Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Feb 1891, p. 7

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MOffATS BILL-OF-FARE. The Lieut.-Governor Delivers His Speech From the Throne. Difference Between the Province and Dominion The Laud Improvement Fund The Agricultural and Hlalug Interest* Krporta on frUun Keform and Fish and (lame Amendment* tu the JBlectlon and B<luc-:it!im Law* Expenditure of Public Fund* and estimate*. TOBOHTO, Feb. Tho Li- at. Governor oame down to the Parliament House at 3 o'clock tbis afternoon and delivered tbe following Speech from tbe Throne : I have great pleasure in welcoming you to your legislative duties as member* of a new Parliament. I am happy to state that o considerable advance has o*u made since the last session cf the Legislature towards o settlement of most of th.: lung-pending differences between tbe Province and the Dominion. At a rtcsnt conference whioh took place between my Goverment and the representatives of the Governments of the Dominion and Qneb.'O, definite arrange- ments were mane for an arbitration to settle questions of account, and far refer- ring to the courts in fr-.endly actions seme of the constitutional ijuestions which have arisen. Olher differences ara still the subject of negotiaiion. A settlement of most of these matters dnricg the present year may reasonably be expected. A BUI ao to tbe proposed arbitration will be laid before yon. LAND IMI'HOVEMEST KCKD. I regret that tbe Government of Quebec retains its old attitude witb respect to the land improvement fund, and in view of the continued delay, and ot the arrangements effected for tbe amicable settlement by arbitration and otherwise of most ot the other questions in which the two Provinces are interested, I commend to ;oor oon stderation the propriety ot now paying over to the municipalities concerned 'be share chargeable against this Province, without waiting longer far a settlement ot the balance whioh is u aimed to be chargeable as the share of Quebec. rABJsISO AM, IBB PUBLIC HEALTH. I am greatly pleased to observe the increasing interest which is t*kn in im proved methods of agriculture, aa evincsd by tbe marked success which attends tbe seosions o! Farmers' Institutes, and by the growing demand for the reports and bul- letins of tbe Department ot Agriculture. I sake pleasure in directing your attention to tbo work done in promoticg tbe public health through the operations of the Pro- vtacitl Board, the disseminating ot sani tary literature and tbe increasing efficiency of local boards. Endemic diseases hav been notably less, and an impetus has been given to the construction of public water works and sewage systems. To aid efficient work of a scientific nature, a laboratory has been established ia connection with tho Provincial Board for investigation a into the causes of disease. A Bill will probably be laid before yon supplying some detects ascertained by experience in the precen statutory provisions respecting the Board of Health. TBE SICK EL It having recently been ascertained beyond doubt that tbe Province possesses immense deposits of uiokel, a metal wbicl is likely to be of great economic use am value io tbe immediate future, my advisers deemed tbw time opportune for makioi some changes in the laws relating to the ale of mining lands, and a pan ot tbe A $0,000 SKI/HUB. ACaMofJewelry eui lute the Hand* of the uiutouu People. There arrived in Toronto a few days ago Samuel Close, a middle-aged English- .an, and hia pretty wife, a petite blonde, hey went to the Empress Hotel, at Young nd Gould streets, where they yet remain, inoe their arrival Close has made many nioopessful efforts to dispose of large uantity of jewelry that he had in his issession by absolute sale, it is said, ithongh he himself denies that he intended o do more than pledge the valuables as eonrity for a loan, 'the last man he inter- ewed, he says, was C. M. Henderson, the oung street auctioneer, whom be called pen on Friday. Mr. Henderson asked im a great many questions and then re- aested him to call on Saturday, by whicn me he would have thought tbe matter vet. On Saturday Aoting Ccllfctor of nstoms Douglas and Customs Officer B. nderson went to the Empress Hotel, and [ter in terrc gating Cloee as to bow the iwelry bad grt into Canada without pay- ig dnty seized the goods on the ground lat the owner had defrauded the customs. hey took them dcwn to the Custom House and stowei them away in the vault. The mount that should have been collected on lem would have been about 31,000. Mr. )om>leu values the jewellery at about 5,000. Close, who Uvea in New York, oame to Canada by way of Buffalo and nspensicn Bridge, and it is stated that he vaded tbe customs authorities at the latter joint by concealing the jewelry under the seat occupied by bis wife and himself. Irrigation In Australia. Australia has in her vast pastoral areas onrces of wealtn as great and more per- manent than those of her mines. Already be has nearly 100,000 000 of sheep, which in the mild olimate and under tbe nanny ky of tbe country require no shelter broaghoul the year, and no food bevond what they g^t on the open plains. It it rue that the sunny sky may change to a ky of brass, and that drought is the dread t the Australian shepherd, herdsmen and armer. Occasionally there is a succession f dry seasons, and then sheep have per- shed by millions and cattle by thousands n the more remote stations. To master recurring droughts U the great problem of Australia's inland future. Here, as else- (here, challenges man's free ad- anoe, anil plaoea some special obstacle n his way. Australians are facing their ask with energy, oootUeuoe and be promise of much success. 'hey have learned tbe art ot drawing wealth even from scrub land of which a single sheep requires several acres far its npport. Irrigation works on a large oale have been begun in Victoria and Jonth Australia. The storage of wa:er in eservoirs is beiag carried ont in a largs ay by municipalities and private com- anies Throughout Ne* South Wales aid Queensland the boring of artesian wells has met with satisfactory success. l)aoe given tbe certain means ot carrying he docks and herds through tbe occasional wriods of drought, there seems no limit to ho pastoral capacity of snob immense jrovinces as New South Wales and Queens- and. With completed systems ot irriga- tion Australia promises to become one of the greatest grape and trait growing countries in the world. The many diffi- nlties with which men are confronted on this great oontinent are more than matched jy its wonderful portabilities. Qturge R. Parkin, in Century. A PBOIILIAB OHABAOTXB. Who Was nounoed From Buffalo. Writing Offensive Letter* U Thit City. The Chief of Polioe has been advised of the presence in this city of one Joan Patrick Clifton Pritohard, who since arriv- ing here lees than a week ago has been amusing himself by writing offensive and insulting letters to the polios, to the magis- trate and to private individuals in Buffalo who befriended him while there. A week ago Pritohard was givun tbe option ot getting ont of Buffalo in an hour and a half or of going to the workhouse. Mr. Bursham, steward of the Pbuioix Club, of that city, on whom the man is said to have sponged, laid an information against him. Since coming to Hamilton the fellow has been writing offensive Utters to Rav. Melville Covd, who conducted tbe mission at Christ Church Cathedral, Rav. E. M. Bland and others, and has evon addressed thu Chief of Polioe. Pritohard attended a service in the Cathedral and dropped an insulting letter in the offertory plate. Subsequently he wrote to Mr. Boyd re the collection. A postscript to his letter read as follows : P. 8. Difference* between and result* of Mr. Boyd's actual begging and obtaining and ill-, rricuard's allogei bulging Mr. Huyrl bag a large and assurud income ; Mr 1'rieliard is actually and veritably >tamn for brand and bad no place tbe nigut to *leep in. Ue was aunt to Mr. Kiteon an.l got ouo dollar and was told be ooald nave no more. This dollar was all he ever bad or aaked from Christ i followers, and all be ever would accept now. Mr. Boyd gut probably NO or 1UO dollars. Who was the urtebS beggar '.' To another letter the man added tbe following postscript : Two of the moat brazen-facedscoundrels In the way at begging I ever met are your ui-ighbor, Ue Witt Talmage and Mr. Joseph. u.i calls himself docturi. City Temple, London These two men "take the buiacuit" as two arch uiipoatorf . Gen- eral Booth is smarter than either, but I think booth i sincere. Chief McEinnon had Pritchard on the oarpet and gave him a warning on Satur- day, but since then he has written to tbe Chief. He is an Englishman about 40 yean old, 5 feet 7 inches high, and wears a moustache. He is from London, and poses as a journalist and expert accountant. Win. Heml-le's >'ew Deal. The transfers last week in Michigan avenue property will easily figure up to over *400,000, the principal sale in this direction being the Ten Eycke farm of 600 acres to a syndicate composed of George and Streathern Hendrie and Cameron Carrie, of Detroit, and Wm. Hendrie, of Hamilton, Ont. This farm lieu on both ides of Michigan avenue, and haa aVmt a mile and a half of frontage on tbe Rouge River and about the same on the Miobigan Central Railroad. A portion of thi farm U still in a primeval condition and rise* gradually from tbe river bank, roakir- it one of the grandest places for subdividing anywhere in the vicinity ot Detroit. The deal was made throngh K Iward I. Slimson, who also sold tbe Franklin Moore farm for James B. McKty. This farm consists of 190 acres and fronts on the south bank of the Rong;, directly opposite the Ten Eycke farm. It is cut through by the South Dearborn unrl also by tbe River Rouge road. Detroit Neici. rlubj-n Kducatio*. Direct mental habits may be formed districts of Algoma and Nipinsiug in an near tho nickel-bearing region was with drawn from sale and location until yon could be consulted. I commend to yon attention a measure respecting our mining lands, which is to be submitted for your oonsideration. PRISON BirOBJf AMD F1S11 ASU UAJU. During the recess I issued a oommusioi to inquire into the snojeot ot prison re form and another into th*> subjoot of th fish and game laws. Tbe reports of th commissioners on both subjects are ex pooled to be completed and ready fo distribution during the present session and in ease ot their being received in tim bills will be laid before yon for considers lion. NEW LKOULATION PROMISED Among other bills to be submitted fo yoar consideration are a bill making ce tain improvements in the tleotion la which another general election haa sat, Hooted; bills making some amend naents oar education laws in tbe light of the nv years' experience whiob has been had sine the last revision; a bill regulating tbe charters to be granted to loan companies ; a bill securing a lien to workmen on saw. logs in the western districts of the Pro- vince, and a bill to make provision respect- ing the marriages of Quakers and others. SALE OF TIMBXB. The public interests and the wants ot those engaged in the northwest t<f the Prov- ince appeared recently to require that a limited number ot timber berths west ot Port Arthor should be offered for sale. A public sale was therefore held in October ladt and lair prices were realized. A return of tbe particulars will be presented for your information. EXPEMblTOBB AM) ESTIMATES The public accounts for the past year will be laid before >ou. Yon will be pleased to learn that tbe expenditure bas been kept within the appropriations and that the aggregate revenue has exceeded the amount anticipated. Tbe estimates for the current year will be presented for your approval. They will be found to be framed with a due regard to economy and to the necessities of the public service. I fsel assured that your deliberations will be characterized by wisdom and I patriotism, and will conduce to the happi nesa and prosperity of tbe people. tven in tbe youngest children. A baby not yet old enough to walk should be subject to an orderly and systematic coarse ot train- Ing. In tbe tender > tars, when the inc'eQniio Is becoming definite to tbe pure thought o: a child, tbe greatest of care should be exer- cised. Sarah E Wiltae gives an interesting example iu tbe case of a very young child ami a watch : " A baby recently to.-k my watob, and, aa a matter of coarse was about to oarry it to her month. I sMd, ' Not mouth, ear,' putting tbe watch to my ear, and then to hers. Bbe undoubt- edly caught tho sound, and after a few efforts could carry tbe watch to bar own ear. to her mother's, her sister's and mine, taking evident d light in tbe attempted order involve! in giving each a turn. There was evident difficulty in overcoming tho muscular tendency to carry the watob to her own month, the little hands flour- ishing about in a bewildered way whon attempting this feat, but making mush more direct and tree movements when seeking tbe ear ot another ; in the latter she was, of ooarte, aideU by tbe presenta- tion ot the ear. It would have been a mental injury to the child had wo puzzled u.r by rir< renting tbe month, or distracted icr atitiuiion hy presenting tbe oat for her stroke." Ilu Kindergarten (Chicago) for February. Saturday atternoon tbe Windsor A Sandwich Street Railway changed bands. L'he oonsidei ation was $26,000, and tbe inrcbaeere were James H. Clark, of Toledo, Ohio, capitalist ; WUlis C. Turner, I Detroit, electrical engineer, and Edward A. Uott, of Detroit, councillor- at law. a RECIPE FOB A DAY. Take a little dash of water cold And a little leaven of prayer. Anil a little bit of morning gold Dissolved in tbe morning air. Add to your meal some merriment And a thought for kith and kin, And tfaen, a* your priniu Ingredient, A plenty of work thrown in. But sploe It all wit h th* essence of love And a little whin* of play, Let a wise old book and a glanoe above Complete ibe well-made day. The Princess of Wales says that the reason why she does not appear more in public in London, and why she does not lake more exercise outdoors, is because, go where she will, she is annoyed by crowds ot loyal noodles, who hover around her steps and stare at her in undisguised admiration. Queen Victoria is said to dis On* Humane Driver. Ona day during the winter a line-look- ing horse attached to a grocer's waggon fell down in the middle ot a slippery pavement. The driver did not jump down and belabor the animal with a club as most drivers would have done. He did alight from bis waggon and loosen tho harness upon the horse Then he tcok from the waggon a lap robe and spread it upon tbe slippery pavement near the fallen horse's feet. Tbe intelligent animal did not mistake tho mnto suggestion. He eyed t'u< rcba for a moment, then be edged tronnd until his lest were upon it. With n effort be struggled to an upright position and then lifted his feet while tbe tbe driver picked up the robe. Our i'umb Animalt. ATTACKED BY ALABATBOMBa. Man Fall* Overboard and 1* Killed by the Bird*. During tbe passage of the Nova Soptian barque to Liverpool a moot extraordinary affair is reported to have occurred, showing alike the ferocious and dangerous proclivi- ties of tbe albatross, says the Pall Mall Gazette. The barque bad just got ont ot the latitude where rough weather is always encountered, and was sailing with fair wind when the cry of " Man overboard " sounded throughout tbe ship. The unfor- tunate fellow was a Dane, one of the crew, and be was seen at a short distance breasting thu waves. The barque was brought round, answering her helm instantly, and tbe vessel was soon on her way to the struggling man. Sud- denly two large albatrosses were seen to descend with an eagle- like swoop and at- tack tbe poor fellow in a terrible manner. Both birds dashed at him, acd to those on board the vessel it seemed as if they were endeavoring to gouge ont bis eyes with their hooked bills, while with their wings they kept beating the unfortunate man abon the head. The eight was a terrible one, but it did not last long, as tbe barque sailed over tbe course where the Dane had fallen over- board about seven minutes before, but he was nowhere to be seen. There was no doubt in the minds of those on board that the poor fellow was killed by the albatrosses, as be was a powerful swimmer and seemed to fiht desparately for a few moments with the ferocious birds. The Quod Old Time*. " Theu time* were good. Merchant* cared not a rash For any other fare, Than Johnny cake and inush. ' But now times have changed, and the plain and simple fare of the forefathers is done away witb. Patent flour, and high seasoned food, and strong drinks, bavs taken its place, and as a result, dvspepsia, impure blood, and diseases of the stomach, liver and lungs are nnmorons. This great change has led ona of tbe meat skillful physicians of the age to study ont a remedy for these modern disease*, wbicb be bas named his " Golden Uedioal Discovery." Dr. Pieroe in this nmedy has found a cure for Dyspeptis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Con- sumption, in its early stages, and " Liver Complaints." A Hard Hearted Hniibund. A ooroner sees many strange sights. Deputy Coroner was telling of a circumstance thai came under his nolioe recently that surpassed anything sver heard of in tbe way of heartless indiffer- ence. He was called to investigate a case where a man's wife bad died very sud- denly. It was plainly a case ot heart failure, but the husband insisted upon an autopsy. He not only wanted tbe autopsy, taut he wanted to see it performed. The body was placed on a table and the doctors began work. Tbe husband watched tvery movement very closely. Finally the liver and heart were exposed, and tbe heart was found to be greatly enlarged. Tbe husband, more deeply interested than ever, stepped forward and took hold of tbe heart with bis augers. " It made my blood run cold,' said tbe deputy, " acd I pushed the man away." He seemed to resent the coroner's action very much, and insisted on knowicf what caused hia wife's death. Tbe docto explained that it was caused by an enlarge msnt of the heart. " Wall, by thunder ! " mnsod tbe man, " I don't understand that. I supposed a big heart made folks generous- like, but that woman was the dnmdest, stingiest oritter I ever see." St. Louit Star. 1)0 HOUaEKBBriUM Know I to The.., Varluiu Little Hatters !*OTT Mentioned T That a little powdered borax added old starch stiffens linen beautifully T That a basin of oold water placed in an ven will soon lower the temperature .' That in baking oake with granulated sugar you should use a little less than the) recipe calls tor ? That clothes-pins are too cheap to stand oat of doors in cold weather pinning two arments together with one .' That a teaspoonfnl of pulverized sugar ifted (through a sieve) over the top cruet at a pie will add greatly to its appearance? That if fruit jars are filled with nioo apple sauce as soon as emptied it will bo very acceptable for aauoe, pies, puddings, to., next spring. That when soot tails upon a oarpet or ng, if covered thoroughly with salt, it uaa IB swept up without leaving a trace .' If one rial is not sufficient, give it another. That if a little soft (not melted) lard or >nlter is rubbed over the top of bread iougb when in a mass and after being molded into loaves, a hard crust will bo avoided ? That if a teaonpful of oold water io added to a well- beaten egg and enough ot be mixture used to moisten tbe ground coffee before it is made it will be quite a saving of eggs over the old method ? | Jimmy io a very unfortunate boy," said Mrs. Simpson. " He joined aa .thletio club and the first time be won* there he broke one of the beet records they had." A portrait ot President Oarfield, which was painted at the order of General Col- is to present to Queen Victoria, was ex- libited at tbe rooms of the Ohio society in New York Monday night. The first gymnasium or college for women in Rome is to be opened on April at, in accordance with the order at the Coitus Minister Boselli. The grade of ihe new institution is to be that ot tho technical schools, and the object is so enable young women to prepare them- selves to enter tbe universities. U. O. * L '(. 91 Mrs. H. M. Stanley was somewhat astonished at tbe opportunities tor the study of anatomy which were afforded in Boston drawing rooms. She said : " Al a drawing room in season yon would not find any English lady as low out as we aa win Boston during our stay. Moot of the anatomical exhibitions were pro- no unoed ' quite good,' but others were, In Am arioan emphasis, ' simply tearful.' " like London for similar reasons, but undoubtedly that is one of the discomforts of high rank. ' Jack Dempaey and his wife have arrived at Portland. Before Dempsey left New Orleans a benefit was arranged for him, and Fitzsimmons volunteered to box Kilrain. Dempsey refused to aooept, say ing that the public did not have any use tor a bser. Bow a Beautiful flower wa* Named. An old legend tells ot two lovers, walking by tbe river Rhine. Tbe la iy begged ber suitor to pluck a little pale-bloe flower, growing o-i the bank. Ia doing so, he fell into the water, and was drowsed; but, while sinking, be threw tbo flower to her, and cried : " Forget me not I " Thousands of women will never forKt what Dr. Pierou's Favorite Prescription has done for them. It i prepared specially to cure those diseases from whicn they alone so tf or, and often in silenoo, ra'her than consult a physician as periodical pains, weak back, prolapsus, and all uterine troubles. Purely vegetable, and iuartintrr<l to give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Refused to be Lied About. A t;ay young married woman ol Cairo, Illinois, was sauntering homeward tbe other nigbt when a youn*; man ooming up with her took her arm and volunteered to escort her. Sho repelled him and blabbed that it was a young married neighbor. Ue denied. She cornered him ia bis own borne before his yunug wife. Ue denied again. 8h jerked forth a hornnbip. He grabbed her, took her across bis knee, spanked her soundly, looked her in a room and tent for her husband, to whom he turned bar over as slightly off mentally. General von Brain committed suicide at Berlin yesterday. Old Mr. Hnatle (to young lady applicant for position as tjpuwntcr) Can yon spell well ? Young Lady Applicant Yes, sir, ordinarily ; but I sometimes get tangled op when it comes to " artesian." "I always start my tire witb the Bazoo," said the editor of the clarion. Why do yon do that ?" " Its editorials are highly in flammable, and its affidavits aave the ex- pense ot a blower." The wives ot the Scotch railway strikers were even more enthusiastic than their lusbands, and urged them to flgbt to the ast ditch. In many oases they undertook the dot} of picketing. The wife of an engine driver who displayed reluctance to leave his work, finding her husband re- mained deaf to her remonstrances, climbed up on bis engine and, pulling him off, car- ried bim away in triumph. Farmer Teastraw \Vell, son, wbat did you learn at college ? Son I learned to fence, for one thing. Farmer Peastraw That's good ; I'll get some nails to-morrow and we'll have a boat. MOBSBSS) The Chicago Cricket Club decided to org%uiz9 from among its members a fool- bil team to go to Canada and play tbe varions clubs there. The start will be made about May 22nd, and the first game ia to be played al Toronto on tbe Jltb, the Queen's Birthday. A Huudrvd Year* to Come. Wouldn't you like to live until the year A. D. 2000 just to see the people and the world generally ? Who knows but yon might, it you observe the laws of health, and keep the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in full action. Tbe best medioine known for this is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are small, sn^ar coated grannies, but powerful to oore ; produce no nausea or ijriping ; easy to tike, and a sure jure for biiliousneas, constipation, headaohe, and diseasee produced by an inactive liver. A convenient vest pocKet remedy. Senator Edmunds is known to be a man who rarely displays any warmth of temper. Yal, a Washington correspondent says, be got very angry a week or t*n ago. It seems that a change bad been made in the bonate caterer. Tbe new caterer was not aware of tbe New England fondness for the succulent bean prepared in Boston style. Now, to prepare tbe bsaii to suit tbe Nsw England palate, involves a large amount of skill and energy which tbe new caterer thought unnecessary ao long as be oould get tbe article prepared in cans, and as a result be off >red the latter to hia patron. Senator Edmunds, who 19 a judge >t beans, immediately detected tbe cheat that was i being put upon bim, and he raised a i rumpus that ceased only when the genuine bean prepared in Boston style, on tbe spot, was placed before bim. There are things over which the great New Englander will permit no trifling, and the bean of our forefathers is one of them. The Princess of Wales has given orders that nothing need be submitted for her inspection, or that of her daughters, in which birds are used as trimming. THE NEW WEBSTER JCST PUBLISHED EMTIRELT HEW. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL, DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for tho Family, th Si-huul, ur thu Library. 1 1 : r- >- '. . "V.-i 111 Yoara, M . , i MI -.irial lairers employed. S>- '," i \ i lir-l copy w:t* printed. 'ritual . vim million invit. .). <;<-tthi- Meet. So|il'<y'ul ! i luslrated pampblettrea, U. * C. MKUKI AM & <>.. Publisher*. Sprln-rnt-lil, Mat*., I'. . A. Caution: -n i-ned several cheap r i u of \s. i i. r'*l . y, an edition teas; incc guperannuutt < I. is .ir- uivea various uanii-n, - W. bt-u-r H l''ml'ruig.-il," "Tbe ireat W.-ri*UT'n liu-tionury.' 1 - >~i.-r' Bin Uli'tinnary," " Webster's Encyclopedic Dictiona- ry." ' I' 1 . ' U-- announcements SOSMSffoJoo thorn are V.TV n,iM.;rtUmif, ac* the iHMiy t-f i-ach, frnm A to Z, is 44 years olti, un<l j,ri:iU,',l l-"in tiniip ]>ialea made by photographing the ol<l page*. POSITIVE CUBE FOB TOBACCO -t habit. One dollar. Address P. 0. boa 131. Gladstone. N. J. scorn In its First Stages. i Palatable as Milk. Be sure you i;ct the genuine in Salmon olor wrap)icr; sold by all Druggisis, at -,oc. and Sl.oo. SCO IT & MOWXE, ISoUevillc. TO THK KIHTOK : Plea inform your readers that I have a positive remedy i jve named disease. By it* timely use thousands of hopeless cases >>ave been permanently cssN shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FRM to any 01 your readers wuo najjj" sj and Post Offic* Address. Respectful!*, T. A. *)LOO*JB ONTO. ONTARIO. I snail be (lad to send two bottles of n tiimption if they will send me f heir Exiirrs M.c. iO Went Adelaide rt.. TOMC I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 say Cure) I do not merely to step them for a time, and t MEANARADICAI CURB. 1 have made the disease of T aave them letuvn again. __ Rpiloiaey or Falling; Slcfcn*M a ufe-luug study. I warrant n-y remedy to Curt) , worst cases. Because others have (ailed is uo reason for not now receiving a core. Send once for a treatise and * Free) Bottle) of my Infallible) Rcmd> Crrs Exprsn , /ottOflc*. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cur* you. AJdres*--M. O. ttC I , CV. aranoh Otflo% loo WaT? MMLA1OC TPJBaT, TORONTO.

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