Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1889, p. 5

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THE FLESHERIOM ADTANCE. ♦«H GEO. MITCHELL, BAItfKCK, v^ L !^: js r 1 B^: j i '^i- o :v . D (lA FTH tin va H r A X D aOLh. !^pci:ial Aitfniiiin paid fo thf mllrrtion uj NiiUn and Arcrmnts, Uttd dnur A'o»</t of fticlinrdiuyii c6 ('(('s. Ftflt boots, ffclt stockings, rubbers, Dveishous, boots aud shotss, selling cheap and good at- Wm. Clayton's. Vicinity Chips. rJiarjK'toristics of (he Past Wook 4'itr<*riill> rullcfl for tbe 4'urioii.s. Wc ;u'o haviiiij siiiiiniei' weather. Mrs. IJuhiier t'liiV a "fnrtyijraft" of the jniWiic acliiiiil I'll Wmliiusiiay. 5f ias Leitoh is visit.iiii; with lier sUter, Wts. Will JIiMU'e, iii (Iwen Suuiid. (iuu.Siiutli.Fltiihertuii, left for his home last week after speiuliiii; the summer luoiiths with his uncle, John Smith, 3rd Line. Albion. He will be much missi'd ill the CciiterviUe Church as he .-dwaya tmik an active part lu ererythin-j which had ii.r its ol)ject the welfare of church wiirk. May success follow hiiu is the wish of ail who kuew hiiu.â€" [Bolton Enterprise. Wantedâ€" j,'eos<', turt-kys, ducks and vhickeus at M. Ilicliaidsou it Cos. Rev. Mr. McNeil, of Maxwell, «i- <chant!«d pulpits with Rev. Mr. Elites on Sundsy last. R. Trimble, Esq., retiniied last week In 111 Michigan, where lie has W-eia mak- ing; an txtendid visit to relsAixvs. It'yjn want a pair of iroo^'l biwta or nibbeis or loot wear of any kind, try •Will. C'lavtoii. The Kleshertoii di\ isioii Sous of Teinperaiice, at the ro^ulsr lueetiiig held week before last, elected the lollowiut: of- ficers for the ensuing' quarter : \V.P.,C'. Ekins : \Y.A., Lizzie .Arinstroiiy ; F. S. , t'lin.ttoe ; Treasurer. Dr. Chris- tnu : H.S . [.' Sullivan ; Ast. U.S., SiHiirii. Kevfer ; C.iiid., Bro. Morrow ; A>t. Coll J., .'^i.ster A Leitcli ; Chap., Bro. Allen ; Sent., Bro. Mitchell ; P.W. P., Bro. Beecixrft ; D.G.W.P., Bro. W atsiii. A good stroiiij liorsp, iioaltliy and in good coiiilition. Cbeftp torcisii or time to good paper. W. W. Trimble. Mr. .I.E. Moore, of Flesherton, will .preach in the Orange hall, Euijeiiia, next Lord's Day at '.S <i'clni"k, and in tlie school liouse, Kiniberley, next Ssbbatli evening at i.30. Some new things in felt Loots and rubbers worth seeing at M. liichard- »on t Cos. XI. Piicliardson & Co. carry the 'argtisl and best as.sorted stock of C'liiiiese glassware and crockery in (ney couuiy. Diuuer sets from S8 up U^ $40. Tea set", $2 up to 513. Toilet sets, breakfast sets, &c , in great variety. The only di- rect importers of this ware here. Horse for Sale. .^ goffd youiii; horse, four years old, a '•Bynin," without fault or blemish, tiiiu for payment will b« given. JOHN '.V. ARMbTUONO, Flwherton. Rev. Mr. Vansickle, of Wi.irton. will preach in (•lesherton Baptistr Chapel uezt | Lord's Day, morning II <>. clock. He j will also preach iu PricevilU in th« after- .I'.oim at '2.'M. To Rent. One .small store to rant, in the best business block in Flesherton ; suitable tor ottice or any business reiiuirinu only small .storaije ; 12 ft. frontage ; rent only $26 per year. Apply to J. E. Moore. Keep your feet comfortable, dry and %varm by buying your boots and slioes •from Wm. Clayton. .The Queen's Valley is a beautiful '^ucture these days. CIothe<'. in its autumn Jacob's coat it presents a picture uusu-passad in beauty. It would repay .unc fur drtTing ten miles to see it. M Hicliaidson it Co. aic buying jih kiiid.s of grain and dairy pioduo.:at top market price i. You can have the Cosmopolitan maga- zine â€" one of the best iii.iun/ine.s pub- lishedâ€"and The .^.dvance for only ?*-'. tO. This ap[ilijs to old and new subscribers and does nut affect our j^ift enterprise. We have tle^lected noticing that Mr. J.C». Russell and W. Arnistroiis; have imported a handsome pleasure boat and will place it on Fteshers pond next »;iniiner. The girls are now U<ii;;in2 for sjiring. It will pay yon to get your fall and â- winter baots, splendid stock, well jaade, pticei right, at \V. Clayton's. The ymini; people of Fount.iin Council, R.T. of T., are busily engaged preparing the drama. Ten Nights in a barroom, which they purpose giving to a Flesher- ton audience id the course of a few weeks, with the laudable object of purchasing an •irjjan for their hall. The new overcoats shown at M. Ricliardson & C'o's.. are superior in style, fiiiisli and material ; an.> one in- tending to purchase should see their stock. The season for shooting deer came in •111 Tuesday. Sijuire Stewart and Mr. Bishop, of Kinsberley, left on Monday for the rocky wastes of Muskoka to while away a couple of weeks hunting the wah- aw-be-wawashkos'ii or in plain English the Hutlered buck. Three car loads of eggs have been ship- ped fi'Ain this station this season, and Mr. Kiinstedler informs us that he will have live more. Aplcsp and plnms are not very frequent around here but we can hol<i our own on the pure albuminous hafdsheil varieties of fruit. Rev. Mr. Watson left for Ottawa on Twesday to attend the Baptist home and foreign missionary convention which met in that city this week. Rev. Mr. Vansickle, of Wiarton, will till Mr. Watson's pulpit here and and in Price vill on Sabbath next, and Mr. J.E. .Moore will pf#*jh at Bugenift ^nd KiintiPjrley. A Nova Scotian's Opinion. Robert C. Woodman, N.S., writes as fillows : -Enclojed tind $1 for another lartfe bottle of Nasal Balm, which rou will (jlease send me by tirst mail. The bottle I sent for some time ago benefitted me very much mere than any other pre- paration I ever tried. Plowing Match, The annual plowing match of Arte- mnsia A'.jricultural society, also open to the townships of Glenelg, Proton and Egremont, will be held to-morrow ( Fri- day /> on the farm of Mr. Richard Whit- taker, lot 7 on the 4th concetsion of Attcuiesia. See bills. One carcload safety coal oil, one car- load dairy salt, pt. carload building hardwire and crockery, eases boots and sliiK-K, cases dry goods, cases luillinciy, bales of new goods open- ing every day at M. Ricliardtou it Co's. Good Business. Mr. E. Vanznut has been very busy of late teariiiii down where others have budded. Last week he erected a monu- ment for Mr. Oco. Pattercun, CoUing- wood town«lii|i, in memory of Mr. Pat- terson's dao^'bter. in order to place which he took down a nionumuiit erected some time a^o by Harrison, of Owen Sound, an\I which had proven unsatis- factory to Mr. Patterson. This makes two Owen Sound monuments which our Mr. Vanzsnt has replaced in CoUinywood township. He is tlio popular marble man in that borough. A Change. There will be a small change in the staff of our public school at the end of of the present year, Miss Canton having decided to leave. We understand that the trui>tees have, or are about to, secure the services of Miss Li/.zie Rich- ardson to till Miss Canton's position. Miss Richardson will, undoubtedly, innku a tirst class teacher, and we con- gratulate the trustee upon securing so competent a person to take charge of the IHisitiou which Miss Canton has ably tilled for three years past. Artemesia'a Taxation. Followir^ is the rate of taxation iu this township for the ensuing year, being just about similar to that of last year : School Section No. 1 . rruHtees Dob Hste Uata Mills. S-o. 1 .0(OT â- â€¢ a .004,5 3 .004a .004.1 " 4 â- â€¢ .'. .0066 .OOM " B .0M7 .0087 " 7 .m .003 " g 004.') .004S " 9 " 10 .0065 .0048 .OOM .ooa " 11 " 12 .0043 " 13 .0067 .«003 No Rate Bupar&to Hchool. A & K Mo. 1 Couatv.tswDSbip. rsilwa; and gsusral ichoQl rate, H niilli, for Infants and Children. "CaatorlmiBsowelladaptedtoehildnnithat I Castorla euros CoUc, Constipation, [ritcomnienditassuperiortoaQypreecnption I Sour Stomach. DiarrhcEa, Eructation, known to me.'' H. A. Abcbsr M D 1 ^^"* 'Worms, givoa sleep, ami promotea (U> " '* s eestioQ, ruEou I • • • j FARMERS! BUSINESSMEN! EVERYBODY m So. Ozfont St, Brookljzi, N. Y. I WUotiut injurious "iHiraUffiL Thk Centadr Company. 77 Murray Street, N. Y Came Astray. Caiiie to tiiu preiuistisof ihe uudersiKiioU. lot 135, Ituck Lille, wuut.ou ur about the uiiudle of Au^'ut't )aKt, olio two vear old heifer, white. Tile owner is ro(i nested to prove prtmeriy, pay expenses uiid take it awuy, WM. W^tKyHT. Artemesia CounciL I The council of the above corporation | meet in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on ' Monday, 7th inaf., all the members be- in^ present. The following accounts wore received and ordered to be p.iid : j W.!5. Christoe, stationary, J12.12A : W. ! H. Thurston, printing, f 10. 10 ; W. J. j Bellamy, services in connection with his oHice, ?1. 20. The reports of road com- j -^^i,,-,^ t„„ „,,^te ot ,lauio« Crawford, ,iecea,.mi, missiuner for ward No. 1, showinu an ex- i iu his lifetime of the towiiKhip of OKprey iu the ,. i-,,~. , r c<uiutvof Grev, who died ou the lOtll rinv of pedlturo ot ^1 ,t), and report of reeve, septoinbor.lHfti, are hereby uotiftod to soud by .h>n.;„,. .r. •,„ ,1;*., c aont) All _ poyt. preimid. orduliverod to.losiali (iamey, one shewing sn expediture of 8202.48 on ' J., ,,,;,' „j|,„„tu,., „f .leeea«ed Maxwell I'O, on or bridlie over Bovle'l crnak wnra racaivHil i befnrn the tirst day of December next, thoir oriu|,e uvar Doyie s creeK, were receivea , ^|,ri„tioiinnd suriiaineB. addroMex and de.enp- UB, the full partiuularsof their claiinR.a stiito- l;)l.'RSl.'.\NT to section ;lfi,.:»li llOol K.S.O. 1HM7. I the creditors and all otharn hariii« claim ecutors will not bo liable for the said oaiietB or any part thereof to aiiv perstni of whose claim notice shall not have been roceivod an afore- iiirt at the time of "uch .listribntion. .TA.MES CUAWKOllO,) IDHN fUAWKOUl), KxBrrriiis, lOSlAH GA.'tfliY, I Dated this 35tta day of September, luai). â- f SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 1890 and fyled. M, i iiiiintolllleir assets auii a ,si.ui<3iiit<iii.ui LiMii. n»- ^jvetl by ^lessrs.Uolaud and .^'"harp that ' cnritio»(lf anvibold by them. On default thereof a ..T-..i,t ..f i;...x 1 11.â€" 1 1 . I 11 ' and iiiiinediatclv after such last named dato.tbu a lirant of live dollars be made to build a ^,,„„^„ ,j, ,i,„ ^^^ ,,„„tu will bo dintnbuted culvert on townline Artemesia and ?'''"»« ''"'V'''''^'"'' "V''''\"'';2;;";"f,"',,',°i«'i^^ iiiu had onlv to the (dainiBof which notice snail liuphraaia, providing Enphra.-iia :;rant an bnv.^ been aiven as above reipiirod, and the eic eqtiiTalent. Carried. i Moved by Messrs. MoArthur and i Sharp that Dr. Christoe be ))aid the sum | of ten dollars for Isttini; and ovurseeing! work nil bridge at Uoyles creek. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Ueland and Cairns that orders be >.;ranted to school sections, who ruijuire them, for moneys levied in their school sections fer 188!). Carried. Moved by Messrs. McArthur and Up- land that Vr. .Snarp be paid $2 for letting and inspecting special grant of $25 on townline Proton and Artemesia. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Unland and Cairns that the assessor be paid ten dollars fort n, equalizint( the aasessmeut ef three union school sections. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Mc.\rthurand Sharp that the reeve issue bis order for $22.!I0, being balauce due fur work on bridge at Fioyle's creek. Carried. Moved by Meters. Bolaiid .tnd Mc.^rthur that the Reeva be and is hereby author- ized to liave Mr. Holman's lot lixed ->" as to secure said ]iroperty from further dainao« by tliu reinoviiig of :iny more ground. Carried. It was moved that the reeve issue his order for the day s aestioii, and the council ilieii adjourned. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a ChikI, she cried for Caaloria. When she became Ml8«, she clung to Oaatoria. When she bad Cbildreu, she pivu tbem Castorla Came Astray. C^aino t-> Uio pjeuiiscH of A CuIloM.Iot IW. 2im1 rnii^o wuH^, T, am) 8.U., about thq of .\u(,'iist last, Olio yoar oltl Btt^or. TlU' owiuniH rt'iiiU'stt'tJ topruvum '. f»rty,imy oxponsus and tfUto him away. A. CULLKN. ' FARM ToYEWr Foiatonnof yoaxs. HoiiiK loU No. laj and IHl. â- tocoiii) rni)(^ti uorth of tha T. it S. Hoa*!. .\r- teineniii, contiiiiiiUfi ovor (iftv iicro* i>f cIiHirtui I ami, fr«u fruiii atouti aiiri uiuatly cltiar of Htiiii)|)t«, mill i?etl a<laptu<l for oithoi- Kfiiiit or HtaziiiK piirpoHOB, UotHl uliajico for u^iuxl uinii. An insimctioi) uf tlio pliu:o •olieit«d. Apply to T H.I'OWKJ£S,KLrbv P.O.. or to ANDKKW CAUU. t'luHhorton V.O., Out. W. BAKNHOIJSE, BOOT AND SHOK MAKKR, KLESIIEKTON, ONT. Desires to thank hin numoroun oi)Btoiii<-i'N for tbe vary 1i1)t!ral pHtrona;"!' iixtentlod in tho past, and iH now pitiiiaiHil tollll all urdorn with pi-oinptuo88. Katisfiict ii)n r;naraiit«6d. TwcIm' roarn fn husintms in KloHbortou, and houosi dealingK.with Kood workinanehip.havu niado hin naui« woll known throughout thin vicinitr. Hawed work a npecialty. Got your boots made by Wm. BaruhouBa, ITlttiherlun. 1890 Weekly Empire, ;da"s Leading Newspaper P.M'RTOTIc; IN TONE TRUE TO CWNAD.V TRUE TO THE EMPIRE TUfiUVFIKK IS NllW m (iESAT mm nm »F THE and Biieeial tirrant^enielits aio beijifj made to iidd new nnrl attractive featiiriiii, which will Hreiitlv oirroaHO itH inloroHt and valio), A'.im iiiiliiienit'Ut uiplneeit in the handii o( all I'.vruioru; i;aNAIJIAN.S the bulanue .>f present yeui' will l,o {,'ivull Free to New Subscribers. Makiiui it only SI 70 for the Empire anil Klofthurtun Advain'K. fruin now tu the end of IKaO. ~ IT IMVS TO AND THAT I.S THK IVTorthern Business College, Tho l>i;ht and irioHi pnictical cuursc of study The host Itiaciim^: talunt. 'file ln'st, HcroniiinMlrttiDii for Htndunts. t'lif lM-.t iiii't hods of iiifltniction. I'be Ijost rosiiita ("roni that inntruction nftor sLu>lc:il^> tji tuluatif For ansiunl uiint.iincenuintH uivinR particulars i«jtiHr'tiut4 lUii ctHirsd of wtuilv. tonus, otcmt eaa C. A KLIiMlNtr, PHi.NCU'Ai,. I ! LOOK! T. BLAKE LY, Flesherton, MAIL CONTRACT. QB.\TiED THNDBRS, addresHud to the Poat- , lOniaster General will be received at Ottawa J until noon, on Friday, Ijth November, IH«y, forj the conveyance of Hor Majehty'H MiiilB.oti a pro- 1 posed contracb fer four veers, six tiiiniB per j week each way, between l)nrbain and r'loshor-i tun Station, from the l»b January next. The conveyanco to be made in a vehicle. Vrinted j uoticeR containisfj further infoinuition an to coiiditioiiHof {iroposed contract may he Hoeii 1 and blank fortuH of Tender may be obtained ati the uoiitotncesuf Dm ham. Hniieeiian, I'rlosvlllo, FleHDoi-tun Station and at thin otUce. 1 H.O. HOPKIRK, Pout Ofnce iiiBpector P(>iit oflVQe.IusBoctor's Office, 8tr»,t,fl»id, »ud October 18l«. •Sells the liest rarinin^ iiii|>leinenls iiiaiiu- fnotured, including liiDitfdlii Liijht SU'vl Uinder ntiil Miiiwr. M'tsDii Dimble-Genred Drill a>id Sjiriuiy Tiioth Secdi-v The ^^'(/^>)â- /oo I'Uiwmnd Threslier.i. Nccbij and IhiroiuVs Uaiifork. The good qualities of these implenii>iit.s are sutliciiutiy known uow to speak for themselves, without any extra woiils froTi inc. Anvbndy rcijiiii'iig inipii'nieul.s iu this linu wmilil do well to examine mine if not nliciidv iii!(piainteil with tbt'iii. Call on ine and I will ho happy to exhibit the good qualities of these machines. T. A. Bi AkEi.v, Flesiherton. _\ '/i\' ^ w 7^ WANTING ANYTHING IN THK- LINE OF J * Hare ess, Sleighbells, Blankets, Sleigh Robes, Whips, ; GirciDgles, ' Trunks, : Valises, \ Etc., .SHOULD CALL ON ME. Sleiffh 1 Robes, The Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe, warm, durable, wattr and wind proof ; new inve6- tion. White goat robe, vciiy serviceable. ' A MAGNIFICENT LOT OF NEW AND CHEAP ' , SLEIGHBELLS. • Just Exuiiiiue our Stork, which is Larxvr than Evf r. ( I WHIPS In endless varieties and all prices. ' Axle Urease, Hoof Ointnien( & Harness Oil In all the above supplies t have a large stock, and ; my prices are low. > Those who go further will' fare worse. D. Claytou, Flesherton N. B., â€" Fi St class livery in connection.

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