4 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FLESHERTON PLAl^IXe MILLS < HiiTioK purohased the FIPHhertou Planini .Mills (ruu K. J. Sproule, Keq., Inow rte«ir« tu inform the PUBLIC tkkt I am iu a positiuii to do ALL KINDS OKâ€" General planing mill woik, • SASH, DOOllS, DOORFRAMES Planing and Matcliinf», ro sawing, etc. fiood M'orkinansliip Oiinrantrrd. A liii-^'f (iiiaiitity of good dry piw luuibtr on liaml. ' W. J. Bow.-imot 'â- Hfslierlon. ' SALESMEN l,>1>fKllltlfr». I I AK .11AI\r. ,\ 3i<>i.i^r>i. sAI.KSMAN of aii; cju..- who will tt.llow iii\ in uructjou. P«nnuiie»t ouii*'^)'"""''* Whkwh [•Md eacli week Oiitflt fr«f Apiil) at om <-• «" ' h«cura ciioio* of mrritory EDWAKD P. SM:LI.. fnian. I[(i( Mi;<; I I II. N ?A]rffervnian MENIP'N IHlb PAflJi l>. ncTavish, UOHSESHOEH AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Colliupwood iSticft, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Manafactiiring ol WHijoni, 81eii(lit>< liui^^im Ueinocrata, etc. HomtiabuviriK pp>iu|>tiv at leaded to Hl>eciftl etlvuttoli ffiveli to 4'OlitiHCt 4 or tender feet. LockIbs and PIo«t <'liaiiiH rou- tanily on haud. General News. A writ ha« heeii isaued against Poter Urahani, M.F. P., at the iiiataiice of Janiea Condick. of Warwick, LambUin county, claiming S5,000 damages for al- leged criminal oonneciioii with Mra.Cnii- dick and the alienation of hia wife's atfeo- tioiii. At Shcrbrooke Friday Donald Morri- son, tlio Mcgaiitic outlaw, was aeiiteiiced to ei<:hteen years' im|iri>onnient in the peniteiitiaiT. Five residenta of rnvdrhuroii have l)e»n drown«d by the oapsi/.iii;; of two livhitif; Iniata on Lake Huron. A tulettraph lineman Wiin killed by a live electric light wire in New York Fri- day. During September the net deV)t of ihp Iloniiniun has been reduced by j2,40.">- 384. A resident in Cuelpli haa fallen heir t" an estiite yielding an income of ?ir>0,- 0(KI a year. The Brooklyn tabernacle, of which P.ev. Dr. Talma^e is paator, was burned Sun- day niornini,'. It haa been decided to close the Paris Exhibition on Ni»eniber 6. Darinc the past two yean ten men were killed and seventoen injured by electrii- liijht wires in New Vork. Two companies of Meiican troops have been slaiinhtered by Yaki Indians. Not a nmn was left to tell the story (-f the terril)le butchery. The Rev. Geo H. Thayer, of Hurbon Tnd , a.iy» : "Moth iny.Hidf and my wife owe sur lives to Shiloh's ConKuniptiM. Cure. For sale at the Medical Hall. For dyspepsia and liver complaint yon Imve a |irinte<l iruarantce en every bottle of Shiloh's vitalizer. It nevor fails to cure. Fer sale at the Medical Hall. .Shiloli « catarrh r(iiu'dy"a positive cnre for catarrh, dipthfria ami canker-mouth. Fur ».il.;at the Medical Hall. Tho MaM HaseeesAiI Ktmtir «â-¼â€¢<' <>• ' c«Tare4.M llUeerMia In IKeirrcte end doee aul l>IUlei . Heed pnM)r l^eJow, BTnsR*viij.a, p. Q , May 8. IM). riL H. J KeWDll.l. Co , BiioaiMirsli r>lll. Vu <f enlletuea .â€" Iliave u««d K«ii j (tell'M Bpevia Cvre for Mpff vlnaJ •A'l* lao tu eceea of lajnvnaaaand ^tl^ J elele and found llaauro «««>-e 111 arery rtapaot. I rnrdlallr rcvontuend It to all hura«m<m. â-¼â€¢T raepeolf ullj j-oera, CaAAUH J BLJLCK.1U. [mUlV% SPAVIN CURE. Bt, TfTOMAj, H g, Ai rll yj. IMM. I>ii B J. K«n>4iJ. f.tt , MmMhurtli >>IU. Vi. C>«bU :â€" I bavt uand • fvw uotiU* of jt>tu iC«n- mt^ A*l;'i Bpavlii {'iiru tn uijr ooli, (Tiw,. i»lilah wuj •ufT»rlnc fr<^.m Iiil!u -- ' ^^"^"'* •«'» In « T#r J bid firm, An<l win [ U7 UiAt vour KtDiUH'H Si>uv|ii I Cur* uinda coiiiplvt* &iit] rapid I out*. I e«u rrcon.iHMi.l It an Ilia [l>«Atand in<«t aiTftcilvH liulmctil __ 'IhAveftvor h*tiUI»d. KhidlyMntl > t! c:i« (X juar tbIuaIj:^ b<*i>kiiuiitltl«a " A Tro«- i r.^ ou ^« Hurio." Youra rfai eoUally, I. r WlUdHMD. [1S»9ALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ._, _ _ »'"Sr Luj. r.. M»».. Ma/ I'V H». r«« T« J KaxTiiij.Co. Ku,.9il>ur|li r»lf«, Vl 4^vbLMr.ian ' I alwaya keep yuer KenUall'a ^* ',,.1 (\irn and ntlauii- un Wajid r Ul »H<,y ha«e navar falla.l In] <|M> you alale Ibar wUI ilu. H til#«eure(1 a l>a.1 oaeeiif IJli^aTln t »fl kU., tw.i rears >>r RlimU.i.,; •â- I.Yeeraateo>llii|,iiH in*ruewlitoti 1 U;»«tH l4i l..r.ej frijiii, and h»>i. r.^l ••*,! eay aljpii of du»a»4 In f (»>t uHeyrluf. Tuua irulf. â€" .^ >. .. b J l> Hi^Kiyi, »»»» St (Mr boMIe or all l«iuaa f.«- a J All dnjTiute hAfaHnriutn got i| ri« jtou. <.i I, i»lll tjo a«fci tj ea/ eildiaaa ua recolpt of i^Ilm hy tkj l.*1D»l»««r., ^ l-k., ». J. Kr.}l»iH, (;0., Eiiaakur.h VkIIi.TL ..^ULO OV AUU SBIIUUlttl'8. 41 UEMOVAJ. I ^eftiroto \ulotim tb« publle thai [ Imve re- niov-fd my (Veil Jiiiown tin mIio)) to KOORE'8 Eloclf, Durbam St. luv MV prcinfiiaj) nEfAUumj / BAVETROUOHlNtJ Ete. done as heretofore. iM I have .• secured the agoiicy for the Cvtabratcd 8in((er Rewin)( kfachiiie. Iie4f eating my old friends to come aud see. â- a* IS nay aaw shop. I reniaia, «(c., Improved Farm for Sale. Lotn Mb, UU Ah'l IjO, :tril rtiit;e eiivt, T nuH S. r... ronlnining l'"t ai-reh. mO fUrare<l. gooii ilav • miti. Wflt liii|in)Vf(], (,'<i(m1 fraiii** hoti«e miil Uiu liaru. frame i»t»bl«3, (•(lod orrliart). ftc This fiirui i*( wull WHtureil auH imiirored. anit It cnii- M<1urt5'l oiii; of ttiv b«««t ill thiR Vtit-tion. It Ifsoue luilo Aiitl ft Imlf from tlio 'la^e Kleiihertoij. \VllJb*iholil oil v«ry cubt term*. For ftirtlur particiiUtfe aiiiilv to JA8. ilEECKOKT, Pl«sbci ton P FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR! egâ€" Mfc^aâ€" ^^B^JUdg^ Osprey Council. .1///. r Lorchs U prapaiotl to do your (•riitiiif; on ttiioit LOtii'* Aiitl K> ii>«^> '^'1 t't>^ "I'l turiiit uf •very twaUih liUHtin) huvari c»ntR per hufi. of two huhlieti for Oh()pplii|{. <l<iite •very ilav Tti* lifttli Mi in big in theeatiination of tho pnt>tic. Katiafaction (Uiarmiti-til. P. I.orCKS.Fiorilfloi, (tood iMbllnR for t)'>iii!i>. BLAGEBURN'S is lite place for rhoU'f i^oods ami lair f>rice.s- Clioice Uoller Flmii, lliaii and bliorti, at locWlMittoin piice:i. Cured Ueatfi. HoIouijua, Mixa.l litid leiMl I'nre v'repax'd Crtrii. Uauaraj uaaortuieut of canned goods. CHUU 1£ IIONKY. CUNFKC'TIUNEUY of all kiiida U F. i:UKAM BUd cooling aiHiinier drlnka. Clmiio Kruita a HptfCialty. OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, ('RACKKI> WHEAT and O UAH AM FLUlR, always on liiiiid. Jtemenibor the place, next d* » 19 M. Rieliardson A Co'.. M8.BILMVAI. PRICEVJLLE BAKERY. A. V^^lTSO^ ! Dcpircs to iiifovm tba public tlmt li« can iiu'iiiHh CAKES AND PTKS F1U8TCI.AS HRR.fD ALWAYS ON HANI). will Tistt Flesliertoii Iwioa a week -e TUFHUA Y8 and rUIDA VH, with a full supply ut goods. DROP A CARD IF YOU DESIRB MK TO CALL. WRDDINO and FANCY cakes a specialty A. WATSON, Prics»ill». The Osprey Council met in the ' Oi'&iige Hall, Singbaniploii, on Katur- 1 day, tiie I'itli Oct , for the transaction of general business. Members all preBCiit. CoiniuunicatioiiH reeeii'ed fromClcikof Collingwo-xi towii»l)ifA . re deviation of towiiliu© Osprej and Collingwood ; from C. Mc l>- Wil- liaiua.rc aid Joseph Millor ; from John Stinsou and others, petition praying , tliiscouiiuil to pass a by-law pursuant, to the statiitjR in thf»t belialf,iu orec- iug a wire fence opposite lota it, 4, 5,*^, , 7 and 8, con. A ; from Thomas \ Fisher, re opening 30th line road, \ con. 14tli ; from provincial board of | health, re the formation of a local ' bohrd in tins iniiuicipality ; from C. W. Uulledge, bill, $7.!>l> for nuiiucipal stationery ; from Judge Lane, bill, , § 11. G9^ cost of case in appeal; from I thf arbitrators in forming union | school Kectiou between Oiprcy and ' Collingwood, re remuneration to Clerk | for attending itaid arbitration ; fu)iu j Dr. J. A. Hamilton, bill, $U.75, pro- fuiisioual attendtHisB ou widow Mc- \ Alines ; from John- Jotiuson, bill, 55cts. ! telegrams in case M appeal, J. It. Sing V. the curporation.. Moiiagban â€" Speers â€" That Jsseph ' Miller be giant«d the sum of $K>.OU to j procure clothvng, he being in destitute , cLreuiiislau::eB, and tiiaA tlie Ueeve ex- pend the same as L« Uuuks best, and tliat thv Ueeve issue his order for the shme. Preston â€" Speeriâ€" That the accts. of C.W.Uutledge, 87.90; Judge Lam,. $11.0!i and John Htinson, 55cts., be paid, and that Uie Ueeve issue his | order fur the »ume. j Taylor â€" Monaglian â€" That the ' Clerk be paid 815 00 for extra service | ill the appeal of J.K. 8iug v. the cor- poration, and that the re«ve issue hi»| ord^r for the saiue. I I'reston â€" Bpeers â€" That the reeve bo paid I^IO.OU for his services iu con- | iiectioii with the appeal of J.U. i>ing, and lliat the reeve is«u« his order for the same. I'reston â€" Monaghaii â€" Tha* the reeve issue his order in tavor of Cliae. Milchel for $10 UO, beiiig the amount uf special grant ou Aug. I'Jlb lor re* pairing lowulitie of Melanclhon and Osprey, opposite lots 70,77 and 7U, 3rd cou. south. Monaghaii â€" Taylor â€" That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by- law tu grant the petition of Jas. Stin- sou and others the privilege of taking six feet road allowance is front of lots 8,4,5,U,7 and H, cuu. A., for the pur- pose uf erecting a wire fence in ac- cordance with the statue. I'reston â€" Taylor â€" That John ,8peeis be paid the sum of 85 00 for aerviot'S as commissioner in building I'cvershaiu bridge, and that the reeve issue his urdtir fur thtj saiue. Monaglian â€" I'reston â€" That the Clerk be paid the sum of 8500 for services and mileage attending arbi- tiatiuii re union S.8. Osprey and Colhiigwood. and that tlie reeve isaue his order for the same. Speers - Monaglian â€" That this council cannot recognize the bill (if J. A. Hamilton, M.IX, the same not be- ing aiithori/.ed by this council, and that the Clerk uotify him to that cU'erl. Taylor â€" Spccra â€" That Margaret McLean receive the gum of $5.00 as ii:> indigent, and that Donald McLean he appointed to expend the Kaiiio and the reeve iisue his order for the same. Monaf,'lianâ€" Taylor â€" That a grant of 820.00 be given Ward No. 1, to assist in chopping out tlio 20tli side- road south of Lst con. south, and that the coniuiissioner of the ward expend the same. Munaglian â€" Speersâ€" That the reeve, clerk ami assesanr be paid the aninuiitE opposite thuir names for services in selecting Jurors â€" Thos. Oftiiiey, 84.00. Thos. boott, $0.00, Siiinuul Taylor, $4.(it>, and that the reeve issue his order for the same. Taylorâ€" Speera- -That the bill of TliOB. Stephen, 810.00, for iuspcoliiig trees, be paid, and that the reeve issue his order for the same. ricBtoiiâ€" Monaglianâ€" That the bill of Samuel Taylor, $7.00, for service ill i,(|ua'iziiig union scluiol sections be- tween ('oliingwuod, Osjirey and Not- tawafisga, be paid, and that the reeve is.siio his order for the same. Monaghin â- Speers--Tliatthe clerk be instructed to notify Mrs. N.A. Mc- Lean andtihe sutelies of the late col- lector N.A. McLesin, to pay the amount of their notes held by the treasurer. Monaglian â€" Preston â€" That th^ clerk be instructed to write to the County treasurer and ask him to erase all taxes against lot 17, Wellington street west, Fevershain. Kpeeru â€" Preston â€" That this council do now adjourn to meet at Fevershain, pn Mondajr, 16th l)ecemberjnext. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large asf5ortinent of FALL and|WINTER Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New and seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. Custom work to order PLKSHERTOIV. Photos, Photos, Photos. It * art noa turm^g out leork far superior imIi/U and /inith t» any ewer pro- ilucfd in FUshtrton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING Jmt in all ill btanchtn. A good itock of FUAMES and MOCLOISGS kept eonitanlljf on hand. Will ul,o int'oduct the new BROMIDK FORTRAIT. u picture that it giving entir* tntin/ariion wherever introduced. S.iJUl'LKS rwis be leen at my GalUry where all purticulura at to Price, Sl^/e &c., can ht aiccr- MMS. SULMEB. FLESHEKTON, HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS|;P|MTMEMT THE TILLS Purify tha UlomJ, correct all Diaorders of Lii^'er, Htotnaoli, liltln-yH, a.\xi\. U«»v»1m. Theyinvi((or»U>»n I rnntore to li.ialtli DBl.illtatiHU'iMi.titutiona. au<l are liivalnablf ia all Cc __ pIalutaiiioi<I«ute1 to Kumaluaut all atjeii For fhiliiren anil the aged tlie> ure r'lceleii n^ FHE OINTMENT Ian infalUbU reinoa.v for Bed 1«^», na<l UroBHtii. Old Wonnda. Soren and Ulcers. It ia faueua f Uout ami Uliuuuiatiam. Fur di»<r(lora (>rthu Cho/it it lias uo uiiaa For SOUK THROAT, BHOjyCHlTrS. COUGHS, COLDS UlandularSwelliaRS.aud all Hklu Dleeaieo it has no rival: and (or contracted aad itit. oints it ai:ts like a chann. U tnufactured only at I'rofi-ssor Hoi.iA>WAt'B Kataliliahincnt. 78. New Oxford Mtreet ( ttite ftSS, Oxford Street ), LiiiidoM. aqa are sold at la. l)d.,le. td., *i. B<1., 11a.. SSa.. and ;via. uarh Box or Pot, and maj be had •( all He* urbH^ Vendora tIirout;hout the World. ^•" i*urcA<u«rs thould look fc the LnM on the I'otf atui Horet. If the <i(Jdr«M it mtt 53S, (>xjc>,\t Street, LoniUm, titeif are spurious. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM .\ larije a'sortment of STOVES, a .oakeal STOVK KfKNlSHI.VtiS, TIN W AKK,C0PPKKWAUK.1,.VMP (iOODS etc.ooiiHtantly un hand. KVKTUOUOHING A SRECI ALITY F. (;. Karstedt, Strain's old Stand flesherton. Heard's Carriage Works. MAHUKACTUKEU OF Carriages' Buf^^ies, Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, ^c-, 3fc. Speeial Attention Kiven to PATNTIKO, TRIMMINU, HORSB-SHOEING a»d alt kinds of JOB WORK. Nothing but ttrst-class material used throughout and satiafaction ({uarantued. We hare for salu Lumber, I.ja,tli anil J^hlnarles. Also Agent for Dick's Rollers, Mowers and Binders, Dick's Champion, Royal R«iky Roy, Oranger and Standard Plowa. Two and Thrae-Furrow Gang Plew%, Horse Power* for 4 Horses. Straw Cutters, Scullers and Tnrnip DriHa JOHX H. HEAnD, D{ir/Mm Street, fie»hertoHy f â- / ^iidf^^m *â-º" 10