THE PLBSHBR T'O'M ADVANCE for Infants and Children. tasowcfltdptr)locfei)drrathat I mrn OoUe. OoMp*lo. Ul 80. Oxford 8t, UrooUjra. R. T. I Without mjunou* Tu < 'iiTAi n < '> iMivkNY. T7 Murray Street, K. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'SPILLS&QINTMENT T HE PILLS Purity thy Itluud, lonuct til l>inorderol Liver, Stoinncli, lilcln'yn, uncl TueTlnTigorl,,4n1 rt^Uira tn liraltU I>bi)itatd ftnimtitutioni. tnrt >re niluM> HI in l>liutiuci 10 FwulM of all 4I. For Chil.ireii aud tint 'l Iliey rc |>ric-> Ivr - THE OINTMEM T n I fallible roinoiy |,r !.! !.<(. Had KroMW. UM \V,)un.ln. Huron n,l fleer* It i Union In Uout u,l IUijiutiiu. KoraUordsnii'lHit' flits.t it lia uuo,|ul -: TII i;o.ii. ni;n.\cinTis, caucus, COLI>. (iliiauliSwolliugii,au,lllKkin l)in It hu no rnnl.nil for contr.t t<l aud .till >.uitr < It liki- a rlinri. i. Unniifartarn'l "ly at I'rof.'mor rlai.iwv'i EiUhlUhmcnt. T8, Mew Oxford Sir.-.-. < lte 5CW. O\frd sir-l ). London. au4 an sold iu. IK. 2. ',<< r - >>- .---""' - 1 '- '.' Bo or Poi. a^ maj be of all M. . iit tin- \\,,rl,l SAY! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! The nndnriiKiie.l hi utartiol a m-- rarri(r niauutaaiury ami r|,mri-,i; klmp in H' lion. w ,t-n you van ti'-t fiiui i>-|.aln> iluuu nil (hurt uollccaod mi i, n,nl,l. n-iii Trlminiiiu. rainliiitr. Rr|airlnt!. aikl erer>tliiiiK In tlir ran IniM iiinUinr lux- Inve in* a call. Hatlkfactmu KUUI,- .Shop ovor McTftvinh'* Black- Hinitti Shop. , T. Hamilton. KK.Uurl.m, Jan til, 1X01, NOTICE! To The Public : A^^^ /^. (^ An,l U' |iUc.-t,,K. "?., '^ ilu-in in'lo j;ool t\l- ^* ^'^ ii I l r. -"''l" r " u "' '" at &\ bti Tliil.-,-ii -r in I,HIII> I" " *P W& hiclll.Ui t KUi.nt.- ^ W th.t my -k ' tt.i>(kctio. / M. IV.Ilur ninhc-n lo indniu tin |..n.|.l.- of Kl. kin-it. !! inn! tli,- mil. in,.. niK i- unity 1, ,| I, 1,,,, uioi,.l Mini ,M|] ! n, (, -iiii'l ill BLOCK, Till) Hi', -,'ll, I ,l,,ol fr,ni llll 1 |i,iht ol'li,-... Wllfrr ),< Mill I,K (find til M t Illl l,..i ,,1,1 r,i.t,,llli-lh i,,, I .H my nior, iii lik>- li> i, lin. 1 IIUM- nuw a I>KI- ntoikuf rs 1 1 1 M i > i < >ii> Flour, Shorts, Bian. Etc. AM> /\ (.null I.IM. ill' Groceries. Lomocs & Oranges , ii-l,i,i|\ ,n )i in.l. All kin,l* of ('..mi, I i.oo.U. iltiliin-iil l' Oinhini Flour, Uolli-l \Vi,. nt. Ktr. I-'.KKH Ink, n K>. r nil. I C K-hi! i .1 I ' Amainla l>. cTivlsk, ii(ii:M-:siini:i: AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Colli,;woo<l Street, FLKSIIKKTON, - ONT. Mi> iin- Uii li> i> . . . II.III.H int.. Hi- Hui !> Inn prolu|-tlv HI lenilml to h|Molln>.-ill"ii niu lo coulr*ct- . ! or 1. u. I i fi-i-l KICKER S Should call on Jos. Smith, Fleshertou, and secure a pair of shoes from him Lighter kiuds with the best of workmanship for those who are iiot K I C K E E S. WHY COUGH, AA7 HEN a few dnneii of Ayer"i Cherry VV I'octunU will relieve you? Try It. Keep It In tho IIUUM-. Yuu arc liable to liavn a rou^h at any tiiiu-. iii" I uo otlur r<- n i, ,!.-. it) so riti-i i . .- an thia worlil- | r mi ov. no il j>r,|..u.i. I Uon. Mo botuuholil, with young clilldren, aluiiilil U, -without it. Scores of llvtts ara nnvi-il every year by ita timely ue. Jnnner, Northampton, Mau., writci : " Cotninon prntltn,!.- nn- pl me to arknowlrilKe tli urt^at txtni'- tttn I hav derived fur my rhiltlren from t ll 1MB Of A Vl-r'S Ill08t r\,, lli-Ml I I., I , . t'ftrtural. 1 Inul luMt twu ili-;ir i-hililrru from croup ami i-oiiximiiitii.n, an, I l,.i 1 tin, frruutrnt fi-ar of loniiiK my only r<-- in. lining^litt-r unil sn. .n tln-y wora ili In . iii-. Happily, 1 Inul Unit byflrlBj tliem Ayer'n ( horry Perl,, nil. on tho rlrsl Kymptnins of tin,, at or lnni; troiibh-, they .u,. rrlii-Mil (rum iliuit-, r. anil aiv bu> roiulng robuHt, healthy i-hiKlrun." "In Uio winter of IKm I took a bail mid which. In ipito ol evi-ry known i , iin-ilv, prt-w womo, HI. Hint the family |,l,\ ii, OOHMmd Hi, iiu uriililu, mi|.- j>oaiiiR mo to be In oonianpUon. AH a lint ri n,,rt I Irli-il A yt-r's t'Kerry Pooto- ral, anil, in a Rhort tinin, the rurn . ,.in|,l,-ti.. HIII, i- ilii-n I have n. , i 1., n u nil,, nt thi* mi ,lli-iii I am tilty vear of ttgti, weigh ort-r IM) imiu.,U. an,l i- tribute tuy ftnoil htiuUn to the tine of Ayr' Cherry 1'octoral." Q.W.Yuukcr, tialetu, N. J. "Lait winter I contracted a Hover* cold, will, h by ri-peiitiiil expomire, be- came quite iibntiiiate. I was much troubleil with hoarneiieaii and bronchial irritation. Ati.r trj ing various nn-ill- oinea, without relief, I at last purchased a hotileof A\i-r's Cherry Pwtoral. On taking thin mi-, llrtnn, my cough ceasml almost, ami I have IK --u well everalm-e." Hev. Thai. B. Ruiutell, H,-, n-iurv JIolHton Conference and P. B. of the Oreenvlllo IMatrict, M. E. C., .1- >, 'i I Illl. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, loiMtloge. From our own ('orrftpondtnt. Mini Longway, of Inistioge, is on l-c Mck list. Dr. (ia-enlaw, of Don- lalk is in attendance' Misa JI-IHUL- Nicholes has returned from Orilla. A very pleasant time was spent, at the garden party at the residence of Mr. Thos. Hut;lii:i --MI on Mond iv '24th inst . The Misses Emma and C. Moore in- visiting friends and relatives in Toronto. Miss Leah Hutchinson has return- >-d from Toronto. Karim-i's are busily engaged \\ith the harvest. The straw is heavier lian usual in this section, and thivsh- promises lo be a paying job this - asm. The Uev. Theo. Hall, of Dundalk, occupied the pulpit hero on Sunday last, in tin- absence of the pastor li- v ' i. H. CobbU dick, who has Epcut . >in. weeks off his circuit for the jjuod of liis health. The Victoria clid'- fie- :y lias ii.ult- aiiothi-r sun- of 1HO boxi .- nl ii'C.e: gj eta. per pound was ti,, ,1'ICB n-crl\i 1 I'h, n- was no sclno' in orr n U'l-diicsduy la-;t, inir U aih r. Mi-- Osboru, was ab.i'-ut to l>uinl.ilu ;ii tending the wedding of Mr. Jo<. ->\ iningiiHi. Mi John Golt will snon be through Mth tin- (.'ui-puiii r work of Mr. ' - L iJlow's ni-w (\'h. n Paby wai il,-k. we fan br Cajlorta. \V hen h waa a CutM, alu- cried for Castorta. When ihe berainv Itiam sin- clung tu CaMuria. Wheu tlie bad CU'iin-Li. kbcptfe tbrm CaMorla For Ou-r Fifl> 1'rar* Mm \Viiulow'* fiMitliini,- H>ru|i hai* lut-n IIM' i.> millions Of mother* tur tbvli *l,i..ln.ti *i,m- ' i[ ii tn, |< I t umlii uii'l brol tout ii-tl>\ * .i,k i-liil>l ftimi'riiifl mi'l rith ptlu of cutting t t ii n I ,u on, > H>.I I t,-t "f"-.Mi^ \Vm*|. .u * >\ nip' fl ilhll'l'' ' ll *\ lll,,.*t> Ul- |>" I I ,1'lt It It (111- 1'IHf -Miti-ll n,l ! 1. lu>~ Ililliilll whulv 'illiK Snu; I *-*H'l* t" till- -*rnl 1 . lln, | r. -.'Ill ' I. .11 ..I MM- i.l till- i LI. -t lltul IM-! [.mull i lit-i. ii.* ii'i.l nil,*. . 1-4 tli. I i i i. ti'. Hold i ll ,|, . ,1^1-1- tl>, ..!,',,! tin- Wi.,1.1 |:.. -in. ali.l -<k fir Mr*. Win*ltw' S.Mittnnti Syrup." -ulTi-ri'i 11111:1. Mhol.'l II" l,li-t,lll>- .i.l. . T ' \V III I 4 nil.', -1.IU- i . iiiatinii. n.l > Mi \\ .1 ! It'll ti-.-t :il !IL- , . I'l ..I..II XI. ,11, ,11. FriHit ,.". Harvest is now at Land, but owini; t > tin- wrt \M-.iilnT very little 1ms U i n done in line *- yot. 1I< Y. Mr. Johnston, Kuptist minis ten of l-'lrslit il'Hi, delivered a inm-li anprci'Lilnl -iiiiiou in the- Pn>!>yti-n an rh in rli NVt-dtiisday iVfiiin^, 1'Jih .lit. Mrs. Iliclrml ('ani|il>-ll lias n tuitjod from CoUicgWOOO, wlit-iv slu 1 lius IM-I n s|n Miling u few \\vrl.s for the n"od of lici lieu t' i. anil Mr. Win. Ludlow lias returned from Aliens. Mr. Fridiiy. who took 11 contract of cutting out- thousand cords of soft wood In l.iM-lmil and Slu.u.-t^;, i,t a inontli at four and a hnlf i- Mil-.utt r wliic'i In- ri-Mitiiul liis fciinu-r il'.itii-s as comiiiru-iul iiiii'i. l.orlini-t mid Sliftirsou hud a very sum sslnl In iligjing tiuf ixnil tluouliT out 1 day last tti 1 . k. \Vil-niiiliros.lmvo re ivntol tlu- Curnoi-lmu saw mill. Mr. (ii'or^t- Host lias imrcl.a-ii'd a FENIN Case after Case, and B>>lo alter Bale of new, fresh sprightly and durable Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Etc. ouu CLOTHING, Especially Hoys' and Youths', is simply grand. Every mother that has a boy that must have a suit can be suited here at suitable prices. This is tlifl store where old friends meet. Not an bonr of tho day but you'll hear greetings and see a warm shake '. "! ou here too?" "s w of the bail'!. here all the time Trimble's prices." now. ''So do we. Yes, we come Hard to beat GUI' hqd $5-00 Overcoats. IV Sproule's Corner, Terms, CasL Vdf KM\V THAT MKANS (HKAl 1 W. W. T It I M B L E P. S. I'lcase ask for quotations on Sugars. Can Suit You ? l Dr. J. O. *yr ft Co., Lowell, Mtta. Mrs .Martin of \Y ^'iii'st of her son, Mr. Win. Maitiu. The buys don't like the bear s',u \ . but they got tlii-iv jttat tlit- .--.ii.ii . Quit mi;; roii^li ami tmiihle ciiiiti'St In. k phice in tin- village mi Titi .siluv evening, tho 18th, l uvi-i'ii twn of our I.MI citllnl i hinil-ti l,.uulli> ii.t n who had pit \uuisly i|ii.nix-lc-d with no ihui^'t THUS results ami up pointrd tin utiovi- ilut.- for who -'-..nilil curry off tho vl.ainpiuiisliif . O.i tin 1 xpiratioii i>t tin- stiitrj tiniv linn dfJT gOOlU WW1 st.u-l.iil ainl a n-^lit -unit Map fun. i tin- con Imt.itin an thoso faun a fightm;,' coi-k ( U-il thi-pro- i'i'i-ding.1 Al!t -n w.i.-- uppiiri ntly culm while Jack's lin^ pt-i i-lratini,' ivcs could iiliuost I c \vitli u hay rope. fu-i M \ihil i.:.rd l.n > 1.^ \\i-n- coiniaiinicau-d. Allen iloult u r.-w up his onpoi oii.'j wind ivservt i. ami claiint-il the \ ii-tory. It was iu<t un- til u few days ftfier tlmi ll:i aal pugilistic vuliu- uf lliiisu twu licroeb was (Ittt-nni u-d, wlu<, when lio> a ug together, cnnic 1 in contact with 1111 in- dividual who pioci.'ili-il to kin'i-k tht-iii bah out. One of them stood his ground, iU> hid sorrow) and iln- olht-r ran lor l.n dear life, niul innt.1 have bi-i n wading the cit-t-k all night, for wli.-n h< it-turned to hit boarding Ii MIS, he looked like a drowned lat. Tli,, m two arc hired men in the vill- age and from a dihUm-f, and oLould not lx allowed to diatuib our quiet little t wn. Many have tried me ami answer in vhe affirmative. others aic well suiu-il why not corns to me and get Your Pants your cents and vests made in the best ol style, the quickest time and for tho least money I will never wear cut ihe patience of my customers by false promises'. Bnn^ on the i loth S r Your Coats ami have it cut while you wait. Suits which I makeup ami rccornint nd may not be strong as cast iron, but they };ive satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, ARMSTRONG 1 .; ULOCK, FlcsLcrlou In Position -I-OK- AMi- Posit/on is Everything. Is fuliy equipped with re- quisites tor turning cut? per- trct i Kiss of uork. All kinds of pictures taken an J finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. I'itdirc Framing done in all its branches- If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the sanae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention v/ill be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulnjer.