THE FLESHERTOSI ADVANCE J*.I.VK/.V i< E GEO. MITCHELL, PIiSSHERiON. -ni'ul kinking lei-arum transacted i-*u'l I ' iiHualratea alwitv* atailafclatnr Irgtlltnate biliiu*** i u two I ' > M iiuitli uf Uieliarniou A Co n. DR. SINCLAIR, M. D , I.. ('. P, S. " i'. a M M. A , , M. a The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO. of nil "hroj Vnvii; Ki-4 i "i-Mtl nn'l X,rf. |), ., ,i . , .f 1!.,- II. ,.'t iiinl l.mii:-. An. I hl-oa'i of \\o:,ia:i IIOH lively JOI! .' ' Ual "*". -" uv in >nev mill nn>|wrt4 no "ur Tim-n. f ir iial t''" ,,|n ;. |.iius,niii>tiou. Ur. Siui luii Mm M'trv- Ki:rl..':, TVnnlhi>.iu. - . Dr. Sinclair urh." <io . Ur. Sim-lair ,.,u all Di*. . f r SI Frrc. DU. 3I5< LAIB V.I 1.1. UK AT X U;HH. - ON - Tuesday. Jin? 101 It. tin, , -ili'i*!;/ l<*-.<l fi/I to- I ' fu/u triJJ Jir rater. Vicinity Chips. Vharacu-rislit-s of I ho Past Wot-k r-:i!llv < tilled for thr Curious. Council met M MmJiy. Mlnntea laewlire. Shawl found On Sunday liMt, <m the ii K >:ii! Owner en have it by ^'ce- ll in . Hulls (or April are twuTuiJably "boll OMT uutil utxt week. .I.intv t,,aiato plant*. <-te., ea tx had in iiuy '1'iautitj *t Mr. liei-cruft'a For ovpn-iU- rprini; uiilliiinry, at low pi -en, j;dl i ii Mrs. \V. Tiiml.le. Mm lian <me f the li:i. st exhibits to bo f,;;in.l any- uhcrr |!n. ilnwuni iu iunnouiie ';*- titi.'S BUI! V. --rr 1<>* pricm at l-'les!iertu t r u,f:oii-e. Call (IK! examine. Mr. \Vill Auu.stri>i:g returned on outli.- 1 tup to the I'acitio I'Mniiii-i- and \\eraaru States. He luii an A Mil, Itoi will l.R. I ,M is.K.irnsi -r. Murlolalr. haa $i( |. rival, fund* to lend on fa-ui in.. t _;aj -. .;hin the next few months ;it current rates. No expenses low. Apply at in M.ukU.ile duiino the week ur at Dundalk ..It-,,-,- ,,n Saturday*. A fiimd wiMinx fruiu New J ruey * :ud Lie A Ivuncc a stuck of rye, pii-ked on April _'7. vim-h ' i : nili-i iu length. The ua." it arriv..,! l-'lesln-rt .11 was -d to a jen.nn. n .rth-wftt Miuw th weather was cold enoiiRh (ur while the Hew have net Bhuwa luneh of bui'Ht'ii.: into haf. This u a delightfully cool country. Hotel for Sale. K : :.!. cheap the Eugenia h<itel, <!<>- il-g Komi Lusiueiu. Small caiill payineiir, b.t'n, inn. Oood reasoi f >r ^. Apply to proprietor, John ' .If, K-.,:'i-in i. Church News. Itev. Mr l'i..;sl.y I* sit'I-iiin fnmi a , -U of >;ri[). His pulpit w is .lupplii 1 mi Su:u!jy last l>y a youn^i-r liroth.-.r. i-.l'o is a student at McMaster. >i; . i r. of Diirhani, will preach in -.10 Mct'.iodiat church ne\f - Now Shop. M.-. D.m.iiraii.J Mr. l\ .!,t. WliiU.-u hi. ;. i j'i ii. 1 :!i; b.i.1 lin^ uio I an sttiro r i i ii M I) irli i n itruet a:i I a |iortioii uf Mr U. Triiu'ile'i pr.^ijrty ulj uiini <r tlmt uf Mr. W.n. Clayton, w!iriMii tlii-y will'. a wa :>, iv;> i r ami bloc!cimitli 1)11,1. M.-. liUirliu \vu-limi with Sir. Mi-.U'l for year; aid U w\ll known as a lir.-it wurkor iu m.MiJ. Mr. Rum- ba!!, w '.i.i II.K :ilvi hj!i witli Mr. HeartI f.irsoiiu linn;, will & i tlio inn wor!; f^i- the IK--.V linn Tho |iriMii.c* ro now ko in,' litti'U ojianJ w.liti.. KM'Jy for occu|ia- vory alertly. Wo Ii I,M- tl:o linn u. ay liavi! auoceiM. S300 P'or a Needle. Our II Mm- ., a thirty tw.i paj(e monthly n.-, dcvjlcd to Ijjuso bjiMn.o, lldme fnrniihinv!, h->uo decnratinn, fash- j ws, sc-Mral htwixtiire, etc., in the ln-m publioatiKii <if \ta clm> in America. Tin- puhlishuiH, in order t>i IH -rcrso the cir- culation of tlirii- iiiH^aciiii-. rTur Ku;;i. a.ili r'ariU to those of tin-it- !> nKers or intv.ndiii-; mihrn-nhiTK, who eorri-etly aiiwrr the following i|iiititjiiii : \Vliern in the Ni't Testament ui the wordii. "a nei-illL- fiidt 'ff.uiul * Cash daily and weekly iv;inU nivfn wlulu thi* OOU>p*li linn Tlin pttblUber will pv away thtnisaiiil.H of iii)llar aiuoir; i he*- < '>ri iy MMWMttll ikt MMtiuil tin- JHHiliiif ri! WHnl K'in J400 in yH\>\. Send fi-n i^titH in rtin)s <ir silver f.n- a iiiii|)le a\>\ of Our HI.IIICS and coni|ilul<; rules i;.iven,n.^ the e. in; e'it',.11. Alidn-ss t Ilir Hminx I'ul.: lllill -C , .I'.r .-kvil!e,C.iMadi.-Al'VT. Hel EsU'8 -I esiato li.i.i taliun (pitis a huoin in thin \ illai.'u during tliu px-t c"Uplu of we. s niitl a iiBm'.ifr of M-Mirfrn have hi-i'ii in id.-. Mi- 1? Tun, M to Mi. Win. Clayton ilr MM* >' e'nu>r <t ojipogir' .MtniRliKw'i Inili'l, whk-rt con- tains ID'. 1 I" -et ,11 Dtlri>nm >t..-et ami 71 on Syitfiihani. Mr. Triniliti' lota il' iiiH|ioiwil of 7:.' f.*t on Durli-ini street to Memr*. \\hitTei. iV I'.lair. On this lot is a .stmxliouse, wh:,-!i n now undergoing Ve|':ars :llni mil n- Used u< ft OMTUgfl Mid blacksmith hn;. Thi?e (*'. lota weri; , K.<lit I .,r jlilt'O Mr. I). his liiin-li;ird from Mr. Tlioiiipson Wilson the factor,- promises win.- 1 - !ir has hecn ocjiipvini! for loinu tnno past, anil will en ans im rta^.in niakinj lnisinsii. Mr. Wilson has ;HIP-!I.I ;ed fr.ini Mr. W. Elder the lat.' lla.vke r :.lelie.e and property, and will remove his machinery tli. givin* IN p:irt ]i.Aym"iit a lot on Colling. iri-et just cant of Mr. Pamude'a property. All tl-.ene tranafem hav taken pi i .luriivi the pwrt week, and ^ivo eri- ilunce that businm* fnti-iprue and real estate peenlatiou'i not yet ijuitj dead in procrnioii wa> heaA(t bj- t*t h&nfl. 8er- vicus were liuld at duutAse^'i reiuencu hack tine eol, hy Rer. Mr. McLeish, Prenliyterian itiiuister, and at tho yravo tho rev. oontlenmM offered up a tnot im- (trcMuvv prayer while tko mltlMtudu tond with uncovered heaiU. Three vnilejti wer lirud over tk) ({ravo by tho tiring corps of No. ti. It wa a must solemn and iinprvssic-e actne. Deceased was cut oil' in the. prune of his inanh I. and iniiny a lon.^iiu utlonnl the ,piery "Who IAI'' The pall t:m->-rs re; Mr. TnckcT T*hil- llps. Mr. J.ieoli Le er, Mr. .lames Tlnnnp- son. Mr. N Hi-ndurmin and Mr. W ll.-llaiiiy. Tile yiiuui! widow and sorrow in,' relatives hav,- many synipathiiere. Stock Notes. M.-srs. Ii. & .!. MHJiuili.T. ... t Im -. havr a tine Uli;roue,libr<-il 1'iirham bull for fervici". "C'lin la Puke" has a (-<KMl auil it % val iiilile auinml. Mi. lot !'.'. f m. 11. Ar- lc:n si i. !. i- l.ii. ly purchase-) frmu Mr. Fenuell, of west (iwillimbnrr, (hit., i ne of ihe lini >l i vi MI :iU aniuialHof the i'liiiinni clius ever lin.iixltt to thin township. IJu if frcxa i-inortej :k on both M<k'S an. I was br-il by Cul. Tyrwhitl, of Brnnipton Mr. .|,,i:ii-t,ni olT.-rs him for wrvicu tliis yuir at pa>alile 1,1 .1 iu. IS'J-'. The pmligruu KurrautH this price. Mr. Kraicc* Piest has for service on lot -".i. eou. 10, AiteiUPKia iili |irc-uiis of Mi. J.1U1. M Annstrnop. noar Knj;.-iiiu) a sph-u 'i.l Durin.n. nnn-u! \< Inrli iie hnm^hl boine on Sutnrday luMt.linv.iii: |IIIII-)IHI-I| it fri n ( ii. Suu, lli^htii'lil. i>ul. Ilis terms are $1 -J.V Mr. ^V. (,. ^loffnt's well known stalli, n. N niKui Conpjeiur," will |,e found at hi- "-MI -l.ii le tin< o a*,,'li oil I'uesilays au<l Retained From B. C. Mr and Mrs. Alex. M^lvine, wli well known in this to-.rns!ii|i, and wlio left a year or so a-^o ><> tuku u;i tli.-n- -m journ its Itriti-di C ilumhia, surpri*;!-! tlieir frieink last week liy a return to thi.s pa:'. Mr. and Mrs. Melrim; are 411 a-^e.l . ,11,.' . f<7 and SJ yi'ir.s of a.;.- rfs;i.-c:^ ', .n.l the Ion;; journey was moU fau'.'UiiiK to tK- M, aUI|..-i,'h th.'V st 1 it reniu. well consideni.-4 all tilings, and the old w.ta ipnlc alile t > wa\<- In* hat t >frieinU who r 'lini while pass- .!!, tlirou^h tin: villa-^.i on his way to Mr T. M.ickuitzii-'ii, nlii-ru Mr. and Mrs M -Iviin 1 have bue ! tip;iiii^ sin-j tlu-ii return on W Allies,! iy la.<t. l-'or t vo div, and two ni.'hti they w -re st i;i;> 1 in ill I: .,<, nwiii^ to a an ivr s!l.l . Sn arriving honj th,j a^ed C ni;ile h ive. bnn somewhat UH lur til.; lier with <;.,! 1 . but arc now recovnnn^ nioely. T'i.-\ W.I! lake up th .'ir It i:-. -a: Valid -leur. mid Hovur wish tn r.aitTii t'i th I'l'.ii- province. Still Ajiother Death. Scarcely a wcuk IM , piwsod for some mouth* that tin) Avbanco has not hei'ii i-alle 1 n to cliroincl^:!.. su. ilin and un- expected death of some citi/.en r wuli known person in the ssiroiiniiin ; coun- try. Tho largo nuin'ier uf sudd-jn n which have nccared duri*y,' thu [i i. in inths is .loini'lhini; i:preci'.,i.-Ntud in this townsliip. Tho Weil nil.htioii to the sorrowful liat i.i Mr. li, ,. Sievvart. jr. a yount; 111,111 I'l yean of aj;e, who leaves a wife and throe small children. I >. -e,i.s,-il was a son of Mr. lloo. S:.owarl, presidunt of E. (!. A;;'! Hociely. Ho was suixud wilh illness mi Sunday week and died on Fri- day last. Tho tujiin-ttl took pUco to Klesli ertonlceinetety on Sunday afternoon, when the funeral cortege was tile lai ^.-.i ever seen hore. Ueooase.l was a member of the volunteers and also a member of Kit-slier- ton Inn 1. The on -in iie is of No. 6 com- pany turned out in full uniform, while the Of K. :is| eipial relief ti ,111 ptin 1-,,-llie u <e of s Li.'httiinu I.n.nn.-m. The swelled jortii.s from or founder rn Tulievrd and cured at ..II.-H hy ita n-e. Kvevv onn.r . .f a horse should ki-epab. -, this L'ri'it remedy in Inn staliln. Kv.-iv eoiiMduratioti of eeononiv mnl htiinaiuty siiL'^i-st tins ready relit-l. 1'rice lifty cenl>: suld by dru^iHtu. Clark Chemical Of., Toront ...New York. Arte>iiosia Council. The n:einher< ,,f ArU'inesia council , -omened lor ivjuinr nioiitlily coniith "ii .Monday hut. All tin- ni,-iii!ie|-.-< \\.i. present. the reev,- in thu chair. .Mii.uies ol last uioi-tiiii; re id and ,-onlinne.l. The folluwiu* i-oiitiii.iiiiiMiioiiH were rend : Kroin John ( idiairinaii eoiiniy railway .Miniinuee. re iailn.-iv depiitatii'ii to Ottawa , KIOIII M Walsh, .M.ivr of Uranueville, ditto. IVtitiuii finiii eerrain ratcpayeis (iraj'tM" that a now hrdu IK- Ituilt over tin- I' aver nvur a* the Hlh and !llh con., |iu".eiit >.ne is 111 a dangerous con- dill, 'II. I'. -tin. MI ti <hi residents ..I \\.n.i N 1,^ that I'.ith.u Hie Mi-Arthur lie |d,icfd IJ'ioll i!le niiil^i-llt lint. A le port was |.i-e--,-nted from Messrs. M Itu-liald.son inn! \\ Sh-irp. who li.'i-n appointc'ii e cininnittee t .nves'i oiilc 'hi; i)iie..lion nl opeiiini; up a new road fr.'in the .,1,1 Durham Road pant t!ir \t. ,1 end of L'nllun eniiiu-ct itli tlie ^iuvel road near tile, nlrti. n. They tound thu rod '|ui''- |>: ai.Healile, hut a UlHii-iilry |-reented itself in ,ici|Uinnu a Mail allcwaiictf through curtain prnperlie. Ui the west uf -she lake. Fullnwin^ are thu motions p:u-.-i! iloved Ly Mr. K-ils, MT., ruled liy Mr. Thoinp.son.ihat th.- inn I Mended l..i the eoinplftiiin of the job known us (he J. \Vjrllili; .-..I.: i i t ..n the .'rn.-! i ,;ul wet of Kloherti>n until the l.jlh <l.iy of .July of the current yea--, 1*11, tliu itiid .John XVarlii"* l'i .iiimene to work on or about tin* tirxt .lay ,d June. Moved l>y Mr. Sharp, <, l.-d hy Mr K.-lU, that thin Couin-il ^rant #L'J t'i repair townlmu li.-tw, ,n \i:.-ni.sia ami (ilenel^on ^raii-l r,.:ul, and tli..t the clerk bo instr :i.ted to notify Jleiielo council of thu i.i, i M.-ved hy Mr. Tlioinpsnii. sei-oiided hy Mr. Sharp.' that Waid No. '.'> l,e d.vuluil int.. two poilino, MilidiviNinna for i-i, pur|Kises, and M.-SM <. Sharp and Til. .ill]. H ui ,-tnd the I'li-rli be a|ipointeil .is in-i-'.-t i make tin. 1 r.-vi.-i,,n and report, at next meet 104 of Oo'ineil. Cm t led. M ,i-ud liy Mr Sliir;,, nei-ondo I hy Mr. Tbnnpaon, that U. II. Tl,'iiton ! p*iI for pniltiujtt Ml Sit, ami that tin- .1 ", I. r fur thu sume. .Movir.l liv Mr. MeMill.m. mroml. Mr. Keliit, that diaries li ..ilt. I.enio ttatiitt; labor ii-turiird a^ Ins<, paitL' and 'I, C'.n. S, tin p.ithni. i^t. r having ihis ,l,iv .-.-itiliid thai llle W'.ik hilit In-en .since pelf,, nil, ,!. and that the i.-.-ve i..:iu hi* "i i--r I i -ooll Il.s the odlei". I . ! .1 Iced, allow IU){ tlio , paid. Lost. M i\ -d li\ 1>. McMillan, sci-oniled hy Mi Sharp, that the petition of .lames \\ .its,. n and others lie i-ntei hnncd, and t':at tin: t.'leik prupaix* a In law In Le in- tl-odll -I'd :lt next lll.-.lino, t , i am , 1 1. 1 ly law N I, i <' 111:1 .. I la'i.u- l>\ .sluliin.r imtol .-aid o.iart tl.e \llla. Prioefilla. i'.'*r M.HI-.I hyMr K .: . si..Mmlii 1 . by Mr. Sharp, that lli,. ren\e ami (J. 'I'll.,.. "|n lilted I'l'lllln, els to exu.iiiin: th< . . ,M l.e.iv, i ruer, mi ei-hl Ii and ninth i:> i, . SM, and to plot- -i-d forthwith to ivlnnld or n as may l>e doi inwl m-e. 1 ':i, I .M-.v.'d li\ .M'. MeMilla'i. H , -on, led by Ml'. Tiio,U|mon, ' a spevml oi.uil -' i,e _:n i-ii for tlio pui pose .jravelin^ l.r- oi:m-l r, ,.ul fri'in '. I'.iiieis t i w unlit KK-sli. ii. u bta'ion. Carru-dl. MoVi-d hy Mr. Kells. no, ded hy Mi- Sharp, til,; reeve bo and is I. appointed delnijale lo o,, (,, Ottawa I act 1:1 ."ii. .-M HII'I 'he nnyorof Oraii; \,..l -iiul others in order to obtain, u pussil'i a refund of tliu koniiH paid by tin., a.i.i ,,.!:.,- imiLii-ipalities to T <,'. \ laill-o.-ld. t'.lllled. Moved hy Mr. Ke.l.s, Hceondi'd by Mi M.Miilaii. that tho petition of l>i,n- dd r.iillj.lie!! :i:i,l ntlli'ls lie liC;vi,ll, and t hat I'al.hai n,e i..,,i\e a.isislanee from thm eouiu-i' ..n.-li a.-, the petiti.ui e.dl.s for, .-nnl on the ci.nditio set forth 111 thu'H.such, -e nut to e.Xi-eed four dollars p. T month from the dalo In rf. ('anted. Moved hy Mr ftiaMillan, M-.-oml liy Mr. Tlioniption, that Uie ('leik is hereby instruutud to advise Sue. -Trtma. of S. S. No. 0, uf an 1-1 ior nnulu in as- sensinelll. of S. S for I I H.slee I ale, I V.HI. whereby $8.!f7 wan colluded from S 13, and paid tu Sec '.'. i. ,| m.; him SUMMER, IH order to supply our increased busines, we have a very lai^c supply of Men's, Women's, Misses', Hovs' and Children's BOOTS. SHOES & SUPPERS. Iu Men's wear -Fine wainloss to heavy plow boots. In Ladies' wear Polish calf, aid, doogol* and pruoelu. Childn-n's in great variety . Nem-ly nil in-w *HH\ and \,.-<\ tnukei.s. I'l-in-s us low as ruason will admit of. Custom \ynrk ami repainiii; . >e\ve<l ,>i- pei,'"od) prumptly attended to. (ii.\l w ;il; ami best nmtoriul used it CLAYTON'S, Fiesherton. to pay the itinonnt to trT>aanrer ol : Mr S. I'edlnr. Carru-d. M.ivixl by Mr. Thompson, sreomled . Mr. Kells, that Monday, June 1st, IS'.tl, lie appointed for lioldni'4 the nut of IveviKi.-ii of thu auvssiiu nt roll uf IS'iJ. u in o,.-!ock a.m., and that the clerk ^ue the nectisaary n, Carried. P McCDLLOUGH, B<ti-ristcr. to/ i film; < mn Baby waa rick, we gavt her OaMoria. Wlwn slut n-aa a Child, xlin nisi for < 'aMoria. Wlieo the bvramr Mtn, she clung Iu CaKurta. \VlMH siiu liad clu'drru, bhe g-i-u tueiu CaMuria THE MARKETS PLS8HEBTOM. Curi-f'ullu rtn-rt-ftrtl ICttrh ll</>- .. ^6 at to A Kail \Vli, a If. to 10 Stuini; \\lioat U '. Mm I... Unlit . ... 46 U U ' 7U llaitor . < u to e. . r .lutiii iiu n> i-i.i-k . * uo Mity |M-r Wll IM SOU I "I 10 ..n.-. M 1 IM 'Jt 08 l'ol."\ II IU IU I p.... .! Din-ks |ir |>r .. U li-1 n M Wuul u -fl UK No. 6 Company 31st, BATTALION. 25 Recruits Wanted lirnvr. ,i :-. ' "iliiMu , ,,., . I :n ". ton . "i, Stttili .la , UWIlilll (or Hi., fn i ,11 .1. .1. I.i. ill. limit. Flpsherton Cemetery Trust h.-M in Ilia I', ..MI il 1011. ,.ii lav t . . f , IIM.I In ,.i i>ro\ iti^ \\M i t.\\ over .McFarlaiul'.-i Slurr, Morkdulr. Mmio tu Loan. (Sards. John W. r'u:Min.:.. .tt. rjlVtSIDN I-OC1CT fl.KHK.roMMISSIONI It flu B i;.. I'inn.'wiiHi-i. ,ve \k, in loi inucliako II I N.I.. . , ,,, ( I. I 1 I' 1' H. '. Mo in > t<, IA>II on Hi,. 11 of M.uua.'.c.i - N MOM-V TO The Undcrsifned has a Larga Ainouut of Money to Lowi at GJ o/, UN TOWN Olt 1 ,\KU IMlOl'lIltTY. 8. DAMUUK. FI.USUI \V. J. BELLAMY TWP. CI.1.RK AliTFMIl.MA. .T I .V /;/;, .\.*i i;. \\i-i-: ACT U *" . iiiMiiml, <1 In ant-da** companiM. 11. u< \ to Imdat i wi.xt ratv*. THE GBEAT COMPETITION! THE CAN AD I AN AGRICULTUR- IST'S $5,000 WORD HUNT. DR. CAIMKR, M. -'.I 1 , .v s.. ' PIIYSK'IAX si K.KO\. KI.KSllKlini.N. 1'rticc, 8lrai' block. r. .!. (i. ORS. SPROULE & .MAKKIi AI.K MNT Ofliro : M. -mice's IPK Slorr. n : I.J:.M . D-irt , mi. lilt Muik.lalulluiiM>nt ni^llt /. P. OTTEWELL, 1 :;: - i .. si it(i':n.s Positively clones M.iv .-Qth, 1891, (15 tliereafter being allowed lor M to i each us trom distant poin |. 1 ' in...'.. HI. " '-..I, ' Hi - 1 h will '.. . i .[il. ,. , "' ' ,..,..,' ill,' , ,. ., ,-rr Th, !, : . "IVlUMltIO, A. .'rtil lix. tb.. , .;,!.. i, '> :; ' I .. HU-.ll'i Ml '.'I.- H .11, t. II-'*. ,11,11^*1. Ullk' - *itlil I.T whi. '. 'in 1 I-.M-. ' Hlttfw* ,, i, n,,' ' i I...,, ii i',',- r m < :m.i'ln n , ',) ,, nx-jiiis : nrw ,.ui-r. I" 11 nM lic*n .".*li*lil>*ii< .1 MI. I .. i.-n >,*>>. A..,, .. .' ii , "' - '" " ; "- .'"till'* , ,,i ,, i- i lain . MM| ..Uiinl lli I, on. liul I '.> , nli, KIII,; |.-.r,..l i lll|IIIM .livi.l.\ 'I i1l".l.',u- in:),..:.. -t 'l !,) Irin.'ilil- il:. ).,.|"'i f.n !(.. l',n ir.K. .MI I ..I .'-' .1 >rm U -I,.., i,. , .,,|. r ,,, -I,, iii.i, k," ThUummi* ill ,;: |..,,itii.'l) i .-.-.. ill.- .i'".. niiinrj .lale. K..I I- I. ,.,1, :,,.' |.:,)M,. *l I, t MX ,,|..,,I||. <llll..TV ,ji /H:U. oiitf i,, -i ^,.,,'i , litii,,.' t w.niuiiB u*tun)4 of <l M t;i||,, \',.|. Co, , , . ncu Brt <!<MT M.nih :jl luitcu'K lallo*. rLBSHKBTQK Jlentistnt. J. P. MARSH ill, L. S>. S.. M. l .s .. IKM IM - .M.-irlidalr tho and :ir; \\'idnua i!av ' i ,,;uh Mionlh. .ion r.-u-li tnp un the day fuJl j. w. '(i., AL,,. nlnicml in ,,nt -y ll HWUnU In (ML < uinli>l > sill|.in..lU MI.I niiiiiUT ,.l iitii HI* w r..j In tnff HMUnF. 10 ! , uiH'iHl |H will l..(Iorr,l S-iiil il,r..nt u*,u|i tnr |i*i-u.-uliMn w to ofcililniu f..l.*. .-I- A.UIrv, Till CASAIUAN Aum t (.11 mar, PvUTUmOfk, i>lpi>. Hiii'rt.vt<-i;Soli<'itni; Conn i/i,n,-i-r. tab KI.P.MIKHTON OIMC -K. VV\T I'osi i moi Srinu j.r. .-. I.i n.niso, UN Tin KSI>AYH. (I\VI:N SOL-MI orrii'i:, i--uoi's KI SOCIETIES. Si'Ss or I I-.M; I u\-. ( (... ii, 111. ..I- 111 Dl Clll Hall even \' , ,l|i v day fcolnitat \ . j .jij, :.,, u., . , i.yiud InountUM in CIIIIIU.UIMI Rn\\\. lKM"l..\:t (>'' .TKMI'KK 1 M'K Ueiii.iiii r.^iiii ii i,n 1 1. ,,,,,> i u v.'n iiiK in Sproulirn block at s p.m. s ] , i ,- .,.. lillHIirHlH f, IllvilttS lllolltllK, thtt V.. in iicconiH Ihu -J-Jnil ol uacli uiuulli. PKINI'K AUI-IICK UMHiK NO. :m. A K ft A. M., ill til., Mif... in,. Hall. i i'. l>loik. Klitnlii.i ton. eviirv Krii'ay on ,n I.. ... "i. full inoob. W. J. Ht.Hiuiiy.VV M.. H J- S|.roul 40C.