Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1889, p. 5

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â- %.: "<*'. THE FLESHERION ADVANCE. ,"t r \ /• r 1 I GEO. MITCHELL, J}R.iFT.^ aoUtiflT AA'D SOLD. Spfirini AUxnluin paid to the ci>lltcti(m of Sutes itiid Accniiiiti, ^rtU d<iof Noftli vf hii-hardson <t- Co'i. Vicinity Chips. <h;inii-t«Ti.sti«'!s of the Past Week Carefully Culled fur t*e Curious. DivisUm Court U beiug heU in Flesli- ttrtoli to -day (Tliiirsday.l Mr. B. Vnnzaut, FleBhertou's marble â- "kill!,', â-  has his new shop nearly com- pleted. It is miiiored that W. P. Cri>«!ey has disposed vf his 'bus line to Mr. Dick Pedlar. W. TrimbU', E«|., is in Toronto lonk- inst after 8ale.< of produce. Mr. R. Keefci IS with him. Deer Iniiit^rs have had very [loor luck aroiuid heri' this fall. We liavu heatd of but twi> animals b«int; iecured. On Nov. 11th, cattle fair day, Mrs. C. Treadcold will .sell her household furni- ture f'lr oiisU. Sale will commence at 1 Vclock. The boys are talking of forming a dra- matic club this wintsr. Good idea. It ought to be encouraged. The Markdale Standard rises to re- mark, locally, that "everj\ manf ability may be t;reatly strent{thened and even increased by culture.' Quite true. So may the growth of cabbages 1 Potato bugs, however, gain strun^jth and in- creiise without culture. Don t you think brntli«r,tliat it would be worth our while to brin^ these iutere^tini; nuwly-dis- covered f;icts before the next meeting of the American Association of Scientiata ? Hors de Combat. Mr. Charley Musier entered the stall of a horse belonging to Harry Legard,on Friday last. The animal made a lunge at him and Lit his chet-k severely. It al- so struck him in the breast with its fore font and kicked viciously at hnn when he was getting out of the stall. Charley is now cultivating patches of sticking plas- ter and has grown a splendid crop of clieek. Miss PaRe, of Welland, and Miss Tottie Tucky, of the same place, are the guests of Mrs. Munshaw and Mrs. Damudo. A mild type of scarlet fever is getting in in work in this village just now. Master Vick Koster, of the .\dvaiice ataff, has be*-!! laid nn the shelf with it during the [last week. Mr. W. J. Howard had the second linger of his right hand very nearly am- })Ut;ited by a shaper in the factory on Fri- «iay liiat. The bone was snapped otf and the tlehh badly lacerated. A Beetoiiism : J. R. Croft lost his ling three woeks ago when out chasing the festive partridge to its lair. Last week a son of Thus. Nichols fell in the creek in his father's bush and emerged vith Crofts ring on his toe. Quarterley services will be hold in the Metliodist church, here, on Sabbath, the morning service to coninicncc at 10.30, jiisteirl of 11 ocloik, the usual hour. (>ii Ml 111 Jay tho bu.^iiiess mectiiig will be iieUl. At a meeting of tho F!fslioiton board of trustees, held on Saturd.iy evening wa." decided to engage Carrie Slack, of Kgremont, to take Miss liaii- ton's position, the latter s certihcate e.\- piriug at the end of th" present year. On Hallowe'en at Piiceville some row- dies threw^ a stone at the residence of Councillor McArthur. Mrs. Mc.Vrthur. who was standing in the door, hit near the knee with the missile and re- ceived a severe injury. Hallowe'en was characterized this fall by a very small amount of depreda- tion. A few boyish asses tried to have a little fun. but one of them was led back to the scene of his humor and made to rtplaca what he had displaced. The others lut their fun lizzie out in howls and through pea guns. Mr. Henry Kllis, a native of Kimber- ley, but lately of New llait.pshi.e. re. turned home last week. He intends re- turning again to Xew Hampshire in about a, month, where he will take charge of a gentleman's farm. It is rumored that well, we will let some of our lady readers fill in the hiatus. Money is scarce, and most loan com- panies liave advanced their rate of intdc- «Bt tu 7 per cent on real estate mortg- ages. S. Damude has a large amount to invest at O.V per cent. . and will be pre- pared to secure applications. Persons wanting to negotiate new loans or re- new, will do well to call before the rate advances higher. J. (i. Kussejl, Esq., was called away to Hamilten chis week to oversee a little transaction of his brother, of that city, and a young lady of the same place. J. G. is a born 8tat(B manager, and knows how to call time for a young couple starting in on the drama of life just as well as the best of them. Don't return without a generous piece of the cake. Jehiel Goff. Catarrh cured, health and tweet bre.-ith •ecured, by Shiluhs catarrh remedy. Price 60 eenta. Nasal injector free. Fur tale at the Medical Hal),, Fine Cattle. Mr. R. Cook, our energetic cattle buy- er.shipped a car load of cattle last Thurs- day. They were delivered hero^u Wed- nesday, and The Advance made an in- spection of thein as they passed through the village. It is seldom, indeed, that so tine a lot of fat animals are seen to- gether. There were twenty-two in th.e drove, and among them a large number would weigh from tifteen to seventeen hundred pounds. Eight; of them went over seventeen hundred. Cattle are pretty well â-ºâ- ought up in this neighl>or- hood, but Mr. C<>ok still appeaas to be able to tiud em. Wouldn't you like it? Like what? Why, to get a splendid magazine one year, full of fine illustrations and interest- ing literary matter, one year for $1.40. Well, that's what you can get at this office. Get it. There will be a large tale of valuable (arm stock and implements on Friday, the 15th inst. , commencing at 1 p.m. sharp, on the farm of Henry Cairns, near Eugenia. Look out fur bills. Henry Cairns proprietor. R. J. Sproule auc- tioneer. Teacher Wanted .^ teaolior holding 2nd or Srd class cartiflcate to teucli m L'S S No LArtuuiGbiiiautl Kuphra..iia. duties to coinmeuoe 6th Jaauarv, iKjo. Aiiplv. stating salary to HLOH" W.ALTON, Eugenia P O STRAYED \ Strayod fromtht! pnmisiiRoftbe nndarsieiie,!, about Oct IH, lour Npriii)^ calveis, tone ^itt-er ivnd throe lieiiursf. Any person bavi:.^ ktiowibiit^t, of their wiierualKJUts will confer a avtr by cum- uiunicatiuti with D M. LEOD.' Klesourton Station. Lot 142, 2nd range west, Artauesia, Nine cords of Wood in Ten Hours. By one man may a^ipear to some as an uulikely story ; but a machine is now manufacture<l which has proven such a feat is possible. It can be carried folded on a man s back, taws down trees and runs easy without causing backache. '2b,- 000 now in use and the demand is con- stantly ii'creasing. --Vpply to Folding Sawing Machine Co., Chicago, who will send free illustrated catalogue containing testimonials from hundreds wI)o have sawed from 4 to '.) cords in a day. .V new invention fnr lilinj saws accompanies each machine : same can be separate. With this tool aiy one can file a saw bet- ter than an expert can without it. To Opr Subscribers. The special aiumiiNoeinciit which ap- peared in our oluinns some tin.e since, announcing a. special arrangement with Dr. B. J. KeuAiU Co.. of Enosburgli Falls, Vt.. publishers of ' ".V on the Horse and his Diseases, " whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by send iiig their address (and enclosing a two- cent fitaiiip For mailing sameV is ri.-iiewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves "f this opportunity of obtaiifing this valuable work. To ever^' lover of the Horse it is indispensable, as it tre.its ill a simple manner all the dis- eases whioli alHict this noble animal. Its sale throughout tho I'liited Status and Canada, make it standard au- thority. Meulioii this paper iihcii S'^idiiiij for '^Tnatiw". To Rent. One small store to rent, in the best business block in Fleshertou ; suitable for oifice or any business re<)uiring only small storage ; 12 ft. frontage ; rent only i'lo per year. Apply to J. E. Moore. Artemesia CouncU. The above council met ia the Towa Hall, Flesherton, on Monday last, Nov. 4. All the members present, the reeve in the chair. A communication was re- ceived from I. B. Lucas demanding 815 damages to Win. Brewster's bugj^y, caused by a defective bridge at the Morey House. The following accounts were receiveil and ordered to be pai 1 ; .John McArthur, l=t ting and inspecting special grant on town line A. 4 P. , $2 ; reeve, clerk and assess- or for selecting jurors, etc., J13 ; repairs to bridge on gravel road near Mory House, J,5.70. Certilicates of receipt of voters' list for 1889 and list of jurors for li'M were received fmm the Clerk of the Peace for the county. Moved by Messrs. .J. McArthur and W. S^harp, that the communication of I. 11. Lucas, barrister, re damage to Brews- ter's buggy at Morey bridge be laid on the table, and that the reeve be and is here- by instructed to ascertain the full par- ticulars ii> the matter and report at the next meeting of Counci'. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Mc.A.rthur and Ho- land, that Michael Henry be remitted the sum of ten dollars otf his taxes on ac- count of hii building being destroyed by tire on Oct. 4 last. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Mc.\rthur and Pol- and, that the application ot .M. .\kitt, re reduction of takes on his mill property be rtol entertained. Carried. Moved by Messrs. .Sharp and Cairns, that an order be i.ssueil in tavor of Thos. Siieil for $;f. being for statute labor re- turned but pflrfornied after list was re- turned, and th^t the same be haiideil to Collector Wright and credited to Slitli. Carried. The Council tlion adjourned to meet aaain on Momliiy, Dec. 10, according to .statue provided, to rfccivo detailed linaii- eial stateme it â-  f treasurer. .Vre y<m m.ade iniseruble by indigestion coiistipati in, dr/ziiie8.s, li^s of .ippctite yellow skill / Sliiloh's Vitalizer is a posi- t've cure. Fir Sale at tho Medical Hall. Sleepless nights made r.iiseralilo by terrible cougli. S<hi!oh'» euro is the reme-ly for vou. For sale at tlie Medi- cal Hall. The Thornbury Standaid bristles up with assumed iiidignatioii becsusu we checked its wild statement that Thorn- bury markets were superior to those of any of tho surrounding towns. The paper now asserts tliat Th} Advance gives false market quotations ; thai Flesherton has only one uristinill, and that an "antediluvian ' old tiling "'fit for nutliiiig but chopping pig feed, and places like Markdale with even worse facilities, cannot possibly have decent markets '.'• These facetious reiiiarks of Mr. Farewell are very amusing, indeed, and wo can scarcely write for laughter at liis humor. Just as though the prospierity of a market depended uiion its possession of a grist- mill ! Tho humor, too, is better under- stood when it is remembered that Flesh- erton at present one first class roller mill and another under course of con- struction, Mr. Loucks being at present busi'y engaged converting the "Little Mill" into a roller mill. We might be tempted to give Mr. Farewell a lecture if we thought him in earnest, but his as- sertion that "the Union Standard was never k nown to vary from the truth in a single instance since its establishment sixteen years ago," proves conclusively that ho was|oii!y joking. The Standard wouldn't heâ€" except for "a considera- tion." Married. Di'Ncw- N'irHor.Fos â€" 0« thoJOth of OetobtT. by tliu hov. J. Walkur Shilton. U ' .. at thi. l usi- diut:«; of ihf brido^fathor, Mr. Josi'iiji H. I'un- oaii to Hint ie. foul 111 ilauKhtor of J P. Niihol- Hon.iOsq,. nil of .\i tLMocHia. Dk.w â€" I) wis.â€" \t tho reHiileuoe of tho bride's motile.", noiir Fieshfrton. bv tho Uov -1. ^^'. Shil- ton, H. A., un Wmhiostla.v. Nov. ti. Mr. Cbas. b' Dean, of (jriorsvill,.. to Sliss Mary .\uu Uavis. BOR>. THi'nsvo.v.--Iu Flosherton. on Monday. Nov. I, tlio wifu of W. H Thurston, Flushortoii Ad- vanca, of a sou. When Bab.v was sick, wo gave lier Oostoria, When site was a Child, -slio cried tor Castorio. Whun she btvaiiie .Miss, sho clung to Costoria. When she had Childieu, she gave them Castoria For Sale or to Rent Havini; concluded to retire from faruiiuf;, tbe tinderKii;nsd has 4tuc-idud to clfor for ijalo or to rent bis Ilrstciass buudreil-acru farm, ono and a quarter miles south of tlie vilia4Jtiof Klusher- tou, ou which are urectud «<^d buildings, in- cluding a splundid bank baru. If wild oiilv a small payment will he ie<|',iiiod liowu. the balanct! in easy payments. For further par- tiuuiars apply to THO.S. MOBhOW. FloKburtou P.O. Bigl\est Market Price in cash will b« )iuid (or auyqualitv of Hies, Siisep-Skia: ad !all:w. S.DAMUDtE, i'U'sbi'rtou Taunery. FARM TO RENT ^ M ^ Tlfr ^flF W FARMERS! BUSINESS HEN! EVERYBODY ^ For a term of voarH. Boiiig luta No. 183 and IH4, second range north o( the T A H. Kond. Ar- tetiiet*ia. ruutaitiinH over Aftv acrep of i;l«ttre«l luud. Iruo from ntoim Hiiii mostly cluar of stuiupa, a:id woU adapted fnr either t^raiii ur grazing purpoKcn. Good chance (or a good man. Au intipection of the placo solictted. Apjilv to T H.FOWKKS.Kirby i'.O.. or to ANDHEW C.AKU, KleHhertou P O., Out. W. BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. FLESHEBTON. ONT. DesireB to thank his iiumeronN eustotuern for tbe vory liberal patronage extended in the piutt. and is now prepared to All all orders with promptneHB. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twel\e years in busineas in Flesherton, and honest dfjaliugs.with good workmanship. bare mmle his name well known throughout this vit:iuitr. Sawed work a ftpocialty. (iet your boot! made by Wm. Uaruhouae, Klvkhertou. WANTING ANYTHINf", IV TUB LINE OF Harcess, Sleighbells, Blankets, Sleigli Robes, Whips, Circicgles, Trunks. Valises. Etc.,. SHOULD C.\LL oN ME. Strayed. '2 ynarold hoifor Ktiay«'d, culor. diiik rod with white »t*otft. one spot near tho sliouldor sliapu of a horse »ho<i, onn horn disflguiud by having beun knocked otT. .\ny oiio givin^^ iuforiiiation oflmr.or returning her. will b'' paid for Llie trouble, and obligu' WM. HOOti. Flofthertou Station. Improved Farm for Sale. LotHUH. uy and LV». ilrd ran^o oast. T and S. R., containing l(Xt acroh. ho cluare<t, gooii clay oaiu. wi'U improvoii, (.'i»o<l frame lioiir-e and log baru. frsnie stHblt.-. uooii orchard, etc. This lann is well wat«*r<4d and improvcii. and ik cou- â- <iii«ii'd ono of tbo btifit in tiii« buctioii. It is one mile iiu-i ali.ilf fr.. Ill tho v lage KU'sliertou. Wili \>f >oi.i on viTv eiisv terms. For further pariiculars applv to JAS. UEKC'HOKT. KloHiie:t*in P.O DO vol' HEAD IHK COSMOPOLITAN 77i'f( Bri'jht. Sjiii:kliiij A/'i<i'iiiiie f \h lh}t !llu:hl:i !»':!iilil; IX THE wo;:Li>. â- J5 cunts a iiuiubLr. f'2.W per year. EnliirKod. Octohor. IKKlMo li- paten. Tho Cos- j :ii ip »iiLj.n H litorailj uiat :!!,â-  Now \ nrk I'uiies calls It, "at its prioo. Mie bi'iK'iite;,t. most variud aliii best edited of Ma^jjiKiiiC!,. ' ?<uh»cribe An Unusual Opportunity â€" â€"SubBcribe For now subscribers, for ono year oijiy. The CoHUiopohtan.per year.d3,4(t, '("he .\(h*UHce,i>or veur:?] iiU. The >iiee<>f the two publicMions, â- ?;i.40. W'HWill furnish both fornnl* 9'J.4tt. Tbis otTerisonly to tidw f-ubscribeis to The OcsuiopoJitan.iind only for one year. "It haa more luiiclc* in each unnibsr that aje road- al)1e, and fowur iiuintorosting pa^ea, than any of iis couiuuiponirios, -Boatoa Journal. "The. CuBninjolitan ' funiislics for the Hi-^t liino in Mai;azine Literature .1 SpleiMlid IllnstriUi-d IVrtodk-al ut a Vrwv Hit horlo Oeeiiied Im- possible. THY IT i^'OK ONE YEAR. It will tjj a hii3ation to every meUihcr of tho household. It will make the nights pasft plcaseutlv. It will give you more for the inonoy than you cau ubiain in anv other form. l>o you want a f\rst-cias» inagazine, gir- ing annniilly \,'y^ pngonbv the ablet^t writers, with nioietliau 1500 illuBtratioiiH. by tho clever- est artists- -aft reatbibio a Magar.ine as money can irfikeâ€" a \J,agtL/iue that maUeu a specialty of livo-subJHcts ? "I'ba marvel in Uowthe pubtinhors can give HO nuicb for the iiionay. - Vhiladulphia Kveu- iiiaOall. Send S2.40 to this office, and secure botli . The Oosniopohtai) and Thw Advance. House d Lot for Sale Good hoiiBe and loft for sale, next Haptist church. ^'losherto:i. House contains four rooms. Splendiit lot. Terms vory low. Apply to ' DAVID TAYX.OU. Flesherton. Not. 9, 18SQ. "9 Cords 'm!^ KmisEii!.v U.\CK.\CHE Will you sufTer with Dysnepsin and Liver Cuinplaint? Shilwh't Vitalixei- is guarauteed tu cuu rou. For %fifi at the M«d;t:al &.all.. OY O^ K At.t.N. Wnto for (le.Horlptivu catalORUo ciMitaining testtmonliilB from bumlrwli of pMpU wtio hM« iaw«>d from 4 to cards J«lly. ^.000 Tlow suocGBfr fully used. Agency chu be nud whore there \a a vacancy. A Mi* inVkktion tor nlbiK sawn sonl fr»« with each ntifhio^t by ilie use of thin tool everyboily can flie their own tiiiws now and Jo it bettor than tbo groateBt expert can without It. Ailapied to ail cro6»*cut sawa. Everyone who owns a saw shonlil have one. n« 4*ly to pKji w« naanftMlHrts )â-  t hi«c1». Ask yonr dealer or write POLUINU a\WlNe HK- CHINB CO,, SOSt:}iy|.l *** Canal 8t., CkK'a«% 114* liEMOYAL I desiroto In/orm the pubHo tbat I bav« re- moved my well known tin Hhop to MOORE'S Block, Durbam St. A coiiuiletoiitiKk of tinwar* wilj bo fouhd io ni.v now prtMUiHoH. REPAIRW;, KAVfiTROL'CJHIXO EtQ. doita na berctafor*. 1 liftve secured tlie iis(ciicy for the Celebrated Siii^er Sewing Maohin*. Heqtraiitinij mv old (rimidn t« doiu* knd ••« ia« in my n«w Bhop, 1 roimun, t^Ui,, JM.SaLUV«i, Sleigh Robes, The Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe, warm, durable, water and wind proof ; new inven- tion. White goat robe, very serviceable. A M.XGN iriCENT I OT OF NEW A.ND CHEAP SLEICHSELLS. E.xamine our â- Stock, wblcli is Larger tlian Kver. WHIPS In endless varieties a,yj all prices.; .. Axle Wreiiise, Hoof Oiii^iiieut & Hari3('iss Oil. In all the above supplies I have a large st clc, and my prices are low. Those who ,f;o nmher will fare worse. D. C]a\toir, Flesherton- N. B:, â€" Hrst (lass livery in comiection. â- -* \1 "y ""-'â- ' ,.,â-  ^r

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