f H E FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. U published Every Thiirisclny, FROM THE OrrirK Sydenham Strtet, - - Flfuherivi,, Out. TEBMH O> hrHM'Kll'TION: 11 per annum whin par) strictly in advance 1.30 i*? r Annum when not so |'. 1 ADVKKTISINO ItATKS. One column. 1 yoar, HO ; half col., do., 127 - irtrcol do., !. TiaiiHu-nt > Uiirtikt-nii'iit* charged at the rate at belli iiorlliin (or rtrnt i.nu-riiiiii aii'l 3ct. l>er IlUt Oacll ililMIMju, 111 ll,s,.|tl"ll W. H THURSTON. Klitor and I'roprittor A PROTEST. We have feared that it is the in- tcntiou to protect Dr. Landtrkiu's election and that the case will be en- tered within a fuw Jays, if it lias not already hern cluiir. I'jioii what grounds this is to be done our infor- mant dots not say, and in the absence -of such information it is not possible '10 discuss the matter ab fully as wo would like to. We will say this much, however : Bo far as The Advance is able to judge it is not the < Conservative party m South Grey as a whole who are thug going headlong into what appears to us, in absence of evidence to the contrary, a moat ill- advised legal contest. The meeting which was called in Durham for Thursday last could not possibly be called a representative one, as no notification had been given to those Hiving outside the town of Durham. 'Thin .paper protests against being : i'Uein'.J u Uii. leading strings of the cotou <u"f nwlii young men who appear to bo unxioiifl fur nothing so much as to further umuarras the Orrscrvativt cause m South Gri-y. It looks at this distance siuiply as though a cast' were being worked up fur the Hake of granting a job to boinc iuipocunious lawyer. We hope this t not true, but it looks mightily like it. I iiniiu.u.il..tlili evidence has but'ii ftecural that Dr. l.ninl. ikm Ir.i- been guilty of tl*iil which would, if proven, diM|imlify him from Lulilinf,' the position which ho nows holds, a pru- t;ni-aji le proJwtivi- of no good, but rather of much harm. Kveii if such v.-i n proven the advantaxes accruing from u<;h a course would be of a very doubtful nature. As natters tiro nii'l.Tstootl at this side of the tiding, tin sympathy of Con.servativis with <hc Durham warr.ora is not worket" up. to fevn heat, and they will look with dittfitvur ii|)uii the course taken, until convinced more fully than we bc'iovo they can be, of its justifi- ability. tho government to refund thin yeai to tire municipalities interested 20 per cent, o'f the lan'd Improvement fund, with interest from 1807 and possibly from 1868, at 6 per cent. The amount which would fall to Artemisia's snare would be at this rate |2768, with the interest added. It ia to be hoped that premier Mowat will not go back 011 this good resolution. It is within the probabilities that a two-cent postal rate will be accorded to the people of Canada during the coming session of parliament. Tliere is a universal desire on the part of the people to secure this boon, and it is hoped and believed their wishes will be respected. The fall wheat has stood the winter well, and at present bids fair to be a good crop. DltlNK AND CHIMK. The annual icport of the common gaols, prisons and reformatories, fin i' i pi'ounce of Ontario is to hum), and it IE an iNtm-sting pamphlet to study. I'M mi it we Knrii such fuels with ro- ' DM l.'i'ici- Iraftio as should I. Mil to 0|i, ii lli. i H'ROi all H to tlic inniniijriii pint wliich nnr lircm-in^ system plays in UK- fnoilrKtnn and fihti-rinx ul c-niue. J-'or iiKrtitiHv, tin' t itiil munlii i of oriiui'K fi.r which in ilivi-lualii were comiiuilnl during tlic year was 10,OH3,ainl out of then,' 3770 w, r, fir bi in;; "ilniiik uinl disorderly." Tin re i.-) no iiiftliod of arriving at a conclusion as to the ILTC, ntago of the ntlu r 7, r .i;t chin, s \\lii, !, \\,-iv iMiii milted, lithci Juvetly or indirrctly, through the diinU trallic, but it waa l:o doubt very enwi't>rablc. !><). any ouc for a iiioiiieiit believe thai tin- cost of those connnitala i. cuanter halanccdby the revuime derived from the licensing of iiitoxu'iilin^ li^uif .' I.M n from a pecuniary Htandpoint.not to bpeak from a moral oue.the licens- ing system is a losing speculation lu /he province at largo. A gentleman who visited Toronto last week and had conversation with .several me niliera of tho Legislature, in- /.MILS us that it ic the iu'-cution of LEARNING TO PLOW, Now that the ipring plowing seuou h*s \rrived, a lew word* by an ex-practical farmer will not be out of place. When you hare reached the plowabl* age gft jour life insured, then select a good nUney, hillj piece (.ffronnJ. and a team of honi potfouing more life than braini. If JM do not with to urvu your family collect the intaranee iu> ncy It might be well to lung a> M oM4oard from each saoalder to protect 3 our riln, another in front to tar* your nutriment extractor, and be lore to (tick a falae bottom on yomr ebin, for you < an nerer Ull exactlv where a plow handle will alight whn it jumju. It ia worae than Minimi; and about half ai bad as a mule. Hating observed these protective meas ures grasp the plow handles tight. Never iuiii-1 about making a straight furrow pay all your attention to the .handles, they are worth watohiug. Should the horses start off 111 a dog trot, sinply raiiie tht< handles a little, win u tin- pin* puiut will go ilrrri aud >trik a stone. The burses will be brought !' with a jerk, and so will you if the han- dle attend itrictly to bu.tinm*. Tea ti'aes unt of nine one of them will giveyoi K wtsr- IfHl swipe under th< chiu and raise ;on liilih i'Tnij'' *" I*"** ' " bow de du" with tlir man in the Bloon. \Vhfii von i .mil- down, lie tin u- I>on't i'1'l up and talk Fiji ind cavort atuuml the linrx s aii'l blntko ycur fists nt them. They are in>t Kii|i|H<iu-il to know the plow was loaded. Just lie there till you diocover wlirllnT or not J.HK Leatl in ktill tUchril to ;li- body, for diftkoliition may litre takru I'liu'f. If you are still able to swallow get up and proceed with the bee. Don't get discouraged should one of the hundlt'S stave in your wiud reservoir. I at proci-nl as before, calmly and courageously. I I,, r ithould be at least two creeks to cross, as many stumps a* (msultle and u few sUwe piles to get around, bide liiHn Ira uice things to train on. especially if very t. ncy They should be nod, so that the ai'l'i. ntii" will have a nr"> bed of ease to slight ou when he oomei dowu. Sod also Indi'K the stouos and oauMS novel and un- expected auttouucal eurpriaus. 1'arufuBy follow these instructions, and you will i't iliuiilv uiaku something of your- -I'll ; it may be IH-IHH-IUI. or jnut u common/ I'Vi-i > -d.y fertilizer, >mt you are hound to tlv lui;li in noiiH' Innv I sulijiun an nrcurato map of tho field where I operated for the tir.-l lime : CO o I co g i O CD W H 4 OH IH O O -V ' - UJ r- ^ -f M H fc H PQ P MM o a EH > I UJ DQ AH. Men or iin.iiil. nij. .1, who liud lliem sir, I think it is a cool piece ofaudaci- once more he has failo**.. Thero is tlio ty for any ratepayer to undertake to beautiful facj irradiating love, hut th.-ru dictate tO OUr council, as I believe ,, M ,,t upon It the n-ritmr; touch of sor- they are men who will do their whole r ,, w t | lrtt ,,, U st have boon in the fa-o ..f suiting iu uiauy oftlM foliowiiiK Hviiipii.in* duty and will show the ex-reeve that Hlnl wh) , .. R mwi ,, f ,,,, w , u !U . they will not invent kit dictation. , iuainu>d with ^ - Ther . Hu thu Now the coinpmson made between ; I|e ^ ^ u , W( , rk ; the olerk ;tnd treasurer 18 manifestly , . , ' ana paint not unit the beauty of tin- unfair, luu cannot nidge tuo trcas mer by the work of his office ; respon- Dlvlne ***. "' ' ">' sibility is by far tlie nui*l important patt of his business, ha having to braced all mankiud, but the Sorrow of '' !">'->", premtur ouliii;,.. ' Vlt "l"y. ' ' meiuory, hu.1 ,i r . n. .. .l.un..' -ismht. palpitation of tl:.- ktan, euiim.ioiis. luck of euerny. iiu iu tl,., k ,1 . . i,.. 1 ..i. u .hp mmnivH < i, tii f^. ' '? '" unpies ou tlic (act- or l ...l itohiu or peculiar wunation about ti,. tum , waglinK of tlw ( , rganS| diz7]n . Mor* the eyes, UitrhiiiK of ih,- UHIM |,- the Man God who suffered for our sins. *- v<1 llds *" J ''"'"liere, bimhfuliins, il|,iut in the urine, Ions ol will potter, tpi, ( the sculp and spine, weat and , _. ... furiiish good and sufficient boildniiieu. The author, Hj.iliner llji.ith IJ-'Vi'm , Now sir, he accuats tho treasurer of thinkft ho has j-iveii the best work of liin mimcles, dwir.- to sleep. fHilurc to L> r. >i, .1 f lu ,., being grutT. but those acquainted with life i,, this singular st iry. (I'nc.- :: eta. ] l*T.y"i> ! 'tipli.>ii. du linens . f both men know that the boot is en- I'lMiimpohum t'ul>. Co., M.i.lisou Sjiuiru,, Ji^li,,. lii-fly ou tho other KL;. Now sir, I jj Y .) | UaMM CUCLB, oily MdM isfe, * The I rr.tsiin-r > Halary. liiul that tlie council for 181M) at tln-ir last meeting p.issed at- order to the i. . v.. for 125.00. Now, I would ask ex- reeve (.'hrititoc whv he accepted that money ? Did hiT put in a hill *"** l " 8tl ' wt r ( -""' e ~ I f f against tlie towiisliip or did he give f^overy of * damag.s alleged to , i. .1 .. A_: n i v .*.-._ *i Mr. llobt. Mann, Orangcvillc, has in- structeil his solicitor* to entor an a-ti m the township ay value for i, and Wen MtataineAby him Wcause of .the ing him of !n mail contract. To Hit A'ifif... of Tie Adranct. UKAII SIR, I noticed in Tho Ad- vance of the 10th ins! u lengthy com- iiiiiiiie.iiion fioii) \V. S. Clni.stoe re the treasurer's salary and dutii-s. .Now DN-, J think it is a wanton aud tmjiruvuked attack on tho treasurer, but those who know the whole cir- cuuiatauccs know it'll well that the ex-reeve and tho treasurer are not on the most amicable terms, ami it seems that the ex-ieevc will lose no chance to dtiv* tho war into Africa. Mow why did it not appear in prit go the cti<m of the postal uthoritic iu dupriv- ratepayers would have an opportuni- ty of knowing that it was so paid ? 1 think wo have enough |>oor rate.* without that, but it makes all the dif I'erenco whose ox ia gored. Yours iu haste. I'AIU 1'LAY. l.ilerary \tr. A story of unusual jvower and strange pint will Infill 111 tin- May Cnamopolitan and run through threu nuiiiWrs : The story of a man, who three times in his lifo undertakes to paint ,lus. As a young painter full of Iwilin and life, fuH iMiL^'ii l..* L of joy, he puts on his canvaa a (ireek IH5SlTi?|IiiiiiJ ideal of strength nnd Iniauty ; just as tho picture is on the point of eonuiletion, he li-unit to love a beautiful vMnnan wh tuwis hi.s pik-ninii. After weeks at her foct he, ri'tnres In his studio vue day, uiul is lillml 'with dinappiiintmeiit when k!a/.o upon tlie fnc nf tli Christ. It tho face of a Ivaiuilul hf.ttheu t,'od l-i-ar in^' no impreiis of that di\ine love which the paiirter m>u kiuma must there. His canvass is turned t-> tlie wall, lid inspired by lovo ho seta to work up- on tho ima,v uf a now I'luist, who wmilil l> a Dud uf Love. AHHIII his picture is C iiupleted whun tho secoliil meat change comes over his life. She wlioin he adores turns from him to give her lovo to the 1'ruuian olticor whose Oroek beauty has been tho model for his tirot picture. Go- ing back to work undnr the shadow of in. etc.. aro nil 'f o.-rroni, debility that lead to nmauity sud death uuk-as cured. Tho |'nim or vital furou having lost it,-i tui'-i.'ii every funrti.'ii wimes in con'i|iii.|i i who tlir>'ii^h abviM.i coinuiittcil in i|>uorsin-n tny be ueruit.iently cun-'l. .Vu,i ynut a-l- dres lor book on all utiscuMs pei-uiiar ! Ail(hi'.-<s M. V. l.ri;(IN, ;,(! St. , . K,.. Toronto. On. Uookn MI-I f|... ,. t \,.l this doep sorrow, he looks upon the fare of Christ upon hia easel, and suva that SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALIMO. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Muir r tstaith, n< h u l..-J l->l. |l .!.. .1 111 111.." .-..:.l lu ),>.! n i>i' < i K It'WMl by conillliiutl .n K'i.1 . :. J I.. I I- Itiwea ff coniunmti .n KII.I .l.nth. NASAL 1.* x IB ..! I I v * . * SUMtMcuu^.i rULFORO & CO., BroU>lll. Ont Hi-.irt .liwiisc. thesyiiiptumsof tthicli an- Unit 8|K!lla, purple |j|>. uuu.bm-K*. j.^'i it , ti.'ii. - kip boatM, hut fliw<huH. rufh of blinv.l to Ihi- head, dnll I.IMI in tlie hturt witk beats Ktrnnx. r:i|'i>lud irregular. l! -M.,|,.| heart keot quicker tlmu the first, pain alioiit tin- >>rr.vit!innc, fli- . can |>osilivf.Iv l,n cure,!. Xucnri', nc. pay. S,n<) for book'. A! M. V. I.I BON. .-.(.Front Street EaM. I , onto. Out. COMS0MPTION CUBED. > "M ['In , |iiufiui.. hav nit, liH.I plaOM in his linn, !>, In H i '. u.l lu.fia >naiy thu furinnUol n Kini|il.- \,i:"tKlil" I | ..... Mill,- Consuiii|>Moo, Broocbltla, f'Hirh, AMI)MMHII,| nil Uirontan.l l.un^ \;i,-c i join. lr.,. n |,,,iln.- U)d raxlisal oura lor Sorvom l).i,iiit\ an. I ]! N.'1-v..li , I'Mii ipliiini, ,,ft,., humiy :, i,,| it. ' Inl nmitiv,' IHIH..I,. n, u,.,,, , :>. I. is I..;. ,t, lii,|,lt> tolllKkr bis suOvrtai fellows Artimt,.,! i,. i aMafMslntc i-ciii'vo bun, iin Miir.-i nul fii',. ,,r ehargs, t.> :ill wim.i, ii-il-. MI I;.-I-IOHII, Cronch us I'M- iiri'pKi-riK mi, I UBIIU; s, i.l li. mall l.y ailn. .,,, ,iu. n inniiJ tliit !"l|" ' W.A. N - 'I ...i , ! ... k llo-ll '4 trr. S.Y. lyMai R. J. S'proulr, ' Mrs. dlst < Drass anil inantlo nmkliiK iu all iti brtuclio*. Boyiaatl R|I In units ttteuik-il M pioni|itly aixl satubwtloa guaranlmil. QeBtMmra'i -uitn niRito np In KOOI] iiyle wlisn cloth i d> cut er in B. R., r.ioi used Auotiuni-cr, Con vcynneir, AppraiHtr uiul \Kiio / lunlii Real Kstate aud lusiirminn Aneut. I'.. I-. Mortgages, Leivsc aud Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shor'.ost notio. Ac tiou SnluB attt-ndi..d tn iu any }UIM of tlie C'uuntT. Uoney to l-.an t low. st r.i'.. , , : mteri'-t. CollfCtious attended to with promptness and deipatcii. Cliurijos low AgentfortbeUouiiui.nl SteAshi|.i ompany. Cheap tickets from Kleshcrton tn l.iv.rpnol, Glasgow, London or any of thn Britiili orti. I'artieH iuteuding to visit Eugland, Scotland or Ireland, will please nsk i k|vr"$9i '' erv i.tckMiiig their ticketithtewheta.