Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1891, p. 6

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THE ROMJICE OFASUMMER, CHA1TKK II. Tha.t same evening, a* aunt and uieoe were seated in tho little ro.>m whicii serveil a dining room and di awing room both. " Of co'.irae, he ia not like a nigger, my would think better of what he had saul ; dear," she aaid mildly. "He is an lndi.ui for the next marring he waylaid her u ihe bt I'm not sure, as it i* in Mala' 1 "* he v ging down in th* bench and humbly live* a nan of great influence, and of very ' apologised for hi* rash and foolish words, high rank there, I believe. And he is not] She was the more surprised at this, as ihe i >t black, nut very much more so than kntw her brother-ill law to be a inn of an If: and you know she is not intensely proud nature, and for a momi-ul dark." she was somewhat inclined to doubt his y . , Humphrey frowned However noble and sincerity. However, his penitence, .d they aaw the well-known hgure of the I poweiful the fsther might l, the idea ot ,t though somewhat theatrically expressed, illage postuian stopping before thoir little ,-,,lo,:rod father-in law was not exactly a seemed real enough ; ind after giving him K** e . pleasant one, even lli , _'u the lintiug were a sharply scrttiiniini^ glance, which he bore " Run. Avice, dear, and are what loiters light Iti.t still, ,s b,- i.-tl. ,-t.-.l, without' llinclnng, Aw graciouily accorded old David has for us," said Miss Mar. h nagi- wr b loreiirn poiontaie. ;iud noble* wo* him Mie pardon he sought, mcnt, looking round at her mc.ce. We not considered such i\ery dltad:ul t.-ini, " < >nl\ I hop, . Kilmur." she .1 lib d mi- ought to have one from grundtn mm. , to>. In fact. It wud >n, well, if not proas ,ve!\ , " th d yo.i will never entertain nay, it i* to long since she has written. everyday, at leact aomelmios. And tli.-n MI -I, .in outrageous idoa a.r:iiii. Kcniemln-r A vie* needed no second bidding, ami in another moment she was standing by ..- old |Ktman's side. " N'ow, David," she said coaxingly, " where are those liu-n you promised me yesterday? I'm getting fearfully impatient for then, Umvid shook his head. " I'm fctimu there's naethiug for ye the nicht, miw." he replied, as he held open bis scantily rilled 'tag for hei iiia|M-ction. "But here's tw.i for the auld lo.idy yonder," no-blnif, In. head in tho direction of the dered .igam at the rein window a* he spoke, and at the same ttmo (irmly and clearly how producing two ijuare-lonking pickela Iron; t-looking [t*i the bottom of his Uig " May IK-'.. tome bit letter inside for yon " Avice shook her head doubtfully : there was not inu.-b likelihood of tli.c, she thought, as she returned to tne sitting room with them. "Two for you, auntn-,' -he said, as ihe handed them to her. " One's from grandmamma, and the other's an In Inn letter from papa, I e\|-< t : it's like his writ:- If she had wanted to know th>- tents of the last named letter, she was doomed to disappointment, for Mi-s ,: mont, after glancing at the up. t*. riptioii, pla<odit in her pocket and uirn.-d be, i".-n lion !., the other one. Her brother-in-law '* crawls were not easy to read, and .be pre- I d.- -ipb.-r'in! tin-in b) herself. there was Avicv. herse!'. and bright A- . e ,s , .<.- in tin- -! ^ >--t .b'/ne answer- andlm.ible, with herwm urn-lace, which had sble to you, nor Imv. yon any power over learned to hriyhten at hi< o lining, and her her.' With whi.-h warning spec !i the m> -i rv laugh, wnioli ran.- in hi. ir< liko pis*, don down io the beach, leaving Kil- music. Surely, i! "lie loud I, im. it was miir to digest her wold* at bis leisure. Had M 'i h while- subii me bttle dis he si-on llio look of hatred whi.-h passed >r hoi - .!. An. 1 h" thought over her Inother-in law's face as she turned t ill over, the recollection 11 isli- I ovei l,im ,(w .y , .no might not have fek m comfortable of huw that bright tare hod !' 'k"d in it as sh>- did : but aim wiw thinking of other here's deulnly pal'.orlliat day on thec.i:!.,wn.-ii ho thing*, and, she did not notice him. .ill but lost her she was won ; and he s'l'id The truth WM she had remarked for u, brui co, and felt some time past Humphrey's {rowing at- ni;>o-.;i>!" i i oiild ta -linn nt for Aii.f, and her mind wai nc- loforhi'iito her, eorne whul cupied with the pioblem, did the girl nrgiit. rrtiirn Ins alb-.-tion. or were her feeling* to- And alter all, wh-n iie was introduced to - ilV * >""' m.-rely th.Me of friendship* She Mr. So.-b.irty, he found that t. I" '-. on, ""' l ' 1 ""< '" ' !ir! were queer creatures, aialleventa -he was not at all > bid a he amlAiice m so,,,, -t :.mgs wa* one ol the hailMnigined IUrkheiii',.t,.-rt.i,i,K w-v.. <l'"-'-""' I he only WMV in which her aunt bnteioeedinglyhaodwMMObtwillMUiidiaf, '""Id judge was by watching her closely wi I holear-cut feature., a thin h.-ti with Humphrey : and even then, a. looking month, and glossy hair the colour ''"' ;i-knowledge,l with a sigh, it wa. very of AVICB'S. whi'h waved .lightly and m st "[' "' "" I... , -iingly Mitller* were in this stte when one morn- ing she re -i-ived a letter from her suiter in II- proteased b.maelf oharm-d t , meet |ri . Uni , , , , 1( . r , come over ,,, Mp his piecioua dsug bier s pro..-, ver. lor as her. as her yom, g e.t child wo. dangerouily *uch Inmost assjredly NftnUd llump.irey, , wj h ...^ ,* v na the two elder ,es i-re,l no tt mined int.-n- unae to whi.'b inro had all plaint. She had scarcely tin, si, .-d reading M -i.iti- ' l M * rt > r j oil by the I'ck child's' side, when Kilmur, perusing hii cor- aiong existed ltween the two To he Krr'.Vater'ImimVnmrepVaUe.'TntVen'nr^n sure, he often made one ot the >' MsYM deciphering them by Mneli. . ,, , ' ' i oil l>y tne s'ck child s an l',...ntly, I, wee-,. AVI.,, -enig 'he w "" n Humphrey proposed any ramble " wh o was also engsgwl m at the gate, went ol' ,. ihun **"'"' tor btt*l| and Avi.-o : hut the ,.,,,,,.. ni |,nee. glanced up. - - walk; .ml t:,.-u pulling ibeln.ltin ^ e J? u " m4 " rly,ed Mr. .!,., ,% mr ^ I- tt.. ,,,ii ,,r ii. r...t.i,u ni. -.. ik.. MM.., u.l., -^*' "arty s obMclloa to the niotn.ii of the ...., |.,,.,i,,,, %- i._ . ....... . vl . .... ...'I. -n the next tram iit of ils resting ,.la e, h. -elder lady ' " g. M -s ;., lxu.don V he m imrrd. " I liml I pro- ov.'eii t p-r ise. it. Appuently 'he "''''* c-inlingly in > mini >or Mul , t , ; ,, ^i ,,|,,. e | O lloriin. I have some --.lit, i,-- did ,.,,i . x--llj ,,' h.-r. for her ' '" "l"* 1 '/' expwliliotis, mm-b to Av,-e. l.uMiiess there w Inch ,o.,,iirc a ,> inini-di.!.' uuai;> |.laci.i I...- i -I,-, idod frown * , r " ' oy> '' boaim.; .> ,.nd !,,.,,. 4Ill j | ,.,, L ,,, t ,, I, ,nd,m Hrst." as she i, ,;, , i> in i- eiiiolopi , and an i-jac- * A feeling of leiiof - .line over Mia* March- ulal.on which,, -oniing from ,,,,ghl ,'"" moi.fs hear!. If Kilmur were away, ihe bsvi- been Urni.-d in,,. ,,^.| her. . bu ""^ he grave iinporlam-e ,.t wbiol, .,,, , ,, ,, lv , , Av ,,,. , *,.,, {UnAi I- a great nuisance," . I,.- milr.nur.d, ''"" ?"'+* '""' .'" r -- 1 '"" 1 . '"' , Ml " , to pay a long pro,,,,,.-,! visit tosomo frieudi. half aloud, a* she ga/d b<ira t. dh out ,,f M ", r """ "" w " . ^K'niniiK to think of w,,,^ , he | lel1M) lf went lo I rel<inJ . the window "a great ,.,' , . ' If onlv "'''',iii U |iiuuirie as | us nature, when. - There is a train al,ut eleven o'clock," he had waited until rather Ut.-r uniil l '\' 1 ' 1 ' rr . llef - ^ l' r " lher lnl w / url *'; hr broke in Avh-e's voice In-fore her aunt hail ' l-i. sa\.oreven tbren,|,,f>. niomUr! "" v ,"'" l! "'" N '" lime to answer. " Yon could catch that lint just now.wli,-,, M " t "oi,t wasiitlmg by tl p-ii w tn.low ,,, ct .i yi J . h , mld lniok .' l--tti r for /..rat anyri' l.,'t." \n 1 t hen the good soul ((:,: -'f into A dny- In.iin, a sad-sweet dream cf days whi.h i rr he was rouse-l from l,.-i i . . . , i. l.y * ni.-iry Un^h Mi>- -mil. I .s ' ni' I I i **IIL;II ^11" "Mll|t"1 V1 *(!< t a * st -,'1's. let, tin-er, ll.i.t the ^**-r" Intl.- lamp, " to save I'oikms tin- tr-.nblo and sigbi-d. tiw, as sbo noted how liko >-i n y gealure, every movement o' the slim figure, was to that of thr d. .i , n _ mothoi " 1 have had a letter from your father," she began at last after a fow nnniii.-.' pan*.- Avioe knew that mm h already. " It is not very loiiy, nor is th.-io niii.-b m it, except i the fa.-l that be is on his way homo ahem, I should say In Knglaml. at this moment " I'apa coining home ' Why, how '* that, auntie? He bun't Iwen abroad IIIOM- thn, four years sinoe he wss hero last What i an lie bringing bun b e " And Avict I turned a look of ini|im \ ,i|i>.ii her auni "That I oannnl tell MMI. for I .1 t' know im. K, reluin.d that lady II merely says it is a matt. T of bo.iii.-ss. wlm-h he i in settle best permilially lli kiiow how erratic his mix i-inonis are " Al I ' lonk'-d pi,r/b- I, but II,, t lltogolhrl plrawxl. Tin truth wan, h a H,.h.-l her father's! nit bad l>een ,1. (. n',1 < r ! M, . . fn .h.-hid no mind In otnt M.irk's i .,..- In-fore the <| imlishoii, and I -lui lh is inig'il loa,| Io her silnlV tei m g b.'inr i' omiei. So she waa not a little n-l,e\o I in heir Miss Maiihiiionl derlsn- lid she Ind no intention of g g l,.i, k. md that if Kll in u r w.ililed to .-.- 'ii.-in. I onld | us I . in, dow M to M u k'. ( '.., . ' I but another tnltiln t t mi ,,m , pin-, y, 'said AviiM-, as she rolal'-d 1 1 - in-*.' ' her allv Hoiiiphii'\ Ihe neit day " at t I. .-I, I n.ear a kind of fn'libnenl. for of ii is a ver\ in- I on.- ai.d I pro;. II |il r.-y didn't ail.Wt-l. I |.-..,i,.o,t, , ,| l,n, I 0,1. ul u . ..t ' h, gill'. Imoks ,i v I . .I.,, .b.nlii Inn In-ill, r ... in< to me that just now is a very good PJ e *'>' ' . op|..i!nmty for duinji ao " Humphrey pulled a decidedly long face "Well. lolurnedTu. sister-m-Uw. laying wh f" ll f .'?'"<>' '"'' r '" '' P'" s s . . . . . ''IllJlll.Fli s\sl A Wti<A r t t , I It after along in twenty- _ _ consols " Are, you ronlly leaving to-morrow, (hen ? " ipietied Humphrey anxiously. "So soon a* that '" They were stsuding by the little green i,'tt-, the aft.-riioon nun glinting full np..n ih. 'in when he spoke, and lu the soft light Avice (..ok.-. I more l .ntiful than ever. The thought of parting from her even for a .hort time waa a painful one. " Yes, really ami truly to m urow," the replied, alisently pulling oil the |>-talsof the Ohyes, it i. very real b'l.inesa," he |ib.-d " very real, I isturo you. It Mis. Marchinoiil stirtcd. " Avice 's marriage," ahe repeated, a nan.oleu dread striking cold at her hoar! Why, she is not even engaged W "hat i. t : . i-iollilk ing al,ut marriage for a ,-hlld like that ?" " Her mother wan nkaotly t lie same age This wa* merely by way of intr.xlu. fon, a. when sh. inarm ,1 me, " n-|ihe.| the -n!i . in ily i !,,-. inn- I 'ii.-a.sund tollPM nge, if 1 romember n v bt : liosi.les. what has do with Ihe I, i ' " " -hr i annul chooari for hersell . -,,.- is too young to know her own mind." U'^in Miss M u. iinioiit ; but her btol her in law inter I npt.'d In-l " It la not a case nf , l,,~,.ing for In-rsolf nr ! knowing her own mind,' ho said ijinol Iy " It i. /, h.-r father, who have to .run. -in rose at her belt. Waa it fancy, or was there really a sad inflection in the bright voice as she spoko? He could not say, nut a sudden impulse mode him ask hiirr-oilly : " Are yon sorry to go. Mis. S.n haily ' Would you have liked to have stayed *" tone startled her, and 1 I A'l' ' ho.eM. " "<ioo<l gracious, Kilmur, 11 hat -!> you i " *j in. in* Mi.s Min-hni ml wa- not given to >'*,' tho me of ejs. ul.tlon-., hut Ib. violence of her emotion ii foroed this one frnm hei "I mean iin-i-isely I say,' was the m-wrr " I hav xercisrd m\ paiontal right in . lio.i.nig my daughler's Imsliand, nnl he i- o t III,. rn-liK.1 men in nil the Malay I'oniii.ula. " 'And his name*' ga.| I M, . March un. lit 1 I'ln I'.aj.ih Mul wane.',' returned her In .ilii-i in iiw Iriumpbnnlly : and lie has pi niii-,! il t ik, her lu ,,i:n i. d will drew a step or two back through the -I kt least -,i ,, |,.i ''nil "^eu-U to tssk "I'lim might ohlecl to his -nil . .in.) hal- ' i 'i li-.|.. . with ..lie orind l.lo-\ II .w .'I .1 I 11,1 ,1,0.' ' .- ||l ', dl, w ' i. I" i . I himself ; so, .-' I . j ill ' d |ip.i-l' I oi I-. 'I. u nnl., " i-.\ iiiios.-lf as heartily I, tiling o.inld ( siial - - .( . p i -- -I r . .witlll III ill I >] IM\ . li'.a. ni, w.i- I in/ t : - . until ii' last t i' I ' , In- lit! Ii- . i . , dooi of ins, ami y ,\.' him i ft nnl h, Id II H ' n In- allli.'.l by If, lot .1 w-imtei til- l,i- " l> Mig that " Ills |iri,io,|iil wife ! Tl e ;o un-ipsl wife 1 i Iv. nf I-.MII,!' of a Malay rajah. All Mis. Mai'-hnn. nl'a nb-as ol i^ht and i. -iiioui in. in anna at im b .1 Ih.ingbt Id i brother in Im must havn I (k. n l.'.iv.- s..|, .. . and .ho would take II,I.M her f K .oii-h b i.ible How of l.mgii ig-, she look little uati as she n-plieii : "Sorry? Well, am HII ly* ' It haa all Iwen so happy, add now it is at an end, and it can m-ver ,0,111 mer attain. " llnmpbrey looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean?" he iu.|iined "Wbatis it that can never oome over . .n. ' " Why, the summer," ihe returned, col,,, ing slightly under his earnest gaz. "Of ,',mi so thero will be other summers, but thi-n un two are iiuito .ihke do you think so? 1 always feel that nt the end of summer. A year will pass, you see, Iwfore the next and a v vi is a long i mi.- " I'.. -tote Humphrey Man binoiit iipjieured I'onie in, Av n . , dear .oiild reply, Mis. in the doorway your help," lie aaid, nodding kindly to Humphrey there iiKiiiiK", e mid I I want g Kindly to Humphrey " We have a g. Hid deal to do, yon know, n, .1 I'oikm. has gol one of her baxi head a.-lios, .did ran do no'.lnng." Ai i < mined away, not sorry for tho m 'li. n, ..nd I'l'i'l'iton Humphrey bad I.H.kisI in > mil tin- (mis of her wrath upon him. , si range , she tlun, ;lii, and had evidently nut tin' In- Iii not mill. I He .hni^.'.d Ins unde.rsto.Kl her remarks about the ninnmer little, and then sat pain-nt Iy j That a tho last opportunity Hiiinphr.-v ig, ii -nub- mi bin linn 1 1 |M, until such i had of a private i .IV wit h her ; for. as Miss i. hei .-lo.|iirn, -e should be ohaustod Marchinont hilsud. there was plon'v :.i At last sbo >io|i|-d, m. .re from w.i. t ot do, and the gn 1 ',01 toll leli eailv the ii'-vt biealh than fi un la.-k of; .ml inoiiiiSg " I b>o ' " ske oried gall) k of ar^' II. i-ll In n |H ili. I, |,o!|t.-|y I i, i tiiudi. I. .nil. I di-, bllkti in, tin' In-. i lln- .11 failii'i m u. i o'l i (tb.'i, .-nni|il. to anlhoiiiy oiorher nli.i nioinilg. < ...IH| uye she eriml t u!\. In, W:(( ing hoi h (lid to him as the tl un I 11 1', tn move. " I daresay I shall see you - > >n m again '" An* 'hei, a- t bo lit tie trio on ih,, .nut', i v.h.i-.i. i ,i,'iiforin fadrd out of .ight, 'heiiaiik IM. k Mis. Marchiin.i't w is mnmoiit.iiily dumb among tin' . n-i ion. of tin- oar r itgo in I |,M founded by hi. dn. >. llnK iii,.n,iiiu ' paled i o i n Joy her liook Kill somehow m ily, howrv.-i , for sud. I, -nly l.-ii. ling fin ward other, its contents tilled to her. in her chsii, the light of liinuiph m In-i Tho atorv oii.-whi.-b bo h:.d long m-h. d oves, she <-\, limn .1 " Kilmur Sacbarly, to read, uinl win, h Iliimiiliioy had nuslird ni nl .n a lii-iiing Inial, " |i:sl In x "" '' a< r "" sii.-h anthorily N on lenom,, into bet hdnis us he b.lo hei gno.( b\e like. ' as he aaid I and lie did '"' " 1 ' ll ""l v "" l " 1 ' im.llier's deal), N,i ' sevmrd for lh. time to Imvo lost its chain,. as. she led Avice tip-stair* on her arrival. " One is aaved all trouble and bother then." "'? f-.t a pretty, delicate, little woman, of about two or three and thirty, of an easy- going te nperament, which made her any- thing be: stri.c ^!i(:.- >n, a* Avice <|uickly '.--. ,d out. Indeed, her huabaud wa* ' .....:. ..,- beat onan-roo cf the two, and had he been there all the time, il would have been better for Avice. liut the day after her arrival he went off to Perthshire fur some shooting, and the girl was left prac- ti. illy to her own devices. She had Iwen there about a week, or per- haps a little longer, when one morning com- ing in to lunch she noticed a fresh face at the long dining table. The new-comer was a dark handsome man of about forty, clean dim en. and aodark in hue that she immedi- ately decided that he must he, if not wholly coloured, at anyraN- half-can'.-. " Who u he, Mrs. Douglas, do you know " she iii.|uired, gazing curioualy at the apparently unconscious stranger ; but though Mr*. Douglas turned hergold rimmed glasses full on the swarthy vUage opposite, .!, could not say who or what he was. " We shall learn bis name by-ud-by," she returned carelessly ; and Avice 's curiosity n mum d for the time unsatisfied, and she dismissed him from her mtud. Presently, however, ahe felt irreaisttbly impelled to look across the table a', the stranger ; and a curi- ous undeti nablo uneasiness stole over her as she saw those keen black eyes fixed steadily upon her. She tried in vain to remove her eye* from his face. She looked at hi* neighbour, at the pot of heather which form- ed the central ornament of the table, and finally at her own plate ; but wherever she looked, her glance seemed compelled to return to him. She gave a half impatient shrug a* she endeavoured to control her eyes, and a smile of satisfaction flitted momen- tarily over the dark face opposite. Lunch ap|>eared that day an interminable atlair, and Avice heated a sigh of intense relief i-ii at length it drew to a close and ahe followed Mrs. Douglas from the room. "How oppressive it was in there!" she uxclsimed as they reached their own room. And indeed all lunch-time ahe had felt a* if she were l*-iag stifled. Mrs Douglas looked slightly astonished. " Hot, doyou mean?" ihe in. (in red, drawing on a pair of dainty driving-gloves. " Why, my dear, / thoughtit quite cold. In fact, I made up my mind that a jacket would not he a bit too ln'svy driving this aftruoon." "No; I don't mean that it was hot," returned the girl. " I mean -well, I can't i|into explain ; but i Melt very horrid." And he shivered slightly as she spoke, lying hack in the easy-chair w . h ev.dently no intention of dressing. Ib-r friend w (s ilmosi ready by this time. : Aren't you coming out ?" she asked with! mine surprise " We are going foradrivc with \ln. lUrfelt, you know." "Oh, to that pi. i- who doyou call it that old castle near here? No; I don't think I'll come this afternoon. I've got rath.-r . Mrs. l>"ug'as looked uuite distressed. "What a pity!" he cried. "Do change your mind, like a sensible girl, and come. You don't havo tho chance again, perhaps." But though she lonld not herself tell why ahe refused an excursion to which she had long been looking forw ird, Avice declined the invitation persistently " I've got rather a headache." she repeated "and I should not enjew it." So her friend was obliged reluctantly to depart, leaving her ensconced on the sofa with a novel and a bottle of lavender watei by her side. Hut 1,-s than an hour after Mrs. Douglas had started she sallied forth, armed with the book and a rug, Io a little glen at the back of the hotel. Why ahe cluise, that spot she ,-ould not have said, for it was not much frequente 1 by theguestsof the hotel, who usu- al!) scorned it onaccounlofilsiieataess. Per- haps it waa the cool green nhadows of the glen which tempted Avice there that after- noon, or perhaps it was tho tinkling miuic of the little burn w hi -h ran through it, and l.y the side ol which she eilahluhcd herself, raising her eyes every now and then from her book Io gaie into the , depths of a pool m whuh were mirrored a thousand > .111 ing t nits from the autumn trees above. The lime slinped slowly by, the silence unbroken save by the calls of the birds, the murmur of the brook, or the occasional rustle of some rabbit in the hushes, when all of a sudden, and without the slightest warning, she felt the same odd feoliog of mental oppression which had so distressed her at luiu-h. (ilan,-ing up i|iiiokly, she saw ihe tall lithe form of the stranger standing U-loir her. (TO iii oiNTiM-rn. > w II I'eel* le fcr In r ,, ,. As one who scried through the terrible h.iid.hip and li tlos oi tin' t 'nmoi, I s.M and Is. i.i. |ieiha|is 1 am entitled tossy a fitw words on ibis subject, loan truly Hay, for my own put, that I was a stiunger to fear when in the hunt ol kiitlo The only tiiiuditv and -oiioiis ll, ought, that 1 felt was when (.(king hit little rejiose we i-ould <.-t ..n thr' ! imp grouiul. Then the mind turned II|HHI the possible results of n. -U ,U\ - tiijun... and a prayer went up tuliiiil Im ..iloty Hut when 011,0 engaged n i-ombnl with Ihe foe. oiory \ostigo of timidity <ln>.tp|ivared like magic, lu (not, it i- h 1 1. 1 to di t, no one stool ing. w hen engaged, tin, seems to think i nothing whatever but dealing as much destruction as ponaible aiiion^ ilo' enemy My feelings were some- tlcng like thowof men in a pugilistic en- . . nniei of dlu-'ii I once had a trial pre \ ,11. to the Crimea. TIT-BITS. Yoing but Obferrant- Bulfinch " Aiid so Aunt K.lith took fou with her up into the choir, did she, Johnnie ?" Johnnie (who has some difficulty with hii g'l) " Yes, ls\t up all amon' thesin'en." Suckle? up for Hi* flona. " Your hone didn't win tint money, a* you said he would. " " No, but iliii you ever ee an annual I us* race o magnificently '" A Demonstration. " Single hlrovdii.:.*, ' taid Brumog, With his solitude communing, " I 'annul yield lu, that is plain, Half the sweet content and pleuure That doth, in such bounteous measure, I'uto doub.e life obtain." Then lie " et hii cap," and wooing \\ on a maid, whose love's accruing Would, he thought, hi* momenta bleu ; When a year they had been mated Twin* appeared and demonstrated Sweet* of double blessedness. Some Satisfaction. At the seaside. Oerirude" What shall we do, girlt? There hasn't been a man in light for two weeka." Kmily " Let'* go down to the shore once more and lcx>k at the buoy*. " Doing Him Juitice. Irate Father" There'* oue thing that'* wonderful about you." ihideson " Aw ' What* that?" Irate;Kather " That a apongy head lire youn doesn't abaorb anything. >p " Ko Brain Trouble- Anxioua Parut " Doctor, hedoean't di a thing except mope around, anioke cigar- etra and chew gum. Is it his brain that* affected?" Doctor" No madam. The trouble ia in Ins head." McCue'i New Hat Mrs. Mct'ue " Well, (Jon, are ye* goin 1 ter choorch wid in<? this manun' ' Mr. Mct'ue" I am ; yia." Mr*. McC'ue "Well, yez can ihtay to home if yea intend to wear that Nellie BIy hit, so you will Oi'll not hov' the IhirfVy. on the nixt block aakin' me who's the jude Oi hov' wul me. It's boil enough to wear Moutel'risto whuaker* on yer face. o il, A Description Maud Wliat'sakiss like, Klhel? Ktbel Oh, it don't feel much like any- thirg : but it has an odor that is a combina- tion .it hrilliantme, brandy, and When Malwl was disH-ieet , She waa so prim and so sedale, She wa* ao dignified of num. So calm, uurulHed and scrvnr, You would have thought h*r thirty eight lint now that Mabel's thirty-eight, Oh, what a difference is seen ; She's struck now such a giddy gait, And goes it at s brisk a rate. You'd surely take her for sixteen ! Docked for Lo*t Time. Mrs. McCarthy Yer wag*, is twinty cinU short this wake. Moike. Mr . McOirthy-" Yu. Mary Ann. \V aii explosion on Toosilay an 1 th' foorman docket! me fer the tomie Oi wu/ m th' ir." sense. Two or thiee ,, in'idii.1 ii.inlilelo ilenv Ihe liK-t, for I have ' timea "lie teail over the same |<saage, and i-li t .bl Inn .. i\.. i hi. NO", found loumn-nit. m in blii,-k and w bill SI i\ ' ime llnniplirey'sfaoe see d to come . , , . I,. 0,,,-n. ,| hi.-, hps a-iifto icply ; " you ( TI,.- . 'ids made no se ll n. i ii.Hililelo ib-iu the liK-t. for I have times nhe lead over the ace s ntil itt last the aten, ainl shut lm< which MMtwWlbl] : . .l.hdih.i < "\ tli.ii|M| i l..-i K iAii.l btil ..... n h.'i -ami the punt, mot 'in mil tin i|.|i..intoil A\ ioo's ; wiw t.un I" declare henwlf lieaten, ainl shut " -. I in III.- M. \,,.l wl-.i i.l,.. liU,-' iii.,ii,r.i.| K*'diaiis." it with .i. ' ' l.iin. nn* In. l,,,..,|, .\h,,HKty K!.MIII iU~li.. I in i In. dark yo { l >i t lo.l the olilerly lady who a aeated in .. ,,,, ..I ih. I. .101*1111 " I In |.n|ii-i i, n,, i t tlioop|HMito itirner i linn thai I look ,ng ' I I - ,|'|i ! he would I, , in . i iths L.,,,1..,,,, llnl. my .!,-, 'b-nr,-s. lit only for III .ill ei,,i.l.|v.' (.In.,.-,. !. Id-'o-le. Huong my own |H-niile, I ean snap i goisal your muily fawyeisaii.l their Ml. (Ill I 11 I. m. wlii-H- nlli- wa> | WHS i|,,i p .. |, ing. .1 i n ,1 li !, "Iy . "In my own Ininl, t lion l....|i-di |ust at that aeaiiou by v isitors, who > (ontrol of alow- | traded partly by the inildiiesa of its ({"'"R- ' a linall ploi'o, but a ^IHH) deal lrii|Uonteil tin. WnlnMalaivndo nut i-limnte, nnd pullv by the, putiir k - .1 .honied ||OI -Mill ;.. 1 . o, isloni.lifli, nl ' |i 'Iml A M.T Saohail\ - Ml. SUndi.b liH.k.d . little sill pi i-i.l. 1 1 i' .inl\ not ,..|,,., i, d su. I, . ' filing, although he gin-..,-,l J,.,t ... w .u>d I* latl-o- "I >n ling. lib p'tjier. ; wo do in, I bold eiH|iii-ncM nf iU scenery, which was tn-iiii-ly urmiil ami iiiountainoiio. Her iin'ii.U, Major iKniglas anil In. wilo, had that limb slioiil I lie U.'pt with in' A scornful (mile curled round tin- ,-orners of th* spin it el's lip ni bo .aid I 'us " You gone t hole , In oily on u. ,01111 1 of the minrial talk foulisbly, Kilnmi,' "he aaid, rising, waters, for which the place, was celebrate,!, " Vhen yiii , nine to think the maUerovnr, and they were sUymg in an hotel near the you Mill see I 1111 UK!,' Will ly, Mi>., Mm -liiiniiil wns ryjht " It is su inuoli murt> , oiivciii.'iit than when ' I I lial Kibnin N,-hartj staying In rooms," Mrs Douglas x-ilalnnl That Wa^ the Intention. An limbiiniii, lately Innded, was taken to ee the cathedral. A* he entered the niagni- licent biiildmi(, liewildered by its boauty, In- I in nod to Ins .'omiuiuoii and said : "Twliy, I'at, thin Iwtes the divil." " Tint's the intuition, MoiLe, ' was the irf t'ii< 1'rotr.ut Man.) \\ i II. in uiiniii. how d<> you like it ? Does it IIH.I. like me* Mamma- Humph ' Tht> face is good enough, but no one would over think that dress cost your dear papa A Littlo Uirl I'tar-r. lltllo girl in ( oiiuo. li -lit . i. I ik'-n by mother to a doiitist, iibo ii-mnoda 1 I' uigh! at prayers she said : in. our debts a* we forgivti onr A I'ii in tuiith. "Koi(;ivo " Sir Jolin'i Memory For Fares. Onve lie and a friend were walking togeth er, when a working man stepped Mure them. Sir .lohn. after slink in< hands, said : Well, U , It Is lli years since I mot you. By the way, how is your ly ?" The man agreed as to the tune, and said his hoy wa* better. After they parted and went on, the friend said to Sir John, " Of .ours- that waa a chance hit.' " \n." said he, " 1 remember when 1 met him once In-fur.- he wns m great distress about his little K,\ , who wat miller ing fn-in a lame Ivsck." 1\ tho same fi loud Sir John wid he might forgot .11,0 t.u-0 in a thousand but scarcely moi o. ' Antvdntal Life nf Sir John. Too Poor to Taku Hit Wife A!ong With Him " Some years ago, while looking at the i look at Strasburu." saul Mr. IV|K' . " I iiotM-d K l.trt;o party of American tountts knu tin i. .ninU of thut celebratoil an cieni i-n\ I was till.) by one of them that while niiwi of tho visitors hugely enjoyed tin- trip thcrv :>, in ,iy of , . on, .imon^ tbom whom notlnn^ womlorf ul in natuio and Alt oouM tou.-h. " Tho landscape h.ul no charm* for him . tin- Alps did not impress him ; ihi- IH-HUIII-. of Puns tint Yionr> ml n, i evoke hi ecs tacies. Notluni; tint ho saw had the ali^li cstelli-.-t of diawing out the least riprewamn of admiration, \\ooks and \\nks piwseil and ih, |Mit> ,-u .liiini. HIM, lo.l .it hia U -k ofapprecialion of the sights which met them on all sides. r'malU it w.i do-idcd to send it com milter of four, tw,. gentlemen and two ladies, to his room and inquire what it w.u prevent o,l bi i-|o> nient of the trip. " OM m n suid one of the committee, ' tell us wlmt is tho ni.iltoi If any ,,no MI the jwrty has displeased you >M- will dis miss bun, it 'm wronnka* been done you wo shall oo that it is remedied, hut do'tell niwIiKt tin- trouble i*, for we are trying hard to pleiue. )ou. ' \\ell,'xid the un.i|ipie, i.iti\etorf'% 1 ,lo not , :ire to Bay tny tiling .(Unit my trouble 1 wanted to keep it to myself, but II.IM- asked me I ma\ .is well nut with it." llio m.dtoi I.H iiist tin, : This ia my wedding tup -the lt vd-ddinj trip 1 ever made and Tin so blsnied JMMII- that I ,luf not buvo money enough to take my t!l with ma >'"

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