Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Mar 1891, p. 7

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NEW8 OF THE WEEk. The Ecl of Albemarle ia deni. Intlaen/* hn appeared in Madrid with considerable severity. Signer Magliani, formerly an Italian Minister o( Finance, died on Saturday. The strike of plash weaver* at Bradford U extending and threaten* to involve 5,000 workmen. Despatches from Rangoon state that SO insurgents have been kiilad in a light on the frontier of Wantbe. Count Bylandt-Rheydt, formerly Anatro Hungarian Minister of War, died at Vienna on Saturday of heart disease. Prof. A. H. Palmer, of Western Reserve University. Cleveland, 0., has been called to the ohair of German at Yale. The glass factory at New Glasgow, N. 8., ha* closed down on account of " over production," and the hands are going to the States. The President has nominated ex Oover nor Foster, of Ohio, to be Secretary of the Treasury hi anooaesion to the late Secretary Windom. In anticipation of a passible prosecution U is said Prince BUmarok has sent fonr boxes of important papers to London tor safe- keeping, Mr. Smith Cartie, Attorney-General Martin's law partner, has been nominated Mr. Martin's successor in tbo Manitoba Legislature. Smallpox prevails in Belfast to an alarm iojf extent, and the municipal authoritiei are doing their utmost to check the spread of the disease. The reside-not) and bakery o' Mr. John Oroff, of I ii wood, was destroyed by tire last night. None of the contents were saved The loss w Sl.MO. General 8ilv, a retired oflioer, and save ral other p. raons wore arrested inUportooi Saturday on the charge of boing connects with the reoent revolt. Mrs. William jUoCormiok, who was the mother of sixteen children, none under six teet in height, died at the age of 'J'J years on Friday at Pelee Island. Ex Secretary Gibson, of the Whiskey Trust, walked into Jud^e 8hprd's ooutt yesterdy morning and gave 925,000 bail for his appearance ia court. Dr. Leitcb, of Duttpn, Ont., who his beun in the. habit of using morphine, took i overdose on Tuesday night which oaubed his death in a few hoars. It is stated that Prinoo Bismarok's memoirs will include a number of private letters sho wing how Turkey, Greece and England were duped in connection with the Driebund. Mr. Michael Davitt, who bas been veil- ing the west coast of Inland, reports that the inhabitants are badly in ntted of seed, and that the children are tuff eriog from a lack of milk. At a mass meeting of Conservatives at Winnipex on Saturday evetiing, the with- drawal of Sir Donald Smith was announced, and Mr. Uutji John Maodonald was nomi- nated instead. A larn" party of gentleman farmers, with their wives and children, reaobed Montreal on Tuesday night from Entiland on their way to British Columbia to take up land on a large scale. The barque sunk by the steamer Havel at New York yesterday was tbe Haiooita, from San Domingo. She was a new vessel, this being her first trip. It is reported three lived were lost. The engineer and operator who are sap posed to have canned the terrible tnnnel ac oiduut in New York on Friday men HIM have been arrested, and are held for trial under wry heavy bonds. I he will of the late Chaunoey P. Blair, of Chicago, was Died Tuesday. The estate U v a) oicl at S'2, '200,000, and aside from several small annuities and bequests is li-ft entirely to the (our children. The will of the late J. V. MoCnlloagh Vioe- President of the Pennsylvania Kail road Company, disposes of an estate valuoc at about JH 000,000. Bis wife and dau^h ters each ^et one-fourth of it. The Dockers' Committee have i-sued I manifesto charging the Shippiuti Vedera tion wih committing breaches of faiib anc with desiring to bring about another severe struggle between labor and capital. It is believed in Montreal that bwenson the missing jeweller, committed suicide as be wad known to have eaid some time before his disappearance that it be did no feel butter he would blow hid brains out. Tbe Dnolin Kxprett says Ireland in com milted to tbe strife of two powerful parties a state of affairs not seen before, snve in the time of the civil war. The fight between Mr. Parnell and the Human Catho lie beiraroby. Gov, Fiter has issued a proclamation pro hibiting tbe importation of cattle liable t convoy Texas fever into Illinois except sab jeot to the regulations of tbe State Boarc of Livo Stock Commiatiunera, from dat until December. The schooner Veteran, that sailed from Qlonoester, Mass., on January 7tb, on haddock trip to George's bank, has neve been heard from and her owners) tear she i lost. She carried a orew of twelve men who were nearly all Scandinavians. Frank 1> bwan, agent of tb Central Railway at Niagara Falls, diet suddenly at bis residence yesterday morn ing. He bad not enjoyed the beat of healt' lately. Tbe immediate cause of death i unknown. A cablegram to the i/ml says Mr. Ash mead Bartlet, a subordinate member of th British Cabinet, has got himself int trouble with Blanche, daughter of the Ear of Airloy and wife of Captain llo/iur, an a divorce suit is threatened. More than 5,000 persona were run ove in the London streets last year. It mas be said to tbe credit of tbe London oabman who is tbe moot dexterous driver in th world, that nearly all tbe accidents wer oanaed by the drivers of covered vehicles. One of the Great Eastern Railway Com pany's channel mail steamers collided i tbe English Channel yesterday with tb steamship Queen of the North Sea. Tbe letter sat k soon after tbe collision. Seven of the orew of the Queen of tho North 8ea were drowned. Biobard Boarko Kirwin, a Dahlia nist r ho murdered hi* wife in 1861 under air- oamstanoes which created a great deal of excitement at tbe time, and who was sentenced to penal servitude for lite, has >en released, after wearing the convict's garb for nearly forty years. James B. Kinsley, a well-known Boston wool commission merchant, was arrested yesterday charged with embezzling property valmd at 934,700, belonging to various bankers in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. Kinsley was held m 930,000 aonds An unknown man about 35 years old was hilled on the West Shore Railroad near Fnltonville, N. Y., yesterday while trying to board a freight train. His head was crashed and one leg out off. Letters on bis person bore the address of W. H. Ells- worth, Bedford, Ohio. The U. 8. House Committee has adopted a resolution to close hearing* st 12 o'clock on Friday, and to vote on the Silver Bill in committee at 1 o'clock that day. The resolution was adopted after a long wrangle by unanimous consent, tbe silver men agreeing to it as the best solution o the >iaes tion. Count de Roffignao, formerly of Paris, who owns a large farm near Whitewood, N. W. T., is prepared to erect a large beet root snitar factory if tbe Dominion Govern- tin. n i will admit the necessary machinery duty fre>.>. In the event of being refused tbe mill will prohablv be erected on the American side of tbe line. W.A. Stephens, ex collector of customs t Owtn Sound, atttd at hie home on Water street yesterday afternoon. Tho deceased itt-ntletnan was born in Belfast, Ir-jland, March ISib, 180!). and emigrated to Canada whim still a young man in 1830. He wrote and published the first book of poems ever published in Ontario. He removed to Owen Sonnd in 1870, and was appointed collector of customs. At 1 o'clock yesterday morning lightning struck a uitro-glyceriue magazine on tbe Stoker farm, ihr c miles northwest of Findlay, O., in which were/stored 60 cans of the explosive. Tbe shock which followed tbo explosion was tremondons, ami was felt in all cities and town within a radius of 50 mili-ti. Tbe only thin>; left to indi- cate the plaoe ot tbe magazine is a bole in tho ground big enough to bury a three- ti>ry hoase. The financial loss is not great. Peter Sullivan, a laborer, who was em- ployed on the breakwater improvements at Toronto Island, was capsized in the bay yesterday while oro4siog from the Island to he oity. Cap! James Q linn, of the ferry oa J<-s*ie MoEdwards, saw the accident, tarted to the rescue in a skiff, and, after a r*>a deal of trouble, brought Sullivan shore. The man had been so long in the ater. hownver, that be succumbed to ex au-tiion, dying about '20 minutes aftur he ad b.-t-n taken from the water. Tbo body H taken to 1*21 George street for burial. I'l.iipx States Marshal Baker, of Water- wn. N. Y.. and two deputies arrested ioberi and William Graves and W. Mather n charges of conveying Chinamen from ana'ia and smuggling opium. On Deoem :! 24th they made a perilous and nrarly atal trip aorors tbe St. Lawrence from with three Chinamen and some lintts that were suspiciously heavy. rn-v were a8siat?d to shore by residents f Saokett's Harbor. They have made number of these trips successfully, and ia believed have been making much BACK FBOM JAPAN. Sibil Oracorr'i Betnrn From the Orient Her Imprculooi of That Vouotry. Winnipeg Free Preu : A harried inter- view was had with Miss Gregory as she WAMDKBKB'8 KKTIJKM Why a Brown and Briny M IHHmutre Was ttoreljr i- ,, , i, ,i. Twenty-live years ago a boy living in a money in their dealings with Chinamen nd in opium. A terrioo snow, sleet and rainstorm is aging from tbo Allegheny Mountains as ar west as Kansas. In Illinois and Mis- onri tho storm is especially severe. In rtionfof Illinois and Iowa fruit trees ave broken down under the weight of ice, nd street oars were forced to suspend raflia. In Wisconsin the snowstorm was eneral, and caused considerable delay to rains. In South Dakota and at many joints in Western and Southern Minnesota he heaviest storm of tbe winter is raging. t ia snowing furiously, and tbo wind has .rifted the light snow to such an extent hot tho railroads are having seriouH delays n moving trains. Telegraphic communi- nieation in tbe several States is greatly in erfertd with and almost at a standstill. went east on Friday on her return from Japan. It will be remembered that this clever young writer visited that country last fall tor the purpose of studying the new constitution on the spot and being present at the opening of the new Parlia- ment. She was well received, not only by tbo officials of tbe English Legation, but by many distinguished natives to whom shn was introduced as a young Canadian lady in search of information The atten- tion and hospitality with which she was favored was dnu largely ot oonrae to the credentials which she bore from the Mar- quis of Lorne and Lord Salisbury. It ia not the custom in Japan to admit ladies to any part of tbe House ot Parlia- ment, but as it would be impossible to wit- ness the opening proceedings without wit- nessing them Miss Gregory was naturally anxious that an cxoeption should be made in her favor. She therefore made ap- plication to be permitted the privileges ot a application that was backed up by a number of influential persons, both English and native. The request was mado tbe subject of a long and somewhat heated debate, ending, however, in a graceful con- ceHtion on the part of the grave*, reverend and gallant eeigniors An embargo is placed upon Miss Gregory 'a tongue pending the publication of a full report of the pro- i: enings, and the impressions to which they gave rise, in an early number of tbe Cos- niu pulton Magazine. Shs was able to say, bowever, that she distinguished a consider- able difference between tbe English and Japanese systems of Government. Tbe new constitution is modelled largely on the Gor- man, tbedelegates who were appointed some years ago to scurry over tho world in search of a pattern, having preferred that one in most uf the essentials uf modern govern- mental methodH to any of the others. The Emperor appoints the Ministers of his Cabinet, each of whom is responsible to him for tbe conduct of his own department only, and over none of whom oan Parlia- ment txercise other than indirect and par- tial control. A member oan demand departmental information or explanation, and tbe presiding Minister is obliged to give public answer at a time and place to be agreed upon. There are no political parties in the House in tbe English sense, the members being divided into bait a do/en or more clans, on issues or causes or principles which it is difficult for any one out a native to fully oomprebend. A mem- ber addressing the House does so frcm a rostrum, as in the French chamber. Miss Gregory listened to several debates, and jadgmg from the character of the noise made, the gestures and other outward signs, she concluded that some of the mem- bers pissetsed very considerable ability. Like most English visitors. Miss Gregory ia of opinion that Japan is a oonutry in which one would soon tire of living. The olimalo is an exceedingly trying one, at any rate to a person not iuured to it. The natives, from the highest to the lowest, are politeness itself, and tbe shopkeepers cheat yon with an alTability that is simply irre- sistible. European dress n largely affected, and the practice is rapidly extending. A oarioua circumstance apropos of this was related. The wife of a native when dressed in European costume is permitted to take precedence of her husband, bat when habited in her native dress she is obliged, in all hut domestic and so ial relations, to asaniro theinferior position which Japane-se custom imposes upon her. Miss Grngory's visit, although spoken of as an enjoyable one, was somewhat marred by illness. She passed through Winnipeg on Friday on her way to bur hornu in Hamilton, where she will be married on tbe 3rd proximo. It may not be unin- teresting to know that the gentleman who is so fortunate as to have gained the affej- tionsof this talented young lady is a Mani- toban, living less than a million of miles from Delcraine. After the oeremony the two will proceed directly to California, wbilher Mine Gregory has been ordered by her physician. New England village was sent for a pint of milk. He hid Tbe oan Beneath A stone, Directed His course To the Nearest wharf, Shipped as A cabin boy, And went to sea. Years passed by. In a far-away and foreign country hs lived, and by well- di- rected energy amassed vast wealth. The other day he returned. He stood again in his native village. He found the oan where he had hid it. He procured a pint of milk. He went to bis old familiar boyhood's home, entered, and in a hesitating and trembling voice a aid : " Father and mother, here's your milk." He was given a warm welcome, but be noticed there was a change in bis parents' appearance ; they had not tho old familiar look. He questioned them ; explanations fol- lowed : Shortly after his sudden and mysterious departure from home bis father died, and bin mother married again. Then his mother died, and his new father married again. Tons on his return tbe wandering boy found the dear old home as be had left it, tbe only difference being that he had a naw father and a new meaner. Verily, truth is stranger than action. utiiColuny i Miut.- (latent. TO BKIUUTKM AH KVKillNU. How to Amu*c M Company ;tud Teach a -I i 1. 1 UK I. mil. Can yon stand seven corks upright in water ? Not unless you know how. This is the way to do it : All that id necessary is a basin or tub of water and seven corks. Stand one of tbe corks upright on the table, arrange tbe other six oloae about it, also in an upright position, grasp tbe combination in one hand and plunge it into tbe water in the tab, no as to com- pletely saturate the corks ; then raise them partly out ot the water and let go your hold. Tbo water which has penetrated between the corks by capillarity will hold them clots together, and though separately each ootk has an unstable equilibrium, tbe combination obtained in tbis way will keep them steady tbe width of our impro- vised raft being more than tbe height ot one oork. 1'hin experiment, which demonstrates the cohesion produced by tbe capillary phenomena, also proves to us the troth of the old adage . " In union is strength." Uoitoa Globe. Sll A BROOKLYN HOLOCAUST. t-i-i .,ii Bnrnml to Itoalh In aa Apwrt- lueut HOUHO Fire. A Brooklyn, N. Y., despatch says : A ire broke out here just before 8 o'clock on BainnUy night in tbe four-story double lat bouse, Nos. 1ft) and 131 Sands street. Before it was extinguished it resulted in ihe almost total destruction of tbe two boildintts, and in tho death of six persons, [n the two buildings were 32 families. Tbe tire was lirei discovered in the cellar ot No. 12'.). and before the department arrived the Ivn- n found a foothold in tbe air shafts am) were coming through the root. All escape for tbe inmates was out off by tbo staircases, and the entire front, on whioh were eight tiro escapes, was thronged with the inmates, who were rescued by the policemen aa rapidly aa possible. On the ihird floor lived John E. Dorney, his wife Margaret, and three children, and their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Griffin. They all rushed for the roof when they found escape by tbe stairs oat off. The names caught the dress ot Mrs. Griffin and she was quickly bnrned to dsatb. Boon afterwards Mrs. Margaret Dorney, aged 36 ; Daniel Dornxy, 8 years, and Minnie Dorney, i> veara, were bnrned to death. Jacob Benedict, 72 years ot age, and Edward Benedict, a seventeen months' old child, were also burned to death. Mr. Dorney and one child were rescued. The Ore is supposed to be ot an incendiary origin. The loss ia estimated at $10,000. UOKB FOB GANOBU. The Doctors 8ld to be Camping; Closely on i IIB Trail. A short time ago Professor Billrotb, in one of bis public lectori s, held out the hope that a cure for cauoer might be found, says tbe London TeUyraph, Professor von Mow-tig, another medioal celebrity, lecturing at tho Vienna I'hy- sioianb' Association, has just stated posi- tive! that medical science is already on the high road to thai all- important diaoovfry. The professor himtulf bas been working at it for the last ten years). Hitherto all bad oanuerois formations) that have not been operated upon have proved incurable, and even those treated surgically have in many cases returned. Dr. Moaetig has for 26 yuars tried in vain all remedies recommended for oanoer. Hi* now experiments prove that the cellular element in cancer bas iutinitcly less vitality than the healthy portions of tbe body. This fact admits uf the possibility of deal- ing separately witb the diseased parts. The learned gentlemen went into tech nioal medical details, which tbe uninitiated oould scarcely be expected to comprehend. Ho had lately used with success in cases of oanotr, as a tincture, a new dye called methyl- violet, or pyotanin, made at Darm- stadt. He tried it diluted witn water in tbe following proportions : 1.1.000. 1 500 and 1.300, but believed it might be used ocfcer. The patients be had treated did not complain ot its causing pain. In conclusion Protestor Moietig said : " If I spoik somewhat prematurely about treatment by tinotnre, and before there has been any oase of complete cure, my excuse mnst be that a prompt result etn only be obtained by the collaboration and labor of many colleagues. It mnst not be supposed that I declare methyl-violet to be tbe only umtable preparation, thunth I do happen to be satisfied with it. I btlieve, on tk contrary, that better and more) ppeedily iffiotoiona tinctures oan be found. My only purpose at present is to pave tha way for further investigation. If doctors) and chemists work together in view of realizing the cure of oancer, perhaps that great end may be attained." The Strike In the Coka Region. A Pittsbnrg despatch says : Witb tbe second week ot the great strike in the Connallsville ooke region about closing, here i i no sign of a settlement ot the diffi- culties. Intelligence having been received that operators in competing fields of West Virginia and this State have been filling orders originally placed in Counellaville, the workmen in those fields will be ordered to strike unless their employers desist forthwith. Tbis would involve 14,000 more men rlireotly, and seriously affect the iron trado. The strikers have refuted the request of Operator Martin to resume work nnder the old scale pending a settlement of the preseiit difficulty. LOUU ABBKUKKN ON UAHADA. The Noble r Opinion* of the Kind of migrant* Waotatl. On tbo Gtb mm. the Earl of Aberdeen lectured in tbe U. P. Synod Hall, Edin- burgh, on " Impressions of Canada." It was a long and able lecture, and showed that the Earl bad been a very close and diligent observer during bis reoent tour. Aftur referring to the loyalty of tbe people, and their various religious bodies and institutions, he said the Canadians were a kindly, hospitable people, independent and cautions. Canada was not merely a British colony, but a British nationality. Ho shared with Canadians the hopes ot a brilliant future for their country. Speak- ing generally of tbo olass and stamp of persons best adapted for starting life in Canada, be said there was not at present room and scope, at least in tbe more settled parts, for those who intended to follow what was called the professions, for in moat of tbe towns a doctor would not perhaps find enough patients, a lawyer enough clients, and a preacher perhaps would not find enough hearers ; nor was) there room for clerks. But for men who were able and willing to turn their hand to practical agriculture, wit i or without experience, and women who were willing to undertake domestic service, there was loti ot work and good remuneration. Moral and religions<no as well aa physical backbone were required for those going out to tha more remote parts of Canada. ArchbUho|> n,,i,ni~.,ii Karaou Toaat, ' Her*'* health lo all tbat w love, Here's health to all that love us, Hero health :o nil Uiose that luvs ihuui, That love LUOM that love tnem That love as." Do you notice what a large oirole this wish tor health includes .' and will you notice the reference is not 10 the wino-cup, bnt to a standard medioine, the " Golden Medical Discovery," tbat can bring health to tbo large nomber of friends we each love. True, it is not a " beverage," anc docs) not inebriate, but is a health-giving Mttlicine, a blood-pnrifler, liver invtKcratcr am 1,11 .rl tonic a remedy for Bilious ocas, Indication, and Stomach troubles. I cores Consumption, in its early ttagcs BroDcbilis, and threat diseases. Be uiii Not Cull. The man who tried Or. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy, and was sure of the 9500 reward offered by the proprietors for an incurable case, never called for bis money. Why not ? Ob, because ho got cured t Ue ictu sure of two things : (1) That his catarrh could not be cured. 1 2) That he would have tbat $500. He ii note sure of one thing, and that is, that his catarrh is gone completely. So he is out 1600, ot course. Tbe makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have faith in their ability to cure the wont oases of Nasal Catarrh, no matter ot how long standing, and attest their faith by their standing reward of $500, offeiod for many years past, for an incurable case of this loathsome and dangerous disease. Tbe Remedy is sold by druggists, at only 50 oents. Mild, soothing, cleansing, deodor- izing, antiseptic, and healing. A Ulvl to the Maltmc Out. A rival lo tbe Maltese oat is the Maltese dog, an irresistible bit of canine beauty which ooiiifs straight from tho Paris kennels. His mistiuas, a Washington belle, who has just returned from abroad, considers him tho most valuable pri/.j she has secured during her wanderings. He has been dubbed Marquis, and ia thoroughly French from the top of his onrly white head to the tip of his snowy tail. Spoken to in French he becomes a mcst obedient dog, bnt his knowledge of Englieh is atpre sent very limited. News has been received of tbe lynching at the village of Douglass, Texas, of a negro named Tom Habin. The reason assigned is ' general principles." Robin was a notorious character. Hue always went out alone Until iht> was thirty-one, Then ih grew afrivi J 1,1(0 bhlilul maid Aud adopted a cuaperon. Half a dozen New York ladiee earn a handsome living by holding conversation olassts and giving privatu leesons in that art. The wearing cf evening Cloves now ranks among the '"Jims tbat n:ay not be ruth- lessly broken. Tb newest wrinkle in onff* is the posi- tive abolition of tbe big link buttons that are relics of four or more years ago. Mrs. Cleveland is said to dress on 91,000 a year. The reoent trials of the /.ilineki gun at Sboeburynees were conducted with much secrecy oy tbe War Office The /Salincki agent bas gone back to the States under tha impression that ho bas been badly treaie-J, aa his < ffori to ,,ut the result of the trials was niinortsfnl. It it understood they are not favorabl<*. River in, i: thii.K tbat, unless more rain should Ull. ihf tl.iod in the Ohio River is at its In uiit. Thn river is falling, with 46 feet 3 inches in the channel. The recent rains itprtrnr tn have missed the Kentnoky and WHt \ if.iniit tributaries of the Ohio. Th" Minsissippi at Memphis is two feet belnw thi "a< 1,1 r line, bnt it continues to rise steadily. D. f. M I. 10. 01 1DEST COUGH MEDICINE. 00!.D B? 32 POSITIVE CUBE FOK TOBACCO L habit One dollar. Address P. O, box 181 Q lads tone M. J. A Kcitolnr 8nap. Buffalo .Vc : " What is Smith doing now ?" " He is travelling witb a circus. ' " I-retty hard work, isn't it ?" " No ; bo baa nothing to do except to atiok his head in tbe lion's mouth twice a d * 7> " t Out of Beaaon. Juiiyf : Morritt Did your sister get many valentines? Little Johnnie Oh, no. She is a Summer girl. The girls must eithsr propose or go West Mrs. Stanley sr-ys : " There are thousands and thousands of sweet, lovely, worthy girls in America who aro fading away beoaue there are no husbands for them." Teach your boys bow to earn money, and to make the rt form in the next genera- tion complete teach your girls bow not to spend it. Tbe Emperor of Austria has sent the German Empress a diamond set which cost 915,000 as a gift in celebration other infant's christening. X took Cold, I took Sick, 1 TOOK 'S ULSION RttSUI.l I tako My I take My Rest, AND I AM VIOOROI s ,.:.. .1 c,U TO TAKR ( ANYTHING I CAN I.\Y MY ilANDSON; ^ ( Kviu.iK tai loo, pot Scott's Emulsion, i : Cod Liver Oil . andHy. bcfLimeand Sodft N i IiiHp- h'llt <.';.. .(Ml HUT BUILT MR UP, A FLESH ON ' 30NES | AT TUB RATE Oi V DAY. 1 \ TAKBlTjrST AS i IMI MILK." Scott'n BmiilMon m put u:-:ily in Salmon t ,..r nrai'inrx. Hold liy all iiruggleU) at ) Sue. and SI. 00. I SCOTT &> liOWX.*., Itellevillt. .- TO TIJK KDITOK:- Plea inform r. I have a positive remedy I >ova named disease. By iU timely use iiiou*.ui>-. <. , -es *>ave been yermanenuy . iiiail be giad to send two bottles of my rrmviiy Fur. . .> .my o, yom reaaem wno_i siirnution if they will end me their Exnretj And Post OihcrAiluiesa. RopectftiU. T. " W.d- W*S)t Adalaudft "t.. VORONTO. ONTARIO. I CURE iySA :; 33 Cf KOTTLlb AMY YEASLY. . , tos: san tba reran anta I MKAN AMADlOAi C^ni i api.'oi.- or Calling 91okn-s> a life-Ion,. M, v. I wnr. n rniM aaes. Ucxaii>. others uv failed is in> a tiatis .in.l > Fr<M> MttlS) of my '< -'iblo Hcmodv. rot Ot!' you -11. i,, ni; for a trial, ami I i <. Curt* 1 do not < .1 time, and t iHteaaeof M . :/ to Curiu ivicK icurc. Sent -' - Expre.", i

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