NEWS OF THE WEEk. A fall of mow baa brightened the proa- for law wheat crop in Washington The past weak hss gran return of nvere frnata and aoow in Italy, causing maob privation. Political tfeliog in paria over the Em- area* Fn-di-rtok'e viail in getting op to a dangerous point. Mrs. Hugh Lee.of OriDia, was committed for trial ye.ierday on charge ot retaining aoney found on the itreet. The Senate of McGill University, Mon- treal. has decided tu appoint professors on eleotrioal engineering and mining engi- neering. By a premature blast at Grenadier Inland, Mr. Farciubamon, of Kiogiton, wai terribly bun ml about tba abdomen. It IB thonitht hu cannot live. There have teen many wathoult on the Kingston .v Pembroke and K ngBton \ Tweed Railway!, and trami have been somewhat delayed (or tba pail t*o days. Charles Webster, the New York aoto woo shot Robert McNeil, and whose oon Tiotion o( manslaughter wan reversed by tbe Court of Appeal!, baa been admitted to 15,000 bail. The body of Manager Swift was (tken from the Spring Hill mine* yesterday after noon. This it the lam body, making the number of victims 123, leaving "'> ana 1'3 orphans. John Stewart, a resident of Weston.waa arrtaled at Whilby yesterday on a warrant oharging bim witb having obtained by fraud a large quantity of oil from the Harria Oil Company, of Toronto. President Harriaon yeaterday nominated Henrv H Hard, of New York Stale, a* at Clinton, Ont., A. E. Neill. of Maine, at Si. Stephen's. N B., and W. 8 Stanley, of Wiaoonsm, at Piotoa, N. 8. The National Line steamer France oarae in to New York yeaterday from Liverpooi after one ol ton rooghiit passages ever ex- perienced. The ateamahip Ufi tbe Mersey on tbe 7ih inat. in the tceih of a gale blow ing 50 miles an hoar. Two warships were launched b> the Queen yeaterday at Portamonth. It staled that before Ihe oeremooy a ver; angry exobange cf words took plaoe be tween Her Majesty and the Prince of Wales ever some point of etiquette. The verdiol in the worsted ftotory boiler explosion is aa follows : ' That the said Arthur Tweddell was killed by the explo sion of tbe oenlre boiler of the Cjnebei Worsted Company (Limited), tbe said ix plosion being due to an over- pressure o steam in Ibe said boiler caused by the awl valve being olosed. The jury wbo were empannelled to en quire into Ihe death of Jane Harding, o Toronto, sat until 3 o'clock yesterday morn ing, when they returned tbis verdict " Tbat on Feb. 1 lib Christopher MoGrsin did feloniously, with malice aforelboughi kill and murder Ibe deceased Jane Hard ing." Thare were thirteen jurors, and om refused to sign the veroiot. The priiona Me (lrin was formally committed tor trial bail being refneed. Wiu. Harris, a milkman, residing on Elm grove, bad a miraculous escapo froi being killed last evening. Ha was driving n a oovered rig over tbe Dunn avenue crossing, Toronto, when the engine attached to the suburban train struck the waggon, reducing it to kindling wood. Harria was thrown * distance o( twenty feel, and waa insensible when picked up, but be shortly afterwards recovered, when il was found that he had not been seriously injured, although he was bauly bruised aoout the body. M. Fortune da Boisgoovy, tbe French novelist, is dead. . There are very heavy rain storms on tbe koiuo Coast, oeUHiux ll tods wbiob are in- rup'iug railway trcmc aod djing nmch *m*K to propertv in California aud Mexico. Intimates of Mr. Paroell say worry ia killing him. His formerly gbsHlly aspect and ill-health bave returned. Ha speaks hurriedly, sometimes being oonf used aod at a loss for a word. Miss Gertrude Hiokox, a prominent yoan^ looieiy lady of Milwaukee, drowned her- self in tbe lake aome time Wednesday. Her body was found Thursday morning. Disappointment in love waa the cause of the deed. A number of explorers wbo have been prospecting along tbe salt depcmts sur- rounding Lake Winnipeg oasis bave re- turned to tbe machinery. Tbey propose liomg oat again immediately. They report tbe wells abundant in ibis country. Tbe Cigarmakera' Union of Chicago bave dnoidej to demand an advance of tl prr 1,000 m the pi ice of making oigara after May 1st. Many of the maoufaotnrera say tbey will not pay tbe advance, and a strike at the time mentioned is thought probable. Tbe I'. 8. Secretary of Agriculture, with tbe approval of tbe toting Secretary of the Treasury, baa designaled the sub-porn ol Hometown, N.Y., and Island Pond, Vt.. aa quarantine atationa for the inspection of meal, oattle, etc., wbioh may be imported from Canada. Tbe MoCartbyitea are ooorident of suc- cess after tbe campaign baa been fairly cpenod. The Parnellitea maintain tbal even if tbey secure only 30 members of Ihe House of Commons, Mr. Gladstone will be compelled to boy tbeir support before oar rying Home Rale. The Montreal Finanoe Committee y<s terday afternoon granted 96,000 towards tbe sufferers by tbe Springbill mines disaster. Tbe sum ot 9l> 000 baa been raised from outside aouroea, making the handsome total ol 911,000 which will prob- ably be inoresMid. Tbe flrst instalment waa to-day wired to tbe committee. Thursday evening, Frank Rafna, a Pint Bluff, Ark , negro, went home drank anc raiaed a row. He made several attempts to fire a pistol at his wife and daughter when tbe latter pioked op an axe anc chopped oneol his arms, and dealt him terrifio bio* in the breast. Rafna left the house, and hia dead body waa found in the woods yesterday. Yesterday afternoon a vary painful aooi dent happened to Brakeman Brel at tbe Grand Trunk alation at Oobonrg. While trying to draw a pin out of a coupling be lipped on the ioc, and two oars ran over im, the second oar throwing him into a oattle guard. One of bia arma waa oat off nd one leg waa broken in two places. He Iso aastained internal injuries. Hi! eoovary is doobtfal. In the IT. S. Senate, Mr. Sherman stated bat he was authorized by the committee n Foreign Relation* to state that in view f the state ot publio business, particularly be Appropriation Bills, and also in view of hefaoi that tbe bill could not be aoted upon in the House at the preeent session, he Nicaragua Canal Bill would not be pressed any farther this time, and might ke ita place on the calendar. The New York Board of Eleotrioal Con- rol bag adopted resolutions requiting hat all overhead wir.-s within the territory bounded by 3rd and 8th avennes, 8ih and '.lib streets, be removed to the sabwaya before the flrst of Jane next, alro that the onsolidated Subway Cos. proceed* with the oonilraolion at once of ail subways re- 1 aired in those streets wbi^n are to be re- paired, and lastly that the oompanna laving wires strung over house lops plaoe them in the sabwaye within 30 days. Squires Peters and Laya, ol London, on Saturday dicm'saed the case of Valentine and Hugh Neigb, of Avon, charged with oroelty to animals in tbe dehorning ot a number of oattle. Prince Jerome Napoleon ia lying in Ron: e at the point of death. Arrangement K bave been perfected for building a 91,000,000 oollon mill at Hants- vitle, Ala. Inspector Byrnes, of tbe New York de- tective force, baa declined the title i tiered him by tbe King ot Italy. Newmarket is rejoicing over tbe posses- sion ot an artesian well which discharges 30.000 gallons of water per day. The Methodist Chnroh at \Wlll< t-t, llass., ws struck by lightning and totally destroyed on Saturday night. Tbe Very Rev. Patrick A. Stanton, D.D., O. 8. A , died in Philadelphia Saturday, aged 65, and in the 43rd year of hia priest- hood. Mr. George Kynocb, M. P. for Aaton Manor, is dead. He waa a Conservative, and a alrong opponent of Home Rule for Ireland. Blizzards and the recent cold weather bave produoed intense suffering in Kansas, and it ia reported mauy children have perished. Dr. Armand Jeannontot, of Pans, claims he baa discovered a means of oortng con- sumption > van when tbe patient is far gone in tbe third stage. It is expected tbat the Aehmeid Bartlett scandal will be settled out ot court by a reparation of husband aud wile without the formality of a divoroe. Two boys in Louisiana, Mo., aged 12 and II. s few nights ago placed a loa md gan al me bead of their sleeping lii year-old brother and blew out his brains. Robert Fletcher, a farmer living near Ivy I'ost ul>o. tell ol! a load of hay on Saturday, sinking on hia bead, receiving injuries from wbioh he died in a few ouurs. At tbe Albert docks. London, on Friday evenii g .-tinkers ou tbb onu side and the i ulcer* and crew ol the steamer Sootland, witb a number of uoii onion men, ou tbe uner bad a lively battle. Mr. Henry L. Bryao, who was private . oroiarv to ir. Uayard wnile be waa in he buiiain mi at tbe bead ol tbe Depart- uuut of Stale, baa been appointed score- ary of tne new Bureau ot thu Amurioan ivpnblioe. Senator Sherman writi'a that Congreaa will not ai presenl take any action with to ooiuinermal reciprocity oetwu-n lid Ibe United Stales, as saoh otion might be regaraed as n attempt to nti-tfuie with tbe pending Canadian tieu >ions. A special from Yuma, Ari/.ona, says tbat n that kown over 260 booses are m rums Ircm Ibe dood and 1,400 people are home- esr, and not a single business house remains standing, and it is feared tbat inndreda of lives have been lost m tbe Gala Valley. L'hu relations between Franoe aud Ger- many arising oat of the visit to Paris ol ex- Empress Frederick are vary sirained. Aa a reprisal for what is regarded as an insnll, Emperor William has ordered tbe iiassport ayatm ol Alaaoe- Lorraine to be increased in severity. Tha largeat pulp mill ol tbe Remington Paper Company, about two miles below Walertown, N. Y., wai almost wholly deairoyed late Saturday mgbt by Ibe higb water, oauaing damages r< quiring about 350,UOO to repair, and killing John Murphy, an employee, aged 08. E. A. 1 1 unhaui, Collector of Custom*. St. Thomas, died on Friday evening al his residence, Talbol atreet, after a short ill- ness. Deceased waa in bia 77th year, and waa born in Napanee July JiJrd, 1814. Ha wai Ihe son ot Rev. Darius Dunbaui, tbe Ural ordained minister in Canada. Mr. George Hearat, r. 8. Senator from California, died at Wanmnglon on Satur- day uigbt. Senator Hearal wai a native offMiasonri, aud went to California in I860. HI amassed great wealth by gold mining, bis mines and mills at the time ot bii death giving employment to 2,000 men. About 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon a young man named Frank Ryall, son of Mr. Tbos. Ryall, ot Paris, was found dead in bis fatbsr's barn. Il appears he went to tbe stable to harness the horse, and waa oken witb heart disease, and died in- slanily. He waa in good health at noon, aod was never known to complain. Chan. W. Easily, a oompoeilor, aged 30, committed suicide Sunday in Harper's undertaking establishment, Brooklyn, by shooting himself in tbe left breait. He died BOOH after reaching the hospital. Easily laat Tuesday asnt a letter to tbe looal press, announcing his intention of ending bii earthly oareer beoauee be bad committed tbe unpardonable sin. There waa great exjnomenl at Monte Carlo on Saturday, caused by tbe wonderful luck of a London visitor wbo, playing at Trenlt ft qitarnnte, won tbo maximum stakes fourteen times in succession, the whole winnings amounting to 7,000. I he ling lisbman's stroke of fortune temporarily broke tbe bank, and tha croupiers, amid obeering, had to seek the cashier tor a fresh supply of funds. were matching dollars Saturday, when a dispute arose, and Watson called Sibley a liar Sibley straok him in the face, and Wataon abot Hibley. Tbe wounds proved fatal. Aa Sibley lay on the ground he called Wataon and said : " It waa a oow- ardly aot, Frank, bat I forgive yoa." Wat- son escaped. Whiskey oansed the quarrel. Despite Prinoe Biimarok'n refusal to stand as a candidate for the Reichstag for tbe Ninetet nib district of Hanover, Herr Sofaoof, a prominent National Liberal number of the Lower House of tba Pros- eian Diet, asks tne electors to retort Prinoe Bismarck, declaring tbal be will not refuse to serve now ibat there ia a protprot of a orieia in Germany's foreign affairs. It il staled Herr Behoof baa prompted the Friedrioharuhe district committee to ar- range for tbe election of Prinoe Biimarck. Bow to K. ,-p M 11 .n sml Avoid Colda. Some people may not know that when exposed to severe oold s feeling of warmtb ia really created by repeatedly filling the lungs in tbis manner : Throw tbe should rs well back, and hold tbe head well up. Inflate tbe Innga alowlv, the air interiug entirely through tbe near. When the lunga are oompieuly filled, held tbe breath for ten seconds or longer, and then < xpire it qaiokly through the mouth. After repeating tbis exeroiae when one il chilly," a feeling ol warmth will be felt ever the entire body, snd even to the ftet and bands. It -a important for all to prao lisa tbia exeroiae many times each day , and especially when in tbe open air. If tbe habit ever becomes anivereal, tben con- sumption and many o>ber diseases will rarrly, if ever be heard of. Not only while practising tbe "breathing exorcise" must Ihe clothing be loose over tne obtst, but beginners will do well to re member, in having tbeir clothing fitted, to allow for tbe permanent expansion of Ihe chest of one, two and even three inohee which will eventually follow. One might with propriety say tbat too many people choke or nlitlo the skin by an txceaaof clothing, and, aa a consequence lake oold easily. Some imparillea are thrown out if ttr system by the skio, as others are b) the langs, the bowels ana tbe kidneys. It is absolutely essential to health that tba emanations from the skin pass easily tbrcngh tbe clothing. This wbioh is called "transpiration '-may be interfered with by an excess of clothing, or by cloth- ing oi a verp close texture Ail who wear India-rubber coals know bow unoomforta- ble they oanse them to feel after they bave been on a short lime. Ordinary clothing will not. ot ooorse, prevent transpiration, but an excess will interfere with it. and where too main tbe same soon becomes outside air can freed BT TUNMU. AND VIADUCT. A Proposed f rbema for Rapid Transit In Mew York. (L. B. Chlttonden. .;. Hanwr'a Weekly. i The time baa come when the oily of New York should thoroughly consider whether n is wise to temporize any longer with in- adequate systems which the oily has oat- grown. Is it not wise, before consenting to any farther surrender of the streets to rail- road uses, to devise a syatem which will prove adiquate over a purchased right of way, and tben ascertain whether it cannot be constructed ? If there are ihosa who icneally believe snob a system is praotica- lie. it is difficult to see why they should not lave the opportunity to give to the oily the ist railroad that money, will bnild ? A railroad over private property require* THB KIMO'fl DAUOHTBR4. BrmarkableOrowth of tbOrdrTbronh- oul Canada and tha 8tata, Mary Lowe Dickinson in Harper's Baiar AI tbe end of tba first year the Order of King's Danghtera numbered aboul twenty tnousaud members, and from this lime it* growth became phenomenal. Tbe corre- spondence iuoieased until both the looretary and treasurer oounted their letters by aoorri and sometimes by hun- dreds a day. 1 he public press leixed with such avidity every item concerning its work, priming much that waa so entirety due to rumor acd imagination, as forced the order to prepare a few newspaper articles, indicating its real character and scope. Bat even this was most uparingly ulotbing is worn foul, unless the mingle wilb Ibe gases from the body and so dilute them. Some wear thn thickest and htaviett nndHrveatK which they can buy, and such iipoplo are very generally the lolimn of frequent ooldi. r.iUowniK ihe rnle of tiiht clothing thev would no maob cafer from the dangers of -iposure were they lu wi ar ntiiierveat* ii swad of cue heavy. StUetnl. voty two lii hi ibiok and M..nir for the Oranil Trunk. Four of the largest looomotivrs ever built in the world are nearing completion at the Baldwin iooom'tive works in Phila- delphia. They are being built for the Grand Trunk aod will be aaed in tbe Si ( 'lair tunnel, whith rune undi r tbe bed of the Si. Clair river between Port Huron, Miilngan, and Sarnia, Onl. The eogines am intended to ran in sn iron Ul> tunnel twenty fret in diameter and are peculiarly oimirnrlrd. Tht ru are nve pairs of nfly- inch driving whet-la on i soli. The water lacks are on oacb side of thn boilnts, and the cab ia m the centre of tha boiler, ox'ending cut over tbe two tanks Ihe locomotive IB thna constructed to allow it to run backward and forward with iqnal facility. The oyllni'ora are 2'.' x 28 inuhH, and tba boiler seventy-four luobea in diameter, with a capacity to carry liiO pounds ut steam pressure. Au idea of the enor-noua line ot the monster xnginea may be formed from tba weight Each one with the water tanks ti Ird aod the starting supply ol coal on board weighs JOO 000 pounds, tbe average weight in ran mug order, with tanks aboat half-tilled, being 180,000 pounds. Tbe rails on which tbey will ran will weigh 100 pounds per yard. Tbe length ol tbe tunnel traok wbioh the) are built to run over is only about four milea. Tbsy are designed to pull traina np tbe steep approaches to the tunnel. It rtqniree about three ordinary locomotives for this service for each train. A satisfactory trial ot one of the engines has been made. The other three will be nnisbed in aboul ten days. apiiool Und varying in width between llty aod sixty feet as long aa the route. When paid for, tbia land is the property of the corporation, aud may be used for all awful purpose* in addition to railroad ises. The coat cf anch a right of way from ,'aik Piaoe up Ihe weal aide to tbe crossing of Spuyten Doyvel Creek has been asoer- by competent experts by the valu- ation ot every lot taken and every lot ojared. W th the ground r< quired for stations, this oon will fall below thirty five million icillara. The exact amount is not lere very material. When onoe acquired, the coat of building and maintaining a railroad upon it will be no more than tbat oi bnildiug a similar railroad in the streets at the public expense for the right nt way. Upon suoh a right of way may be con- structed a tunnel to oarry a double traok railr oid to be ued for pteaeogere during the oonilraolion of the viadnot, aud after- ward as a freight road. Occupying one- lull ol tbe tunnel may be built a sobway oauactons enough to bold all the gas, steam and water pipes, pneumatic tabes, eleotrioal and other conductors n quired for the m xt fifty years. Every lineal foot of every conductor will be accessible at all times without any disturbance of a street sur- face. Above ground connected arches ot masonry will oarry the four traok* ot a viadnot railroad two exterior Hacks for liol paaaeogers on tba level cf the tilth story ot ordinary buildinga, two others for : x press trams on a Itvel twelve feet hghir, so as to separate tha two orS4s of patiengere, who will be carried from the atreets to trie different levels by steam elevators. These aroues will be so incorporated into the walls of buildings that every square foot of the land from Ibe basement 10 tbe fifth story oolosive may be rented for the same pur peers aa tbe adjacent property. There will be short spaces where toe topography may require short sections of the road to be at a lower level, or even underground, ml the whole rod below 135th street will ha of tbe general character described. The outline of the plan would than b a viaduot railway ot four tracks of the highest japaoity, with the enliru rial eslete saved ml realized for rental, crossing the streets without interference with their use. an inderi<round freight railroad and a subway oom Dined. Now rnppose it to be demonstrable that ho subway, ihe freight road, and the ren- al of tbe botlitings, after making all prcn'r deductions, will earn a net income exoeed- ng <i p. r oenl. on the entire coat ot lh right of way, ot buildings, arches and alruotnre up to Ihe bed upon which the 'oar passenger traoka are carried, without adnding the fare ot a single passenger, would ti ere be any doubt that snob an enterprise would pay, or tbat the oapital could be had for ita oonstruolion There could be no reasonable doubt tbat tbe income from passengers would provide a very large revenue on tbe nmaining coat of ooudtraotion and tqaipnvnt, which has already been ascertained within a poasible error of not exo-oding .*> per oenl. That tiooh a atruoture would oe an ideal rapid trauait railroad must be tbe unanimous conclusion ol all disinterested peraocs. It is to be axpeoted, aud they should not be orititi/ -d for it either, that tbe owi t.m of the elevated railroads will prevent as long aa lhy can any system of rapid transit in this oily except suoh as they can provide. They will oonteud thai their rapid transit is good enough, thai a prc ol of a viadnot railroad is obiinarioal, tbal ila coal pate it oat ot the question, and that tbe oapital cannot be bad for its construction. In iay- ing this they will merely exeroise the right of any owner defending, as be thinks, hia own property. Nor ia it to be denied tbat their opposition will be very powerful, and for aome time possibly controlling, at all tvsnta so far aa American ctpilal it con- cerned. and reluctantly done. Boms of tbe origi- In Htautr Of tbe beautiful woman I have known, but tew have attained superiority ol any kind, aaya Anna Katharine Green in " Thi Ladiea Home Journal '' So much is ex- pected of the woman accustomed to ad- miration, thai she plays and plasters with her fate till tbe orooked ktiok ia all that^s left her. Tbis we see exemplified again and again. While the earneat, lofty, sweet smiling woman of tbe pale hair and doubt- ful line of nose, baa, perhape, one true lover wboae worth she lias lima to reoog- in 'i, an acknowledged beauty will tine herself surrounded by a orowd of showy egotists whose admiration so da/.-s and be wildcra bar tbat abe is somelimes templet tojbestow herself upon the most inp6rtnnate one in order to end the naaeemingly Btrnggle Then tbe incentive to olnoation, aod to the cultivation of one's aspeoial power ia lacking. Forgetting that the triumphs wbioh have made a holiday of youth moat Itisaen after years, many a fair one negleots tbat training ol mind which givtu to her wbo ia poor in all elee, an endlea storehouse ot wealth from which the oan hope to produce treasures for her own delectation and tbat ol those sbont her long after tbe litfnl bloom upon her hand some sister's cheek has faded witb thi roses ol departed summer. " To oat oar grain in California," says Senator Stanford, " we are ti-ing machine which reaps a swath 49 feet wide tbraabea tbe grain as it ooea alooii, pate it in bega, wbioh men stitch np and drop in the field, and the same machine rakes the V.OUK NAMB BV MAUIO. A Mniple n. . nt. 'ii. . i Will Reveal Any Number i>f Secret*. By use ol the table given below you can ascertain tha name of any person or place, providing tbe rules below tbe letter dia- gram are strictly observed, says the St. Louie Ololt Dmtoeriil. II I) H A O R (i I K M O Q s i W I I -I K It O K H V W I) H K (I I. M N l) I 1 \ W K N O \ a s T r \ W I i i nators of Ihe order, fearing that in so rapid a growth there might be failure to com- print ud and oarry out its true principles, resolved on no account to invite anybody to become a member, bnt to leave the comers to follow the call of God'a spirit and tbe inward promptings of their own hearts. Every thing was done to restrain and nothing to eucgnrage thai growtb, and yet that growth increased wilb amaxing rapidity. Near the beginning of ita second year it formulated a constitution, slating aa its objeota " tbe development cf spiritual life in its members, aud the stimulation of Christian activities in the world." It was from the brginnng, aa its name and motto indioatea, a Christian, bnt never a denom- inational or sectaries, Sisterhood. It wel- oomtd all wbo were willing to work for humanit) m tbe uame and for tbe sake of Christ. Ila constitution provided for State and county secretaries, appointed now in aboat thirty Stales and in tbe Provinces of Canada, and so many members lixed upon the same line of work that it was necessary to inaugurate various departments and appoint standing oon' mi t leva on home and foreign missions, on education, on oily evangelization, on charity organi/.%lion, on work for working women, on work among men and boys, woik among the Indians, etc. Tbis list did not mean that others o>nld be included, bat ilee committees were provided because among our members in differ, nt State* were inlet ested in every one ot these lints ol work. Bat neither State secretaries, county secretaries, norheadaol committees altered tba luaential elemect of freedom aa to Ibe choice of work, or took authoritative charge of the wcrk in any department or any locality . they simply made a medium of communication between tbe Central Council and the circles, and gathered up Ibe information as to what waa being done each in her own Slate or department, mill leaving each circle and each individual its right to obcose its own neld of labor. By the beginning cf the second year the oorreepondenoe grew to be HO enormous, and tbe o'amor on the part of numbers at a distance so great, tbat it btoame neces- sary for tha ttociety to have aume mediant ot communication among its members. To thin end Ihe little maga/.me called the Silver Cross " was eatabliihed, and in ill pag the woik of tbe order liei open to tbe world. Ihu membera of tbe or< 4 r have not ap- pealed to women alone. Hardly were they established before men and bovs began to srek admission, and tbe Order ot the King a Sons, while in numbers not as lari;e aa tbal of the Daughters, is constantly increasing, aud is showing evidence of noble work along vary many and belpfnl lines. The Heaoue Mission work and the work done by tba Commercial Travellera' Circlee alone abow tbe power of snob organizations on the part of men. OIVK OIHKK fkOPLK A HIIANUK. Th I oiiK-Halrnl Ki, ,,,i Who Vlttta 'In- Iti4i i.i-r MI, talnnlar. The man who goes to the barber shop on Salardav, particularly on Sainrday nighi. for a "hair cot," raakea many enemias.and eventually loses all his friends. He is tbe subject of much severe rebuke while he nooupus the tonsorial artist's obair, and if he only knew of tbe silent roaledioMont hurled npon him be would, no mailer bow oourageona a man be might be, torn pale with terror for bia personal aalety Satur- day is the barber's bnsiest day, but there are men who make a practice of dropping in on that day, and thai day only, to get their hair trimmed. They may be daily visitors to tbe shop to have their faces shavsd, bnt they never mention their hair till Saturday. There is DO t \oose for this practice, but the ,'iiliv ones persist In it apparently nn- oonaoioua ol tbe annoyanoe and incon- venience to which tbey often put scores of people. They cannot get tbe same satis- faction from tbe barber on Saturday, especially on Saturday night, tbat tbey would receive on any other day of tbe week, on account ot tbe constant rash upon the operator ; bnt they do not appear to re- alixs this fact, and so long as they do not grumble, of course the artist will not enter a protest. There ought to be a rale in all well-regu- lated barber shops not to do any hair- nutting on Saturday, or at least on Satur- day night, and it is to be sincerely hoped tbat aome of tbe looal barbers will initial* the reform and placard a ootioe to auoh effect. Have the person whose name you wish to know inform you in which ot tbe upright columns the flrat letter ol tbe name is con- tained. If it is found in bill one column it is tbe top letter ; if it occurs in more than one oolumn il is found by adding tbe alpha- betical numbers of the top letters cf tbe columns in which it is to be found, the sum thing the number of letters sought. By taking one letter al a time in the way outline above, tbe whole word or name may be plainly spelled oil. Take ihe word Jane, for example. J ia found in two oolnmnR beginning with B and H, whiob are tbe second and eighth letters down the alphabet; their anm is ten, and the tenth letter down the alphabet ia J, the letter Bought. Tha next letter, A, appears in bul one oolumn, tho first where il stands at the bead. N is in the column headed B, I>, and H, which are the second, fourth and eighth lettera of the alphabet , added they give tbe fourteenth, or N, and do on. Frank Watson, an Alabama farmer, and straw in and barns it for fuel apon that/ The Manitoba Legislature opened yc iok Sibley, constable of Kemper county, reaper." Unlay, and aJjourn.d until March 10th. Diok Another Man. A novel sentence baa been pronounced by a Justice at Huntingdon, in tbis Stale. A wife had kissed "another man" . her husband bad chastised her with oorporal punishment, and Justice Kelly, supplying the third act in a drama unhappily played with too much frequency in all oar Courts, gave a verdiol " that the wife retire to her usual plaoe of abode, and look the doora ao tbat no Btrangera uan be admitted for a period of six daya : tbal the hniband for the aame length of time board with his next, door neighbor and Bleep in a barn, and that each party pay half the oosis and stand oommiltrd until the sentence ia com- plied wilb." Ol the itVicacy ol such an original judgment there oannot be much doubt although a question might bo raised on the constitutional ground ol ita beinp cruel and unnaoal punishment at leaatfor the next door neighbor. The usual punish men! lor wife beating, however, is so clearly inadequate that, m the absence of a whipping-post, the rrialt of tbe new dr partare in dealing with thii dtsptcaole orime deserves careful watching. PHiia. Itlfhia Itrroril