Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TilE ADVANCE. Ii published Every 'rhrcln.y, Kaon THI Ornci H'jdei'lt zm tftrett, Flrthertor*, Out. TERMH OK SUBSCUIPTION : 1 per uouin when paid strictly ID adrsnco I >0 pr annum whuu not o pal'l ADVKKTIS1M1 HATKS On* column. I yor, I JO ; half col., do, >27 quarter col. do., fly Transient *dvf>rtisuinnt clisrucd at tho rite of (lota. i*>r line for flrtt insertion snrt :<ct per Ii jo Mb. ulHt-i'tfnt iuMrtion. W. H. THUKSTON, Kditor and Proprietor Edward Island, Liberals 4, Conser- vatives 2. Nova Hcotia, Liberal* 6, Conservatives 16. New Bnm.'wick, Liberals 3, Conservatives IB. Mani- toba, Liberals 1, Conservatives 4, Northwest Territories, no Liberals, 4 Conservatives. l!nti-ii Columbia, no Liberals and G Conservatives. This would give the Conservative* a ma- jority of 27, which of itself is a magnificent working majority, and as much as any government ought to have. The Globe, no doubt, gives a report which is considerably within the mark, and the Conservatives may expect in the new parliament a ma- jority of from 35 to 10. DR. LANDEKKIN S CARD. THE ELECTIONS. Tho elections of Thursday last re- sulted in the return of the Mae.louuld administration by u Mibftantial ma- jority. Of course it will be imnossi- hle to know Hie cniniianttive strength of the two parties until the House weets on April ti'J, but the Cilob says Sir Joiiu will not have a majoi ity of uiore than twenty, while the Empire oJaitua ahout forty. At all cvtuU the Conservative party will have a good working majority. Mr. Wimau said that the election would settle Canada'* ii. stiny for the next fifty years. We may tlurefjre expect to hear little more about L"i:reiilricU.d lUcipiocity ior some time to nime. We have not r-jiaco to give the complete retnrus, but will liiilij'iin the returns for On- tario as "ivcn hy the Globe. There will no doubt he mmi.- slight changes when tiip iifticiitl count i< uiadc. UNTAIUO. UUEKALH Kl riTKD. Addinyton, l>4w.oii, G2 majority ; l:,.tli,-ll, Milk uOO ; Uiuot, N., Somer ville, 1000 ; Hnuit, S , I'aUTsoii, OM ; llrucc, K., Truax, 125; llruce, W., llowand, s.Mi ; liiirhuni, W., IVnh, U>7 , Kluin, W., Casey, WX) ; Kaaex. N., Me liruvnr, Kill; Kwirx, S. , Allen, 01, iii.y, S , l.:ii..'u ikm, .'._' ; Hiutinp, K., I'.iiiili ttf, Ml ; Union, K, Macduliald, ::n7 ; llo,.,i,,S , Mi.MilUn. t.-O ; Huron, \V., Uaiurr MTU ; K.-n', <'Hin|>lwll, H7; Lauioioii, W. Lister. 050; Len i. ox, Allison, (VJ ; Lincoln, <iil,,u 117 ; London, Ilyman. l.">7 , Miildlrtux, K., \riiislioir_' MHI , MOII, -I., III, ,nn, I'.'l.i . Norfolk, N., fluilton, 44 ; Nortlinm liurland, W., Har^'raft. 41 ; Oman,,, S , Davidson, '.: , Ontario, W. , Kdnar, 1'KI-', Oxford, N , Kullivrlaiiil, 170U ; ini.-i I, .S., fartttridit, 1300 ; IWI. Kcathti- atone, 7'J J Pel ill. N., <iiii.f.t, 77; IVrtli, S , Tr.,, lf) ; I', i'mulx, .: , Kn.niw-11,, 11H) ; Sinuoo, K , Sp. tin, 17N ; Vu-ltiria, N . Itarrmi, -l>4 ; Waterloo IS., Livui|{atoiia, MX) , U.,i,,|,.,., N., Bowman H'.l ; Wd'and, ii. in, .in. 453 ; Wellington, S., Inn.- , :.<*;, \V.-lliii'ji,.ii. C. , S.-inpli'. 157; Wellinutou. N , M.-Mullro. lli'.l ; Went. worth, N., HUM,. 2(12 ; Wt-iilwnrth. S , Mi.WI.'ioii, :i , V.ik. N , Mulork, MX) ; York, K , M.ii'keniie, 36 ; Total l.iU-i.,1. 45 . .. .-H '. M II 1 - I I I' II I, HrocUilu', Wood, 17'.'; Uruce, N, M, Nrill, 41 ; Card well, \\liin-. 200 , Curlelnit, llo.l^'ina, II ; t'.irnwsll. llri Kin, IHIO ; It, is-., 60 ; Dirhiin,, K., i MI/, iiti , Kl^in, K , Intruii, 42 ; I* loiiteuac, Knkpulriok, I'.U ; I.!,-HLMM \ , M, J,.'iiinio. 300 ; (Jli'iiull.-, S, It,-, I 160 ; '.i.-> . K , Nproule, 1IK) ; Grey, N ' Ma>li, 5*47 ; Iliililinmnd, MonUi|uu, HO, Uuiiili is.'ii, lilt ; Hamilton, Mc- H.ty, it'>4 ; Hamilton, ItyckuiHii, ti-4 ; II isHiitfs, N , Ilt-Mfll. L"-'."I ; H.ihtinvt W . I'oil.y. -'t"-' 11 ; Kiiiust'iii, Macdoimld, 4hl ; Laiubttir, E. , Moncrivlf. friUi ; -'"i ; I., 8., K. Taylor, H , l<uvdi, N., Kerjjiisou, 144; MuldlecflX, W . IttMinif. 4i:i ; Middlesex, N., H'ltiliini. X; Mi.l.llii-v, K, Miimh.ill, -:!); Muakoka, (I'liin-n, Norfolk, S, I It.l.llr. lii'l ; N- It,, I, E., f... Ilium., 1-tl ; Ontaii'i, N., Hadill, -'-', ; Ottawa, Maokintodi, 083 ; Ottawa, Uobillard, 467 ; Pelerbor.. 1 . W., 8u-vii. *n, H42 ; 1'ulctboroktxb, K, Kuinliain ii ; Prmc* KtUaril, Miller, W ; K.-n ('. N , White, 77 , Rcufruw, S , Forgti on, 144 , SI M I,,H-. N., M, ( aril,), :iOO ; Hiiucoe, H , Tyrwhitt, aocl ; 1'utonto, (.' , Cuckburu. 60S i Toronto, K, C.ti ..ill.. KDib ; Toronto, W., Umiaon, l.v.T ; Victoria, 8. . FWbaim, 14 , York, W., Wallace. 714 ; T-Ul OunMrrativra The Globe "r M Liberal! to Quebec aud SO C jnenrative Dr. Landerkiu publishes elsewhere in these columns his cart' of thanks to the electors of South Grey. While we hare no objection in the world to publishing the card for tlio benefit of the Dr's. many friends who read The Advance, still we are constrained to ay that it is one ot the most unique cards of thanksgiving that we Imv, e/errcad. Really, for the life of us, we cannot see that the good Dr. has anything to be so effusively thankful for in hia recont election, considering tlmt his former majority of 97 was re- duced to only 52 t Neither should he tliank unrestricted reciprocity for 1 in re-election, but rather the solid party vote which ho secured. His party worked like nailers all through this c nit, . -it, and to the party leaders who wiirkeil so heartily for him should his undivided thanks be poured out. The l>i . will never see the Eldorado he so gluwiugly ponrtniys when he says, Freedom to buy in the cheapest, and freedom to sell in tho dearest market, what a heritage in store for the people of Canada !" It is like the boy who said, 'I'll sell you my jacknifc for 50 ctMiU. but you're got to give me your liandtileigh." In tlmt cane pa exer- cised the veto, and in this case Great I'.i lUin, the mother, would use it. As the government is uow constituted the iiii-inhor for South Grey can at I. -list do no haiin, and we can nil'. ml li congratulate linn 141 ui his limited success. \ !^ fit ; ! :i> -M:I i ! > ,: i mmmm \ n jo Mituy in.'iiihiM-ii HiilTorod Tliurs 1 ay for thru NOUH against llie Jesuit vi'tn. Tin! most proiniueiU were, p.ihapH, Messrs. Fisher of Hioine, mid IMutt of 1'iiuce Kdward County. Many nii-uiliei8, both Liberal and Conservative, retired, knowing that it was iibelcBft to enter lh contest. Naturally ruoivgh, tho Liheral oppo- iii-nts of Equal Unfits gulTercd most stv.rely. Tho "Noble Thirteen," so far as' they ran, have bo.-n triniu- |iliuntly returned. Mr. McCarthy, die niiiitt iiutid of all, defeated Mr. II. 11. t 'mil., , the Hlouteat opponent who ..mill hve been brought against him in Siincoe. Mr. Chaillon, who liniiyiit he had surrendered public life i-M consciciiM) sake, has been u noted by over four hundred nit j )i ity, or about double that at the iiihl I'lirtiiiu. Dr. Christie, who wus priKideiil of tho Alliunce, carried Arijiiilcuil by a large majority, an I Mr. Drown won ('hntcauoiiay limn h lie was denounced ainon^ thu French as an Kqual Hi^'litor and that in plate of I >i Holton who voted a^uinst the veto. Montreal Witness. In Soiflh and Eust Urey thu intluencfc IMS aUo been Htroii^ly at work. Dr. Bproule's majority has been reduced from 55*J to 100, and Dr. Lauderkiu's from 07 to 52 The (ilobe has beru boasting that Kir John's majority of fifty (,ho only had thirty-nine} luu been reduced by the late elections to twenty fivn. Tlie Globe is not always reliable on m; - jiti ities. This contpariBon is incor- rect. It aliould read : Mr. Blake's "majority of one" hai been changed to a llonsorvalivg majority of thirty live, or thereabout*. Tl< township of Arteroeiiav w nsver before tilled to such an ritent t on) tkeiion by eilter ^MTtf. h has the satisfaction of knowing tlmt it did its whole duty by Mr. lilytli, and Dr. Laiiuerkiu has nothing to coiupluin of, either. Hon. F.ihvdid Hlake's letter to his COUbtllllCUU WUS pllhlisl.ed oil the morning after tho elections, and now tho Reform press of the country is trying to explain away liis argniuents and to show Fdward where ho has .mil. They find it a 1 crctileau task. (tnrds. John W. Armstrong. J. P, M, Co. OBBT. DIVISION COL'KT Cl.KKK.COMMISfllONFR In II. II., r.nvu ,au -in . Ao. Agut fur jiurcliani- grntiotty. MAKSIIALL, in I ssle .,( IIUI.IB. K r a .v s Ai>i>raiur for I' 1.. C. 1 uni M"itu\ to l.,.,tn on tht- in>t roouMo ttniin IHHIKH urMAKKlACiL L'CBNHKH. NOTARY 1'UllLIC. i .ird oi Thanks To THE EtlUTuHM IK SolTII t irs n.i.MKN, Thu election is <>ver and you liaxe ak>aiii triumphed at the polls. I congratulate you on your brilliant vie torv I rejoice with you at (he triumph of Ki.'.'.loin and Kr.-,' Trade in the riding 1 li.ipn you will keep up the agitation un- til w. wiliieaa the hnal triumph of our principle* on this model tlnni^li- out the continent of Amorica Tin* la a consummation dt-voutly to bu wislu-ii for. Till it ouniea I, t us *truKult< ttnd let ui hopiv Immunity from hiu'h taxes, nrliai a blemini;. Kovdom to buy in lie cheapest, and freedom to mil in the dear- est market, what a glorious hpntuifti in store for the people i,f Canada. What volume* <>f debt, misery and disaster it would roll away. The thought of it nerve* ut mi to action and *uttain* us in the ili'prvFM.'i! tlir.'ii 'U which we arc n-. paasinit It hop for the futuro mi. I will probably *tay the exodus of U.KM! citizen* to the- I'nited State* winch has | become so alariuinx under our protective policy I a^.tin thank you for thu re ew- al of your conKdence in inn for tho li'tb timit. I truat I limy colitinutt to ,',--., . \ it. At all eventH I will eudoavnr to act o ao, if pouible, both politi- cal friends and foe* that I am .l.-rpU *en*iblo of their kindnuu, and tlmt I am rer true and devoted to Canada'* wel- fare and proaperity. With kindest wish os to you all and your families, I aiu at ever, Atftrtionatelv yourn, I.K.- LANDEKKIN. Hanovei, March Tth IK'H. MOM KY TO LOAN . The Uudersit'iieU has a Largtj Amount of Money to LIU<>JI at 6i ,,o ON TOW.N UU KAItal 1'UorKKIV H. DAMfDK, Ki.i>ui.uT.,N L. l. M., M. i. S. ViliU Markdalu the and 3rd \\cdiiiM day of each uionth. Fleahertoii each trip on the day following W. J. BHLLAMY TWF. CLKBK AUTI UKxl.l /.V.sT/.'.lAC/v AV'f DKKDS. MDKTOAliKS I.KAhKH. 4o . |,r,-|,.r H! auJ lirupwrly vsnvllWO. lusursuve allcc d in Ami clash oouiiiaulvs. Mouuv tu )uU al DR. CARTKR, M I'.I'. AS., (INT. PUVSICIAK, si IM.M. Ar. KLKSHKRTON. OAc. Strata's block. lUniileuco, J. (i. RIM**!'* OR3. SPROULE & EGO M\KK1.\I,K ONT. out. . t-Mnnlcy'H Drue Ntorr. T S HrKOl'I.E.U.D.,atc. ANOfH KllO.M l) Int.' of Tottuiihain. Out. Dr.Kgo will bo fouuil at MarkJaU House at ul|{lit j. w. Kan-inter, Svlt,iti; Me. KLBHHBKTO* Ornrt, NXT Pour Orfu B 8pROl'lB'sBriLl.lX<l, O.N Tui'KHDAY.t. OWRN SOUND OK KICK. KanHf* HI-ILUOIO P McCULLODQH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c; oitin-. vcr Mcl'arland'N Store Miirkdal.-. Money to I o;u.. J. P. OTTEWELL, VKTKR1NABY 8l'ROON. Graduate of Ontario Vet. CVllego, lUiidnc Irsl door south of I eitcu's tailor shop. FLESH KRTON. Durham Bull for Service. Far 0>, i rill Mrs. Wlnsltw's feoothlnit Hvnip liss l,<-^n iintvl by uilllloDrOl uiotliors l..r thlr ohllir-m wlitln Th " iui<lor>lKnr.l bas a maRiilflcont yonag tin'tliiiii; K diiturbo.) at iiislit an.l lirokeu uf tli,ir.,ni;hhr<l. piMliun-wl, Utirhsm Hull, "Oray your rent by a sk-k child sunerlog aud r.r> inn Whlin Htookiiitfs," lor >rlo at lot l.M, 2nd wllh |iin of euttliiu t.-.-il, snd at one* and Rt ' wool H l>,U KOI tei I.M. U , apply U> tin. pro- l,tt I- al Mrt. Wwatowl Htmthlug Sv ni|, p lor I prirtor J C ADAMS. ,-lnl- lr-ii tontblnu. It will relUv* Ui* luur III tU | Ocl It, 1980 FU>bi ton, P. O. sufforor lium<Uatoly. Pupniid uiiou it.uiotburs I - L. Hi. I.- i. in, mistake about It. It eurw Dlar- ^aaaas a**** r~r i b.i .w sr Jh a, riwuUVus tlm "tnniacli su.l huwls, euro* ^B |^v u, ,,. ..,,,.,.,,., L, . s..j. t ; Wiail i )ic ,,ft., tl,, limn*, reduces laflam- ' aaV^^^^aaam '*" *"' *"' '"* k. IMI M iiiatlon, and iilvwt luiin aud norgT to the wHoU , I ^iB!%I k >%'"> * ir st u> OI..M: Mrs Wloslows (UotliToK Syrup for ^^^VJ V'J ' [.I '.- to clnl. lien hMtliing it |,l< to lh tut* and I* B^^ f*^fci_ ..... ,....,', J. tliu |.rfi Iptl.iu o( ,,,." al ilm ol.lmt n.l best : i asaV^sV** " ) " fiual uUvifllaus yur* lu ilk* I 1,11* 1 ask. for Mr*. Wluslow', R. J. Sproule, CTMAtTBB, r l lcHli,.rlon,C.,unnis b i OB er in B. R., IJceustdAnolinru-iT, Cou vuyaucer, Aj>piaisr anil Mone,- Lender. lUnl Kstate aud IriHiiraiK-o A^ont. Heeds, Mortgage*, LfaeH auj WilU drawn up uuJ ValuatitiuD in.ulu on slu.r'.oiil notice. Am tiou 8aln attvnJe'l to iu any paryo/tb* foiintr. VIoDPJP to 1,'iin ft) lowcMt rates ol mtrroMt. Cullvctiou attondrj to with promptnc** and ilcspatcii. Clinr^c* low. Agent for tbe Doimniou StraxsliipC'oinpany. Cheap tkketn from KU-iiliertou to Liverpool, (iaugow, Londou or anv of th I'.ntish ort. Parlir* iutvin^nR U- vikil KnglanJ, a*olUnd or I.-claml, will pica** i\hk rntrib* lore i Tcktuiug tlieir ticket* olscwber*. Flesherton Livery Stables. . CL4YT\, Virst dun burses snd hi. I, . for bjro t rcuonable rat>. Htsblrs oppo>lt Munhsw 4 bowl VpwiUl Muui..on paid to ooauoorcia ~ B ". "^J '"" "** " d '"..< >-. Bjat iB

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