IHI FLESHERTON ADVANCE •/â- ' itu. mi ' â- «n iii* » Hfbool Ketiorts lor Oitobcr. for I nfants and Children. "CBalorUljuowcIIadaptedtochndrentbot I Castori* curns CoHc. ConKlpatlon, I rpcomniomiitasBtiperioru>anTiir<iwripiioa I P^Jur Rtornaeh. I»i.irrha*a. Eniciaiion, iDWwnVjDii â- • II. A. AarnrR, M D., I *^^"* Wormn, gives BJwp, and promote* dl- 111 Bo. Oxford St, Urookiyu, N. Y. | WijJuout injurioua medlcatton. The fE.vTii'R roiiHANV, rr Murray Street, N. Y. FLOUR, FLOUR, Fllllli;i!H ' \m\ STONE \ ' T, BLAKE LY, ^lesherton, FLOUR I Sells the best fariiiiiii,' iiiiplciiiuiit.s iiiaiiu- faL-tureil. iiiclu<liiii; j/y;. /' Loi'CA's I T* freparni to ilo )uiir <«ri Uim: on ^hort lioticu uoiinntuUnu the o!-l it.rinfi ni .vrv twrJitl* | nyintjorU Lujhi Steel BindnmiU Muin-r. I UHJu'I fccvLMi cijiitti jior baj; of IWM liuHhejR f'»r (thopping. riopnevMiy Hay Tb.r l.ittJ-i Ui Is Afttson Douhlv-Ucufd ihiU miii Spriiuf Mi; .11 th«««iiuitLtion of tliu iniblic. \ Tot tJi S f h r Sutibfactiuii GuiLrantt;u(l. 1 J». LOUCKS.l'ropiietOi*. ((rK><l HtabliUK for )i jites. BLACKBURN'S The lynl'-rlim I'lowmwl Thre.s/iera. Ne'by unit Jhintit.l^ llaiifoik. The (,'i.i).i qualilii h of tliiso iiiip|..iii»nls art KUlliciintiy l^l"•^•n now to Hpeuk for ttifmsi'luh, witliuiit any (xtra vrnuU Im u w\ Aii\bii(lr iiiiiiii uy iiii|iliiiieiits iu ts the place lor ckoice \ "''' '!"" """''' ''" *'" •" ' '"""^"" """« " ' ' I not iilriuilv i^ood.s and fair pric.-is <'hoicu Itoller Flour, Kraii and Sbcirts, at rtx'klxtttoui pricPH. l'(;rt*(l M«iitH, lUilo^oiia. Uixv<l bird frfml. I*iirc preiiare'1 (Vini. (iHiiLTal astortnieiii of caiiuad goixla. CHOICE HONKY. CONFEtlTIONERY of all kiixla ICF. fUKAM aod cooUog tnmmor drinks. C'h(>iro I'riiiti a tpdcialty. OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, CRACKED WHEAT 1111(1 (illAHAM KLDIK, aiwaya nil Land. RcDieiuber the place, next din i; »o M. Riuharilaoii A Cm'i. llCi|llKillt.ll Witll 111*-!!!. ('all (11! m-t iind 1 will be liappv t<i ciliibit thu ^jdod qualitieii of tlii;Nti nnKdiinvH. T. A. Iti.Akixi, Flesherfon. \&k PRICEVILLE BAKERY. V. VVATSO\ ! S.8 NO. 6, ARTEMESIA. Fourth cla«»,â€" Nettie Stone 85. Third clang, â€"Alfred Stone i>4, Rory McL(M.d r>2. â- Seoona clasji. â€" Meda Whittaker ()!>, fiollii. Harrow G8, Lizy.in .McArtiiur U", N'oniiiiii Fletohcir fili. Susie (Je» Ti", l''l(m- SI.; Stoiii! 5:1, Alex McLeod ;t."i, Malcolm Maxter 20. First class,- -Ma<_".;ie<A. McArthiir 01, Laura Whittaker 55, ,7ohn McLe<.id .'J4. S. S. NO. 'J, ARTEMESIA. Fnurlh ciUMt,â€" I.oiiifia Akitt W, Klizabetli Oallii'ldU W, Alex Culiieruli Iti. 1 lord dust*. -Jtjjiii** Hriico 72, .lohii Whitby 02, Alex Kn^'litili fil, .lubii >Iar;n'(iv(i II. Knitiia JiluK'o 4l..)ttiu(is KiitllHli :!!». Kr«d HKklinKili. KucuihI cluafi sjr.,--Fai»iiv Whiiby K',, (ieurk'o lluli»>:112!J, l(tul)i'lisuli'.il, Williu A. Il<:iisun i;i, I). J, JumiHon H. Sucojid cUb"* jr-.â€" MuKiii«\Vhilt>.V2. Willio Kng- lisliJiM (Uiarlie iluppurti:), Mary K. Kusscll ±i. First oIh-s. part J.- Kicd Whitby 4i. Mary C'aiiKiroii .14, Sitiah 'i'uriH-r 10. Jtdin Huppur l;l, .Arcliil.ald McDoimldfl. Charlie Turm-r.'i. I'urt 1. Will H. hUhPiiU Ml, CharUitte Whitby 17, ,Juiut;H K. Uusiiiill la. J-^ildiu Jauiiiiuii ll.Garui« Majjufb, .Mary AlcDonuM G, John Maf^ou 5, Neil McUunahl I. KLMUERLEY. KlUM I. <Ua»« IV.sr.-hilv (Jnihani 223. I'redus Thur.s tin JUO. Klla CarriitlUTh i:ii. (lass IV. jr,â€" John llamiiionu 7H. Murburf FawiM.lt 7(i. Vium 111. Br, -lla'hai.l Ah«ixTunibio "0, .\c»a Ittliritt ,V,, Viucen*. (ilibtTt 4U. (lusK III )r,â€" .\iinie hcutt 68. Jeaaie Uilbsrt CO. Kohbio l.awrf lien 50. I'laHii II. Mr,â€" Marv Ahorcromblo 99, Heiirv McLuun >». I.ily Oilhurt OU .\vt*ragu atttiudauct) 'Jti. I'llKM II. Claaii ll.Jr.-Willio McLian 17«, Kllwoud Ab orcrunibie 171, .\liiia I.cwh 17(). I'art II .MiniiiaHattriLk l»s, llocklo Ilainiiiood 172, .Mary Knott li^S Clan^A .-iaul Faivcftt 135, John Wickeus IH, J.^aiu IliittrlckW. i;iu-« I< -JaHpar Stuart Ida. Henry Wallace 01, WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DBALEE, Ha a large as.sortmdnt of FALL and|WINTER Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots.Trunks, etc. t'J» s C -NiclioiiiH Ahurcruuibie M, ThoijipKou 4H. haiifonl Knott iH. Ai>tMu^uHtt«ndancu .H5. Sarah Honthly Falrii. OrAiHIfvillu- the nucund ThurHday iu tach uiunth DiiiidRlk -TuuHday Ijcfor** Drtiii^t^vie Klishf) tutiâ€" Moiu'lay beforu UiaiiKuvio Markdaloâ€" Satur>Uy bofort* OriLii^cville Durtiain- Third TiicKday in oach luontli ('halHW()rt)i-'Moiida> before Oiirhatii Ifollarifl i'enturâ€" Saturday >M-for« C'hatBWorth I'ricfViIlu Monday bufore Durham Hauovurâ€"Mondav bufuro Durham Don't I Dujjres to iMforni tlic public that li ciui liiniisli '/â- ^ ». »( rjivisli, M(il!si;si|(t|,i; A.M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH. CoUftj,Mvo(jd Street, FLESH ICl^TON, - ONT. Miiiiifa-it iiiuKol \'. ,i^,,i,„. Siol^â- h», 11ii(JK")" l).iiii.> i-iitH, .!(!• II ,is.,lR..iiii! piuniptlv At tniidfld to S|i,ifi»l Hi-..iitii.n t'lVLii to contract il .,r I..1I.I.O f..,.i LoKKiiiK and I'low rtiiiiii>< <-on- tuiiii.v on liaiML FLESHEETOK PL\\i\« miu CAKES A.N I) PTK8 'I'o Order. riu.sT n.As IlKKAI) ALWAYS ON HAND, llaviii;^ uiirohasi'd tln' Kl.'NlicrtiPii I'liiniufi liills fmn 1'. ,1. Hproiili , Kso., I ii(n\ (ic.->ir4 tu iiil'oriii tlic PlJiiLIC tliul I nin ill a i '..~iti,,n in ,|.i ALL KINDS -ol- â€" Oeucral plaul ng mill Wdig, SASll. DOOltS, DOOKFUAMKS I'luiiin^' and Miilcliiii^,', ic s:i\vii|o,,;ic. (•oud Workmniisiiii* (â- iiaraiit4*«'«l. A liirjfe qnoiitity of f,'CiO(l dry juiie liui.lii r (III liaiid, I'll'MJlCrlDll, will vi..it richi^rton twice a week o Ti;F.hI)AVHaiid Kill HA VH, with a full liupply (>1 tjo.'iU. DROP A t'Al:i) IF VOU liESlUE ME TO CALL, WKDDINO nnd FANCY cak.-»« specialty A. WATSON, Prieeville Forjfet / Vr' KENDALL'S Our great prem- ium offer. Books are going like hot cross. BUNS. .)AA srnsciup.E 10 lOll TllH 1 T'.i" "loni SnrrrHafiil Konirdy pvtT rtlcco* »'.-t<J, an U In (•(â- riulii (n li-i frfrft rs ftml do.'H i.ot bU.-«l( r. lujud i*ruof btduw. KrjDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Cr/HF-, OFC'tTAIlLK.^ A. SKYDItll, ) nilKilMI-U oK \ t' jlV.- .AKb Eav and luoiTiifo IlnRD il^'Mirc ) SALESMEN Want.'.l for <iiir ciciipUtB line ir( M'USi.llV ^l"(i( h All now. choice and FAH'I 'Sl'.MINd SI'KclAl.riFrt I can furnish I'AYINCI I'tlJll TIONS to wiirkco* M v larK" cj|jiirii'lic« in the liimlnaiio •iiabl.'< iiiu to offer upcclal Bilvanta«cii lobrtBltinnni. I CAN MAKK A Sl't i;KSSF('l, SAI.E'>M.\N of any liioi wli.i will follow iiiv in- dtnicMlun. rerinauciit niiiploriiiciit Wanan p.tid each woflk. OiiiAt fiiia. Applv at oiii o and •oauru choice of t(*ri Itnry BDWARD P. .SNKIiL. Mvnarruiali, KIU'HH'JTK.U.N. Y. MBNTION Tnil PIPKH. Fur Ume back, tide or chett, ui« Hhiloh'i Piiroiii I'Uater. Prieetft oeiiti Fortal* at tha MediMl U»ll. 1 LMWUOI), llX., Nov. *l, IStA l)n. R J. KKirAtxCo. li.'iir bus; 1 have alwiiyn piinihaaml your Ken- I'al.'i Siiivln Cure In ih.. Iiiilr ilnn.u 1p.'1IIc«, ' w.jiilil Uk.i prIccBia InrKirqiiuniU}. I think li Is oni'oftiK-lii'st Ihilii.cuia cii curtlu IbatcuaedK . u n\i btiililt'.* f.»r thrco yearn. V.iurn 11 uly, CiiAS. A, S.xydf*. KEJJDALUS SPAVIN CURE. lliiiwvi.TN, N. V.,Kiivenibcr,"., IRdS. UU. n. .T. KKMIlAl.l. Co. l>t:pr l^hs; 1 (loll., i.i givp ynn lestlmontal of my fr.H.'l opinion ot -our KcnilairsSiiiivtii Ciirf. 1 huvr uspil 11 ii.i- I.uiiiitiicne, Hiill Joibln and f-niiTIn*. nn.| I luo.' ri,iiiiil II ii ,iirc cmo, I cunll- ml) 1.11 oiniLiiil II loeiihuriH'int'n. ...uisuuly, A.H.OiinnuT, Manairer Troy Laundry Biahlea. E(EK9ALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ;,. VT, WiNVuN CuLNTV, Ci:lu, Pec, itf, lb88. Dr. r. J. Kknpau. Co. (lt!Uta: I ft'i-1 Itmv duty tonny what I Imvodono with ,>i"ir KrnduU'it H|tuvln Cun-. I huvo curt'd lw( lify |t\-p hiTfiCf* thnt hittl ^tpnvliin, ten of Kiit:i llant*. nliK uniMod%vllh Hlv llradiutl Ke%< till iilu.lnt7, Flnci.' I huvr liad oueof m iir hiV'V'6 iiiift followed thu dlrcctlotw, I huvo iu\(*r luDt u c&sttofaay kind. VuuTii trulj, Andrfw Turmkr, Horse iXtutnr. KENDALL'S SPAVBN CURE. >yirf> %\ [«r bottle, or hU bottin* for $.V All Drug- (rIfcU havnlt or oan Kat H for yon, or It wlU huBHiit to nay (iddrt'Siion raot'liit of jirk-e by I!h' itronrte- tiM-a. Db. B. J. Kknuai L Cik, Kiiohburt(h Kalli. vt. SOLD BY ILL DltUGGISTg. For dyspepsia Mid liver complaint you have a printed niinraiitoe on iivery Ixtttlo of Shiliih'i vitftliiter. It never fail, to cure. y»r mIu at the Medical Hall. I Weekly Empire, Canada's Leading Newspaper I'ATUIoriC IN 'I'ONK TIME TO CANADA Tiu !•; TO Tin: k.mi'Tre Tlii':K.\lIMI{E IS NOW IS (JMH WM mi OF THi: i»OMli\IO.\. ftiol hint lul fu rrtiiut'iiieiits Hro b^â- ln^' nindu to Hit 1 HOW ami attriirlivi- ffutiui's. which will j'rt'Htly iiHTi'.ft^o it« iuti'-ri'«t and vahuv Ah Ktl iiiducrlilMlit to |dnro it il) i\u\ bandit of hU r.M ICKiTU' CANADIANS tkio balaiiuu of pi't'HtMit \t'ui' Will I v ^;ivvii Fin-.K TO Niiw Subscribers, Mftkinf,' it oti! V J&1.7fi for th« Kmpiro and Klt'i^hiM top Ailviitic*', from now to thu i'XuX of UiHi. 9919 Scwlav-Machlnrl n Ml one* fitt « b I l«h I tratle in all ['an*, li luBcing our mtoiilDP aud yooila ttSara lb« t^«u|tl« cmt m« ibi-m, WB »rlUafl»tl rree iuon« C«!TiKiu i» Mch li».'*Hi.v,itiB »*ry rat ••wiiiK niachhie made In nurkd. with all thii atla<-tain<<iil» ( Mill alto aeiidf r(>e a . vnipk'l* nanfwar coatly acitl vnlusblaNrt lutuplaa In rrlurn wo aak that yaa '•h<iw what w« tend, to lbo««i wb« may call at yuur hunie. and after S ' monlhaall thall become jour pwa iproiMirtf. ThU jm«d innchiBa M atla aflPT tha Hlnsfr [>«''-nlt, hieh have run out . Fefur* patenta run out >l Kild lor 90t\, with Ibf achmenia. anft n«w aalla fn O. he*i. airoDf**!. mvac aa*- biaa in ih« nurUI. AU U a e«pltal raqulrvd. PWatt u wHia tw ua at one* ««aa*- â- BMblna kB tha wovM. *«4 tb« fttftFREp Uiaf iBMjvailoB* tl*«B ThoM t«h' rvn If ta« B«at a«niB(-iBM AftcM tin* •( Morka «/ ktiih act aver aaowa lofftikar 1« Al â- ^^.HU^tVii^^A^^ t40, A«a:u«i*, l|^l««a New and seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. Custom work to order FLli:SHI3'\T01V. Photos, Photos J Photos He are now turning out work far Muperior in tlylt and jiniih to aiij ever pro- dttcfd in FUthtrton. * COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FEAMING- •Ivme in atlits Luineys. A good ttock of FRAMES and MOl'LDTSHrS'hepr conitiintljt on hand. Will aUu int-vduce tht neie liKOMlDF FOHTRA/T, cf pictnre ihut it giving entire tatiit/action wherever introduced. SAMPLES can be >een <it viy OalUry xchert all particulars a> to Price, Sti//e &c., can he aietr- FL.i;SHEKTON. HKALTII FOR ALL IIIJ:: ri LL8 rurlly tba lllonil, correct all Uinoruem of Liver, Ntomneh, liltln'^yK, J^l^dJ^o^vel*. They invij(.)ratoan 1 icstortf to health l)cWlita««d Ccmtitutieng, ami aie iiivuljable iu all Co plitintslnci leiitiil to rcinali.* of aiTl ancs. I'or Chiliircii ami the a^ccl thin are pricelMi THE OINTMENT Ian I II fallible rniiianv lor Had Lenn. Had Itroai**, DM WonmU. Sorcn ami Ulcom. It in faiuon. f lioiit iiiiJHh.'Uiiiatiiiii, Kor ili»ordci«u( the llieai it has uoccjua FovSOUE rnuoA'l, BROA'CHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlaMiUihir.Swullini;^, and all Skin Dioeant^ it ban no r;«al ; and (or contracted and itilT ointn it acts like a charm, M inufaetnrMl only at ProfesKtir Hoi.Lowii'a Batabllnliincnt, 7S. >I<Mr Oxford Htrrct ( late 3.13, Oxford Ntrrrt ). Londan, and arc m.ld at U, I4d.,3s. 9a., <s. (kl., Uii., iSs.. and .'tW. ,a<-hJ'.o\ or IVl. nnd may be had of all UcJI, cine Vendors thr.iuk'liciu the Arorld. fiHr I'urcha.'iers Jwvld look ti 'hi' Lidiel on th" I'otf mui Bo.r<:s. IJ tht addrtu it n»t 5..',7, Oxford Street, Lonilon, tlieii are tyurioiui. F. il Karstedt, FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM largo f»'«ortinent of STOVI!,s, la ...- SJj .iiakoBi STOVK KI'KNISIIIINUS, TIH tj V W AUK.tUll'l'KllW AUK, l.AMJ" HOOKS i^ clc ,cou'*tiiiitly on hand _~^ BVKTl!OTGHlN« A SPKCl =::" ALITY.^, Strain's old Stand y"'le>>shei'ton- Heard's Carriage Works. MAXUFACTIREU OF : - Carriages- Bn^i^tes, Wagons, Slei^lus, Cutters, i^x-, tlfr. Special Attention civen to PAINTING. TKIMMINU, HOKSH SHOKINQ »»d M kind, of JOU WORK. Nothing Imt tirst-olain matorial used throu»liout and satisfaction R'taranteed. We Imve for w..'.<i ILjixml>«9r, L..«,tli and t^liinjf leH. Also Agent for Dick'. Rollers, Mower* »nd Binders, Dick'n Ohampioo, Rt>y»l RaU Roy, llraniter and Standard Plows. Two and Thrpe-Furrow (i '..Ji} Plow*., l^one Powers for 1 Horse.. Straw Cutter., Scutfler. and Tarn p UrSU JOIfJi( If. UBARD, Durham Sh-t0i, rienhertOH. \i-l f- 4