THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Jl.4.VJt/.V0 OFFICE Of OEO. MITCHELL, FLBSHBRTON. \ 3 M ,1 buikiiiK h ilium" tranuvUul t):<w <' .> I n.l fln"|'lis tMilioil at uulrato a, w.i., **ll*4l f legitimate HMMi OfFifK two doori north of Htuhardnon *Co'. DR. SINCLAIR, M D, M. A., L. (\ P, S. O., M. O. 1'. S. M. The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO. 8>wiliM f'M- the trealemuut uf all,' D: - ami! ,il th" Hwiit and I.iinc*. And DiiwttiWK of Woman positively JonatVitui lluwhaT 1 ..' Mutowoll, *av :- 'Alt.T uiMidin.i nil iy uioin'V an, I iirafwnv t an jmr iiuna on iiiB'liuaJ lo.iii. for vliat thuy uirniud a lio|Mli<* fii-i. "* ' ,>iiuiu|)tiou, Dr. Sinclair cured mo." itn Mrv .. .. AVktui all othtir. tailed. l)r Sinclair MM uie U McPonul 1. IJik.-fleM. ay:--Dr. Stoclair cm-il mu of riitaiTh." liuo. Riiwuil. Hlvtbe. ay : -"Or. Sinclair ill-mi inciif In-art ,UmaM> Mid tlropiiy. when all them f,ji." I hwa*, i f prl vat* nattim brought oa by lolly Or Sioetaii-c.-rtiulyirM. I ...iNnJKit i..ii Frrr DR. SINCLAIR WILL BE AT r s II. .1,1. H,->U.Ti4,n. Tueday, ON 19th. ;: . .mew iiofi-M .imutiy /orafj tri// >* ,-Jiar<il <i< *. rfr of K>c prr liiu fur ntrJi iiurrt'um. A reduc-tiim wiU '< Vicinity Chips. of the Pant Wrrk ull.-d for the < urious- Division court meet* in Dundalk mi Kiul.iv, M.i\ **e and >m^y for mile apply Ui M I'l.-hardnon, Klenliertnu. erM wa"H fr le nl*t ne ulil mure colt. Apply to Jim. Smith, Flualwrtiii. To-morrow f Friday) will be arbor dny. Do your duty thi* ytMr. citixnia, in thu :iy ill trev planting. Markuule (matiiffiiv wai Iniryhin/.nl "li Monday eii'iinr,' Tin- ll.ieves only o- * few ilollitrii. Di.n't ! like a pe.v.-,ick. h.vued t . look at y>'iir feot.Uut ;;<'t * pair >Mi .:-i i' o' tliat wiJl look wi-ll and wuar Mil I i nl iilui,i{ lMyinit tii-iiiiiiT<iw. Mr. ii II.-M iii.t|inHvd of it Inrne iium- i mil lit* during thu (Hint wix-k, HIM! V\u.\ will have a hard tune l it Jiirn^ \t fw Uy. I.u'iit. Kii-liU uilvvrtiii'i uUuw1in> ty live ri'oriiits for N.'. li >-i'inpaiiy. Tliin iiiiiuliur OIIX'H eiiaily tn IK> KIMIPM!. :n tin- f<iini>:uiy will hnvo its annii.i! ilnll tlii* yoar. \ . i-vvry i. no m liorn jTi.plc havo (jut t,' ! lli^ir iVut iiivcrfil >-'lllrluTf. ^ "II l-lllllll't i;i't U-tl.ur .Hllp- A Notes. Mr. .' . I'lu.-i . ItiuliAin IS.i.iil, :i I iv.<n lm!l, wlncli liu purcham-J :it . ithiT s ivivnl ile. Mr. Win. al^'i piirrliusvil at tliu i>f Mr. 't ' Kfrkliire li, ;ir-, wliicli In- ni'W "l!Vr< fu \.'iir UlidentAlidiu] nnd v ill IK' tiiinh nn|>iiivi.d if ynil i pi.r ..f ILIUM I'r.iiu I'Uylini. llo vvxiTiil traiulnd pain to ebnoM frmu. Ciirl VV.vnU-tl. (I. ,i 1 viil tn .1 . grimm \ Mr.. II, -v. A \\ trtuu. NII In-tti-r nr <'!iu.t|.r fimt wcnr can In- li:ul than it (.'layt >n '. A <,ii,.<l ilvnl "l" tiiiis.i'V 11 watlril in liuyini! l>txi| ami H. \> is L-lioiipiid* if ijtiulity i ! Urn. Trimble h* J"-*l r*ciived Ireiili fciippiv uf tliu |..v. i.. -.1 |].mi'i, li.lts, l.i. >.> kin) iC.l...i,-. I J..I..K. cull l the Millinery '" IIH..HI.I >tm wil le Jubilee SiL'germ. It.-v. Mr TI>UX LA* Mviirnl ill.- Hervi- cc uf tliu O'Baiiyouu Diiiniiiinii jubileu M give n < ri'il couvort in the dint chiiruh on Weiliixwliiy nu.xt, M iv li. Tim trinipu C.OIIM VIM y lui>lil.i n- < niiii>ii.|pil and tliould bu wll |>ntri>ii i 1 Kov. W. U Sparlni,-. of Tei- u.ilur, wuiot nl tliu tr..u(H) as fwlluwi : " They wrv Imro hut Nimday night aiul u i ,' to a $."i hnuv tn the entire utifa- tii <>f all. Thy ant really (ili-inli.l ' The iiivnilien of die nmniiaiiv are : Min 8arah M<nit"mry, miprmnn ; Mil* Julia Hi-iinini, daughter <if Jn*iah Henwm, or I in-iu I' .in ; Mr-.. I.. ill in liluiul, Mia* Slime K M:vlsti. n. Mr Enrnet O'Raiiyouu, H*v ..'. O', aud Mr. A. \\ Harris. Hotel fur Sale. Fur salt- ohfnji th<- Ku'_'rnin hmel, do- ..r-.- ,-.,1 liii>inr>.s. Small o.iU ;>yiiMfiit. eny t. TIIIS. (Jond n-anuii* fur ApjUy tn |in>iirietr, Jnhn Hran- itf, Sold Out. Mr. J.i.-*. H. Stuart has deponed of his contract fttr rarnii.,' the until iH'twwu Fleskerton Station and Durham, to a Mr. D:ive .MrK.uliuid, of th>- lactur phu-e. The clKinoe of proprirtorshin will tako place mi M.iy 1. To Correspondents. No leaa than throw batch** of corre- ipomlfiictt came to hand tin lute for 111- xertion in liut weuk's iatue. Oorres()ond- ,-ntii will e.inifr a favor liy postuii; their niiilter 1:1 tune t.i reach us not latnr than Tuesday, otliurwiao it cannot a|i|.nr. New Dressmaking Firm. Mn. iljerdriiiii. who has lor tomu time put heun in purtnership with Mian Cola in the ,lre.HMiiiakiiii{ Hue, now hag the buginaaa in her own name. Miu Cole UaviiiK retin-d. Mn. (ijerlrura will slioitly take into partnurihip Mil* Day- uard, of >weii Sound, who will arrivo thia week. Auction Sale. A credit sale of farm >U>ck and nnplo- menU will \w held on Saturday neit, May -2. mi the farm of Mr. S. Cunninu- limn, l..t KW. c.n. 1*, W. T. & S. U. SIMIII- ^HM! farm atuck will IM sold. ~v'f bi'l*. 11. J. Sprou o. auctioiifi-r. S. t'liiiinii^liuin. pnipriolor. A Mil- <>f farm Ktm-k and iinpli'iuMit* will Ui lii-'.ii "M the farm of Mr. 1'nllin- U-r, u.-ar Masw.-ll. on Muiiday, May 4. .I.ilin SJ|II-ITH, aiictiniifor. Church News. ,>!i|-|i-rl\ vl\u:i-a will l) hi-Ul ill tliu >K-ilimi!st i-hnrrh ni'xt Sunday. Tn tvrviuu.H A, Tr lirlil ill tlu I'roihy- t<Tiu church last Siimlny for the lint time. Ki'V. Mr. I'u ;.i!.-y, lu> (.ikus i-h.n ,r .,f the I'.aptist i-onrv^.ilioiiH here t"i .1 few iiii'iiiha arrm-d I'll ^iitunlay Ht. l>'4ii* woiiKl havu liet'ii a luxury ilurin; the iliun h >i-iMi i > li Sunday hint, lull linn >!. if. t ii.-n-d. llu >'"'' lailie* not u ' ' "i'n>li '' Person \l. M !., \ \llliMl .|io ret HI lie, I l.l.-l Wfek from a seven ni'ililhs' Io rel^il:\e< in l.i'iidoii ;iiul Toronto. Tho yiuiini p*"fn< ;,-ly very niu.-li and i-r-- i[bi,l (<i welcini lur home .1^-1:11. limn Tt'i-oiitti, H'.iere^he luis IM-IMI mi plovuil f ,r HI. me time pant. Mr (ifo. Smith returned la.-,l vrui'k liom AlLell ,-olle.;.., Kfllevillo. Mr. \v TI i ii'.li- iwen oooBntd ii the hoiine fur tho |iat \vei.'k with inlleu mat mil of tlm hovvrls, but IK fut n- ..\,.iuil<. Mr \\iii. t' linn piiivhiuted the pri'iiei'y lii-liinuing t/i Mr \.niy .ind HUM ,1 mi, ilei\ then-ill. Mr. Th"s. 1'illister, of Maxwell, will 1 .ei .in, II le-ldent of Kloulu -Hi II. \ ' Mi. I K \l-,"i . Kli.i.hi-il"ii'* | opiihii fuilllt'.IH' tK'il'ilT .ll'd IMldcll.-lkrr. ll,-^ iimiU' a U-aiiMVi' ''I 1m .v,i:-u properly in tlita villa :< t Mr Kom-r Lover, in enn- Hi>li'i-alin of M- I ' mill |.r,.|M'ii\ .tl IM,. ^t.iiii.ii. lie has dixpiiacd of IIIH st.H.!< uf fiirnituri 1 , hrarso, el,- . to Mr. Ed. M N a. who *i!l stup int., Mr M.HTC'S shoos in that line. Mi M ..n, will ii"l leave in, and ',i are dupused to lifiii'vo thin ho will hotti-v hiiu.ii:!f by the cliunjjt'. Ho ha* at all events our heailx wi.the* that thia may be the IM There ha* Won a ^r at ,iy ..f ti KH-, iii.i lately. Hut it ;ia only olio of Mr. -I. II Purkett ' coiilla^rali >n. l!o is the Ihiy that c-in ramo tli m,ik<>. Ho hii.i l>oii b'.lTMin^ lime for fourteen yi-ar-i, and mi'li-ntaiiils IIIH hu.sinea. thoroughly. Ho hii : larijo ipiantity of timu oil hand at present, wliicli h will wdl at lnwenl i.i i--e for c.iah. He tlianki hi* pntroim for pant fnvom, nnd i* n >w ready to (ill all ordeia. AIIVT. Died. l,aviin havo thalr tiino to fall. an, I town* to willtat ot tho uiwth llli'Alll, An, I lar> to Ht. Imt all. Thou tiait all aa<>Dii for Ilium own, ODsath Althoinjh exprt li'il for wmie time pant, the diath if Mr. Win. WixM at hi* rci deuce, Floaherton atatioii, on Friiky iiKirnuiK U-it, <<H4t m, <t |M9o|U liy inr- triae. He pngl |>euefully away at i :U).i.-l.,,-k on tho iiioming nanrad. He lad l>ee.ii ailing a few inunth* prior to hi* le.-uli, and although it ia known he would never get lv>ttr the end came * loner Until wn* uenprally expected. De- cojued wai 72 years of a^. He wa* a il neighbor, honunible <tnd atiaiuht forward in all hi* dealings. H was it inemher of the rivsliyterian church, and lad mi fear of dvatli, but wa iputo i-f.tdy to UK o that hnine alwva where KIM and row i- no more. !!< i.n.k a deep in- terest in i-hiiroh iiini Sabbath school work in tiiiH plac.i, and will be aadly nuued hvre. Hi* reliiimu* ouvirtioiiA ,.|o [inn, IIIH liead WIM clear, and hi* liuart wa* w inn. He was inteili^-iit.aml Inul i>'*d largely. He leaves a wife, two aoii!i nnd live daughters to mourn hi* lo*. His i>-iimtu.i were taken by train to Knr,' for interiiieiit. Kefore leavini; llev. Mr. IIIJC preached m moat impressive *er- inon to a number of old ac<|UtttntanceM who gathered to pay the lait ivspecis to mr eiteenied worker. Own. l.B. Icirrisi.-r. ha* ^IH.IX.II private funda to lend on fa 1 m inortKaKea within the uext few inunth* at low*t current rates. No coimuia*- iona, mi delays, expenses low. Apply at ortiii* in Mitrkdale dunnu the week or at Dundalk office ou Saturdays. nmherton Hi/ our ""'n llf/xirter. Quite a number are still mi the tick lilt Mr. Mclnnia and family left f<r Brit- ish Columbia last week. Mi*8 Wood, accompanied by her brother, returned >n Monday evenini; after the burial of their father. Mia* Mrl'liail returned this week from Owuii Sound, nhora lie has been vuiuni; friends smoe the death of her father. Rev. Mr. Toinje will preach her* at .'I .. . I, ,-k on S.ilibaih next. Mrs. K. Stiuie i* veiy ill at present. We hope Ui hear of her recovery noon. wa nick. xv ^ \Vii,-nliea. Oiilil. S(M- ,-nd fur tiaMuna. Wu-ii ilir Iwaim. \llu. NIK- clutiK to (.'aKuna. Wtwu tlio ItaJ i UiUrru, ^ie gvo UK.-III OaMufia ^"/,.in inn , ' On Sunday inorninu an event took ;>laro near tin: villaue whii'h oast a *hndow ..f ;li-,.i .>.-i- ilie people in When news renchod thia ipinrter tlnit M>- who h.ul Ix-i'ii alli'iiiilii'^ to 1,'insehohl dll .11 l-'inliiy Imil liouii i-allnl away so soon, it i- mid .M'. urely be liolieved. HoH- i'\er, ue u.' si nv t . i i\ it w.i-- the ,-:IM', I'm- Mrn. .lames, v .i, ,. u ' .. i ii. ,inil .i-. lint a fow day* l-n.i-- in np| at i-t hea'.l'.i ami lreni;l!i. >!i>- an only in. mi, .,1 alioii; i hreo inontliH, ami there- I'MII- leavi -. ,i yniiii", h'lH'.iand and many I'lieiidnlo m, .urn her lns. Tlie ml, uiellt took pliiro ill M.i\-.n-ll Mellioiilst bin \in-4 -4i- iin,l mi TutMilay. Kev. II. A. l',i, . n . ..... out iiii..- the son Mr. ileor^e Smith, from Kl -sln-i i -n. u ,1 the pulpit of (he Melhodihl ehiiii'h hero on Siimiay uiorniinj. Mr. Thomas I'alister lm rentuil \\i* film ami will tin, \ I- to KloNherti'ii. M, ITI r-euilose, Linley. Ni-lleliiinan, llam'nliii and kiiilon lei! tor l',,llin; th..s week and took the Iniat f..rth>' tvual. Cwiu^ tn tho aoseiioe of K.-v. Mr. Hughes a si ran. *l [Ml i. 'n-d in the l'n . 1,\ li lun cliiireli oh S-imliiy eveniiii;. Mr John M.i.liil now lakes i:iiai^<i oi the M.ivm II hotel. To mo'l-ow "ill he irlior day and w .-, \ pert to .see a ;, ii,-Kii le-ann^ iiji at the school. The i-li, bell has In-en ivpnir>-d, aa.i Me .-an heal Us no liy t-il'. /Yi.m win- uii-.i (',/!. -/foi,.i. iif. \Ve are pli-a.--i'il t-.) 'IMI u :li.i!. Tho.. ve ami .Inlin !.<<' our . us, hav - seourcil \voi! in the vicinity of Mono Koiul al ; HotwiUwUUldillg tin; fxc bail state, nt tlio 1'iniils liitely, our iirbiine 1'. M. is on lime c-vi'iy uii) with tin) limit. (tin iitlonticn was ilriiwn lust week to tlm veiy noal uni>t;:millCo. of Mr. J. M.uiiii n ilmvi i ^aiiieii. wlm-ii liar n liuuiber a( crocunc* out in full bloom, although Hit- Know hiul buroly nii-lted away. Mr. M. IB the model L'arducr of S. P. Mr. A. Lecko erec'cU a slablo week, Mr. V. Hill WUH the franirr. Alf. nays Una In<t addition to IJKI SPRING In order to supply our increased husines, we have a very laige supply of MCMI'S, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. In Men's wear Fine seamless to heavy plow hoots. In Ladies' wear ['olish culf, kid, donyola and pnmellu. Clitldren s in v:uu.-iy. Nearly all new jjno.l.s ;ind host makers. Prices as low as i-'ason will admit uf. Custom work and repairing sewod nr [le^ijctl ;ira".iiieil to. Goinl WDrk and best material used at CLAYTON'S, Flesherton. means another 91 DO to the of hit* eslte. Tlieix- is trouble brewing in S. 1*. owing to a certain miauthorizi'd uct on the part uf ono of our .nlolesci-nt villagers. The Mayor ims tho case in hand ami we expect atrict justice svill b( meted out to tlic gmlty party. \Y>. await further developments Look out tor *yn<tlli. Our duiiiiine now spoils a rnail-cart and a 2-year-oll colt. He dim-. home every, every, (really our memory i* failing.; \Ve Ji*vo it,every moiitli, Mr. Pattison had invested in a just - too - cute for-iinytliing, " little cooking stovo. What next. Jim ? Mr, Jas. Aldeorn seiuirad first pri/e for Ins Canadian draft staMiiin at llopeviUu on Fnday. Say, Mr. Evlitor, are you gom to 'nl,o a montlis holidays .' 1'welvo p;i^, s of "Advaneed" reading found its way into our sanctum lust week. Auuiit - weeks ;i^ii some rascal ,-niiiiil ^li. .Iiihn linux's school, near Vi-nP/y. ami broke the -=tov.. to pieces, :l;ii;,.|ii tl -evi-ral. -,'.uvi) pipes :iml cluip- ped ft. in large holes in the hlaeli- board. A- i , r-. JMI n,-' 4 --imiil was oli.sed I'ist week for repairs, .lolm -p. nt Ins unexpected and prein.iuue linliiliiys at limn, . Mr. \Vilhiini McMurdo has taki ,i the jol) of drawing the milk to l>oolli- villi- I'jti'toi-N along the 17th cunceSB- lull. Mr. .lul.n l^UhU 1ms been on;; as deputy foremtin on Mr. \V. K; nteta. WHAT WK MAY KXPKCT. A calf fur -ale. A rise in the pi ire of veal. That I'., ih \vill timl himself in tho lor." the principal will be busy 1'iulay by tliu appeuruuce of limits al present. That the trustees are not Roing t<> allow Iiii!' ion 10 join No. 14, i .I'ul. \ .Io, .11 I.. Sullivan pugilists en- counter. Lay on Mel.>iilf. >,iiin i UNO 111 the matrimonial line ill mi eaiiy ila-- 1 . jiidging from the ninnero:i.i liiurk knticlis and pn.i plleinah.l pellaililiig to luiur-elu-epinx. that c-eiiam ul our fair ones aio mani- For 0>-r Hll> Vears Mi '. 1 i,,iii k i loi.l sui-. with I..IHI ,.| Liltlll , l,,,nl..,.r - ilni.i: i . . i.. i mi- t. - \Vi.i I ' ' . i In- win, In ,. Mi- \\ in .!.. - >,,l!niii; >\ in; . lol.ll, Ml, ..Unlit. ' ! * i 11 : i.l l>,,l t in- 1 'liit,-,l . .. -mo ami Flpshertoii Cemetery Trust. I'll. -I |,llll,.l.',l IH \l ill 1,0 i tin- l',n Iliiil. |.li-,li,-ll'. il V. . .im tlm i..tii MI May a,t f) o'oluuk p. <n. lin-iiu'r--. it'lsiii. mi, I milking linn,' .;,ii-i..\ ii: tin, ,. i- . ; \VM >'l. \- MWA.Irf) A yMH lit., mf ,,-J.V t.T .1. I", R. I. ..'.!, .MI,, i . . L, . .1 ... I.. I ..I ,. , H.ll t . ', .,.11. hit I.. " '..HIM 'I,.IN 10 I,. I] ^111,, 11,11, m,tl i t.'UJO .. I,. .1. -. .-.. Ill .. .. I,, .n, |*JI . f mrf>. . , .-,. . r. n., ...... *l I., u.t. ,- ! Mil t,.'ft 'li....| .|*,t ,M.,i.i,u rlt 10 ., ,., Mkl '.. ,,.,, , ..I. Mr .1.11 I..*. n,,l,M,-i.f >,..,,;,., I vein. "I I I 1,11 < l..,l. lAlill, l I Mu I I.I I. >,l,li,MlfiiM. sil.-i. h III., \ TRAM! I..,JM.. U' P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, <)Y. ! MrFurlnnd's Miorr Unnct io Loan. $n$inr!S* Cards. John W. l''l.LNHKI;II,\. t'<>. Ifl.l-v. niVISldS rol'HT rl.i:ilK.fllM.MISSI()Nl-K "ill II II.. Ciittaiu-i.i..Vi- AKnl(or iMin-lia.u nil. I .ak- .if lanUi. .\|,|nalr (or l 1. ( t,n Olll K I' II ,V M >,.<!, t\. |,,| lrv t,, |, iak |. ,,|, t|u, aaonabl* n.rin ur XlAJill! -.1,1: i. n -I:NHKS. NOTAKV MOM E Y TO LOAN - The Undersigned has a Liu'tfe Amount of Money to Luiii i; . o. ON TOWM OK KA1I1I I'KOI'KllTV " s. DAMfin:. r W. J. BELLAMY TWP. OI.IKK AUTFMI>U. /.T i .vi /:/.'. fit.\i.MiMHi\ri: L\*I-I; IN.'/; .u. r ,i-c rvi:i-:Ds. MUK K,AUI:S 1,1; V^KS. ,vc . i>r,.|,. r 1 in. I |>IO|T!I . \,, ntfl. IIIMIII,!., . >"l ill tlist I'lass cuuiiiaiiiuB. M, n, i io .,i.ut DR. ("AliTKR, M ('.I'. Jt S. , ONT. riiYsirii\. XIK<.IO>. A,. nJCSUBRTOM. Offll-O. Stuhi , lil,,i-U. l;, DRS. SPROULE & E ?Q M.\!!K1> M.I-: ONT. UIHrr : Hauler-. UI-IIK Store. T.S.sriitU \M;I a HOC lati, of r.,ll, ,,i, .,,, . T,I. Dr.l^jo willlw fotui'Ui'lal,. II...1-. ; :iu: ),, /. P. OTTEWELL, VKITHINAKV S! 'l..J- <f * >1,KUU. \ . I. Coll .;. -i > IK*' ;n*.t .Ivor -uuih >[ 1 titcit - bo|i FLBSHBRTUV. J. P. H AIM ALL, L. 1>. S.. M. l. S.. rj. . i VIM!.-. M:n-kti:ile tlm Ami ::i.', \, il:iv ..i e:u h month. Klrshnloii caeh tllii on tin -f. -.It,- w. ....k... .,rr tf MM ll6 1. lit, I .11 t .-ilr*. i l . VLLV->. IK,a . ./. W. * tfG XT, Hill- 1- 1 nit r. .So/ iri />/'. ' 'on i < I' i i , It,. I''l.r.-nt.i;ii,N i 'ii n i:, M.\ i. i. Si'i:,n-|.i:'s I'.i n HIM;, ..N Til' i MIAM, n\\ I:N s n \D ni'i'ii ' rii wi s Hi H.i.iMi SOCIETIES. .IN-, in- Ti:Mri:u.\xi-i: Dili tiii't-tti In Dr. rhii- 1," > llun,.,-\ ^ m ffi'nilli: M * ! Ill VlMtihj; l.r, tilt 111 mil. I iMiiaui^ lu t-uuniM-tuiii Rl)^ \l, I'KMI'I.MIK UK TI.Vl'KI Hi^.iln. r., 11 mil 1111 1 u , \, i > 'I HIM>> rvfii ln In S|irul -tilovk l K |,in Sil,,i .li-i;i~< litinuralit-fi ini'i'tM montlily . ii>, N\ . , iiL'tlaf luix-cilniK tliu lnl ul nacli niuutli. PlllNI'K \UTMl H I.ODUF. NO in. \ P * \ M . inm-t in Ihn Ma'onir Hull Miai < lilimk. Hniliciton. .,n i > Krli'a> "li ..i IH Inra in.. full nioui.. W. J. llcllaiuy, W.' M.. It J 'Tt]> m