Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1891, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS CANADIAN Very serious bush tires are raging ui Man- itoba. Three young men attached to the i rand Trunk shops at Stratford have been arrested for stealing registered letters. Mr. P. Imric, of Halifax, wishes th Dominion Government lo place an export duty of about $TiOOa ton on nickel to p> it being taken from Canada. The Montreal Par lei! Committee has for- warded a cheque tor over $1,000 to Mr. Par- Bell, as a result of tho collection at the re- ception recently given to the Parnellite dele- gates. The tax rate was finally fixed by Toaouto Council Monday evening at Itijf mills. Hon. Kdward Blake was on Monday elect- ed president of the Benchers of the Ontario Law Society. Tbe landing of the loyalists 1O8 years ago was celebrated in Si. John, N. B. Monday. William Murray, '.lie defaulting clerk of the Hamilton Water Works, was mi Mon day sentenced l.y Judge Sinclair to six months imprisonment in the Central Prison, Toronto. Mr. Harrison, armourer at the Royal Military College, Kingston, has sold the half right in a patent nut (or $20,000. The Dominion estimates, which were brought down Monday ask for an expendi- tureof $4'f, 157, 000, or five mill. 0111 lei* than last year. A man named LVrnche was , patent nut-lock tor railways Sugar pricet have again dropped in the United States. The general conference of 1892 of the Methodist Kpiscopal church will meet in Omaha. Ameer Ben Ali, the supposed Jack the Kipper in New York, has been held for the grand jury. William Worcester was released from goal iu Dover, N.H., on Wednesday mylit after six years' incarceration lor debt. It is reported that the United - 4 boau which are receiving free ban in Newfoundland aie selling their supplier lo French vesnelsal Si Pierre. The U. S. Treasury regulations relating to the withdrawal of the '-insular sf system from Canadian railway* are si pei '<-d to issue next week. Prof. W. .). Alexander has been expelled froiu the faculty of tlic State I'niversity of South Carolina in consequence of Ins l"n- tartan views. Secretary Blain-- i< snlTcring from gout, and will not bv an!" lo leave \. w York for Washington for sow days. Ths) employing carpenters of Mdw . decide- 1 to give no more employment to union men, and -J.IIO.I carpenters are locked out. At BiMitun, Ark., Tom Pa :-. a,'ed I'J. struck his in ither on the head v.itii a hoc, killing her instantly. Mrs. Page was at- tei ii.-.iiu to chastise the boy. The N*. N . //' ' i 't s;iys ex Astt'inolymau Cliaries A. Uender has fled from the city, leing short of trust funds to tbe extent of $'JO,<jOO. !>iss:pation and gambling an: jjivcii .:* the cause. icrs at New York ilhetto quarter ol I oi f u lo enquire into out: .iges on the Jews. .14UUUVJF arrested in Cornwall, charged with ited in the robbery of Klnck 1 ,., . wryeH T1|ey ,,,,.., lorall i,,^,.;,.,,, p the building of the Adirondack and Si. Lawrence rail,' i I. body fnim its grave. The Dominion Government proposes to give three years' grace to the Ci.igneoto Ship railway, which should have IK.-CII com- pleted under heavy penalties by July I, 1890. An epidemic of typhoid fever U reported at Kingston. It is rumored that Sir Henry lyler will 1 e in Canada next week. Sir Kdward K.nny died at Halifax on Saturday, aged ill years. P. Hcmond & Son, boot and shoe manufac' turers, Montreal, have assigned, with liabil- ities of $ltiO,000. F. X. St. Charles, a French Canodiui liv- ing in St. Charles, near Montreal, celebrated but week the one hundred and tenth anni- versary of his birthday. The reports regarding a pending sale of the Northern Pacific property in Manitoba to the Canadian Pacific are denied at the office of the Northern Pacific in New York. Arrangements were closed on Thursday by which the Bisley rifle team will sail from Montreal on the Sanaa on June 25th. Mrs. McLaren, a resident of London, Ont.. celebrated her 101st birthday anni- versary on Tuesday. The old lady is in good health. The Hamilton veterans who took part in the Fenian raid expedition held a me ting The So icitor of the I'M '.-.I S| atrll Trea- sury him decided tliat I > L id K. Miller, who W.v.1 IP., Ill 111 M-:.l lliee, \\'i., l)Ut who Iliiil lived 111 St. Jiihn. N'. l>. , during his infancy and for inuiiy . ;'t.-r he Uvcaine -if age, is not a citi/en ot tl.e l'nit,.i S;ates The Oregon Improvement Comp.uiy have miiioi-:e>l negr-ei to 'jike the place of tin- he has become a Home Ruler, and says he does not see danger from a military point of view in granting Home Rule to Ireland. IN liKVKHAU The Viceroy of India wires that the Sen- apulta of Manipur has been arrested. Swarms of young locusts arn appearing in Upper (Cgypt, and the roazie ami cotton crops are threatened. The Czarewitch has so far recovered from his wounds that he has been able to leave Japan for Via iivostock. F.x-Kmpreifs Kugenin has paid a visit to tin? t ih the outrages on Tin-re is a heavy fall of snow on Whit Sun. lay t :ir HI ;!i,nit central and s null-west- ern Germany. In many place* tlie snow was ,1 foot ' i. "['. Bulli .n to the amount of l,. r Hi0.lJOO has been sliii>|>ed by the Portuguese government to London to pay coup >n- > i I 'n nut-mi thu country's credit abroad. filis-tinnx ! ncen the Provin-m of Victoria, {few South Wales, and South V ' .1 1.1 in tiie direction of feder: 'ion have i 10 iiroduce ihe dmired result. llurim- tli- , mt i Jewish riots in Corfu 15 Jews were kllle 1 and '2.". .lied from pnva- . tion. It is rapt-red 'hiit the Czarewitch is lobe io.irri".! lo Princess Helen, daughter of I 1 ' nice of Montenegro. K ussia has secured control of a French rm factory, and hat ordered The cousin.- t.on of .;.IHI,IMXI new rifles. The s'ate of Secretary Ulaine s health s lively mt crest among British news- papers. v.utated by locusts. i wi-re drowned in the Kiver, R'is<m. on Frulay. Crowds of Jews are being expelled daily from Moscow. Kiiglin 1 and i'Y i i. c have sent gunboats to Corfu to pio.i-.-t t buir subject*. 1'lie C/.r .in i C/;iriiia hue telegraphed tlieir heartfelt tliank.i to Pi ine>- G -orge of Greece for saving the lite of their son. Tlie IScl^un Guveimiii-n: Inus th: <; itcncd rh. Mum p., MJ You have probably hoard the chief tacts by cable Renter gets moot uapleasontnes noised around the work! as soon as they happen but I will risk telling them again. The Government of India for some occult political reason l>eing a law unto itself, ths Kaj keepn its designs within iu own bosom, neither do the newspapers get a chance ot discussing them until they are practically in action wanted the person of the Sanapatti, or head of the M inipuri army a trouble- some parson, largely conrernc.l in the raid- ing. The Commissioner of Assam, there- fore, being his nearest influential British neighbor, went upon an expedition to Mani- pur, the chief city of the Manipuria, to ar- rest him. Mr. ijin-nlin took with him 475 (inurkoK, under Col. Skene, and a personal staff. Arriving at .Manipur the whole Brit- ish contingent marched to the residency where Mr. Grnnwoud, the Knglish resident, lived : and from there, so far as can be leared, attacked the palace enclosure. With i n t In- palace enclosure were 0,000 Manipuris, tin- xuiapatli, the Kajnli and four guns. The )iiinn were a pretent from the Govern- ment of India, by the way, in a moment of truBtlul encouragement of finer feelings in the M inipiiris. We have received practical ill -n . islnttion of the value of the gift. The Mampiiria, of course, returned tire, largely utilising these precious pieces of ammuni- tion, and the charge and repulae went on for .: hours. Finally, after serious losses, our iilc -minded the 'cease firing." The M . . in immediately did the same, and sboi t ly afterwards sent eat a Hag of truce .md .i-k.-il the chief commissioner and his p n iv >" .>me to the palace to a conference. went, Mr. Vuentm, Col. Skene, the resident, Mr. Grim wood and three others The palace gates were closed upon them and they were surrounded. All lhat we know ab- solute y now is that, refusing the Rajah's sole o: unconditional surrender, tjiey were uia-s,i red upon the spot, though there is a rtporl that high words passed between the res). it-iit and the Rajah, and that the thing was done in the heat of warfare- and not in cold lii'.o.l. However that may be, it was undoubtedly an id of the blackest treachery and sli.Hi"! open the eyes of the < tovcmmeut rather wilier to the savage instincts of the trilici. : .w.itd whom " moderate- meuures " YOUNG FOLK3. THE GOOD HOY PAUL. BY A DAD. t to expel I leu. lioulan "t-i tiom the country i are commended, with gifts of tine pieces of white niiueis at rranklm, Washington, unless In- : -.dent on political n. a' lers. mmlern aiuniiinition to snow our magnan- owing lo trouble wilh the whitsM, an<l Ihci-.- I ,,.,.. . n .i i, r ,.ervH thir lov-tli v Tin. rwvr> are prospects of i serious outbreak Durii:- a tierce storm in ' ill on T,,c,dav an Ital,,.,, barracks was blown !'; *',"" left u, the re.,dency, including do*,,, and six were 1, * m woo<1 ' e cm l w<1 aml w rem *' '' The I! /'n-iHii reports thai the Emir !ut ^ f o || of Dongola has given Ins contest ,o the n-oc- cupation of tint province by Kn^iaud. The inline r i epidemic is seriously m- .ng iu ;iie south of Russia. In KUSSMUI ]'. .md the disease has decimal ril the popu- lation of many villages. li H sid that Kinperor William's , boast that he alone is master mi-ennaiiy . '.en serious offence to the Grand Duke o: M.-.-li Ifn burg- -t relit/.. The A.i-itnan government has despatched A plank was fastened to the track on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'.ml railroad near Columbus ou Friday night and the i Minneapolis express was partially derailed. , The only damage was a delay of four hoiir<. Apiece of granite 'J5 feet wide, -Jo fe.-i thick, and 70 feet long boa been started i:t one blast in the (juincy, Mass., quarry. The Minneapolis mill combination, with a capital of J.'i.iNm.mxi, has been com;. and began operations on Tuesday. The Indians on the Okan.i, 1 in res., \,r_ioii, Wash., are in a slate of constemalion over the ravages of la grippe. More than 100 esca|ied o.u-el.tnt marches. The servants > WITS nf the commissioner'! party were allowed to go. The achievement, un- paralleled in late years, of capturing and Killing a chief commissioner and bis party *-. ned to have satisfied the ambition nf the tribe. In an engagement a '. later, in which Lieut. Grant, with ho Gnur- kas and two guns, won his spun by holding a small fort against 2,000 Manipuris, the "in. .[Mill was killed, and since that the Kajal, has written in apologetic terms to Lord Laudaxlowne disowning < imection with and olhe places. Notwithstanding re: number of dupes found v ^s, the in the " Austrian snhjcc'.s residing on the island. A |.a,n|j'ile' has .appeared in Berlin Sutes legation in London IN continually Au influential deputation of members pestered by applicant* asking iissistan e in " waited upon the Postmaster-General on Fri- establishing claims wiieh day to ask that the wage* of letter-carriers '. tion. be increased. Mr. Haggart said he would | Th , ..... , K : h |. give the matter early attention. no foumla- celebrated Se w York its seventy-fifth anniversary iu ... . ... _ The Dakotans who have settled in Mani ' on Wednes.lay. M.uiy clergymen were pre- toba have issued a card faying that they tind matters even better than tlic I ' agents represented, and expressing their complete satisfaction with their new home at Y'irktoii. At a meeting of fniniture manufaclurers he'd in Stratford on Tn.-sday. arrangements were nude to divide thu different cusses of manufacturing, each in imi.'acturei' to make a specialty of the work allotted by the com- mittee of manufacturers. Tlie Bank of Montreal statement, show sent, among them some from Great Hi i'. in and Canada. There was a service of song and prayer at the night's meeting. Addreues Were made by Rev. Ih*. Brooks, of Boston ; Rev. John Biirton, of Toronto, and others. liKKvT IIKiTUN. The news ofthe leith of Lord K.lwa .1 Cavendish had a very depressing elf'ect upon Mr. Gladstone, whose recovery is not as rapid as his friends would wish. This season K tiral consignment of Canadian cattle was put ou the market at Hirkenhead A large marching to K.ihima. a staliun n. .1. Manipur, upon t he bui-i.iuas of discipline. It is cimaidered most unlikely, however, that they will meet with the slightest re- sistance. Where a fortnight ago an excited aud fiinatical army of li.lNHJ men occupied a strong pomt iun <il defence, they will prob- ably rind a pi-.i--i.-ful city whom quondam warriors have dispersed each to his hut and his crops iind '.he recital of his valorous The annexation of the State of Manipur U a very likely result of the affair and Statoa have Injen annexed on slighter pretexts. Then more troops from England to keep ihe place, more collectors to gather ing the result of its b-iness for the year ' terd - wherc . llley b h , ended April 30, 1891, was .. ! rnday ^ ami created a decided sensation in tinane,., circles, as it exhibits a startling falling off JT in its profits. Au important seasion of the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario Friday discussed the question of the contagious cbaiactcr of ] ne y.;eneral. ipenuy a pound, ,n cumparcd with seven- ce, at which ligure the market opened t year. Ninety members of the llri'i-h l(>nise of Commons are now suffering from mil including Sir Richard Webster, the Attor- consumption, and dealt with the whole question of municipal sanitation, including The report of the Aliorigines Protection Society, to be read at, the meeting of that drainage, sewerage, public water works, organ, /Atiou in London on U eduesday ac 'Mr. Adam Brown, the Canadian High I c<u *! He ," r y M ' tnly i" vore ten, for ., ' cruelty to the natives of Afri.-a with whom Commissioner to the Jamaica Kxhibition > a . fc , gavo an address before the Montreal Boar<l I 'V ., of Trade on Friday in which he said that i the ""* Contlntut - (,'an.uU could tind a profitable market ui the I Sharp frosts and storms of sleet and snow West Indies for flour, cheese, butter, agri- I have occurred in England. cult-iral implements, musical instruments, Socialists made a demonstration against and seed potatoes. AMERICAN. The entire strawberry crop of Racine Co., Wis. , was ruined by last Friday night's frost. i Irani is withering and turning yellow in the district west of Williamsport, Pa. , ow- ing to lack of rain and forest fires. A despatch from Muskegon, Mich., says that losses by the forest tires in that district Henry M. Stanley at Sheffield, Eng. The Anglo- Portuguese African agreement grcssional party oi Ciuh. has been signed in London. Kdwiu Long, the Knglish artist, is dead from pneumonia, following la grippe. Many destitute Russian Jews are arriving in Kngmnd. The 1 inches* of Fife gave birth t3 a daughter on Sunday. The London T>nu* expects the Russian I That thu ing the Kniperor's absolutism, which is supposed to Iw from the pen of Prince Bis- in uck. The iiintery of the defeated strikeism Wetplialia is extreme. Over -JO, 01 JO who Tk in the Bochuin dis- trict have lieen 11- fused employment and t,brealened with expulsion from llieir homes. There are rumours of Republican upris i Portugal, and it is stated King Cliaries has announced to tbe I'.iincil of MmistTs his willingness to alxii' nt the tluone if they think ,t a<(visablc. The llr, lull Warship I'lnlamMed. undtr command of Lord Charles Beic-i :d. sue- ci-cilrd, after inii:nto toil, ill rcac.nng the French MI.UI.. P :U N "i^nelay, wli:cli W;I.H M at .JaMa, on tlie Me. in,-. ,i..-,ui, and was about to be .ii>.i.i i .ned. It is re;rted thai the Arnauts an- rising in Servia, and thut tin-y are uUluctnig and outraging Chrislntn girls, coniiiiit'in^ rob- < in- 1 tortures, and indulging in vurioun atroc:tic-. i Annnti K'lrnin -11 not has taken place in Woo II. .o, ( 'hina, where the natives atta.-k cd and inn ned the Catholic im<-i n and a number of I'liropean dwelling-houses. Ilis scim-ollicially announcnl at Home ill u no proposals have been made by eitiier side to refer to arbitration and diipuic ; between the L'nile.l ^-to .nd Italy result- ing from the N'cw < >rleans lynching. A collision occurred on Wednesday night 1 off Gibraltar, near the scene of tlie wreck .. ofthe I't" . Iwtween a British steamer tion that the Nova Scotia bshemien would and an Italian emigrant ve -el. Fortunately ' in ined if deprived of the privilege of no lives were lost, but the whips were so securing Newfoundland bait w.-ia mane by the New York Tribune the ground of a charge that Canada had been deceiving the United States with regard to the extent of her bait supply. That paper, therefore, will scarcely I* pleased to hear that the harlxiiir ' n. P. K. I., IMS lately been tilled with N'ova Scotia schooners pur- cli.ismu bait. A correspondent of t he Chnr- lottetown AVanii'mr says: " TbouaniU '- pifked uff by hue tlnonicle in The Knclislunan a shal- low grave where tbe soil istoftent, and room for another Sandhurst cadet. The Rajah will proliaidy not be hanged after all. II Lining princes has been an awkward bnni- .11 India siner N'miruiniir's time, lie wiH be brought to Calcutta and put com fortably away in a much finer house than he in i-il in before, wilh bea;il,ful stucco pillars and many Kuthrooris. He will IK: given all I,.- wiv. . uj-i an ii',.w .ince large enough to i unlimited " Snnpkin, ' and he will ilwut in a gorgeous vehicle with two knock-kuceil white horses through the fashionable haunts of Calcutta until he dies ot' unaccustomed luxury or at the hands of a enemy working arsenically through hia cook. V-wiouiid'nnll Thai Ball Qiif il.oi. Attorney -Ueneral Longley's recent asser- badly da:n.iged that they have to lie up for repairs. It isst i'ed France, the United States, mil liia/d will renew their ellorts to arbitrate betw* ' K.ilinaceda and the Con- and thousanils of barrels ",,f Hsh were in the of Georgetown harbour, and the from London during the next month or two. H. Sampson, proprietor of The Referee, the noted London sporting journal, died on Saturday from influen/A. Quu-rryiuen in conference on Saturday at will reach $500,000, and the insurance is .Government to withdraw $15.000,000 in $..',"> i.i MX >. Two hundred pc-ople are home- less, and steps are basng taken to secure re- lief. A movement is on foot among the Italians of Boston to present the city with a 110,000 statue of Christopher Columbus. The switchmen of the Chicago and North western railway in Chicago have decided to apply for reinstatement, A hailstorm h.-vs destroyed almost the en- tire wheat crop in the neighborhood of Salina, Kansas. The district of Terra Alta, West Virginia, has been devastated by forest tires, and a number of farm houses have been burned. Sam Rowe, a well known Brooklyn handi- capper, was robbed by a pickpocket of 92,000 in the betting ring at the race track at Louisville, on Monday. Nearly two acres of buildings were burned at Linsville, Pa., on Saturday. Crops in New Yotk state are retarded by wan 1 of laiu. Fi uu prospects are good. The gold exports from New York last week amesjnted tot7,83o,03o. Walter Clark, aged 13, has died in Belvi- i'rr. N. J., from excessive smoking of cigar- Ille IV. ..- ,, I I .IT., pc. In his recent -|i --. h ti-.-in the throne the Kinperor of Austria < -xpre.weil perfect confi- dence in the continuation of the general fishermen of thatTtown IKMII,: provided with peice of Kurope, an.l declared lhat that ! neU ^,-ured an immense hul. The v. -de couhdence was based up,,,, a,s,, r anoei j ve fam $1 to $1 .40 per barrel, and the r-ceived by him from all the Powers. nMMC , rmcn had no trouble or expense saving confidence really exists in the Kmperor's mind is evident from the long programme of reforms which the Govern- ment has introduce,!, including among other things a scheme for the compulsory insur- ance of houses against tire and for the resumption of specie payments iu conned ;,>n with Hungary. Tbe Kmperor e\prcssil xpeni-e to cast their neis into the water and 1 thuir boats. As much as ten barrels have been lakeu from one cast of an ordinary net. The men who were titteil out have made grand wages, from $10 to $!"> a day being only common luck. Ami the work uoea on yet, for not nearly all the Nova Scotia tl". t have been supplied, ami many Loudon, but it has also scrvsd t.. emphasise ' tbe fsulure of th. Canadian Atlantic mail , ->> '""* ff. Government. The New York V'rifauM continues to advo- cate tbe need of Congress giving a thorough overhauling to tbe whole qnestiou of foreign immigration. Though under the present law, as amended, certain classes ol objection looking with longing eyes at bait their com petitorsare taking almost free, while they would have to <(et out a license at a cost of $l.!W per ton before they could buy." Fes'tinaJo, Wales, decided to support "the *' "tislaction wilh the compromise o , o( thl . m wjll niake asecoml Irip. American inovi-ment for a working day of eight hours. two >>* "" . BnJ ] schooners are in the harbour, an.l they are The Prince of Walet is suflWing from the C.och* ,n Bohemia. Ih. latter hav, mus,'ular rheunmtism in the legs, which pre- j u ' < ' e * f. 1 "* 1 dem , an ' 1 f , or the reconstruction .entAim from standing for aT.y leng. h of of l . hc Bohemian kingdom and are g.ving evidence of their intention to conduct their I agitation with vigor and persistency ; they Tbe I, .MI Ion corporation has voted 3,000 ' promise to give no small perplexity to tbe for a banquet to Emperor William and 500 ' lor decorating thu streets on the occasion of his approaching visit to England. The early delivery in London of the mails carried from China and Japan by the Km press of India has attracted attention in service. At a meeting of the Fair Trade Club in London on Thursday night, Sir Charles Tupper advocated commercial union between Great Britain and her colonies. The yationtU Pnnt, published in Dublin, says since Lord Wolseley's arrival in Ireland ' even though aa Commander-in-chief of the military forces paupers, or It is reported that the cost of President Harrison's journey to tho West is |!B,iH!i, and that the President foots the bill himself. Mr. Harrison has done more than merely refuse to charge the cost of his journey to the nation ; he has declined to accept free train services from the railway companies over whose lilies he has travelled. it is constantly violated, and, besides, it i The defection ot the two Harringtons from permits many foreigner! to laud who are, to his rank) may be accepted ae conclusive all intents and purposes, quite as undesirable as those who are excluded. What is wanted, it is urged, is a law that will exclude all incomings aliens who, for any reason what- are, are not likely to make useful citizens, they may not be criminaJi, ssse persons. evidence that the game it about np with Mr. Parnell. The two members in question, it may be mentioned, poesess inhigh degree tho instinct of political self -preservation. One of them, Mr. Timothy Harrington, controlled the entire nukfhinery of the National League, which has now collapsed completely. Once upon a time there was a gcod littla boy. You may not Iwlieve it but it was so, and I have heard tell of a good little girl, but I have nothing to say about that. The little boy I mean was a good boy and no mis- take, and whenever there is such a thing aa a little Imy being good, or a good boy being lillle, then we should know all about him. This little boy was called Paul, and a very good name it is. You can't make nick -names out of it, nor shorten it like Ned or Bill, nor jam it round like Jack, nor put a head on it like Nanny, or make a fool of it like Peg or Dick. It's a first-rate name is Paul, Ufough I do say tha'. whtn our Paul was nicely dressed and clean and looked handsome, the bad boys shouted after him " Pretty Poll," as if he was a parrot with a green ulster on him, and tine day when he was bringing in a little kitten under his arm one naughty boy said to another, " Bill," he says, " you cant te'l me what is that there goue round the corner. ' Yes. I can, ' Bill says, "iu a Polly gone. " "No, it isnt't, it's a Polly Puss." But our Paul didn't heed these naughty boys and went on being good and every one hiked him especially his two brothers and two sisters He was the youngest of five, and when he was very little he cned ever so much and his rude brother Ned said he wal the little pig that cried all the way home. For Jack was the pig that went to market, \fd the pig that stopped at home. Peg the pig that got bread and batter, and Nan the pig that got none, and our good Paul wan the pig thut cried and he did cry all the way home and all the way out. Cried while he was out and while he was home again. He cried so much when he was little that every one knew he would be good when he irrew big. He was good, however, and tho other pigs I mean the other children, were as mail a* mad could be when his father and mother made so much over him. This was after he stopped crying, but every one re- membered all about it, and they all said they were just as good as he was when they were little, and, indeed if yo-i went to that, better. " We never cried like he did," they all said, the next minute they disputed about this and then fought aixrHit: and Paul only looked on as much as to say, " See what it is to be good. " One day you know everything happens one day or another one day they -vere all allowed to go out and play in the green park, where they had big tree* colled forests, aim n .. 'o talk of hears and lions, anil bad old cows, and good .. birds and all that. The pig that went to market led tbe party and all the others followed, Paul the good and Ned the naughty and Peg and Nan. The two boys anu two girls joined bands around wiin Paul in the middle, and they told him he hadn't cried for a long time and that they would like to hear him now, and they howled and yelled around him and said they would nx him now for crying when he got big. Then he got all tbe toys, one naid ; and all the nice candies, another said : and all the nice clothes, another said ; and was tucken everywhere, tbe other said. " I'll get the big ram to hit yon in the eye," said Nan anH off she went for the ram, and Paul cried of course. " I'll get the wolf to eat you up 1U little Red Riding Hood.'' said Peg and she set off on a run for the wolf. "I'll get the uososris," says Neil, " and hell take you up on his horn," and away lie went. " I'll get the big. big lion," says Jack, " and he'll gobble you in one mouthful, ' and he was gone for the lion. So Paul was left standing alone aiul he howled just as bail as if he was a baby aitnjn. His father wan two miles away in bis olbce drawing % bill and ho heard Paul's cry, and knew it of course ; every one in the town knew it, so he started up town to see what was the matter. The first turn he came to the old lam was icanm; ro md the corner making straight for the p irk and I sup- pose for Paul's eye. The next street the wolf made up for the park but kept his eye on the ram ; tho 'noccros galloped along after the wolf and the ln>u dashed after them all. The wolf gut hold of tlie ram and was tearing it to pieces, when the noseeros come up and made a meal of them bulb ami was looking around for Paul when the lion jumped on to his back and then there was such a row. The lion bit him and clawed him and whipt him wilh his mil and stood him on bis snoul and played with him and then eat him all up. By th - t mil- Paul's father came along and ho shook his stick at the lion and the big big lion trot- ted away into the foicsta/.i'.n. He couldn't eat another lute, and Paul the good ran to meet his papa and they laughed about it all the way home. But Jack and Nan and Ned ami Peg were scared out of then wits md were all covered up in Iwd when all this hap|>eiied in the park. The almost unprejedcnled success of the Newfoundland seal fishery this year consti- tutes one my of sniishme in the col- ony's gloomy skies. The value of the seals brought in is estimated by good judges at a million dollars, and they were tuken by nineteen sti-ameis and a for sailing vessels, cartying ."i.(KH) men, in six or seven week*. N'"l withstanding this great capture, more- over, the prices of oil uud skins have not gone down, this Uung due, no doubt, to the I comparative failure of the fisheries else- where. V icuiria, B. C. , has many grievances against its young rival Vancouver, l.m the l.iiist is. in some respects, the most distres- ing. It. is that in an " illustrated souvenir '' recently published by the Vanconvei i: the capital of tbe province ban been literally wiped off i he face of th- e.ii'ih. On the cover of the souvenir is a picture of the western hemisphere iu which Vancimver oc- cupies a prominent place, while, as the CotoHul soys, " Vancouver Island is hardly seen alongside of it, and Victoria is not there at all. A slight examination of the engrav- ing shows that Victoria was on the plate originally, it* name projecting considerably into the Pacific Ocean, but that it won by some envious and very small-minded person scratched out." We see no remedy, how- ever, for this wanton slight save the publi- cation of another map of America, with the name of Victoria extending nearly to .1 tpan, and a hole in the ground represented vt the spot where the city of Vancouver appear.

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