THE WEEK'S NEWS afjMsk La grippe ie raging in New Brunswick The gross earnings of the Canadian I railway for the month of March were 91, OI-J.";*, giving a net profit of Sl''7,>40, as against MH-J, 770 m March, ivi The clergy of Montreal, Imth Pioleit.ur and Kinii.iii Catholic, arc moving again* Sunday amusement*. Mrs. Kli/a Judson bod just dii-d in Brock ville, agi-d 95. Many settler* are removing from South Dakota into Manitoba. Archbishop Fabre, of Montreal, bos issued a pastoral letter, in winch he urges a close c-Wrvance of the Sablmth, and point* out the various ways in which the holy day is at present desecrated in the city. The camp for No. 1 military district w ill this year \<r held at St. Thomas. The civic assessment of Brandon now amounts to over two and a half million do) him. The Perth town council have sold $4,000 worth of Tay canal debentures to Hanson Bros., of Montreal, for the sum of $4,OS4. The Canadian ( 'uMoms authorities have em .1 near (Quebec a ijuantity of smuggled liquors valued atf.1,<i<> Notwithstainliiig the McKinlcy bill tin exports of the Dominion for the past nine months show an mciease of over half a mil- lion dollar* Instructions have l-e.-n M nt to Halifax by thr IX, minion (iovcrnincnl to issue license.* to American fishing xeiseU. Thieves burglari/ed John Shanahau's saloon in Kingston on Friday night and stole J-'".<i in cash and cheques on the B. N. A. Bank foi $.V.<. One hundred thousand wlnt<-tish fry win- dep<>Mt< .1 ,n the lake, i ear Hamilton, on Friday by Mr. \\ illi.un Parker, of the Sandwich lish hatchery. The Dominion lioverinnent, il is said, has decided to pass legislation providing for the more i ignl i,.-|, . i ion of cattle shipped lioin Montreal to British ports. IMTH. -I | Judge <!regg, of Cincinnati, has lined baseball players $2 each for playing a game on Sunday. A New Orleans despatch state* that ll.' Supreme Couil ban decided the lot:. TV , a-' in favour of the Lottery ompany. ground was broken at Riverside Park, X. w York, Monday lor the inonniiient t,. be erected at the tomb of ( ieneral (irant. There wore many present and th. monies w ere elaborate. The old |,,g cabin III St. l.oms COUIltS, Mo., which (.en. Crant erected with lii own hands , ut of ,t and licwn l>\ If, is to be ic'n,.v. d to Chicago :i- on'. of tlie alt ructions of il.e World's Fair. :. tin I'lnted s District A'.torn. \ and tlie grand jury hivn tun-h.-d to. iiivettigatinji* into the lynching of tie Italians at New Orleans on March 14th. Their reports have not yet been made | Mr. J. \\.Cr.ijiloii, fonnerly of t!,. r v i.avy, claims to haxe d, n, proiM-lling I'M by means ol which dynam c " ' projected Ironi gun-, with ptife. safety ami trifling expense. Tw-i M. 111. 'in fldels hive li.-ell liriX'-n '.I of Lin. .!,. . r -,,ij , \\- v.i., |,y I,,,!,.,,,.,,,. citi/e. . M rvmi. -y is likely to be nominated f.u :ioi hy th.- Ohio It. publican Conxen tii. n on Js;m |ii. The A Ohio Railroad 1,1' voluntarily granted all of t|,,. 111-- s\ nil-man n \vagis 'Ihe -t l.o:i. Pi i -l.U'"\ I si v..i.-.l |,. ,. .. ,, lal.i--. tou|.j ireni if women at deaconesiea. After 10 weeks' idleness work was r. "I ' '' I '1 r Tliotii|)-,n Steel Works lit PUtabWf, 'lueiid'iv. with J.liO'l men m It is mm reported in Philadelphia that the failure of the Keystone bank was due t, m, fortunate speculations by the late i di nt of the institution. Rir.iri Hirh. Ii h.m boi'.'ht u large tr , lund IM-.U- Rl.lg.wav, |' a . which he wil colom/c Russian Jews to ci - - ~- - *. i iillixal* Bnijar beats. "' im.' . ' I. , ft Co , ,,f Haverbill, M.,, ,, ., yearly $500,000 botUMM, have shut down because of labour agitation and dull trade. 1 1 is reported that American sugar is Iwing imvmJ.d ... ns. the In,.- into thu Kastern Tewnanipsj, where it it, In-ing sold four cents a pound . he.i|,.-r than Canadian sugar. (.oveti.'.r IfiilliAs.ign.-d ilu- l.ill ,,i!,,, ; . WBf the Niagara Fall* Power Company to .ncrease us capital nio, k, n ,t t.tex. .,-,;!- |M. (KKI.IKilt, an | amending the .u-ls gixing it power to condemn land, . i Tie Michigan A Canada Tunnel tampan v bm bre.n organise,! t,, con.iiuet a tunnel under Uie I M roil Wimlior. liner at lien, , n .n..| A woman lisa been murdered and tbe I... Iv mutilated in New York. The crime i< , v su-tly similar to those committed MThltMhsjyal district of London in tin A Mount Pleasant, Pa., despatch say, the foreigners at the Standard work" ai drilling v.ry ni-ht, and trouble i feared there when tLc ovi-tioni take place next week. 'K. I-' Mutual Benefit Societies in MfrMftrict afcout Summer, III., have lieen W>lr>>ngmwing", and have resolved to accept i,. i le than |l. as per bushel for thair K-KMt ,-rop of 1891. 4 -.leivi'i has len appointed for the I! ill im. .re and Kaslern Shore railway. The r o-l is mid to l. in-"!Mnl. It has a inoil gKK'.i debt .,( JI,liO,(IOH a,,,l a floating debt . I. ;<id.-|,l.u r, . . I.,,,,,, fort,,,, , ity <ui/yi mm of being ihe laigmt naoufao- aria mire in tft Uoiud dtoU*. In Iss9 -Nc. /..r* :,.,! hy irxi,000,000 ; now Phil.. .Islpl.m |. a -U by $5W,UOO,000. Ix>u i./. i 'oli>nian, the insane eon of a v. II i near Hteulwnville, Ohio, shot his n, oilier ami sinter and the hired man, be- cm to so tlioneht Ihe shooting would n .luce i ivr .' -' <f. Tlio maniac is in .-us- !<* t. Tnlnmgi-'i new talwrnacle in kilt. '* in .'iiei 1 <.ii Sunday with thno it .". n.g i n iu..,it.-. The c-Jilici Mali."., MM) person" and cost f46O,(lOO. The oollections dining the dax iiinoiinted to nearly $. r >0,000, and a debt of >UO,000 remain*. A cut in the freight rate from New Yoik to St. I'.i'il has tieen made by the Canadian Pa. ill.- in conjunction with the West Shoi,- road, which is leased by tin- X. vi ^ oik 'V'ltral. A rate war is likely to result. The striking switchmen al Trinidal, Col., have complete, v ' "I u|> the K..rt Worth road. Not a freight car has I" en moved for .'I ii -,'ii sand I he en il milieu <-f ^opi ies, Fobcs, Vi'toi, and Knglt-v die have !H-< n coni|M-lle.| to Misi'i-nd. tin owing .'{,IJ<lO min.-i s out of employment. Xew York city had ISO deaths for ihe _'4 hours up lo Saturday noon, and 1,20$ for Ihe previous week. Of Saturdays deaths 17 were from la grippe. \\li.uton Kii'-me, the teller of the com- monwealth Xational Bank of Philadelphia, who defaulted to the extent of >'<,. l. - (o m February last, has In-en arrested at Havana. ( Jen. BriMiks, conimandiT of the Depart- ment ol the PUtte, reports that the Indi- ans me rapidly enlisting in the cavalry service. Troop L, Cth Cavalry, haa been organised complete with Bride Sioux, in- cluding the most warlike of the ghost danc- ers. The case of the schooner Suy ward, involv- ing the question of the jurisdiction of the l'intc'1 States over the fteal fisheries in _ S-a, which was set for hearing in tl.e I inieil Stales Supremo Court on Mon- lay, has been postponed until O, tober 19th. A despatch to the N. V. II- mlil from I 'ort an- Prince, says it ie believed the H.iyttan g.,vj nim.nt has refused to leaae to h. rnite.l States the coaling station at Mole S;. .Nicholas, negotiations for which niv e ln-cii in progress for some time i.KKxT IIKITAIN. The poll taken at tbe meeting of the irand 'Irunk Conipany m London on Tues- lay resulted in the re-election of the retir- ng directors by a vote of 4 7, '-''" to 'JO,7U9, wthout the proxies held by the directors teing used. The weavers strike at Bradford, Kng , las been Milled, and the weavers all return d to work on Monday. Mr. liladstone has denied the statement t Mr. Parnell made at Clonmel to the effect that the former had approved of the ''Ian of Campaign for party purpose. The grippe is continuing its ravages in 'ngl.ind, and in Yorkshire and ',in. olnslnre he seventy of the epidemic is creating larm. Lord Knuuford's, Newfoundland, Coer- ion bill passed the second rea ling in the louse of Lords withoul a division. It was taUrdthat. the meoxure would not i called or a second rending in the ( 'ominous until lie week i.t May 1.1th, which would give time for consideration. I. .id Kandolph Churchill left I/oinlon for -..ntli Africa on Friday. The British steamer Thargis, iKinnd for s t Nauire, has foundered off the Li/ard. I IT crew were s.i A lar^e niiinlrof the memt.eis of t!,e ritish H'.'.KC of Commons are victims of utluenza. Al the. federation meeting in Dublin I'nnolliy Hcaly Blaled that he had writ 1.11 ).. i-.-lies and given interviews for Pain- II A lady win died in l.lasgow has be' I 'ti-.itb -'I .".i.'i.Oii tot ,en. Booth far the Sal- it:..!, Army The annual pri/e meeting <,f ll.,- Nntional lille Asjeocialion of F.ngland at Bitley will -iM-n on .Inly Ktih. The l/eeds (Kng. ) millers have again raised of Hour, making a raise ag sin.e 1'el.ruary last. In in i article in The I 'm 1 ' d *-.. Ma^a ' Lord \Volseley aays that I..- highly i|,|.ici i.,!.-s the late ( .'en. \V. T. S.iiniaiias i ami us a nol.lni, and the niii -I, i inian will always I jonore I nlnnvi I nglish langn.i."- i {.oken. The Mi (.Will) iti im -inbers culcnlstv that Hi r the next in ..<! . i. lions the t length if the Ills!, .i stiind. Mel '.irlbyites "_', I'lirnellilcs II, I'nionitls '.'.'. A . al'l.' desp..ii h from London males that lie I'ortugi'.eM! < ink, -i ii im lit liaxe yielded to I..- tlire*t i.f Ixtrd Salisbury to resort to . e to compel tlicm to leipeut the r treaty .bligatioim, ai.d haxe con-eiiteil to ui" fiee manage of tin- I'uu.ue river. Mr. (MUI l.en, l ha,," llor of the Imperial Kcbeij>ier, deliven-d li i Innlcet SJM-I . h I bumilay aflernooii Me estimates the surplus at nearly two million pound*, wind will be aUorbrd by establishing the scheme >f free educaiiun to come into ojM-ratntn next A special cat.!- .!< <|.utch slates that satis- 'ac.toryarrai.ji n m an- l.'-ing made l.v the English Covfinment with the i.l,j.,t of gel- ng the Newlonndlai.d dclrgatri ton. . in to a compromise, or tlie 1'isnof the contiini nice of tlie present /. year. IS l.KNI.HAI.. Vn toria has left lirassr, Int.ueward nnd. Jews are U-mg driven in herd* from u\v and Kirll. note issue in Spain, the ffattoaitl Imparriale i, ied ic is that such a step will result in a forced paper currency. The French I MIX eminent has issued a de- cree providing that in future engineers and stokers on the French railroads must not lie actively employed for more than twelve hours per day, An imperial decree ling racing on , Sunday has been promulgated in I'crinany. The St. Petersburg \urnxti says il is certain Lord Salisbury has concluded a treaty of alliance with Italy. (irip is spreading in South Kussia. One hundred and fifty deaths are reported. The Spanish Minister of Finance haa an- nounced a deficit of nearly nineteen million pesetas. The Russian government has ordered stricUr pi i-cautions to protect the seal rook- eries in livhring sea. Advices from Havana say there is a great decrease in sugar production, owing to the severe and prolonged drought. At Iijui'ine, Chili, recently $-20 waa paid for a can of preserved milk, and beef sold at $ 10 a pound. Several Vienna newspaperx suggest the establishment of a Kuropean Xollverein as a logi ! answer to the McKiuley bill of the ' States. It is stated in Koine that a Frenchman | has extorted from Km|H-ror Menelek a treaty of commerce and friendship between r ranee and Abyasinia. H' .ivy rains have canted destructive floods in Peru. Many lives have been lost. An e\]n-ililion to punish tin- rebels of Pur- M n. n -. riatNT IT nx.f 1 Wire fnblr Thnl fnrrlrd Irua Kn*krl Mam Women ri-<T In the Historical Society's rooms in the ' I . .. . . I. ...ll:. . |,...|-.|_ _. _.!_ _ . : . TIT-BITS. The Parable of the Baptist. I>r. I.yinan Abbott, who has succeeded Betcher in Plymouth Church, writes Eli Perkins, is a strong believer in the doctrine Library building Uutfalo, stands an iron that baptism means sprinkling and not im- basket f latticed uud riveted iron strips, mersiou, and delights in telling this story on painted red, with room for two persons to I the immersion it as much uBeecher delight- sit v is a- x is on a Wooden bottom altogether ed in telling his story on '.he clone commun- a rough and ancient looking contrivance. It waa used ift years long paat to convey I. urn in freight f-o Niagara 1 ! gorge, and in imagination one can see the queer-looking object on grooved wheels running on the small cable above, shoot down the cable's deflection till the centre waa reached, linn < limit the opposite incline and )>y other aid finally reach the Canadian bank. The buket haa an interesting history, us the following letter in the pimfceahinn of the secretary of the society will show. It waa written by Judge Hulett of Niaaara Falls, and has never before 1 e i publiahed : llroruf !' Htirnuni, ftil Horiftu. DKAR.SIH: It gives me to 1.3 enabled to fnrm-.ii ry Buffalo llintori much I 'I'M the uire his- , . . i. ,/i |c, r anothci i, Tamasese, ex-President of Samoa, lied of ((right's disease. Thu French Anilias- i.l'.i to Rmuia has > lid' i.d his nsignation. Col. Miguel Lopi/, wlioit iss.ii.l l.etrave.l Maximilian to Juarez is dead. The championship sculling match on the 'aramatlariver, Australia. l,elwi-en M. I.- in and Slansbury, for i'400, has l>en won by .be latter. A Frenchman, who refuses to give his name, has sulwcriU-d .f'JII.lllNl t iw.i.iU n ing the damage l the Vatican cauxil l.y he recent explosion. It is stated that Baron Hiisch is organis- ng a scheme for the removal of large mini wrs of Jews from Kuwia and South-western liiiope to uninhabiteil land in Australia or Irani. Latest advices from Chili inilicate that he tide of bailie has turned in fuvor of the ".xei mm ii! force*. A cnnimission has Iwen ap|iomted by the 'ope with the object of suggesting economi- cal reforms in the interior management of he Vatican. Ihe heir to the entailed estate of the late 'oiint Von Moltke is Major Wilhelui von .lolt ke, son of the brother of the deceased. In reference to the prouuwd unlimited * l nitiiet will start at gola, and warhips have left the expedition. The situation in Lisbon once from An- Lisbon to join is very grave. There is a strong (Kipular feeling against l-.tli royalty and KngUnd, and an immediate insurrection in feared. The Municipal IVnn. il of the city of Paris has protested against the extreme protection policy of the Customs Committee. Britain i* engaged in another " little war, "the King of (Jambia having cruelly maltreated a meuenger sent by the (lover- nor of Cambia Colony to tell him to behave himself. Telegrams received in London report that the Roumanian government has issued you with tory of the " iron basket'' which wan a pre- liminary means in the construction of the great railrotd suspension bridge that now s|ns the Niagara River, the admiration of world. The data I will give you are taken from a diary kept by me during the work. During the winter of 1H4C the State of New York granted a charter to the Inter- national Bridge Company to build asuspen- 1011 ists : "One of my parishioners," caid the doctor, " came to me and 'old me that he dreamed that a Baptist friend ot his died and went to heaven." " Well, what did he see there?" I asked. "He saw St. Peter at the gate and be- yond him, through a doorway turrounded with glaring lightsand smelling of brimstone, waa the devil. " " What do you want?" asked St. Peter. " I want to come in," replied the immer- sion ist. " Well, who arc you?" " I'm a Baptist minuter." " A Baptist :" repeated St. Peter, a little [MI// led. " A Baptist, eh ? Well, what do you Baptists do? We didn't have any Baptists in my time when I was Pope." " Why, we baptue people." " Baptize em, do you? What in?" " \\ hy, water." " What, all over?" " Yes, clear under.'' " But suppose it's cold ?' " Why, down they go right through the ice." The devil happened to overhear the word sion bridge- across the river, and the nine ice '"' ealne forward, rubbing his hands in winter a similar clnrler was granted in Canada to the Xngira Kails Suspension Bridge Company for a like purpoac. Cheat- ' (real glee. " What did you say about ice?" he aaked, smiling. "'t"* *-"H|*s|j pajsj BJ ileVU UUI IMMJ. 111CW ' _ two corporations formed a joint Board of j ._ ,, U ">' we t>pt'Z e people through the Directors and entered into a (baric < Kllet, Jr., a noteil ontract with engineer and bridge builder of I'hiUdelphia, to build a wire railroad bridge wrou the Niagara Kiver about two miles Lelow the Falls. In the latter part of January, IK47, the engineer arrived at the village of Niagara Kails. The inhabitant* were all astir on learning of hii arrival and flocked about the " Kaglu Tavern," where Mr. Kllet waastop- pi'i.-, cag.-r t . hear the news. I was among the number, and while there was choicn l.y tin- engu;e-r to take charge of the iron part of the Ktruclmc, he being unable to be pre " P.ut, suppose it's forty below zero ?" " Down they go, all covered with icicles." "That'll do," interrupted the devil, " you just take my place ; you've got something worse than fire." orders stopping the export of mai/e. in con- i cllt "" llle """' IIe t' '-'' "tated thatsome sequence of the depletion of the stocks of i """"'' l '*' c ""'"""' communication acroae nmi/e in Ron mania. Judgment was rendered Wednesday in the famou.1 lili>-l titnt of .) ,)in W. M.u ), the millionaire, against (ialignani's Messen- ger Blonden, the due tor, will undergo ixr-er. inontlia' iniprisoiiment. The war vcmel bianco Kucalada, the flagship of tin- Chilian insurgents, wo* blow:, up I'Y t'.rjM-do irom a loiv<-r,niient veasel on Thursday. Two hundred of her crew were killed It i- sin 1 .- i I'.iroii Fsvi in his report I" Mit, i. n* Kn.i 111,1-xpresvs thelielief that there is no way out ot tin- New Orleaus the gome withnut the trouble of going to Liewiston, seven ni.lrt Ix-low, must ue estab- lished. He planned the erection of a wood- n tower on either nle, "i feet in bright. < x rr these tower* he propoied to stretch a 3U-trund wire cable, with a drtlci-tion ot 'J."> On the cable he would plac? a laddie Yea, Ha Baa. " The tramp haa a party taking way with him, I tell you," said a farmer who had come to the eastern market with a load of hay and dropped off four of the gentry who hail been ruling with him. " How do you mean ?" waa asked. " That crowd came up this morning just as I waa leaving home, and the big fellow lung out : " ' Say ! old man, we want to ride to town with you." " ' Can't do it !' aay I. " ' Can't you?' aays he. ' Then we'll sot right down on yer front porch all day. We'll also see that the "Id woman cooks ua a ' -* . siiuare dinner, and mebbe there's some dc , a car or basket 1 ir^ecnough , pp|| , .,, t . j(| , r , t|| . ceUmr "ke wil litwogrioved wheels, in. I *uipen- i, I-.OIU with <ll tli ie banket was to be on either sid< l.y ni-.ins . , . be- considered now was what kind of a j bosket could I* constructed that would have lynching dud -ully, as the Uniteil States ' nuflicient strength ami IM Federal 1 ul has no power to give possible weight. Mesli'.ued Italy the sat :faclion demanded. .Some 'Jii.1 Ions of powder in mag i. . IP- Kn.Uy killing soven The near Kome persons and uoiui'ling a great many. city w sevrrrly shaken. The Huani.t Customs CommiMion ha* re- i oiiinianiled an mcreaae of duty on silks, w<t<ill ( ii, ilreasvd leather, and iron. '"o pu.p M t" tat jute, lulpdur, and other MH ji". i i is, l-'ifty |H'rient ill the im- portu will I* taxed under this scheme. i- 1 mi - .11 1 1:1 in (Inly a worn.ii. uill In'lieve in .1 in in who 1 in fiaud and false- hmt,l. A- to the wo:kn of genius they exceed ll .i|eily nf Hoiiiin. Shf lias never, th i. fon. l.y any ciiltivatiun nf h. i mind, at- I e\i II it lie of tlniHi' eulli-i-|>tiullS whicll ionil tile liiyln it tliuinphv of the Illllld. To imitate the holiest example, t" ilo in .iyi not n-i'ilto tlie sam runlr ol life to llllkl- gll.ll '-.'Iliom mid mi of one constructed thought would weigh of the least me a sketch f wood that he n. ,t to exceed 150 In. I uggete.l iron instead of wool for iicture, and as an outcome each of ua i outitructed a basket of our favorite material, when it was found that uy liasket weighed ten pounds leas than his. This basket cable waa a preliminary structure to another that waa to precede the main structure of the _'. The rivonil preliminary was the M -ion of two wooilen towers oil either l*n It of the gorge. 7-"' feet in height and ftt) feet apart. Two cables were thrown mroas the chasm, rest ing on these towers, an J across them, at intervals of six fen, were placed stripe of pine .'d'J iuchee in size. Below these xtripes of wo-xl, in wire loops, were placed light needle beams, on which were |.!.i. ,-,! li^-ht needle beams, on winch were laid .1 Mooring of one nic li pun- kurils. When these two inil-i^-iulent bridges were finished they wern drawn to;;, giving the cables a lateral course of about l.'t !.- t on either Kidc, and forming a pluttunii looi In. ii '.in- railroad Innlge was built . It was while these teui|>orary platforms were Iteing ronntructeil that an iiK-niciit tu red that can but LIM- t!im iron basket y| . it . n( , e a , . .. Quite Another Thing. I ntist (to juvenile patient) Courage, my boy ! Without pluck you can never hope to sit in the Presidential chair. Boy (with a howl) But what's that got to do with silt in' in a dental chair, anyway ? Literary Ittm- Jones What are you doing now for a living? " Smith I live hy writing. Kor the press ? O, no ; I write to the old man twice a in. 'iuli to send me some more money. Then an Many Such. Justice Dully Have you ever taken an h ? Criminal Several times. U'ht-ii was that? \\ hen 1 was in love. !" c.|. ncc as a life-saving d' Ater the Engagement was Broken- II'. " And do you mean to tell me that yon engaged vuisilt tome for mere caprice " I envy no man wlio knows more than my- elf, but pily tlmao who know lees. The worst of mad men is a saint run mad. I never knew a ..( lett. i- ii-li.uned of his profeMioii. N"t the fiiilures of otlieri, i...t then- sins of c .11, nil-men or onn-ai. n, l.nt his own n 'i-.liM'iUaiid nrgligencc atioulil a wise lake note of. \\eall linvu to learn in ono way or an other, : ! it neither men nor lioys gel rrcnul cliaii>-e.i in thin world. \\V .ill get , >/ eliKin e^iillihe eiiilofonr liven, but lu.toei ..... I chiui. .i in tlio same net of circumstance- : and tin- . . . dilleiein-e U-twei-n one (tenon and ai.othei is, how ho tukeH hold of and uses In- I ! -i chance, .in. I he takes his fall if n i- "ii.l .i^amxt him. I i..- I'. n. . i I li\' the more I see III ih.Miuggles of xoul toward height i almve, I > ....... ^' i tins truth eomus home to me, That ii.. nniverie rests (n the shoulders of Ltve. In noultutg wi-d im, idou art wi<e IUM.,: llntttliou hat attained it, thou ui t a fool. The great perpetual Uttle of lifs is the warfare waged against self. A broken reputashun it like a broken vase, it may be mended but alwuss show* wli.u the brake waz. t oni|iier your foe by force, you increate hia enmity ; conquer by love, and you will reap no after sorrow. 1 1., 'iiinmon problem yours, mine, every onc'i Is not to fancy wK were fair in life, Provided it . oiild be, but finding first What may be, then find how to make it fair. A house built on sand in, in fair weather, just ait good as if builded on a rock. A cobweb IK u* good as the mightiest chain . .il/f wrtrn there is no strain on it. li al '.hut 1 1 !>- am? tL ng wea4 and ail oilier strong. intending all the wlnlo to throw me over?" but I'm writing a have an aged lover in ', and sol ah -Shall the book ?" del from the dill where il swung, when a sudden galoot wind struck il, and lo the hoi rilied onliKikcis from Ihe shore seemed to tear the unfinished structure into shreds, throwing the platforms over and across the hltlc bosket cable that hung in thu centre. This destruction was the work of but a moment. The four workmen were caught in th wii.l-. , tid hung to the slender wires with no foi't rest save the shifting debris of ilu- sliaiti i.-d Mooring wink-, 150 fuel be- A Guild's Peculiar Fancy- Flossie's grandmother was a nice old lady, but she was xery difficult to get along with, and this was particularly true duiing her last illness, and the child camo in for her hare of u. due 'ay, shortly after the old lady's death, Flossie's mother observed that she waa very thoughtful. Flossie!" d with " What are you thinking about, Kl "I *** j lllt wondering, she repli low tliciri d.ri I'll the angry waier. So the I great seriousness, "how grandma and God ' are getting along togather. " A Gc.o'l Joke on a Lion- He must have bi-en a bright boy, a very bright little boy, who said to hia mother, " 1 wish a lion would eat me up." Why ?" the mother asked. Because it would be such a good joke on the lion . h. w oulil think I was inside of him, and I ahould lie up in heaven." [Cougrega- tionalist. FOP Adapted to the Time. men hung until the violence of the gale had subsided, when ihe writer made inquiry for a volunteer to go out in the basket and i- -cm- the men. A brave young man named Wi.liam Kllis stepped forward, saying, "I inn your man." He xvas told to take oil i.ui one man at a time, as the amount of wnght r. -ting on the little cable could not be estimated. But when he had reached the men he could not withstand the desire (nation! the unfoitunatts immediate- relief, and the four men were taken oil safely at the first trip, though the exhibition was paralysing lo ibose wit in-suing it from shore. Thin occurred on Oct. Id, IS4S. It is a curious fact that of the thousands of persons crossing the gorge in the little basket, three-fourths or more were ladies. persons, though four ed in. H:c liittt passage was made in the spring ol" 1K4H by Engineer Kllet A Wolf and a Ixinib were drinking out of tbe MIIH- I' Stream, when the Wolf basket, three-fourths or more were ladies. I angrily blurted out : It waa intended to seal coin'onably iwo I say, you 1 You are Rolling the Mud persons, though four were sometimes crowd- a |( u p." " Let her roll," returned the Lamb non- chalantly. Whereupon the Wolf leaped The preliminary means of hauling over across tfe Stream and fell upon .lie Lamb, the firstcable were by meanaof akitc Hiring. ' The Fierce Creature had hardly attempted The writer otfered *IO lo thi- Itoy who would to Tear the Lamb's Shoulder off, however, get* kite string of sufficient strength to before his Teeth broke off Short and fell to haul a clothesline across the river. This the Uround. ,.i!,i I'loiighta regiment of kit* flyers into ' " Bah !" said the Lamb ;" what a Fool the field, and filially a boy named (Ionian you are to try your Fangs on a Hardened Walsh was succcusfiil, and receivi-d the old Tough like in) self. Can't you Sec that I prize.. From tins unull U ginning the great- est suspension bridge on earth ha* resulted. There are but few of thu original actors in the altovc described enterprise still living. Kngineer Kllet was "(ieneral Kllet," who conceived and constructed the 1 lain U>alson the Mississippi Kiv.-r 'iiii 1 1.< American rebellion, anil w ho wa am a Spring Lamb? " 11 e I f.\i ^[ilnter j pax.. r a retail battery. hi-e his boat was Making fliui Ashamed- " If if you only knew what the bill wat for," vl.U'.l the young wife. " you would b-be ashamed to scold t>o aUiut it. " " What won it for ? " . I. man. led John. " My birthday preoent for you," said th ai.l little wife.