Late Foreign News. AN EXCITING SCENE. EXTRAORDINARY 4 M*K OF Hi I- CIM, A Paris .-in... I ut iinkcry has !ui. . . I Opened, .lules Simon presiding and deliver- u tlie i.i. I res*. Pie institution was slai-l.-d with illllds accruing iron, c\llll>lt.ns In-Ill under tlie auspices ot tile AsMH-iaiiim -.nun.- tdvrsmre.1 *rsu Rrxapril 4 Tlt-t. The new ( Minister at 1'artn, \l. f of French Co.iks. There is a grand kit. lien .md a large lecture hall, in.l .lej:.-.-- md diploma* will IM; couierred. I'he itiiMian Ministry of -at, mi has addressed a circular to all school dire--lor.s and siiperintendent.s ordering them to dis- courage, and it |>o.ssihle, to prevent Chris- tian students engaging Jewish seolars ',u repeat with them their lessons preparing for the approaching annual exammaliuns. '".'/< which were m ihe prixon, shops have been csUiiinslied for six other staple industries, with tool* and machinery. In the city, as I well us by private contractors, the work of the prisoners is in constant demand : and the prisoners . njuy tin, work, so that many of them will nut avail , heinnelvos of the privileges ol ^vaikin^ il 'bey have work on hand fur wlncn they hav.- a .peciai liking. EA1L? DAYS ON THE FRONTIER .iil.ll Lug u. m hinldiiii; was great fun to the IMIVS, although they did not lind it i*v work. There was a certain novelty about the raising of the structure, thai was to be a AFTER TfllHTY-FIVii I5AE8- WarvriuH* PmervmittH ..r ikr t orii.r ,,r a i nil. i lulu AlK.-ii me iniintli i-o the ourt.-- Ie i.tid that the UsJn-.s mu-i red in the Methodist I'rolc.staiit oemelery u, Av-iinlale. near in, 1'art of th >f the inoii-v .-e.iliy.eil by the industry ' ;>,!.>. u, i r.s la put t.i their rcdit. Tshmg-Tithaiig, :s a Tarlar by birth and a \mi>y, lV^/ii/<i and >;ni:h'lnitiii consider Roman Cat hohc. this a wise an I beneficial measure. "It -pa'ii ia abmil to build two 9,t(00-toii \ W'H preclude friendship springing up l>e protected cruisers of '.lUIUO-horse power ; tween the .Jews and the ( hrmtiau* at the and twenty two knots extreme speed. schools and colleges A suit about a calf in Texas ha* resulted in the death of all the parties involved ex- ept the calf. One of the litigants shot the ,tner, and tin- h,. r iff shot the survivor in trying to arrest linn. The calf was valued 11 ii itiillara. schools and colleges. \\ e have the bitter experience to see such undesirable friendship lasting beyond the college days among the Miemliers .it s, ho'.irly proieftsions and worl.- inv: its pernicious mniience in society \i i Tin-,. , ; |.^ of the temperance ..t St. IVterslmrg ' the sfMssMVOMV \l. |)e KnnuUky. th-.; Kuwian gentleman 'd .ittenUou to llu: t.u I tlwl van. .{lory or who l)t 'i'l.fXIO rouble!) tliat he would drive ' nwgpulocip i- oiten the hU troika from Samara to Puns in eighty lays, reached Paris on March 17. twenty- two ilays ahead ot time. II.- us.-. I tin little I ral aones, the niaxiniinn .1. ovi-ri-d lor any day Iving uboiil I'.t) nnlea. -.HIM- of drunken He had seen women drinking brandy trom a flank .just to ahow tlmt they could swallow a* milch of the stuff .us any man. l-'oolish parents _;iv hijiiors to their children to show thoir frit nils how- bravely lliaumn.lH ,n considerable ,|,,am.tie* have ""''I, '"'"'-"".'>'' I""''. In v iliac- ,.,,1 eei, discovered , the north of Upland. T"" ( "* tn " '""- 1 '"I ""' *& ality ol Hie oinmon people is estimated by The higbest inhabited place in the world ,|,.-' aimmnt of spirit* they order for wed"- t.alera, a railway village n, IV, n, l...ii..., ,,,_,, pll ,,, s , H . llU)lo ,-athenngs. At such : eet ulwre the sci A master carpenter at >arago-oa was tabbed by a striker because he had employ, ed a non-union man. buns I'barle.s Verdici. one of the two brothers managing the Ma, son l(oree, died two weeks age. He was one of the best known men in I'ans. .1:1. :- and sociable gatherings (Kirt,c* :t is customary to ijive to t!,e quests iron.; lii|iior, lietw.-en forty-live and tftj grades, lirst and make the stuff weaker in a mean, lie a.s the mipauy -els intoxicated ami , u,, ml distinguish the m.-i t > -.- -In- drink. In the monastery ol the Crande. I hrtre- use, near IJrenoblc. died a ! </'-.-<i.i' It, install Victor Drumont has published another t: - al. call,-.! Kathei Nicolaa. The I .eueral auti-.Seniitn- volume, which .-amted M. Vonu ven to challenge him and get wounded at the mei-ting. The < .eriiian empire, liy the last census, ha forty nine and " half millions of poptila- hud taken purl in the last wars in the ' .u, .-as, is against Sahamil | at the storm, n-.; "t the u! i, muni a. the last stron-.'hoi.i of ihe ( 'aiicisian iiieftaiii. he was severely wounded and went in I'vis for "' md tion, Prussia having of these thirty millions, " ltMt "-" 1 '^alim-Ml There he made the ac- and Ihe next ihvnion, Ikvana. hv,n tne .'"'* "' Pupanloup. by i.,d a half null,,,,,-. whuin he vi is ,-omerted to Koman t utholu mm. He i-oiild nut return to Knssm tlien, The s.-iitcn.-.s lollowmg '.he lule at n,i' retired to the monasttry of the i.ninde Oporto have condeinnetl (.'apt. l-i-Uao, tin- ' ^e as a monk. There he received leader, to six years' imprisonment ma cell V18 jtors and enjoyed .(real popular,! v In ami >.-n years' transportation, and about a t |,,. H UMt . w armv'ln.s name is remcmliereil do/en others to lesser puuishnientii. An article on the inuLuiiea of ihe Ifcma partcs shows tiiat all the meinlwrs ol the great Napoleon family have sullcre.l from with great respect by the troops that were under his command. The nobility of l.ietiand P.nssia, r- adv o- eating befnrethel.ovei mneiii the ai. rogation hereditary arthritis. Napoleon 's father die. 1 ol the law proiiibiling the professors of ihe of cancer of Ihe stomach. Napoleon him- Ureek Catholic faith to .viopt ipothcr relig self, l.ncien Bonaparte, 1'aulme liorghem-. ions oi,t.-<sion, .'specially in cases where and her sioter Caroline all died of the same their atlher.-nce to the Kussian Chur trouble I'rince I'ier,.-, Na|Mileon III., and King .lernme ,11 symptoms. Count Schoiivalotf, the Kussian AmlMis- sador in lierlni. reports to the ( '/ar that his post is untenable ami begs to In- recalled. I'riii.-e \upoleon, manifested urthntu was gained by pressure . trom ontsnle and not 'liniugh |M-rs.;nal convn .V. .."// IV'mu't is e\aperutcd at tins "in oli-n 1 di-m.unl.' .is it U-rm.< it. ami hat the i.rtman population ol" llle Hal;,.- provinces niusi liave some H<-I rei t-ii' oni njt inriit from the enemies of KII-.SM or they An luhaii authoress, Mathilde Scrrao, is w ,, u l,| ,,,,i ,l ar e to raise such a .,nestion. said to hve applied much of the power and perception of Mlckens to the middle and A " _ccpeil KiiMian coinici, VamoM low -r'rauks of Italian life, through her novel K.miinknff, who had avoided tha authorities Fantasy." ! f" r fully twelve years, and led the life of a 1'iicand m the forest* of Volhyina, has iieen While Mr. \\ K. \auderbllts.\lva was , , (|ie vi|| , ,i, Wnka . .teannng thro'igh a storm on her way to ^g^ H( . WM ^ {{ |lilnilr ,. (| , )V > illefranche, au enormous wave deposited a ' seventy-pound turtle on tin- deck. It good to eat, and therefore was eaten. WM t , lU> ,-,, r hw ,, alH ,/| )Ii4very in> | .,..,., *** osit\ . and nu act i.-n Im trace. I to him since he escaped from the prison to hn-li he IH-I-O icntence.i tor murder ami roblM-i y some lifu-cn years ago. l!ut hi- an barrel (t is supposed tlmt he has hidden i ; I'" -'/lot 1 reports that a loy of iiomeiial" appearance has l>een lirn f Th a " pli Ill coi)*et| nonce of the views ot (he Km- peror upon the school system, in the cadi t u-adeinies of Brandenburg l'rnHiai, Inslory not diow whcn-i.v he naepkUkeds In I-|,|,,H>,| is to IM' taught, Iwginning with the present I for the 'asl iwelve year*. He was found in time mil noing hack ward to the time ot the a lurije lrrel covered with straw, which he Great Klector. j had made his this winiei Nothing The,|ooi,,r. f rk-rl.n have agree.1 , h , lt | |'l "I''! of Brandy Allies w;as found in his in future thoir coachmen shall wear white hats, so that a doctor's carriage may alw\ s be immediately distinguishable and the (iiibli. enabled to s. million medical aid from the streets in urgent cane*. Bismarck will mov e to Berlin, we are told, havuig taken Iwo lai^e houses in the Koinggralzer-strasse. '1 hr Hamburg /!> /oi m .uiuoun. c lhal the Kmpen.r and 1't m.-.- Bismarck will dme together shortly with Count von \Valdentee at Altons. The longest pedestrian tramp ever at teinpteilis thai laid out for himself by l.i'-uteii.inl |{a<-l,mo,,totf of the Fifth Kat- talion of Siberian Infantry. He lias sla. led from Vladivostok, on the shores of the Sea ol Japan for Paris. Ho has arrived a, Tonitk, and siarlslhence to.M. Petersburg. In four months he has walked 7-1. mil.-s, battling with snow and wind. .Mount I'ilatns has heretofore been saved from having a railway buillupils side by the perpetual cloud that rests on its :| It has been discovered ihat tins cloud is uevermoie than 91) fet-t high, so now the company is ready to build the railroad and raise in KtfTel lower ,'HIO fcflt, in diameter it its Last-, sin feet in height, with a plat- form at the top I'.M feet square. Krupp is to supply the steel, and the building is ii.j>cd fur in I S!Vi. The various t.cimaii Chambers of ( 'om- in K.i/. in. He IMS two mouths, and each them is supplied with its own tongue, and, as it appear*, will, its own system of vessels. Whell he cries for food lie is Slltlslied if it IS administered through either mouth. H has three nimtnls: the middle one is the largest. His eyes arc somewhat farther aparl than in children of normal . .instruc- tion, md remai kablc only for their unusual brilliancy. His head and entire body ;- olherwise quite normal To, tlarnum to i,,.|,nre after. U'e have a Kusniau dog-facedlH.v a* a imiscnincui losjt y, why should w>- no|t ,.-, a , wo-moutiicd in.l one-audit half nosed specimen from Knssni. An exciting incident occurred "ii Monday it a tiro in Collwrne (.ardeus, Nor: I. Kensington, London. An oilman'-, shop, !.epi by Mr. \\ A. Itawley, caught tin- Trie oc'-upanl's wife was lying dead in a ollin in a back room, and Mr. Kawley in at templing 1o , emove Ihe remains fell dow n unconscious. He was, howevi-r, rescued, and the body- was safely removed Lord Dutl'erin and Ava sends from Koine laiisibly iiitereslmg report on the progress of Italy, drawn up i.v Mi. llcrin^, secrelai \ of the K, .,!.>. He shows tlmt home, and an inluresl in luariiing the rmle ' iniiau. shmilil 'oe i iiinv.'d. anil last week tools, Ihat lasted until ihe cabin was finish- the wo, k began. Vcsluiir ay iiionni.i; ui ed. The muni and the wedges, the frow and iron cankel alxiul ihree fed long wan taken tliat having >.-rved the r terms and regained : 'be little maul intended lor it. and all the out of the earth and placed in 'lie vault. It their liberty they have something to start ', tr means and appliances to the building ' Happened u, . .,1 lid over with. One day in Ihe week the indnsinim.s were ill new and .strange to these bright ' i'las, an. .. : lid wala|.. prisoners ar.-ariowca.uouicrMrthemselv '.s l^ls. fills was rusted. !,',.v... ies ic-onlm- ,: heir liking such as i r'''. the ,i/e ol the cabin, twelve feet ', m,i 'he id . ould not be moved asiue wheat rolls i the regular prison tare , ,v -. "'< *i"l twenty feel long, was marked out ''.mi one ol '.In- wo, kin, n ,,. M ,p , i only rye l.r..'i. ,ea, milk, and Uigur nn on the site on which U was lo rise, ami four it a little | .v I.en to .'us -urprise it -uci, duvs their families an- allowed to visit 1"^ were laid to define the :,.n. sprung open and exposed u, view the re- then, Tins treatment seem, , prod,, *cre the sills ,,l the new house. At , mams ..t a beautiful dnld that lay as if beneficial effect, us a higher moral tone pi e ' > ''' <-'ud of even- log two notches wen: 'ill, asleep. .... ...1.1: 1 _. I __ .. il \ , : i vails in the workshops than among the 'idle '"'' '"> 'he under prisoners. DEATH SWEET TO THEM. md one on the to tit into similar notches cut in the log below, and in that which was to IK- pi on Uip. ^o i.'h .-in ncr wax Tunned by t.iese int.-rlacmii and overlapping; ecds. The logs were piled up one ah.iv.- another, just as In the aftci noun :!,.- ,-main.-. were seen by a reporter, who ucco,n|>anicd the .uikct '.. laced* ' Spring lirove, where it wna re-int. tn-d 1,1. i viewed by TIIK oSI.V l.lVINi ,:l.l. i up one ulK.v- another, j as ,,f the dead child, a sister, wm, children build gob homes, from odds and ' ( i, K . mnttt ti. Hie story of the I of the dead child, a lister, who still 1: ..l hil'l. a* ' ,;ier"i wno " doe, not' rime and wa* an intimate friend of Mis* Kidgely. _. prevailed upon .Miss Uidguly to with iier. I'he Ixtuies of the two women were found in a lonely part of the town. Over the heart -n each w.ia a bullet iiolc. They were laspcd in each other's irms i,,d between "" '"" s lal11 ;lir '" I..., trans- ,.,, .,., i .,,. mllim Hulrldr la Nrw nrxlni. ends ol playthings. Cabin-huildeis do not News ha, reached S.un.1 r'.- of tin- duiihle i **V l * M ' ' : -'> " :k ' er'ain number of ','. Mltme iiacYoeeil)", "is a truge one. Said -in- .,::...- of two young won,, n, at \v m t ''!>':>.> usually suy that "" lo ^ ' " Mv sister died U-t..r-- i vv i- oorn. -die Oaks. They were Mrs. Howard Doyle and "H'', or t \volvs Hi;* lu-i,. as the case may W(u biirieil al lirst in Wealevau cemetery MU Jessie Ritlgely. Stn. Doyle had. " : "' n ll "' ""c'-'".- i as high ua'he . , y.vembcr, Is:*,, but .., thai plac lie-en separated from "her bnsiiaiid ti.r MM Wtended lo be, U top lofi -'"' ' ,i,an.l..iied the casket wa removed to an intimate friend of Mis l """, 1 ,' 1 1 "K' :i: "''- iron, lide :.. rids, with AV,,,,,!.^,. h happened thai at the time .1 Hm liovlewas despondent and "" 11 ""' 1 l'lnied ,I|H,I, the upper lofi of ,1,,. ,,. MI ,,val- -twentv-six v.vars ago -I was iinniit ;'^''' ""' ">d laid. u,.,,, ,s,f Uiev were, to ,,,,, ,. 1 ,,, lllth lu u .,. om -p. ny - in y parents. ' the support.,1 a tloor for another story. , WMum .,,,,.,,,^1 the n.Miiov.,1. Iwas I isable .-.,., are built up of logs. , ,,, t e *,mill, bull recolle<-l very well that uid shorter as the peak of the gal.le .,, , l(1 ., ,,,, ^j,,, all(1 ',| u[ ^,-,., t is approa, -hetl. ami kept ,11 ^.lace by Otter , W1IU w ,.. ,. . <k ,.,, .,, j|l ,, w . ,,. ;, ^ . ,,, y .i'-ail -isti i. My mot her .leclari).! that ihere .lwiB "'I'-' 1 ' ol the .-abm, tnem vva* Mis* R,di;eiy' revolrer. Then- '";! ''1""} '"t" the end of eai-h loi; in tbl i M , t ,,oi i^-n a jnirt icle of change in ' . uatsimug.mapo.tuearby.,ml,he,, okstki a '" lc """' '" >r " : " P""" "" ''"T'V , 'T had Wen neatly folded ami served aa head vonM! "* " r '-'fters. the rm.f is laid. Holes To each cloak wen- pinned notes to ll " '" '," -' w '" 1 'bn.uglithe log. tui the various friend*. One expressed the desire thin -hey -iiunl.i lie buried in the same gra.-e. S'one of the letteri gave sjiv reason lor tlie act. except the sentence KWoet and we prefer it to life. ' Mrs. Doyle came to N'evv Mexico . years ago t.. serve as govcrnosi in the family . of Mrs. .oedwm Kiln.. At the eud of a year i feSfe*"? wt ' ie ^" she mained Howard Doyle, brother ot Sirs. ! Kills and a well-known yonni; incliman. Their bridal tour tMik tin-in hack 'o \lis- ,d the house logins to dour and w indows. Uik habitabl The sett ler-. on '.ie Republican i'ori. ut i>eatl ''"' ''"' t ' !t '"' 'I'.ors and window* IH-I.-: put L n '.he J.M.I. ui.l vv lu-uthe layer ot split shakes that lures in the nine v eara. To me '. :,ey seem- ed roundel ui. i |ii,ii,i|ier than tliey did to- day. At thai time tlie hair wa* a rich gold- en color, but I see it has changed to a dark I -islet w.i* just 4 yoars old vvheu she .in- .1. -in- was always a delicate child, and was remarkably precocious. In--- MM no .-mi. aiming, and the liody was simply th-- IK iat made the roof was m pU ,,,,., . l ', h ,,,,,,j ,.( .,| C e,l in a her- boundcd !U !udc i to see how thing. , ,.,,, M , ^ k ,. { ' Mv ,. llm , r Mil ' '"' scnri, and then they met an old friend of the bride's, Miss Kidifelv, who. uoon their - .,nme,,dal,o,,. w.^,,,,,.-, ( ue tl! .-mpluv <lr "" '! ' '"" '-J 1 "": "! ^^ J*T" '"""l T\ ,"',", "', TT ' . . ' J . iriti.f i. U ..M. .i..... . ...ii u .. ...-.., i.-iii. < ..v am 'lelnrrii i'd to succeed Mrs. llnvlc's ;u govern.-- n the Kills home. Doyle and wile lived to- '.' '" >f wl1 "' 1 ' , wu * rt "f*l' lu '.'"; '' less than a year, u.d -or inu- .-ause provident .nu, ,, ", oiinkins Had laid ,~i,.-s md ^iaM or other separated. On -un.lav \li . 1 >ovle * went to White Oaks fora v ,s,t to her in-nd " >r tw ;' "'"'" """' ""' "'" It ended in their suicide agreed to sell to the new-comers. _ m mim mf __ , hewn Imjs for tloor-jmts ver placed U|K>II r ~ ihu ground in-ide ihe .'ibm. previously A BAdOON LLADtH. , leveled off for the pnrpoHv On these were laii I thick slab* of oak and hickoty. nvcn HOT i i.icsMllc Heir irird n< (npiiiin nf '"" '' -"k!- It iwt, fro,,, grove near by. a lr.>..,i ..i ill. Hiurs. ! These slal* of luirdw ou.l w.-r-- ' jiunchisjus, " .... ; and fortunate a* w.u the man who o,,|.i ['* have a Hoor of savveil lumlH-r to his " l ''''r'i^\ u ::'. m : mk : v " ui ' 1 . !* 1 " H : IM -, 1 . 111 ' iiewhuw..,bim..,i t* w i,,,,, !,.-., w ainnstil m notice ,., IV| . ^^ , {vvi ma|(y - yem ^j | <paco lietween the , . |m ,, , -,..,,, ,i>aiiy logs was almotl wide enough to raw) , brunch. ,..' , k .d. Hut th.-y I, , ...TTI.-. - I.UIA ^ UKMAIN.S log-cabin enough to know that these wide . ' ' .ien '.hnd le-ting place. lean assure cracks wen- n, In- ciiinkwl" with thin you itmt it w,u> not au uunleaaaul task U ny .load sister, and I n, lightly . and 'then daiiU-d over with clay " leligble I t.. lind her reinaiusso wonder- fully preserved, \\beu tins rejsjsjeaj was inoue yean u^u :i,y father -.ik ^real care |an* to keep tin- Ii- 'overy ol the marvelous pre- he had erv alum a secret from the public, md for I'ir'ly this reason it wa* never found out. " The unu-d the foalures of the dead child very closely I'he color of the skin has nol changed in the leasl, uid all who saw it declared thai the 'lesh was as lite-ilk' . I'he lellcaUl eyebrow* ami eyel.n-lies w.-re Htill inUict, and ev n ',.- place oi no-el mi; of the li.lh mid IM- seeu disiin. -. v I..**! s.t'iuny of the face showed the open pme*. l'!u- mouth wa not hand. The 'away in his their actions in i state of nature. It has -,,. .Itenbeen id that baboon, will ,t and , was then onlv loot *. .V warm themselves at a t.n-. but cannot lie ' In put on a slid; '.o keep it alight. K i in I'asha, however, declares he has seen', ' IH-IU-I- olf than Ihoso with wlimii tunlirr was a* perfecl a> it might have IH-.-II, owing < latunl surface of ihe th<- IH ing slight Iy w.sUtd. presumably by the fre|Uaiit slsllsfliaf it :i.l rece,ved. ' NII|-.KNK.\TII r,IK <-HI.N, them carrying torches; 'nit must people lillllk In- i. u iil have, , the dwarf aljongines for balxwim. I'be '.>!!.> m^ ac count, however, given by an shows a wonvlerful imonnt Interesting to Canadians. \nv, ii. nt; . .t ..n.-erns the iMiiployment r MI. kel has an interest for ' ... > i m-, w In. have stiiid.-nly dis<-o- pred that they are "*" ' virtually the sole possessors ol a nn-Uii that ,' "K 1 ' 11 ' , ,l|.Htini| to play such an imiHiriaiU iwrt unniiii; in a wild >boou, e\-en to the uonit . in the ait* and o w Inch the supplv if co, inting to a small extent. As is well known, IWOOOIIM alwnvs ha ! tically inexhaustible. s prac- Kollowuii; up the e * tests ma>le last autumn at Annapolis the leader, whom they obey implicit v A troon , , I \, ' ' I nited Mate, N.nv Depart men I .r- ilKjut of baboons, led by an olil male ol iireat si/.e , " oiake another trial in order to further lind tor a long time done much mischief in a as if peeping out, ould H- -.-.-n lomutlung ^recii. It resembled a :-MH- leaf, but ww prolwbly the end of t : ibiui had Iweu tied liinit the in-, k. The ihroud was of a di-h< ite pinkish white .uloi. uid it* texture was plainly -iMhle. All over it the nap of the wooib -ii lulu could be MII slightly elevated, while t llU folds 111 tile WiBOiOg- >iie- t .(.1- ui perfect as when liiially left by tilt- mother's hands. Thehnir, i :MS In-en -.tatvd, wasofared- oioth over the little bead, and < u- pn'.'i u.d . .miK-d to er, in, inounUimons distn.-t M| CaaeColooT The leader would ma, Ii down the iiiuun tan, -ieiiaiitly, with a large but ,n reality the .\pcriiii-iit* involves the l pin- for hit hand, winch he used is i .u, U. tallowed .v the whole tribe, md , -,, t u-rnhle d.-pre. r . mrpo8e .. The rive plaU.-. that are to , ' <li : lr " V In- liseil u, thTtesl hut always -.11. kv nplotely Inch had to lie old question as to whether st Illi'kel steel pliitis lie lie lie-t .lattous .n gardens and g much more than t hey ate, .tllllii; like an ambush. At last the fanners ronii.1 delcnniiietl to build a wall in a vineyard, and siioot the i;nemv from lii'lnu.l n. I'he wall was built, the baboons watching the ,'!"." will lie each el'.; keep,,,, i ,,pectf,,l 'i,s, ul< , fr^inv,,,,,,, ^1^^ '^T^^^i^ autumn tin se will l>e . operation from a wile int.u , and I ing 'I'lns is something | J OWI1 w |,en the workmen were gone, ', a\ merce are about to make a very intercHting . ihe wages of agric.iltmal Inlmurcrs (adult i experiment, wuh Ihe idea of extend:!'- hi.m^ th" whole year "may be put at ierma..y 1 industrial resources in foreign u-npence daily.' In the Sanlinian mines .Mintrn-H. A fund Ii.-ts been raised, ami the local miners average two shillings daily, several young men, will be sent to different and other an- ^iv.-n large ciiies on the Continent and in Kim- i A 1 ., l . w ,,f , !,.. , w | uc .|, ,| lc VK ., lm land to open up newholdsforv-erman piod ,| lK pi uvt .,l ,( exinwrdmary determina- ict. Among the c,i ,en sclei-tedtor the ex ,,_ oivurre.1 near Xachwl, in Bohemia, perim-ni in Kiiglaml u e Manchester, ' A as . ult | mllg ln a vl ||age , , Birminghasi, Liverpool, Newcastle, and llcl(i .| 1 i~i ; ,rh.HHl of that town .sel liie to Ins ^wansea. | ) 1OUM , an j then fastened himselt to a beam \ \ieiuia coriL-spon.lcn: v, riles : The I ''> - l chain, winch he locked by a strong '.ni|-ror, attended by all the An-hdukcs at ! JvlliK-U, imnicdiately throwing iway me ho tnnein \ i-nna, w ill on Maunday Thurs- . The elloruof Ins neighbours to rescue lay wash the feel of twelve old tien al the bim es thus f-, us, rated, and th- wre'.chcd I... I... i ". Tbo luc.'l-. whing is conducted vith every inaiiif<!'a'i..ii of Imperial nmgiii man vv . . burned to death. kfiiee. In tin- ali-Mi.e ot I he Km press, ihe ereinouy of washing the feet of twelve old , ion, en will be .suspended, although the elect welve venerable lemalen will be tin- i.-cip-i | nt s of the customary Imperial bounty. A I'.u ixlolegra-i, says : Thelegemiaiy grey overcoat ol N.i,'! on I. has |i,.sl been stole,, In a ^ui:g of houselin akcrs. w I, > were proh- airfy >|inte unaware "of IM hisloiical vahn* aii.i who have in all likelihood already sold it to some old clotheeman c.|Ually nmou I :,.- Daily Ch,-w..i stales Ihat, acoordinir I "''..UK ol Uic- treasuro he now pouost.:*. I his o intelligeuoe from Baku, an enormous | ."'.-. 1111 of the glories of iho J-ir*i Kn.pire ... n .lam of nai-otlia !,a.s just bten tapped ,,i !-" |""i'-'rty ol M. Ch nol, residing at he neuhhouriiiH-J. I'he n.-w 'onntain in of I inusnal <iyc. and has for the List fortnight <-,, throwing up naphtha al the rate o' .bout ,'iOUO ions a .lay. Il pours out in such tun , nous .|imntities that it has formed a mall n-.ei. t'lowiisare Hocking to Itaku o toe the itrc. in, . wh.cli is probably worth MYora! millions ol roubles to the csunpany liemc, in the department of the c, and w.ui on -sat m day night carried oil .hat discovered it. An a result of thi -nihaviiigbecn lappetl, the price of naph <ha has fallen some ,'*/ stcr cent. f silver plate. The ro wanted something m with a Quantity bcis. it is wni.hth--' i-nld conceal thoir hoot,y, and . i. '. mp'.c'i i.y the ample pio|M>i tmn, -I the I'is'.oii. al 4.11111. n'. I'he industrial ' ic-liii.-sof the prison of t,i ..inn, one .il the larg. s 1 in the I^IIHSIUII empire, h.ive been enlarged considerably Ik-si. Ic the -.liucm.ikiiig and ' .iloriag shops T ' w " "' tll<? , P " on.- made w th and h ey process, and l nr--e of ditferent pfoportioo Iwing made on the "'>' tbre" m,-l,e, " " '" '"' i" other without tie nickd-steeL mckd. one oi peeled off. K-.*-i \ inimt ilnmi l he limly l- tokem-d im.istiire, and little l>ed.v ol water coulil be seen st mding n -he iiair .uid -In nid, w hi!.- fin- ta. hail a wot, ip|.eaiauce and seemed to Iw ot t lie onsnil .-in -y ol loiii{li. -MI|II. Van Xandt, who is if'-ndiin; to the leinoval ui he lnl!es, IB of 'he '.pinion that il air -.bun Id -Hike the Innly it would 'liv.olvi; and ;.,-. 1,1)1,- ., in. . It is the opinion of ill win. saw :i li.ii there is nothing left but a thin shell. habit of counting : for n, i.v way |>en- ini-iii , one man remained behind, no lialioun ever put in in ipji. -araii. c. Kin at last 111.1,1, the t-yrani, niuliiveU by sii|M-rm,<-. ill charge will Will IM 3. Battle of Qianu. A naval encounter uccmied the utl,< i iay in a i 'iilnn |hir< in tween ' lov urnini-ut in.l :'-!H'| lorcen. One toriiedi. . oinpletely .Ies IcHttniK dry dock. A .single shell cuniimg to outv, :*|K,,,I, ho had ,,, Tunih ' l '""'' ^J.-e ,tel .-nuamare c-oyerx-H w,.., , . ., |.l l.lew an armed I ug out of shown himself t.. !H. ,, igm.ble foe. pro,.-, l ,ve de, ks or armore.l shields , that ,). -.,, killing or wonndmu every ma,, . U < .t b n .>.. I _ t tl Kv introducing behind wo sheliurmg wall an .- vira numlH'r . sislnn; [lowers of three inches of steel in- stead -.1 HI' Three-inch plates are InMim ii-i.l for the -.urn.- -in- new ^uvu.lal I'liited States steel cruiser* are covered will, (,.,,, lu , r ,i thickness. ,f win I, eis, n, liatchos of two or 'Inc.- it i time, with carefully .n cealeil guns, and then sending away t he usual number, and re|n-al,i,)( tins man., nv re A Kaffir 3 Devotion to Duty. Two native private* in the I 'ape Mounlod >-l ' :i- ->'vv O,,e bioa.isi.le tlom motile, ,1, inked a torpedo )HI lo pieces, and i -i. eil lion, one of tin- torts of iheharU.i .-vploded a gnu on board one of the rebel M'soela, tore the whole .(tiarter deck out ol unit ni HUWUVI .'"i i ' 1" ioiK .iii^iiiaiioiivie -. ,.. -eo , .1 ,,, .veral,n,ies..|,ev suckled mfairlv pu/- ' "'" "' -' 1 "."V >|1 1 ' l 1> " 1 ""' ] '" "'''' ""' in ,. and ;i,cw :,-- 'o Uo,,,s. . . . * . .. .... l nit nil .if Xll It. 1 I, St..'. ', . II VV IIM1I1. VVI'll- , li.iju l.^ I.Bpl l.'ll lu l-u ... . si... /.ling the hal>oii. and .i-- .iMe t" .lain ,w> nme.l men, until the leader. Iwliev ing he had seen all his enemies sat.-iv off the pruniiner, led his ; oopsto i anl is usual, and con, ma, id of Suli Inspector \\ilnon, were These brief |mrt>cnlais of a short and coin- re-eiitl\ sent on patrol to M-ard, f>r *ome paratively iii^iniutn .-ni ciig.tgrniriit give an little M ported luso, stolen, i In revel,, ng ), . , ..[ >||,. in^htfid scenes of carnage and the \ av i -ill -! : mi at K iv erina, t hey ioninl destinclion that may l>e cxpvcteil if th and runiiinglike a mill . - . ..m, im ^r... n viai .noiil.l hring two tirst "to crooa, batons of' hem, a , dass iron-clad tlec-t* inio collision A naval a-> -iiot dead, In.-, followers rushing away l( licit.-, skelter in consternation, an.l carryina v ; .If the v nn, ' to i place of safety lirst clans native private, inime.l 1 .,, . ;,. ,, . grand scale now would lie a verj It ,nui Always" however, that monkevs ?"' .''"." ie ""' "" '!" lsl """ " '"" t-T. ,ent Ihing t,.,,n vv l,a, it WM ill Ml duty, andspiiii is horse Into ths stream, ume. DM fifty (uns ; a tirsi rntc man-of- In i ouple of ininuii -s horse and rnlei mni war such :ws fought at Trafalgar, . >,, head over heels, and the horse, after being could not tin <w as lieuv y a weight of metal earned a long way down the stream, w'ot out, ,is can U- discharged from a single gun ol but 'iie ruler dmap|ieared, md win. dio.\ in- I. ,,.,,. ,,f 111 H am's big iron-dads to-day. Al He had UM-II al)0ut ten years ,n til.- i-'.v' i u ,),,. l H .|;>imiiii; 't the century a mile was a and ImUxMis forsake a woundeil , omrade. They will moan and wee). o\i;r thedying in a mam e, MI intensely h.iinaii that hunters n,^t .i r 'ii- ' ; i nc : " . - "id ihootiim them, look ing upon it as little shuii of murder. Ks- i ..- this the case when there are \oimg ones. females with their M-ung ones. If the ment servio. I ,,i -m.,,.,,,,, lOmonl motherbe shot, the 'little Tone will cling |>ohoen,u,,. <ind apparently not alnud t. alwut her weeping like ., We, . w ,li l'T,l bis dip Us hand in the blood and bold it up ,:-, lormgly ; while a vvoiuuled ni.ntkcy will htii'i'i -'i 'ui-1'loo.l with its Inin.l or with leaves, iil the time iy ing and groaning in u way which is itsMMsnl^fa a trmler heai te<l spoils, nan. The Bravest Act of the Year. After lullv ' ,ng t in- . l.iims siil.mi, led to tin ni a.s woithy of then- honoiii s,iv inn !,te iron, drowning ilnring , he pant t-A.-lvo i. mi, ths. the coiiiiniltce ofthe Itoyal Humane ^o. i.-iy have uniiniinously l>ustoweil the Inches'. iwald the >!iilldllo|ie ,;old HI Alfred .loin, ( ii|n-l , fon, I"'. Id. c, mi l (in-ill - il ( o,ii|Mi,y '.s The Legislative Council, or L"p|K-i House ..; \. I'.i'inswi.-k, ^o. So s,,ys Sir I. i.iid I iliey. who in the s|.-ecli from the of 'he IVnuiiiular thi' ,in:ionnced that tile govi-i-niiienl IMS- -tc.uuslnp Maasilia, whoin IhsGolf of Aden, liev, ng that the time for tliealndi- known to I* infested w ill, shai k . tion of tins useless Chamber, ilTtiiml t-i bring L.I.-C.II- WBoloU Overboard while on a rn ,1, a bill to that end. Pnctioallv the Colin -.i.rh loin; range for an ordinary . annul, \..w i i-s.i-l oiiid lie 'en miles) off gea- i.iwn .in.) .Imp per. -USMUII shells thu kegs n, tne streets. Nearly I all nret-otaesshipso] tin- p, .-scut time carry i |i'-.loes, one of winch i~ ipiiile ,.i l.lowinu inyilnng that limits on I -iii-ie walei, vnd lonecr.i-n c tin- .in ..i IboM n.n, .',,< tlout iin; fortress of steel, w hi. n 'node, ,,: ill line ut battle ships, and the -.(,,. kun enemy M onlil <o down like a slim Let 'wo tie. I- imposed of sncii ' igethii. the shock will :iiike > he .-ail, uemble. . ,1 us as absolutely useless i.s acandal ap t iend- agcH would be to men n.m they have abandoned then aib,.,- .1 Ii, ,!.,,-.. It ,s said that by the :'.-:.! a|.|io. ,,!,,,, ni 10 lilt 1 1 .mi ci! of six new memlN'is who are in favor of its abolition a bill to alxihsh is to pase an.l then tin- Mouse w:d vote itself out of existence. It will ,1 th. -e six member* do not lornct their Bronn.-es. from H-.mli.iy to London. I'u- ship was ,;.'in^ a! the rate of Kt kno'it an !,o:,i al t he 'ineiice. Mr. ( 'ooper, w ho uas u, the saloon at the time, on h.-ai ) " M .,, overboard '" rushed on deck, and, without divesiing himself of any of his doilni'ij. jumped oveili.'ii.l, swam after the man* .sci/ed hold oi !,nr., and k-pt I, ,m until a boat was lowsrxd -,,.1 w,,,. One an .lit ^hus w it i a scissors as easily M '.huugh it wero an aiitnimi leaf. The i-ii- ure sc, id . -onsisis in plunging the |, glass into tub..! water subniorgiinj also the hands and the scissors Tl<>' -. issors in straight hue* williout a ilaw. Thl^ iMlllt is achieved m ..,. (lien,-.. ,,f the absence of vibialiun. If the leant porlion .1 s ,ss..,s ,- left nit of thu water, i lie vibration w ill pit-vent t.'je glaas . '~ .the I Tib