THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE MAXR/MO OFtlVE OF EO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON. A fnrl banking tiUHioau transacted 1 ir(t iMaoit and ohoqilai canliivl tl imial rale* M.init alwy tvailablefor legitimate buslnus DirpTie. UrricB two doors north of RiokanUon A Co'. DR. SINCLAIR, M. D, M. A., L. C. P, 8. O., M. C. P. S. M. The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO. ihio. (or the trutimiut of all c >n nn- imau. 1'nvaM UiMUM, Dnuiuwi of the lli-alii nd N'nrve. -Die*M! of U> Heart and Lima*. And Diia of Woman positively Trwttod auecaMruIlr. Jonathan Hnwhart.' Llitowell. ay "After Trading all MV money uml proven r to u.i |mr Vassal medical man, (..rwlmt thT-priiil a Impels** cam of oouMimpUor. Dr *ciair , -undue. Mra, Ifarv;, W.widhoiuo. v: \\li.-n all failed. Dr. Sine-lair oilrwl inc ( flu." V. McDonaM. I.ak>el. iay : "Dr. Sinclair . iirikl 010 of catarrh." Itowml, |;ivtli, iy: -"Dr. Sinclair mrwl mcof hi-art .li*eud <lrr>|,sv lwn all MMfsMUt*.' DiMtaae* cf private nat.ira brought OB by tolly d Siualmircnrtaiuly cur. on:il I :IP ,.n I I'-', DR. SINCLAIR WILL BE AT HnnxhaW* Hotel, Flesherton, >N Tuesday >' ' ''" Vicinity Chips. t"Brctcristlc* f th Fast Week Carefully Called for the Can*** <>sprey Comicil will met at Maiwll on Monday June 1, as a ooart of revision. Democrat wagon for sJ also -<>oe year old mare colt, apply to 3 Smith, Mr. D. K. Preston, deputy re.ive of v 'sprey, was iu town on Friday, and The Ail van co a call. The South Grey teacher* wil hold thvir convention ii Durhiiin "ii Thursday and Friday, May '21 ami 111' It U somewhat rematkable that wu not as vat been favored this seasoi. with a thunder striii in tins section. A Sunday school II.-M been started at lulton corner, old Durham road, with Mr. J. sepli \\nlitoii as superintendent. 'Don't bu lika a paacuck, aahumud t > look at your fet,but gets pair of boota at < 'lay ton's that will luuk well and wear As ivjry oiu it Ion barefoot, .! people havu i^ot to get tht-ir feet covered iMnewliere. \oucannulgutbuttur su[>- p'iud than at Clayton's. Dr. Sinclair was iu Flesherton on Saturday UJHHI hu regular round \\v ttill !.e In r a^ain on Tuesday, May I'.tth. t-io -p the date in imnti. It will bo ni'ticed by our advertisini; colnins that Mr. John Wluttcu has 'ded another branch to -his busiucrs. namely the removal of buildm*. Su^ar making was but a thiui; of the iiiniKiiiatiou this year, .-if tor all. and tally to tb |iull.i were fw, and, like the pi" veilnal hen's tootlu fnr between." Your understanding and ajnnrnce will be imi'-li improve. 1 if y< u |>iircliso a pair of boots from Chiytmi. Ho has several hunilrud pair< t-> chooso from. Trout tishini; i!l comiiiumje a wook from iH-xt Friday. Wo buliiive it In-. iilri,ly It'^un in the vicinity of M.-irkdaU-. Si me oiu- should go lish-' iie^ fur tlic lishcii up th -re. 'I'lu- Adv*n..v UMMc'iin w.u i :u ic'.ioJ 011 Moiii'ay \\v t'.iu v liiit "ii of a JM-HI i 'lien's fn ; ii" l.-tr-^or than a grey birds. \Ve h:i\r >liown H t" m'vuritl .iillfis and ili.-v all p;''iii"iiiicc rx the champiua fur IllillUl M, M.l.,.i,h uonupiod tin- pulpit in tho IViptist church mi S.ihbath l..xt :i:ul t'.;o l*rr..liylvriii i t llooll. Tills Oflltll'lllall Mill ColllilllK' 111 tliarao of tlio ric lioir for ft linn 1 . No bi'HiT or chun[>or f"t ui> CUM lu- ll .d than :it ClHytou'fi. A s>'Hnl iloal of money in wnstcd in birlnig bout* and \Vlut is olioapneiw if >ji;uiity i* lacking ? Wo iliroi-t attoutiuii in auotlior culiiinii to tho advcrtiaoiui'iit of Mr. Frank C. Kuvershani's joneral stort>ke]ir. Mr. KrucM believe* in printer's ink in fact he behovos in everything HtHt is right and eiflcavumi in buainess. l.B. I<Nras.barrt**r, llarkdale, has |10,OCO private funds to lend on farm ortuaues within the next few monthi at lowest currout rates. No cnniuiiu' ioni, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in JVfovkd&le during the week or at Dundulk oltice on Saturdays. It doesn't kiok wll to see girls in their tit-iiM rffi>idiiiL! around the streets after nightfall with a lot of gawky youths trot- iK at their heels aud talkini; silly lion- sense to them. Sonic parentM should look after their girls a little better tlun they do j Streuuvillo Review. Is the hove applicable to any village oUUide of StreeUville The Advance has been obliged to en- large us borders this week, owiiii! to an extra ijuaiituy oi spring udvortising, and preiwnts ita reader .1 with a twylve-paije paper, .study vt columns carefully, for theruin lu-th theooosuminatioo-of worldly rouiiorl and happiness. We havo'uot al- lowed the extin advenisiuk! to interfere with our news and ims-.vlUuieous matter, which an fully up to the UHiial ^taiulurd. Mr K Kci'tor, who is studying for the Mothodiat iniiiisiry. underwent lui prekniinary ttxaminaiioii at Mt. Furt'St >n Weduemlay and Thursday of 'ait wre .. lie passed creditably n evory sul>jt-it. and .11 Greek was oxtraordi narily success fill, hiving obiaiiied 80 |;r ouut. of the marks allowed. He crxdits this result to the painstaking tuitimi which he from Rev. J. \V. Shilton, B. A., while that gentleman was stationed here. Mr. P. Loucks. of (he LitUe Mill, for warded to The Advance ottico the other day a funny little animal of tho oiole family, tor chMsitication. It was H In turn tiMtrura, or star nosed mole. These little follows live iu the earth and feed on small :n*vts. They ait very seld 'in <.!>. though (|uite comnioii in ('anadian sod. They have an abnormally developed tail and r.'i-niv" their naane fnnu the jwculiar star -shaped fruity nose. The Mt. Forv*t foiiit-derati) i our article with ra^ard to the lllot slutting. ;>nblialiL'd two weeks ago, iiiakus a glaring Kraiuniatical error in the quo- tat i< in winch w.ta not in the ori^iiiiil. In the s-nteiice, "If it was a traitor who did this work," the Confcdt-rnto makes it road "If it wu a traitor who dime tint Work." The Ad vsiice lias already enough sins of oinusion and coinni'.Minii to answer for without having anything c\tr add.'d to itnuln-ady ovurtaxed back. Will the I'uiifedcnte kindly orreot. Mr. Newt Hi iidi-rwn is learning t r'.du a bi.-ycle. i>n Tuesday he mnde t'-.o first attempt, and was not altogether successful. Wo chnnct-d to oast cur woather eye up street on tin- afternoon of day and observed the circus. Whoii The Advance tint saw linn he was sitting in the saddle all n-lit, bat in alumt two winks where the rider ha. I been now spun around the small wheel of tl o bicycle, fairly bu/ziti". in its hilarious fun. .ind NCT was in swiiiiinint; atti'.udu <>ii till- ;r.iun.l. Cleave to it, old in. n Iviter I iick next time. Smart Boy Wanted. To l*m tne printing holiness. Must have fairly good education. Apply per- sonally at The Advance office. Batcher Business for Sale. Any person wawting to purchase a butcher business will do well to call on Fetch A Mitchell. Flesberton. By the death of Mrs. tieo. Saul, in Toronto, on Thurnd.iy lat, ;\ well known n <>f Vituini'sia siutaiiiH a sad boreavemi'iit. Tho duceiisixl wax the younijcat daughter of Mr. Jacob Sloan. of Eugenia, and was a kind, amiable yiniiii' woman of '.'li vears of ase. The retiiaina were inirn-.l in Flushercon coim-ii'i-y nn Sat ui d i* last, and wore followed to their l.-nt .inn place by a lame number f syiiipallii/.in^ i.ieinln .ml n-liitivos. T!io Horrowin^ imrcnis and hu.tli.uiij Lave iniicli the drcf.iM'tl yotiiii; wu'o ,id niotlier. who leaves four small children, wns ad- mired mid loved by all who ktiuu her \\.- li.ive lend "I c inliinr' HIM! corners, bin had not tho luant idva that nnulil I-VIT l>e .tlili! to iMiitrnct t coruor, until Saturday evoninir.whon wo obtained tin- liiat pound of butter the \ illa'.'.i had for .<ale. V,,. I.MI]O)<...| .1)1,, p,,MI'..|i until Moii,!uy morning. 1'iekeriii'; Ni->. Tho Adxance can vinfi.ld a iniuh Bidder experience than >n. s.ii u-dy not lon^ sin e wo attoinptol to buy some bii'tci for Sm.duy oonnuniptioii. but found that soiiui otl.or fellow in this village had socuroil tho Corner and limit wait uo clue to lu.n whereftli.nits nor the bu't-r. Our family had to Iw content will* a re: n -' a liitle pi coo; Fo^n L which could knock whey out <[ th* sturdiest limliur,-er that ever travelled. Wanted. Two lirat class coat mnken, female*, and two apprentices to learn tho tailor- ing. App'.y tj K. A. Uakor. Notice to CustomerB. All parties owing accounts to Petch & Mitchell will please call promptly the 1st of each month and settle whet* their accounts are rendered or *e will have to charge interest on the same. Yours truly, Petch * Mitchell. Hotel for Sale. For sale cheap the Eugenia hotel, do- ing Kood business. Small cash payment. balance easy terms. Uood reasons fur ellini;. Apply to proprietor, John Bran- iff, Eugenia. All About Seeds. .Mr \V. Richardson has just received an enormous stook of rishenuon'i requi sites. Before outering upon the summer iviinpaik'n just step in and examine his outfit for enticiiiL' the finny tribe to an untimely death. He tells ail about seeds elsewhere in this issue. To Cook Trout. Now that the trout ualiini; season is near a nico receipt for cooking the lus clous product of our streams will be timely. Take freshly caught fish, clean and split them. Lay in a baking pan slid sift a table sixmnful of dour over each tish. Popper .ind salt to tastu. I you have cream pour on enough to cover if not use milk, and dot with 'uuipi o butter. Bake twenty to thirty minutes in a moderate oven, pov.r out on a platter ami you will have a diah tit for any king. Deal at Home. Of lato large bags containing circulars idvi'riisiiu> city dry goods concerns hnve Iwivr.uinped into Kloshcrton and sur rounding pnet offices. Now we have a word or two to *ay with regard to thete You are asked to purchaso of tho lar;e city homes to tho detriment of your own towns Mid villngi's. Trice* ni-e .pioted in t"iiii' cmm much Win* what you would |.ay at yi at nearest -.lore, ami in IIUMIV oases below what they aclimJ'v i---i tlu- idvt-rtiser, simply as a bait to draw your .n.-toin. Hut even iiippnim; that all u done on the square and you ;\re t;ivon *ttff;icti"ii, is it reasonable to injure the home mereiiallt by sending your cu.stom to citii-s and cent r.ili/.inu' the business in two or three largo provincial imvns Nn The meii'liant buy* your prodnce, and sells you Ins i;o,,,I. Ymi need the country merchant, t!i> merchant needs you. There is satisfaction, too, in |>cr snnal dealing, whuiv in \ ery many cases thevo i not in mail orders. l.o,.];n'g at h' matter from any<lp.>int it i lieiter and safer to let these circulars llolU". I'lllll till-Ill. I T.-uancy Act. Kinemost amoiiit the imporlnnt m i^nn * aifi'duiL: i-iliicution now Ix-foru \isomblv is tho Truancy Act which has passed it* scoum t, a,lui_;. The bill provide" for the appointment of a truant oilicer by tho police ciimniiKsioners in , iich municipnlity. This oihcei . duty it shitll In- to catch and make i .nre e\a n pie of any ill-fated tina'.l K.y de'ected " join' tishin ' .Iniiiit; ichool hours, but Mich will perliups K- tlui least of ilis cures. The children who are kept it homo for their parents convenience fill made hcweis if wood vtd drnwers of with no ohunce of Uc, -01111111; any- tinny else will lv looked after, and to little drud ;. * 'io are nuineioiis enough in SOIIIM ! ealnii-n tho tiuniit will come- a< .in :m:;i'l of delner- ance. The HiftinenieBl of the Trimiii-T, Act involv - -tt\ tile finninhiiig ,f i"\i I" . nominal c. st | er pnpd. The m i or mm attend- anoe in inability to vurtinne lH>oks, and H|! tin- conipnl-on le._.|*!atio-i in t'.e woild will not leinin.' tlie dilliciilty. In Hamilton free text l-o..k Vitem has licen i-'ino lime in p: icf'. , .u. i 'tho teachers repoit it a *nc.'-. <-. an.i .11 filo whole a measure of great ei. UOIIH. If tho Tin ancy Ac.l pwscs, tho ton n.iTtnd citn-s ..f I lie ;.|..i:!i.e mil ,-ei i., inly lldvo to follow in the iVotMcps of Hamilton. Tho iin.l inuilioipeJilie) miy hnd komo way of di'd^im.' the dillie-iity, though the need of reform i.s|cih:<|s reat.-r tlmn in the towns. lOin Sound Advorlhicr. Cleaning. Now that the soason for house ui; in 1 othei ie.s t.f spring claiwig h.i-i iiniod, The A UHM.-I- IH-^.-I lem t; to suggest that it w.nild be a go >,1 iden fi.T our municipal ttilhorities to enter upon a similar lino of action with regard to our public thorough faros. It tn*y bo In order to supply our increased busines, we have a very laige supply of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS. Iu Men's wear Fine seamless to heavy plow boots. In Ladies' wear Polish calf- hide, dongola aud prunella. Children's in great variety. Nearly all new goods and best makers. Prices as low as reason will admit of. Custom work and repairing i sewed or poised intly attended to. tioi'd work aud best tuau-imi used it CLAYTON'S, Flesherton. woll onough to use the streets in winter time as agricultural implement cni|><>ri- UIIIH, lumber yards ind -uw U>^ dumping grounds, but really, in thespriiiL' cime. when nature is attempting to beautify i "iir village with things Lively to the | visi n, she should be assisted ami encour- at least to '.he extent if relegating spring tooth harrows, lumber piles ind saw logs to the places where they vrere respectively intended to be displayed. There is nothing artistic in a stuck of aaw logs languidly reclining actxtaa a sidewalk, as they .ire near the drill nbed, nor yet iu a huge lumber pile which en- croaches on the sidewalk, as does that one in front of Mr. Hrard's shop. The cattle, which aro unfortunately allowed to ruminate, cogitate and pedestrmnate uu -cur streets, have been obliged to take to the sidewalk at this point in order to get around these lumber pilot. And you know that so M*II a* a cow seta foot on a sidewalk she imagines she is right ait home in her own twrnyard, and proceeds to use it a Yordnigly. Neither is there anything artistic in the manner in which hi' uses it. If the ubti|uit>>ui cow mu.-i run at lareje, let us give her .-tea room by rein 'ivmg thcie iini'.;litly idistructions to her porvgt inati"ii. \\npUad fur the cow. We also plead for suffering <Mti- MIIS. (let these unsr^litiy objects ra> moved before the earth has put on Iu r garb of green, so that the unhandiwoik of man may not '.>e coutraste 1 with the. handiwork of nature in glaring dis) . It is a settled, solemn f.ict that wo have <>no of the prettiest, most pictu- resquely situated village! in western On- t-tno, aud wo dare any man to whisper "Lie !" But it .-in be still further beautitied. There is nothing enhances the beauty of a place so much as fo ('outlast a \ dlai;p, which is destitute of trees, with one win/re the hou&vs nre half hidden by t,'roen leaves aud shulter- ing boughs, and ymi Hill immoduUd.y M-e the /milt. How coy and I'.viuullko tho latter How ll'.cak, .uid barron, and s.orched, and sickly looking 'lie former Therefore plant tteos ' Arbor day will shortly IM hurts. Lot even citi/eii pre- piro himself to put down a few more in ij'le.-. or -\ er,'reen* on that ilay. They may be got wi.h slight trul>le and no expense to speak of, and the act will never be regretted. Tho more Ix-autiful tho home, the longer will your children remomber it and the greater will be their a'teclion for it. But the cows ! They should be kxpt it home. Wo are not an incorporated riilago and cannot in justice havo a by- law passed curtailing their roaming proclivatie<, but really, and in all ser - oiisiii-ss, thoy arc an uii:iiitigHUul nuisaueo duiing the sumuuT tune, and ' \eiy villager 'iiiov- ;l w h ' !i 11 tried to keep the sidewalk m Front uf his pro c ui. What can wo do about it -' P McCULLODGH, Barrister, tfv/icitor, ffl-'. v-r M.-l' irlamJN Siorr Murkdulc, Moucy lo Loan. (farils. John W, oN, Co. GKXT. niVISIOS CdfllT Cl.HlK.C<1VMtSSI(r.<l H "m B II.. Ooawraascr, .vc. Anoiit for |>urclia "" ! ?',? 2 1 ''"' A|.prai.r for I' 1. c o,,l r.l> H. *H. Surirt>. Jlou.y to LMI MONEY TO L The Undersigned bas a Largd Amount of Money to Loui at 6jo . ON TOWN OK K.VKM 1'BOPKltTY. 8.DAUUUH, KI.E.IHSI - W. J. BELLAMY TIM'. CLCHK AKTEMKtU. . ni:KI)s. MOItTtiAiirs. I.KAhKS. Ac ** wlau.l iirojwrU . ir utwl lli>uraucr Bi~- din nrmt-olassoonpaal**, MUD, v tu lenda* i wut rattis. DR. CARTER. M >M'. i.S.,()^r. SIRVJ'O.N. AT. KLKsllKKTON OAcs, Strain > blixik. lledilciui I ii. ItuMtl't DBS, SPROULE & EGO MAHKDAI.K n.vr OIHoc M;inl, > x Uriiu Siorc. TS. sl'KDl !,!: M.l)..w OMi I - , 10 ..M llo of Toi>, IH.FlKo will he found at Uarkdalr 11 J. P. OTTEWELL, IiV SIMK.'ON. i iiaduate .if Ontario V,t. I'ollege, Urt door toulh of I viicu's tailjt slU.p FLBSBKBTUH. J. P, M. \m\ LI, I. 9. .. *. U S., UM !ST Visits Markdnlu the 1st :n viu> o) KAch luolltli Klc-ihcrUni ouch trip mi lie ,ia\ 'olii.w.i... IVIi< !<sl>i rrav tick, we RT- bar Oaslorla. n.nna a lliil I. "lie riJ frvr l-nit.i.\. When "lie ix'came VIM, ! IMHJ; '., ,'i*toria> Wbau alu- liad i 'luMiru, &hs gave tliMn Castoria . W. -it(>i. ('on. lilr. M-U..I i.:: - !tt IIJU.M., us Tii, i. I I Ki.r <> In i> l,.rs Mrs. Winalow'n ontliiiu Hyriip In ;ilolio( .,i,4iu.i tm 111. , nhili- I . ,1-1,,. lit tllcllt u, , i !.,.;, il >l'l"l ' ,111.1 , .Mll^ Mllll ,..1111 ,.t, lilt . ;,,! .,! HlXlttll ! Ml-. \\ It, .|i. -. s,.,,!!,,!,^ S\ i otllMnn to. tliiir: II dilii.-, i Inn., ii'. ' Hi ,11-1..: u;. .11 . i-, Itl.'l,' Is tl,. , llltfl . ',. , ,1 I if . !U' - l>ll- rli.i'n. N\ 1 1 L I I '. 1, ,[!,.. , il'ti , . llftii.U niatlon, ana i|iv ton* and miwci to the h..l, -\-t.n; Mir. \\ni.-li.H- ~i<. limit: SMIIP" (or . Inl.llen lertluii); '.-. |.l. H-MII! N. ilu- niul n tlltf |>,r*>, i i|.lh,ll ..( .:,,, ',1,1.1,0 | . ii '. -.1, L. ie. nn, I IIIIIHI< in the I stl,.. Til,-, U :!<,. Httld druuista throughout ths -i,i,i he -oiru aut) M: k fur )f rs. Wloslew's (ouUuiii ^I'o- SOCIETIES. SiiVS n" Tl ! . , MICflK 01 111 I - OUIU'l Ul-ll Ritv.M, ri:Mi-i,\ns UK n . i lli^niHl ('..itni.ll mef is , \. t \ hit! In H|uuul*> block , ,VCIH c ui.,f. > 'ui'lH ;)<.nttil>. - >w*7 .:.(; tlHI iil.,1 1 ' 41 I ili.lltll. . i v. * I V M >ni>t'l oi tll Miv-,.iii,' Hi -,. . l.Toi'k. nithltr.-t.III. OVI.t > Ktl >H> ', u lnt"l M t ll- full in,H>i.. W. J. llillaui ,\\ U . !