ADVANCE. It. I \Kf\G (JFUCE OF GEO. MITCHELL, FIjBSHERiON. \ c>irl banking bmie tra*actcd O i'i i- I|T' >! it < eaihed al astal rates .'!". lwi.ri a-.tilable for legitimate b^ioe>> tl/rica two doors north of Rickardsr > A Co'i Vicinity Chips. < liararteristies f chf Fast Week CaroCnlly I nlii-<l fr the Cunouv Count;.- cincil is in teuton at Oven S..unJ this week. Two i" !. were knu;ht ; by Flether- ton hunter* hut wevk. Plums in midwinter at R:cUrd* n A CtTs cietiu.' tale. Meafr.rd it mi the hunt f-r Industrie* liut refuses to boom thi>. Private fan-is t let nn m<Tt,'*3. In- cerest low. Apply M. Richard- !. ..- M. thaw predicted 1'ile* f CuO'l. streaming fixin M l'..eliar Uon & CV eieariBf tJ* Mr. Tt><. Guniy. reeve of Eaphnsia, was eta-ted warden at tUe cmnty coun- cil on Tuesday. Mr. Charlie Stewart wa attending the cuureitiuu at Wooditoclc last wk. Tender* are asked for biildiui: a brick ! auaie tu Proton. .See *dertie- inent. Rare rhaiire t.i secure ckesp good* -TtrrJU({ at RichrJ"U A .'' N ith (Irey Reformer* will m>- I 14 to n.iuirute a ei r the ..f Coiniuons. BiKnce of winter t.H.-k must gn, and T. Leitch's you will be i !{ in clothe* ^*d and ehe.i . The SV.'A- llr*. annual catalogue u* IH*II received. It i* a model of neatiwsa and a mii.e of information tv-.;ardiM5 llowers and the uMufbU left hand. The hand was caught in a press an<i terribly lacerated. Dn. Landerktn and Hay dreamed the wound and amputated one tiiijer Stave Timber Mr S. Dauiude ha* purchased a large amount of slar timber thi winter, hut till wanu uii .re. He la paying I". 25 per c>rd, winch is a ui<d prico. Bring in your itav timber. Tea At Kimberley. A very successful teaiueetma: wa held in the uni'.u church. Kiiuberlry, mi Fri- day evening last. There waa a lan<e crowd nf people preaent, and the pro- ceed* amounted t- $50 50 Lc*l taleut mainly entertained the audience. Pro. coeds applied towards the church. nothing at fcaJf prices nd a hat '*r a .:. (.r TI..J/ y.,n .ug it Wrll at Uichar UUH * ' - cl~rng uU-. A Sudden Leath N iv<:i ed F;^hert..n on Tuesday ..f the sudden di-ath f Mr. Juhu Wbitby, if Markda.'.-, lr>ui sup|i<ed heart dia- eaae. !t ap|wn titat Mr. Whitb) dropped dead while JiorelliuK SDuw. Itect-asfd waa f.-r many year* assess- r of thi< t.' jhi['. and was of a pleaa- MU, affable di*)MM>ti it. Of lat years he IMI been rrsultn.' in MarLdale. He "ill be mourned .<y a !*r,'e circle of frieud* Social. The prwkyUTian peuf4 < this place wen' in force n \V(-duedy uitrht of lt week to the handsome new and modious wejdence nt Mr. Dav: : - ab<-ut three uile wuth of Flealu where a iui* enjnyhie evening w tpent iu siiciat pleasure. A small ad- inissu.u fee was chanted, and the pro ce*d* amounted to .<vet twenty dollar*. I. B. Lucas, barrister, of the firm I Lucas Owen S.mnJ. i at t!n f Win. Lama Jt Co.. 111 M*jrkdalx . \.ry Krr.Uy, a:xl iu Dmidalk. every Saturday. Mr. K. T. Carr h(* purvhtard the Eu- > saw null, lately owned Sy Mr. M. Akitt, and is now ><r{>ared to do custom votk. S<e Ull for announcement. Hero '.ier. J.Mepli Ctfoti^an. 4 you .man. who came from I>r I'-trnardn's H"iue. and who li.u for *onie tiuie p*t breu i.rkinj AIIIOO Ihtvi*ii. a fanner liv- ing iir.\r S.ieiiiurti-*. i* ciirjel with stealing ir MU his euiplnyer. Mr. 1' son. duriu.' In* ailsence.aome U-ice - a silver wtcS, a revolver and a note f..r $1.~> \ on winch he- obtained $10 at the b*nk. Mr. I'I.K -i l.nt week took out a warrant for Coti^an's arrvat and placed it iu the hauls of Crscal>l# Can- ning, but he has tu* y< beeu appre- heudevl. (.(toil* Julioiild J in ilis line at Richard* > & I'u'* alc. He sine and *e* the. bargains otltwrd at 1\ J. Leitch'* i* clotlnn/ for the next SO day*. A very vare chaiuv. in order to clean oat W.vie uf win tor tock. Th.i Hamilton S[nvttor in its new f. rm is .'lie uf the neatest and tn.^at aWe pujK-rt pul.lisUed IM Cattada. Vrteuu'aia i ounctl ha* offered a rei >>f ?i,"> fr tire ap(irt-heMion and con- VKtion of the lr f y who set lite to the Kirn .>f Sarah Slkvau. lot =. con. 6, Artcuieaia, Ust rail. Tea at Pn i \ vviy pU' i-iKor^unwent -as that fceld tin Thur*''' I'rotou Station. j ider tJi.- - ' t'u- I ui.'ii Sundsy scli>H>l. Tin* ch.M I i< >>r>K.!rMaiiii! very favorably, and has junH- i:t>niMi cln workers it its head. T! tct a* | I and the cnterrjuninei.?. which wa* nioftiy ! (,led ': imi theiiuelves, was of hull order. T!io pr-Hve.1* a:nounted tn $'J3, and at a utf<(iifiit social live were ailuetl thor-t.>. The atfmr Hould hive l^-eu a<lveiu*e.i m The Ad- vxace.lHit in^ to a nia*>l "tlicr notice* and job work it was uverlxiketl. \\\. can i-*i!y ap.>U>^uu- for the present and make *me ii* in the future. The PresliyU-rians of PMsMtoM hv t>een eiKWvorint; tu <wcire a resident minister here. I at Markdale ol.jtcts, and it is jxiasible there m.iy Ise a readjustment f this cl. - Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Hillis.nd their two *, of llathi-aU., PA, ta, ,\lio Mr.* and Mr* J*. HillM, of Hanover, O'it , cie ~ u-.U of Mr. Sinclair, of Mcaford Koad. i .n Monday and Tuesday last. Mantle* l hall j.r,e< . A full sued t veed uUlei for I1.V>*>/ Kicluid.n A {.',' clearing sale. The Adi ance had .1 (ih-asant call from Mi and Mrs. C. \T. . Rutltd-e, of the MarkdaU' Stand. ml. one day l.iat week ^Ir Kinlof^i- i !< i if. lv .nld^l a Pn-uty |ower prwus to hi* i-Atadlislnneiit. While wo ilo not think it w.ut wiv on his ; >rt tu do so. still it i* .in evidence of pr<*. (.(illy and The Adr.incv U-ndris cn- gratubtion.4. The Meafotd Hojid S,il.Uth sihool an- n versa ry lik-h was lu-M on Wcdnc* U.iy eveiuiii;, the 'Jl<t nut . ;i in evcr\ re|HVt a nrirked su\vss The waa very interostnn:. and .s in a inaniifr highly creviitnlil* to all who t >k iart. Tin- seoietary's re[>ort indi- -ate* that the school it in a pr*|Hsrou fonditi.iii. rr..c<- d-i ft^l. It Ffctches e:n 4 pniof of the eMcacy of advertising ha* latoly come uuder our notice which is worthy of repeating. Last fall two stray aiiimaU caine to the |>roinises of I Mr. .Is*. Stewart, of Kinilierley. He, like a wne in in. pl.tcetl .MI advertiM*nent in the VdiMiicv, Jiul within a few days a i;cntleman fp-iu Ilatteau P. IV, near Suyner.who had seen the ad'ertiseoient, .irrived at Mr. Stewart s, picked out his cattle from amon^ a uu<nl>er uf others, and U~>k them hmc rcj.-icim. The am- in.\U had >tra\vd frcn li 'iin a distxn.'e of nearly thirty lui'os during the suin- iner. I'lace your advcrtiMMiionu in The V'ivaiice every time Thin n a solid prm.f i.f iti value as an advertuinj; um. We.*r extii-nu-'y iioiry to U-*r' that Vr. Mitchell, of the Hanover Puat, met with sn accident in his office on Satur djn fhich will jtrvbably deprifo him uf Wed in \Vinuipeg. Ktvr IVe** :--A very pleasant event to<>k place last evemni: at the rveulcnce of Mr. J. K. Sproiile. 1 .':! tieorvi- St. .when hi bri-tlier. Mr. ,'olin C Sproule. >if this City, was united in the lomds of holy matrimony to Mis Annie K Wdc'l. daughter of Mi. Andrew \Vnddell. of Unlench, t>ut. The ceremory w.u |H-ifornil MV the Kev. A. C. Crvws, uf /.on church. The hiule wa assisted by Miv< A. S^- .it, of (lux ci'v, while' the biideMri-oin a supporttnl l>y Mr. A. Mar- tin uf Rapid city. Tke contracting pir t:e, heinij meinbers of tho Salvation Army. were attired in full rv.-uUti.'ii uni- form. After those piv*iit h.l i<Hrt:ikon of a very bountiful repaat, the happy i-ouple n-iaired to their home, :l'M Knit; St .Ainu! shower* of rice and wd wixhes. Sucoeeisful Meetings Thi%h bei> w* k -{.much iutanst in Flehrt'Mi. Church and temperance circle* hav bet- n agitated by an influx of talent which must leare an indelible (tamp f go*! influence U|>n thoae who have enjoyed the meetings. On Sunday the Methodist missionary serticea were marked with a much greater de^re* of suc- lin u-ual Rev Mr. Davey. chair- luau ..I "ie i.itrict. occupird the pulpit in the i .' jave a most masterly eriuon Ii. the evening a platform meet- in: was held, when MLSM Croasthvraite, a returned missionary fnun China, tare an interesting dc*cnpti m ..f miaaion work aio..nv' the Chinrv?. The collec- tion* and MhMripttoM wr-re couaiderably in eic8of U*t year > . M nday even- ing Miaa Cr.**thwaite jave her lecture upon China to a rery larx audience, which listened Kreathles* interest to her 2iitrtaiii!ii^ >-i|>enenc* among the j follower* of C'tifucius. She had with | her a num^r ; Chine cunoaitiea, the use* of which she explained. MLS* Crow- thwaite waa dre**<*i in the native coatume which *he wore n Ctuna. She i* a | woman ,,| much courage, of itentle feature*, and nupresaed her hearer* with the inUMi*.tT of her tenor for the cauae '< nii^ii-n v Tk in heathen China. It i* aeldoin the Methodist church h.i* held *n laive a c-io^rv^ation *, that which k.'r-s i-l the and she mu^t have been much i;rmtihed at the interest taken iu her work She purp-e* returning to her China mission next June. Wm.Clayton, Boot and shoe dealer, has a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, &c. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade hoots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. THE POPULAR PEARL STOVES. The i.oyal Band. The Royal Templar* of Flesherton have bectiuie somewhat cr>upicuou the incomplete success which attend* their effort* towards entertaining the < cao it .u inclement mther. and in others various cause* h*ve w,.rked together to produce di*- :I-;II!HT theuiselve* \ ':.! Revival ban>: :) \ week * enifage- v laat. This bard wa* c. - ' M - V roiito, an etiemetic worker in the cause and an rl<]uent *pe:. - \! >aid to K' of the tinest singers in Canada. Mr. ^' V a* per .1. . and was t. .have met his partner here, but was sa^iy dia; Mr. . .i no: arr:ve and ha* n >t ar- i rived up to the litne of writing. Where he i no .:. . I' find him. HI.WI > ir ::i the Town . where a > . was spent by the larae audience pr. - whicti listened attentively to a pourtrsys! - ~ . . l>ld London.' F>>r an o]fn. there as a spleiu'.id audit,iu-e present, and no doubt beforv the wtvk close* the Town Hall will scarcely be al-.< the number present, and more tsp. if Mr. Caiiheld puts in an a;>|>eartucv, as rtoii |m>| . nd appreciate - uiif. Aiiticip.itnii'. h <e\cr, he will not arrive, the Roval choir are practicing u ' some splendid piece* of music, with Mr Mou'.ls assist.*: take the place of the truant, an.l the meeting for this week will prove to be very in:*reti:ii: to tli>e lu> may at- tend. Mr M >ull i* also s. of an elocu'.ioniat and iiitertain* hi* aviuimce with recitation* which are not by any* the Irnst ;ntervit.n_: ]>ortion of his pr ^'-.iin. Attt'ti I the inevtin^s and en- joy tin-in. Ml Men . old. or nii'M'.- i;- i. i :'. i them- > nsie.i, ho arr l>ri>krn down (r. ni < xi-.-mw* or over work, re- tilun in nuuiv nt t': \' ..: .l.'pjr*~i.'ii. p'rinaf, . IOM of viinhty. low of lutiuory. bad dream*. 4sMMSSf sifka. laitatMi of Die heart. eniiiioii. !<-k .( . i.. ivy ;mn :n ihe k'.i- nev*. kMMMk*XyiMB4*l 'i tne f:ife or bo i* , itchiii)! or fecnhar sen*ti'>n alsv-.t tnnt. a*tini; o< the ,>rj;ii. d'i.-iu..- l'fore the rr. fMU-imi,; ol iho in::- eye li 1* and i-'.iewl'ere. bishfulr.- - in t!.i- urine. I.KWO! will jx-.-r. tiui. of tin 1 ca!p and spiiif. \n-.s slid flaM'V nm*ol. liesiri" to leej>. fsiiure to b^ r by "let'p. c.MKlipalion. diiMne* of hranu,;, . '. vouv. d.'*iri. f. r ohtnde. of ti-mp*r. suninii .-Te* Mirroundetl willi .K. inly l.H'kmi; ktn. etu . < ajfjtBtoBM *)f nervon* d > :it l?d t.. T mi,i i|.'h MH!-* filial uptui'.'or vr.l fore i 1 IMMIIJ i.'t it-, t' ihoiw ti.. thi'-'i^-h *hn*r oonimKt.' i -n i^n in n h. |i.-rTn:\n< ntlv cnr.^ 1 . - I lre!> f<v Nv> oil ! ,lii'i.- pprnliar to j man.,-> \! V. I.rii'N. '. r -.., t Si V . T.-T-ot-t >. i>n. l,H>i. MTi free sealed He >tt ilie 1*0. tho Tniin.iino( which are faiut fpt'll*. pnrpl* l:p. nunibn<^ I lion, skip Leal*, hot flabr. nih of to th, h' I. I nil pain iu the he*rt with t't.r <tion){. rpid sn.l irrt'dutkr, the won. I heart lwl (iiifker than the nrst. pain about th* breastbone, r\t . can j>-i lively be cured. rT. Send for book. Addrv M. V. l.rilON. ;.0 r*ont St-Ml.Ea.xt. T. - ,-uto. One And CALL AT. , * sMrs see the 812 Cook Stove, 817 with Furruture. URAL @ADIAN Agricultural Journal in Canada. EAD THE FOLLOWING LICT OF DEPART- MENTS : Rural Xo-t*s. Farm and Field. Garden and OrcbirJ. The DairTinan. Sh?cp =J S:rr. Uee and Honey. Home Ciri... Horses and Cat..f. Touitrv and l'e. *UOO A SenJ fcr List >^f I'rem.ucjs acJ Sample Copy ire*. Add RURAL CANADIAN, 5 Jordan St..TORONTO MONEY - . .. B. LAURENCE" SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOB AI.L DEFECTS Oi' VISION. " - **t K. *M r^ - f * <.'-i ... h . tt m i \ . . . ., . i^. IK I t: A iu. . rw . ^ r K w ltr . '- l .vi **m . , m #* F '- ,,. Mai S'^y ni , B ' f- CO-. Din-ham Bull for Service. sou IOBNTV T ^ < * ''''JUiea ha* i- ^- *" shovokfkknd. B^terMtX Dwtao i > nisr WWtoJijsJslym-fc Mrvle* > M : I. KB.I O n . ...isrm rn.--. .v. p K i. i. P - . , *.-tT. J c *i iva, FIW* t n T J