FLESHERTON VANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JV 01 MJi.Y." 70L. IX., NO 5!4. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1891. Rings, Rings, Rings. Armstrong Bros. Arc now sho.ving the largest and best stock of Diamond, Gem Engagements, 10 K and 18 K Plain Wedding Rings, ever shown here and at prices th?t cannot be equalled except by spot cash buying, which is the secret of our cheap selling. We also carry an ex- tcnsivp line of New Haven Walnut 8 day, 24 hour and Imitation Marble Clocks with fine French works. Nickel Timers from $1.00 up to $3.00. We are still selling such watches as Waltham, Elgin, Columbus, Springfield, IlSinoi*, St. Thomas, Hartford, and New Haven watches at our greatly reduced prices. lli- Tn-asiin-r's Salary To th<- Ktlitor <.f Thr Adrnurr. l'i.\r. Mi:. I li-i-l s.iiiii-wli.it si.rry at thu plight in which thi-T. n f.iuti.I. linv - iiiK bneii ili-ri'liot in ilinohar^i* "f oliviiuw ilntii-a nuil ihscorUiiiui beyond tnUirancu tiiwiiriln the prorimw councils, he trn' In b%d loMJo and rfpreheiibihlo ini'thmU ti> iliasip.-it.) tlii- facts in thu cue. I am I'bli'.'cil tlli'li'fiC. li;Hl*t lliv will, :is 111) says, tn "iiurarel" the Huhjvct. I will da MI t lirii-lly its iMiMililc. and to In-i!in lit tin- lii'L'iiiiiin,' let MI" ipiutu the iiiuiiK-i|iiil .i.t, SIH-. i r il, oap. 184, whirh says that the (tvoMirrr i'niu.-ii n hull' yrni-'i/ itiitfinrnt <>f rtcfijit.i <tn<l i-j-jirnili- tiim to tht Comicil. Will thu reailer In- lieve that although remiiuted f this duty he utterly inflected tn lay iuch repnrts before tho (,'uancil! He refuses to sfnM/1 Then ai^ain aa to hylaw 2Ort. the noxt in i order, pi.ii.-.l by mo in my first lettiT. tei|iu'iinu i-erlain iiMiiey-i over ftOO to he iiii|iimiiril.iii yliacnssiiiK it the T. fairly logon his hi'iul, tulks unpHrdnnalilu imn Fine Watch, Clock, and Jewelry repairing our Spec ilty. M .,, M , ll>a ,,, K(; , mill ., ,. , 1WU al)lll , v . ,, Our Facilities for Ftae Work are unexcelled. ARMSTRONG- BEOS. i-vr. riNii. WOOD WOUK FIRST PRIZE I 'i;n. l.AI'll. MDMLH .lull WOI1K. The iliotionary will \V II KK1-: V KK S II <>W.\. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Ileard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. Our V ,iz- ' (ho lie-. i. (Mir Ui!v;i<'-s the LI--.J. Illir Jlllrrs the lt.--.( Our Impriive*! Ha.-roMs (In- BB, sri .-i:;i.l.s, I. \Mi 1'l.OWS MAY, 1891 Tlio time Ins come wlien old riib'ocrs, old shoe*, witliout sulcs, and slices terribly iiatclicd must be abain'oued. Duriiii; this uiontb every one will be looluitg for suiuctliiu^ new in the fool LVHI', .' Mrivo :i!so been looking I'li'wnrd to this moiitli anil have pui'ehaseJ a first class stock for this il'-parl incut. Cooper and Smith, of Toronto, are our BMaa&otUtCt, and any one who liiia woin their bcots or shoes Know they cannot be beat for durability. We have men's plow booln, men's tine bouts, men's lon^' boots, and men's 10M, Hoys' coarse buots for rough wear, boys' line boots for Sunday!, uuiijen'ii line biittoued and laoeil bi-ot.-^ in l;id. iluii,'ola. polish call' iiud dull kid and caipet slipiwrs. Mis^e^' and children * in lar;,'e vaiieiieti, B AND C CORSET Iff ALL SIZES Come aud examine our hat stock, il is complete in every branch. KID, SILK, TAFFETA, LISLE & COTTON GLOVES Onr print and dress fj-xxls depart inonta am full of every novelty in those lines. Come early and get a choice of p itteni and quality never before shown in l-'lesiicrton. Headquarters for B and C Corsets. Shirting an.1 c )tto:iades, tweeds and p.intiiifjs, cottons and shirt in;,'*, towels and towellings, cinbriodeiies and luces, lawns and muslins, at low pi ie i and hi;<h Fresh Groceries Always on Hand. MCDONALD & EVANS. is a |M'rtiiient (|iiAtinii to aak why the -ity of such ahyliiw at ;dl, ntiliirut- in.,' hint to inuku d|H>its if h wen- rh-ai-ly huilmntliiHi thu people's iiinimv ami haii!{ini; it fnnn lunk tci h.u.k tu..h- tani greater iutcruit i Need T :t;inwer it ! Hut the ino-t amusini; thnii; is Inn ii{iii.r.iiico (if what ,'.-/>/ Iml^lit:- .< are. tell him thu li".':il innniit :ti-<-'tnliii<i to Imr, and in i 1111111:1-1 mi! 11 iiionnt iiii'ii'-vs tu IKJ [>aid l.v linn iiiiU-111'ude.ntly uf tliu C'niiiirll. Of in. -li .in riinnty ratei^ the Ui.- K. K. rate, anioitiitiiiu to mint; f4000 aninully Hiil lie iM-ur receive an order frnin CIIMII- cil tu py tliiMw * Thfn there rm- wlimd r.-itts f..|- -,\liir!i .rdernure ikrued fur Hi 1 .iimey, iinifurniity and punetiiuhl) - suite, mily, strictly they are in. ..... \s |.,- luliKJliU tn uthirr cor|iur:it luli.i .uul tlier.-- foro /n/.i/ li'iliil'His, Tliehn .inn. uul tu ay $."1000 .iniiiiiiMy, .-mil are paid li^'lit IM-H-. \\\ IIU illumed uiunt hu paid lu-'.iif any deposit takes place at all ! Ami yet uiir astute T. tries to force the a' idea mi UK that they aru taken to Own Sniinil. Why tl.i) wlinle <|iiestiuil "f <lu- is limited to a 111:11 on i' - j-TilMI jiur year, rather lost than ni.uv, the "llier inntieys are wanted nlnnint faster tlii.a cidloctcd in thu fall uf the year, and this iusiigniricaiit sum rui|iiinm the T. four trips a year to manipiilale ' Is there any oni- who believes it 1 \V!ni ilo I/KM think ratepayer I Hut on thu |iiestniii . .f drpHiiiU a^aiii. On Dec. 1, 1 S 7''. it ia reunriltid . C'uiiufi/ >li'>nl .< Ul'ffMI''l to I'lllltlnnf <lr]IO.liU Ol )llll>l>- "I ortioriitiiiii, to In iritli'lruitn mi '7 'n/ i if tlii- < 'iniii, ,/. TD tiiis hke'.viifo the 1 trvMiirer refuseil t .1 ./. .. . . 1 1, t. :t, 1881. is resolution, ordurint; thu i/./wi<j nf dr.- lioitun I'miiU and the T. to <itti n>l lie MM>n of lh>' > 'in... il These funds ;re ' ,<"t Imnked in IH. inn. i- ileinnnded. The . T. emphatically refuses to donee to the latter. M>ignin(| ax a ruanon the nearness i if his office ; yes hu office : hut three. times "lit of four he was nut there, am! hiindreila upon liuiidreda of ilollars the writer Iliut paid |iarlu to prevent, them coniinu for their cash tho second time, and thereby to preserve pacc, he-lice a resolution to prevent such. Tins is tin secret. Kvory cmiiic'illnr knew it and were provoked beyond measure, lint he wouldn't </<i nrc. Dec.. 1M7!( (Ac L'ounett ,t niiturrNMnj tin III M tn JH rxmiiiltif I. ,,iifit* uf idii/Vn, but in tht if opinion Ul mn/iurn of . ,(/< MS M-IK -ni/i. ,....'/;/ Miff, nut iiitrir'rrtini irit/l mm. Mill/ LI'IHII.-.', ill' if II' '..'... fl- 1/ :l n'.M< ,,((,-. .1 ii ,n -1,1,1,1 i , ! inntti i- . 'I'n this likewise the T. refused to tlmn-e ; Hot only wan this ignored but its exinleneo denied he- fnre t'.iu now Council ! As n reason tu nthers for nut prexenlinii; hi.s hill fur visits to Owen Sniinil before .i3 lieeniise il wa.i iiM-li--<i ;> present it before the Doctor and his Council ! Tho T. sjot liin (2U in vertheles*. It neailn no cuinniunt. In this case tho T. i/i,i.--./. In I.HH n motion unlii'in'1 I/JII>M/ m Mi'lfinit '"iid:, and intl'.is Imitk'-.il <i> 'I'.'iml, -on/ n7i ac- fount iv/Mi-titf (t.bt is ilel>onture account from the current,) the Council ipiitlil not t*rlf r.-tfHmtihli: To thi tliu T. re- fuse. 1 to i/iiiuv, and thu accounU urn .1 anility mixture nut a upeoimen uf tiiuii- oini! tn tins day. Does not thu above iin. tin PI also specify the particular bank I April, I.S-Oi, IVMI'II/IIIII tn r'urmWi .1 mtut <>f monthly IT'I/I|.< .iii(i This iiU i waa persistently iijnoreil. re^inliii", any utliiT treasurer and xalury wo had nutliim; t > .li>, ami sli lu 1 MMftalB thu salary <>t .-v. TV he should nl.su ascertain \\h'-tlirr they (tarried nut the iiiHtriii.-tr.>im of their re- spective emincils, ami whether llu-y wero atfulilu anil nbliiiini; r not, otherwise the mliTiimtum would Ixt deticlutit ami worthless The treasurer <if a minuet- pality is a servant of the council, and aare.es ti> carry out iti liufu-hts, nroviding they keep within tho statutes. In thu M nir T. agreed hy Ixuid to do so. If thu IIHV did nut suit he waa not bound to keep thu otHit. Others if ill do it satis- factorily. The labour i small, mill the responsibility in n uronl measure iissuined by the nninici|ialit y, anil in proportion to other salaries it IB iguitu enough. Yet kmiiiiesa. interest in hu SIUTI-SH of the township and "luiilienivi is worth money. 1 liavi; n it. ami do nut internl di.-tntillg to our present couneil. That tiiey have IM-I n ilujieil at lea.st once is clearly seen. Their actions an well a* ilium- ..f formsr .-.itineda will be wntrliril, lint I |,!ufu every cm.tiili 11 e in thru). I havu ke|il thin natter within the |ierid uf my n HIM linn with tho C.iiiueil sin IMT.'I. I'rcviuiiH to thin tiler.' :iro interuBtintf matter* lie.nin,' itrmi^lv 111 'ii of tinaiiefs. an. I lueli "iir T. wiu n tril>- iiiK tiKuro. I allow tln-m 'o rest at juvmMit. The Ulance of the T'a twaddle, for it is notlniiK uiorv, is nniiwcrvl l>y resolution -|ii.-t..l herein. Tho .HIIIII of the whu'e matter ia, the T. in "ton In-; for hi* l>re-.-li.'s." and sensilile men, who by law his masters, he too small a fry to ./inn to. I my I sny not llill|{ .>f I'er-.i-|-,i;il and nasty ill- sinu itioiiB of myself dm MIL; these vpar*. I only will not all'inr linn to falufy the i i Yotirx, \v. s. rnuivr<-i-;. Tn-HMirers Salarirs. C. J. Leitch, MERCHANT TAILOR, -FOR Good Material, Good Fits and Best Workmar.ship, IT Lowest Reasonable Prices. AprlCly Piopeities for Safe ARTEMESIA. I u-.l mi:..- N.I ' Al'ti'lin-hiii. il il He r<*. flnn.i. IMI-I io>.| .Im-lliliK "II Illn I.T. IIII-. - .!! tllK-,Hj Ullll ! Will b<- *nl, I , heap. Lot 1TO. !* 8. W., T .v s. !!.. . ,.,,.. N vW friini.i dwelling thri. on. nu.l ulitlittildin^- \\'ilp hi' ill I .-lirup .LSI I i.II tllllf. I .lit 171V !lrl N.i: . T .V S It . li&rilwood liuyll. Ti f ).'t\ Illi-lll n., lOOnon . ., of rilUftloti wiililiiiii>i -, thci. will llrowiili .. in - . Thin In! 'uiitiuri- falile rfiitiili<ur IB n. t t. All) Tn the Klitof "f /''i. I /r M Ih AI; SIR, As iuiiiii.iti ii by mo ill my lust lottcii- re thi' tri-a--iiirci--ihi|i nl this towii8bi|), that I woiiltl ftumsii llii) nailers of Thii Advuncu with a statri-ii-nt of '.In- salaries of ft number of tliG lira oilers of -ithT] towiiftbips ill thin county, I now' subjoin the sanii' as lar as r.ei'ivcd.i I may bo allowed to say that I onlyj askud a ic-ply to tlinei|iii :;iiuns \\ \\i-\i' vi ry n regular, not having fol- lowed any particular !'or:n. I ha\>' had i>i>lii'H a i vm-iul. siinii' 'if the trtiasiuvrs slain 1 *; innoiint ri-ceivcil fi r . nt n iv-iv.-.l ilu- 1 ",tli hi r in aildiiiuii to t'n- stateil otlicn giving postage allowed. In the IMSI- of tho trcasuri'i uf S\ <len!i.iin, his salary i.- wid to bo 375, but (lion lit receives tho interest derivable fioiu moneys Jepcsitt-il in the bunk, amount- ing to Uveuty-seviMi or thirty dollars yrarly, which blinds Ins sulary up to oviT $HH) pi-i'aiiiiniii I 5I ! ?l"is 5 i <*'"S =S= = WILL SHOW FOR YOril IN Sl'liCTION A Beautiful Assortment - 1 IN- WATifll^S. SII.VKKM IKE AM> i::' Fins (i:!i . El I s ! Sm\ 10 AN1> UK.. $_'.) TO S::S. WAi; RANTS COVKi;iN<; INCH'F.N- T\l. l',i;i AKACKS U TO 4 Yi:s. CLOCKS, IN I a - : -8sS.?-3 . ^ 3?83SS psas tr'~"~ t " -<-<- tA ' "^ I" ' ?= 11 XICKKL AM) 1.50 TO is. WAI.N Fine ually niteinl. d to. C:,K,. in- spection of ti.i, .MS, I'tiei-s and Husuu-ss M i hods in\ Ucsl \Visi, cs to All ! W, A.r.UOWN,