearly time times the distance necessary if those WORK u -' il * l Mrs Hardy '.- 'is', weik. Mr. I'attisoB, ol' Osprey, made a ^^^ 'brief stay at Mr. i Patters :n's, iner- cbaiiu Uti ly. Mr. liriggs, of llaaniltou. was visit ii);j at !:..- fat!icr-iu*h\w's, Mr. Jauies Mi-Donald, List wvck. A sl.oit t HIM ago Mr. \Villiam Me * K 011 VSL b 1 IUV VHbVS fc I * > *4i* *U*r . - - . murdo purchased a Pattenou bmde; j coniucttug roads were mado passable DICK'S LAND K01O.I-.US MO\VKI;S. PI. Our Hacuons the Bf>t. Our Biuutr* the Krt Our < idlers the Best Our lni|iro> > l llarruMs the wt STKAW C'CTTBBS, novruM re us 11- PUILLS, li\NU 1'LOWS Tired ? from an agent named Smith, the con sidcraliou being a horse. Everything went smoothly till last \Veduesdny, win 11 Mr. McMurdo was much sur- prised by ;x visit from two ottcers of the law iu tite persons of constable Godfrey, of Mt. Forest, and shi-ritt Moore, of O. S., wlm were authorized by the Patterson Co. to take the bind- er away from its supposed owner. It * the Co. is uot satisfied with , lien-:e their acliou. How- In the past wln'H the township had but limitod weans, and there w i? particular reason for the connections bi'iug made, the ratepayers forgavi the omission, but now, when oui towiisl.ip can afford to indulge iu the lunury of two deputy reeves, we will be patient no longer, for in tins the virtue is worn out, and v< that the necessaries are attended u ere luxuries are indulged iu. Ther> is a church oil concession 14 wind Oh no ; we are still young and hearty ; able to eal three square meals a day. Although we may not be able to haul out the speckled beauties like our worthy Editor, or pop over the lively patndges like our much esteemed barber, we 1 Sara H. Pai-slow arc able to throw Case and Bale of new fill goods up the We trutt shc su-ps of the store on the hill, an i dance a jubilee around the beautiful articles which they contain without much tro Toot Our Horns? Oh no ; we havn't time when so much is to be done to gctrur goods on exhibition, carefully ticketed and placed where every one who calls can see them without exerting, t themselves. ewr.Mr. McMurdo is likely t sue tbtj llle pe^le from Co. (and justly so) for damages, s the horse T/as not rcturued at the time the implement wan taken away. The case is peculiarly interesting to farm- ers who wo aid like to see it tested in the courts. Wo are sorry to learu that Miss is ill at pres.'iit. soon recover. W1UI WE NOTIl'K. That Tool Las got lus peas pulled trouble. a t last wuli help of auother Tom Nothing like experimenting with nowwT s'llkv rakes etc Ontario is only waiting lor No. 80 That a uew black-board is badly ; sld f oai1 . to '^''^-^ ^ up a torge. m the Academy. It is a ttlld wo shou ' d llK ' u bavu bl^cksimth- ihat the principal doesn't kick ' the end out the lustitution. That the la/y men received a good Left on Exhibtion ? Oh no ; first come first served. Everything has got to go but oui scissors. We can't pay freight, on goods to have them mould on our shelves. Buy as much as you wish, as little :i^ >\>'.i like, or don't buy at all, but come and examine, and tlic buying we will leave to your judgment. The store that is built on a hill connot be hid. Every place you go you will see indication of the light some times dresses, sjmetimes boots, sometimes suits of clothes, and various other things. But never .vill you see an inferior article or hear that IftcDons&ld l " EZvans were too smart the time they sold me such an article. Frviii i<ruicii tiraiu is nearly all cut iu tliib part. and would be mostly all iu only for wet weather. IinprovcuionU still going on iu . Mr. Madill has made a accommodations within reason- distance. We think it is time tliis matter was at ended to. 1'e titioua have been forwarded in the hope of gaiuiu; redress for this long felt want. The Council is deaf to all entreaties, bnt if that Council would still retain the support of those whom this nuestion coi:crns. it is res; fully solicited to attend to iu duty at ouce ud to-day. W. S. her deuce. Mrs. Scott, of Mclutyre, and Minnie, have been MS at the l>r's- for a time. Contractor Jamiesou and son are ant job of the brick J Come ! Come ! Come DOW is the time to get a good selection at a low price. MCDONALD & EVANS The Hev. H. Brown visited par- ental home m Mulniur a few days last week. He ako disposed of oue of his drivers lately for a good tigure. Mr. Krion ir.haa had a fence built in fiout of his piemwes lately which is both substantial and handsome. Mrs Kiimer is still gettinK better. Mrs. Taylor, her daughter, is visiting her at present, and Mil. Heron is visiting friends here ahw. Mr. Stiucliau and family, from i Waroharn, have moved to Williams' t Mr. Cfew. Ka*4is of ViuTs (Vint, is t.i the foro witk a wonderful barley crt tin-, year. H t.H>k 300 txialiul* <>f iiniu- ber one barley <>ti tivo ;ura buM. Talk >our \Uiitob* ! There a nothinv ' aheiUl of the tine old towu*hii> of SyUen haiu. [ O. S. Advertuvr. S. i. l>ixim wants (K' to er> s.t til' St. Lawrunou Kivrf t > St. llr.on - i Itlaiid on a wire, wheeling a ni.tii in a wlievlbarruw, ! n iliatrict <>f Manitoba lirM of ,U l<t yii'ldnJ 100 bushel* to the acre. coisvvrrioH CVBKD. I >n old ihyicin. leUrvit from pi .':.<. hnv i in* iMKl |i'i-t .1 In liin ban. l by MI v , DIIMI .>iiHr> the (urtuiU>'( . -n.ii' i. mtil, ruuietly for tliux*>ly >uJ i.'i iuuv . -nn* ul i I'uuMiiiiptioii. Hrvcx;lfi_tis. I'a'iwi li. V^Hnua lid ' ll thr.-v&t tt-ftil %. <x'mi>iinu, utr IIVHK t--.i.i n- ^& Ma <i it vi ^UIH. w u wh,..K-. v it.tin rnoliw. ill UCTIIIMI. Frwm'lior KiiKlinli. with full .hr.J-tion. for rrPr"K 'l ''"! <''* >> nU by .UlrwoiuN with tiu>i. nanniiK thir * A s ""." p "'" '"' Properties for Safe - 1 v 4 R T E M K S I I. tnnuv N. K.. T , - 1'2 cannot reach, ibeu, oc the other liiiui. there is a shoemaker shop and an ex- cellent saw mill, the proprietor ol which U Mr. Jacob Sloaiuwhoui even "M who bus kad intercourse with, i.- loud ill bis praises. His honesty and straight forwardness in busiue*.- uiisur[>a.-<ed, but if we want our ! _- of which there are nany s.i into lumber we have to go a distaiici -! of nboat six miles to a ,-uod mill which in uality is only 1$ miles from us : also oue of the best blac!;siniiiis in . .. , - . < PTMBIMCWMl taittxl auil i ! A -i K . So K-re.. New 11. Uj 01. ciovvd. btltncv coed Uu-uwuod bu .>tiurubri of villagv-Hta ^rth hou**.-* uierooniu KU>: 1V,,| m, , Iftjrly v.. "t A : IIOIU . : w ,. prun J*ii vil!*i WILL SHOW FOR YUl U IN- ^i'FCTION A Beautiful Assortment :N U I I UN SII.\EKHti:i AMI 4iB.1BE.iL JEWELB1 L!Us. Liiit:' Fin Gc!i Wtleb, TO :$5. Cists' FiM IU'.''r, 10 AND UK., s-' ) TO ?"- '.VA HAM'S COYI-.KlMi l.\> TAL BliKAKAOKS -J TO 4 YKS. CLOCKS, IN' NICKEL AND W \\.: $1.50 TO *$.:.''. Fino Pepairing Teisonally atti'iuU'il to. Ci.'s.- m- n i>f tioods, I'rices ami ess Methods in\:' 1. to AV. A. BROWN, Jemrellcr, MAUKDALK.

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