THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. la publUhed Every 'Fhurwclny, FROM -IBS OrrirE ;/,/-.* :m Hrret, -' Wfh, Out. TKHM> "! M'l'M KIl'TION: 1 per annum when pui I trn-tl> in advance 1. jO per annual wli ">t >"> I"" 1 ' ADVI.UI 1-lMi UTM <in. roliiinn. 1 'r. JO; half col., do, f'J7 - 1 > Tr.i nariiiHl at the rate inn nil, I '.h ' .acu i.ul.-e,|,i" ' ' insertion. W. II. THURSTON. Kditur and Pruprietiir AN l.I'OCH. < ;'iada 1ms i>;i^.-<-il through Rcvrrul during the -'.(O^years, and tlif prcsi nt one is not the must mi- ni. pui-taut. Whin Wolfe stood.before tin- walls (if Qiubec in 1700 the desti- ny of our country hung iu the bal- ni. i-e. but by the uking of that strong- liold uf LYtiich |>nwi r it KWiiug upon the suit of jttfticc, pure government nr..i Ilriiinh siipri-inary. Again the tn.iblc Indian wars wliich devastated tins country for many years were a drag upon developctnent, but the In- dians were suppressed and peace i ixni'd. Again in 1812-15 when the Americana invaded Canada and at ! uijiti il to annex In r by force of arms, was her integrity in deadly I'.-ril, but the glorioiiH victories ui i,-i. eii.s'uti, Hoam- Duma, Fort Mt-iga, Stiiney (.'reek, I'liryslc r'.s Farm, t'buteaugay, I.acollr, OH\vei{ii,I,iiinly\ I. anc, th'j burning of Washington by WdliaftOll'l veteran troops, and other minor \iclorics of that du^ .effectually il.iinp<-iiid tin- Anunciui ardor and Hinwid tin in tin- impossibility ol forcing Cunadu by the power nf arms urn submission (it ii'-rul llrock fell wluli li Aiding a truop of Jtrilish regu larb at yiicmstjii Ht-ights. It is by tbe power of liritish arms tlai < 'aim !a is enabled to maintain her pre tige un thia larger half of the Aim-n can continent, lirilain is our pro lector, aud had it not beeu for her tliis Canada of ours would to-day have been either under French or Ameri oau domiuatiou. And Britain lias her iuterei.ts at stake hen- which wil uever be foregone while J'.ritish arms maintain their supremacy. In this hit-, T day a new genera has arist n unto the American people and his name is \Viman -- who has ap pointed unto himself a limit nani whose name is Farrar. These two havt jihiri ('. tin msclveH at the hcac 1 o an army winch lias for its object the IM, in ful gecurin;,' id" Canada. To-day is tin day mi which this great am nni'Mic buttle is to be fought. Many there are in thin country who have been cajoled into believing they are nerving tiieii rmmtry under the ban in r waved by Wimaii and Fairar, but their arc still a greater nnd mort powuful number whoso vision pierces IM-III nth the musk and who have en listid ninlcr the banner of St. Cieorgc winch n being waved to victory lliii ilay. The Oth of Maich, IH'JI, wil ) Inuicled dirnn lo posterity as ai <-podi in the history of this new na llOU, ('iina.U. bent his steps toward* th sacred edifice, but on his arrival wai< nortitied to tind that be had (wen upplanted by another gallant (bi^ur mn himself) who escorted the af.ireaaid anincl In her home, where a third party whoae rye and Up and every shifting li-iii-nt U'-[M,ki- of iiery and intense ove," waa found patiently awaiting the turn of tin- young lady. Thu ei|Uol in better l>e iniUL'inud than described. Now "Lovely Lou" | .leant- don't |mke in at tut with your jaw-breaker*. We hint that i>ur prodm-tinim may ut lint, s "iniiTiitiible," but you should make HowHiH-e for the fact that we ure nut u IH bletis like yourself. \\ e iiotice that the thro'jbiiit' flushes f the poetical intermittent have i-i-a nanr.' nver "Mi-tjinty," feor. to Dun- alk Herald) ,,f late. Mr. Alf. Hardy has returned lionie roin the <>, S. Cull. lust. Alf intends ini; to Manitoba in about two weeks, ivii'j secured a situation as teacher m ii- Soul IB settlement. We Wish III Hi all uccosa possiblu. Mi. lliehani I'arslnw and master Jacoh "Hi H few day* of last wek visiting in ml-, ui the vicinity of Durham. A very sudden death occurred in our lout week in the peiami of Mm. A. 'ii_in"ii, whu waa taken ill ahmt one 'clock Wednesday morning, 25th inst. , ml dii-d inside an hour. The deceased las U-cn a resident of 1'rotoii for over ,'Wl earn and was much rca|>ected by all who new her. She out-lived the allotted pan of three score and ten by one year. Mr. Alex. Keri(uson, of Owen Sound, .ml Mrs Brown, i <f Durham, attended the iineiiil which tiHik place on Thursday itti riH'on. Niifwitlistandini' the bad itate of the roads a number of people limed out to pay their last trihuU) of e.tpeet to the departed. The Kv D. cl'oll preached a very suitable sermon r the occasion, impressing forcibly upon us hearers tbe uncertainty of life aud he duties itertainiiig thereto. The S. S. entertainment held in St. Andrew's church on Friday evening was a decided success. An excellent program wan |. resented and well received by those irusunt. The singiiiK by a numlwr of ill le mrls was the special feature of tbe veniiii:. Proceeds $12.25. Mr. Jerry Taylor, Ormneeville, is the f his brother-in-law, Mr. John With Our Cm respondents lurk. / , "III I/Ill' till II / 'l'l If/I,, ,lll, lit: The damp wiMtbcr of tliu past wee lia-.n t .Liu, |,,.l t|,e ardor of thn voisutil aapiiioiiH l.ii political honors HI is evi lien, t, | l.y the I, mill,, r of IUOe.llliy lid llil'.il.'ll.illt t|i,< lldlliL; I', ih Con,, n.ii t \n and Kefurniuri . n ..iiv t./ I. .un of ilm sudden .1 Mr llnoier. .M. IV IV 'I lie I;, loiineih of s I' met in ;ieideiu> i.-il Uedne.dnv i veninu foi traniuiciiuii uf impuitant hutn.iiea.1 pvr titiiiniK to the .:.,iniiii! elections. .Mi >lui>h Wilson haJ tu shut down liisaawmtll last week on account of tl wator raisinK so hmh in t|,e river is I tlood the engine and boiler room a foo <lvp. One of our strapping young mei esaayud t. visit his host tfirl tli uthe evi'iniik.'. On th r . IH J thither he that his lady-love wui M ' h, whereupon our love lorn cwaii (I, th Mr. Itogerson, of Manitoba, i* visiting at Mr. I)ou<;al Ferguson's. The new foot ball rubber has arrived. Thu boys are happy II, . I" > ill. f'rtiin 'Kir r.n-ii I', Our hotel keeper, Mr. Hall, is very sorely afflicted at present with a disease in his limb-, causing them to swell and break out in A shockinu manner. Miss Maud Irons in home from Toron- to, after an abeencu of some months, which we believe were very profitably spent in assisting in a wholeaale estab- lishment in the city. Mr. D. Allen, in company with three others with teams, started fur Markdale un Monday '..Mrd ult. for some oak, but were so hindered by the rain that they did not return until Tuesday night. Mr. J. J. Maher w preparing ice for the purpose, of starting; butchering in Dundalk. Mr. Sproule held a political in. .-tin.' in the hall. He hail a Ur.-i- meeting, nnd lor a political nu-eion; It may be called attentive. After Mr Sproule had spoken Mr Duncan M. ir.ive a short addrcsH. Mr. Clark is to be here to prene,ut Ins side ol the i|uestion on March -nd. We would like to sue justice and respect shown t. biitli parties, fur are not all men breth eren ( Mr. Atchinson, of Itrowusville, had a sale on the 27lh, di-p s na of loss'..ek farming; utensils, etc. He i* inteiidini{ to eoiiimenee shoe',' .ij.ilu Mr. Samuel Kdtferton's sala i Tuesday. He if retirniK from the farm and is KUIVK into Dundalk to upend the remainder >f his days Mr. Wm. J. McLean, while chopping wood, made a severe |>ash in his foot. Mr. Noon, lately from Dm. freed, Kuot Und, paid a visit to friends in this part. He is an interesting talker, mid pluaaant hours were aprnl by Inn friends to t -ill-it of tho land of his birth. Mr. .oi.l Mrs. McMurdu have just re turned from Hamnton, where thvy ha< ijoiie tu see Mrs. Jus. Nicbol, ho wai seriously ill. Shu wits, however, some belter Iwfore they left. .Mr. !.. Campbell it still recnvcriug Mrs. .loauph Klack's child is sick. Miss Harriet littles bus ){ono to Dun dalk. Mr. Neil McFadyan is intending t. ei', i .t new house next summer. Thus. Campbell, jr., is sick and Mr l>. mu'iil Kersjnsoii, sr. , is aUo sick. Mr Deans had tho misfortune of bav iii|< lilt lain burned The tire broke out in tho ineriutiu beforo any of th. n had been out. How the tiro un^inutei is a mystery as no tracks could be seei to or fr.uu the building. Thoy unt of the stock out but lost all the farn produce, uto. Mr. Daniel Kert<usi,n tins moved t I'M \. in\ ilie So *hen we luse J J. w will be bereft of two citizeitx, hut we are eT|iei IIIIK ilu'ir (iliirus to li tilled by (ierinvis from Nornianby, it tinsinitl and saddler. Mr. 1,'hn Mi-Coll, of Dromore, diei on Thursday after a lnnt( illness, sup posrd to be a cancer inside. He leaves a wife and two sradl eh. id ren. A chiU of Mr. and Mrs ft. Hall, ag, - three yean, died on Kp !y. ' Klinlnrl, > From our own Currrtpondent . Mesars. A. Ellis H. Lawrence and J. iurritt, and Miss May Ellis intend leav- ng neit week for New Hampshire, IS.. where they intend residiiiK for some time. Also Mr. A. McLean and Mr. Charles Vickeus intend goiui( to Ohio shortly. Mr. John McConnell has rented the arpentar shop uf Mr. J. H. Fawcctt and las comnifiiced oiivratioii. Succesa John. Mr. J. II. >(. blacksmith in this place or the pant 11 months, left for Hasting 'o. on Tuesday last. The funeral sermon of the lute Mr. McLean was preached .m Sunday the J-'nd inst.. by Kuv. \V. Moore,. .f Heath ote, from lirst epistle of IVter, lir-t ,-liapter and 24th vene. "For all Hesli s as u'laiti, nnd all the glory of man as the Dower of The L'rass witliereth and the fl.iwer thereof falleth awa, but the woid of the L>rd endnreth forevt-r." On Monday evening. 2,'l r d inst., quitK a niiiolx-r of the member* aud friends of the church and Sabbath school vathureil st the residence of J. M. Thurston for he purpose of presenting Miss 8. A, Thompson with a small present as a slight token of their esteem and regard towards her as organist in the church and Sunday School. Mias Thompson been a rendeiit of KniiU-rley for about ten yean, dunnt; which time she las won the respect of all who became acquainted with her. Since the erection uf the church here she has held the p- sition of ortianist. In church work as well as in social circles she will be missed very much, but we know that what is uur 11.1 will be. gain to the people of Ravenna. The choir in the church will Huatain a .' loss by the removal of Miss T. from this place, but this should remind us that we cannot sinv in these choirs always, and this being the case we should be prepared for a home beyond where we shall be able to sing aa one un- broken choir forever. Tu Mitt S. A. T/i, mi/.* in : I ' >i. PRIKNII : It 11 with feeling" of sorrow that we learn uf Your removal from u \V> lung uK" leHriif >l to appreciate your company with us in our church and social relation*. You bave ever Leen ready to len.l a helping him. I in all our enterprises. Yuur servioes an , r>.- unit in tbe Mrth..<li-t church of tlni pi-ice have lieea very belprnl, as has alno your I. 'iik' xrrvice. Yu hare also filled un important place in the I 'm. i, S S. for a number of years antl now in return cau- iOt allow ynil to leave us without iu seme way e\|ire--iny ,mr ^rntitude fur all your ndiie.", l'leive accept tin I., \ ith its cuiiU'iits, notas acoinpeniatiou for labur but as a nniiieiito.a rrimmbranff of your frirmU iu Kinibrrlry, and allow UK to wish you in your change of amiociation ami Burri.imd- ings u deal of joy and happiuoBi, aud we pray that you ilh us may be ready when the Muster call*. Sinn, il in behalf of the church and Vniun Sunday School. Frnm otir oir Corrtipondmt. The Orange soiree at Eugenia was by far the l>est entertainment of the Meason. Notwithstanding the state of the roads aftur thu recent thaw the hall was crowded. A good supper, served by Mrs. Thompson, of Fleshrtou, was en- joyed by all. Klesherton idee club was Injhly >|'i'ieci.ite.l. also tho songN by Mr. Win. I'l-.ilir. and recitations by Miss Itr.'die. The dialogues by the yuung pi-opln of Kuyenia weru well rendered and showed good talent un their part. I he hall was beautifully decorated with .Aii^n-iim and ttowera, which proved that the Orani<enien took great pains to make it a pleasant evening. The worshipful County Master, Mr Jas. Hi .die, was chairman for the evening, win, h duty he is well qualified to per- form. The Worthy Master and msiubei- of Eugenia I/oyal Orange lodge teinbr their thanks to all their many friends who no kindly came to spend the evening with them. They sincerely hope there will never be any thing to mar the good fouling which prevails toward them from all tbe community, and hope they will all meet again in the near future. The piiH-eeds ot the evening amounted to h'fty-nve dollars. Kuuema Oranifo Indite can of lutvmg seven brothers, all in tbe one Iml^e, one of them master of the lo life. Thoy are the sons of Mr. John William*. Mr* Crowe returned home on Satur- day from a n-.ii to her daughter's near K-levlllu. Mrs. Untler, of Tuninto, U at the 1. 1 . i. ni time recrutmit her failiiit! health with her friend, Mn t'trks, of Salem. .-...... Wurrhnni. h'ni.H i.iir iiirii I'lirreufkiHili nt. A meeting was he d in Osguode hall on Tuesday evening, in the interest of Dr. S|Toiile.. Ablo speeches were given by Major llorke, M. P. I', and Dr. The etmi( was well attended and good ..r.,. i prevailetl. Mr. Alex. M.-Uui ;hhn had a sale on Thursday. Uood prices n-ah/ed. Mr. John Cnrren has sold In-, farm t. Mr. Jamus Arnott. Hu haa purchased a i.iiin near Duntrnon ami will reiaovi there this week Wonder if James is go in.: to keep bach. \\ e also wonder why Huff takes su many trips to your village lately. Mr. M Hm kr sold n pair of steers lasl week to H. Madden, of Ouprey, for which he realized over one hundred dollars. Mr. Joseph Miles, of Itrandoii, former- ly of this locality, intondi returninu in the spring to dispose of hli property here. Mr. George Brown, jr., hat taken up lu.-i abode hr. Ai (ieorge U very popu- THE POPULAR PEARL STOVES. CALL AT. 00O mil And see the 812 Cook Stove, 17 with Furniture. Ur with the ladies we will await furtl.vr developments A tea-meeting was held in Maxwell Presbyterian church on \Vedu*wday even- nintf, at which our choir tooR an active IMI ' Wonder what happened thu duet. Mias Edith Hutchinsoii, uf Inistiuge, is visiting frn-nd- here. A youug visitor, whose name wu have not learned, arrived at Mr. Jease Qruin- ,11, MI last week. Mr. M. Kobmson haa purchased his ruiK stock. IxM>k out for t>iiiu biHited. J. P. MARMIALL, L. D. H.. . n M.. in M I > I Visits Markdale the 1st and :irt! Wednes- day uf each month. Klesherton each trip on tbe day following. j. w. ! /t.irrnfrr, .V,i/ir ifor. <;.,, 11, in, rr. FLBMUBKTON Orrn-K. NEXT PONT OPPVK SPH.H n i Hl'ILlU.NU, ,'> Tilt KXIIAYH. OWKN SOl'M) omt'K. Kilo -us !< n IMM. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Sol id I or, <\c. Office, over McFarlaiul's Store Markdnlr. Money i,. Loan. W. J. BKLLAMY TWP. cl.hHK <KTI:HRSU. '^; A<:-r AC Di:i:i>s Mull Tli \l,l S I r. *>!>.. A r . prewar tM\ ail. I ltl..p.rl\ exeellte.l 1 M- M rKIn .' H!!. i- ult In ftrAt-clasa uoiii|anlt. Uonvv to It'iul at went rate*. DR. CARTKR, M.C.I'. A S.,OM. PIIYSI'I4>. NI i:.i (>. A, . KLKSIIKHTON. Office. Strain's block. Residence, J. (I. Rtinsel'i DRS. SPROULC &EGO MAKKDALK ONT. OmT : 1l.inli-> x 1| lie Mori- T.H. Hl'HOUI.K.M.Ii.i'tr. ANOI'S KCH.M P eto lain of TotsouJiain, (Hit IM I 'no will bo foundat Markdale H.meat night /, P. OTTEWELL, VKTKRIXABV SindKON, Graduate uf Ontario Vet, College, Rlijcuc 6r door couth ot leitcn i t shop. FLBSHKKTON Ri J. Sprou e, pOSTMASTKR, t'lesherloii.Conuivn,, er in It. R., . \in-t:., i, err. Cell veyancer, Appraisi-r and M i:e lender. Heal F.statn nn,l luKuranne Ay-ut. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and WilS .irawn up and Valuations made on sliorVit notiiw. Anc tion 8al attended to iu uny pitry uf tlie County. Vloiiey to luun .it low. .it rules of interest. Cullt-ctioiui attended t,, with proraptneis and ilexpatrii Churls low. AKuiitforlh* liorainiua St. :i.i.-l ipCempaay. Cheap tickets from I'lvxhciton t<. Liverpool, Glasgow, London or anv of tlin ' ntish OrtS. I'lirticst illtellil'll;' tuMril I ! ','ltnd, Seotlaiid ur Ireland, \.ill |,1 . ;ea be- fore pi-rebasiog their tieketN ,-Uewbere. Flesherton Livery Stables. D. fLAYTOJ, Proprk r. First eland horns* an<l >. i ', ' I iro at rasouaM raton. Slal.u in.,. . bOtul >:i>W>la>l t*t>Ullt>ll I'KHl 111 tmssBees. Vf.AKT I,,,..',- tli..><.ltl>i..i.liir',,.| *' >'."' '* ' ! ... , ,. . >n>ril.UTUcllo,,.nlll .ik b..i,. -.n, 1km Tk,.. rh,.k^,. l. II, l_ k , .,,,, ,,,. | Ik. MaMlMI ,.l f m|>l.,i urul^l lllrk ,..,..,, So nu.u for UM|M Mr*Mftei M !> I . I >k**r* but o nvrkti ftom Mck Jun, ..,,1 ', .. ., n.kl.| a.., MVSe )..!. I >.u p-ii^kv. r u kit. A.I ,, N. Be> . t.j... .