Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1891, p. 6

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THE HEIR OF ROMLL (BSE, Bv T. \V. Sr*ii:irr. CUA1TKR I. "flood gracious, Therese ' wU lever is Hie matter ! You look for all the world as if yon were going to have u bad illness," said Mrs. Marehment as she pushed back on its casters the low chair on which she wa* sitting, and thereby widened the dis- tance between herself and the person she had thus addressee!. " I hope to goodness you have caught uolhing infectious. 1 am told there is a great iteal of fever in the neighbourhood just now." "It is nothing but a sick headache, madainc nothing but that, I you," waa the reply in the ouiet, unmodulated tones in which Mis. Marchim-nt's nisul habitually addressed liei mistress. niadaiiie can spare me, 1 will mix my*elf a tisane, uud lie down for a few hour*. have had headaches, aud know how u> treal them. Madame may rely upon lit was a widower and childleu. ui, a nun of thirty, had died about a year before the opening of our narrative. There had been a coolness between fullicr and sou, owing to the t'acl of the latter hiving married in direct oppoai tion to Sir Hurry's wUhes, and the two had not met fur s-.ine yems till that last meet- ing of il ov , Frank's d.Mlhhed. The womau .v.,o.j mairiace with his heir the baronet had so bitterly resented was. the daughter of an Ilali.m muaic- master and an Kiiglish goveruera ; and Sir Harry, who had Hi only to )>ear whatever influence he might possess in Italy I over hr in order to induce her to break with In- nephew. But second and wiser thought* pri vailed. What if Kdeliue -who' waa a girl of ipirit should refuse to recog- nize bis right to interfere between her and her private affections, and while to* certain extent submitting to his authority during the eighteen months she would remain un- der age, should avow her intention of hold iug to her engagement and of taking her own course in the matter, without let or hind- rance, the moment her twenty-first birth TIIK I 1 Mil > 110 N '" I"' > II ,1,!, ,.n II. I r.-n.llii.: To-day, as yesterday, it to-morrow, and as for a long time to come, the situation of Frunce and < lei many forms the threat sub- ject of anxiety whi. h is imposed upon the meditation of all Kuropeau statesmen. At no other point i* it for. seen that war can break out. Russia has great ambitious, and Italy has strong desire* ; but Russia is been quite aware when he left days should h i\ come and gone. In that ] for years doomed merely to cherish ambi- thit his on's condition was case, he, Sir Harry, would be made to look I tions, for she cannot realize them single Kngland lmji'i>-i, hail been much exerciaed in his I considerably ni in I .luring the journey a* to the best mode means deiin.ii. li-h, which he waa by no j handed, aud it does not depend upon her I doing ; in addition to | to provoke a general war, which would he of getting his grandson, who waa at thai which, he would have created a breach j one result of her combined a.-tion with | time nearly two years old, into his posses- between himself and his ward which nothing | r ' r * nce ' while as for Italy, she will never .ion, an. I .itthe same lunebax ing as little as f could ever wholly heal over. No ; he would , venture to give the signal of war, for if she bring to bear the wisdom of the serpent, if i did, she would be left to herself, and would he could not pretend to imitate ihe gentle- j ' speedily crushed. It could be solely ae ness of the dove Me would ignore the | tne result of a general war that Italy could whole affair as far it Kdeline was < >ncerned ' obtain her share, and in the present state of no word aa to the interview between himself ; ner alliances she could take that share only possible to do with " that low adventuress," tin' . MM i mother. Rut he had not been a dozen hour* under the same roof with hit daughter iii-law before the affair presented it.fft to him under a totally ditlerenl aspect. I i'l.'if was no longer any queatio:i of separ* ating mother ami cnild. Mm. Maruhment'. future home must In- at Kothwall ('hate. i i.n i IM. t i ti> WOLF. A DastjrrcsK (.ril MMdra IH a lew MexL . aa use. My room was at the end of a long hall. | wa* familiar with every crook and turn about the house and didu't need a light, si I paused into my room aud closed the door. It occurred to me then to take a smoke, so I felt around in the dark and found a cigar and struck a mutch to light it. The next minute I think you could have knocked me dowu with a lu*t'ner. Away down in the darkneas under the bed two fiery eyes shone out like burning coals just for that brief moment that the match wai burning and then it went out. Before 1 had time to think the creature was springing for my throat, the most savage mini il I had ever met. I felt rather than saw what it waa. Toe creature waa a wolf, and it wa* mad. Several animaU afflicted H ith hydrophobia had been seen in the neighborhood during it that 1 ithull be quite well a^ain hy morn- , she, was a woman any man nrnht fee! proud .mil Im nepl.i-w should pai-t his iips. With KVAII hard at w. rk in Ixmclou and Kdeline secluded at tto-.hwell, there would be little from France, so thai a general war alone more formidable than a wolf when it could procure it for hir, inasmuch as if she r *' e> > *'"1 I knew with what I had to were left single-handed, she would not he ' in r no opport mi) for their meeting again for , *b' to overcome France Neither Austria ig. T . herese Cobran, although Swiss by l>irth, .M'C than a foreign music master was a fuel ! while. In short, it seemed to him tint op- iiriwn to hut few people and the chances position, if carried further, might only were that it would never reach ihu ears of serve to fan the nascent rlame of mutual af- had resided 111 England for .-. many years that only by a slight peculiarity in ihe pro- nunciation of certain wnnl- could her foreign origin be detected. " (io, hy all mean*. Of coarse, it will be very inconvenient for in* if you are not better by morning; but, in thai .-as-. Dr. Marsden had better see you svs soon as |>os- sible. " " Madume it very kind -*,. she always U ; but 1 shall be quite well hy to-mor- row." 11 You had butter go at once. A* you lias* the nursery, yon can tell Fanny Dale to bring me my ojipof tea (his afternoon, and that she will have to attend me later on while I dress. " Thereae ctiruivd nd left the room. As he shut the door softly In-hind her, the ex prrasion of her face changed with startling Mi.idcuucss. It wa* a* though a mask bad l*en plucked uway. She waa no longer the .-mine woman who wa* in the Imbit of goinj; .ilmul m r duties with a general air of sell- i ffacemuut, and win.t.- manlier toward* her what inipenoiis and nuick-tenipered iiiitii->.s wa* one of servile, not In say f*>wn ing, obsequiousness. The thin hard line* ol her mouth curved into a smile i>f nuliciou* it might almost be called malignant I" uinph ; her light-coloured eyes, neither i.lue nor gray, but an milennile mixture of the two -which usually looked out at the wiirld from the ambush of the whiU lushes with such .. . ..Id und almost liah like regard seemed as if they had INCH lighted up from behind, and gleamed like two vivid sparka of baleful fire. "Step numlwr one, '.! /n-nla/n'," sh* aid, turning as if to address her mistiess, although there wa. the closed door Iwtweeu them, while nodding her lies' I slowly and meaningly, "Step number two lo -night. Ah, hut you shall suffer !-you shall suffer '. you shall sutlei '." Pressing her clenched hind lo her boSHjin nhe stood motionless for ;i few moments, asif i for the. tire win Iy I.! i/' I up to distlown again. Then, with swift and noiseless step, she went ihe length of Ihu rorrulor and opened i door at the farther end. As rhe did ao, ;iretl> picture met her view . The room, which was a large r,nr, ww fitted up a* a nursery, with a rock- ing In. me ami a nwing, ind toy* of varioui kinds scattered about t Im Moor. Its only oc- cupants were n girl of so'cntui'ii and a sturdy handsome , brown eyed Ind somewhere about three years old. The child waa Frank iK.Tton Maruhmeiit, grandson and ht-ir loSir liar y Marchmuni of Kolhwcll Chase ; the gnl Mas bis nursemaid, Fanny Dale. Al lh moment Tlicicse ..puiied the door, Fanny, w lib u long i m athxi .1 tonne of her .num. the other end of which was hold by the hoy, wit slowly careering i omul an im- aginary saw.lusted cinle, while Master Frank ena. te.l the part of ring master, do- ing his bcsl lo make his whip crark and Hhoutiug " II.. up 1 1 '." in i shrill lifhlu. " Law, m NI/. lie, how ill you look, for sine ! exclaimed Kanny, .i ahe came to a -n Mm hall. It in nothing but u sick headache," re- plied Therese coldly. Mld.lMic h^ov.ll me leave, and I HI J n I" In- 'limn for a few hours. She ash. id mo I" lull you lo take her a cup of tea at half past five ; so pi. a- not in forget. Yon will also have to at lei. .1 I.ei In n r is tune to dress for din in r. P,y Ui morrow I Khali bu quite well." " Ml tight, mitin/clle ; I'll not," Canny, who was the etssDce of i..iluiu. "And I'm sun- I hope you will I..- Intiei by morning." I In iew nturud at the child for a moment in two in - lenee, then nod, led to Funny n d wi'h ii. w, closing the door softly Iw- hi' d her. " Me nohku Ma'/elle Teyase," re- I.. .1 1, e.l I iank with the outspokenness ol his HP to have at the- head of hi uMu. Tliat her ! at least eighteen months to come, and there . nor Kngland dreamx of war. It is therefore r aiher had been nothing higher in the socitl ! was no knon-ini; what might happen mean KugliHli society. Cinlia Marchmeut was not merely a very handsome woman, but a very ' ipabl.- one as twenty years ago, France and (ier- emed to hi:n Hi il op- many who could occasion war ; because, further, might only . whatever may be alleged, whatever may be it rlame of mutual at- ' proclaimed, or whatever may be concealed. fuel ion between the young people, whereas these two nations desire war war, firt for by quietly ignoring it, it might gradually 'ta own sake, and next for the rest ; and if, fade aiid'Hicker mt of iU own accord o capule,mded,thatthUu> heir ol Hoth- j this had happened nearly a year ago, ing which tiniu Kv.m M ir'.'liinenl's name had | no* promise to fold her arms, and after well Chase, with lusstolidintellectand limit id rouge of emotions. had been as wax in her fingers, to be moulded into whatsoever shape might suit her purposes best. She l.nd been , . All j '" order to have done with this everlasting >. .liir- I rrauco-(ierman nightmare, Kurope could the past few months. There is no animal has *js> I had u. struggle with a large wolf tend. shut up in a dark room, aud that the slight est wound from its sharp leeth meant cer- tain and horrible death to me. As it cam* to me first I threw out my hands, and by some good fortune happened to sink- its neck. I got both my hands about it* throat and managed lo hold it away from my face, but it wai all that I could do. I wa* nervous, I suppose, and the wolf was far stronger than it would have been under ordinary circumstances. The froth ne~ver been mentioned either by Sir Harry j *rds to intervene merely as arbiter, war was dripping from its mouth, and flew into or Kd.-line. | w ul<} break out lo morrow between France ' my face as it struggled. It was the most \nd now to return to the .i'ternoon ou j an 'j (jermany^for the fatality of war haunts desperate struggle of my life just to hold fairly educated! albeit after the soma what ' which Therese C'tbran ;i<*kuJ perniisaioo to '"'I overrides both nation*. An end shouM that wolf and keep it from my face aud slipshod fashion necessitated by her father's wandering life, Signor Viscari having been one of those restless mortals who can never settle for long at a time in any one pi ice ; but what I iiiitia might lack in the way of book-learning she more than made up for in worldly knowledge, She had lived for a longer or shorter time in nearly every I pean eipital, and having a gift that way, she had not failed lo avail herself of her Im guistic opportunities to th" ulmoit. In P.M ton ahe wan tall and stately, with whit is semetimes termed a " Junu style of figure." She had inherited her mother's delicate complexion and her father's brilliint U.ili.m eyes, and finely arched but somewhat loo prominent black eyebrow, Something olse ahe li'id inherited from Signor VI.MM t-> wit, a liability to sudden vjlcani explosions lie relieved of II.T .lutien for a few hours on the plea of ill M Fanny Dal-- k.-pt a watchful eyo <>M the clock on the mu airy chimney-piece. Mrs Marohmenl's tea was a! way taken to her at half . my put once for all to the fiction which I throat, at which it constantly leaped in the erybody affects to believe, but which is i most furious manner I by nobody who is accustomed to the moment it All upran- at the time, from me first, I had , i for the truth of things by probing ' been shouting aud .-ailing to the top of my nn depths: it is not true that the Alsace- j voice. There waa very little hope of doing I I * "(V.i . A lid v w .*.- i i i > ill I ...n .in,,. .{ucs:ion is what places France aud i any good with it, as the s quit- |<'ermany face to face with hatred in their I far away, and my room w.i hope of doing servants were too iy room wot on the opposite side of t he house from their quarters, but kit pa*l ilv. . -o the minute. Two utes before the regulation time Fanny > ted the nursery. -1 .wing the door behind ''y . .._ .._ ... . her, nn.l ran li -litly 'lown stair* to the 1 have long been tormented by the desire | that was the only chance, kitchen, it bein^ the cook's duty to havu "f telling the simple, real, aud undisguised | U wa* very evident that I couldn't let go the tea equipage in readiness. She would truth on this subject. What naked the I my hold for au inttant. It was just as not ! absent from Ihe nursery more than Oernians and French implacably confronl evident, that I couldn't hold out thia way three 01 four minutes at most, ami eaoh other is the unexpected defe:it of the long, and llut unless help came after awhil* no harm could po*ibly happen to latler and the crushing victory of the for- i my strength would eventually give way aud Master Frank meanwhile. She !*ft him nil iner. Alsace ami Lorraine are objects of ! the wolf could tear my throat, as U was ting in the middle of the fluor, happy over ' grief nd pride chiefly heoauso they are the I struggling then to do. And how long do a new toy ; ihu window was shut, and the signal and tangible testimony of the triumph you liiink this kept u*>! For two hours - fire was protected hy a guard. The day had of one party and the overthrow of the other. ' l*en gloomy and overcast, ind although the By thin I d.i not mesn that the IV -n.-li .lo ii'Uipur, to britg about one of which, | short afternoon wa.if.ixt cl >smg in, it was , not love Altace and Lorraine. I only mean the msrest trifle that happjned to go I scarcely dark enough to light the lamp. The that they love them all the more because by -in'.! them t hey would at ihu x une time :r prestige. Nor do I mean that the (ieniioiis do not set great r.oru nn them. wry would, wheu the mood wan on her, urve as the requisite -.park. Like tropical storms, they were slim t and sharp ; if scarcely were they ovei . Iteforu fair Heather w mid *ot in again. ;.> l.i : wilh all bin unbroken aeremly till the ::.idnally accumulated forces, no longer to heieslrain- would breakout on 'e mm e, and that s >me times after a fashion which Mrs. Mai bmunt herself was afterwards ashamc. 1 to re. all. girl told herself tht! H would be time enough to light it she th >uld have taken Mrs. Marchinriil h> After lingering f. r i minute's gottip m seeing tint by keeping tiie;u they remain at the kitchen, Fanr.) t"-'k the tray up to thu the same tune > ictors i.uldiug thc'front ra:ik. small drnwiug-room. There the found Mitt Th II Al ice and Lorraine, dear to t!i one. Fenton who had )usl come in from riding, | precious to the other, .ire fortieth, al..e ,!l and. at Mrs M irchmenl's invitation, Imd ' agreed to join her ovr tea. Fixnny wan So, poor Frank Marchmenl having Ian) lo rest in alien soil, tho ill.. widow, and the youthful heir journeyed to F.n -hunl by ca*y s'au<*. ami after halting l"i i ,-ou pie of days in London to pick up Sir Harry's ward. Mis-. F.deline Kenton. who ; in 1*111 niin n .1 i | uav v -im 1*1 BMMSJ^ i | "'**'* i iw I vi sjvkll ( imUWv All i and. at Mrs M irchment's invitation, lm<l I things, the syml/ol of defeat and UM symbol 'agreed to join her ovr lev Fixnny wan nf vi'-tmy. Their restitution pure .tnil sim- i ordingly sent downstairs fora second pie would not suffice those who have lost cup and saiircr them. It would not elFai-u the bitterness of tt might be said of the widow aue Sir thu vanquished or the pride of the victor : it Harry's ward that they were on good U-i ins would leave untouched, despite protocols with each other without there heinu; any , and treaties, the irremediable itniaironitiu pretence of cor I i.ility on eithei side. They which separates the two nations; and this had too fewqnalr.itM or tastes in common lo feeling it such, I venture to amrni at the had been' staying with th>! |)<>-^e; l_uly ' allow of their ,.\orb'ini{ attrivtud <>ne to I risk of appearing paradoxical, that, if this CiMgravr during her guinlian N .l...-m tin-other. Th-v generally mel at the break- were not an absunl hypothesis, ihe French abroad, they all travelled down to Koiiiwell fiat table : but .if KM thai meal each went 1 would Iw more easily resigned lo leaving the Chaw together. Sine.- thu time, ne irly a ' year had gone by, and Mrs. Mai. -'111111 nl was now looking forward to ihe .1 ay when, witli for two mortal hour* by the clock I stooo there, fighting for my life with the savag* wolf and shouting for help every moment of the time. A I hundred tunes thought my strength was gone and that my arm would surely sink down powerless the next m.uneut und yet always managed to hold I i-u off a little longer. At la*t, just aa I was almost in conipletu despair, one of the servants was aroused by my continued shouting, and came running with his gun m his hand. I managed to hold the wolf until he made a light, aud then I held him while the man put the niu//.le of his gun against the wolf's head and killed him as dead at Hector. And thun I went to my sister's room and had a spell of something that would have been hysterics if I had been a woman. Being a man it was nothrip but a case of nervous prostration. \ ' -ii - "III, net i I a for a clear conscience, she could d'siard her widow's weeds, of which she bad loir; ago grown heartily tired, und lie aide a^ uu to slum- forth resplendent in thu silk' and \cl\cts which became hci M f i . tion. I'.ilelme Fenton, Sir ll.irry.' wai-l, was. the nrphsn daughter of a niiin w ho liu '>een far deariir to the I aronct than any of his own kilh and kin had ever been. Al this tune she was between ninelivtii and tM.'iiiy old, und on ci.ining of age would in rtiine of fifteen thousand pounds Her home since leaving school had Iwen at the Chase; and had she Ix'en Sir llnrry's wn child he could scarcely h.n . thought i..i . of her I ban he did. She had, limv. \ .-r, iiring ihe time of her *tay wilh Lidy Cos- rave li'i-n guilly of a terrible blunder, .Inch, notwithstanding all his all'e. in n tm ter, the liaronut found it well nigh impos- ible lo colidon.- She all'iw.-.l heisulf In sll 111 love wilh Kvan Man-hment, her M H. II. in, nephew . and the list p.-i ..HI ou ai tb whose wife he would care to see her jecome. It was not tli it F.v m, eilherby word or a. t i iieeii guilly of anything which would hei own way. and they rarely saw litivthing more of each oilier till the dinncr-ln-ll once m..; e hi ought them together. ; i.unujins Alsace and Lorraine after openly I It is a ' defeating them, just as the Cerniins would spread aai 'suffer less from a surrender of these two cave by a Fanny having brought the second cup and . provinces alter winning a fresh victory over ueer.'at oiic-e went her way back to the 1 the French. For if at this moment France Why don't you liku hut, ilnrluig'" le i-ye. Hie) tiigbl.'ii girl. Ii. r n. <ii'li. I thu nurse M, not like me." I'hiTi'rr ii- i-mli .1 i" her room, which m on t!..- in \l Moor, air I Imving nN!urod her self aannml intrusion by locking the door she, pi.....Mli'd lo apply lighlo.l initeh ti the . oniinit of the grute, win. h Imil been laid iealy for kiinlling It WIM chilly .tliuiniMin in curly spring, and Therese al- ways took Heimihle \ iowx when- her own . i. ii. Im i wa* in question. A |>emon in her IMI.II ion In ' liedroom ; hut a shilling gixcm now und again to Ihe rhamhermanl smootheil ,n.-i nil dithrnlliuH in that thing she did was lo re*|rt. Hike off The next her hlswk dress anil her uashmure shoes and put nn a comfortable waddeil w rap|icr an.) n )iair ol warm slipper*. After that she proceeded to let ilimn hci hair, of win. h -Ii. hail a gi..-l i|iiantily, ami ihu colour of which Wiw as indeterminate as her i\>- I'ln-n she unloiked a drawer ami look from it a square green bntlle .m<l it li.|ueui glass. TMI.O slie tilled the glass lioni the eontents of the Ix.lllc, nml IHI.-C she emptied it, sip Kng ibi ..... slowly ami .i|qu u.-ulively. ernrti IIIOM- was, by mentis of n spon a*l h little sonp and w.iiei, to wash away the streaks of bistre nmlei her c\e., now that they had nerved thcii |iui|isi' After that, knowinu n . ..npl.- "t hours ..f inu, tion were Iwforc hn, them wai nothing left her to <ln aave lo Iwnk in front of Ihe fire in u elunl covered easy i liair with her feet on the frndrr, anil iniinni m heiself In a French louiAine, which aha tixil III, in thn drawn- lhl held Ihe buttle nnt glossj Sir Harry Marchment of lUthwrll t In a* Iteartr seventy than sixty yt-ms f age- nursery. She had int Iwen gone more th;m j anxiou* t,> prove that il was the empire s^cn minutes in all. The first thing she ] much more than hersell which wai vanquish- was aware of on opening the door was that [ ud.^crmany, if the case aroaw, would like the long win low which gave on the balcony was wide open \Vitli in exclamation of dismay, she made a hurried step or two for- u .id and then paused, while her eyes went niitiiictivelv m - 'i r '-li it ihu child N . where coul.l ahe sc him ! Hill the afternoon ha I darkened during her absence, and the eiiin.'rs of the room ! iy deep in shadow. IM ink had i child's d.-liijlit in In.lin.- him self when nobody waa about, and hut for the open window Fanny Mould have felt Mire of finding him cron -bed behind one or another iece of fin ml ui. . There were the toys she hud given him to play with . altered about the floor, hul the l>'iy hum. -It was nowhere lo he seen. "Krankie, Frankie, where are your" called the uirl in frightened accents " Why don't you itpe'ik, darling T' A momuiit she. HltlBHl v.B.a, fermsesl lit hl i>. *!!*. well-established fad that the wide- .ilt of a ship, when rendered con- gentle breer.e, are most excellent conductors of sound. The celebrated l>t Arnotl relates the following circumstances as a practical proof of this assertion : A ship was once sailing along the coast of Bra/il far out of sight of land. Suddenly to demonstrate that it was France herself j several of the crew, while walking along ihe winch sin- vanquished in overlhrowing the ' deck, uoticed that wheu passing aud rcpo-t empire The conclusion to Iw drawn from ing a particular spot they always beard this is that the question rein in., intact be- with great distinctness the sound nf bells Iwi MI I i. nice, ind Curmanv. that no com chiming sweel music, as though being rung pr.'imsecan settle n. an. I that when the time j but a short distance away. Uumfouuded, , on..", the batile-tiuld, the fate of arms, can by this phenomenon, they quickly common i alone decide afresh the .tntaiEonism of cen- times which separates the (iaulish from the lierniamc race. cated the disoo\ ery to their mates, but none of them was able to solve the enigma as to the origin of theae seemingly mysterious Till IS7O Fra-i ! belt) the supreme control sounds. of the peace of thu world. No svtjrd could Several mouths afterward, upon return- l>e unsheat hud m Kurope without her consent. ' ing to Brazil, some of the listeners Jeter- Napoleon III. was the great arbiter. A mined to satisfy their curiosity. Accord ing- frown from him darkened the hori/.oo. The Iy, they mentioned the circumstance to their day after he expressed regret to B\n>n Hub ner ' not being in accord with Aiiftria, l'ie ihe stock exchanges were in it panic, and Austria and Prussia concluded a hasty peace ill., u to ac ..MI fur Ins owards him ; imlend, the uncle's hostility two K id nover let but twice.. Kvan's solo fault lay in tho .el nt lux being the son of his pHienls. The oung fellow's mother had ehimen lojill Sir ilarryiufavoui ofhisyoungeiandni'>reattrac- ive. In other, and he hud never forgiven either UM ..i lloi'frey. Allhongh he afterwards n.ii i .. I , he had never cared for Ktlra Vane; aud even now after the lap* of thirty year*, the wound still rankled, the sole wan still nnhealeil. When his brother died in a state iMinlereilon destitution, if hit did not absolutely rejoice, he certainly eonhl it hu imid U> leul any sorrow even in it* most mitigated form : and when u little later, certain timid overture* reach ei I linn from the \Mih.w, they were cuMly reiueted. Null hei to her nor to her son ahoulil thu hand of re.-oncilialiini uverheput forth by him ' The widow had followed herhiisband to the grave no hum time afterwards : and now, ut 1,1,11 and I wmly years <>f age, Iheir son was tilling a responsible position in the itlicesi ol one of the largest >hip-bi.>king tiimi- in the port of London. It had been a hitler surprise to the I. no net when his nephew called upon him at his hotel in town and asked permission of him, uthu young lady's guardian, to pay his ad- Iresscs to Miss Kenton. The two were all but -I i lingers to ud ' other ; and the elder man, its he staren into the face of thu younger, traced in it, or persuaded himself thai In; did, an unmistakable like ness to the iintorgotten features of the w. mi. ni who had NO cruelly jilted him. The interview was a brief but stonny one Sir Harry (liginatisvd the young man's suit as that of a mercenary fortune hunter, and ut telly refused to sanction his addresses in any WHY. So long as ho rclaine.l his powers as guardian over Miss Fenton aud her for- tune, so long should Kvan Msrchment's suit be treated with contumely at hi* hands; in deed, his last words lo him, as he pointed thrnngh the window, were: "I wonlil rather my ward should marry yonder cros- sing-sweeper limn marry you." fir Harry's Hist impulse after Kvan* de part urn had l*n to seek an interview Mill LJelinu, tell her had passed, and stood listening, but save for thu wild beat { Iwfore the matter had time to show dissatis- ing of her heart, .ill was silence. Kvun et 1 faction. Since the war of INTO this role ha* aha could scarcely realise the possibility ..t what had happened : but a brief agonised search in every corner and lliiud evei v >iece of furniture proved to her, a minute atcr, ilial her charge was not in tin- room. Last of all, with it dreadful sinking of the ;isrt. she |>os*ed through thu O|MMI w ndnw in to t In- balcony. Here it was lighter than inside lb" r.Hiin. light i-iio.igb, in t.i. t, to Have allowed of her seeing any object out of the ordinary mi the gravelled drive some eight or ten feel htlow. Rut nothing was to be seen. The drive on its outer edge bordered hy a narrow margin of turf, beyond which spread a dense shrubbery of laurels, rhododendrons, and other cvci greens N"t > .Mgn of life was anywhere. isihle. leaning ovci the lialcony, the n I. in half . linked i. -cents, again called the hild by name, while feeling sure then would IK' ii" le.tpinse. For a few sc on 1 . she >t. io, I with her hands pressed to her head, striving to .-ollect her thoughts, which kept fluttering and cii cling round her like n IliM-U of frightened birds of which she had but all control. Then she said to herself : " -Vrhaps he managed somehow lo "pen tin door, though 1 dnln t know thai he. mild, and has hidden himself in one of the empty rooms on purpose to frighten me." lint then came the terrifying " lu that case, why is the win- dow "pen and who opened it ' ' The child himself couldn't reach. Ihu hasp unless he wer. mounted, m achnir, and the chairs were all in their places. lint it wa* imperative that action of some kind should lie taken, and that without an- other minute's delay. "I'll go and tell I'l i.res, I .efoi ,. sayinga word lo any one else, " was 1 1" distracted girl's resolve. It wan tho instinctive impulse of a weak nature to seek the counsel and help of one stronger than it- self. (TO III. i ONTINVIU. " Now, Johnny," said papa, " who was Adam ' " He was thu man who discover- ed the world," said Johnny. \\ hun a man slarU out to lecture he put* on a dreasxuil. When u women ststrti out to lecture she puts on a uigh'Kowu. ceased lo belong to France. Germany has usurped it, and her claim to it is what has revolted the C/.n , who remains alone, striv in.' by his deliberate isolation to neutralize the unwelcome supremacy nf Cermany, Allowing France to render him apparent homage m order lo emphasize his attitude but really knowing himself to IK- doomed to immobility as long its he remains outside the allied "-ii pin-- 114 A- We uiay rest assured that what weighs upon the heart of France is the inversion nf authority, the lost place in the front rank of burn)*-, her supremacy ques Honed, the \ictoi foi twenty years regulat- ing the march of events, the settlement of which till Ih -n belonged wilhont dispute to the supreme will of France. This is v/hat she cannot hear. Those who dream of settling the Franco (iernian question by compromise this. Never will this question bu settled in the mil and chrisli.tu alniosphere of peace. It (i Tin my now agreed to restore \U.i and Lorraine to France in it-turn fora pledge ..t c\ei lii-iiiig |H'ce, France would agree to sin h an arrangement with the greate*l re- pugnance, aim M ould avert her eyes forever from the mocking deliverer who at such a price bade her sheath her sword. She has friends, and were informed that at the time when the sounds were heard the bells in the cathedral at >Sau Salvador, on the coast, had been ringing to celebrate a feast held in honor of one of the saints. Their sound, wonderful to relate, favored ry a gentle, steady breeze, had travelled a aisUnoe of upward of 1UO miles over the smooth water, and hail IH-CII brought to a focus by the mils at the particular locality in which the sweet sounds were first heard. This ia but one of several instance) of a dim ilai kind, trustworthy authorities claiming that it has often happened under somewhat similar circumstances. -k- i. i.. u, Wllk Tails A discovery which will prove ol Immense interest to ethnologists hat been made at the little hamlet of Sinaloa, Mexico, within the past few days M'hile breaking ground for a large coffre plantation, which is being established by an Knglish syndicate. The find consists of thousaii(Uu>f skeletons 1 resign themselves to I either of large apes or of prehistoric human -- beings of a very low order. If the remains are ot apea they were of gigantic si/.e and of a variety no longer extant, while if they are of men the men were provided with dis tinct caudal appendages, veiy thick and short, and curled up like a squirrel'*. That they are ihe skeletons of apea can hardly !> doubted, judging from the arms, which reached nearly a foot Itelow the knee, and iiot, however, to dre*l any such mortitica the thumb* which are also abnormally lonjt exceedingly sharp and tion, for tiermany would fly to the arms a hundred limes sooner than loee her conquer- ed prey ; mid notwithstanding her past ictory, she, too, dreams of confirming it afresh. No, |ieaceis not concluded lietween the two nations. No, the era of combats between them is not over, and the sword is what mutt again and again deride, until the unknown time when :t uew morality shall govern the world, and when the Hod of peace shall he universally acknowledged. Mr. UK BI.UWIT/, in Ilwprr'i ,Vn</u m . .Icily that has sugared sweeten cottage aurf halt can I e used to batter puddings, and will add very much to Iheir tmvor. \Vhere it has refused to jell it can lie used in the same way. This fruit sugar also makes very nine sirup tor cak by putting it on the xto\ e ami adding come water to it. Make it about theconsistoicy of maple srrup. and curved, wiih powerful i The feet, too, show that they were intend- ed for climbinu, rather than walking, and are also provided with claws and prehensile loes of unusual length. It is probable the large number of skeletons found is due to a battle lietween two bands of the animals having takcu place at this spot, which is further proven by the number of broken skulls and other bones among them, and the fact that several of the skeletons were found in a deadly embrace. No weapons, however, wercdiscove I. but aa these, were jirobably uf wood, they have pcriahcif m the COTUac of time. A newspaper editor says " We have re reived a m t ce of marriage for insertion to which wax appended the original announce- ment, ' Sweetheart* at a distance will accept ihis ultimatum. ' "

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