Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1889, p. 4

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THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE â- A m. MITCHELL, XAFTS nnUdllT ANIJ SOLD. SpuiiU Attention jxiid to the rullifiiitn of A'uti.i iiml Aironnts, V'/iii Jitor A'ortit of JticharJiKin d: Co'i. Vicinity Chips. 4'li:ii-arli'ri<.ti«> oftlw l'a>l Wrek ('ur«>riilly riiilfd fur llie 4'iiriuiis. SEASONABLE. rBKi.i 111; The foroKi trues bu^'iii to bhuli, 'i*: e pasftitit,' cloiKlh tic^iti to^tiHh, Thv liiK'liwtiyH all hM^in tu hlubh, TliH walfi'pruufn art) cm thu, The WttlorwaVH are ^;._-uitijj Uubll, The Ittti'l U guft an i^ratiHiii iiiuhIi, I'ht! chilliiJi; wiiidK uiir liuir will bruuh, Anil chunked of ice thu spirit cru^ih. r.rii.oiiiE. Itiit wiudb may eoinu and winds may go, liikowUe thu ruins and hi^ fall nltow ; Tht-' chillinf* winds and nii;t>hy luud, Tlia Huuiiiiur nipped in half liluwu hud, All. nil may ctfine and ti" ai,'aiu, hut our dt'llniiiiuuts innst roniaiu- W liudi iiiaki'H us shout as loiid's we're able In thuni nc've found onu ttitn^ tliat's stable. tha Tiuiiiity of tlie u!d Morny houHC hii horius Uuk fri^'lil and r«ii the bii^yy over the lide of a bridge, luariiig off the top and othcrwiie injuring it. Mr. Urewiter wa< uiiiiijurod. Valuablo Curios. Suine time a<;(> Mr. M. Richarditm waa made Die recipiunt uf two ralualilc pieces of Chiiiune funiivuro, con.ti»tiii;i of a hall chair and table. The articles are built i>f u dark t' wood ef ;;reat â- trt^ii^iti, iiiluid in peculiar deiigiiH with iiiothcr (jf pearl, and are very valuable. The most curious p.irt of their tiiaiiufai - tare i( the entire iibscnce of any olue m nails in their conilniction, all jointi bu iiii; keyeil together in a niaiiner peculiar to the ChineBu. Oxprey fall ahsw at Maxwell to-naor- ow (Friday.) The fall asbizaa will ojien in Owen â- Sound on Tuetday, November 5, Hr. T. Carruthan, of Kim barley, haa tha grateful thanks »f 1'hu Advance (or a l>eautiful basket af peari. Dr. Sinclair, tha aininaut Scottish specialist, will be at Munshaw'i hotel, Klaaherton, Saturday, Oct. 5. Mr. lieu. Mitchell, banker, wm aud- danly called away on Momiay evening to the sick bed uf hii father ut Alliston. For one dollar you get Thu Advance and an agricultural monthly paper far una year. Juat think of itâ€" draam over it yuu farmer*. Sample eopiaa at this oHice. Chviroh Opening. A new and coniinojious brick church was opened on Sunday last at Bethel, some three iiiiUs south of Proton Staticjii. Rev. Mr. I'ujuin, chairman of tho district, preached in the luornins;, Hev. J.W. Shilton, 15. A., in the afternoon, and Rov. Mr. McCaul, Tresbyteriun miniilor, in the eveniiif;. The crowd present was aiioriBous, oidy about two-thirds bain^. aide to obtain entrance to the church in the aftarnuoii. The appointment is iti charge of Rev. Mr., of Dundalk. On Monday eveniiiji followin;,' a very »uc- cessful teameetin^ was given in tho church, at which Kevs. .Mcs.trs. IUi;!^in and Shilton were the principal speakers. Tho orii{inal cos', of the church was over eight hundred dollars. Cash takc-n in and subscriptions learu an indubtwdncis uf ooly (241 remaining. Mr. liaacroft, of Mesharton graen- houHes, was saccassful in bringing away fourteen -seven i'mi and seven secands from tha(<reat Northern £xhi. Iiitiou in Callingwaod last week. The regular tneetini; of Fountain Oouiit vil, ll.T. of T., will be held on Wednos. day evening of next week, instead of Tuesday evening. "U uic-oiiiil of the liar vest liohiu festival on the re;;ular nit;ht if moeiini;. jMi'Hsrs. Osburiie iV Inkster, of Max well, have lately piirrh.ised from Mr. .1.11. < 'HinpiiJ;;!! an .\d\ ance inline and i laaiiui . Iiiuiiiilaeliired ut h'iii;,;al, (l|il. K is a li.'iiidsoiiii' piece "f Mi;u luiieiv, ami is ux peeled to do exoeplioiially ijood worh. Till re was a hlij;lit error in tho Kast liny prize list as piiblisheil last week. Ill ;;rad(^ cows .l.xtnes Mitver tool tirsl iiisleud of .l.(i. Caraou. The niiMlake was caused by an error in the iiuiiiberini; of niliies. 1'hers will lie an auction sale of valu- able church jiropeity and fittings, etc., known a« tha llod^'soa church, on tha collier of lot 7, Con. .'1, Township Ku- phiasia, at 2 |T.m. on Saturday, the L'tltli I >ciiib«r, IHH!l, Look for advertiaaiiieiit III this paper next week. LOST, side Ball of canvas beloiiLMiit; ii>ilui uiidarsiguad, between Kleaherton .'iiid Dnrham. Tha liiidnr will bo re- warded by Iraviiij,' il at Munshaw'i hotel, l''lenlier(.in, or si tny place of residaiiie, .lohii drily, propiioliir of the luauiiuoth. Shclbuine, .Sept. .'«), 188!). PersonaJs. MissChristue returned home on Satur- day last. Mis. Haskerville.of Maiiitoulin Inland, who haa been s|>endini; the Buiiimcr with her daughttr, Mrs. W. Trimble, returued te the lalaiid on Friday last. .Jeweller Itussell, Dr. Carter and Mr. .\ T. iJowu are paying a visit to l)elr"it. Mils Li/.zie Armstrong, who has been vi>itin<{ distant friends fur a mouth or so, returned hums on Saturday. Mr. (ieo. .Smith, who has been work ini; in tho vicinity of Caledon Hast, has returned home. Mrs. \V. Moore, of Owen Sound, visited with her paieiits here last week. Mr. Win. Varty haa again returned to the Sault. Ann Brokon. Thomas (iilchrist, son of Mr. Wm • Jilihrist, fell in tho burn one day last week wJiile drawing in grain and broke Uh arm. Auction Sale. An auction sale of live stock will be hehl on the farm of ,)i>hn Crawford, lo' No. t), 11th fill , Osprey, on Thursday, t >ct. 10. Seventeen iiniulhs' crnlit on all sums over live dollars. T. .^ipflcrs, .iiioiioiioer. Monopolies aii'l coinb|non are a Soiiive inanac to tha public wallfare, and Choiild bu slainped out. So should I'alarrh. kir. .1. Duncan Maple I'niRk, N. U.T., says :- Nasal Ualm ha* done my salarrh good, nior« than all the nniiieruus remedies f had previeutly trieil conil>ina<i. I have improved so nmch that I believe ana nior* beetle will coni- pieitsiy eure iiie. " Accident. Mr. Wm. nrawslar, whiU returning OL'R T.UILE. The Cosmapolitain for September is to hand. It contaius a capital spread of literary food, coiniistiiii' in (lart of a story by Carniou Sylva, the talented i|ueeii of K'juniania ; ''Tlie Two Capitkls of .lapa," a most in tares! iii'.,' article on this interesting people ; "An Kxtraeidiiiary liepublic,' by William Elleroy Ciiitis ; a vivid account of thu opening of ( iklahoii.a; "Mermaid Stories ; " ''.A Is'iiieteentli Century Acadia," several excelUjiit pumas, etc. Thu articles arc all s|>leiulid- ly illustrated. I'ublislied by the com- pany, No. ;!().'} Fifth Avenue. >'«-,v Vork, »i Â¥'---40 per aiiiimn. One of the cheap- est and best of our nioderii A copy ot the Scientihc American .Architects and FSuilder lias bean received. Invaluable for Mechanics, inachiiiist*. architects, etc. Two cidorad plalea. Mann k Co., 3tJl Broadway, >'.V ; ^:i.Oo per Hiinuni. Mperinl. It is with pleasure that we announce to our many patrons that we have made arrangements with that wida-awake, il- lustrated farm ina({azin*, tha American Farmer, published at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly 200,000 farmers, by which that great publication will be mailed diiect, FREK, to the address of any of our subscribers who will come in and pay up all arrearaijes on suUscription anil one year in advance from date, and to any new su"*cribor who will pay one yrar in advance. This is a grand oppor- tunity to obtain a tirst class farm journal free. The American Farmer is a large lli-pnge journal, of national circulation, which ranks among the leading agricul- tural papers. It treats the ((uestinn vf economy in a'.:riculture and the rights and privileges of that vast body uf citi- zens .American farmersâ€" whose indus- try is the basis of all material and nation, al prosperity. Its purpose is tho elevation and ennobling of Agriculture through the higher and broader educa- tion of men and women eiii;aged in it* pursuits. The regular suliscription priaa of tlie Anieriean Fanner is f l.tK) per year. IT COSTS YOF NOTHINi;. From any one nunibi^r. ideas can be ob- tained that will be worth thrica the sub- scription price to you or members ot your household, VKT YOU i.KT IT FKEK. Ca' 1 and sea sample copy Shiloli s catarrh remedy- a positive euro for catarrh, diptlierut and caiikerniou'.h. hor at the Medical Mall, Aniuial Harvest Homo Fi-slival. The friuiiiU of the .Melliudlsl cluuoh, Fleshfrtoii Ciivuil, Will hold llieir aniiii- sl h;^rvc^l a festival as f ill.i«» : Ser iiiiiiis 111 Ihw .Mciliwdist cliiinli, Flesher- toii, I'V till) past'ii, having; special refer eiic" to tli« old .le« l»li feast oi tin) liai- Ci'St, III Sabbalh < let. otli. I >ii Tuesilay Oct. Sih, froiii h.'M to 8 dniiii-: will lie served by the ladies in ihu iL'.ture room. alter .•(Jiicli addiwsses will be deliv- ried in the church by a nui ^i of 1 ileut III l.iyiiiuii. Rev. W II. Moss, of lliiii ilslk, Kev. Mr. Wat.son of Fleshert-.o, l;,v .Ml i;iii«s of .Maik.'^la and Kov. Mr. Ini^yiii of Maikdale, have been in- vited and are expected to be presei.t. Tlioa. (iaiiiey, Ks.p, reeve of Ospny, will lake tho chair. Music will be fiaii- ishod liy tho church choir Admission L'a II iita, chililren Ifi cents. I'rocecds for church purposos. A Liocture Sormon. Mr. Theodoro MalchelT, a youiii; ltul.;ariaii from Mucedoi la, occupied the pulpit of the I'resbyteiiaii Church in Flashertdii on Sunday aftorni^in, and gave an aitreiiiuly interesting diacourse upon pulitcal, educutinnni and |.hysicHl matters in his own.couiitry. The tinek church is the established church in that country, and th* speaker gave a vory vivid description of its hollow, tneaning- less rites, and com|<sred them to the sincere, unhiddnn light of tha christian relii;ion. 'la gave a short synopsis of tlui »truggl. » of hi* country men during tha past tluiusand yearx, and dascribed the terrible, ignorance of tha common peopli) upon, biblical and religious mat- ters. He then gave an account of his uwn conversion ami struggle to secure an education. Ilis tenacity of purpose and the dillicultieH which he overcame are re niarkable. Landing in New York fira years ago with only live dollars in his pocket and ill coni|>lele ignorance uf the Unglish lungiiagi , he has now fought his way up lo a college course, having en tared Taronto Univarsity last fall. After Mr. Malchsircoinplolet his course thtre it it his intention to enter Knox collei;^ and prepare hiinsaU thaologioally to /a bom* /com tka fair on Tuoaday la*t. iiad j mf,, |,.,„„ ,„(j con»oy th»^o*pal to. his hii IjHKT J»<lj7 ♦'•'â- "''•^•*- '"•••I' In^kanjihtodbr^thatn. ^ " " I'ricevillfi and tlie station to con /ey passengers and freijflit. Dou't foroct I'ricfville fair on Tluiis- (lay, Mrd Oct. iWiiig yoia- si«t<r», cousins and aunt^i. The bi^ ii ini won't be Lore. We don't indulge in lioiii blowing but we luivc a trood show. VII »I. dlWcilllMl. DR. CARTER, M <I- .VS..i>., r. IMIVSmi.X. Sli».KO.\. &«•, FLKSllERTi'N. Ofllc... -itrain's block. Rfsideliee. J.(i. Koitc! Some of the Democrats ill the Kour'h i r ,^ â- < ' .4..»,^„ \f i\ ft il ,,.,., , , ,- I. ir iliirton, M l/.C.Ai. district of Massachusetts aie workii.' '"f j- ^ <i . PrH'ovllle. FriiiH e'lr oicii i iirieajfintl-itt. Wc notice tlial yoiir inovions cor- it'upotulfut lias reti'fd front tiie ar- eii.i, and we [in . same il must be iitliir from pus* of business or llmt tlie lisk lias proved too onerous for his liciiltli. However tliw may he, .VI.. l-iiiilor, we hcliiVe lliill riic«villc ir not, >cl de-Ulied 10 bccomo obs ileli fioiii an iiitclli^'eir. piiiiil of view, ,iioi We will oiidea\or from week to wet k lo siiti-ry y.'ii with a few items of i.i teic.->l fioiii ou.' V:llftL;e luid suin-.;i; 1- liij,' couiitr\ . The pulpit 111 the I'rosliVtel l.lll clmrcli is sliil vacant ; we liope cro loiio lo hive a peiiranenl laiiusler. 'Vv. Mr. Dttewell pivaclieii nioni- ing ami evcniiii; ni tho McliKidist Cliureli. Tliiscliaiij,'o l.isbci'ii broiiolil alioiil by the aiiuiliiamalioti of tlie Stoiio mill rrioevillo eoiii;ret;alions. The eontiact ol" ciinyiiig the mail bclwoeii I'liceville aiul iho Siaiion luis cliaiiL;cd li.iiids. .Mr. (.'uuiia til' llie t'rowii lioul will now ilo isorvieo for ll«i Mjjcsly. Mr. ilk-liJicI Kilcy secured lii.-'t pii/.e at the l)iuliain fair for liiaoeesf. Tliev are Ibie oiici., Mr. Ni 11 Mci\imioii of McKiniioii i^ Co. lias relui lU'd I'lom Toronto, wliero lie was vi.,iliii.:,' diirino the oxliibilioii. Ilo reports linviiio a pleasant time and iii aH lialo, hearty and handsoino an ever. Notwitlislaiuling the eleinoiicy of tiiu rt'cather, a cortaiu yonni; j,'i'iitlo- laau fioiit the slatum, brislling with niitiriuiiiiiial tnlciiluius, luakos Ids weekiy visits lo lliis village. Mr. John McArthur lias cotapleted llic coiitiaet of repairing the gravel road Initween I'l iceville and the Sta- tion. We imdcrstaiid thai Mr. Don- ald Mcl'onald (big Dan) and Mr. Uobert t'onkey lias the suh-coiitract, and thai llicy have biuiudjtho Imlcliet. It it reporlt^d that they evt'ii smoko out of tha same pine. Truly the lion and tlie lamb have lain down tO|^cth- er. This was a tine stroke of diplo- macy on Mr, MoArthiir's pari ; ho sliall reooive hia reward, for "blessed aro the peaceniakori." Where is tho place for poiiiuliii'; ealtle ? This wati the perlinont tpies- tiuii asked by a gciitlcnian hailing from tho itation as he drove up a herd of cattle. Il appear* that tiier* is now no ri^gularly appointed pouud- keci)er in this place. This is a inattor that hIiouKI be looked into b^ tho Township (lonnoil. We undersUnd that Mr. JaL Wat- ton intonij^to tun i itag* ^tw«ea I. .On r .'.' I I'r: • irio- i.tli.-. . H. : Di the nomination of .John L. Sullivan i' Coni,'res8. The Earl of Oalloway, accu.sed "f criiiiinally ussaultiiii; little girls, is to he tried on October 14th. The body of Thus. I'eiiibertoii, the Ust victim of the Queboc dis;tster, was re Covered .Mondav. Will* «- i ~.IBASL Fifty [eopie were killed or injured in j .s sl'Ki.LLi; M L) .eo- a railway Collision in Itally luiunt C*o]lej;o of Pb:. Mt-idDs III? iloor fiat of tiritfr'si»..^r OnS. l>FOULe ili EGO. M \!:KI'.\!.K ' 'NT. OOivf : .l!anl«-:,':; I?ri5K Store. Fire at Uutte, Montana, cau.sed a loss of 81,(X»,(I00. Ni:\v Ai)\i;i:ri>i:Mi"\Ts J^xmrroj^y A ot/ck FrKsr.vNT to tifctiuii j«;. cajinoof u>i(i 1*7. the crcrtitors ami all ottiurs hitYiti^ rluitii Rljaiiist tbv vstate of Jatiits t^rnirfonl. ficci .t.<vl. lu hit lift^uiie "t the toW[i«hip of (><>|>rov.iii tlit> couuty of Grey. *:' â- ) dicni ou Uk- l.'ith i.a> oi Sf'ptt)iMb«r, l'<K'f, art- litTeb\ iiotilU"! U* M'h) I<> |)'>ht. |ira)iai''., .â-ºr<telT\i're'i to lo'*rih (iatiR-* , oin- o' h« ext'cut^ir-* of (lect<aH«Ml Mat well 1* «> , oii < r btlorc iJu- â-  ;Sl ilay of DecfiulH!r iiexr. tiitjn I'liiistiaiiaiid i^ui naineri, a<ltlrv«At:-« aii't <i(-»vrii â-  tioiis. tlie full inirliciilars *if tlirir t-Uliii<« a ^liitt itient of tlu-ir astioth Hin! H stttlfineiit of t)tt-ir >«â- â-  t.-uriti«.'Hiir Au> ilit-M by tlioMi. On 'lt>faiilt thereof atiit iiiiiiit«liat«.-lv after sueli titft imiiK><| date.tht- a'»»*«'tH of thi- uniil fttatt' will hv distributct ainontt tbo imrtirs eMtitIt*<l th**r*'t<t. regard b*- iti;{ bad only t<» tiio claiiiiKof which notit-e shall haVf bfft) ^i%'eii af> al>')Ve rti'|iii^tMl, aixl tha ex i'cutor)4 xmII not Iw liable fur tho ••aid attKctH or any part thereof to any person of whom* ilnim notiei^ rtliall not havt* b»-i'n rereivwd a& oloiih Mtid at the tiitte of «iicU ilt->trihtittou. J.\MKS CU.AWFiiItT). I JOHN* CItAW Fold). KXBCITOIW. JOSIAH (iAMKY. \ I)ate<Ubtȣ5th da) of Sefttfiuber. I88D tieahaiii, Oli Dr.Fco wiltb«fo(indat Marktlale Housaaiui^hf " J. P. OTTEWELLr VKTERINARV si RC.KO.V. Oraihiatt of dntirio Vet. Collfee. 11KSH>KN( K ON <(lMI\(,VVf«!n sTKKKT* .-..i.vth Uix-r Ku^c ol I'l (vbwei itu rl:ni' il. FLESH KRTtiX. ^rnti-'.ln'. J. I', :il.!<il. I,. I». S.. DtXTfST. Visits MarkdiiJe- the 1st and ard \Ve(liie» - da;t v/eacli month. F!>-s!:crt"ii c.a-h trill c ii the d.TV fol'miir.',' ^' di-jVil. CAME ASHAY. Came totlio premises of I.tnu* Frook. I*ot No. r., Cun. \'j. I'roiori. on or about tht lai^t of AIIi:u^l. 1 heifer iiud I •ilei-r. about â- _' vearw old- The owTjiT iiirtv have value b\ proTinj: property and Jtajtnc exittmaes. l.itllS l'IU)t)K. rriccvilloP.O. Sapt 2•^ 11-^}. Came A stray! ChUim to the prem)M'« of the iiu-lomiji:!*!. about three weekh ni;o. uuo Hprini;. lamb. The w'wner ean have the sauiu by previu^; pro|>«rly aiul pa\ lu^ expauAvs. D HOWKM,. Kiiitberley. ^ CAME~JsfRAjr~ One black s â- Â« caine into iho eucii>surfl of D. Madill s. abo It the first of .\uj;n»t The owner i» re.pieste 1 (o prove property, pay c\pt'nt-e» auil iiike he. awtiv. I). MADII.L. MuTWf'.!. S, I't U. IS^O. Ill Ihcluattcr of Cliarlos E. Noil. ].:ite of the Villai'^ of Fever- shi'.n.inow of M,i:c\volI', Mor- '•â-  I- iii-»f; writ ua-' ma'lo mt a<i<'i;;nu>ent of hi-* I I'viiit . to t ''.. I â- [.., â-  â-  â- .;!U 'I, Ml i'iu>.uiiiit.e ol un i lu- 1 --v.-. Um • K .'M;PMient '.•n- the l»«net\t "'â-  civ It.' -. •â- .•\i-. ' stattitr^. 4-ritHii«< I'luii •..â- r ::\ a.i I i!u I . â-  Jitori* art' iii»u:i> <l lo tiioelat die M.:i,, •tW. -y^ M IlieluiidM.ii >v *\-. Kir^her t-n till NbMi irt\ .«>th Sept I^â- â- â- .^. at C p lU , lu tr eeui iL "tatii.i Tit itf iitTiitr^. appoint inspe^ti'i- aii I f ir thcoidei tnu' <'f tha atUirn of tlie cMiite â-ºce'ietally \iid maicv in hereby K'ven tha: uftiT Noveinb.M- tb«' rtr-.r ?utt. the Mtiil trustee mil proctM' I to dlntribtite the A«>i*.'t« of the naid ileltloi iiiMoiii,"-t tllo pit ti oil" eiititb'd I here to. hn\ iiiv 1. â- : M i.-hlv t.« t»!e cMiun-* of wliich iiotie-Hhtiii iriM- I'-vn ' â-  ..-M. Hti 1 thtit he wi!. not I'l- Hub!.- f..i- I'.:,. risMt-. ..r aii\ part Ihettol. ho dtstnl'iitcd t" ikn\ person »r pt't'-oti ; u! vibt»(*edebt V. e!.uinr«he fhall not thi-u Uavehad notice. Ji»si:i'U lU.ArK'.ti'Ks. AsNii^nea in Dated nl rieshfitoU, Sept 'i!. KHlRt. |rAI!.lli:i!S ! LOCK! /. IT. I'ftGST, Bam.ittr.Saliritoy, CourfiiuiHf) . Etc. Fle.suerton Ofkiik. xk\t Po.nt (iifi.e. SpKOrLK'.S HlILliIXli, o.\ THlK.*DArs. ONVi:M S01NH OKKUK. Fk >st-8 lUnntNa P McCULLOUGH, lUiiristcf, Solicitor. Sv. I Ofllc*', over Mcl'arlnndS stun- Hurkdiile. Vjwn'v t»» l.ojiii. J ^ncatrso (tavdo. John W. Armstrong, Flij»»ikiiTo.\, Co. UlUiY. rjlVISIOX tOtUT CI.KKK roniiiissu'M: â- â€¢^i i: 1!. Ii, (.â- ..nv«>iuu..i.,vc .\»;eiitio ji.iifli 1 *o«l i,ula o( isii.l,.. AlilMuiMT r.rl" 1. C I ami F 1> II ,v s Soci.iy Miiu \ to I . .n , u ! most rea.Hoti<il>Ii* teniM. Nm t:i;" i.i- >i \u;i \ I LlC'K.NSl:s NOr.KHV I't Ill.U- M()m:v to ia)a.n. .ir LOWEST tl|{Iii:> J IMTL.S 11 T.i«ll ,T 1 .i: 111 I'r.-i iMli. T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the best farming impleiueiits manu- factured, including IhiiuttWd l.iijM Stei-I llinil<Ti{U(l Motrrr. Miixim I huhte-lie^ireii l>riUaiui Spri}iq TiHtth Urntrr. The Waterlixi I'lowt aiul Threshers. Neehj umi Duiniiii't Hayfork. The sikhI qualities of these implements are eulliciently knonii now to speak for theiUHelveo, without any extra words tro-u mo. .Aiiybodr roiiuirMiy implements iu this lino wonia do well to examine mine if not nlieadv acpiainted with theiu. Call on me Kiiil 1 will he happy to exhibit the gooit i|iialities of these machines. T. A. llLAkKI.V, Flesihertoii. wTbaunhouse, liOOT AND SHOK MAKHR, Fl.F.SHKim>N. ONT. l>0itres to ttiank )\is initutiroiis custouioiti (or tiiu very litieral i'««roii»gf njt.imled in Mia |i«it, siul ia uow proiiareil tcittU all onlam wiili proiniilneM •atistsotiou guarauloeil. Twnlvi. roan iu lm>inoM In Klonhtrtou. and hoiu^t ilB»llnn«,witl« ((iKHl workmainliiii,lmTo maja hit naina wall knows ttireufhcuA tbia vioilBUT Bvwail work a a|>eolaltT. Uet asair iNKita tukie b^HWiu. Uarutious% Vlestiertjp, s. i'^iii 1 :â- :. I It.luttu:.. Mr. Wm. Karsicdl, >'.o„«- .^^,.,„„, h,uLui:.r ,!,,,/ ;•,,,{,,â- ,, M.VTKUIAI. ITKNISiiin) /•.â- 'fimii*r,< ;;ireH/>v.-. i'i)ui'i,v â- !••.' I'Liy^r- ii.j 'I SiKiiO: :. iV-n.-i'iiii.' i. â- .â- ..;. .lit!, ,.r V !i.i::.,. om,\. W.J. HKLLAMV inp. CI.KRK ARTVMt:sI.(. (OS yr.Y.isvh:i;. (VMMi^.<hiyEK ISSVnASVK ACT. of TVEf.DS.MOUTli.vtiKS. LE.VSi;s. .M- . preear •«-' i-.l siulmoMi.ily t.x,,j.„(ea. lusi..iiiuoaffic- ml i;i Ills! o!«s. coiopauifs. Money lo UuJ »i lowest r;it, s H. J. Sproule, â- *- er 111 II. R.. l.iceiisiil.Vuotioneer, Cou TevAuoer. .\ppraiser and Mimey I.emifr Uenl I'.stato and Insurance .\i;. iit. IVeJs MortL'Sgos, Leaics and ffilU lirawiiiipanJ Valuations made on shor'esl notice. Auc tion Sains attended to in any parycfthi- Criunty. ilouoy to hiau at lowest rates o.' luterest. Collections attended to with - promptiidss and despatch. Charges low. Agent for the Dominion StcamshipCompany . Cheap tickets from Flesbcilou to Livsrpool. ttk\s^;ow, I.oiulon er auv of tha Uritlsli I'ort.-i. Tarties inteiuliiiK to visit Englsni*. Seotlaiul or l.-eland, will phase ask rates be fore pivchfisina tlielr ti.k.'t? elsewhere. Iiii!> Thill Spring, \HNCKVCTl'»H> »T P»fd Dec. TTTsai ,1- .. ,'?r^?"^' Of Interest to every man who Uia« a Wagon or Carria^*. THIS ANTl RATTLEK i-i the P.E.ST. "••«•''»• i»i» otTectivo. aliniile, east^T ailjufKst lUirable, l«exi.<.a»lTe. Thi'in are no orojaoii^ rnaatouanha upon);* or ew2k- cloth. I« at* any atiacoupliut;. ' -FOR SAW ATâ€" ^ * I • I • k \:

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