Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1891, p. 2

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A PAGE FROM OUR HISTORY. Op.-Slnt *r Ihr lirrnl M r ..[ l-l ;. The trat eoiiditioaof *!!>' in this pro- r..-e at the i.ut break of Use 4r with the United States in IHIiis very little known or understood, i vcn alining our | pit-. l,y t*c The cause of this is easily explsim-il. I'lif i-omplete history of the period lias never U-en written. Tlicre have been a number of hiiitoriei relating to the war, hut iiiont of them are incomplete, and nearly all arc devoted more to the ac- tive military operations than to the condi- tion of affairs and the feeling of the people 1812, five months before the dec-'antion of war. an Aot of Cougrees was pa*i d for rais- i ing i"), (XMUnen (0rGv years. In the next i monlli aik A>'t *>BS pasWd to ojcanize 50.0UO M.lunt.-.'i*. .n>4 in April I (),( militia were oalletl iikto ai-tjfe servrjce for puqiose of milii try flull. 'llurinj the Whole war the United States regular arm/ amounted to aliont .'lO.OUO. The wh<4 imHtia fr>e raised duriiig the war was 47 1 ,l-"-', making agrsnd total of over hall a million engaged in the effort to eosMiaerprovrrcea eentsunnf; a total populaimn nf .T'0,000. Another great dilli- was the lajk of military stores and lier. (Jrn. Brock had no nniforins to i- the militia, ami therefore issued a just before the commencement of hoatili in-". Consider the I k Inul to face, and the mcoKitres he took to meet them. He wan adniiniiitiator of the Government and commander of the military forces as well, and fortunate indeed wus it for Canada that the civil and military ]>owers were combined in the person of one so able and so energetic as Isa*c Brock. In considering his position at the beginning of the war I will draw at- tention tint to the overwhelming odds against us and the apparently hopcleiui pros- pect ot successfully defending this province, I.I.IT MN'-> Ml HjCfl.TIKS In the first pla':e Kngland was eng.ip il in the mightiest effort she had < vcr made, car- rying on, almost dingle handed, a war against the greatest soldier and conqueror of modern times, if not all lime. From ITH.'I with a s'.i^ht inter mission, she had It-en continually engaged in war. The liritish triK.p* had been lighting in the Peninsula with varying success for four years One army, under Sir John Moor, had been obliged ti. letreat in ISlitt to CVirunna and mil ,nl> for Kngland ; while Lord WellingUtn bad been ohli.ed to fall back to the shelter of the lines nf Torres Ycdraa in IMIl, and across the Portuguese frontier in 1MI and to retreat from Iturgosin IM'J. The national debt hiul iucrcaae<l from 'J40 Millions to about 740 milliims sterling during the pretrdin^ 111 years, an increase of over,ii,(pii, or tl30,(l(K),OUU per annum. The total debt as fifti-on times larger than the present debt of Canada, while the popuUtimi of Great Britain and Ireland was not more than three and a half times our present popula- tion. Napoleon was at the / of his power. The whole of Kurnpf. e ept Kus- sia, wan under his contrul. On the I-'th June, 181'J, he crosseil the Nieinen to invade Kussia at the hnad of almul half a milloin of the best troops of Kurope. Alison says : Tin riiniiiLiniU of Napoleon were an n.ulili obeyeil by tho llaliumi, lii-rnnum or I'ruMiajis a* by tli- KnitnU "t tin r ri'in Ii empir. . NapnU'im left I'arn f^i 'ln cani|iaign on the 9th May, M-J. and six weeks fter, on the IHth June, the I'niti.l ^t.,t4-s declared war against Kngland. The |K>|il.i!n.ii ..i l'p|..-r ( 'insxla was then d ut alx.ut popul i-uliy sup clot A tlllllonalrr , 4<lii Blnrr. Mr. Alexander I>e Vn-une, a well millionaire o| Nap* City, California, has returned frosn a pa ( ity. r>ur*ey to forget. he is not likely loon De VifsWe came a the steerage of the steal gvnttiii Atom Naples and in the company of 4R5 Italian emi- grants. His story is a most extraordinary It aj.pears that Mr. De Vieune left XapAfity in September for the purpose of making a trip to Kurope intending to visit Italy and spend the winter at Nice and Monte Carlo. He took with him a few hundred pounds and a letter of credit for recommendation to them that each man, as ! amount suflici.ut to cover his expenses far as his circumstances and .ituation allow- while absent. He proceeded to New York hlticulties < i ienc > r l a ^ j ed, should pnm.le himself with a sliortcoat <( K--MII- dark culored i-l.ith, mule to button well around the body, and pantaloons suited to the season, with the addition of a round hat. It was also recommended to the officers on every occasion when in the field to dress ID conformity with the men, in order to avoid the bad consequences of a conspicuous dress. Flour was scarce, the price having risen befiin- the WHrtot^.SO a barrel, and many of the militia were drilling in their naked feet, while Brock wak without a military chest, witlmiit iinnify enough to buy provisions, blankets or even shoes for the militia. He ii' i Ii his wants known toa numbei of gentle- men of credit, who formed themselves into what was called "the Niagara and Queens- ton Association," and several thousand pounds were issued in t he shape of bank notes which were currently received throughout the country. This enabled Brock to tit out his i-\ nfdi t inn to I'l'lniit. The want of arms was also severely felt until the capture of placed at his disposal 2,!MO muskets f ii. Hull's army, which were used to arm Canadian militia. There also he cap tiued A i|iiantity of cauuon that were of < in subsequent operations. "i 1. 1 ...... Thousands of wilil go to solitary ai.d nailed thence in a steamer for (ienoa , his trip being as much for his health as for pleasure, and not wishing to visit the northern and colder climate*. Arriving in < ienoa in October, he remained there some days, and made a journey through Italy, visiting Naples, Home, Venice, etc. After two months of enjoyment of this kind, he took a steamer for the south of France, and proceeded to Monte Carlo, here he stalled down for the winter : but one night, soon after his arrival while on his way home from the Casino, where he hail won a con- snler.tb'e sum, he was waylaid by some rutiians who had watched bis good luck. They robbed him not only of his winnings, but of his jewellery, his letter of credit and other paper*. They stripped him and left him bleeding and innensihle by the roadside where he was found by the police some tune after. He was taken to a police station, where his injuries were dressed : but, aa he claimed to have l>eeii robbed, w In, h the police refused tn believe, he w u quickly turned out to tind his way back to his lodgings u best be could. lU-in^ abso- lutely without a penny and being iiuile ig- norant of the language notwithstanding I.M Iri-iii h 01 n;ii. Mr. |)e Vieuiif little sympathy. Hi* landlady kept his wardrobe aa security for his bill, but would not allow him to remain in the house, and TIT BITS. i ; A Perfect 31ft, f 1st. ^ifall b<,y "S, iy Jim wjswtkiml of a (sfacilis the* you're writing with '" Slid. Small boy "That i an .fu.Ul'i' pencil that, l*ad gave me m my birth iny." (.. S. H. Stable Accommodations Not Needed. Old Hayseedion a visit to town) " Say, when does this 'ere show begin !" Man in Box Office" In ten minutes." Old Hayseed" Well, give me a ticket." Box Office" Want an orchestra stall *" Old Hayseed "Stall? Great guns, I ain't going to drive my horse in." An Electrical Household. Bulfinch " Your house must be full of electricity." Wooden " Why, there's none there at all ; what made you think so T" Bulfinch" Why, I notice when yon get anything at the store you always have it charged. A Gcoi Reason- "I don't tee why you went to the expense of a covered van to move onr stuff, Maria. It's so old and worn no amount of weather could damage it." "Thai's just the point. I don't want people to see how dilapidated it is. ' All the Pleasure Gone. " We have decided to go toCocouna this summer. " " Have you, really ? I shouldn't think you would like it much, now that you are mar- ried, (letting engaged u such a feature of life there." placet on tin- Labrador coast, and I know | "' unfortunate man resolved therefore to that hundreds upou hundreds of thousands 8 to Nlce - *here he had some friends. He goto nilent spots in the interior uf Newfound Inml, building tletr nests around the gravelly shores <>f the {rands and lakes. of linn Ilight from the mainland out over the stormy water* of the (iulf of St. l.twrt -i.i >, v In n- the turds have ofti u in in. ,l,r their way through leagues of fog with nothing to guide them ' They usually leave the mainland with a southwest wind, using nlnwly into the air, and ascending very high. They whe<-l tins way ami that, an if establishing tlirir bear- ings, uii'l then slowly l'gin their way to- ward the distant mlaml of Newfoundland. They fly by night and day, and often their i not a<> much as a star by night tn guide i In-ill. As far as I can ! .u n, the wild goose will not take rest, under any stress, started to walk. and-i/ routr stoppett several pel-nous, hoping to tind some one speaking hnglish to whom he could tell his story. Hut his clothes being lorn, his face bruised nud his general up|>earnce inns' suspicious, In- w.i H regarded us a drunken beggar liy those w ho understood him. and all aasutanre wan refused. Arriving at Nice he found his friends gone, ami he could get no one to A Spring Song for Invalid*. A cup of cougb mixture come till, till fcr me ; Give those who prefer it champagne ; Let the soft mustard plaster my bosom-friend be. Nor the gruel-cup mantle in vain. With the delicate blister so gracefully spread, And the ju Julie to strengthen my voice. 70,000, of Lower Canada alM.nt .'.'Ili.lMi, in Jlnthesea all about .TOO,""" The imputation of th,- , liav< . w . u .|,,,| ,(., , )he autumn take Mates was ,.,, , |'|,e ,,.. ,|,.. ttrttlre f r ,, m Newfoundland for tin- ' """ | . wl '" -'"I'l"'-! him I nine population of rtie Unite.) Kingdom <>f Cri-al ,,.,. They g 4t |,,. r (,, the interior "K" "' ""' ''":' "-'" was slightly more than , Urge flocks, feeding ,.U.ut the uplands till a "te.tdy inutheas'iT brgms to blow. I lien I hate seen them Mont up, up, till they appmred as small as mosquitoes ; but no captain that ever sailed the seas can lay Britain and Ireland Man slightly double that of ihe ('niied States, but it was .1 |i|iiiliitiiiii i \liaust4-d by 111 years of war, burdened with a di bl rclntiw-ly four tune* s great <u the prr-M-nt debt of ('.mada n to listen t.> hi* story, much less hvlievr it. A wreath of red flannel I'll bind round my L . I - V ' _ I .11 head, Ami w .tn ti l in hot water rejoice. A Leading Part. " Ini i;."iig to giw- you .u, important part in my next play,' said the manager to the > ith Urge hands. " aid the ambitious ajwiitant. "A lending |>art? ' " Kxik tly. I want you t mt i-ut in the and start the applause." Km illy the Nice |K>|IC HI rested him as a< tramp, and a* him xplanations were nitaatit- factiiry, and he wan without u letter or paper )>roving his in. lent it v, he was not liclii \r<l The Jil.lgi 1 latulicd it his Story of tin i-.'ilirry, ami pave him a month's nn- BfBNSinMBl for alleged lu'ggltlg and hating in. n.i-anH of sup|x>H 1 1 e nerved hifl ' and, having bren I.U-rated, .1 i Mar- Belllt-H, \t In 1 up :i tl'.e A.> i in the tcir- Hood's Sarsaparilla la a coneentiuteJ eitruct u( Yellow Dock, 1'ipsLssewu. Junl)>er Berries, Mandrake. Dandelion, and oilier valuable vegetable remedies, every Ingredient being strictly pure, and toe best or Its kind It Is possible to buy. It Is oreparcd by thoroughly competent ?har- maclsU, In tin 1 most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion and Process, giving to It curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in the power of medicine, Scrofula, Halt Rlieum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria. Dyspepsia, ISillousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, lUicumatuun, and all difficulties with the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates aa Appetite, and (Ives mcnt..l, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. The value ol Hood's Sarsaparilla Is certified to by thousands of voluntary wit- nesses all over the country whom It has cured of diseases more or lens severe. It Is sold by all druggists, fi. six for fa. Prepared only by C. I IUX)l> & CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. N. II. If you decide to take Hood's S-irsap*. rilutflo not be induced to buy any other. IOO Doses One Dollar How He Managed to Catch on. The clock had just struck eleven and waa ticking away in a discouraged manner on i lie neit hour, but young Kitr.maurice de Bang had not gone. The young lady was g.t/:ng dreamily at tlim, or rather through him. and his heart stirri'ii with a vuguc, nehiilnii* r.tplure. '* Aw Miss Ltura," he said tenderly, '""''"'I I''';. " f--'ngin ,;, |n .-..urs,' with greater a.-curacy tlnu, gle nearly all Kurope, led by the great- ,,,..,. i,,,,^ Tl.e land i m.t v,,ihlet.. then ft ,-ap- mi of tin- iig.-. Knglalid dillii ulty wai tl win ., tin v li-.ive, nor for many " w.ud. .itlei t'l'iiurt unity. Madison and lu< go\i rum- nt, IH Iicting tiil Kngland waa upon tin t> r - of rum, Wi-n- di trl II Hied tn bill,;; o' and nothing I.ut the public voice n-ntramed tin-in from rih.ner eommenciinf In-stilitit-s. Sir I ii-orge I'M- tost .md l inn i.i I I',,., k know- HiK tin... made it their ci.nsUnt uludy to lll(inil ng In II, c ii I ..w mutt Kiiytliing (hat would en.tble tl . w ,r pirtyin tlir Sutento iiiHiien. c il,, Bind* "f the people against Kngl.ind. HIM strong desire Incoiiipier and .-.(, in, ( ** d by il, eb, lief I',,! , |,,, k e ' U s " lln- hirdi., u uppearn, left the.iM a north ciutcr alter lln in, but when . midway across the <>ulf the < liopiied riiiiinl audit I', .inn- io.'.-\ i - - - - Tin- uipuin of a schooner trading b.-i..-ii t li.iriotti town, 1'iin r I'.dward'i, l-l. in. I. and St. .lolins, Ni w foiindland, tell a , ill lolls story. He aays that he wan lying to in a lit or in in tlir < iulf late in the fall, during one ' his miual Iripn, and was awakened in the nate. w Im said, " t 'ome on deck and - wlntl u, .1 _-..t here." " dudgi' my astonishment," he said, "to lind per. he. I all shout the de, k Utttnli twi-nty and ilmly wild gi esc, as tame as with tl.ev I .-I md wan m extremilKs, lull pun. ip.tlly Ii in the iM-hef that I anaiU, we.ik in nun, hers as she wim, wiui Mill weaki-i u,ioi..e . of divided oounolla aad int. rnal di* MhetHHI. TIl. .nntiilen.eof ||,e ,,!,, ,.. |Vey U', i.lne U'W lldere.l but tloul, HI \\ snlogton 111 tin- . ,i taint v of the in ii ui- ''I'.n >> I n. id i was lllmolnte. " We -hull .Ii it.- II,.. Itnli.h ),.,, the con.,,,,,,,. ,- t!iew,ld gnaw is one ,,f the wariest of bu.N. and inn- ol afraid of man. - >*. I ..i -i \, i! \i rs the sun has been ueM'i ni . '...iitioi,. IIIH surface IH-IU^; in a ...m paiati .'.. trom sput*, and his prom, i.. n uf ><i>.i|iralltely mtn.pieiit occiir- n i ... .iml ml prop.nt i.'ii I i , gi. it luminary hns been passing through his minim, im spoU pel ,il : tor the sput pro iliicmg ai lit uy ol (lie sin is governed by luwi the i l.w O'MI rt ition ,.f the last t.. > .-iitiii i. * ha u.tcri i, ted, while obser- vers are still tin- cause ef the spots themselves. It ta!,,"i .il-.nt el, -ten \ears to . empleie a n -|iiit . \ le. though llie interval! areme- gulal. I'!-, It .yele in. ;u. le- a inaviiniil:, md .1 nil, in, , nn, p i lod. win. 'i an- also incgill u I he spots tart 'greatly in mimlx-i Muring some cjt'lf.s Ihe sun's fact' Is never free fioni tliem : dining other it i* lor days, andeten lot months. As the la.l maximum v.', it is time to Appropriate. V'.diti i. " I imagine this p<ivin would be pretty good : but why. 1.1 the n tine of com- mini M-IIM-. did \oii write it bsvckward, as tin -uijli it wire llebrew?" Spring 1'istt. "I calciilatid on .t l-ack- W.lld ; tholl^lit -t " :! '. |.io pi 'ale and ni'\ . 1 "German Syrup" Croup. ili,'l.t m the . preferring rather to |MTC)I im the .si ho. .ii> is .I. ;, This is all the er of t onpress. The could be lislM, ,1 with a* , ( nun h success u I he .Aim man p. ..pie, ' i-aid n. .tl.ii "lli. -I anxious nut only to ,,,!,( I IIP r'lolldasto Ihr Hoiilh. but ihe Cuii. i I In tin north ul tln.s empire, MI. I ,, thud. l'i ' ..f tt ,i . > Uaited Stale,, MH,| "We mn take tin Milk a Lrpsr4. ,,, u , ly , t,, e*,-aiH- by ly Kiinind , Mandar.l. ' eUmb, , in- up n pie, ipi u ; but (he hunter. ,1 is alwurd to >,p , prewed hard upon him. and wounded him I iml KIM ,-eed ,n our eut.ipii,, (, v ,,ket b.ill eiii-iiiyi. provinces. \\cha\e Kranlic tt illi r iiiuind'.l i p i.l i- 111 ugly sntML-- 'Mist, as two unfortunate African farmrn recently fi'in.d I'hey weie 1,-turiiiui; fro n i hui.t, we lime, .nly lo |, en they roimfd a leopard in a mountain i-ii.l officer* into the pr.nimvH, and tl,.- ,,,. and Immediately gm- Tl P0pll ' d I. . witnl their. >wn govern Uofjard at II, s t ,.,,,|,.,,t ,,,,'d in- nl, will rally Hiouml llu.i t I 'lay sun I -hall .1. on-l tli,' tl.e I '.iim.lai an nun h nmb i our .niiiuiind '.o.i I. iiluin has the, oceun, and tin v i.'li.|,i,-i In , i.i, the o, , is ,., .in,,. |,i I from the l.unl I ,,n> not f.,, ntoppmg , k i 1,'ui-lH'.- O! any win n- rlae, lull I Would take tin >t boll 'n, .1,1 from tin m and ask no latols ' - \\'e niin.1 I..K, tlie .on in. ui t. .in ;'i. m 1 winh mi,, to nee a pi'iiee till we do. Hod him given us 1 1,,- power .ml the mmum ; we are to blame if w .lo , nu n -e I'M in ' |i u * , iiiiouii . .,n eiilen. e l Ills M.I, le Henry t 'lay sign, I th,' 'i ly ol put- 1 ..t tin- i lone of the war ; M I >' l dl I not une the I 'nlled MMca a u, 'i. no h nl Cun.nlian leintoiy. (Utugh i. Ihe I.., . . -oing i|i|i.|.,f..|i from N|H'e. in in t'oiik-r- s in ISI'J, show not only il,, M o ,, the part ,,f I),,- | ,,,., .1 I, .1 al-., tin ir i.l', in 11 I, n ,< in II i .-nil, .n.. I llicir lirm belief in n tilde I >i:.- .!' lion among the I'anaiian I > |, . II mis. N.. l.-t iin cm is,. ii i General Brook's | l! II I "I II.. di tin t tln.s plot in, e In h id > upon llioregiil u 1 1" ,. ..n.l tin i|.i..| , of null, i . TII.IKKI i pi,- eoiild f,,, Until.. I. leal. lug ..nt Ol hostilities the regll lo '> -' Ill I p|> noilnted liibue- ' In, -n, i '.liipon-d of nt !' Veteran -.'.MI i An lib iy . .',0 I'leiiiieiul Seamen . . . ..n -. peiUMl , H-. -lined aUiul nli, a i, .'.men. e . alu>ady lgnn. Knorinous II n t nations arc taking place on the sui face of tlie un. and will U' followed lot the two or time mining yearn by -i" 1 - ,.|.t.-i\ ttiiety. Hi, ir will ! .,..rml ,-|K.I, consisting of an umbra and penumbra, and spots in t-gular mloim 01 ^ i,-,| ingroup*. 'Ihe i/i * of Ihe npots t ai y fimn lite hundred miles in fifty tlmiisitnd niil.' or more, and they are often large en. .ugh to be visible to the naked eve. They muy last for a few days, or for weeks or montlm. Their dis- till. nil.. n m mostly , online, I lo two .-,nus on I, .'.IK, age, ihe mum tl turned and llg II|MIII tile nri.iest mall. Mil.- upon Ihe liunli l > i>l'iiiildi'i w ith Ins l and tore open u > litik with bis daws. I he other hiinicr, seeing comrades danger, fan upand attempted losh.ol the l.r u i through ill- lien I, but misfled Ins aim. \\lulel.e si.K.,1 n Irw fert away, reb. , bis gun, tin in... (.lei.- il le..|>*id aliainl' >n> .1 bm Ilisl tn tun, Mel daltid I|]M-,I 1, nil, nli. i So lii l . e and Kii.ldeil WH" I be lieasl s ..n-.. t hat thu man had eo lime lo a. I in del. . II . d to get out his huiiling knife, bllt In l"le io- , olll.l use It lie leopard SI I lick bun ot i , -I be lie td tt ul, Ins, tlie sharp ten i ing the h. ilp and bat nig It b.,n L int: liter |l,e ,.i. in's eyes. I I I .MI., i. i :iuppli-d will, the I win i. - : nli tonlh and ili, w, ami thrt, '.''.. I d .\ ', i teep deellt It \ A -s en lii., | att.i k I I st 1 1 1 ' "' !r i ,i i,,l M-I/II his gun, tbi't In i i. 'Hi I to thi Fool ol ih,. haul.. \ . . :. ( Ins LIU,, and t'le l.le of his Illend lie it.,-, loo late ' The ni.ui was dead. Ills ,01,11,, I, il Ml 1. 1, It I i ,,,, ,,f . ompletlllL. the destll, ti.u, ol (lie IK.M. which was already dying inm, tin- ttoumls II I .,.1 r, cited. The Chatterbox. 1 love ,! ; ,1k 'id talk ail through The whole sunshn.y day : It doesn't matter wimmit's to, Nor even what 1 say. I'nit conversation I despise I'M file, u In 1 net r call My temper it most v.rc!\ tries. When I can't say it all. .links old man Winks but for it. Accommodating- Have you got iiuarUrs lot e dollar, : M\ pot kci in ral her crowded it OMT and I'll try to make room ' Mo Words Waited. llru.g* : A friend of mine got off a bright thing tlie otlnr diy. 1I called on a young who had it pet dog she was trying lo tions, known an rosy pi olul.ciiu ex. rise from iho vun'H border, like tongue* of llame, sollletllllrs In tin- heinbl . .f lilllnlreils ol I ho, man, U if null".. Tlie i artb lii-ars n itneM In the distill Vd -lat.- "t ' > tills tlitnh III the ll'-a\ ell", :n i. ' , i-', ".'.lie* its greatest point of oscillation, and i ... - oil It- ,, ...l l.rilh.i:.! r u.i'i -I Hi n Hi- Tl, kUll pot |H lloduity Is a sill.|eil ol UII u, .in .-I. lltt le I\IH Iscil Sound in o I it* iinfalhomabl* depths. It i- known thai lln "lilpleled in aUnil eltvell ll. years, containing a maximum; thai Illi p..!s aie i avltles 111 the xilal pho to-ip.i. n liK, .1 wilh gases or vapi'is cooler than the mn i minding pm-lmns: that t he Kpol.s IIIOM- \vilha Valyin^ teloelly, .mil fie sp..i prislu. ing itctivity lia.s a .1. tuliin.i ".. in- n.agnetiH,,, and elect n its u th. Tne ..tiise ,1 tin 'sun spots, and I lie nature niVHtei mils tic that binds to.', t tier I ii 'ii. ',i' I .in and mu plan, t, AI. iinioiig Ihe pn t in' future. K,,L-g. : log away. A Mutual Bond. oi In r day I'rofessor limits A. Yi'.llig, the eliiu.i-lit I'; 10- i l.-n ,. -I , ,'noiu, > . . .ni anlioiii.iity in tin- cniiu of tl.. I H..I, I, S ,,, i 4 . I,,.,, Millie on, a.sked him. " \\ Ii ,1 I . In you, I'm tin most wniidei fill and slanling I,, t m - i uiiiiiiy T' 1 " \\ i II, N.iid the l'i ,, , r, " I i-lninld nay II. about 2,000 regular troops. The total nun . .ii IINI.INNI. bsrof men l p.l I. ,.||,. .uii.g.unis in I'ppi i INHI of >tais. .,nd that etc, \ one ot them i . ,i .,al I II, (Ml Thu plop.ullon sun. Ilieoi. Ii, ally an i .unit avail ibl. t. i tiilly w.s light and In al to hu pl.u. t .. You kn.w istuu.i ; .: aV.nt I.IXNI Al the beginning , ihe l.i-k leb-.s . "i | ."U. On Ihe Illli .1... it would r.-.|Ui,e .'Ki.lKI I ol tli, n, vmibli lii the intki d eye." Mi- Um gn (to the m:ni:<tei< Won't you ll i\, .tni'tbi |'H' ' I'll,- MiniNter Tli ink you, n... lummy I., .-n .,rii,.| n,.- to ask lun el: 1 guens we a:c I... lli in the same \Ve have three linos from letters freshly rcceivo! from pa- rents who have given Ocnnau Syrup to thc-tr chiUlrcn in the ctuergcticies of Croup. You will credit these, because they come from good, sub- stantial people, happv in finding what so many families lack a tnol- icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe am! .utre that it will carry them through. Ki>. I. \Vn i.i ix, of Mrs. JAS.W KIRK, Alma, Neb. I give it Daughter*' College, to my children when troubled with Croup and never saw any preparation act like it. It is simply mi- raculous. Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Hn>chee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A medicine to lie successful with the little folks must IK.- a tuMtiiient for the sudden and terrible IVx-s of child- hood, wtMkMssWeOHgh, CTOOp diph- theria and tlie d.mgerous iutl.imma tions of delicate throats and lungs. " I lislt \o:i w'l.,! y,).| kro looking at '" " Notiiing." lie muini'iied, and her pen- il .eemi',1 i . nil iin ; ir in Kit/in. nn i, c de King sat in ihoug'itful silen.-e im nemly ten minulea. I n n a light appeal, -it to ,'ulHh by ib-gleo. . I, his mind. Me ivuched nn , nann.illy for his that ruse in a pr,o. cunie,! \tav, n,' .1 b.-tracl...ll\ toward the dixu, went :owly out and i-h never saw him .1 _ _ r, HttrroilsbufK. Ky. 1 have depended upon it in ..U.ickso! Croup vi ith mv little >1 -ufjh- tcr, .md i.n.l u .in in- valuable icmnlv. - ago," lies , ol. I'.n id \\\l.i. l.lo, i,t i:l, , til,' , Mat, ISss. "I had a si'i.i iti.-k of - hcumatimn, am) , 'iil.i not ilanil on int ftet. Tlie p.iiii ttas . u-ni' laluig. I wa blisteie.l ami p-.i^-.l in|liue nl l b ..l..\ stjle, but all to i l \\ . . -i ied to try St. '.t.-oim till, t, In.'h I did. I had int ink'. \t. ', ,'' .1 n.d tin ., tti.iiipi d ti'ilh tlanncl,,:i I ttnh tin i, medv. In morning 1 eonld tt,,... tt ,tli- out pulll.'' Vi.t on, I ing a si'k mult i , v tt,,.;; to pie | ,.ne. Will be ^ ' <d to kllOtV to dye Mlk .1 Uiaulilnl old g.. Id , olor. Take green hoi M i.ulish b-ates. sleep them in water, make a xt long ,lt, Alt, dipping K "i -.ii.ii into the dye tlioronghly, Iron ttl.ile . l.i\mg it .-loin i... l Ihe. Silk or llliboii. Tills should itlttats I,, done u ben Honing ilk ur , u. i... u. i ten if it has not been washed, but sllnplt sponged I'.l.l -k Silk mat besp'Hlgvd tt iin i old culls* and ammonia.. Her New Sjirinc; Hat. lae>er>fl have loid MIJ U.M- 1 haven't "! tli. s iml I never njjln -il 'o be tlie glo\u I |" n her lily hand. And llioi^l. in-;- k'l.iu, ( - tlii-ill me Kiinii to.':, t.. iim{er tip^, IM never wn-li.d 1.. In- UK- ,, o fl . M'll il|inii her lip*. Hi, i ti, I iv -a-iuild uladly IKS ll.-i .. i.i ( > neu .spniij{ h;tU r\u HO \ "-.|. plainly nitt. A Migbty Poor Investuient. 11 And IH this your il> ten . I ihe S oiili,; n. ly a.4 ho ed up l.l- " and I.., I ,i,,l * It l.s," replied tlie is an! il'ul me an she rank tiack bt!,-sly into the, 'I i, divan which her tiilur. ulio was a well- known linnioi it, had plitcud at her dispos- al. I In n MI. \iell," he hissed ; ami 0.1 he I on the Steps, outside a nuum-nt and took it last look nt tliu stately man- mn In niia mured : " And this all. A dress Mntlwo i ti. . k f..r tin.,- months m ihn-i- doll , night and nothing to slum (01 ; l utd r'uinisli. i. CURES PERMANENTLY IT IS THE BEST.

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