THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE OFFICK OF GEO. MITCHELL, PI.ESHERTON. V ceral bkokinx husiaeaa tranaacted Prafw iwu.1 and hn m* cubed at nenal ratea Mone\ always aTailable for legitimate busimua ""bfricatwo doon north at IUcliar<Un 4 Co'i. DR. SINCLAIR, M. D , M. A ., L. C. P, 8. O., M. C. P. 3. M. SPECIALIST TORONTO. Jonathan Baachart, Ustowcll, aay :-"After uprarlini? all rav money and property o no pur ,,,, o!rine.Ucal iaoii. for what tuny termed a ii'ipeleia caw ot connumption, Dr. Sinclair ' uredoM." Mm Marv Furlunn. Wjodhous*. *: When ilothrm failed. Dr. Sinclair cured me of Bu." \V MeDonuM. Lakflfteld. says :-"Dr Sinclair cured Die of catarrh." r.eo P.owe.l. rtlvtbe, aaye : -"Dr. Sinclair rored m*of heart diaeaan aiid dropsy, when all others failed." lnncauM cf prlTat* natal* brought on by tolly Dr Sinclair certainly cures Consultation In- DR. SINCLAIR WILL BE AT ni.i-.-li.iw-- Hotel, Flesherton. ON ion of the furniture and urrdertaking l>uiiias on June 1. Mr. Montv will tit up hii property at the Italian for a furn- iture and sash manufactory. Ha and his family will not part company with their Flemherton friends for a fime and everyone hopes it will be a 'tiiij time ere they do. Garden Party. A garden party will be held -m the spacious lawn nf Mr. Thus. Kells mi the afterno'ti of May 25. Fleaherton brass band wilt he in attendance. Proceeds in aid o( Meafoul Road Methodist church. A Narrow Escape. On Monday laata little 3-ysr old noil uf Mr. MoMiclten implement agent., had a ery narruvr escape from drowning in the weVl at the Boyna bri<Ij<e. The little fel- ow had, unknown to Iris mother, taken small pail and gun* to the sprint; f >r wntr. After some time his mother mused him and some instinct prompted er to run to th well, where she found he chdd head first in the water with bis eet sticking in the air. Hastily taking im out it was found that he waa still onscious. and restoratives anon brought im arvund. Wrtlnrsilay. June *4tb. />'.. . UICTS iiofiW HMimg lotalt vcill br charye.l at tht ratt of lOe pfr Iwr for nick tiut-rtion. A rvhtfium will be made on etmtwt* f*r /'O/itws or oter. Vicinity Chips. rrl'ull> 'ull?d for tfc furious S. Damude, E<.i . completed hi annual cat of Uve b.-lts no Saturday last. in Any quantity of fresh eicgi wanted ichanice for bK)t it Claytjna. The stores will be clo*d on Monday, J.'ith inst. , Queen's birthday. Our teachers are attending convention in Durham to-day aad to morrow. Messia. Wlutteii & Blair now have their forge iit rnuaiujl order, with Mr. Uuut'jall prwidmg at the anvil. V\V are ulad to welcome a communi- jtion iroin our old friend, Mr. J. R. Anderson of Muaomin. Mr. Anderson aUays has soaietain^ interestini; to say .ind says it in an interestuit! manner. A re-arrangement ha been msxW in .he mail carrying contract between thm illaire and the station, anu Mr. Cnissley is attain in full ixwsewion. He took over it> busiuena fn-m Mr Clayton on Friday M. Richardson, reeve of Artemesia, tuft yesterday (Wednesday) for Ottawa, U?re a deputation waits upon the oVRrnruent to-day to urge for a refund of the railway bounses. May success crown their efforts. Many of uur readers wijl be pleased to liear that the Kv. J. M. Sutherland ho u better known as Major Sutherland. haa recovered hu health, and is ai^sin en (aged in active Christian work in south urn MioUiiiiin. An usual, he is su.-cessful ui wiiiiniu' many souls fur Christ. Attention should be pa:d to the Mack knot on plum and cherry trees. At this season alt diseased trues should be des troyed in order that those not already affected u.-'j be saved. Any owner or occupant who allows any black knot tc remain on any plum or cherry tree saal be liable to a lire uf not less than fo nor more than 920. Ho- general spring jail delivery haa taken place at Owen Sound, and >>n Wednesday last old Joe Miller came btHimnt^ into town on his excur -ion tu apui.d the summer with friends cut Osprey way. Hu had wuiked ill tl. ivay without eating anytliing. One our benevolent citizens tilled his cavitj .ind Joe huatled along, over the hills towards the rising sun. \Ve on our inside pages thia week r.ti niter *uii,- illustrated article on the mastodon and mam moth, witb specia ii-terencu to the skeletons secured by Mr John Jelly, of Shelburne. Those who viewed the bones which Mr. Jolly ex lu'jited here two yeara ago will now be .ible from our illinitnition to learn exact!; what the animal looked like in life. See- Saw. First one end up and than the other Tht) ordinal a^reoment between Mr. J I'-. Moore and Mr. Lever for exchange o 1 i,.pertiea has at last beeu conpleted, th Capers having MOIMI signed on S.iturdv MI. Mr. Kl. M;N*a will take posieai Church News. Mr. U. Koefer occupied the Methodist ulpit on iyinday morning last. Special loyal services will be held next Sunday in the Methodist church, it be- the anniversary of the birth of " our irracious soverign. '' The sacremant of the Lord's aupper will b dupenvd. o. h Sablwth, the :iUi t., by the Rv. Mr. Hughes, of Max- well. Preparatory service will be held in Friday, the 2Dth inst., at '2. JO p. m. Bev. A. W. Tonge, of Flaaherton, ireached two very interesting and m- tructive sermons iu the Methodist church last Sabbath. Taking for his rninx text, 1st Cor, llth chap.. ird versa, and evening Acts, 20th chap, and 24th verse. [Orey Review. rusting in amno corner for want of prac* tice> and the young men are doing the same. Lacrosse i nowhere, and cricket s not faahionable. VV U believe the young men of this place have scarcely enough nibition to drink tea at a garden party, although this latter may be a slander.and we hope it is. If all sporU of the above nature are to be discarded this season, let us suggest that a bicycle club be formed. We understand that there ia T second tivid machine for iwle in town. Suppose a syndicate be formed to purchase it to use as a 'practice whfcel. Such a cours* would at least be enthusiastically greeted by our practising physicians, and would also create a little " divarnhun." For goodness aake let the young men L'"t up something to keep their muscles from rusting. Principal Grant will lecture in Owen Sound to-morrow f Friday) evening, on "Imperial Federation " A Pretty Immigrant. An immigrant of an extremely deair- tble class his lately made hi* appearance n Flenherton. He is a Baltimore oriole and his Latin name is Icterus Haiti morn. We heard his clear. flute-like ootea in the park f >r the tint time last week, aud spent a few minutes underneath the tree on which he sang, admiring his lovely plumage and wishing that he would impart to u- the secret as to where he intended building iis curious nest. It will he hitched on i<> the end of noine Maying branch, and will b* woven in the highest style of iriole art, safe from all harm, impervious to wet and enemie* of all kind* with the one exception of man. Since the ad- vent of the pugnacious sparrow many of our fineflt song birds are becoming scarce, the robin alone holding bis own. It is refreshing to receive a visit from Sir Oriole, and we willing grant him the freedom of our park for th entire sum- mer. This also appiits to Mrs. Icterus should she arrive. We have not seen her aa yet. Business Tactics. The fair, honest, upright bumueaa man is the one who makei a success of life, and leave* his unscrupulous rival in he rear It has been said that no businw man can do a strictly honest business and live. It has alao been said that an editor .uniot be a succesa if he tells the truth at all times. Both of which we believe are absolute falsehoods. Sometimes the b niiiesa man makes a mistake aud doas things which he is afterwards perhaps scrry for and suffers for, and in some caaea he commits such deeds so often that his business is crippled and be goes to the wali. Not long since we hid e.wion to order some groceries, ami tin- boy who purchased them was stopped on the street by another merchant, who de- manded information as to what he had and the price paid. Not receiving i sat- wfactory reply he snatched the bill of KooUa from the boy and perused its con tenta ti> his heart's content ! This is what we call t'.e height (of impertinence, and a business tactic of a very low or- der indeed. It was a most unscrupu- lous way of discovering th prices at which a business. rival sells his goods. ard we refer to it because we do not wish to hereafter be made the medium uf supplying such information, and we trust the individual interested will take the hint. The Hi-.- Savant* Tell us that Rhcumatiom is a blood dis- ease ; that it can be cured only by a rt-m edy which Works through the blood- And yet, if you have the darting pains of Kheumaliain in muscles or joints, try a lit'le of Clark's Lightning Liniment. It will go direct to the seat of pain and re lieve it at once. Theie ia no waiting weeks and months until the diseane cai be attacked through the blood. This seems to be contrary to scientific claims, but it ia true that Clark's Lightning Lin- iment will cure Rheumatism. Sold by druggists ; pricj fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. A.U Men young, old, or middle-aged, who dud them- selves nervous, wouk and exhausted, who ara broken down from excesses or over work, re- sulting in many of the following .symptoms. Mental depression, premature old agu, loss uf vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart emisnions. lack of energy, pain in the k ,1 neys. lieotltKlx*, pimples <>u the face or body itching or ueculiar sensation about the sero turn, wasting of the organs, dizziness, poki> before the eyes, twitching of the muscles eye lids and elsewhere, baskfulneMS, >! iu the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of tlia scalp and spine, weak and ilnbb muscles, desire to sleep, failure to u by sleep, constipation, dullness ol hearing Ion* .'f voice, .leiure for solitude, f..-ituui.iM of U'loper, sunken oyes surrounded with I.BADI* CIHCLI. oily looking ikm. etc.. are al symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. Th prin,' or vital force having lost iu fusion every function wanes in ronwqueno'. ['hone who through abuse aummilted in innuranc may be perm^.ic-ntly cured. Semi vnur H.) itrK for book n itM ilixeases pruuii..r ; man. Address M V LI liON, W K K.. Toronto. On. Hoils iei;t iff * .u> < Heart di^eiwe, trie vinptoms,,f .iu<-li >r faint nwlls. purple lips, nambnens. palpita lion, skip beats, hot dunlirs. ru>li of blooi to the head, dall pain in the lieurt with beats strung, rapid and rregulbr, th s< <-. >n>i heart beat ijuickcr tboo tbe tirst, ;iom about the breastbone. He., can positively be cured. No cure, no pav. Headm book. Addrers M. V.Lt BON,' jo Front Street East, Tor- onto, Ont. COHSUMFTIOH CDHED. .' n >ii( jh\ -i 1:1: >-r ir,-.| 'nun i'rfirtn'0. liav mtf hatl placeit in Ins llautls by an Kant In. tin missionary tbe formula of a Nimplc veK*'t>iblt< reineily for tliunpuvly ami | rinuui'iit cure of Consumption, liroui'lotiii. Cn'arrh, \Mthniit and all throat a>nd Lunt; .^tfuctii'iiH. &I o a j>i<siii.t- and radical cure for Nt>rv<m Debility ami all Nervous complaiute, after having teatnti itH wonderful curative |i<>wt*r* in HIOVMMldi ! ca*4W, ban felt it Ills duty to make it known to bia>ulTeriiiK(l)owi Acttmte.! b this mo'iv att'l a dealre to ruliuve binnaji Hutfi-nnu, I will eucl free of oharg*. V all wbo daaire M, this ro, .(..., in Oi-niiaii. Krun'h or Knicli h w(li f-i.l ,hr-rtioii!t preparing an<l it bv mail by atlilreMing with tamp. ua:n:nK tbia P|KT W. A. Norm, aJO Powers' Blok. Hoc he* ter. N V SPRING & SUMMBK, ^V T 1 -,*''> -i* JF ^>f . -' '^' - ^/ In order to supply our increased busines, we have a very large supply ot. Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. In Mi'ii's wear Fine seamless to heavy plow boots. la Ladies wear Polish calf, kid, doiigula and prunella. Children's in great variety. Nearly all uew goods and beat makers. Prices ;is low aa reason will admit of. Custom work and repainug i sewed or pegged) promptly attended to. Good work and best material used at. Any (plurality of eggs takcu in exchange. CLAYTON'S, Flesherton. I I THE MARKETS FLESHERTON. Citfffullit Corrected Knrh HVrfc Flour .. 95 'iJ lo 5 Kail Wbuat Sprini; Wheat Harley 55 Oat* *5 46 Peaa 70 70 u :.'> IS Egim. freah u 11 Oil s iiua W -i Pork . S OU S UU Hay per ton . ... 00 00 Hi. hit S IX) .1 UO 8bai>akins go l 90 OMM .. M C4B Turkeys 1O U) Chickens per pair HI 90 Ducks per pr 060 040 Wool . . u JU OH) iluUIMt l.ik.- M.t-.r Is the effect ( Claik's L'ljlitniinf Lini- iii-nt wl:!ii I<|<|KM( to a burn. It stops the pain instantly, and even in the wont cases the liealintt is rapid and thorough. T!HTW is no ut.hur preparation ei|u;il to it, in. i n >h<; States its line has become (ton- era! in the hospitals. Clark a Lurhtning Limmui.t stands alone as a Pain Allevia- tor. Sola by all b'rst-cUss druuuists ifty cents. Clark} Chemical ''.. T"n. rr", N'ew York. NOTICE tiat a Court >( Kt'visioa on 1 tin. Tnwnxlilp of <>prv !i>r 1 'laiiije H&i). II.' .1111. l-l Prlt.t III a. in Partiaa iDtar-Vt*d will 1,-ovvrii tlietr I'li OTT, Clerk of tiii MV if :wn THE GREAT COMPETITION 1 . THE CANADIAN AGRICULTUR- IST'S $5.000 WORD HUNT, closes May 39th. 1891, (15 days thereafter being allowed for ietteis to reach us from distant paints.) Tti fnllowinB m(rnill'''nt prize. ill '< t*" f lnH>n> n-iKliiiK in Ito r-lK, n.imlr >f wor jp..uL,:(Ui<. lutertixmutliMd hi UwMOWardSj aru*. ' The l.rn m . ^l - :.(x,<;t'i ....... ....... ** . .Tkkel iu r.alui.l nil locum . l.iidj.i:. . Sports. What about summer sports for this town 1 Athletics appear to he at a very low ebb juat now. Ti.e baaeball hnts are hiding themselves in sorrova and are at tacked with, ennui. The .ball <Uelf is i :. ..... T lutk Hantins (.'* i]-r Walb Jj"J Uo|rt4i!i-i Waicb KpriMollu .1 *4r.. h KMpnmol tl wch. 30U tirlir, '! $1 oath. maMini t"ll "f ** prira. Uie lue jf "hi< h will aavnyal* S6.IXW. Thia <irini<l Wnnl Minti roiuiwti- imi|ieTi U) .tTi-iyhiMly. evtirywhet.'. ^u*';, iMlnf i>'0,blin> Tin- wiirln mui .Ifrmn Ihr t.wo wiinln ' Dw AiiriiwJtOriaU nd 'iivul ' nuch ftt may hp fmintl in AVuhm-r I nnbrkljc.Hl I>n Mim ar* aiitl in titr body oILhe hook. i. > of Lbe ssfftoaMnM ', he n*e,L The wnnlfmunt he wriun in ink on Mir >i,)e of th papor -wily, "ml numhme.1 in nKMion, 1. .'. 3 and ao on tnSif cud "I >J> l<- '"' Ox ihuuilK I" iK-Wmn Ifc.winiwni TN-lml. "onUinhw the lar(*n number <X onto will he wr<ll rat pn. .u>d 10 n in Ui .>t<lr i.| mnt lUoh Uil. M it ia nwei.e.1 M UK niBro ol UM " ' 'anatlinn AirrKnilUin** ' will lie uiHul!"reil, uMlfMro ot innn- Ue .n. Uic lnp-.(, IwU lh' Hrnt loeiad will he. - lpni, f..n- Ui lieooflt <K fending in early will rwwlily ! SMII. 1 .. h tut iut IM acoumpanied liy fl rorlawtrtfeeamb- cni'Um u> Uw 'Canaduw ArKni!Uirit." One ixcaoo cn unil in one or more !wl. KO inlianyliv i acb Iii. wiin fl, fur whKh the |iiir will ! 'iil i auy adilraai ft* til moatba. The bel najitr in Canad*. It jt hy no means a new paprr. Nit h U-c-ii .^ulilnhrd u- hy . wanln <4 i'*n rem. untl fuJi vruwi in ton i i ui'ii ( tbe -..i^cnl'fr It contain* no ti.u.hy, o.l"i.'il fl'-Uo:i, l>ut ban mu^eiting orie of hmh daw 117 tb nir*l popular nuUiom of the .! It ia emi i>.lJ> Til a pauer tor Ui home oMt, SH *ljp a Tar Ul< i ripil au.l bml pl"n in UMI mjrKU Plm .<niip- ullun will nuio.lj i.limr n lh I>'| "oiil dale. Kn*t,ln. yim are IM/mJ |1 form inonljH uha. r,- Uon u< .or if the ln home papan m Canada, aixl M Uw name line run a |i-"d nhauoa ol wimuul a <aruable " WTn Tb ohXct ol U publiaher ol toe AarirulUirmt" in giving awaf tjieaa laffe alo in -Mh, m uxutrad Ui i m-ul*un -I Uie iiaoer. numher n< ateaU are mrnml ID "TJ Umlrt , Iu pa wiklx- "flareil n4iJire eenL u>in|) ra a> uiiliit>hln< ralea. A<ldr<, Tua \\iKicuin' k urr, No. 6 Company 3 1st BATTALION. 25 Recruits Wanted P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, j-r. Oilirr-. wvt-r NrFurland's Store >larUil:il-. lloiii-t to Loan. Cards. John W. Armatrottgy FLEDBBHTOK. Co. QBCT. niVIBION COCRT CI.i: UK, COMMISBIONk R R.. Conreyancar. Ac. .\KC-IU for ptireua> and sal* Of land. Apprannr f or C . I. ' Com ncl F P II 4 S Sooioty. Money to Linn on tbo nioht rvasonable tanaa. Un-tH or MAKUIAOK LICENSES. NOTABY 1'L'HI MON EY TO LOAN. Tha Undersigned, haa a Largo Ansouct of Money to Lio;*n at 6^o/, ON TOWN OR FAHJI PBOPEHTY 8. DAMU'DK. KL W. J. BELLAMY TWP. CLERK AitTBMKBIA. /.) ' .\- 7;/:. ,. , rjEEDS. MOHTQAGES.l.KA^rs. ** prepar ** el au>) pmpnrly excculvil. lutui uc affnc >) pmp d in nrnt-clauB o Wft ratfi compauiei. llouev 10 Imidm; l-.-i tl.u 1- mil, r ul ' . ' . ol tu: .'IK L-Uithi- '. uu i DR. TARTKR, M ''.I' ,:S..(>T. : .'IK L-Ui J. J i'li Thorcutrhbred Shorthorn BUI. PICKERING PRINCE. miii.ii uf Ni u >i! K ' pai'l i-.ur Joiin l<' It II. ;i- r. I i!. .-I S.'Ut. 4. 1NHH. hredby li.lin Kinwell. .!i- I '*. . i. H::i liinian, KluKiitjrtou. Out , ^<it bv Vide Consul (1m ii Ian, L'aisv Stur IT'.HI. I'. b I'roinl Uuki-'.ul. l.,i l lll.Kliira 1041, by Vanfoard 1188, I'u.-ii. , ; s.'^castle '17 b KobMilii'0,1 '01? Ho^aoi< l^.'-i. l>v Sultmi \ I Will , . 90k Snowdrop limpl 4'J7. "' v '<.'- torni "iiu- Dfiit.on, hv Toung mokinKhan n irm. I'* pavdnme|MHI,Df H. -i 'i . by UaobyilW). I4may4in Bull for Service. SIR;EO.\. *<-. IUUBKIOV. -traln'l>l .. . Ruesti's DBS. SPROULE & EGO MARKl'M.K ONT. Officr :-.Hanley's Hrujf Store. T.a .-PHOUI.E.M -,,VM p t , ;0 1 -. - . will be foi: ml at Markilale HOUM- al A wnll bnnl Durham hull. 3 vn&rs old, ml aiaii i 'in -"i ' "n i ,.| N. I IL' -i t lino nouth weet T Ji S. H . \rifineio k Termn i 1X1 JACOB A LEVKK, l'i,.|ii istor SI rons ri.uits FOR Summer Gardens. J. P. OTT E WELL, VKTKRIN AKV .flRG^O.V. Kite of Ontario Vut. C'lllege, - FLBSHERXON. Jcatistrsj. Ml US II HI, L. . S.. . U -4.. DEKTIST, Vmits Maiktiale 'ho ' : and .Iri! \\ <ines- il.-. - of each month. Flesherton each trip on the day foilowini: -). W. Kurrmtcr, Solicitor, CHrrnitin< > \Vi* now on tit.ii>! an enoi IDOHH ntock of Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, and Tomato Plants Kcirnpriu^ clji-it MJ- '. .i.I'Vi. 1 plants of niauy Kiniifi. Klowui piui.ts iu iltiin.lMicn. Cut Flowers aud Bouquets Far hoin- ,t.'Orat n I'M' wtrrk of rowes ia Fur H.I\ tloni: in tlie Uont H hue call at th* VKRTO^ OFFICK. NMT Porr - KOHl.l. X Kv.Llllli!, o! 'l'Ht"t>l!AM<. il\\ N 'Oi M) 011 :)', l'HO.T-1 Hi r: SOCIETIES. SONS OF TKMPK.BANCE ML. , _ meutainl'i <'lu n-ti a Mn |..^,-i\ \v,|mi i lay VXIIIIIIK l I'm \ i-.'un; i-<-u,. . n 1 1: r., ,i Iiiftirauce in oouii(H:tiiui R(H \l. TKMrl.AUS ' - ' 'I: \ Mi Honuliir Couiu-il me.e^oer, I-,-.'K^ ,<\ti .-it; in HpioiileV block al H pin -.-i,., t ilem,. IIIMI; arii'i'* mt'rts inoitlhlv. klie Huunu)a> preceding (he ?Jnd of uacb inoni n URIVCK \RTHI:R LODUB NP rt-i. \ F j. \\S V?( >l l- > i"^J'"T* l * M., meet in tho Mammc Hall Htrarn ? JrjEiV'rVV/C l> lili>ck. Kleli..rton. every Fri.'n. ..n -rhcfiireth. ., . , . . full m.xii,. W ,I.Bl!aiuyi, W M K J S|ir<,.- . rtusrir i < r .t.,