Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1891, p. 3

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f "TH* LAPSED MAMM." The member* of the Hamilton Minister- ial Association are going to try o nod out, at their next meeting, why o many people do not go to oharon. Rev. John Monou will rod a paper on " The Church and Her Estranged Caildna," and other ministers will give their visws. The qaee- tion ie ene that hai pazzled laymen, and many will be very glad if tha preacher* are able to decide it. Perhaps there ii not anarch-room (or the whole population of a city like Ihil, bai it ia certain that all the available room ii not aiiliz?d. Whofe fault nit? Are the people to blame ? Or the preacher*.' Or it the svsiem of religion at fault ? Do tbo*e who attend the churches act in such a way ai to keep otheri oat .' Or are tha non-oh arch-going people too proud, too sunny, tco lazy or too ignorant to oeet ID their lot with tnoe who compose the congregations ? ''. be teati in the charcbe* are comfort- able. 1'he music ia, aa a role, exotllent. The eervio-?a are iborl and not tedioot, and they are bel.l at conveniett hoarg. We can f ympatbita with the ioclinatioa of a workicgman to lie abed on Sunday morn- ing, after having been obliged to breakfast by lamplight th other liz morning*, in order to get to bit work at 7 a.m., bat arly he onald gi fan ileep oat asd b tidied up b-fore 11 o'clock, and he must have beeu tiirrmg long before the 7 p. m service begin). la *cm cast-s the lack of good clothe* and of motey to fat oa the plate may deter from attendance at obarob, bat we nolioed that wor kinsmen and their wives turned ont by hundreds to hear Frank Fogg talk in the Opera Boat* a few years ago : they kept their seats and gave attention for raora than mo hoars, and I iw of them failed to hocor the collec- tion plat*. He was talking about wages and oread and batter. Are the* > sabjcts of more importance than the destiny ol immortal tooli ? We do not propose to solve the problem for oar frirndt the ministers. It is too deep for a*. Bat we venture to iagge>t, as a branch topic whioh need* cleariug up. that there is a widespread feeling that the preachers are noi tboroagh believers in the doctrines they preacb, and that a little more of the ardor of conviction would prove a drawing card. Yaan ago, when higher education was noi so common, the circai riders at a camp meeting or a protra:u\ revival service thun-.ered away iu deac earnest. Whtlher tbe topic wa* the pains of hull or tbe love and pity of Christ, it wai plain that the preacher believed every wort be spoke, and the wickedest man ia thi congregation never doabted tbe preacher' sincerity. Then most people weal to charah. some perhaps only to visit am gossip. Out most of them to worship ; now many do not go to cbarch at all, and, o those who do go, many are ipeotators of and cot partakers in, tbe worship. It it i miiaomer to call ui a Christian people? To doubt the divine inspiration of oni word of the Old or New Xwtament nsed to be accounted sacrilege. Now doctors o uivi.t.:. icii us iLiat we cancot look to the Bible to teach uj what Christianity is, because the B'.bU is not a book, bat a library of many books, written in different age*, by authors wboie nanus are in, some cases aakuown ordiipated, aontaining here and there statement* that oannot be reconciled with tbe laws accepted by cieno*, or even with historical (act, and disfigured by variations, corruption* and interpolations of tbe text, which task all the energy of modern scholarship to remove them." The Greek version of the Old Testament differ* from tbe Hebrew, inter tiag, omitting and alteristr. and even the Hebrew version contains book* whioh are rejected by Hebrew commentators. In orthodox England, it is contended, since the publication of the Revised Y*r*ioa, that 8t. I'aal did not write the Epistle to the Hebrews and that St. Jade wrote the seen 1 1 Kpistle of IVter. Bat what, per- haps, will imprtsj, modern reader* more thau any other fact is. that the Lord's Prayer itaelf i* recognized by the Revised Vermon to have been corrupted by the addition of the concluding dciology, and that the same version prints as of doubtful author it) , not only the itory o! the woman taken in adultery (found in St. John' Gospel), bat even tbe last twelve verses ol the Gospel of St. Mark, the spuriousnsss ol wbiah, if proved, would destroy tbe earliest evangelistic evidence as to tbe Resarrec tion of Christ." This quotation it noi from Bob lugersoll, bat from K v Dr Abbott. Modern scholars brirg forward vtn plausible evidences to prove that Chris tianity is not an ordinal religion at all, bo an adaptation of Hoddhitrn. Is it possible that our learned preaoher* believe this, ant therefore have lost some of their ol< earnestness? Baddhism is religion with oat God, j ut as Comptism is Christianity wilhjul Chriat. Traveller* say ihat there il a startling difference) in the popil appreciation of Baddhiim and Christianity The former i* universally accepted, say in Burruah. while the daily h; and conduct of statesmen, priest and people alike deny the latte in Europe and America ; that whil Christianity i* loudly proclaimed by it drofeasors to be the only saving faith, am its missionaries are sent to preach it mysterioaa dogmas to the uttermost part of the earth, on tbe majority of English men, the most collared and the moat de graded, it exercise* no influence. Th mas* of the working clatse* igaore it alto gether, and the middle class, among whom it has the firmest and deepest root, d not seem under it* teaching to grow l.-s material." wall in this world or pay the penalty in h* next. We are aware that in writing tha* we ay be treading apon dangtroa* ground at we mean it for the best. It may help the Ministerial Association to arrive at a correct conclusion on this (abject of their choice, to know what laymen or sinners onbes, or even Pharisee* think about it. Women are believed to be the mainstay of he church**. They are more regular in ttendanoe, more devout, more charitable, more elt-sacrifising, more correct in thtir conduct, than men. Yet a woman wrote the following : Theology and the Army are both dying professions. I do not mean to indicate hat I think either will be dead in my time, bat they are on the down grade, looked at rom a sociological point of view. Train- og men for a life of battle to learn how to kill each other fastest and easiest is eursly of the past. Jbe days of warfare, et a* hope, are numbered. Just in pro- portion a* we are civi>ized, we will n*( ight and we are steadily approaching civilization. That i* why I say to Albert. Do not be a professional soldier. Uoa't am a dying profession. Take one on the op graae. lake on* that yoa will have to harry to keep ap with. Don't choo** on* .bat yon moat neea* loiter b-.-hind, sod hold back if yoa stay i speaking terms with it.' That i* what I said to him ab:ut the Army. Now as to hi* more recent notion The- ology. Here are exactly the same objec- tions. War and Theology belong to the same age. They belong to the infancy of the raoe. Tbe former is civilized by progre** to the extent of galling gans and torpedo boats ; thai latter to the verge et sealing hell over, and readicg the vicarious atonement and original sin oat of good society. Bat in the nature of things. Theology must get il* light from the past. It is bated on a revelation long lino* closed. It cannot *ay, We expect to revi** this ontil it fit* oar needs' a* in law, or medi- cine, ut journalism. The religion* law revtlatioa ii sealed. A clergyman who is honest mast go to the records of the dead past fcr his light, bis inspiration, hi* goid- ance. Tbe anal appeal of any orthodox clergyman wuut b.- toe Bible. He cannot doubt the jaalice of Jehovah, and be an orthodox clergy man. He oannot question the goodncsj of tbe Jewuh God, and be true to hi* ordination vow*. He cannot thrtw over what may shock or pain him in the New Testament ; he cannot maintain his mental integrity in discussing the mir- acles, and be an orthodox minister. In short, father, it Albert ever cutgrows the creed of a dead age, he will either have to stifle hi* manhood and hi* mental integ- rity, or he wil. have to throw over hi* pro- fessionone or the other. Every one knows how bard this last is for a minister to do. It mean* a loss, a draggle, a painful break with many year* of hi* life, with many loved and loving frieads, and often it means a vast deal more than that to a man so unhappily placed. Why. father, while people talk nch f the clergy doing gocd to their fellows, iving tor them and to save them, the ouorable. progressive physician is aotaally. oietly doing il. If there i* a heaven, and rippled soals go there, surely, rarely, there NATURAL GAS PBBIU. veral f nans Klllesl ! Wa hs lrobblr Add. d Border to v Wounded Other Otttsteca. A Findlay, O.. despatch sa>i : The fltst An Albany. N. Y., despatch aays : Tha great diaatter Finalay ha* tver experi Rtv. A. W. George it paator of tha Dutch eneed frcm the u*e of natural ga* occurred ! Reformed Church at Leeds, three mile* shortly before noon to-day. Wbile the I frcm Cattkill, going there from New Jersey guest* of the Hotel Marvin were wa ting to ! about three week* ago. Oa Friday evening Lx>tta c;aic be tammened to dinner, u was discovered ) Coroner Kortz was notified that that ga* wa* escaping from a leak tome- where iato the dining room. Mr Mai via, the owner of tbe building, with three plumber*, spent tbe entire forenoon Irving to locate the leak. About 10 o'clock they entered a chamber under the dinirg rcooi and found such an accumulation of gat that they ciold not breathe, and it wat suggetted thai a hole be tawed through the floor into the dining room in crder to obtain fretb air. Tbit wai done, and jail ai the hole wat made one cf the dining-room girls, who waa sweeping the floor, stepped apon a match, and in an inttant an txplosicn occurred which not only wrecked the building, bat killed two girlt and maimed and injured a dozen other employee*. The force of the explotion wa* to great that it blew out the dame ot tbe ignited gat, and no lire fol- owed tbe awful ruin which the shock caused. Tbe whole city was shaken by the concussion , and all tbe window* on the square were demolished, while the wreck of tbe hotel building wa* all but The only room* in tbe boose escaping destruction were the parlors and the office. Had the explosion occurred ten minutes later the loss of life weald have been frightful, as nearly a hundred people ware waiting in tee rooms to be called to dinner. When tbe work of removing tbe dead and rescuing the d>ing wa* begun, il wa* foacd that Katie Walter*, a wailrew, had been killed oat- right ; Ella Johnson, a dining-room gin, wa* foond alive under a mas* of bncs and mortar, bat she died shortly afterward ; Kate Roooey. another dining roo-n xiri. wa* alto fatally injured, bat i* still alive ; Frank Poondstcne, day clerk, painfully bruised and cat about the neck and face, bat h* will recover ; Anton Marvio. owner of tbe building, who was with the plumbers under the dinirg-room door wben the exploaion occurred, was probably fatally irjired. as a great deal of the name from the ga* wa* inhaled : Albert French, porter of the hotel, seriously but not fatally ban ; Frank Andrews, one of the proprietor*, bad his right eye knocked cot and i* badly bruited. Tbe three plomber* were pain- folly hart, bat not seriously. Th* lo** i* about 135.000, covered by iuiaranc*. j Townaend, of that place, Qesired to an ante-mortem statement. Miss Town- send it t more than ordinarily hancume girl, with a plnmp and well-roonCed *ure. She wa* M years old last July. She stated lhat about the first of September the entered tbe George family, vbijb oorsltted of me minister and bit wife, a* an adopted daughter. Her mother u dead, and her father live* at FishkiU. Shortly afier Miss Towntend entered into the family Mrt. George went weal to visit relativet, and baa not returned. Oce Sunday night iu September, and at various time* after thit, the ooneented to bis proposition*. Later the informed George of htr condi- tion, and be took her to Dr. Erway'i office bre on three different occasion t. Opera- ticnt were performed on her with lottro- ment*. Her condition became alarming, and tbe corner wa* notified and took her ante-mortem statement. To-day he visited Lead*, and George made a confession ccirrobcrating the girl'* statement. War- rant* have been istoed for the arrttt cf both Gtorjje and Or. Erway. TBB IRISH DISTRESS. Foverty-itrkkca People KrfuMd Aid by the Boanl of UurilUna. A Dublin oable aays : II ii stated that me poor people of the Province* cf Ulster, Connaughi and Minster have reached the extreme limit of destitution. A despatch from MitcheUtown itatea that a crowd of poverty stricken people called upon the doard of G lardians tnere>, asking tor relit f. Th* b ;ar J rtf oaod to do anything for the applicant*, even re'nsing them assistance IroaB tbe Zetland-Balfoar food. A despatch from Caatltbar, County Mayo. *ays thai Government, a* a c.ea*ore of relief, has cm[byed a tbousacd men abooi Westport in tbe construction cf a railroad. The Board of Uaardians of tbe same locality have given tenant* in need of assistance I'jOO tons of seed potatoes. It is stated that Mr. Bait onr's prompt action rmozn TO DEATH. ladlia Pmpll Decert School and Feriak ! th snowdrift*. A Kingfisher, O. T , despatch say* : There is trouble at tha Kiowa Indian scfaocl at Anadoiko, Wichita agency. On tha Mb ioit. the principal of tha school panubed a Kiowa for mitoonduci. Th* boy persuaded two other Indian pupil* to roa away from school with him. Their abaece*) wa* noticed that evening, bat the principal suppoeed the boys bad merely gen* to iba camp of their parents, two niiea away. On Saturday the teacher went in pursuit of the truants, bat they were not foacd, Tbt-ir parent* were notified, and Indian friends started in March cf The lad* were f jund on Sunday ail frczsjsi to death, cne, 10 yean of age. being twenty Tbe others, three or foond within thai i* suppoaad the boy*) heavy froai school. four yean older, next ten miles. Ii lost their way in When the principal learned of the boy*' fate, fearing tha vanfaancs cf the Indian*, be fled, acd ha* cot since been heard from. A report was brought here to day tnal 40O or 00 angry Indian* are camped near thai tg:ncy, and threaten to born tbe school boilding and to ki.l the principal if h* can b* foond. An tpplioation hat been mad* to the commanding cffiaer at Fort Sill tor troop* to prevent any outbreak. will be a Great I'hy licitu able to hsal them if lit made them. Il is hfe lhat sorrow, toffering and pain need looking aftr. Mans highett dnty i* len. Do you know it ittlwayt an absurd dea to me that people who really believe in personal Gcd and don't limply pretend o teem to tbink that the Almighty made mittake in locating them ? He put them ire. It tcerot to me that it a pretty ttrong hint that right her* it the place when heir energies are needed. If He had wanted them to look after some other orld, don't yoa think He would have put them nearer their poet of daty ? Dot il i* K much easier to at tiindiniu and poaa for tome far off f lace and time than it it to take op tht : an s that are plain, and commcn, and tedious, right here and now. In short, lather, it seems to me lhat it a man it a good healer ol bodit t, he it in a far nobler easiness than if ha it a talker about toult. No, father, do not let him commit him- self, in his youth, to any calling which will bally him if he changes bit mind, and bound him if he make.* hit changes known. Many good women will disaent from these views. Many of them, we know, if the choice were left to them, would uladly tee their brother! and ton* in the pulpit. Bat all of them woold grieve to *ee tb* friend in the palpil have to coax people to come and listen to him. What is lacking to make the Goipel message awaken popu- lar interest ? A Bl( Lnd Slid*. A Taootna despatch sayt : A diitttroos landslide occurred on thj line of ih Northern Pacifi: last night at Palmer's, 44 mile* from this city. A mountain cf earth and dirt now coven tbe <rack* of tbe road for a ditiau je o! over 300 yards, and tnvel ha* been completely that cff. Tbe road- bed of the line in the vicinity of the aoci- u> IB practically iaid on ice tile ot a boge bluff Oa Friday night the rain male inroad* apon the batik, and two boor* before midnx'al hundreds cf toa* of earth and rock fell upon the road bed For adit- tance of over 900 feet along the tracks the fallen earth averages a depth of 10 feel. There i* no way to build around the slide and passenger* are transferred. AM AMBASNADOK'j SCI ID*. The Turkish Envoy to ttu.r Trie* to fail an Cahappj life. A Vienna cable say* : It wa* announced hen yesterday that Saiullah Paths, the Turkish Ambattador to Austria, waa suffer- ing from a St. It now irarspiret that be) attempted toicide in his bathroom. Ii in laid be tried to strangle himself, and fail- in this, attempted to end hi* life by stop- ping ap all the apertures in the roam and allowing the nai in the burners to escape. He was discovered before life waa extinct. and doctort hastily tummoced. They worked over him for a loo g time and at length succeeded ia respiration. i bat were unable to bring tbe patient back | to contcicatneti. although every meant) known to science is being employed. It it) thought the ambassador will probably die. Th* Ambassador's attempt to commit loicida i* believed to be doe to family trouble*, a* hi* wife it taffering from an in relieving tbe pocr in tbe west of Ireland I iocorabl* dieeate, and hi* favorite daughter bat averted many dealht from starvation. ha* become inttne. Foar MB Duhed to DoMku A Troy. N Y . detpalchsayt : Ye*terday morning a terrible accident occomd at Split Kock iuarry.*ix mile* north of Weil port, on Lak* Cbamplain, four men being killed ooirtghi and two to badly injured that they may die. A loaded car on the tramway need in lowering the granite to the lake started down the steep incline. For tome reason the man at the bnke left bit pest, and the oar dathed down (he grade at frightful tpeed. The car crashed into a group ot person* oontitting ot the two toes of Supi. Robertson, aged 13 and 17 vean. the engineer and three >jnarrymen. Both the Koberlton boys, the engineer and one qoarryman were instantly killed. Toronto ton) Don't The Chilian Kevolullon. A telegram containing farther ccw* of the rebtUioa in Chili ha* jottbacn received in Locdon by way of Basnet Ayret. Il says a number of tb* naval rebel* bad di* embarked at Ccquimbo. and the n :p* wen trying to sarroand the miorgents and isolate item from loyal ditirict*. Th* despatch adds thai President Balmaoeda ha* issued a manifesto energetically assert- ing his anlbcrity and refati i-~ gents pretensions. The CkrvnieU arges the Government to i strengthen the cavy in the 1'aoidc so at to guard the Britiab subject* in Chili. Th* paper add* lhat nothing should be neglected while the ci:S:nliy with Amer- ica and tbe trouble in ibe South exist. th Perfection of fv.Ui.-o A writer in tbe New York Star i an in itanoe of what be terms ih pert* of poliwnee*. A little girl bad ttpatt a glas* cf water at table in presence ot com- pany, and her eye* filled with tear*. la- st*- 1 1 the boat upset hit own glata with a cnsh .hat drew the gaz* ot all, to the infinite relief of the childish gneet. and peace wa* happily restored. Tl>e incident at pretty, and the tympathetic thooght- fulne** wbi.-h it revealed was beyond all commendation. (juickdaah, ten. (10 hit you tnink yoa could make B* Spok* IW Wrai was considered a very good joke by tbe professional men who heard it at a recent dinner in this city, wbere the re- porter* were cot :icoou* by their absence, has just leaked out. One of their number wa* responding to the toast of " The Ladie*. and waa mating the subject in a unique way. After paying the usual com- plioientt tb the eof ter te x. he said : I tell yoa. gentlemen, a great deal hat b;en said and written about the women in all age*, but I am going to touch an im- pcrtant bnncb of the subject by speaking AQTMM J ..t... ; I.- ' MO I niws** Always Acceptable. Buffalo \ctri : Stop. Charlie, doa't atk m*. I've alway* regarded v a at a good ;oke. that all." said the fair maiden. Well. I tell yoa what. " returned Charlie. yoa d belter snap me r:^ht op. Good jjkej are hard to find nowadays. ' Joha weo Akl*. New Haven AV* .- An Apt Pupil. Mr*. Yoangbotband Now that it it tbe n*v year, John. I hopt that TOO will b* able te say no : and by tbe way, won't yoa let m*) hav.- a little money ? John (her jicaily ) No. U. O. Ii L V.II A I irii.llsh A Goblin cable *ay t : At Magherafelt. Tyro.f, ye-tierday. a farmer who had not been ou Kood term* with hit wif* at- tempted to kill her. He broke a hole in the ice and. dragging tbe woman to the pot, planged her bead foremost into the toy water, htr feel alone bang vitible. keeping her tnbmerged until she wat almott drowned. When retoaed by tome farm hands Iht victim wat insensible and stiff with cold. After being taken to r-r home under skilfull treatment she wts restored to life. A *horl time after n- gaming ooDiciootneas sht gave birth to a tilt-born child. The woman it in a critical condition. Her brutal husband wa* arrested and narrowly e*oaped death at the hand* of hi* enraged neighbor*. younelf useful bv cleaning cfl this snow .' Quioknash, Jan. Aw rather queer job, don't yoa think, for the ton of a gentle- man ? Qaickflath, sen. (ex plod ia^)- Son of a jackass, yoa mean ! Cold lonUort. New York ir.'y . Mn. D* Sette (mo(ingly) Three of the girl* I went to school witn hav* eloped from their hat- band*. Mr. De Bette (taspicioaaly)-Hnm 1'i-rhap* vcu would like to be the fourth. Mn. L>e Sette (assuredly) Oh, no, I couldn't leave the onildno. It would be unkind and unfair to charge that our minitten preach what they d not believe, but their leeaoni often lac xplioitcett. A wicked man di**, and hi* wioked friend* follow bin to the grave. A preaoher it on hand, and tht letaon it read about committing the body ot cor dear departed brother to the grave in tore and certain bope of a glorious reaurreo- tion. All the old chum* of the deceased know that he neve' earned admission to the joy* of heaven, either by hi* fai'h or hi* work*. They an plaaaed to bear the preacher oheok him through, but they go away talking about how much money the dead man left for his family, and not about the destination et hi* tool. Theee men, have not read either Paley'i or Mowat's " Evidence* of Ohrisliauity ," they nsvtr | f nt.T a oharoh exotpt to help bury a I friend, and on uoh Dotations they are not plainly taught lhat a .man most behave M. Floqoet hat been n-eleoied President of the French Chamber of IVpulies, Motiv- ing 'i#1 oat of SJSvote* ca*t. The weather ha* been to phenomenally mild in Southern Alberta that in sheltered placet tree* an budding into leaf. Then an romora in London that Sir George Stephen and Sir Donald Smith an interested in the reooutlruoled Baring firm. A crowd ot about 500 Kutaian Hebrews, man, women and children, have landed at Povwr with the intention ot emigrating to the United State*. An eminent German ha* been Minting the nomber of bain in human head* of dif- fering color*. In a blond* one he found 140.400, in a brown 109 440. in a black lOi,- 961, and in a red one K8.740. A private despatch from Santiago *tate* that the Chilian naval force* bave started a revolution. Unit* n Iti-iii. fuck : Clowns! (to wholesale manager) Have you mad* ap the list ot thing* in oar line affected by tbe tariff .' Manager -Ye*, sir ; everything, lave one item, ha* -i*en enormously. Cloeenit And what item i* thai ' Manager Salarie*^ Bxruwble. l\3chettr Herald : A man in Pbiladtl- phia wa* tinging a song about Parnell the olber night when an Irishman preeent bil the linger on tht head and fractured hi* skull. Such a retolt it moil deplorable, but then tome men are very poor singer*. Thar* to New York llrr*ld : Once in a while politician complain* beoanie the newt- paper* tell lien about him. It would be very rough, though, if the newspapers wire to mend their way* and tell tbt truth about them. of the mother m law Just then on* of ibe gentlemen inter- rupted tho speaker with, " Bat how it il if a man hat twoT" Ah, bow feelingly you apeak!" wat the happy rejoinder, all the more happy from the fact that the interrupter it blet*cd with a bnceof healthy re others in law who make hi* home a pandiae. A P*lar* oa IMr*. A Paris cable tays : The palace at Rooen i* on fin. At laat account* a portion of the roof, 40 yard* in circumference, wa* in a blaze. Tbe flame* wen extending down- ward de*pit* tbe tfiorts of the firemen. It teems probable the buildinn, which i* widely noted for it* architectural beauty, will be destroyed. Tb* fin wa* finally quenched. The damage wat confined to the upper portion of the ttractare. Tbe older end more valuable wing wa* saved entire. Tbe - BUck Uwtth " ! KutMa. A deapaich from Tobolsk tayt the terri- ble tcougre known as " black death " hat reached the CUT of ToboUk. ibe capital of We*l Siberia. Tha whole of Auatio Kaatia from Samarkand to the moato of the Obi it tutTmog from the soarge. Thousand! an dying>tObJonk, near the mouth of the Oai. Offing to the lack ot physician*. it *eem almost hopeless to try and check the spread of the tearful disease. The *>! Condlttoa. I.iv: "Gentlemen," said tht Governor, who had been petitioned to extend ex- ecutive clemency to a prisoner oonvioted of poi*oning her hatband. " I will par- don thi* woman, bat only on one condi- tion." And that it ? That she shall not go on Iht ttage.' CURED 1M.TAITH< H CO JOCMtSTUM t The Silver y New York HtnM : " Have yoa gol quarter about yoa, old fel, that you don't bave to have ?" _ Losrtoitl. W aihington Pott : Brown - 1 can marry anv girl I pleaa*. Van Riper Then'* the rob; you don 'I pleaa* any. If riohe* hav* wing*, tha MiuatCtr rnt air *hip (japilal )10.000 000) oigbt to s a like a lark. An Engliah tyodioat* will buy oat the manufacturer* of spools, bobbin* and that- tie* in the Slate*. TEN POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS (THINK OF IT! A* a Fleah Producer there can be no question but that SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hypopliosphites Of Lime and Soda i* without a rival. Many have ~ a pound a day by the use ot it. It cure* CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS. CT.SMS AND COLDS. AND *..l FORMS OF WsmG CIS- EASES. l> I' tin nut' IS MltJ Genuine made bt Scott & to-v.Belliil*.Sal Wrsjt*f; at allOrucg>.-'> =>^ and $1 00. 1, IIIK K1MTOK: r^taM bov Mow-l >W*. By it timely u I >h.ill be gl*J to vend two bottK ! '-v* a potiT , .pt * *oy . your reaean wn> \ :. Kpev-tful' TM3USAVDS OF POFUS GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. WtM-ti I > iv Cure 1 do not mel m*r*ly t t t p tlirm for a time, and tsa) a. them r*t.n .gVm. I ft> KAW A KADI C At. CO *S ' Kpilevey or F.llin*; aichnot* a lU-;ong study. " I CURE FITS! ort..isv B<-i- vi other* b 'ailed i MK for a -aatise and * Pre> BcMle of my It coM you noih n"(r trial, and it w, I cure yo idd ltt WK - AOCUtlOC avast,* T. TORCH . tjftaV. ai^nch Ote, ltt I h.ii? m.tilt the dls I rsrrBt r-r tunedy to Cure)) tec not now rrctivuif a >Tir. Infallible Remedy. Give Eiprc" aiH A.l.lreaf-4*. .100* O.

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