Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1891, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE B.l.VK/.V<? OFFICE O* GEO. MITCHELL, FI.ESHERTON. 4 gai.-ril hititklnit biiHiuiui transacted DrafU "i--l an. i ch<v|nei ca-thril at umial rates Atono\ always avil*l>l (or li-gitiinati; buiiine.o alary two <loor* north of Iticliavlmin A Go's. Dtt. SINCLAIR, M. D., M. A., L. C. 1', s. .)., M. Q P. S. M bTECIALISf TORONTO. Joiatluti: HuAcltart, LtHtnwell. s&ys : "Alter |Mrodinu ail TIIV r.i<mY *"'' property to no pur- i>.> on i. '.or wliat tluiv I.MM..- l .* :- nf i-unsuidptiun, Dr. Siuelair .ira<l me." Mm. Marv Furlong. \S ,xk<lhn-.i>0, aavs : i u.l otll.ii Uilnl. Or Sinclair curtxl ma f flta W Heft. in.:.!. l.nk. fll,l, say* :-"Dr. Sinclair c:irl UIH .if ratarrb." Oo. I'.i.-wnd. r.lvthu. : i)r Sinclair cure*! i...- ' l.oai t .liMi-ami aiul oropiiy. wliu all ollian fail.l." 1'iManw if in-: ' HUI nature lir.iuiilit on by lolly Dr. biuclair certainly curux. <'oii>ullatiun Free. DR. > \\I!.L l:E AT Hold, Flrsbrrton, ( >N - v. June *!4lh. .<<.; I'H'nl* i'-ilt lit r -i'/.'.i 'it /'i. 1 fiti "f /"< jirr 'ii"' fr A rr-'l'ntivii "'HI ' mm/'' mi i*-i./(".''i r'r 1 00 {MM or Mar. Vicinity Chips. limt the ta)<iiid. n of the Past H>-k (urrlullv Culled for III.- uriouv (Viunty rouneil ui'-eti in Owen Sound next week. ChekliMr lias a Burbcv who is also a [Ihotogtmpbw. <;.H! "mi for wile very cheap apply .. i; V Mitoliell. Flfslii-rton. Meiu>ni. K. & -1 M.-< irutlu-r hav pur- chased a lim- (ii-ade bull. Seo ailvertwe- UK-ill i-'xi"A IILTO. We acknowledge with tlianks the r.- t--i|'t '>t a'- f.>r the Dominion I 1 .. ulrhi.Kion in Meaf iril Cri---iit"i-< x:i'i paint. TI khnnhl .i"tf the t.lvn t.-.-iiK-n', '"'iViniers NVnntiil' in "in .u'.VL-rt!:ii.' - < luinns. Mr. S. IVi.lar. jr., took p. <.<*!. >n KM Monday "i tin- ini'chi'r hiiHini.,N which lias l'>-n for nin liinu ]'t run bv Messt I' . Mitchell. The Riual^amfiuxl !>oiln-a "f Ky;il 'IVlllj.! us in. l ol Trillin-ran. hold a picim- t.' Kii::rnia tin* ^HiiirKtl.iy'i afternoon. Tin; ymiiu' pe.'iilv ' enjoy :i ; .ml time. Mr. It. IV.ilar w now in liU now yrwnini's. S|.|-.nile's block, wlMra In <>n hand ii -.'..i-d sclfdioii <>f '.jr. fn,iis. . . nt'i. -tinncry. Hum- ami fyf<5. Krud li: driMtiauiiii'iil ulni-whure an.l _'ivi> him a cull. \V.- .ved fr"in Mr. R MoC-il! ;i neatly |irinU-d and prufiisvly illii.tti-ati-fl KH.|I .-Mltii-d "SlllllllKT T'llllS .'II tlw t'.tniwlmti I'.-witi.'." The innn would be li;uil iii.l. i-ii t<> ''Irnie wliiveould not dis- c<iver in it a *nitab!o place to attend a unuiK-r x .i.-it r M .- .. pliees in Fleah.T tun M'le c-!ie.l on Thuraday aftcnnxm .1 o.ujili; of h<m> in n-H|>ect U> |iri-uiior. Mr. Richwdaon'l '< ciit AH* liiii*oiiirlv iliH|l in and tliu(s were rnised half inut. It it r.tiiji'utiircd that a R|>ucilic may yet )M> found f> r u\ory ill tlu.t Mi-sli iahuir to. However this may V>e, cortitiuly the hent flneciKc yet found f<tr dieiue nf the blond i* Ayer'a S:irsa|>:irill^ and inmt diieaseii rivinatc iroin inipuiu blood. Tin- :intvi:il picnic in connection with K'.iuoniii I'ni'.n Sumiiiy Si-linol, will he In-Ill ;i> Kui.'".ii on tlm aftennion f Tlmrnday the -'nil In tlm i-v.-nin.' an viitert-iiiiiiienl will be ^ivcn in the Orange Dull at t-i.'lit o'i.-|ouk<ci>liMstni'4 "' " limitations. oi;ilo : -ncs etc., admission L'.' tti. a i-'ii|i!> or l.'i uU.Kiniflu. I. B. Ln*us.harrisl<*r. Harktlalc. has $lll.iK/0 jii-ivivte funds t.. li-nd in fa'in ni"rtL':i"'-.i i'lii t.liu lu-xt. fuw nuintlia at lowest ciirriit rates. No c.*nniis<i- iuiis, I'" ili-l.-n>. . \[.i-ni-s low. Apply nt dice in Markdalo iliirinu the wee-It or at Duudulk oth.- on Saliinl.ix t. Mr. <!rain..r<*T. who is at prevent en- .'a';ed mi his i I'titmot between hero and the itatioii, drove too i, ( the d(fo nf an oinU-inkiDfiit, the unn".-.|in-noo of which was 'Jiat. tlio horse and cart took a tumble. The horse was considerably in- jured. "Sly fa'hi-r, at ahoii* the !\?e nf fifty, lust all tin' luii from thu top of his licad. After ojn- month'.* trial of Aycr'i Hair M>;or. tin' Imir t",';n, coining, and, in 'hree moutlis, lii> ha 1 a tine growth of hair of tin- natural color."-- P. J. Cullen, Siiratoija Sprinits. X. \. Mr. C.-o. Keefer ha^a HIIIH'I! |>lum or- cliaril iirroiimlin^ Ins renid.ince. which ' loaded ry heavily with fruit. In fact we ha"e nerer seen any laf.'e mini- l-r "f trees together l":i'.led so e\tn- sirely and uniiormly. Mr. Keefur haa reaMui tn he proud of hia property, an fruit will, in all likelihood, Wniij a good piii-e thi season. A- p-r' n narty will h 1ii>)d at dhe H-'H'or-l K' lil public school' fr. MIII. In on Vndajr evoiinv, June thr .fch. A of .-htli will be r.-nden-il, c<un>iHtiiii! dumb bell exercises, music by the Markdule String Itaiid, uanu-8, etc. etc. Tea will be served frmn Ii to 8 o'clock. Admia- sion 15 eta. Conm alontf and enjuy your The June number of tin- excellent publication, "Wives and l>:iu-_;iiteis, ' lor w.-mi'ii proves a pleasant surprise to its tlionand of readers. Its eonteiits are miusuaily interesting, and it now appears in neat sixtevii-pn^tt form. The sub- scription puce is only .~>O per annuiii. It is ii.. -hided without extra charge, only with that popular "L)oublc Weekly,' 1 the i strrn Adri)rt4ser.wliiL-li is issued twice a week al the liberal rale of gl for each ight months. Sample of e.icb paper free by addressing Aatlerliser 1'rintiiii; Co., London. ( Int. A regular bani-storming arrangement of an ( lu-le Tom's Cbm company posited through Flesliertoii in theci-ol of Tuesday moriiiiej. They shnwcd at Maxwell tin? itln-r day (see correspondence) and it in presumed their next stopping plan- would be Vamli-li'iir ,-i.s tlu-y went in that di- H Only plan's like those nainnU are healthy for tin; perpetrators of such out- rages upon the Baal n^s of a long sutler- in; pe- 'pi", and juJgmg by our Maxwell ei-ircKpoinletit it was not any too healthy for them there. Although Flesherton generally has a number of visitors during tin* sum- in. -i -.e'asoK its lieanties as a suiiuiier re- sort an; Kot appreciated to the extent that tliy are worthy of. Its altitude eatues the atinoupbere to be generally i-ool ; its pn:hin.-w|iieness makes it pleaa- nigt:i tin <>!-. ami tin- t reetl mi I'roin city turmoil and racking noise* iniikes it des- irable as a place to escape from such brain worry 1 11'.:*. Added to tin-so are its plea- sant and affable citi/.ens, itg Hsliinij, shooting, and dr.ving pleasures. KN-Mi- erion shine* in all these attributes C. me ainoiii; n.s y pleasure seekurs, and see tor \'HirelvB. The Advance ileli^tits to nute tlte i.l van. emeiit of i-lil friwnls. .Mr. W. I*. .'i. ..f ToronUs ho at one time lived with his parents at K.III ! -I).-V. in i was known ai the White -Headed Knli-k- i.--r. and who won' to th* same sell". 1 in which v.- i-ifltor wreetied with tin- I'ln-li. lias iH-en president of Toronto typographical I'linui for t'v past two LMl \veek In- was plac-ud in the ni-ly honorabic position of [ den; .f tin- biu-riuitional Typographical I in. .n. will. -li met .it r.ontoii. Thin posiln o t .. i be proinl "i. ami if we nnxtitkc m>t it istlie lirst install.. in whii-h a I 'an. i'i. in ban thus lieen li.>n<>i-ed. I'a.iily '.nown in later y.-ar^will v .wept tins toast in the s;nnt in whl.-h 11 li '.'in-ll. II. -re s to you ^ale. Houw and lot fur iai in 'In- \illa Kkllel t 111. ' IIS I I - Sm.ill n>uoli-ca-<t hi'iise -n pi.-nusi-s, also i . -r-llo* ilr^ well. ,lll>t tin- pn-J - i-rl.v for a n-iiien tanner to invest in. Kof i.:-rtii:tila:s n.i to piii-e an.l terms apply at To' \ilvn!,. .- . Mice. charge next Sabbath. He and bii family move hero this week. ( 'ongre^atinnii ire iin-reasiii-,' and the interest has deepened since the return of Rev. Pugsley. C. G. F. I. Picnic. Dills have been distributed announcing the annual Farmer* Institute picnic at Iw held on Wednesday, .lunu 24tli. (loud speukurs will IHJ piesent. Klesliertoii br:is band haa been enifaged. Those who lu-ard our band at last year's picnic will know what that moans it means that a pleasant tune and nd music is insured. There in a swin^ on the u rounds second to none in hevn .utilities. Kiiuberly people will treat their visitors well, and there will no doubt be a lame crowd present. The youii!! ladies will all make their youny men trot out the horse and buggy on that ilate. Irish 1 auc Picnic. Tin- annual picnic w ill be hel.l at Irish 'l.i.s year on Tlinrs'lay, .Iiim- ->. Markilalc- biass band ami Flesherion siring buntl and lii^hlnnil pip-.-is will be in attendance. A drawing will t;ike place on the unuiiids fora Toronto nmw- er. ISoala will be supplied for pleasure on the hike, ami oth"r amnsvii ' Father Maloney is a liti-lli r and makes things everlastingly Innn vlnn li- up u picnic. Ijutt year hi- furnished a da\ "I yreat plen-sure, .-not the ct. d should be much laruer this year. Personal. Mrs. McLean and son, nf Maxwell, are ihe guests of Mr. A. M (jihsnn. Mrs \V. K. Flesher and Miss (Jailey, who spent the winter with relatives in Parry Sound, returned home lost week. Mrs. E. Vanzant spent 'the past week with fiiends in Toronto. Mi- and Mrs. J. \V. Annstron-,,'. K.s.|.. spent Saturday. Sunday, and Monday with relatives in Toronto. Kev. Mr. Pucley, Baptist minister, has recovered from his late illness and returned to hia charye here. Mr. J. \V and Hiss Irwin of Heath- cote spent Sunday last with their brother here, Mr vY. Irwin, principal of the public school. Mr. Newton Hcndennn was the only d. legate from Fleslieiton to the funeral of Sir John M.icilonald at Kingston ., Mr. Benson, wlio ban been living in Manitoba lor tins past eleven or twelve years, is \ isitini; his son and other friends in A rtcL.csi.i. Mr. Benson does not speak very ent liusiastically of Manitoba. Mr Fi-e.1 Mwtfat. ..f Mottat * Sons, Markd.ile, was a culler it 'I'll. \dvnnee ill. "ii Monthly. Mi .Mo if at siiys the linn are now enr. loving twenty hands. Tile I '.- -l;l -to\ .'< l.-ad. Mr. Wes. A left vestenlay for I'.irkhiil to take c!;art!o ..f Mr. Russell's |.-w-li-v liusiness for .1 'hort time. .1 < .1 !.;is been seriously ill for some Imie. but we to know that he is now out of danger Man or Kra^t (Iain reliel ti-mn pain by thu use of t'laik'-t Li^btnin-.' l.ifimeiit. The s joints irmn sprain or founder are reln-M-.l ami eiiri-d at om-c by .t-. u-e. ' owner '.f a In.i . . -.-p a bo: tins _ . -ily in Ins . llc . i. <ii ..I (cuiiomy and humanity - -t this rt-mly n-l-< I. I'm-i- :i!y cenis iv ili-iii^i-sH. Clark I'lifinn ai I'o. .\ \ V'lk. Markdale District The following are the initiisturial ap- |M>intiiwints as continued by the (liielph eoiilepuiice, which einlcil Its lubms a' Iterlin on \Vnlnesday ..f 1-ist weuk : Markd.ile. Kolx-rt l>avy : Fleshei t..n. A. \V. To:i"e : Dnmlalk. 'to-,.. H. It, M \ , Ku-enia. F. II. Tliomp son, iiinb'i- Sii;,i-rintenileiice nt Flesher- tini ; Holland ('enlre, .lohn Pepper, K \ . \\.i>, -is 1 K. ills, one to be sent ; KiiplnasM, Tlioi. It. Kyilell : Melane- thon. T. Saii.b-rsoii. Itev. Mr. Holmes, of Owen Sound, wait appointed Presnl -nt of the conference, ami ll-v. John Scolt. M \ . Wit, phalli, Sscret:iry. Plants Stolon. 'I he tvaclurs and pupils of our public s.-lio, ; h.ive taken considerable painn to tix up Ulu .school ^roini'ls this .iprinu'. ami at gome expense have planted i nt (lower Injds ar.4 foliage jilants. Tbeo'lier tUy :i liuml>e- of bedding p'anU were stolen. A |.-uan( was oltered for the discoti-i\ of tin: Utief, and was inxtruniental in brineins the ifnilty party to bay. A youin; -ii'l was the culpit. Tins is not the lirst case of the kind, and it ia not likely this act will i>o unpunished aa the uthurs did. Church News. Rev. Mr. Wells, of Jarvia, will preach the anniversury sermon uf the Presbyterian church on Sunday. July 5th. An entertainment, will be ifiveil lu the chtuch on the Monday following. Mr. K. Keefer, who ia just entering the Mcthcdist ministry, will lie stati..neil during the coining year at DobbiiiL'ton. Co. I truce. Mr. Irwin, a local supply, occupied the Melhoilist pulpit on Sunday morning and Kov. Mr. Tontfe in the evenin<;. Uev. \V. }'ui{lv, J. K. Moore, Mrs. \\ in Richardson and Mias F. Moore u to Ki-t-dy titis week to attend Hnbtigt Annual Associational iiit-ftinifs. Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Wootlst-ick, has' accepted a citll t Klenln-i'..ii and Price- Tills Baptwt churches, anC will take You Owe it nr rii K it' v..ii have an offensive i II.MII t 'ainrrh. t-. ^'-t rid of it as .iv notliinx' "f yoin own personal n!tei--i As tli. i i.MMini :illoin.; ...-. iv-.l matter u thu public streets, so nlionl'l t!i. , .i.-ains: tainting and pullutltlg t ;m .itinos- phoro w lib some peoples bi-i-ath. 1'ur liaps ;ui the nalioii advancos wit'i even sanitiirv i;.pliaii.-e. It will lie. fo'jml nee .i>a. y to put. -|n ml ities o Clark s (,'at.:inli Cure to iv u t>i t!.i U would be a ist- stroke of public |iolii-v. for then the nation tinyht rise iijiaml .-ail ii* rulers blesi-il. S. Id by -li ! i :its. or sent, to any ,i lilft . Chemical Co. , Tomnio. New ^ ;k. SOOTHINQ, CLEANSING, HEALINQ. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure lmf.o&eibl. SPRING & SUMMER. In order to supply our increased busines, we have very laige supply of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. In Men's wear Fine seamless to heavy plow boots. Ill Ladies' wear Polish calf, kid, dougola and prmiulla. Children s in great variety. Nearly eill new floods and bust makers. Prices as low as reason will admit of. Custom work ami repairm;,' i sewed or pegged i prumptly attended to. (iood work and best material used at Any iiuantity ol o^s taken in exchange. CLAYTON'S, Flesherton. I I THE MARKETS rLESHEBTOH. CurrfullH <'n-<;t,,l Knrh Ht-rli Flour ^ $4) 45 to 585 Kail Wheat US u> u '.li Kprlni; Wheat 85 use Ilarliiy M Oat-. 40 4.1 POSH TO u 70 l(illti-r 13 U W Kiwi", fresh u 10 G .u I'-.tKt.u bus U 50 90 I'oi-k .'i m 5 uu Hm )n;r ton DIM .. "i S)iu|n.kiii< li ~a 1 uu U 3d (1C Turkurs 10 10 ' In. - i r pair .m Duuk* f<rr pr U ftl UO Wool 17 17 SOCIETIES. SUNK iiuj OK TIMl'V HAM-i: T.IIM H.M.rty -* in I>r Ctirii-fiif - Hall \- < \ \\ .-l'i'-^ 'inn,; tit i |* in. \ iMtuiK Ififiin i u invitod. IllMII Mil ^ R\K- OP . - r -ir < '..uii. i) in. . i - . v. i \ ' mn in >].o. ule slil< K-k .-i;rM> lilolithlv '. nrftilay nli. Strong Plants FOR- Gardens. nlllNlT. AIITHI II 1 Ol'iil. V. A I Ill'i, k. Klr-l ' .. u tbe full ui. i.,i.. \V .1. Helium., W M.U ', S|.roul Ayer's Hair Vigor IS the "Ideal" Ilair-drogsinK- It n>- , t'.n; rolor t.j|^j'halr ; promotes , and \igurons urowth ; pr> tin; formation 1 1 iT; moki-sthn ' iml Mlkm; aiiil .mpurts a ileli- rait: but lasting pt-r- fuiuo. Sovernl months 'nyn mv huir . "ii> i i-ii fallnu; out, ami .n a fi-w wi-ekt mi lii-ail VV.-IH almost ba'lil. I tried many . but thev iliil no coot I. I t'nial- ly Ix'inrhtnlioitle of AVI-I'H Hair Vi(jor, aii)l,ait-r USIIIK only a !>art of thticon- niy ln;a<l was i o\ i-r>-d with a In-. ivy growth of Imir. I reooniift'-ml your pi.-paration as tho Ijest in tn world." T.SIunday.Sli. iron (Jrov. -. K " I hav.i Ayer's ll.iir Vi k -or for a tminlxT of vi-urs, .iml i; haa al ways Biven -f;i.-iion. It is an uxrelluu: in-^, pr- -vi -nts tin, Imir from nirmii/ (rfiT, iu-iK'.-s its vigorous growth, ami koe'ps the s.-alp \\lnti; and c-U-uu." - Mar; A. Jarksuu, Salem, Mass. "I havi, used Av.r's Hair Vl(ror for pp.r;i, ting tlm f-rowtli ol tlm hair, ami thiuk it inn 1'iiilod. Kor reslorina tho : rolor. and for adp-ss-' in;;, it .1:1.1. bo inrpassed." Xn> Qao, La FBM-.', Ka:..'i I'apids, Mk-ll. . r s II. nr Vigor is a most nxcrl- lent BfeparBtlon lor the hair. I of it from my own experionee. Its m..< promotes tli.i giowili of new hair anil i ml s.oft. Tlm Vigor ia also a . u:" for dandruff." .T. W. Howen, L Inor " Einpiir.-.r," MrArtlnir, Ubio. "I have used Ayiir't 1 1 lir Vigor for tho post two years, and found it all it is r.-p'.. - i -ti .1 t'.i be. It restores thu natu- ral rolor to trrny hair, rause* the hair t^i grow frei iv, 'and ki'eps it soft and pliant. "-Mrs.' M. V. Hay. Cohoes, N. Y. " My father, at. about tho age of fifty, lost ail the hair from tin; topol hi.Hln-nd. After oim month's trial of Ayur's Hair Vigor :ln> hair began commg, and, in tbrne mouths, be ii.'J a line uruwih ol hair of tho natural color." P. J. Cullun, priugs, N. Y. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. KLKNUKHTUN, Co. QRCI. DIVISION CHI-UT CI.KltK. COMMISSION! It li: II. li.. <'.iiiv., Ah'etit lor |nircliat nil.) -aii. of>. \|.|.JIMI for (' i,. C. Coin -..-I I I* JI. i s S.M u;t \ Muut-> tu Loan tll.iM r.-l.- .iinl... !. l in- IhM FK or MAKK ! MCKNKKS. NOTAliV 1'fHLIC. \V; havo now un h.iii'l AH UIIDI nioiis -i' 'i of Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Tomato Plants Fur|irniK iilantiiif.'. Ili-ililltiK I'lnnU of iimuy Kluwor [...nits in nt'iiii.lnncti. Cut Flowers aud Bouquets Kor home ilM-iii-aiii>ii Our to< K of n>i> !- ii|ierb. For aii>tlni>K in tln> llurmt Una call at thu JAS- l'r|>i l.-lor Iyer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BT Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowed, Mast. Sold bjr DruggliM n<l PerfuoMra. Five Hun-!'. I Oollars \Vill bo KIVUII fm a -a.-.,- ui Catarrh whirh cannot b cureil |ii-riiiaiiently hy Clark's t'a'arih Cnr.-. Sto|. rii;ht n|) to tin. otli.-c ami prove your case ami net tin.' inwanl ! TboiiMAtnls liavo trie.) this n-iin-ily, but no olio has olaiinuil tho rcwatil bi-.aiisp it cures in evury case. If yon hare A coUl or are tronoh-il with catarrb ask your .IriiKtjist for C'lnrk's CatArrli Cm,., price "HI cents, an.l sue what a pli'.iixint relief it will be instantly. If yon ant asketl to tske soin, 'tiling Is,-, st'iid to us direct, an<i we will -i.-inl you a h<.ttle by mail mi rnceipt of price. Clark Chemical Toronto, New York. MONEY TO LOAN. Tlin iindi-rsiKiifd haa a large amntint of in..", y to lutii HI t; .. uu tuwu or farm property. S. DAMCUE, BELLAMY. .i. C'.uvvine*r, W. J. Twp. Clerk, Iinmntncti .. lessen, i-l<'., |ir'i'ar.-il an.l giropnly . \.."itnl. Insnrain-i" :itfi-i'ti-d in !>r-t i'lns cuuiDun . Money to lnd at lowe-nt rates. Vertical. DR. CARTER. bluck. M. C. I'. -V S , ' int. I'b'-siiMsu. i : i 1 1 1 .| i o i ' i . n ' . . Intel. DRS. 8PROULE & EGO Markdalc, i nt. Ollliv MhiilVi ,b i -...o. T. s. Si'ioiil... M. I'., Elo. A I. I'.l'.tc. Li.-- o! lottfiihatu. Out. I'i !.' mil In- lonii'l .it llit Mitrk'lale liuinn J. P. OTTEWELL, iiiarv Snr^ooii. ' . ' i'lnutif <.f ' ' ' V. t.-i .nut "'.'II' _,-. K 'i.i.-u -''itut until ol ..;..r <h i|i. Kluh Jcntiotnt. MARSHALL, J. P. l.. 1>. !-.. M ! :. VMts Mark .liiie tin; I-: MIL I :!fl \\>- lni'>Jny "f es-li luuiitli. I li-lit-rtun l-:.n -li iiip "U t lie day J. W. FROST, Convey. ,i fir|e--Ni-\l Hit' pott building, on ThurmLiJi. >..,in i otlii-e I ioni - I. inldin^. P. McCULLOUGH, -i M \i ii.-y to I...iin l!prri*U;r. Bi.liritor. Ktc. Kiiiliiinl sston-, Markilale. R. J. Sproule, POST MAS I'l-.Il, Fl. -bi'i-ioii,' .nun:- .i .n li. H \ . .. v, -\nn.-.-r, .\i'priu?iT sii.l M..IH-/ 1 H"al Kstuto ami lii^iirauo.u At>-iit. ! \|,,,t_ i Wills .Irswn uvan<-' ValnutiuiiH iini.b- mi ;lim'i-.-t iiiiti'-.-. Asc- t-ou Suli-s ii;t ( t.. in uiiy pniyoftle ( . ,iiitV M. n. y to I'-.'-n ai!.. ' ;jUii-l. cndt'il to itb lironiptiii's., :..fl .ii.-jut<-ii. (.'Inirjji's low. '.,rt lie l'omi'ii..n ^n-atnsliipt 'oiiil'nv. l'lii-ap tii-kfls from t'tawierton t" I.ivi-rpi ' I, iliuatiow. l.omlon or nnv of th Hrit>h oi.i. I'urties iiiti>n.liiiK ti. vi.-it Knj:laii.l, Soot'.iM|il nr Ireland, will pleane ask rutfsbe- fore pi reusing thtir tickets elsewliere. Stray Cattle. Sti avixl tr. in tlni |iri-iiiii- of "in- -Olilcri3n I. lut .Hi. ..I.. \it.-nioMii. it I Mn ,fi-i w ftii.l two I'liurtiil l;ifi . un. I "n,. r,..lBtel ltii - )).. i n llnlnnrt; riMl nil 1 wllit*-. InforMin-.. :.-.,. ir wlii'i-i-aliuutH will 1m tliankf'i. il,y I,. . I \VI1.1.1 AM- Hank 1' 4June.1!a Flesherton Livery Stables. Virst U O I ON. I' i-lftufi IM.IMI-M anil vAhlclim for hire t coiamn

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