Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. published Ont. FBOM TUB OrncB p. . , . . TCItMS ot SlTIISCRimON: *' i' ir auiium wlmii |>ai I!rtly lu advance w |>r annum lii-li not *" |'H AUVKKTlSkNO R.VTKS. Ons column. 1 vi-ar.K*. half col., do., 2T < i ,11. i- .1 .. > . I '.' I iau1<n>t Ivi-rtiHiMru nt i-liaiKFi) at the rite f fcta. fw lino for nrt ino-rumi auJ acts. pur rit aatlil (uUMMiUuIlt intern. 'it W. II. THUKSTON. - nnJ Proprietor people, (for it ia the poor on which they I'lt-v i and by a legalized theft divert it from its proper channel to till tin: colFi'i-H of a lazy, iion-pioduc- m;.: gang of rogues. Out upon Quebec if she continues to fatter thin iniquity within her borders ! Till: HIDING GRANT. Thepiosicct for obtaining addi- i -i:al aid to the riding agricultural kucuttes is. Mi. Dainude informs us. positively Uiglit. The delegation which nit t the Minister of Agricul- ture last wrd; was one which it would i '. Le tlic part of wisdom to ignore, inasmuch us it was composed of re- ntatives from seventy ridings f iliu^iiitu-ty in this province. Out cf the twenty absentees. South and North Grey supplied two. Mr. Da- i:.iulc feels very confident of the -s of the mission, as he was as- Hired by every member of the Legis- I Uuic with whom he conversed that tl.e request would be granted, one member going BO far as to say that he I. ad received the assurance of the Government to that elfcct. The re- >[Ui'St s formulated and placed before Minister of Agriculture, was that the sum of $1000 be granted to each tiding, $500 to go to the township shows within the riding and the re- r.uiiiiiin $"/JO to the riding show it- h'jlf. This will give our agricultural c nmty shows a prestige which they l.avc never enjoyed lieretofore, and I . un iin ftiinablc boon thereto. Mr. I'jinude feils a panliiiiable degree of |..nlc at the siieri'.-; which is apnar- ui:!y about to crcwu hid pet scheme LOTTKBIES. Ontario is practically free from the Mtriy |H'l, thanks to \vis. :uut strin- gent legislation, but the BAIHC cannot bi- Riud of our Histi i pi -ovince, Quebec. The Montreal Witm-ns mala .s known an alarniing aialc of affairs there. It It would bo interesting to know ex- actly what difference would have been made in the election in South Grey had it boon held on Friday, March 13, instead of March 5. I'll' Durham Chronicle more than hints that a protest ii likely to be en- tered in the South Grey election case. This paper thinkt) it would be a piece of folly, unless thecoso is very clear, and even then in our mind such a pro cedurc tvould be of doubtful merit. The party officials had at least better seek good and disinterested legal ad- vice before plunging themselves into an election protest where they are more than likely to come out the small end of the cornucopia. If ever mob la?/ was justifiable it was in the case of three thousand citi- zens of New Orleans who turned out ou Saturday and broke open the jail and summarily disposed of eleven Itai an criminals that the law had failed to condemn. The crime for which these men were tried was the murder of New Orleans' chief of po- lice m October last. The evidence was strong but the jury, it is claimed, was tampered with, and failed to con- vict. I> was then that a host of it spu 1 table citizens demanded justice, and got it at their own bunds. iVhen the law was powerless the people were strong. The Globe of Tuesday says : "As I'i . Sproulc had a majority of 555 in 1888, it was suggested that East Grey was safe for the Government ; the battle was fought with something like fairness, and the result was that the majority was cut down from 655 to 19. The mcst sanguine Liberal never ilriaintd of redeeming East G ivy, and the Liberals of that constituency arc to be cougiatiiluU'd ou the spl'inlul result of their work. They had in Mr. (..lark an excellent candidate, who will probably make even a better showing in the next contest.' Let us inform the Globe that it was not Un- restricted Reciprocity which caused crouched too near tb* Art. llr rax" Ritiifhl th flames n. I before they (meriting n-hcd her body WM dreadfully burned. XV'.i.if *Ue miff. -l ml DO lollKUt MO Ull. I 111 !! i . a neighbor woman who auap.ui i .-. (.,i-;l:iK was wrong, forced h' r wy ml. Ua I..-. c|. She found tliis poo; girl in n ui : I, [ ! n.ilile oouditluu ; thf teriLIb st t. .f tlic Imini-d flesh wa rapidly bringing <fi-alli i.> In i re- It**-. Bat wballsm..t du-.dfnl i.. luU- is Dint thin wretched girl who hve-t I r : r, e or four day* alter she .is l.m M. .l.xav i.i ih tu an infant n day or two b.-foiv >li. ex- pired. Hi.- child tl.a ..p. n.-l u- i-yi s on infamy did >o only U> el..*,- Ui m in : hours, aud then ). Im died into tin- same box M iti- unhappy motli.-r and burie-t <u ..f sight f..f.-v, i Tin' rent of li-i' nt.iry all. mi tin frequent- rs of this dreadful ili-n, about tin- c.'uluct of the woman Jinny, MHO tin- tr- tiu^i.t u, which tlie ul.jectn) tli. iltcrns. ! r tl. an: too horribly diHgusting to ! t,.l ! . N IBM too are given, ami surely if cnirecl. : -I. mounters ibould br hel.i np t , n- rrj r. l.ali.-n. ('oilmen.,.. Bulletin. for o rr fitly Yeara Hri Win. low, hootblDK Syrup lii bn ud by mlllioai|o( iuotlri (or tbalr cnl. lr-n will t'thnn{ If diturbd ftt night and broken ui your rest by a nick child iintting atii cr.itik* with paiii of cutting u-i th n.-nd at ouwe aod . 1 a bottle of "Mm. WiDilow'i Hooilmiu Hyrup" ; ebiMreu tmthinK It i I tuliitve the ! r little ufferer niHju-.liatcly DeuvuO tiuon it.uiothvra there U DO uintake aluut it. ll^iiir. Uir rlitea. reftulaUta tliv Htumach anti ^tar.-:-. oures Wind Colic, aofte'in the (junia, rMK in*m- uiation. and k 'iv. - tone ami ciirr^v (o the whole \ntent. Min. Winalow'a SvothiiiK .^,. ii.p" l-*i children t.TihiiiK IH p:. i^nt to the taste ami i the prescription of on of tlm oldent anil In et omale pliyelciann and u,irn* iu tba I'm 1 , d tatoi. I'rice U cent* a InKtlo. Sold by an it< thntUKlioui the world Re anre ai.d k for Mia. Wiiialow'i s... .thnu' Syrup ' cays that no less than live lotteries th lowering of the l)r'j. record. It _ *..!! LI ^ _ I.' - 1 Al. ^ . it _ I? 1 1,: I .- I I If a re in full blast, working under tli. .initialization of tho Quebec local |.-"i 4;itii!e, anil ci.unti iiancod by untK mi n who would be hnrrified if uiie were In cull tlii'iu any ll in ; but itapMlaVbUi The lottery swindle, if ullnuril to lowilii, would destroy a nation. It li:ts (Irinoruli/eJ the city cf N< w Oilcans and lurmlly cauaed to grow in its streets. For the of thin demoralizing a l'.'|.le the K'lVrniini'iii has hi in liiiid by thu (-.r. in. lit of twenty-live million dollars. Tin: i>oor victims pay li.i, enormous s'un unit luako iht |in - piiitoiH wealthy Luxidca. It in not known at what li^iiir Mr. Morcierhas "! 1 lilllisclf l thi:-r 1:1 f.uiniis iiu-8 in yiu-hcc, or whtther he has actimlly sold Imn -i-ll'at all, nur is it iiin'i rial whrthor it ,is ten cents n niiiliun dollars that In: HIM \>i dl ; ll is (niti-iil to all \vliu liuvr Inn) ( \|>i'i H-iirr 111 SIICil luuttrlS thill the |>rn\ince (if (jnelur luis within itself u Stai dillg Illcnaci in these lottern -s In suciji!, moral, an I liuamiil i !n. u!. I |iai^c In r .-I'll iif ll,. in \\itinnU delay, li.-|.,,i- the; n I.:M done itn deadly wo. I.. We in Ontario should feel thankful that our law iiial.ris liavr ntudo it a i'. line uiimshulile 1 4 ii si u re pi unity tu advert se, ofTur rtir mile or ponSesH a ticket for at y li.ttiiy or ^nun- of chance, or to fjiid Hiu-l: mlvii i in' lit* nl tickets thlnii;;li the IIIUlls. Tlie I nit.'. I States in also viider.voriii({ with much HIH-CCHS, to Htulnu tbcin out of ouitcneo. Qiiebea stands alone * (utbliuitly jounleiiancing oueof the Uiodt dainnuhlu Iccojica Umt lias ever b'cn inveutvd t6 dia\v tlio life blood an already poverty -strickpu tiulil wan the Equal Kij{hta cry which did t . work, an<l in this respect tl.e iu. lulu i for Mast Grey was treated in .re liaral'ly than waa any ineiube r who vot>d for the Jesuit Bill and who sought ic-election. Members of the C niserv alive (>ai ty were made iuditTer cut and did not go to the polls. Whi o the Reform party polled a solid vote thu Conservative element did not poll more than one-half of their vote and the was that the Dr's. seat was imperilled. Thu arc now sorry for their courre, and were another election to be held to nun row the Dr. would receive Ins old ni'ij nily. A I .ile of Horror. A few Wii-ks .IK-, sums of tli.iR.xiil |ini|.l. ..I ('. llingwiioii mill. Hook to raise 1.1. i,.-> nt to rninove pnit i.f tin- \V, m I, i.niiih fn.iii tin' .l.n nf ll'.tli ami iiiii|iii<v in Mli.i'l, Hi. y hi nl mil in tin- t.iun-j |i of i illliifprood, ic* miles from thu tonn. In H uii'lvlii'il lii'Vi-l ihrre liv.'.l uuo I. .Iin \V..|l"'i.lil^ llu.'lirl, all I'll! ilecirpl.l, ttl.-l.-li rd crtHlnii' aud lu-r iiaii({htfr .li-nnv Him hi.) bi'C.niii- tlif in. . tli. r ..( n^lit cliil.lnn All ao Ii .-I ITJHI s 'iail for years Iwen ii(V ,i- I,, tin- kift I 1.1 life that wai leil by tin- iii> lieing*, but few, if any. of the ae- lual fa'-t ever renchnl the tart of buiuvn I 'hre mill virtue. Kiioii^li, however, iliil trniii>ii lo awakfn HUlUi-ient hnrior ul tlu- t 1'iinl I.i Ifsil to tl i lirenkiuj up of tin- vile .i i...lf nf I.I.M-I tv ami crime. An irpnili-il a few weeks ago, Jpimy, the'i nf the children and (our ut her inno- cent ! until' i. in:; Mere srnt to thu Mi i e i ,wlii|. iiin'i oili.-r chihlrer, two boyi ninl a Kill all iiinler tliiit.iee, me still lefi with ti' -ixlihoK in the vicinity. One Jv this w.i'k a rumple of Liinl i, from town - iliiKr i. nt In e how the chil.lfen were fur iiig. The.* (* the little boy ami |{irl, tbo latter it alnitit eleven y, ars old. llolh wrre still p.K.rly cUd, ami K<>ig brffu>lnl in this MI.H'| s weather . luit what i as luobt ililtrifMniiK HI d horri ving was thu tl Wailful details of i lie ilvntli of uiie young girl last fill. Th I'oiy loU by this obihi au4 our- r..l o. le,i by e.iinii of tho neilil.or rirttl, so far a< it may l> tolj, sonratbinn lika this. One night lat fall wL n the tiufortnnat* "M BO- il and vi si l>iti(j i n the Lea ll iho i. \. i ,, i no on i "As InUepeudeot as a pin on Ice." I u.l to bear that quotation about Ibe time 1 became old enough to bear an . tuiug. and ofteu wou- dered exactly what amount of Independence a pig wiv..|.l posaxs in such a predicament It waa an unknown quantity to me. My curiority was ooly satisfied tbe otbenlay, wbeo I saw a pi* start to cross a small pond covered with smooth ire. He went very gingerly about It, ami was an gentle as a lady wben pasting a muddy crossing. That is he wont on tiptoe. He bail not got more than two feet when bt> lost four. Iu other words be lay flat while bis feet stuck out from bis aidas like Augers ou a sign board, pointing to four (wints of tbe compass. He managed to get upon bis feet again after utlerlug an innumerable number of gruuu. aud spending ten minutes of valuable time. Theu he stood still and looked straight ahuatd with a lunging gate. He made one step forward Then be made four steps sideways and lit npou bis side. Her* be got mad and ripped out an oath iu pig vernacular. This time It took hlui twenty minutes to get upon bis fuet. and a madder pig yon never saw. Tbe froth waa dropping from hia mouth, and as be once more recevored bis feet bis rage wa< given vrat to by a regular snortlni; string of pig swear and squeals. II. vowed to himself that be would cither get to the other side i.f that Ice or make sausages of hi incelf. He ma<lu ono bold sin. forward, and brought up ou hia ear. There be lay for a rnoiueut too aatonisbed for utterance, aud tooexhaurtedtoraakeany further attuni) t 1're.entlr the cold Ice began to net in Its weik on the bacon, and another supremo struirgle took place. Tli re we* a purfert whirlwind of spare ribs, plu tail, bam anil Ico. with tornados ofsqnealasuch as uever emanated from any -Ivllisud orunclviliied plgon thli earth Fart of tlie time that pig was on his noee, on his cars, on his tail, on every square Inou of his carcase, and all at thu same moment as near a it wai possible for anything anlmsto to do it Kventually he rolled off about where hu hs. got on the ico, and moved slowly towards th rear wltb a crestfallen, droop to bis ull anil his turned sideways. It was the kind of liow I was ever treated to, and yon cai Rather from the above how much sarcasm there n lu the mpronljn, "As independent as a pi k on ice." I read the other day In an American news- paper the following advertisement . If there arc In Hoston or vicinity persons wbo tin. lonelily iin, lurni. ml, an. I can treat llnsasni eats, we should be gla-l tu have Uiem teud their cards to Treat diseased cats I Great smoke! but tin treating systvm In tbe vicinity of Boston inus< have reached a pretty pitch I Or la It a pby alclan they want 7 Itoaton surely >nut have reached the ape> cf "oulchaw" If iu universities graduate cat physician* The above advertise- ment is enough to make tbe cbioino on a , an Hostou baked beauagn.w pale. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. C(tre/'ulln Corrected Kuril HVrfc Kloiir 4 HU to 5 00 'all Wheat U6 to tU pring Wheat 95 Mt larloy W u M> Oata M M Peas O Ot 70 Butter 15 u 18 :gK, fresb Ii 01* 'otalos bag 60 60 ork S 00 5 Hay per ton 5 ou 00 ti.ii-. a 00 :i .11 Sheepskins SO 1 l Onese O W U 07 'urkeys 10 IO Ibickeos per pair Mi ad Oncks per pr OK) CO Weol ... . OX) All Men ronag, old, or middle ivgt-d, wbo find them- ivlvea DTVOUH, weak ami exiia'i-t,-n. who are irokeu down from eicestes or over work, r, suiting in uian y of the foliuwin^ nyiuptmu": Mental dcpreaoinn, premature old gf, loss of vitality, Ilia* of memory, bnd dreams, dimness of sight, palpitalinu of tbe lit-.irt. emiasious, lack i,l enerKy, pain in the k : d- ne>s, lifiidarhr.piinpl.-K ou the face or body, tchii)|( or ueeuliar wn.iti"n about the tcro- :mn , wauling of thu orgaua, dizziueitB.spvcka Before the ev IK, twitching nf the mnselca, eye lids and elsewhere, l>li(iiln s.-, depositti n the urinr, loas ,)l will power, trndi-rui m of the scalp and (pint*, weak aud flabby muscles, di-mri- tu sleep, failure to be n t. .i tiy slwp, countipnlion, dullness of heariue, lois of voice, dr.tirv for i-ulitude, cxcitubi.ity i.f temper, auuken eye* ktirrouiidcd with LEAUKN cii.i I.K, oily looking rkiu. etc. .are all symptoms of ncrvout dc'.ility that Ita.l to inaauity aud death unless cured. Tbe ipriux or vital force having lost ita fnsiou every function waui'K iu consequence. Those wbo through abue committed in ianorauoo may b pcruiauLMitlv cur,-il. Send your ad- dresa for book oil all diaejari pecnliar to man. Address M V. I.ruoN, :> FroU St R., Toronto, On. Books leut free n.ili-J Heart diaense, the iyinptomiof which nr>- faint Fpi'lN, purple Up*. uuiulneaB, palpita- tion, skip beats, bot riuklu-s, ruh of Uood to the head, doll pain in the heart it'.i heats strong, rapid and irrt gulhr, the (frond heart U-ut 'inicKcr than tbe tint, pain ak>i- 1 tbe breastbone, etc , can poaitivdly be cured. . cm -. in. py. Simd for book. Addro** V. Ll BOX, 50 Front Street East, Tor- onto, Out. J. P. MARSHALL, L. 1. N., M. l M , l I. M is | Vifiu Mark-dale the 1st and ::n: \Vedi,,.*- day of each mi.ntli. Fleslu-rt. .n ach trip on the day follow inj CREDIT AUCTION SALE -- OF- THOROUOI1BRED AND (JKAHK FAKM STM'K, AND IMI'LE MKNTS. Tin' unilriHik'iinl has been instnu-ti-d to sell by public auctu>n, uu Tuesday and Wednesday, March 24 and 25, On l^.ta 'J.'i, W> anil '27, 3nl S. [). K., Al t.-ou-Hl , the fi.ll<illlj{ Valu.ii.:.- thuniuvhbreU and i;i.ul.' st<M:k and a larve i|tunt.ty of iui(ileiuenta and liouau hold -I'SE THE ( I I I Kit t I I II "B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOtt ALL DEFECTS l>K VISION. RICHARDSON $ CO., SOLE FliESHBRTON. 3 Devon cow*, one cal veil. 2 in calf;l D*v< n cow, farrow ; 1 Devon bull, i) years old. 1 Devnu bull, 1 year ..UI . I Devon bull calf ; 1 Uvvon lieif. r.:i years old ; (Devou huiferH, 1 yen The alwve are all thoroughbred and p*i!grve will b furnished. 'J high grade coww, newly oalved, 4>ouii|j co>, with calf , 'J J->n with ralf ; I cow, eupixiaorl to be in calf ; and a i|uaulti> i.f M.IIIIH Mtock, ditTwent a^es ; i work mi; II.IIWKI.UU i.m, Ixiivester. I'otawold ami Si.iithih.n. luiiiliuil anil with lamb, nil |. i. takt'is;4uwu lainln, BouUuowsj ; 1 slirnrlin^ i titn. Houthilown ; 1 Hi-rk-liiit' boar, with pedi- gree ; several young lU.rlnhiro pi : iBesrk- biroKow, with \>.R -, * la'tio quantity of f,.\\l I -.II liintler, UaNKO) inaku ; J uiowvrs ; 1 HoHl rtnll K!>"irv : I ( (ale harrow, with seeder ; pl..w. texeral set* of i.m,.w, 1 horn" i 1 pi'*,-r iMitlii-k !K>\, I lumber wa^i.ii, 1 broad whevle*! wuou, t cart. 1 (U'Uiocrat, plat form springs, nearly new : I I... i -. 1 culti-r. 1 Iniul roller, metal ImadH ; several nets leighs, heavy and lijjlit ; I riH.t -i.ilMi-i, 1 -et ! teu.n hdriieM, sniUblo for lumbering;! aut KOIKI furni haini ss. nearly new. Heve^al asiaa 1iarn]>4 of vai ioiiH kinils, a quantity of avert ... I.. I,, M, NI In Ltfii; 1 nli-l. ,.,,.. i tlieriM'i, bfslslvaiU. l...x stoVf . t cook HU.'V rnoltr 'Liml. WHrilit'l.*, tabli'H, Hofa, . i-hui n, naiih tulii, water barrels, and s great vai ii't * of ai tii-lr* t"t> ii'iiui:ri UK t iii.-i.t T...I lueloatBgletaodeoaalng; tuinn,,-- lan.-.. L.-I, ll> . mill thu-e .:^v buttles. Also K'v rake B , fnikR. cliuinx, every vai .. |.lcuicut UKi-d upun a farui. The farm will be put up !> unt on il;iy of sulu if lu.t |'ii-vioiiily rtiitril. Sale tu cMiinmi'tiro 'acl. dy at 12 TERMS OF KALE : fr> ui il an In-, i-.mli ; i.ver i)mt amount K uii.iitlis' credit i. M iijijirovml joint imtes. A dim-mint of 7 |.r cent, uff fuc value will be allowed f..r oaali. Rttrr inter, Solicitor, < 'on vryniicr>: Ktr. . NEXT P.*i c t n. OWKX BOUXD OFFICR. Ku..e T lli-ir.,.,N., P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. Offlre, ovrr llcFarland's Slorr Markdalr. Monry to Loan. (Tunis. John W. Armstrong FLKDUKRTON, Co. ORKT. rjlVISION COUKT CI.KI1K COMMISSIOM C aB II ,K., (.'onveyaujei', >V_- .\m-iil ror pun li..- in.l le of lanilii. Apiiiai^i-i i"r( I. r i . t. .1 K. P.B. A s Society tlonejr to Loan on it.. 'tioat ruaxonablo terini IHSI Kit nr M AUUI.Ad I '. I. t'KN:-i|-.S. NUTAI'.V 1'1'HMC. MOJSEYTO LOAN. Tbe Undersigned haa a Lar^a Amount of Money to Loun at 6J o/, OX TOWN OR FARM I'KOITUTV. B.DAMl'UK. n W. J. BELLAMY TWP. CLKKK AUrt ilVM'. .. a/ .-.I ait.l proper! \ -M . -i:ti I III-M-.. 1.1-1 (trf- il ill first oliuu couiiiauics. VIouev to l.i.'l.t i west ratvs. DR. CARTER, M ('.I 1 . & S . OM PtflSUIAN. x| ut.i.iiN. A ... PLMBBatTOaf. Ofnce. Strain's block. Resilience. J.O. RurncCi ORS. SPROULE & EGO MAHKDAI.K UXT. OHIro : Haul.- v , |> r n- St9Tt. Ts late of Tottenham, llir will be found at Markdale House at ululi t J. P. OH E WELL, VETERINARY Sl'RCiKON. Graduate of Ontario Vet Culle^t*. ftrtt door nonth of Icitcb'i tailor FLESHKRTdN > B - ,.: I .. M , ." . f ,.': . LH f, ,,,.,. , t kA.III I.II.LI W.n.J IAUK tltkll d..M.l.^,.. a IK. , nmiusii. R. J B Sproule, rr in Ii. R., I. ici'nacd Auctioneer, Con i^r ami Mo,,,/ J* n A(r. llstati- unj lunnraiK-e Ac-'nt. Deed*, Miirtirogen, LcKeg and WilU ilrawn up and Valuatiuiii uiii.te on s)ior'.Ml uotine. >< linn .'.il.-s attended to iu nny pary of t).*i L'onutr. Money to li*u nt loest rutfs <.f interest. Ci.lUctiom uttc.-.Jcd to with ami ,lfi|m!<'':i. Charge low. .iuinMu Sti-ftj.sliijiCompJiiv. i '.k'lirtafiuiu II. -In i ton to Livrrpool, n or anv of ili llritiO. orts. l'rlie inleud : ng to vitit Knuland. Sc..;laii'l N [.. !:,!, W i|| j,],. U8( . ,, '"" P' 'irticktif!ewbfre. Flesherton Livery Stables. D. C'LAYTOX, Proprietor. First class horne< ami vehii-lrs foi In, at rea^ouat.le rate. Uttbl.-a opposjto M . . I >.', H.trl < yeoial ..1.....0U paid te c.,mii,.,cla $30001 I*M III IsWlroo u LauKi..,.. . A YEAM! I n This Rale iiiunt unroiervud. , us liu' |'i Jj. f..llli! ,_ vrrythin(; lll-| f _ , ,,ai wwk luUuMn !**, M t*m 'Ihrt* USMMP>*I ln. ra , "iMfl^-r.M.M**! nlllAlawfirotoli ittiMlam-uaMt Horned cattle and ini|.lunieuti will b sold mi the u'rst day ; iheep, hoitcs i.d household furnituru on the second day. R. Oliver, D. McCormick, Proprietor. -*. wsi m,m 11 1. H is i>u rM torn ( l*| in ..ami s=JliSKS'=sss i S5rir2S gaaggg^^ a. *, \ i I l..\. ! a. Aw.nstM. Muli... FARM^O RENT The nmle'iiirned has a desirable farm f . riit, corni.ti. Bof ISO acrea, IU) acios < ; ,ear.,Jf 11. il iiri'lur .'u ii v ilion being loti N(>s IH IU !>. r, fad rang* N. D. H. Good baiMHna* foi i'i rtl tlars ap:0y tj TKTKH MUrn '' ' "> l'UshrtD Btatiou 1">.

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