Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1889, p. 5

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\^ ^;t^ THE FLESH ER 'ION ADVANCE.. \ \ .1 JU-. I ' m •*n»MMi»* m. IITGHELl, BANTKEIR, KL. loss 11 III IXTOIV. f'nr lame back, side or clie»t, us* Shilohn Poroiia Pla-itor. Price W ceuit Fur Mia at tlie Medical Hall. Vicinity Chips. Tliere will li« ;iii auction sale uf farm lituuk and iiii[ileiuuiits at the residence of Mr. K. 0. B(.wur», lot, 'X\, con. 8, Arte- AA'U SOLI*, j niesia, on Wednesday, (^ct. .'ICcomnieuo . iiij: at 1 p.m. K.J. Sproule, auctioneer. Sii.;-i,d Attfi-tiiiii paid to tlie ciAlffitOH nf \ , A.i'''< <iii(f Ar<i4iiiitf, Hiitl luiiif .\oitn vt ! ^ , l<'.<liiir'tg<iii cl" Cii *. One of (lur uxcliaii^eH very aptly de- cliires that those buHiness men wlio daub I up their letter heads and unvchipen tvith I a cheap rubber stamp, instead uf doini; < liara<-|<'risJirs of the Werk I the scjuare thin'.; \>y ilie printer a. \<1 tUeui- rarcriilly <'iill«'d for the ai-We.s, to,., make nothiu- by it. Wliole- \ liriUUS. ; ,.jie dealers and all larire liriii&looU with Mrs. and .\yera, of (iorii?, are , su.siiicion upun these nasty little dai\bs, visitiiii; at Mr. Blackburn's. and the man or concern who' i|>erp«rtr.ktos * vour watch will not -^o, take it t.. ' ''»='" '» 'â- '''''' â- â€¢iccor.linyly. ru>,u>..u*u*rci-:ii I:...H.*;11, Kleshertun,he will make it ].er- , '^"â- '^'^•» ""'>" i"M'orta„ce is attached co ~ . styles iif stationery used than some uf our â€" , very ei(iiiniiiii-al fiioiids luiivjiiie, and it .4 Ti.roiito fjeir. shot a tine buck abotit j, ceitainly a ileiid/ â- iiw-l.'N.Ay on tl;e four u.ih^s from Flesherton day last ut.^ndiii.^ <.f any busines.s ,,t professional "'*"'>â- â€¢ I Ulan to practice this form uf uiistakeii Twu dollars' worth for one dollar : ' «'--oi,..iny._ The Advance and American Farmer for ^ New Paper. nae year. ' W iartou i* »i> iaine niaectiodiiiewspispaa to be called the Wiartoii Encore. A Mn Isaac Post i» pn'jeetur of this enteiprise. The new punier is expected tu make its- I .iiipearance th:» week. The Ai'.vaiici! welcomes "Oben" home ^ •„. its tuUioin.t and ^MMsps his di^'its with i\\ .itfectiuiiati- ^rasp. Loti of gi'ud horse blankets for mla at the Fle»herton woullcu factory. REMOVAL The captain of the Plesherton baaeball club desires to call a meetini; on Saturday evening next, at 8 i. 'clock, in D. Clayton'a harness shop. All are requested t,. at- j MOORE'S BlOCk, Durtiam St tend. I I ttesirt' tn inffirln thi- pfiWljc tliut I hare ro- movril riiy whII known till sliup lu I The L't iieial \eiUut that Russell. Flesh- ton Vi.u should .se>! lliem. lie L't.ueral •iton, •<ells watcliBM at terribly low prices. Parlor Social. ] The Liidiws' .'tid of the Flesherton Methodist CV.irclt will hold a parlor It will pav you to \nit your fall ami 1 social at ths rosiilmoe of Mr. Jas. Mee- wiiitci- hots, splendid stock, well , croft im Friday e-.-*)nin'„' next, Oct. Jo Uiailc, [il ices liljllt, at W. Clavloil .S. | Everybody is invUsd to come and enjoy â€" I a pleinsaiit evenii:)4 of iiarlor '.,'amL'S, ro X Mr. Cariliner, of Mt. Forest. w:ui in | freshments, etc. .AMmis.sioii l.". cents, f i'vii ihiiiii;^ the past week endeavoring' : 'f^..^ f,,„p,y tic'.O Earu Burned. On U odlie-tduy ev*tilii>.; of we>-k the barn and conteiit»V>elon^iiiu to Mr. Archibald McLean, ( 'ViUiniiwood v;ravel, four iiiilee e.«»t oi Hiuihrtuii. was burned to the 'ground. Cause of lira unknown. ru.-Hiranco will otiver most,' of the loss. The barn contained '1^> iicnu of i^rain, 10< .-teres of hay nnd'the fartU' inipU-meiitb ' . loriii a court of the Independent Order of Forerterx. Ki( |) your feet coiHfortablciliy ami warm Uy biiyiii;; your boots ami shot* To Rent. One sniall store to rent, in the \icst business block in Flesherton ; suitable for ottice or any business re(|uirint,' only small stiu'ai^e ; lli ft. fronta'.'e ; rent .iiily 8-0 per y«ar. Apply to .1. E. .Moore. The Philauthropic Editor. .ludu'e David Davis is the author of the followin!» timely remarks : Each year the NjchI puper ^dves from t*iJOO t.i .-:«."), 000 in free liiiea for the benetit of the coniniuni- ty in wliich it i» heated. No other ai;cncy ciiii of will do this. The editor, in proportion to hiinueans, does more for hi.'itowiv tliaii any >;,*her ten men, and in all fairness, m*n with iinta, ho ouj;ht to 1)0 supported, not because yoo may hap- pen to like Uini or admire hi» writini;, but because a locjirb paper is the best invest- ment a couimmiity can make. It may not be brillianii ur crowded with <,'reat, thou'lits. but tin.incially it is of nnue benelil to the coniiuunity than the teacli- er or preacher, rnderstaiid us now, w.j do not mean n.orally or intellectually, but financially ; and yet on the moral qiies- ti«m you will lind that the most of the local papers are on tin- riijht side cf tlie cpiestiun. To-day the editors of die lo- cal papM's (b) thr- most work fur the least uiuneyi of jiiiy men on earth. Subscrilie jor yoiu- lo«;d [«i.per. not as charily. Ijut as an iiivestiiiesil. A (toiiiplHto stock of tliiwurw will hu found lu luy iiuw iM-euiisrh. REPAIR I Nti ' EAVETRor<JHIN(J j Etc. douii as heretofore. I 1 have 1 secured the a'.;cuicy for I tUe (.'elebrated Sniper Sew in" Mucliinf. Ui'i|iirstii)L' tiiv iilfl t'rii'iiilH to i'<pniQ and row inu ill iii> iii'W shop, I rjMiiiiin. .-t" . # # « FARMEBS! BUSINESS MEN! EVEBYB3DY 1 J i^SeSULUYAEf. Came Astray. (aiim to tluMU-LMiiiHt'sof llio uiiiUirsiHiH''!. hit i:t.'», Itin'k Laiit. w»iKt,im -ir iibont tin* iniiidlf i»t Au;iU^t last, oiif f,wo yt-ftr o|tl hi-ifrr, whitiv ( Tiiii owin-r is t ft|iicstcil tu pniVJ proiJtutv. piiv j uX}iuUM-s and luUo it ;iivii;- \VM. WitHlMT \ i WANTIN'-; iNVTHlNC IN THK LINE OF Han ess. Sleighbells, Blankets* Sleigli Robes. Whips, Circicgles; Trunks. Valises, Etc., SHOULD CALL ON ME. SJ^Mliil ficmi Will. Clayton. If you would preserve your siyht ciill a> Lns.sell s, Flesherton, and i;et a pair of Mo'»c famous K. Laurance spex, tUt» best in tlie World. Itev. T..L Moflellaiid, of Sbilburne, Send it Along Our Muruum frieinls of Ffioitin iweuae pi. Kli..d in the Presbyterian Cbi>n.4i on , „, of rcfu8in<< to print a repl;« -.Tliich they .Sunday afternoon last, exch»r«>«iiii,' j .^n^,^,, ^..^^ mailed to us from Dmiuure, in pulpiK With Rev. Mr. Emus. , a„gwe,. t„ the letters of '-.VntLMtiitnon,' which a[>pear(l in The Adv.-.nca soiuu Even if everyone e'sc has fnilied to make your watch or clock ^'o, take it to Uussell's, Kle.dierton, he will make iheui i;o i>erfect or no p.iy. Il'yju want n pair of >"ooii iVkiLs or riildii r« or foot wear of nn^^ .k^id, try Will. Clayton. Ill '.^ivino the names ni t1ie i.oniniittee ...f iiiana^emi'iit a.s cb'oted at tlie U.Ht tcarlier's ciiiveiitioii, held in Durham, we uniiiti-iitionaily onuttod the name of Ml, Di-ioii. H. .1. Sprouiostild till.' liaiiknipt stock of .^lr Chai. Neil, late of .Maxwell, at Muiishaw's hotel on Friday last. .Mr. Frank Bruce was the iiuivhaser at OtlU'. Ml I'j'uce purposes optUiiiiL; a store at hfifcrshaiii. Our Manitoba corres|iondenl desires to know what became of the •ooiitidinn t»ird' which built its iicst on Mr. ISi.h- iiilson'a verandah some months aiio. It (latched it.s little brood, ui'iiiolested, and ktid is now probably roptMtino the o[)er- atimi ill the balii.y tropics. H ive you read our threat fall otl'eriii!} on the opiiosite pa-je ! Read it and choose your litreaturo. .Vt the same l>ine sub- scribe for a liist m.a'.'a/.ine, The t'os- mopolitain, which mily costi y«iu o;h' dol- lar and forty uents if you are a subscriber li> The -Vdvance. Our clubtiinn rates and pieiuiimi otl'er this fall are somethiio.; uii- liea~d of iu joiu'iialism for the amount and chuit^ uf ri^iid i u ',; matter ;,'iven, and i.liose w)io do.iiot take advan'aoe of it !U)W will wait unlit diionisday before they liud a better. Rcdl iu you subsjriptions. Folt boots, folt 8tockiiij,'s, nibliois, .lyorslioos, boots ami stiocs, selling cljoap and good at \Vm. Clayton s. The Thornbury papt^r of last week mis l>;ads its readers by ihforiniui; them that the Tliornbury markets ar« away ahead of any of the Lurroundiiii,' towns, when, as a matter of fact, the FlosliertBii (|uo- latioiis of the same week showed them to be ill adtanceof Thombm-y <|UQtationa III every instance, with the siiit{le excep- tion of oaCs, which were -4c and ".Joe in Flesherton, while they were marked 25c to 'iSc iu the Thoriibu'y paper. Twenty- ftva cents was the sum [laid at both places, while iu all other respects our market prictfi w«r« superior to those of Tlioinl^uij. WB-jks ai^o. Tliu cotnniunicationi'.i'furrcd to never leacliedithis oltico. \V.u wiJI be happy to accoiiiiiiodate the .Moninui '.;eiitlemcii with space in eelinuiis, and iiifoiiiied .<oi h: of tlieiii to thisolr'pct on the day ot .\rteiuesia fill .sliow, ':l«:t :i'.eir reply lia.s not yel/beou leccive'l. Won The Prizei It will bo reniombered that tlie K. (!. .\:;rici'Ui'.ral Sniciety ort'cred a prize uf live dollars, wliich was ^'eiieruusly donated by Mr. T. Kells, tortile best e«.s.iy on bow to run i hundred ai're farm. There were four e.i.says entered for coiii|iotitioii, which the directors decided to siibinit to Mr. Mills, of ilie .X^oMcnltiiral Collcu'e. for his decision .IS 1. 1 t'leir liieiits. His i !•- ply wa.s reueixed last Saturd.iy. .I'.i.iidio^ the pri/.e to .Mr. ,lo.seiiii .Mc.Vrdlr. of Hoprvi'le. Corrections. The seciotary of .\rt(Miiesia .\<;ricultur- al Siciety Has forwarded us the followiiiL.' list of coiToetioiis to the piiz' list of tin- lute show*. The mudille was caii.^id thii'itdi ertmrs of the juil^e.s in ni.-irkini; lil.n>bel.H. Indraught horses - two yeai old colt, Mr. I!url< 1st. J. A. McMillan 2i;ii. One year old colt, ,1. McMillan Ist, insuv.vl of I'. McKinnon. iSprinij colt, Malcolm Mcliinis 2iid, instead of D. Mc- Donald, (ieiierid purpose span, H. Ale- I'hersiiii instead ol .\. McKiniion. Brood iiiare, I). Mc.Xrtliur 2iid. Two year (dd colt, W. McMiirdo -Jiid. Hack horse, .ToBeph Cairns Lit, instead of («. (Stewart, Plowing Match, The annua! pliwini; match of the .\rtc- incsia Agricultural Society, held on the farm of Mr. Richard Whittaker, on th« 4th con. of Arteme.sia, was very iioorly atteiideil, tliere bein,' only four entries â€" three in the liist and one in the boys. To find a for this ineai^re at- tfiidaiico of ])lownien would be hard. The fault did not lay with the directors, who were eieigetic in their euileavora to make the all'air a success. The lack of in- terest exhibited has thrown a whole tank- ful of c(dd water on their spirits, and it is somewhat doubtful if they waste their time yettiiii; ii|> another plowing n.atrh. This is a •jrcit pity, as it is something which should be encouraged. .After the plowini; was completed on Friday hist, Mrs. Whittaker served up a tine supper to the plowman and diroctori,. Fob lowing wore the jirize dinners : First class Donald McLeod 1st, W. Burnett 2nd. Neil .Sinclair .'{rd. Third cla.w- •J, " McLean. < •5 i Shiloh's ci.ut;h and *'on8um|itioii Cure is sold by liS Ol a guarantee, U cure.s Consumntioii. l'\iv sale at theMedi ca Hall _ Croup, whoopnij; i.KUitli and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale at "the Medical Hall. Whi'D Buhj- was sic* ac g»Te her Costoria. Wlii-ti .slw wiw a C'UUU, 4ie urml (or Ciutoria. Wluit sin. Ill/cam*. .MiSK. .slie eliiiin to Ciisloria. When she liaj i.'LilUn'ii, s1ic-^tm them t'astoria fiighest jMarket fricc i I '-ii'tli wiil 111- ! Ill hi fttK .T ;t> umlitv of Eilss, Sli55t-51iiiis d !al!:w. 7 i l-'!<'>!iei*l<»ii raiiiiery. Came Astray. snisciiiui-: lynn FOR THE !*'«'" Weekly Robes, Empire Canada's Leading Newspapeir PATRIOTIC IN TONE TRIE TO CANADA TRIE TO THE EMPIRE THl':K\iriRK IS NOW i OF TiiK i»oni.\io>. j aihl hpi-cml arMOi;;iiii«-ijl.. .ir.- In'iii(i iiiatli- to ' itiM iii-\T iiiitl utlnu-tivt. f.'iit ,ir»!s. wlia-li will i^ruiitly ilirn-asii iti. tlltitlL-st Uliil viillii'. .\i* nil iiMliict'UiuMl l*» pin..' It in till' hiiiiil!. "f nil l'.\ I'ltllU'IC CAN.VDIANS th..' Imlulie.i ot pn.'sL'iit >uiir will l:u Kivoli ImU'Ul TO New Suhscrihi:ks, ! Mitkitiii It iiiilv St VD fnr the I-',nipni' h Ifsiu-i toll /i'lMoc. . /; o;o ijoiv lu It I'llil "I 1.'<IP<), The Saskatchewan iBullalo Robe, warm, tlurahlc, water I and wind pnx-l ; new invcr.- i ivm. White qoat lobc, veiv ' .servia-jabK . '.â- mill' t.i llii- I'li'iiii .". Ill .V fiilleii. lot I '7. -III! 'rii.i.S' v.i's; r. nil I vi:., II I mill tliclhstnr \ii:;ii-l In,' .â-  \.'iir "I'l -tl'i' I'hl' OWlHTis l-,',|ll,.,l,'ll to prove inolK'i't \ ,iiit\ i-'.xpi'iistis loiil i.'iliii tiuii jv,n\ .\- I'l i.l.l-:N. FAHM TO RENT. Ki'*-. a iiTuvuf vtMis. Ui'iiiw lot"* No. 1H( :iii<l VM. si-ond niii«« imrtli of tli.- I". iV S. UoikI. Ar- ti-iiiL»iEi. .HJiituiulii;,' ovoc lllty ivcnif of rlcfiml lni;#l, r'r*m from sU'ii" inu\ iiiot.tlv i-l.-ar oi •^tiiij.p*. .himI ^*»â- ll iiiliii'li"! for cither ^,'iiu.i -m iil'H/.IIIK'plI' l'"-'"-^. tiool ull.lll'l' fur II J^OOll Ill.l II. .Vll ilIHl»fi:tl(t|| of tin- |illV'' ^*oIicitiMl. .Vjinlv :.' T JI row i:US, Kiihv iMt , or Lu .VNVKKW C.VUit. i-l.'.-^lioi Luii IM).. (Jut. W. BAliNHOUSE, WiHfT .\NI» SIIOK AfAKKH. KI.KSHKHTON, ON T. Dusii'CH to ttiujik his iiiuiu-joiis ciistoiiH-i's tt>rthev«»ry lil»i;nil iiiit.roMa;,'e' ctTi'iiricd in t.lin imhi.iiu.i is now iii-«!1'hv«m1 to IWl iill nnU'i-H with pioiupinof^M. S'i»t:iKftiiitinn tiimruiiieoil. 'Vwfl \c vimr^t in biiMiijt.t*.-* m t'lt.'shcrloii, mul hom':At (1('iLi,iri^s,wiLli lihu'I wiii'k)init<»hip,)tiiv'c iiiii'h; )iis n tin I ft woll known thioiif^hnnt this \ icinit v. Scwrd work n siipt-iiiUy. dec vomt bontw niado by Wni. Uarnhiiititt.*, yi<:«tert«>ii. .\ MA(iN li U'i-:nt I. or *.â- ! ^L^v ANL> CMKAI' SLEIGHBELLS. .fii>J KvaiiiiiH" our Slock. Mliicli is |,ar!i«'r tbaii t^ff. WHIPS AM) I'llAl' IS THK KTorthKrn ! In er.d!css â- ,-ui-»'ict'eP nnd al' Business College, I r^^--- OF ii>w*<V BoiiXi). 'l'h,-> lii-ht 1(11(1 niusb ))riirtit-u1 ruurs(! uf Ktihlv l'h«^ Ix'^t tfH4:hititJ tiih^ut. 'I'lu- h.'xtaccuniino.hitioii foi- sHuhnit't. Tho bcsl uh'Mh 'I Is of ni-.ti-ui-( ion. | Hliii'lt-ntN uraihnitf. K'li iiiMiuiil iinnoiiiKMjnicntH uivin^ imrtiL'uhirH ru^iar'lin;^ tin- toin-no uf stmlv. ttiiniM. ntc.uil. <t>.s ('. A. I''Iii:.\IlNtl, 1*IUN» ll'AI.. MAIL CONTKACT. SKAI.K.n 'n-'.SI>KUS. nfiirt'HW.i to tin.- I'u^t nmstri- tifiu^ru! will Iu\ >i(M,'oivf'<i at l)tta\*a until noon, on Kriihu, l.Hh \<»von)lM_'r. 1N*.J. ii.i tho "'J' vt<', Hinjo of HtM* Miijtist A H Mai Is, (HI a |mo l>or..'-l cuntrnct for four ywir-;. six tinn-H \uu wiiok <.*n<'h way. Ijutwctin Ourl aim miil I'IcsIht ton Station, from tlm 1st .lanuai'v unxt. Tlu^ <M>nvi*yiin(to to hu niuiU> in ti. vuhit'li*. I'lintfii notiu*»s (.•ontaiiiinf,' furtlicr ihforniiition us in i:oinlition'^ of prnpom'il co-Ktiijiti n-av bo stH'U ami hlauU forms of 'renih.'t h\i\.y ho olitiiiiiiHl at the post o;liL*!»of DuiliHin. Uniius^aM, I'riccvillc. Kiohberton Station mul nt ttfis o)th:<'. fl.(;. HtH'KIItK. I'OHt OllicO illrilUJCtOl . Vust oflico Inspoctuj-H Ollict.', Stiiitfonl. 2nilOctoltur 1nS1». Improved Farm for Sale. Lots I IH. I I'.t ftn<l I.'H), ;irii rnnyo oast. 'l'. antl S. 11., contiilniiiu tW uorus. W rU-an-d, tH*ot] v]h\- oiinj, w*)11 iinprov i.novd frame hnur.i> and Um baiii, (lanio stab »â- . u'ood orchard, etc. 'I'hiw fitrh'i is woll '^tftttnid and improved, nnd is con Kidin-nifono of thclmut in Ihirt ki'i-Litui. It, ih onn nd hi and n half fruin tht' v Inuo Kkmlnn'lon. Willbi'HoId on very oasv turnifl. fur (urthor iKirticulurs anplv to J Art. UKKCKOKT, > . ' . KltiRhgrtou ro. ^mm ! LOOK ! Hoof OiiitiHi^iU & Harness T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, iSetlt': l/lie fariiiiiio iiii|ileiiieiitH iii.iiiii- fiictiirecl, iiielmliiiL; l!,;,„ff„i;l l.iillit Slf',1 /;;,„/,',„„,/ .)/,,„;,. tlhiMm ll,inl,l,:(;r.tir.l Ihitl n,„i ,S'/o ,„,/ 7'oi''/i ^''â- <•l/'.. rhr l'l,.,ri,,,„l nn:<li,l.-. Surliii unit /'i(r'(iii/'.< 1 1 m/ furl:. I'lie ^ouil i|iliililip,s of (llCKe iiiii>leliieiil.K me Kiuliciriillv kiionii now to spuak fur lluiii.selves, willnml ;iiiv i \tra worils fion nil'. Aiivboilv rennii'iig iiii|ileiiienl-i iu j lliis liiiii «oii|il do well to cxiiluine mine if! not alit'iulv iie(|iiiiiuteil with lliciii. Call en I inu 1111(1,1 will be liapiiv lo (•xliibit the yood I ({iialilioH of iiiaebiiies. j Flesherton. I In all the above supplies i have a lar<;c. stock, and my i^i'.ices a'c low. Those who ^fir further wll faiie, worse. D. Clayton, 75'lesherton N. B.,â€" I i St class livcry.^- iu connectiij'T... . \ '****-*,.= L ,.

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