THE WEEK'S NEWS OSJUDA. The Spring Hill relief (and DOW to 131,000. Knoi church in St. Mary's was destroyed by fire last week. The Township of Binhrook carried the local option by-law by a majority of one. Montreal has so far subscribed $18,000 for the relief of the Springhill mine sufferer*. Premier Mercier and Provincial Treasurer Shehyn of Quebec Province tailed from New York for Europe last week. The leather firm of Daniel McLean and the wholesale and retail provision firm of Park k Son, Toronto, are in difficulties. The St. Lawrence is rising so rapidly with the floods that Cornwall is threatened with a serious inundation. It is believed in Montreal political circle* that Mr. D. Girouard, Q. (.'., will likely be taken into the Dominion Cabinet. His lordship Mgr. Jean Langevin, who lately resigned the position of Bishop of Rimnuski, has beeu named by the pope Archbishop of Leontopolis. The Toronto City Council, at; its meeting on Monday night, appointed Dr. Norman Allen Medical Health Officer for the city at a At a large meeting at Mitchelktown on Sunday, many priests being present, the opinion was generally expressed that Par- nell would be politically dead six months from now. During the year 1800 61,436 persons emi- grated from Ireland, a falling off of 9,305 from the average. Of these emigrants u'2,885 went to the United States, against an aver- age for the four preceding years of 61,785. tance into tb* United State* free of duty of sugar and mnlssMs from the Antilles. The advice " Go to Australia " is said to be no longer good in England. There is an overplus of people there now. The streets of Melbourne, .Sydney and other Australian cities are reported to be swarming with on- i employed young men, all of whom are anx- ious for work. "These young men are ti says that while the of the Irish The London Timts **. shattered fragments of the Irish party are engaged in mutual annihilation, Mr Uilfour is busy in the prosaic routine of bringing daily bread to thousand* of starving Irish- men. Great destruction of life and property has been caused by the fierce storm in Britain. Ii is known that 80 lives were lost by shipwre. k, and the list is likely to be in- creased. Many have died on land from the cold. Fanners have lost heavily in live stock and other property. mainly Knglisb, lured to Australia by charm that envelops new countries." the T A Explanation of Ike relo ol tumuilac CarresU* Iu Kleelrle UckUsMC. The first dynamo-electric machine ever constructed wa* that made by Faraday. This, the prince of experimenters, a* he has been cull-id, discovered that when a diac or dat plate of copper was made to TIT-BITS. Jerrj I Some extraordinary revelations have just been made at .St. Petersburg a* to the man- ner in which certain frontier fortresses re C.NITKO 8TATI 10,000 cases rotate between the pole* of a powerful mag net current* were produced m the plate from the centre outward. By making a wire touch the revolving plate with one of it* ends and bringing the other one in contact with the run he found that a current of elec- tricity paused along the wire and could be ccntly con.tructed, and, as it was Kuppoaed, II ' ade *" >'te its existence by deflecting trengtiitned, have actually been built. It lne . ne * lle , of g*l*>omeUr, decomposing a chemical solution, or by any ot the well- known ertect* produced by electricity in motion. Faraday saw th* importance of this dis- w inspecting the COTCI 7 nd the K" 1 U8M in the w 7 of Novo Georgievsh, Pr*" 1 "* 1 application to which it might be Most Maud" Ob, I'm invited beJl, but I don't kno' wear. What would you my complexion ?" Milkent" A thick veil. we** if yon bad of la grippe in There are Minneapolis. Syracuse suffered a low of $2,OUU,"Hi by fire on .Saturday. Insurance over half that amount. Senator Hale, of Maine, says the tariff w.'! be one of the leading issues in the next g-n- era! election. A Different Diagnosis. " Something dreadful is going to happen John. I feel it in my bonee. " "Nonsense. Thm isn'taoytbing dreadful. It'j only rheumatism." In Clover. She " So yon are engaged to on* of the Musgrave twins ? How can you distinguish one from the other ?" He" I .ion 't try to." A Dipiomate. He" You are the emlmdunent of all alary of $2,400. In hi* prayer in the Sydeuhani street church, Kingston, on Sunday evening, Kev. R. Whiting said : " Lord bless the City Council, for they need it." Rev. J. B. Morin left Montreal for the North West on Tuesday with about forty- families to found a French Canadian parito ice mile* from Edmonton. A Winnipeg despatch says it has been found that immigration literature sent from Manitoba into Dakota nevr reuche* its des- tination, at d Dakota pott officials are *m- pecteil of suppressing it. The report of the Inland Revenue Depart- ' men t of H9<> shows a considerable inert James A. Simmons, of N*w York, I been found guilty of embezzling $u"J-'.<*') worth of bunds of the Sixth National Bank. A despatch from Wichiu, Kan., says that serious trouble is beginning in North- West Oklahoma between the whites and negroes. The stagnation in the coal, coke and iron bum, m the State* is leading lo much ; suffering among the people thrown out of ! work. The New York Tribune's Washington oorre*|umdent announces that President II.*: i IM/II will be nominated for a second , term. It i learned in Washington that British SnThVJonsumptiou of hcTu. >* by'the'peopl* . Guinea declines proffered trade arrange- of Canada in that year ssents with Canada, preferring to negotiate, Prof. Roberta, d^iry c,,m,m.s,oner. will i^ the United State* tart .hortly for the Murit;.** Pro mce* to A b '8 Ore started on Tuesday in the ,-lotb- assistiuthe formation of psjoviucial dairy g manufactory of Albert Benjamin * Co., associations and schools m the province* b rner of Bleecker ancUireejs* streets. New the sea. York. The lou u urer $--',000,000. The Weatern Dairymen's Association have A 5 months-eld daughter of Bernard decided to establish a dairy athool at Tavi- Shrone, of Chicago, was suffocated on Snn- tock, Out., for experimental and education- j day by a pet cat that was sleeping in the al purposes. cradle with the baby. A storm, which is pronoin.cfdlhcsevarwt ' Within a weeK Mrs. Jerry COP! in, of De- in 17 years, burn upon tl.e east coast of oatur township. Pa., has given birth tofonr Pugtt sound early Monday morning and did children, and Mn. Snyder, of New Wash- a great deal of damage I h"ir gigantic tidal ington, to triplets. waves, caused, it is thought, l.y the reoant ' On Saturday morning the Tennessee Cen- earthquakes, swept along lae cv*st. tral Insane Asylum, near Nasln il:e. wa* The coroner's jury's verdict i.i to the effect destroyed hv fit- and many of the inmate* that the mine disaster at Spnn^hill. S. S. , were burned to death. was the result of acci.lent, and blame is Some Colorado towns are entirely isolated ttached to no on*. A number ol precautions by the snow blocka-le and some of them will to secure the safety of miners are recoui- ; not be reached until April 1. Much suffer- meiul * d - ' ing is likely to result. The St. John's, Nfld. H'rtid. say* the The miners of the coal regions of Zanesville, fishermen of Newfoun.llard have the k*y to uhio. are in such distrew that they are the situation. By refusing to sell bait to the r .uliiig the provision store*, boldly excusing appears that even in this perilous field of 1 enterprise* the jerry-builder ha* Wn reap- , ing a rich haivest. At two separate for- ; tresses hi* frauds have been detected. A commission of revision on wall, of the celebrated ,.*,<..*,,, - , - formerly known a* Modlin, and situated P ut - ""the did not himself stay to develop I between Warsaw and the German frontier, ' >>e le.t that to ,hers, and with it lhe found that the newly-constructed wall* were ! weall . whu:h m ' ht thu >*> *ja>red, and j h , beautiful and ! not much more substantial than those of s nim *If went on to invest* other obscure | piece of theatrical scenery. A thin outer < "! known phenomena connected with ^ ! Uyer of hlf brick* concealed a hopelessly P n y" lc "d electricity, regarding this as hi* rotten fabric composed of the vene*t rub- P' "?" work and exhibiting in hi conduct . bish, gravel, dust, sand, and chalk, the l **.dntinc spirit W hen many year* whole being utterly incapable of withstand- *? terw . rd h * went to see the firat apply- ing a cannonade hy gun* of the smallest r Jusdiscovery of his to the production calibre. These fact* having be*u reported ? illumination of the North Foreland to the M inister of War, the chief construct- . '"gntnouse he said, after looking at the large or of the fortrees was arrested and tried by magneto electnc machines there : " I gave court martial, but eecapsd with so light at 11 M v u MI *"* J " have mlui< > lt penalty as d'<mia*al from the service, it , 8 liUlt - having been pioved that he suffered from a ' Dynamo and magneto electric machine* painful affection of the eyes. Th* chief con- | consist essentially of a coil of wire "the siructor of the fort res* at Doubno, the other armature," a* it is called rotating between stronghold, was not so fortunate. The for- ' the pole* of a large magnet, the pole* being tress wa* inspected by tb* Grand Du bent round so a* to approach each other and Nicholas shortly It-fore his illness, and he have th* armature between them. This mag found the walls built so con'rary to tie net may be either a permanent magent of He" Nothing on earth ; I was speaking of a heavenly creature. " (Card*. ) His First Speech. He was an old member of the lodge, bnt he had risen to address the chair. Finally, however, be felt that his time had come. " Worshipful Master," be said, standing firmly on i.u> leet a* hi* trembling knees would let him, "I move that we attend the body of our deceased brother in a funeral" Jut Before the Battle- Jounuy " Will it hurl much, doctor?'' _ __ . .... Dentist " You don't want me to tell yon rules of military engineering that they were hard steel or an electro- magnet consisting of * story, .lo you, Johnny- The good book incapable of affording any real defence wire coiled round a soft iron core, a current say* we m uatii t do that. ' , against moderu -n ,Hnes of war. In accord- of electricity being made to circle round the I Johnny " Well, the good book say* yon ance with the report which he made to the wire coil, and thus magnetizing tha iron must do to others as you d have 'em do to | Emperor on the subject, t* order wa* issued : core while it lasts. It is the latter ', you and if I was a big man agoing to pull a that the whol* of th* walls in question arrangement which i* almost universally txith for a little boy tin: wauled 3M to say 'should be razed to their foundation* and used cow, though the magneto machine* it wouldn't^huit much. I think I'd say it, rebuilt. The chief constructor solved the with permanent magnet* were the earliest problem of bis own p*js***i9ient by blowing form. out hi* brains, and ail hi* eu Uordinates who' A magnet produce* an influence IB th* were in any degre* responsible were ' neighborhood around it, and this surround- ing neighborhood is known as the " field of force" of the magnet i. e. , the sphere in sent to Siberia. Iv*ry endeavor has, : of course, been made to keep these occur- rences from the knowledge of the p>iblic, bnt the facts of the case have reached me through a thoroughly trustworthy channel. e. which its influence can be felt. A magnetic] nefdle or bit of iron-filling placed in this field set* itself to point along to* " line* of force" of th* field that is, the lines along which the magnetic force act*, and which form curve* round the magnet, running out, as it were, from pole to pole, and curving round to the other. Any one may sea the form of these lines of force for himself by placing a barmagnet underneath a sheet of p.iper and then sprinkling iron-fillings on the paper. On tapping this the fillings will set them- selves along the line* of force in beautiful Here the small fragments ican fisheimen they will render their tne , r lawless proceedings by announcing lhat g enterprise a failure, and in proper- they mint steal or starve. r> there failure will be the gain of th* , V....-U. *in mm .. t n .,*A i. ,k. i;..; . ..< Nearly #10,(JUO was found in the lining of an old coat in St. Paul, Minn., which De- John Le*perance, one of the best. known | ,, K ed to the late Judge H. M. Cooley, who figures in Canadian literary circles, .lied last , or , etl V( . art before his death wa* *u'pp..sed week in Montreal. He w.n b--i n in St. Louis, t o t \ . !%m penniless. dU w'aVlu' lhe SUU "h"" 8 ne^to" 1 thta ti Chinese bill, which h,. ps^d country in 1886, and was a ooMtet cou-j ! h . l '"! r l ' nr L ^ i " l tnr - 1 P'"'" f>" .'."' tributor to the Canadian an.l American urr wu r I ( Dralsu Aa extraordinary fatality has just befallen au English family in New York ; and it is the more striking became it was accompani- ed by oue of thoee dramatic premonitions ( which set all our philosophy at defiance bs- cause so utterly inexplicable On Saturday Mrs. Ken. in Knee and her two daughter*. Judith .in.l May, *niv*d by the City of , Berlin from vnneYseUhiie, England, en route , regular curve*. to Nebraska. Mr. Kenon Bruce had, some ; of iron are themselves made magnets while I month* aa .-, gone to Nebraska to commence , under the influence of the powerful magnet j fartnin- there, and with kirn was a young in whose "field" they are, and therefore I Englishman named Albert Merritt. who , pl*ce themselves lengthways along the line* ' was engaged lo lie married to hi* friend's of force that is, along the line of action of daughter Judith. They had done well in ' tne resultant magnetic force at the place their farming operations, and a fortnight ago I where each one is. Mrs. Bruce received a letter requesting her w h" <*>'' * wire or armature is made { to go out with her daughter* to Nebraska at j to revolve rapidly in the strong field of force once. The old home wa* given up, and, w ' i with the brightest anticipations, mother and of ' daughters set out on their long journey, produced in the coil. These currents alter i EmWking on the City of Berlin, all went their direction through the coil *v*ry time ! well until just after they had left Queens- the latter change* it* position with reference I . doctor. Thai's what 1 think." A Model Housewift. Traveler "I tell you, sir, the most ad- mirable housekeeper that ever lived wa* my mother-in-law." " And she is no longer living * " " Ala*, no : Eat<n by the cannibals in Africa." " You don't mean it ? " " It w* even so. When tb* cannibal* bad thrust her into the cauldron and- she was beginning to cook, she cried out faintly with her last words : Don't forger IBS* alt and pepper ' ' ' Bit Off Baby's To*. Four weeks ago Mrs. Frank Bauer be- came the mother of a baby girl. For that baby her four year-old son took th* most intense dislike, a feeling that grew stronger every .lay. Yesterday the mother left her children together in a room. She wa* gone only a few minute*, but when she returned the baby wa* crying pite- ouslv. Continued crying led to an examination of the little thing's body, when the mother Mb occupie* the space between the pole* j horrifie)1 U) J.seover that the great to* a powerful electro- magnet currents are , o , t h e rigbt foot h(ld betu bitten off near the riret joint. newspapers and magazines, beside* writing three novels. The annual hegira to the Northwest ha* begun rather earlier this spring than usual. On Tuesday last four special colonist trains left Toronto for Manitoba. There were 57 cars of stock and 180 passengers. In addi- tion to these 347 passengers left on the regu- lar train isfcUt- of certiti. ,te uf residence to the Chi- nese now in the State and the exclusion of all otlieia. A scheme is on foot in th* State* to build eight fast Atlantic mail and passenger steamers to run In-iweeu Montauk Point, New Yrk, and Milford Haven, the distance to be accomplished in less than fiv* day*. A I' m led States grand jury has found in ilicuneut* against the Sioux Indian. Plenty Horse, for the murder of Lieut. Casey during the late uprising, and one again* *, Leaves- His- Woman for the murder of Pat- rick Miller, a ranchman. Rev. John S. >mallwxxl, the young negro orator of Boston, has signed s contract to lecture in Europe on "The Race Problem in America " and on "Th* Negro in Am month* Influenza is raging in Rome. President C'arnot has signed the agree- ment by which England and France submit the Newloundlamlilispute to arbitration. GREAT BRITAIN. Th* Queen'* poor health is causing anxi- ety. William O'Brien has been adjudged a bank- rupt on the petition of Lord Salisbury for 1,700 costs in the late action for libel. Peter McDonald, member of the House of Common* for North Sligo, died suddenly at rioan Politics." The price for si x Kingstown. He was a supporter of I'arnell. is $6,980, expense* paid. The Chancellor of the English Exchequer . IN I.NIRAL_ has promised under certain conditions Im- perial aid to building a railway in Newfound- The police authorities have summoned Lord Lonsdale for furious driving during hi* recent 20 mile novel driving race against time. The Iritk rime* remark, that Parnell'. last effort to win freedom by constitutional means begin* where all these movements begin and end, in a fund. The leading London papers join in a chorus of congratulation* on the agreement of Eng- land and France to*ubmit the Newfoundland question to arbitration. It is stated that Mr. Vincent Scully, who ".*? was defeated in North Kilkenny by.Sir John | AJ** 010 ' Cl Pope Hennessy, will contest North Sligo' The death of Prince Jerome Napoleon, which i* vacated by th* death of Mi. Peu ) W" n b * n > u for * lon g tim . occurred on McDonald. The first conversation by telephone be- tween London and France took place on Tuesday. A. Mr. Gladstone was leaving London on Tuesday for Hastings he wa* given an ova- tion by the large crowd that had assembled to see him depart. Aid. Valentino B. Dillon, jr., of Dublin representing the Rotuuda ward, will be the Paruellile candidate for the seat for North Sligo, made vacant by McDonald. amount ever paid out in one day. The German Reichstug has rejected the petition to admit women to the learned profession*. Subscriptions to the amount of *.'fJ,i"iu,000 have been obtained for the Argentine Government'* loan. The Prince** Marianne Bonaparte, a grand died on Tuesday at Tuesday in Rome. The report i* confirmed that the Portu- gfjMB authorities captured an English steamer in South Africa and have taken her to Delagoa bay. Advice* from China state that AM) Chinese pirates and robbers were beheaded in Kwan- tung province during the last few days of th* old Chinese year. town, when Mrs, Bruce wa* taken suddenly ill, and became wild and delirious. She de- clared tli at ihe saw her hu*band lying in th* middle of a field dead. During the whole of the voyage after that the poor woman ' was inconsolable. She felt sur* that *he would see her husband no more alive. On i aim ing at New York Mrs. Bruce received a i telegram from Mr. Merritt stating that hi* fiien.l Mr Bruce hail been thrown from hi* horse and had his neck broken on the very ' day that his wife saw him lying dead. Th* telegram bade them go on to Nebraska. 'Hi.". mi>sc<l the train on Monday, and were !in on Tuesday : but, when about to eir. iaiu, a second telegram wa* placed in M - llr'i e's hand announcing th%t Mr. Men :it <l ed of heart-disease last night. The despatch was signed by a companion of the two men on th* farm. U may be imagined with what sorrowful hearts the three wo- men proceeded on their way to th* home which husband and lover, now dead had pre- pared for thsm. Tk* H u mr> Figure. From the crown to the nape of the neck i* one twelfth th* stature of the perfectly form- ed man. The hand from the wrist to the end of th* niildle finger i* one-tenth of the total height of a man ol perfect proportion*. A iii.ui of good proportions i* as tall as the diatance between the tips of his fin- gers when both arms are extended at full lenxth. The face from the highest point of the forehead, where the hair begins, to the end of the chin, is one- tenth of the whole stature of a man of perfect mold. If the face from the root* of the hair to the chin be divided into three equal part* the tint division determine* the place where to the pole* of the magnet. The tide of the j coil which wa* oppoiite the north pole is aft- ' er half a revolution opposite the south pnle, and the influence of the south pole lends to produce an opposite current to tbatof the north pole. Here we have au ' ' alternate current" dynamo machine. A* th* coil or armature rotate* with great speed some hundred of revolutions per minute these current*), in alternating direc- tions, succeed each other very rapidly, an.l if an electric arc-lamp is placed on the cir- cuit it will be lit up. In this ca*e it is not necessary that the current be sent round D1]ne . tb* circuit in one direction only, but al- though the terminals of the lamp are con- stantly changing their polarity that is, the north 'pole where the current enters the next instant become* the south pole where the currant leaves jet, as this occurs many times in one second, the effect produced is the same a* if the current wa* in one uni- form direction. Th* lamp has no time t? get cool : it doe* not go out before the oppositely directed current pawe* through it and produces the same effect a* the previous one. No dicker- ing i.i observable. The impression produced by the glowing carbon on the human eye i* retained by the ret iu*, for a far longer |<criod than the duration of one surge of electricity ! through the lamp, and is not gone before the j Necessity Makes ua Good. Friend --"To be frank with you, I can t ' See how Mrs. Hard cash happened to consent to your marriage with her daughter." Mr. Slimpunie " She said I wa* the only young : man who showed any consideration for a i mi/: i.e.- feelings. Vou see, when the other took her daughter out riuing they i Hc,<l.>m nit her hack until after lark, but when 1 look her I always brought her home promptly in an hour." Friend- " Humph I How wa* that?" Mr. Slimpurse " The oiuer fellow* bad their own rig*. I hired Excellent Huabands AIL ' I have a good husband," said the tint lady. '* 1 have an income of $4,000 and I give nun half. He love* me very much. " ' 1 have a belter husband than that,' said the second lady. "He earns $4,000 and give* me half. He loves me very much." " I have still a better husband," said th* third lady. " He earns $4,000 and gives m* half. Then he is socarel*** that I get $500 remainder out of hi* pocket* without of th* his being aware . ; it. much." He lov oves me very An Anit-nt Love Letter. effect produced by the succeeding opposite wave make* its impression on our imrve*. The Jabloohkoff lamp* used lately on the Thames embankment are meant for thix ystsm of electric lighting with alternating current*. Ina'V'.n'. urrent" dynamo, which i* necessary to: ~.;IK- purpose*, such aa elec- troplating, where the effect desired could not be produced if the direction of the current was continually altering, the electric current the eyebrows should meet, the second th* i* made to pass always one way round the Sigoor Rudini, the Italian Premier, de- mands from the United State* Federal Gov- the death of Peter ernment prompt satisfaction for the ma* ___ j acr of Italian subject* which took place in "TO* London Time* says that M r. t'arm-U's New Orlean. recently. confession that he opponed labour candi- Floods following heavy snowstorms have destroyed one half of the winter crops in many place* in south-west Russia, 'lhe Vistula has overflowed and inundated a great part of Warsaw. The inhabitants are in dire distress. Dr. Lndwig Windthorst, the Parliamentary dates for Parliament at the bidding of bis English allies leaves it an open question whether he i. the bigger sham or the bigger fraud. Th* London Standard think* the Behring Sea controversy ha* now narrowed dc-wn to the Catholic died refuse Lord Salisbury's offer of sut the dispute of arbitration. A London despatch lays the Enghxh Lib- eral platform for th* next election will have horn rule as one of th* principal parks, bnt witk - -me modifications. On March 1 the debts of Baring Brothers to the jmblio had been reduced to $17,900,- ' 000, and there wa* apparently a surplus .uf sV !!! t to orotent th* guarantor*. before hip death, while m . n . : inn, ho imagined lie wiu in the Reichsuig. -leliv- ered an iiii^assioned address in fTivmir of the atmlition of the law expelling th .Jesuit* from ( ernntiiy. It i, stated the <panih Government con- templates admitting into the Siwnieh Antilles United States industrial and agri cultural products at lower rates than thosM ol My other station, in exchange for admit O|H mug of the nostrils, if the man be perfect in form. The proportion* of the human ng>ir are six times the length of the light .!. Whether the form is slender or pluinu the, rule holds tpod on an average. Any devia- i tion from the rule is a departure from the twauty of proportion. U is claimed that the greeks made all their statue* according to this rule. of Ike Japaaew ef Details an to hand of the fire at Tokio which resulted iu the complete demo lition of the newly-completed nouses of Pvrlia- ment. They were built of wood, and cost 800,000 yen. The origin of the tire was at first attributed to the soshi, a political clai* who seek by violence to carry "lit their view*, and are usually turbulent young men hired by politicians hostile to foreigners. A close examination, however, revealed the fact that the fire originated in the electric wires, although the actual cause of the de- fect has not been ascertained. The disaster so.tartled theF.r<peror that be immediately gave order, to have all the electric lamps re- moved from his palace, tut subsequently countermanded these orders and engaged a private staff of electricians, giving them in- structions to lay down an electric motor for th* sole use of the Palace. external circuit. This result i* got by using the ingenious device of a commutator, which automatically deflects the current so a* al- ways to send it in an unvarying direction through the plating be>t h or the electric lamp, a* the case may be. This commutator consists simply of a spilt tube, which is attached to the revolving ar- mature, and may be seen iu any dynamo working on the continuous system. Thi* tube revolve* with th* revolving armature, and it is divided by an insulating nubstauce Th* boy who wrote it was ten years old and the girl presumably of the same age. Here is the charming missive : " DBAH EMMA 1 love you and 1 wish yon would write to me. I love you and I wish I could kiss yon. Emma, did you tell that boy that live* beside your house that you was going to slap my nose ? Emma, I could not help out cry when that boy told me. Emma. I thought you thought more of me. I have given vou about twenty-five cent* worth of cauuy and you don't treat m* well, besides I give you some gum. " There is no doubt about the condition of that boy. He is in Ic-ve. He may be only ten years old, but if be lives to be one hun- dred be will never be any more in love thaa he was when he penciled that letter. A Matter of Figures " No, sir,' -aid the barkeeper, " yon don t get any in.. re here this time. You've had enough whisky for one evening." * All *>i0ht. air ' .fitliffil thi iMimf into two part* ; each half is alternately on ' "All right, sir,' replied the customer, the left and right of the space between the somewhat thickly. " My trade doesn't poles of the magnet, and the " brushes" amount to much, I s'pose. It's about a which collect th* current from the armature couple o' dollars a week mebbe, but I've got i, e., the bundle* of copper wire spread ! friends. Bet yer life none o them!! ever out like a brush which form each end of the come here again. Say '" be continued, point- outer circuit are fixed in position, and the j ing his ringer impressively at the nsan he- revolving commutator attached to the ar- ' hind the bar, " doyou know whatthi* thing'* mature brings alternately one of iu half- ' going to cost you ? It'll knock yon out of tubes into contact with a brush. Thus the ' half of the commutator which receives the current changes at the same time that the direction of the --iicnt through the coils of the armature is reversed : in this way '. h> current sent on! the brush wimii re- ceives the elt-ctii tur* is always in : i 1 from the 'lirec-tion. seems to he Time fliea ; but lie always resting to the man who has to wait boors in a country town for a train. Just $6 a wtek. That's over $300 a year, and that's th* interest on $6,000. It costs you $6,000, b'go*h I" " That's all right, my friend," responded the barkeeper, " if you and your friends drop out, ;t will bring m about $1 iin better trade. Say !" and be point* 1 his finger | straight at the man in front of the bar " do you know what $12 a week i* ' It's ov*r $6011 a year. That'* the interest on $12,000 and I'd give you $10,000 to have, you stay aw k y flow here, b'gceh : You light out r