Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1891, p. 5

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THK FLESH ER1ON ADVANCE, Il.l \KI\e OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FI.ESHBRiON. i i . i 't iud Md ohi >IM aaa< *t uil rate* Mo i.ji t1*tyi nnU> .Tr legitimate bilvu - Orrn-s two dori M*k <* RtehwdMB *'. Vicinity JJhips. Cliarnrtrristlr* of thr Past Week Carefully lulled fr tbe (Jinn! Friday oue week frnai in 'i row. FathiT Chii^y will lecture in the I'reabfteriati ehvrch on Friday ,7'.h wist., at 7.30 p.m. The Ruforui Convention of South Gtey <iii Friday last nii<iualy uuiiu*ted Sir. Gilbert McKtrchnw f D-h f<n- the Ln^isktivR Ais..inUy. Tin? rits h*v bseo issued fur a new elect*** in South Grey i.. *rf Jy ' hi- I'htc* of the late JmmB H miter. Norm nation on Woduvsday, Ajjril 1, and jdl- ing ou tK 8th. Th Uap year *cml which wma to hr- K-f 11 held at Mr.'s, Menf.ird 1 1. 'ad, on Tuesday event UK has been Vnstnoned Iff "IMS week. It will tales jil:4c* ou Tuesday evening next. Du't forget. I. B. l.rax, bar riM-r. Hark .lair. ha* $10,000 private funds to lent! on farm tiHirtgagM within the next few month* at luwust onrruat rate* No cumniiss- inna, no delay*, vxponsvs low. Apply at .(lice in MaHcdale ilnne the week or at Uundalk office <i Saturday*. dr. Dantudv wishes t-> announce ttiat lie ia prepare*! t>< j>rcuasc all th stave timber whKh may be ffTiJ. at tlie sain* figure which he Ins been paying, viz., $> -Jj i*;r cx-rd . Rush it in while the Mr. J .An Painter, f Clarvaiont, N *p- fiiii.H |) a geueritl sture at Fi vershani. J'V\. "IIAIII "O^lit to tapport tw U.M J atom and ar>|irt tlu-m well. \Ve b- s.-.ealt a hearty recepluiu to Mr. Palmer r r .in that aectum <if country. The awiw bluckauv Itaa prevented ui inim lifarinv, fnmi our district cunvs- (xindt-uta tliia week. We liupe tiiat u wooii aa the roads are uiwutsl up they will take up their ( i.'!u a-i uive ui tlu-ir \[i-rieiic*a of the- storm. In fic.' of the uittal budgets we give an acriditi::- 1> u.tufiMtiu^ abort story on .HIT /unit We liave two flourishing temporance ludgva here which do not frutemi7. aa (liey ahould. In Mt. K.ireat the R. T. of T. and Sons of Temperance visit each ther and a;-nd pleasant evenings to- gether. Why <>uld not thune respective tiodwa become equally friendly here ? Wliick society will Se t ho lira t to bruak <Ue ice in thia respect a4 larrt* it aiater itCM4y out for an cvw4i;' eatortaui- uiriit ? We await MI ati A serious accident befvl one of the wurknien in Prutoti Station mill on Mon- day week. His name is Duncan Camp U-'.l siid on Friday, Saturday and Sun Uy nights, it u said, he dreamed that Ilia liaitd waa cut <rf. On Monday morning be weut to work a* usual, and had not worked lone, when liia hand came in ccutact with the aaw, cntting it off. His dream was fully realized in tlte sad accid 'Ot tb*t had befallen him. [ Mt. Forest Rp. Although then- a not much lm.iine.~s <>f a financial iiittur done iu Fleahcrtou n Monday lait, atiH K was an active day at Rnhardson'a stun-. The clerks weie all buay unpa:kin^,carr)'iiif> in and in:irk ing goods which had juat anivvd frmn Mnnchrtster, En-^Uiid. We bclit-vu M. Kichaidion A Co. are cine of only two limit north rf Toronto who import good* <iirect from England. W had thi! privi- lege of insfM-ctin^ the fa'.irica^w tlu-y *-*ro 'jK-ned up. Tlicy are all ticr>, ai.d aomc f them, M t!.<- ladii. would MV. are "jut too iwret for nytliiug." C'all aud *o them for To Sell or Rent. La's 148 and 117, 1st wet Toronto ud SyisWham K-wd, our hvndred acres. App y to \V a. Pickell. M i, X I iV- Married. Hy the Uev. 1) McLe<Hi, at the rcai- Wiice >f the brid<-'a fathvi, Mr. Alexander VJ ant UiMy, to Mis* .'<-,!. .M^Pltenon, daughter of Hn-h McPhvrv, both of .Vrteuteaia. > K 't-irue 1 Mr. J. Hunstadtltfr roturnod fn..i Br- liu oil ThunAty, here 1 baa been hy- berriatiuf K<r tfc past few wunths. H will agaM nlUi Un egg trad boom i tMa -(*f^i faring Vh nsinf svasnni. Mr. fctViO fcVr mforma <u that hia in* ipeDt fe>t!*i ship Kga tn tsw Stataa, v^.wrthsuiKi'T-1 the HcKily tamlT. They expect the Aaericacn to pay at eMtwehWK ./the * ewt per liun duty. I. ia^cvse prljaWe tiiat ecus will reuuiu at bot th rs wre laat yew. aa thjy Hy for SaJ*. A lar,' <|<M.U ttty ol ly far aa) or tfd< reasonable ><ffr rejected. Ap- ply on Mauhw Syramia. 14th <-.-n. Ar r S i<(rii> P. O. 3in Sootit IV-ntiuok Arfmeaia MaHtdale Durham Lamterfcin BljUie. 276 10S 3* 153 83 58 79 421 majority 48 373 East Otey Sleet Ton. The Moaf<rd Mirntr n<esth billowing M the official figures fur Kast Grey : CIAIKK Snu>CL> CoHingwood ........ 90S 257 Euphnsta ............. 1*7 3til Mea/,.id .............. 1CI 155 Melancttwu .......... -"-"' 238 Oprey ............. 875 68 Protou .......... ---- 308 195 Shelbvim ...... ----- 81 130 St. Vincent ........ 32S 234 Thorubyry^ ......... 4! 72 DundaMc ..... _ ....... *i " lt)58 Majority for S ( ,r..ule 19. 1'JTT Tao Champion Voter- Mr. W. B. ConwW, of Shelburne, ia the champion voUir l 0*e (.arts. Last Tliurwi*v h xtt>ed in OranuM'iUe fw Setnple ; at C4-<i, < e, in Amaranth, fur McMullen ; iu SheHmrre, for Clark, ai<d taking the li o'clock train, lie Toted in North Grey for Horsey. Four vote* in one day is not o bad fur one individual. [Shelburne Ecououiii*. Aud every vote but one was lost ' \\ "uiJ Mr. Cornet! ktudly intimate whether his cu- thuaiasm led him to pay hit r;ulway fares for the pr[iose of recorditig thesv votes. If it did we have no hesitation in saying that he really i the cUaiu(i<>u political enthusiast of Canada. Force of Habit. Much has been written about the force of habit iu animals. Hero in auot'.icr in- stance. On Monday morning Mr. Croas- U-y went to the .ttatiou -MI hurwlack to meet tha Owen Sound train. Getting the oprtortumty to ride homv in a sleigh he sent the Uorse on alone. The animal was obsei^-vd l>y sevtTal tm make his way aa utiu*^ to Wanh.iw'< Uotcl, .tlup in front of the door for few minutes as he always doe^, to let >t pasavugeta, and then atnnll off to his stables just the aanie as t1xyli a IMS load of imaseiigers and seventeen mail bajs depended upon the faithful manner in which ha per- formed liia work. Therv were no paasen yen t > get out or off, and no mail bn;.s tn deliver, but it was j>i,t the saute to the horse. Church News. Mr. J oh u Stafford, B. A., preached in the I'uptut climiefa u Sunday hut. Mr. Riwrt'-rd 1ms IHVI iti the minixcry in the Stutes, but is now on his way tolterinany tu take a two-year ci<uru iu u licilin univeraity. There was no seniion pretxche<l in tin- Prrabytcrian church MI Subballi last. A siiii'in:' aud prayer service was he'd in s'.uad. There was no regular service in the Kethodist church on Sundiiy. It toi.k the form of revival and naa curductid by Mias HaM. Tlie stonn |>reventvil uiiii y fie in iitteiivlincr, ai.d at the nixrn- iuij service only villager* wore with t!ie exoeptx*) of Mr. aid Tlioip Wi-^ht aud Miss Miixl.t. It would be H severe uto-rm indeed tbnt would keep tluMii from church. Two miliB of travel to eliut>cl> over sucli Kinds as tli"sc of Sui:<Uy n coniineiubible in d -ed. There *r i uot many church people who would do a Snow Shoveliug. There is one gentleman in this town who will stand on tlie oidcwalk and shovel anow all day in order to kts>p a c'.ean walk in front ol his place of butti- ness, if the necessity arises, and it did on Friday and Saturday but. We are Sony to say there are not more than two appronc' in,; that industrious nature iu Fleahvrtun. Aa a general rule tlie citizens are not anxious to sssovl snow IB front of their properties, and the result wms that oo SwiwUy kst lauve numbers of ladies nd -cliiUfen Were prevesited (ran attend- in ehrc*. {n this connection we wouM alsn amy fto the disgrace <vf the vilUge^ that ia front f eeitain buaineaH plaoea the sidewalk sms irever b*n free from snow and ice sisice the snow tint fell i*t tall. This state of aCMM must givo M outsiders a peculiar tdea of the energy wl enTr)tnse of certain f our n. It also ivea to peduemana a emutkias bt determined movement when passin<; such iuipedimenU, ind a sentiment tlwt is not altojfuther < of respect fr the man who alluwa such a slat* f laini to exist. A, WondcrttU Mmory. Mr. R.I|MS<HI. nf Manitoba, who was visiting fneuds in Fleahetton last week, KivM evidence as to the Wonderful mem- ory possessed by the premier of Caiiadn, Sir J^lm Macduoald. On tlie occasion of Sir Johns last vimt to the N'orthweot a reception *an accorded him at Boiase- vain. Man. Mr, BLiWnsou waa amon^ tbd number who had the pleasure of Kraspio:; the premier's hand, and while toiuxsn enquired <tl the latter if he re- membered the last time he had seen that hand. The veteran premier looked at Mr. Robinson closely inj replied . "Let me aee. It was at CookaviUe, wax it \ not f Mr. Rbin.tou was very much aurpnaed. When it 1.1 rvinenil;red that Cooicsville was seven hundred miles dis- tant iroui Boivain, ami that the only foraer neetirtf twnk place at Gookaville ten years previously, this remarkable evidence of a tentative memory can be fully appreciated. The remarkable mem- ory of faces possessed by Canada's premier is une of the many Hue character isticH which has loin; been recocti iced by his ;rituu\te. friends. We hare heard of Uu-r niuilar incidents, but none sv ac- tually marveltiKs aa Ule above. Win.Clayton, Boot and Shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, &c. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade boots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. of f;inn III.IIM-V (Price 25 cents. Coamo- politan Publistiini; C'ompany, Madison New York ) 208 Young Women. An Intli.uiii irl hits Ukeu thv pnxe <-f *-'(X) olfered hy The CosniupolitMi M^i^n sine f<>r "tlie liest article of 4000 ord duacri{<iv f Urui life, with Mt^esUona as t tl< best method of matin;; f.uin life aud liapfiy, " only farmers' daughters buiii^ [ii-rmilli-ii to cnl.T tin' ro|lll>rlllill. Tin- (I. sj_;ii (if The CoBIIIO- |K>lil/iti w ia to draw out ;in ux|>resaion of <>|iin ion i a tu tin- important prolili-nis of hapuiMM and ilmcoiiifoit (Ui the iiiodtTii fm in, ;ui.l it was HU auccusftful that more than li'"> wailMMrtpta, \<MV i my of them ahly jiivjiare-?, an.l ropr*siMiUii^ nuiiily every Stale and 'lVrrit<-rv, "ore sent in. The priso WM awarded \>y IV. ,f. H. H L). ijoocn and the cUitor of 7'he C'osnio. |i!<Ul!>, tin- final i"Uimiec of HWAII), t" Mi is Jennie E. Ilnokrr, of Mi.'Cutflian- villo, near Ev:iu.tvilli-, ImJ. Her article will appear in tliu April nuinlirr ol Thu ('.'SiiiopolitKn. anil thu same i iniilier ivili c ni. tin it vei) interuAling atticle on tie Knrniera' Alliance, ly the uvwly lt-ctuil I'nited Statt-s Senator I'cffrr, of Knna.t.H. Tlif C\i.->H<|>"Ut!iii ia ono i if the few nrnutlivais, which, wliilc jjfiiiiiiii^ circu- latiuii in thu cities more rapidly than in the country, yet dcvute s|> ationtion tu all matters pertaining t.> \\\<s fsrin. Taking tlie pi i/,.; over *> many coni|>eti- tors, dwubtlvss Miss H..kur's article will present numerous idims writ worth the consideration of those who tind their hip;>iiiex ur diicoiufoit within the limUa Storm. It is aeveml years MIWU this auction of couiitr}- has eipenvncttd an heavy u snow atoria as that which ra^ed hur <>n Fridny and Sutuiday last. Ou Friday morning at ti o.clock there was not enu Ji snow i>u the ground to make >lcij;luii^. By KrjKy ui^lit fully a / .t of aa>ow bad ralleii, and by Saturday night aiiutlier foot had been iwlded Auoouijuuiyin^ tltv innw waa heavy wind wbwh (lilcd tba | beautiful into pleasant little heaps of ten ur twelve feet in height, aud tilled up the ruwia MI that tiavel was totally siupend- id. The mails from Bpping, Fevershaui and Durliam were uiutblu tu ^-t through. On Saturday ni'.di*. Mr. Cnxsley did not attempt to run ih 'bus t the statin* but made it on foot with Uie mail bag <iver his sli-mlder. Five travellers alsu :e village on through tltu dnfu, aid found it. Thu storm waa unaeeosupanied with seven- cold, and waa therefor* uvt so diMigreoabJe ss it imnlit have ben witii a low teui()emturM. Tsis Advance went upetmet on Saturday to make a auia'l purchase and thu mer- chant begged W us to let him carry ithoinu for us wanted to see if his lui^a \>uld perform (heir functions It was long sinca they had inovod that ho -< in doubt. Oue ynuug man went to his place of business on anows'mes. Fresentatioa. -, On TsesHay uitM (ast, iwimedintrly after the revival service had been held. Miss Liuie Armstrong, W J .HI wan abowt In leave for Manitoba, was |>resented with an ad r ess, accompanied by a beauti- ful copy of the Word <if God. The ad- drem IM( presentation were urtde by MissChnMo.- and Mr. Evan*, on behalf .if tli<; Methodist church choir, .if which Miss Armstrong ha* been a faithful mem- ber for many years. Rev. Mr. Toi-ge made a few touching remarks an to tlm t.utlirnluess nf this lady in cliurch work, and said that "never before had an written out a cer- tificate for a d-|Kirtin^ chvrcJi member with gt>at<T reluctance." Mr. Richard- sou then said a few worda un behalf of the Methodist Sabbath schixil in which Mis* Lizsie hen rendered incalculable. service. Dr. Christoo noit arose tu ex- press th.{ deep feeling n\ regret of tli.- Sons of Tempenince for the loss whicU they ton !i.i-.o sustained. Miss Lizzie has been a mnmlter of this order for a IOIIK time, anJ,as the Dr. e xpreswd .t.-i more faitlifl. devoted mumiier cannot 1m fuH^d. ' He waa srry tlwt this order could not have ittet t -^ive uer a pi. 'per "send od, but ..rd of her depnrture was received in time to admit of *> doin-<. In very work, in fact, for tlm proiuu'.vui <>f ->nd, Miss Arm-rtroii:; could be f on ltd. All we can any is that wo hope tile Vaintliiaiis will a{i{<reciu'" (!.. efforts of tliM lady as we havts luiirne.l l. and, altho8;jh fi^linnj in a viiflvrent cor| of Uie Maker's army, wo fel s-.ira she will be an instittMtetvt for the pniino- tion of rixht i"<d truth there aa she bus been here. Aw< who knows but we ni.iv reap wine benefit from her labors even in that distant place '. Personals. Mr. Ckl Hnvvk is visiting with hia brother (icoruw. Mis Krancvs Beecmft U home for a shoit visit tki.s week. Mr. Newt. Henderson visited his pai- uiitul home, in Toronto this week. Morara. K. H. Heid*Tson and T. HL-I - ilerson, dentist, of T<-rotito,spent Sunday in Fleahertou. Mm. R.. A. Had ley. '( Entintw, hss bt-cn the gest of The Adraiio during t'ie paflt eck Miss Viijidiiseii. ^^f Kle^iertun, IIIIH b en the truest of Mrs. lloland a fuwdn^s recently. j.Morkdnle SUindaid. \V. H. D iil.Hon, Ilocklyn, hus been ap- pointed ooiisu.s coniiiiissioner for East '!rey. K <> S.i-.ith Ijrey it is Thus. Davis, jr., Durham. Co'. Grey iiutpectod tlie armory here on Tbursdny. Ut <lid in-t timl t'apt. Fieli'a napping. Everytlun^ wivs O. K., aid tin- I '.-I. e\plv>ed himsvlf iis ple;ii'"l. .Mr S. Lhiinude and Mr <;,... Stuwnit wer delegates to l.-nnito la<t week 'o .tit ii|>o!i the ji"vcrnmMi', with tlie vi. w of Mvuiinu increased nid to riding ni;ri- c ilturul societies. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. H..bii!son.,)f Mani- tobi, were the quests of Mr. Win. Strsin las' week. They returned to the prairie p:ovuioe on Momlay. Mrs. Robinson ii< Mi Strain's mster. Mr !co. Hale, of ( >.i|rey, sniUd from Hn'ifax on Sat unlay hist for llelfiutf, per ateiuiw-r Ori'^mi, to visit bis native land, which he has not seen for -U years. Mr. Hale purchased his ticket from R. J. S .mill.., ticket agent. Flesheiton. Mr. .las. ('ar.>;".-\nd Mr. John Clarl-, A teuio .ia, left last week to seek their fortuti.w in Duiner. Mr. Jacob Thomp- son and family, of the east back Hue, also departed for tk great south-west, hit plsce of destination being Monte viden. Col. The Advance wish** all of throe mw.ii(ranU much success. Miss Lizzie Armstrong left on Wednes- day last for Manitoba to spend a year or so with her brother there. Miss Armstrong will be sadly missed is) church and tern- IHTMICC circles. Especially will this be /fce case in tlie church, wkre, aa sv friend saii, she will be missed "in every nook anl corner. "' The Advance wishva her a pleasant trip and enjoyable visit. sMBM. si I ! I\ AN In Fferinrtem on T an at t wan. Pncevilte. The election fever is cooling down and Ixisincas iu general is reoviriug mm-" attention. A few are complain ing that they loot from one to two weeks' time and their candidate aluo. Very little money was bet on tlie late .lection but auuie very fuuny b&rgaini were made [lending on Cue rcHulte. one young lady had two admirers, one Tory the other Grit. She pro- un* d tu accent th one who wonM succeed in getting hid canclidatJ elected. Again, an ardent eaiiipeii;ii worker was thix-atowed by iiis wif wi',li several wtx-lw' penance in tli I'v.'iit of her candidate be iiij,' defeated, he is now iiiniori.'iMiix liid soutciice. Mrs. \Vin. \\aters met with a serious auculfiir. lately, by fallioi,' through a trap dor into the cellar, iiixi bi-caking several ribs. <>m_- day last, wi-tk Mr. Robt. Wat son wtn kading a s^ritvU yoiui^ colt when suddenly it iwircil up and with its fore feet struck its owuer in the, indictiug a severe gash in lii.-i iipju-r li|>. Dr. Huttuu bti'.ched th" wound iK'uily, aud it will probably heal without leaving a scar. Mr. A. McCabe and Mr. W. Hooper, of Toronto, A. Watson, of George- town. 1). G. McLean, of .Markilal; . also D. M.-J.viin, of Owm Smind, wci-e also visitors here on the 5th Mr. L. HIUL.H;, ol Drampton, ii ueiu visiting his brother, J. 0. Hut ton, U. D. BULL FOR SALE. rn.le bull, 2 year" nH. W.T. L, IMuttbarton . Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. in M. lirhard>on V t' Jf% ft I ii j ] tu L w V" \ I sill" ill U II L I A>! ..... -hT'llll.. r i*r i. ii* *r.d h..u mM*. l<* -hhr, .r. .,.,*.,,, oM,a,l Mil lt>.llli,*kuP*<tl lllr-y J .i, .an ,!,, !(., ,,!, \., ,, 4 tr.h y tm rKBK. hn wp tw I < .'an. 'rmvf* ZsT. /l

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